The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 25, 1911, Image 2

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    Motor Costume
hn Mil I
With the World's Workers
ih r 1 t rm ' am -tm ' r" mvrt aauw-w
n. !... f ri.ti. 11 .1 n
'Americans Now Realize Impor
tance of Minimizing Chances
of Accidents.
lEuropean Countries Are Far Ahead of
the United 8tates In the Matter
of Safety Appliances for Indus
tries and the Farm.
Particular stress is most properly
being made upon the work of accident
prevention. We are now passing out
of the age of cure. We are getting
down to basic principles In all spheres
of life, in attempting to minimize the
possibilities of things happening. The
.new chair of preventive medicine at
(Harvard Medical school Is symptom
atic. We have begun a systematic
agitation of the American people tend
ling to teach the theories and prac
Itlces of lire prevention, and the work
of accident prevention is a comple
mentary step in the same diroction.
Coming ab this step does from the
(manufacturers of the country, the em
ployers, there is reason to bellevo
that the work will be carried out in
large detal! and should bo supported
by the rank and fllo of citizens and the
legislatures of every state. Tho
jwholo problem Is dlfflcult and compll
Icated, and much thought and time and
jBorae experimentation will bo neces
jsary before an adequate and proper
jsysloin can bo evolved bellttlng the
tocceptance of tho system. Such a
jsystem, however, should be evolved
before tho legislatures of various
states have added to the general com
(plications and "balled themselves up"
'by the enactment of half way, Incom
petent, stupid and otherwise unsatis
jfactory employers' liability laws. If
'we are not careful wo shall hnvn in
ithlsi connection very much the same
situation that we have in regard to
the divorce laws In this country.
whore there Is no harmony or unity
and where practlrnllv every Htntn hna
laws different from every other state.
fnvnrnnmnta h...irYlm..i. t t . .
have long since established museums
of safety, Institutions of accident pre
jvenllon, permunent expositions and
working exhibits of safety appliances
ror inauutrie-3, and on the farm, as a
factor In the general education of the
people.- When wo approach subjects
of this kind we begin to realize how
much truth there 13 in the criticisms
made in Europe of the educatlnnni
system of the United States. Matters
lot the utmost importance are not only
not a part of our educational system
but they aro scarcely even talked of.
save among the mott progressive edu
cationalists and rcloimers, who are
generally termed cranks. While we
pride ourselves on belne a nractlcal
people we nro In many respects the
most impractical of modern nations.
We have Just begun vrcational educa
tion. We are neglectful of the duties
of tho etnte towards Its citizens, we
are negligent and superficial where
' One Way to Prevent Incompetence.
, It Is a discredit rather than a credit
to an executive to have to fire a man
ifor Incompetence, according to the
president of a large industrial corpora
tion. Discharging a deficient employe
lis In his eyes a reflection on an em
ployer's executive ability to hire the
jrlght kind of help. "If a concern has
an executive or a manager who has
not the faculty or genius for selecting
capable assistants or subordinates who
.will o-operate to make the business
ja success, the necessity for firing and
(he cost of training new subordinates
iwlll go on indefinitely," says thiB In
dustrial chief. He points out that his
own firm has an expert sales manager
who possesses this faculty or genius
for picking out worthy men, and who
,has hired many salesmen and has
never fired any for inefficiency.
. This valued manager is a masterful
student of human nature. lie Is con
versant with those peculiar elements
of personality which must be weighed
In Judging the merits and demerits of
prospective salesmen. He analyzes
and studies an applicant's appearance,
his conversation, his latent possibili
ties, his references, with tho search
ing precision of a Jurist sitting in
Judgment He determines by subtle
questioning whether a man Is In earn
est and will "stick" to the game. and
make a good ambassador for the
house, or it he Is Blmply a professional
"floater" or a near one, drifting discon
tented from one position to another.
He goes on the theory that the time to
discover the undestrablo and the in
competent is before any money has
been paid out for unsatisfactory work.
Eliminate the necessity of firing men
by having a good system In hiring
them. That Is the gist of his scheme
of selecting subordinates and of keep
ing them. Business.
"That particular chef has violated
the rules of the Cooks' Union."
"How is that?"
"We discovered some of his pre
serves working."
the Aim
we should be most CRreful, and our
point of view is susceptible to wide
expansion and increased perspective.
Germany has long slnco established a
systematic education for employers
and workers, through which popular
sentiment Is formally developed and
tho discussion of these questions en
couraged Tho National Manufacturers' asso
ciation is making it Its business now
to acquaint the people of the United
States with these things, to demon
strate the character of these exhibits,
and to analyze tho curriculum and
schedules of education along these
lines. As stated at the outset, It Is
one of the most significant signs of
the times that this, above all organi
zations In the country, should be tak
ing up this work in the practical way
that It is taking it up and encouraging
it to the extent of subsidies amount
ing to tens of thousands of dollars a
year and tho establishment of a kind
of accident preventive bureau with
headquarters in Now York and St.
His Body Made Into Candle.
A grisly and revolting bequest is
that recorded by Dr. Forbes: A cer
tain Individual, who, having been
crossed In love, concluded to end an
unhappy and disappointing life, or
dored his body to be boiled down, and
all the fat to be extracted there from
to be used In making a candle, which
was to be presented to the object of
his affections, together with a letter
containing his adieus and expressions
of undying love. The time chosen for
the delivery of tho candle and the let
ter was at night. In order that the lady
might read the touching lines by this
veritable "Corpso Candle." Tho will,
the learned Dr. D. Wtnslow tells us,
was literally carried out
Roles for
By Studying the Lucky They
May Discover the Causes of
Their III Fortune.
Time, Energy and Mind Force Must
Not Bo Wasted In Worry Sym
pathy or Aid of Others Should
Not Be Sought
Since there can be no effect without
a cause, luck must be tho result of
something, and it's worth while for
tho unlucky to study the lucky.
Everybody knows that he or she
who has all kinds of success Is full
of hope, magnetism, and Inspiration.
Mind and soul are keyed up to a high
er capacity for good good which at
tracts good.
On the other hand, all kinds of fail
ures will drag him or her into a state
How Surroundings Count.
Resolve to put things where they
belong at the right time. Don't trust
to the future, for you may have less
time tomorrow than today.
Don't leave a lot of tall-ends hang
ing about your office or place of busi
ness, for these are signs of weakness,
evidences of your lack of executive
ability. People measuro you very
largely by your surroundings. If they
see your deBk or office or your place
of business all In confusion, they tako
It for granted that you are a poor busl
ness man. You make a bad Impres
sion and this impression is your repu
tation, for men communicate their im
pressions to others.
"Finish every task you begin before
you begin another," says a writer.
"Hang away In their proper places,
before you sleep, garments you have
worn In the evening.
"Straighten up tables and book
stands before you retiro at night; and
after you retire, before you fall asleep,
say to yourself, 'I am Order, System
and Neatness.'
"Ask that power be given you dur
ing sleep to grow In these virtues, and
never rest until you obtain them."
Orison Swett Marden, in Success
Importance of the Lathe.
Originally intended to be operated
by the physical exertion of one man,
tho lathe has now reached such a state
of development that In many cases
forty to sixty horse power, or the
equivalent of COO men, 1b necessary to
operate it It Is one of the earliest
forms of tool to bo driven by ma
chinery. An Incident In History.
When George III. used a bathing
machine nt Weymouth a supplemen
tary machine filled with tiddlers was
sent Into the sea to play the national
anthem. This was nt a time when
bathing machines wero still a new
Idea, so that majesty patronizing them
wus an occasion demanding extraordi
nary emphasis. 1 v
To trim tho edges of lawns easily, a
New "Hampshire man has Invented a
rotary sod cutter.
A penholder for bookkeepers which
will rule one, two or three lines has
been patented by a Now Jersey man.
A patent haB been granted nn In
dianapolis man for an electric apple
baker for display purposes In restau
rant windows.
A new pocket tool cleans Insulation
from electric wires as It Is drawn
along them and will separate without
injury two wires which may ba twist
ed together.
Tests made by n French railroad of
a device for heating water before it
reaches the boiler by exhaust steam
showed a fuel economy of more than
12 per cent.
A convex mirror has been designed
for motorcyclists, who, by attaching it
to one wrist by a mbber band, can
lift the hand and see what is coming
behind them.
Teach Languages In Holland Schools.
In the schools of Holland it is part
of the course of Instruction to teach
French. German and English. When
a pupil reaches the period of gradua
tion he must taken an examination In
theso languages. It Is therefore not
strange that a person of fair educa
tion in Holland Is able to speak Eng
lish, at least understandably.
Beginning Early.
"I was brought up In society. I
can't remember tho time when I didn't
give little parties."
"Oh, 1 suppose you did give a child's
bawl occasionally."
Work is a medlcino. A truism!
truisms, whether they lie in the
depths of thought or on the surface,
are at.any rate tho pearls of experi
ence. George Meredith.
of mind that attracts more failure
unless they have tho faith and pur
pose and good plain common sense
to fix their eyes beyond Immediate
"To him who hath shall bo given,"
embodies a lot of truth to the unlucky,
but it is often misconstrued.
It is tho person who is painfully
conscious of what he has not, and ev
erlastingly worried because he can't
get what ho' feels ought to be his
share, of this world's goods, who re
mains in the narrow groove of want
and unsatisfied wishes.
You must force yourself out of the
pit mentally before you can do It ma
terially. In other words, you must
discipline your mind to think right,
will right and work right, and then
let the rest take care of Itself.
Somebody, who,conslderlng her for
mer distress and present well being,
must have acquired the secret of
luck, says: "If you can work delight
fully and hopo delightfully each day,
and never once think about making
both ends meet, they are sure to meet
and a Httlo over."
Here are a few good rules for tho
Even If you are not doing tho work
for which you are best fitted, do It with
a light heart for the time being, and
something better will surely turn up
by and by. You get much further by
forcing optimism than by yielding to
If you have faith in yourself and
your object a few rocks along the
wayside won't bother you much. You
will realize that failures may be step
ping stones, and not put It down to
mere bad luck which you can't con
trol. Don't worry about tomorrow or next
week or next month. It Is so much
time, energy, and mind force gone to
Try to hold the thought that for ev
ery need there Is a supply.
Never plunge into an orgy to for
get a failure later on you are only
ashamed of your weakness and It
might add to your grouch.
Don't wheedle for somebody's sym
pathy or assistance. Your own advice
to yourself Is better than long winded
counsel from people who only half
understand your mind and condition.
Never expect a miracle of luck un
less you can do miracles of hard work
and are a miracle of endurance and
When luck begins to come your way
don't brag about it to others. They
may not wish you well.
Even though you have learned to
rough It In the lean years, don't bo
come parsimonious when the outlook
Is better. Give and thou shalt re
ceive. Bad luck will surely overtako you
again if you selfishly bug your mate
rial success.
Sacrifice a little of your luck to the
gods and you'll have more of It don't
be a foolish spendthrift but a benevo
lent helper If you want luck to hold.
Finally, when luck has come your
way In the definite form of many dol
lars, don't be bo rapaciously hungry
for more that you go plugging after it
with sand In your eyes. Squl blind
ness Is always punished In th end.
"irii m Plll mi
II II iBiM m ;q mmS
Photo, Copyright, by Underwood
neat, natty and practical head
wear for women automoblllsts Is this
cap, which is modeled after the soft
material college hats of dressy youths
and retains all the Jauntiness of the
latter. ,
It Is made of soft white felt, hav
ing a colored band; the veil being at-
Judicious Selection Will Accomplish
Wonders of Economy During
the Year.
Many women do not give much
thought to the matter of buying stock
ings. Their cost Is so little that It
would seem as If one could not save
much, oven If she were careful in this
matter. But more can be saved by
Judicious selection than is thought,
and In the course of a year or so this
saving mounts up.
If suspension garters are worn,
choose the double top, garter-welt
stocking, and then do not fasten the
garter below the garter top. Some
buy tho garter top stocking and then
fapten the garter below It, where It
Immediately proceeds to tear out.
Stockings without the garter top can
be made strong at this point by run
ning two or three rows of machine
stitching where the garter fastens.
The white-foot stocking does not
wear qulto so well aa the all-black
foot. The white part Is heavier than
the blapk part, and Is apt to break
above the Joining. Then, too, at the
Joining there Is a slight thickening of
the fabric scarcely visible to the eye,
but the sensitive foot soon bocomes
conscious of it.
For an inexpensive dressy stocking
the mercerized lisle Is qulto satisfac
tory. It has almost the luster of silk,
oasts less and wears better.
A shady garden hat In pale blue
Tagal with cap of old lace.
Styles In Negligees.
The now season has opened up with
few radical changes in style features,
but with a stronger Indorsement than
ever of all kinds of the laces and soft
clinging fabrics so favorable to negli
gee construction, says the Dry Goods
Economist. Long tunics are again
Intorporated In the highest grade gar
ments, all-ovr laces and fancy print
ed silks being largely used for these
over draperies. While the strong
colors are usually toned down con
iJderably, brighter colors than usual
are being shown this season, doubt
less owing to the rogue of East la
4(aa effect.
Underwood, N.
tached by an elastic silk weave; the
color of both to match that of the
machine. .
The coat shown in the picture is of
light weight Vienna, pliable and
warm. It Is cut pretty and has spa
clous pockets. The whole get-up Is
as workmanlike as It is fetching.
In Present Stage It It Thing of
Beauty and Joy of the
There Is no end to the variety of
form and color assumed by the ever
Increasingly popular empire bag. In
its present stage it is a thing of beauty
and a Joy of tho season, though, being
a child of Dame Fashion, It cannot be
a Joy forever.
You have no idea how much money
can be centered on the development of
these handsome and thoroughly charm
ing envelopes. Costly gilt ornaments
are seen on many of the more elab
orate ones, some of which aro made
entirely of gold, silver, copper or steel
colored lace. Seml-preclous stones
are used to carry out a flower pat
tern or to highten the effect of con
ventional designs. Inside are trap
pings of silver, gold or ivory, tiny
vanity cases, mirrors, powder puffs,
lip pencils and the like.
Another idea that has caught the
fancy of the woman who counts not
cost, Is an empire bag of brocade,
either velvet or satin, to match her
hat or Its trimmings. Usually this
hat Is one of the small bonnetlike
models edged with bands of fur, such
as moleskin, Persian lamb, chinchilla
or ermine. A band of the fur outlines
the bag and the flap, which buttons
over envelope fashion Of course, the
plainest of autumn suits would as
sume a smart tone when worn with
such ultra fashionable foibles.
Bags of broadcloth of the same ma
terial as the suit hare deej) chenille
fringes around the sides and bot
toms, and correspondingly plain
mountings of gun metal, old gold or
frosted sliver.
Any odd piece of - Bilk or velvet
nicked up on the remnant counter may
bo transformed Into a strikingly hand
some empire bag In an afternoon. And
there Is a splendid chance for a dis
play ot individuality.
Favorite Dishes.
A woman who enjoys having
friends to lunch or dinner has the
happy faculty of hitting on Just the
things her guests enjoy eating. For
some years she has made It a point
to Jot down the favorite dishes of this
friend or .that In a tiny note book In
her desk. When her cousin Molly is
coming to lunch sh looks up her
name, and there finds recorded that
tho aforesaid Molly Is particularly
fond of custard desserts of any kind;
clam Is her favorite soup, and in
meats she dotes on anything cooked
en casserole. With these hints
spread before her the matter of plan
ning a meal Is considerably simpli
fied. Anotner friend has often said she
never tastes such pies as are served
by her hostess; ariotber likes tomatoes
in any form, and still another prefer
fish to meat.
""The guests little know that they.
theijiPPlveK have at some time liver
the hint as to their likings.
hiuii dt iu r ecu vvnerc uiTTGrc
Kinds of Flesh Is Desired.
U I l 1.1 M . . .
rmiuii huuulu ue inuue oi enrnm
ed, two parts; animal meal, ono
uiiAuu wiiu sour mint, wnere a
er flesh is wanted the following
tions aro recommended: Corn
two parts; ground buckwheat,
rvitii ouui mim, vuuiuer; dixiwy .
.I4V. 1 1 1- A At . T-t t .
t t ti 11 tii lb. iiiiuuuiiiia. LWti iilitlk: 11
wheat, two parts ; corn meal,
Dart, miypn witn Knur miiic. Annr
mo reiuse from shredded wheat
sour milk.
tv nun li huh lira r.nnuriRn mr 1,11
ing sour milk aids digestion
Should a chicken for any reason
out In the yard. It will usually
a week. Tho rations should be
rather soft, about like porridge.
them from one meal to another.
ib unur i. yy t: 1 1 1 v uiiiiiiikh iiiinr iri
I.UIUiII U 1 11111111 HIIH K
w 11 wail uaai v nildl UD adEIUId
Apparatus Out of Piece of
Tin and a Lamp.
nf tin In vrrn nnniTnh in 41 f nrs n 1
sene lamp or lantern or a piece o
dlnary stove pipe Is sufficient.
size ol a suver aouar, cut so a
Egg Testing
stand opposite the flarao of tho
or lantern. The candling can bo
in ordinary light, but butter work
Ya rTnna tn n Hnrlr nr tiarrrinrr r
clear, or In other words, if you
see through it, It Is good. If it
tains one or more dark spots,
lines or dark rings, It is bad,
should be thrown nway. If It Is
UI1H f-lltl. 1L 111 I1UL Ililll. DHL Cil
through the eggs they are bad
hens and the eggs are not good.
Sell off the scrub chickens and
only one breed.
collect an iiuui lies, ni
once a day; hot weather twice.
MaKe reaay a corner in eacn
that can be used as a dusting bo
may be sold as breeders atd a
Menu uver iwu jtuuib ul bro art
be held over.
Keep eggs In a cool, dry place
mil. 111 a. Lciiui. ub Lilt: v uij iiitirti i
to become musty.
Cnra should ba taken nt nil t
contact with the eggs.
When the hens aro started In
allowing them out on stormy da
ileal oiuuuiuuio iu ckk uiuum
LiUlU la lUkUW Itt.WUIUI. IUI uou 11
V 1 . 1 1 . . 1. . I .......... .1 1
1 1. 1 . -. - i
growth never Is profitable as a
or a breeder.
41 1 1 L LI J 4au 111 ..UL IIIIULEU 11
LiV-L.V.L'Li.J IK. L I. VJ ,M. tUft UCllCt U
the winter months, This shou)
given about twlco a week.
An IMOnl tilfn In. wlnta. tntr .
'ion is a pullet matured about
nrniifc nnri in -nf n pnnrt Invtnc- utr.