The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 20, 1911, Image 5

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for sale. Inquire at Hotel Wayne.
A good bargain. ' 81t2
horse, good worker, single and
double. Inquire Howard Smith,
Forest street, Honesdale, Pa. 80eol2
horse, weight about 1200. Ad
dress S. S Robinson, R. D. No. 3,
Honesdale. 78eH.
less than three months. ?175
cash; $200 payments. Mclntyre. 2t
at Keystone Cut Glass Co., Haw
ley, Pa. 83t2
and sleighs don't forget E. T.
Smith, 1120 Church street, who has
the largest assortment in Wayne
county to select from. 75tf
ntUli ImtirnvnmnTltfl. TlimAlTlRlvt.
'liaundry and garden. 222 Ridge
street. S0el2
ALL REPAIR WORK finished up-to-date
In all our different branches.
Sommer, Jeweler and Optician. 30tf
take charge of acid room, at once.
Keystone Cut Glass Co.
THREE experienced workmen at the
bench dally. All repairs finished
at the shortest notice. Sommer.
Jeweler and Optician. 30tf
Grace Episcopal church, Sun
day, Oct. 22: Services at 10:30 a.
m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday School
at 12 ai.
The many friends of Mrs. R. J.
Miller will regret to learn that she
is confined to her bed by a severe
attack of Illness.
The arc lamp at the corner of
Church and Tenth street has been
extended to the center of the street,
affording better light in that vicin
ity. The Knights of St. Paul will
hold a supper for members and In
vited guests Tuesday, Oct. 24, at
7:30 p. m., In the Parish rooms of
Graco church.
Frank J. Varcoe Is building a
concrete bridge In the borough of
Wa'ymart. The bridge spans the
small creek running through the
center of the town.
Central Methodist Episcopal
church, Rev. Will H. Hlller, pastor.
Morning service at 10:30 o'clock.
Rally services in Sunday school at
12 M. Evening service at 7:30
The Ladles' Improvement Asso
ciation of East Honesdale meet this
(Thursday) evening for the pur
pose of considering a proposition
made to them by the" Electric com
pany to light East Honesdale with
lira Ritch,. of Hawley, was ar
rested last Saturday and brought to
Honesdale on a charge of wife beat
ing. Ritch was taken before Judge
Searle 'Wednesday morning by Dis
trict Attorney M. E. Simons and
pleaded guilty to the charge. The
sentence was suspended and Ritch
was recommitted to the jail.
William Maxwell, Of Towanda,
became the Republican nominee for
Judge of Bradford county Wednes
day by drawing lots with Judge A.
D. Fanning, with whom he tied for
the nomination. Both received B,
284 votes at the primary and under
the law had to draw lots in the pres
ence of the secretary of the common
wealth. Maxwell won.
The marriage of Miss Minnie
Miller, of Lakeville, to David Flnkel
steln, of Scranton, occurred Tuesday
evening at the bride's residence, In
the presence of a number of friends
of the contracting couple. The cere
mony was 'performed by Rev. Mazur
of Scranton, The 'bride Is the
daughter of Mr. .and Mrs. S. Miller,
of Lakeville. After the ceremony,
Mr. and Mrs. Finkelsteln left on a
wedding tour that will Include Phil
adelphia, 'Baltimore and Washington.
They will take up their residence In
Hawley, -where they have furnished
a home.
William H. Ham, one of Hones
dale's best known citizens and form
er councilman of this borough, stated
to a Citizen representative on Tues
day that upon his recommendation
the borough purchased steam Are
engines to replace the hand pumps.
" The boys," he stated, " became
lazy and would not work at fires.
The borough could not stand for
anything like this as the town might
burn up Just on account of the lack
of ambition on the part of the fire
men by not working the pump en
gine. I believe It was in 1862 wnen
I was on the council and I held out
for steamers to replace the old pump
engines. It was two years after
wards before the steamers were or
dered. The ' Atkinson ' was pur
chased first and this was followed
shortly by the 'R. W. Ham.' I was
thinking how nice it would be and it
would also furnish something for the
people to talk about if the firemen
in their parade on Friday would di
vide their procession into eectlons.
For instance, In the first section have
men carrying palls, representing the
bucket brigade. Then If an old pump
engine could be secured or rigged
up it would demonstrate in a way
the facilities we used to have to
fight fires. In a second division
the firemen could wear red shirts and
caps; showing an advance. The
third section could represent' some
of the oldest members of the or!
elnal companies, Nos. 1, 2 and 3,
and the fourth section would consist
of the up-to-date firemen with their
chemical engines and other modern
apparatus .for fighting fire."
Suit skirts seen at the best mod
istes hnve raised waistlines and are
still quite narrow.
Fur hats trimmed with feathers
and flowers will be worn after the
cold weather comes.
'Prothonotary M. J. Hanlan has
sworn In 3G different grand Juries,
having been in office nine years.
Rev. A. L. Whlttaker will hold
service in the Presbyterian church,
Wayinart, Sunday, Oct. 22, at 3 p.
The Democratic headquarters
are in the Rettew building, occupy
ing rooms vacated by Morris Free
man. Uncle Tom's Cabin will be at
the Lyric Tuesday evening, October
24, and the "Hussars," a singing
band the 31st.
From Parisian milliners come a
number of small hats, though the
large picture hat is too becoming to
bo cast entirely aside.
Sixteen Sunday school teachers
of the Honesdale Presbyterian
church successfully passed an exami
nation in graded school Biblical
The subject of Dr. Swift's ser
mon next Sunday morning will be
"A Question and Answer"; In the
evening "An Athlete Who Won
And Lost."
There are prosperous papers
published In 2S different foreign
languages In New York city. In ad
dition to these it has 63 dailies and
324 weeklies.
Owing to the absence of the pas
tor there will be no service at the
Berlin Baptist church on Sunday
next. The next regular service will
be held on Sunday afternoon, Nov.
Superintendent N. C. Schaeffer
announced recently that Professor
Thomas S. March, of Greensburg,
and Professor W. M. Donlson, of
Troy, had been appointed as addi
tional high school Inspectors. Both
are well qualified men, Dr. March
having been for nine years superin
tendent of the schools of Greens
burg, and before that principal of
the schools at Honesdale and Clear
field. Professor Denlson has been
principal of Troy high school for
some time.
First Baptist church, corner of
Twelfth and Church streets, George
S. Wendell, pastor. Rev. E. M.
Stephenson, D. D., Field Secretary of
the American Baptist Publication So
ciety, will preach at the morning ser
vice at 10:30 o'clock. At the Sun
day school session Dr. Stephenson
will be present and conduct a confer
once In Sunday school methods. Rev.
J. 'B. Cody, former pastor of the
Bethany Presbyterian church will of
ficiate and preach at the evening ser
vice at 7:30 o'clock. A cordial wel
come to the public.
Speaking of the late Sidney
Henwood, the Scranton Truth of
Wednesday said: A man widely
known about the city, was Sidney
R. Henwood. His was a particu
larly familiar figure in Providence,
where he was a very active pharmac
ist for a long time. For many years
he was a partner with his brother,
Charles Henwood, In North Scran
ton. He had a very wide circle of
friends and was always most success
ful In business. He was a brother
of the well-known Scranton business
man, Walter L. Henwood, from
whose home the funeral topk place.
That the ground Is full of mois
ture Is evident by the streams over
flowing their banks. The Lacka
waxen river rose 24 inches during
Wednesday morning. In fact the
river Is as high as it is In the
Spring. There is no danger of a
scarcity of water this fall, Nature
having well provided for the springs
and riverlets. The recent rains have
prevented forest fires, whleh in turn
protects the game birds and animals.
There ought to be a quantity of
grouse, woodcock and quail next
season. Take it all the way around
1912 ought to be a good year. Elec
tion will soon be over and indica
tions are bright for a prosperous
year ahead.
Daniel F. Cock, late of Port Jer
lvs, but more recently identified with
the Piqua Daily Call, of PIqua, Ohio,
4s negotiating for the purchase of
the Port 'Jervis Gazette. The presi
dent of the Gazette Publishing com
pany has been in the harness a num
ber of years. He Is now Democratic
candidate for mayor of 'Port Jervis.
Mark "V. RIahards, who has been
connected with the PIqua Daily Call
in the capacity of managing editor,
for the last fifteen months, will re
turn to 'Port Jervis with Mr. Cook
If the deal is consummated to become
editor of The Evening Gazette, with
which he was connected as city edi
tor for a number of years before
coming to PIqua.
Scout Master E. G. Jenkins re
turned Monday from Tarrytown and
Brewster, N. Y. In Brewster there
Is an active Troop of Scouts organ
lzed about a year ago. Scout master
Jenkins was invited to attend their
meeting Friday evening and told the
boys of the doings of Honesdale
Troop. Among other things he
spoke of the Bob 'White signal used
by the Scouts here and was pleased
the next day when each Brewster
Scout he passed gave him the signal
and salute. The boys at Brewster
have been making a study of trees,
nowers and birds found in that sec
tion. One Scout Tead a list of 47
birds he could Identify. Many of
the boys wear their suits Saturdays
and indeed few days pass without
seeing Scouts In uniform there. They
are always on the lo'okout for some
thing to do whereby they can ful
fill their scout law In doing at least
one kind deed without pay every
day. As Scout Master Jenkins re'
turned by auto, ho passed through
the towns of New York state, and
frequently gave the scout sign to
groops of boys and in nearly every
case was saluted by scouts. The
Honesdale Troop will meet Thursday
evening at the school house. A num
ber of the boys are nearly ready for
second class Scout tests and the
Scout Master believes that he will
have several first-class scouts before
the end of the year. The first aid
work which the doctors have been
giving has been most Instructive and
Interesting and the boys greatly ap
predate the willingness with whlfch
they have given their services.
The balloon frame of the Pro
testant Episcopal church at Indian
Orchard was set up, Tuesday.
The Seelyvllle basket ball team
will hold a dance October 28 In the
Seelyvllle Fire company's hall.
A large electric sign In the form
of an arch 'has been placed at the
foot of Eleventh street advertising
the skating rink.
The young. ladles of the Presby
terian church gave a supper to the
members of the Pastor's Aid society
Thursday1 evening.
Miss Ida M. Klttner and Miles
A. Gibbons, both of White Mills,
were married by Rev. J. W. Balta
Wednesday morning.
Miss Amy Corey gave a variety
shower for Miss Florence Kimble
last Wednesday evening. Several
members or the Blllken club were
If you desire to serve a baked
fish whole, and have It stand up
right on the platter, put a carrot In
side the fish before cooking and It
will remain in position.
Mrs. Lydla Wllmarth died on
Wednesday at her home at Alden
vllle, aged 87 years. The funeral
will be held from the Methodist
church Friday morning at 9:30
o'clock. Interment at Rlleyvllle.
Daniel Knee died at his home
in Hawley on Sunday, aged 56
years. Three daughters" survive.
The funeral was held from St. Phll-
omena's church Wednesday morn
There will be an Important
meeting of the W. C. T. U. held at
the home of Mrs. George P. Ross
Tuesday evening, October 24. Every
member is urged to be present as
there will be business of Importance
to be transacted.
Smith B. Mott, Scranton, as
sistant district inspector, will visit
Honesdale Friday evening, Novem
ber 3, and inspect Captain James
Ham Post No. 198, G. A. R.. De
partment of Pennsylvania, Judge
Henry Wilson commander.
Hugh Kane, 08 years old, died
October 3, at his home In Preston
township. The cause of his death
was diabetes. Burial took place Oct.
5th at Rock Lake cemetery. Mr.
Kane Is survived by his wife and
nine children, 4 sons and 5 daugh
The first annual mass commem
orating the death of Rev. William
Dassell, was held In St. Mary's Mag
dalen's church last Tuesday morning.
The congregation was well represent
ed and Rev. J. W. Balta was cele
brant. Rev. Edward Burke, of St.,
John's Roman Catholic church, as
sisted In the services.
Joseph 'Schiessler and John
Theobald formed a partnership con
tinuing the restaurant business al
ready established by Mr. Theobald.
Mr. Schiessler formerly owned the
business but sold his interest to Mr.
Theobald three years ago. Both are
popular and "Joe and John" will
make a success of their chosen busi
ness If anyone can.
The remains of the late Sidney
R. Henwood, mention of whose
death appeared In the last Issue of
The Citizen, were brought to Hones
dale for burial Wednesday after
noon, arriving on the 3:15 Delaware.
& Hudson train. The pallbearers
were C. W. Matthews, W. L. Mat
thews, Major F. M. Vandllng, C. H.
Van Storch, C. 'W. Gunster and How
ard Griffin. '
J. A. Kane, of Lake Como, was in
town Thursday on business.
T. H. Gilpin, Greentown, was a
business caller in Honesdale on Wed
'Mrs. R. J. Miller is quite 111. Mrs
George 'Bishop of Dyberry, is caring
ror her.
Edward Balrd, of Carbondale, was
a business caller In Honesdale on
Mrs. Geo. S. Purdy has returned
from a few days' tour including New
York City and Long Island, N. Y.
George Loercher left Tuesday
morning for Catawlssa where he has
secured a lucrative position at his
trade of shoe cutter.
Miss Margaret Eberhardt attended
a progressive pinochle in Scranton
given by Mrs. Herman Gogolln, Mon
day evening, in honor of the latter's
thirtieth birthday.
'Mrs. J. C. Cheney, who has 'been
visiting at the homes of Mrs. An
drew Thompson and Mrs. G. S. Pur
dy, returned to her home In Fort
Dodge, Iowa, Wednesday.
Attorney Clarence M. 'Bushnell of
Buffalo, N. Y was In Honesdale on
Wednesday. Ho accompanied with
others the remains of his cousin, S.
R. Henwood, from Scranton to
Honesdale. Mr. Bushnell is one of
Buffalo s leading attortoays.
Michael J. Galvln ouBfVednesday
attended the funeral vM'vIces in
Scranton of his mother-iUlaw, Mrs
Rachel Kilcoyne, who died from
heart trouble, aged eighty years.
Mrs. Kilcoyne was a former rest
dent of Honesdale and removed to
Scranton in 1887.
T. B. Clark, Dr. C. R. Brady, T,
M. Fuller, W. G. Blakney, Dr. E. T.
mown, D. D. Weston. O. T. Chamo
ers, E. W. Gammell and Charles
Thomas of this place: W. M. Gard'
ner, Scranton; C. E. Burr, Albert
Crane, J. J. Simpson, Kirk Rose,
Charles. Evans and Messrs. Yarrlng-
ton and Hamllnton, of Carbondale,
enjoyed a few days' outing at Elk
Lake last week. They report game
Special to The Citizen
Beach Lake. Pa.. Oct. 19.
John Lozo is remodeling his
Jas. Olver Is shingling his house,
The teachers of Berlin have or
ganized an association. Object: The
betterment of their schools, with
Fred Frey as president and Bessie
Decker secretary and treasurer.
Mrs. Thena Franklin is visiting
her relatives here.
The L. A. S. met with Mrs. J. B
Budd recently.
J. Owen Olver lost a valuable cow
this week.
G. C. Olver attended, a meeting of
the directors of the Big Eddy Tele
phone company at Cochecton last
Saturday. Wo also note they have
their lineman repairing the line In
this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Downing
made a trip to South Canaan last
Some twenty of our young people
assembled at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. G. C. Olver Tuesday evening,
October 17, it being the 15th birth
day of their son Merrltt. A .pleas
ant time Is reported.
By S. S. Koblnson.
Oh, what 1b the use of complaining,
When Poverty knocks at your
While Fortune, to smile, Is disdain
As shyly she treasures her store.
Oh, what Is the use to 'be grumbling,
When clouds hide the sun from
your view?
And thunders nre angrily rumbling,
Behind Is perpetual blue.
Oh, what Is the use to be whining,
When things In this world go
There's nothing (o gain by repining,
All things will come right by and
Oh, what Is the use of complaining?
Be brave, in the Battle of Life!
Each conquest some Victory gaining,
Rejoice, In the midst of the strife!
In the dally consular reports an
Interesting summary has been made
of the twenty best customers of
Uncle Sam abroad. The figures are'
siiown in uie iouowiug uiuuiuuuu ui
export trade of 1909 to 1911:
To Value.
England $458,142,520
Germany 246,786,846
Canada '. 202,548,023
France 114,665,589
Holland 84,393,539
Mexico 57,345,549
Italy 53,048,326
Cuba 51,794,848
Argentina 40,364,342
Belgium 40,234,674
Australia 27,550,042
Scotland 25,870,269
Brazil . .. 22,764,183
Japan ' 21,761,347
Panama 30,489,503
Spain 18,899,125
Russia 16,789,930
China 16,252,071
Austria 14,962,731
Denmark 13,644,903
England $536,591,730
Germany 287,495,814
Canada 269,806,013
France 135,271,648
Holland 96,103,376
Mexico 61,281,715
Cuba 60,709,062
Italy 60,580,768
Belgium 45,016,622
Argentina 43,918,511
Australia 37,524,586
Japan 36,721,409
Scotland 27,373,595
.Brazil 27,240,346
Spain 25,064,916
Russia 23,524,267
Panama 20,867,019
China 20,223,077
Austria 19,514,787
Denmark 13,916,950
It Is interesting to find that while
there was a great Increase in ex
ports that with very few exceptions
the position of the nations as cus
tomers was little changed. Den
mark was the only customer that
purchased ,less from us In the last
fiscal year than In the previous one.
Ingenious Methods of Producing
Startling Effects.
The Ingenuity of man Is exercised
to a wonderful degree in the creation
of novel and seemingly Impossible
situations and episodes for produc
tion In the moving picture shows,
and audiences are often bewildered
In trying to decide how the curious
effects, Which at times seem to con
tradict the laws of nature, are se
cured. Yet, like the conjurer's
tricks, It is all very simple when tho
veil Is lifted.
There are some scenes depicted
which, while amazing enough In their
way, do not puzzle the critical be
holder in solving the ways and
means of tuelr making. There are
the railroad accident, obtained by
means of children's toys; tho war
ships and the aeroplanes, which are
also photographs of playthings; the
burglar In his unheard of perform
ance of climbing the front of a
house, and last, but not least the
man clinging to the celling of a
room. Tho pictures explain them
selves. But when we see a man Jumping
out of a fourth story window, see
him fall fifty feet to" the ground and
then get up and run away unhurt, we
ask. How is this possible? The
origin of tho picture Is very simple.
The fugitive jumps out of a low win
dow in the studio, which is fitted up
in the style of the desired Toom.
Then the photographing process Is In
terrupted. The next picture is tak
en In the street in front of a real
house. 'A life sized puppet Is drop
ped from one of the windows. When
it has reached the ground' the ma
chine stops, the actor puts himself In
the place of the figure, the reel Is
started again, tho man gets up and
runs away.
In like manner auto accidents and
similar episodes are arranged.
Another Impossibility a man
swims through a river and on the
other side he climbs a ten foot wall
without difficulty. Origin of the pic
tures: The man is photographed slid
ing from the wall into the water, but
In taking the picture the reel Is
turned wrong way, so tho motion Is
reversed when the picture is reeled
oft in the right direction.
Tho last obstacle in representing
the seemingly Impossible was cleared
away when some clover mind con
ceived the Idea of stopping the pho
tographing process, not after a series
of pictures, but after each single pic
ture or after each two or three of
them. Tho work Involved was enor
mous, as eighteen pictures are taken
every second that Is to say, about
50,000 pictures are required for a
reel, which is to amuse the public
only ten minutes I Hut human per
severance has accomplished the task,
and the results obtained are extra
ordinary. The following examples
will prove It:
A pile of small stones Is put on a
black table, and the apparatus is fas
tened vertically above the stones.
Then a short turn of the crank, and a
few Identical pictures of the stone
pile are taken. One of the stones Is
then removed from the pile; anoth
er short turn, which gives two or
three pictures showing the first
stories separate from the pile. The
process Is repeated until the stones
laid aside by hand show the writing,
" Good Night!" The finished film
does not show the hand that remov
ed one stone after another, but cre
ates the impression that the stones
arrange themselves in the form of
magic writing.
Instead of tho stones, a lump of
clay may be placed on the table and
some kind of a figure Is gradually
modeled from It by hand; but, this
hand being Invisible, It seems as If
the figure formed Itself.
High Elevation on Jefferson.
Attention was called recently to a
fact of which comparatively few peo
ple, including those in the vicinity
of Port Jervis on the Erie and Far
view on the Delaware & Hudson are
aware. The Jefferson division of
the Erie, which passes through Ara
rat Summit, has the highest elevation
of any standard guage railroad In the
United States, with one exception.
There Is one Western road that
reaches a point in the Rocky Moun
tains that has a greater elevation.
Ararat Summit is 16 miles from
Susquehanna and the road has a rise
in that distance of one thousand and
forty-one feet.
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned will sell, at public sale on
Saturday, November 4, 1911, at 2 p.
m., the property known as the A. C.
Jaycox property In Buckingham
township, Wayne county, Pennsylva
nia, consisting of sixty-five acres of
land mare or less, and also one
house, barn, good orchard, etc.
Terms of sale cash. Mary R. Jay
cox, Executrix of A. C. Jaycox estate.
NIA. In Bankruptcy No: 1989.
In the matter of RICHARD L. HUM
BERT, Bankrupt.
To the creditors of Richard L.
Humbert of Mllford, county of Pike,
and district aforesaid, a bankrupt.
Notice Is hereby given that on the
seventeenth day of October, 1911,
the said Richard L. Humbert was
duly adjudged bankrupt; and that
the first meeting of his creditors
will be held at the Court House, in
the borough of Mllford, county of
Pike, and within the said district up
on the 31st day of Oct., at 2 o'clock
p. m., at which time the said creditors-may
attend, prove their claims,
appoint a Trustee, examine the
bankrupt and transact such other
business as may properly come uetore
said .meeting.
W. H. LEE,
Referee In Bankruptcy.
Honesdale. Oct. 19, 19U.
XWho's Who
The successful Republican candi
date for sheriff. Give him a vote.
Earl Rockwell, one of the Repub
lican nominees for the office of coun
ty commissioner, Is a mechanic and
understands constructional work.
Give him a vote Nov. 7.
Vote for Neville Holgate for coun
ty commissioner.
For Register and Recorder Fred
Saunders Democratic candidate.
Frank C. Kimble, Democratic can
didate for Sheriff, Is favorably
known throughout Wayne county.
Remember him Nov. 7.
Vote for F. C. Kimble for sheriff.
The IVIciti
who knows what suits him ;
who is exact in his demands
for quality and right tailor
ingthe man who spots merit
no matter what the cost, will
find appealing clqthes, in
quality and price, from $7.50
to $40.00, at
Our 60th Anniversary
For Three-Score Yearb the firm of
Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician,
has stood for INTEGRITY, QUALITY and COUR
TESY and will continue to deserve tho confidence of
the people of Honesdale by an unvarying practice
The motto of the Boy Scouts Is
" Be Prepared " and means that tho
scouts are always In a Btate of readi
ness In mind and body to do their
duty. The boy of to-day Is the citi
zen of tomorrow. The Boy Scout
movement alms to teach tho boys
those qualities of self-reliance, use
fulness and patriotism which will
make them good citizens. Before a
boy becomes a scout, he takes the
following promise:
"On my honor I will do my best.
"To do my duty to God and my
country, and to obey the Scout laws.
"To help other people at all
"To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally
This Is the Scout oath.
When a scout salutes, he does so
by holding up his right hand, palm
to the front, thumb resting on the
nail of the little finger, and the other
three fingers upright and together.
The three upright fingers are to re
mind him of the three points of his
The first point of the scout law is
that "A scout is trustworthy." His
honor Is to be trusted. If he were
to violate his honor by telling a He,
or by cheating, or by disobeying
when trusted on his honor, he may
be directed to hand over his scout
badge. He Is not to "swipe" fruit,
nor 'be dishonest In school, nor try
to slide out of anything he deserves
by telling a He. This point of the
scout law Is perhaps the most Im
portant of them all.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature (
$1 Will Open an Account
In PoliticsX
W. B. Lesher, of Sterling, is well
known In the county. He would
make an ideal register and recorder,
the office to which he has been nom
inated upon the Republican ticket.
T. Y. Boyd, candidate, for Sheriff
on the Republican ticket, Is well
qualified for the' office to which he
has been nominated.
Though past sixty years of age,
Neville Holgate has never before
asked the voters of Wayne county
for any office and he pledges him
self, If elected Commissioner, to do
everything In his power to protect
and serve the interests of the tax
payers of Wayne county.
Vote for,Earl Rockwell, Ariel, for
County Commissioner.
4 i