The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 20, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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2,235 Perished In the Johns
town Flood In 1889,
PROPERTY LOSS $10,000,000
Heavy Loss of Life at Sheffield, Eng
land, In 1864 A Dam Gave Way at
Williamsburg, Mass., In 1874 and One
In Arizona In 1890.
Tfio disaster at Austin recalls the
flood that overwhelmed Johnstown,
Pa., on May 31, 1880. The great res
ervoir of Lake Conemaugh, two miles
and a half long by a mile and a half
wide and Its greatest depth about ten
feet, swept down on the beautiful
Conemaugh valley, destroying John
stown and all its surrounding suburbs.
Fire completed the destruction. The
number of lives lost was 2,235, and the
property destroyed was valued at $10,
000,000. For ten years beforo the dam finally
broke It had been considered a menace
to the valley In times of freshet,
though equal to all ordinary emergen
cies, The property belonged to a hunt
ing club, and complaints had often
been made to It. Panic had fre
quently fallen upon the inhabitants of
the valley. It was the commonness
of the fear of a break In the dam
that made the destruction worse when
It did come, for the cry of danger had
been often raised before nnd found to
be unnecessary.
Before noon on May 31 It becamo
evident to engineers that the dam was
in great danger of giving way. Long
and protracted rains had caused tho
level of tho lake to rise so rapidly
that when tho danger was foreseen
and great gangs of men were put to
work opening a sluiceway they could
not work fast enough to release tho
At noon messengers were sent to
Johnstown warning the people, but
they were not believed. The water In
the streets of Johnstown was already
kneo deep, and a log boom had coino
uuwii uuiu uuuuiui ereeit in me morn
ing. Only n few hundred had taken
tho warning seriously and carried
their families to tho hills. When it
became certain the dam was going nn
engineer named Praks mounted a fast
horse and rode through the valley to
Johnstown, eighteen miles below, cry
ing out that the dam was bound to go.
Then Came the Flood.
At 3 o'clock the whole center of the
dam gave way in a break 300 feet
wide. Trees, rocks and earth bounded
into the nlr. A great flood of water,
half a mile wldo and forty feet high,
swept down tho vnlley with tho swift
ness of a cannon ball. It caught "up
Mineral Point. It tore down upon
East Conemaugh, where tho Pennsyl
vania railroad had Its yards. Every
house was destroyed. Masses of Iron
bars were caught up and became so
many battering rams, engines weigh
ing twenty tons were tossed like chips
of wood.
The borough of Franklin was eaten
up. Woodvule, directly opposite Johns
town, with a population of 3,000, waa
annihilated. The distance from the
lake to Johnstown was traversed In
seven minutes.
Two wings of tho flood struck Johns
town proper, and Its destruction was
complete. At that time the city had a
population of 28,000. It was tho Beat
of the Cambria Iron works, employing
6,000 men. The mas3 of debris borno
by tho flood was chocked by the bridge
of the Pennsylvania railroad, and an
effective dam waa made. The water
recoiled upon tho city, meeting there
the wing that had been diverted and
had flowed around the city. The result
was a gigantic whirlpool which ground
to pieces any building that escaped
liJC U10l UilOUU .LUC uuiac Ul LUU uo
structlon was maddening to the sur
vivors. Men who passed through the
experience said afterward that tho
horror of the night could not be put
into words. Hundreds of persona float-
The mass of wreckage at tho rail-
tho work of rescue of living persons
from this mass of wreckage was going
on the cry of Are rang out. The wa
ter soaked wood offered little resist
ance to the terrible conflagration that
started In many places at once. Hun
dreds of vlctlme wero burned alive,
while rescuers workod wildly to save
whom they could. The fire burned
for twelve hours.
Other Dams That Broke.
Failures of dams In the last half
century have not been uncommon. The
Bradford earth dam at Sheffield, Eng
land, broke In March, 1804. Tho flood
reached Sheffield at midnight, caus
ing the loss of twenty-tbree lives and
great destruction of property.
Mill river dam at Williamsburg,
Mass., gave way in 1874 while the wa
ter was four feet from the top. In
twenty minutes the reservoir was emp
tied of 100,000,000 cubic feet of water,
Which drowned 143 persons and de
stroyed property valued at $1,000,000.
The Walnut Grove dam In Arizona
failed on Feb. 22, 1800. It was one
of the highest rock filled dams ever
built being 110 foot high and 10 feet
thick at tho top and 140 feet at the
bottom. Many don tin rosultod.
Gunnery Tests Show the Need of
Thicker Armor.
One of the important changes which
will be inado In new battleships as a
result of the firings of the Delaware at
the San Marcos will be a different ar
rangement of the protective armor.
To naval ordnance experts the de
struction wrought by tho projectiles
hitting the San Marcos demonstrated
that what armor Is used should be
sufficiently thick to form actual protec
tion to a ship's vital parts and that It
Is of no advantage to spread compara
lively thin armor over other portions.
In n goneral way armor thick enough
to be effective and no waBte of weight
oy nuuing thin armor is the plan.
It also was found that the armor
belt should be extended farther below
the water line than in the present bat
tleshlps. It is considered likely, there
fore, that the comparatively thin armor
wmcn lias been placed over some ior
Hons of battleships will bo dispensed
with In future nnd that tho protection
will bo concentrated over tho vital
lortions and made sufficiently thick to
ive nctunl protection.
This, it is explained, will result In
a considerable saving in weight, for
tiio increased thickness over the vital
portions will be made up for by saving
uio weignt used heretofore for sec
ondnry protection.
I.leutenunt Commander Leigh C. Pal-
mer, director of target practice and
engineering competitions, has advocat
ed a plan of assigning some ship on
the Pacific coast for gunnery work
similar to that conducted against the
Son Marcos.
His proposition has been favorably
reeeived at the navy department.
Those who objected to the destruction
of tho San Marcos now realize the im
portnnce of practice nnd experiments
of this kind. Tho problem is to find a
sultnblo vessel on the west coast for
this purpose. Officers afloat are so en
thusiastic over the matter that some
have even advocated that Ave shots be
Bred against one of the armored cruis
ers to ascertain the damage, they be
lieving mat the ship could be placed
In shoal water for this purpose nnd
that the cost of repairs would be fully
worth tho Information obtained.
One In Which Orville Wright Quali
fied at First Army Tests.
The Wright aeroplane in which Or
ville Wright finally qualified at Fort
Myer and demonstrated conclusively
the possibility of actual flight In heav
ier than air machines in 1008 and 1009
has been received at tho National mu
seum, Washington, where it is to bo
retired as an exhibit along with the
telegraph instruments of Morse nnd
tho original telephone apparatus of
Professor Bell. The government paid
$30,000 for this machine. It was used
at San Antonio during the maneuvers
there last spring.
It Is not. tho 'original aeroplane that
was first brought to Fort Myer for
the- government In 1008. That was a
considerably larger machine and was
tho first in the world to make a flight
of more than nn hour.
On Sept. 17, 1008, while Orvlllo
Wright was flying with Lieutonant
Selfridgo as a passenger, one pf tho
propellers struck a wire at tie rear of
the machine and wrecked all of the
controlling gear. The machine foil,
killing Lieutenant Selfrldge and se
verely Injuring Orville Wright. The
aeroplane was completely wrecked,
but the englno was little hurt, and the
same engine Is In the machine now In
the museum. ,
It was this machine that successful
ly passed all tho government tests and
made the historic flight to Alexan
dria, Va and return with Lieutenant
Foulois as a passenger.
The Missouri "Slg Alphs" Will Have
No Bedrooms,
Cold fresh nlr as a healthful sleep
producer will be given a tryout this
winter by fifteen members of tho Sig
ma Alpha Epsilon fraternity in their
new chapter house at the University
of Missouri. In the new home which
the chapter Is building Itself at Colum
bia at a cost of $18,000 there are no
bedrooms. InBtead, on the third floor
there has been built one large sleeping
room with plenty of windows and
doors where all the members will re
tiro at night. No heat will be allowed
in tho room oven in the coldest weath
er, and the doors and windows are to
be left open.
The smaller rooms on the second
floor, seven in nil, are to be fitted up
without beds for study roqms, and two
students will be assigned to each. The
rest of the house will be finished as a
clubhouse. The new fraternity home
will be ready for occupancy by Oct 15.
Assistant Secretary Curtis on Exclu
sion of Colored Produot.
"Going up" was the declaration of
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
Curtis when asked what effect on the
price of tea to the housewives the new
ruling excluding colored tea would
have, Tea Is going to keep pace with
tho other uccessnries of life in the
price climbing contest. There Is plenty
of tea, but food experts have declared
that colored tea Is not to bo sold in the
American markets.
There are 2,000,000 pounds of colored
tea at San Francisco which Secretary
Curtis will not permit to come in.
Scientists Studying Experiments
by Harvard Professors,
Also Hope to Discover Cures For Dis
eases Now Regarded as Always Fa
tal Normal, Healthy Persons Used
as Subjects.
A number of young men nnd worn
en, stenographers, bookkeepers and
laborers, through willingness to lend
their persons for experiment by tho
Carnegie scientists, havo made possl
bio some Interesting investigations by
Professor Francis Gnno Benedict, Dr.
,Thone M. Carpenter nnd others at the
Carnegie laboratory, Boston. Tho in
vcstlgations havo partly solved many
long hidden secrets of tho humnn
body. They virtually aim at the
greatest of all secrets that of tho
union of man's soul and body and In'
cidentally tho discovery of tho means
whereby certain diseases now declar
cd Incurable may no longer be neceS'
sarily fatal.
The Influence of tho mind upon the
body is also being studied by means
of instruments so sensitive as to re
cord a chango In the subject's Interest
from ono matter to another. This lino
of observation Is expected to demon
strato to a scientific niaety the value
of mental healing.
For their subjects tho Carnegie sci
entists have found It necessary to go
outside the laboratory to doctors and
hospitals for sick people and to bus!
ness houses, schools nnd elsewhere for
normal, healthy people.
Mrs. Florence Goodwin of WInthrop,
Mass., is one who has helped the Car
negie Investigators in one of the most
Interesting experiments.
Mrs. Goodwin spent several hours
sealed in a boxllko calorimeter, having
refrained from eating anything for
about twenty hours before entering tho
machine. There was just room enough
inside for her to sit comfortably with
out moving. Across tho arms of tho
chair was a shelf with a book and
typewriter nnd several sheets of pa
per. Running from tho calorimeter
and connecting with various instru
ments were numerous wires and pipes.
iVfter arriving at tho laboratory Mrs,
Goodwin was weighed, and a sort of
stethoscope arrangement wns put on.
She then entered the calorimeter, and
It was closed and scaled so that no
air could penetrate insldo except that
which was measured and sent In
through pipes.
Tho method of finding the energy
used by men or women under observa
Hon is by measuring the heat consump
tion of the body first when it is at rest
and then in action. In Mrs. Goodwin's
case, for instance, tho energy she used
in typewriting for two hours In terms
of heat would havo boiled about twen
ty gallons of ico water.
Dr. Falta of Vienna mndo an unos
tentatious trip to America for the ex
press purpose of observing the work
being dono at the Carnegie laboratory,
Universities In Berlin, Copenhagen nnd
elsewhere havo also sent representa
tives to see what Is being dono by Pro
fessor Benedict and his assistants.
Among other things, tnbles are being
prepared at tho laboratory showing
Just how much energy is cnuscd by
eating steak, eggs, fruit, and so on.
Navy Department Precautions Against
Spontaneous Combustion.
Based upon tho first reports of the
terrible naval disaster in Toulon har
bor, the experts of the-navy department
at Washington were disposed .to be
lieve that tho explosion on tho Llberto
resulted from tho spontaneous Ignition
of some of tho smokeless powder,
which had deteriorated from having
been kept too long without inspection.
It is to guard against Just such acci
dents that United States naval regu
lations requlro a careful examination
of tho powder In tho magazines of
warships at comparatively short in
tervals of time. This examination In
volves a chemical test calculated to
demonstrate absolutely tho safety of
tho powder. Tho result of the appli
cation of this rulo has been extremely
beneficial not only in preventing spon
taneous combustion In tho first placo,
but in suggesting to tho powder mak
ers changes In tho process of manufac
ture which tend toward safety.
Tho best American practice also pro
vides for tho refrigeration of the maga
zine by tho adoption of a cold storago
system. It is not known whether or
not tho French navy has adopted this
additional precaution.
Only After Dyregrov Is Dead Is His
Dread Malady Known.
After having suffered from leprosy
for twelve years, during which time
be walked tho streets, worked nnd
had unllmTted opportunities to trans
mit tho disease. Ludwlor n. rvrwnv.
a tailor, died at Minneapolis, and tho
uuiuru ox ms maiaay waa discovered
only after Coroner Gilbert Seashoro
had Viewed tho bodv nnrl hnil tha nlrt
of Dr. n. B. Robertson of the Univer
sity or Mlnuesotn.
Tho health department immediately
began tnlilne stenn tn
danger of infection.
466,552 Acres In South Dakota to lo
at Homesteads.
Uncle Sam's big land lottery Is on in
South Dakota, and 400,502 acres of
land In the Rosebud and Pine Rldgo
reservations nro nffernd ns nrliea tn
land seekers. Gregory, Dnllas. Cham
berlain and Rapid City are the regis
tration points. On Oct 24 the drawing
will commence at Gregory.
Tho price of every 1C0 aero tract has
already been fixed by government ap
praisers and the homesteader will pay
the prico so fixed regardless of wheth
er he files first or last. And so wheth
er the homesteader .files upon some of
the best land or some of tho poorest
he will be certain that ho will bo re
quired to pay only what tho land Is
worth and will not run tho risk of
making an error In Judgment on tho
misrepresentation of n "locator" nnd
paying a high price for poor land.
The prices fixed by the appraisers aro
from 25 cents an aero for tho roughest
grazing land to ?0 nn acre for the
finest level agricultural land. Of the
total of about COO.OOO acres subject to
homestead entry about one-third has
been classified as agricultural land at
from $2 to $0 an acre.
Briefly the method of securing a
homestead under this opening will be
ns follows:
Tho applicant will personally appear
at a registration point nnd will swear
beforo a notary public on duty nt the
notarial headquarters to his qualifica
tions to take a homestead. If the ap
plication is made at any registration
point other than Gregory the applicant
must mail his affidavit to Judge Wit
ten nt Gregory.
When Judge Wltten receives ono of
these envelopes he will examine it
carefully, and If there are no distin
guishing marks upon it to indlcnte
from whom It came. It will be dnnnstt.
ed with others in a large metal can.
The registration will end Oct. 21.
On Oct. 24 nil of tho metal
be opened and their contents dumped
on n large public platform in Gregory.
Some child will be selected to go upon
the platform and nick ud nn nnvelone.
It will be opened by Judge Wltten.
ana tne application therein contained
will bo numbered "Ono." Tho nprsnn
who filed it will have the privilege of
making tho first selection from all the
lands subject to entry and may choose
ror his homestead tho finest Iovpi
farming land at $G4 an aero or the
roughest grazing land at 25 cents au
Tho second envekroe selnr.teil frnm
those on the platform will be number
ed "Two," etc. After the drawing
those who receive numbers will nn vp
ample time In which to Inspect tho
inniis anu select tne tracts upon which
they wish to file.
War Department Corrects Defects Re
vealed by Texas Maneuvers.
Ono .of tho most important lessons
learned during the recent army maneu
vers in Texns was tho necessity of
keeping all troop, battery and com
pany organization at all times nt full
war strength. To correct existing de
fects In that respect tho war depart
ment has Issued an order rearrnnclnc
the strength of the army.
Tho feature of tho order Is the addi
tion of seventy men to each cavalry
and seventy-two to each lnfnntrv reel.
ment serving outside of the United
States or in Hawaii. There are some
slight ehances in tho strenctli nf thn
field and coast artillery, and provision
is made for permanent assignment for
headquarters duty. Tho additional
men aro found by reducing by 1,000
tho 8,000 now engaged in recruiting.
Tho order fixes tho strength of the
nrmy at 77.523 men. but this includes
largo detachments of scouts, prison
guards, signal corps men and others
engaged In nonllne duty, so that the
normnl strength of the nctunl- fltht.
ing force is reduced to 00,008, which
includes all tho troops serving outside
of tho United States.
Trip Possible at End of Year Will Re
qulro Only Ten Hours on Sea.
Toward the end of this vonr. nttor
tho railroad from Antung, on tho Ko-
rean-aiancnunan frontier, has been
transformed Into a standard mui
line, through slecnlnc: cars -will h run
direct from Chanchung to Fnsan in
connection with the weekly trnnssl
berian express of tho Intemntlnnni
Sleeping Car Company of Europe, cn-
nming passengers from London to Ja
pan to reach their destination with a
ten hour sea crossing only namely,
ono hour on the EncrUsh phnnnpl nnrt
nine hours between Fusan'and Shlmo
nosekl. From the latter nolnt through
ing car trains will bo run to Kobe,
Yokohama and Tokyo. Tho trip from
London to Fusan will reoulro thlrtpnn
and a half days only, and the complete
journey from London to Yokohama or
Tokyo will toko fourteen and a half
A New Census For Japan.
It appears that tho Japanese nrr co.
Ing to tnko their next census niwird-
Ing to European methods. For this
purpose a Jnpancso professor from the
University of Tokyo is now in Rome
with a view of studying tho taking of
tho Italian census. He has already
been in Berlin nnd Vienna with a slm.
liar object. Tho Japanese census is
to bo taken on more exact lines thnn
has over been attempted on previous
Everybody's Boss.
Who Is It bosses all the statt?
Who makes us swear nnd makes us laughT
Who's too Intelligent by half?
The ofneo boy.
Who comes to work with shoes unsh'ned
And when reminded doesn't mlnd7
Who when he's wanted none can find?
The ofllco boy.
Who when on errands he must go
Delays his start, walks very slow
And sees the moving picture show?
The ofllce boy.
Who oft Is told that he'll be fired?
Who, asked to work, is very tired?
Who's by stenographers admired?
Tho ofllco boy.
Who is It that's not fond of soap?
Who's seldom known to sulk or mope?
Who knows tho latest baseball dope?
The ofllce boy.
Who whistles till wo have a fit?
Who has surprising Btralns of grit?
Who's who or, otherwise, who's It?
The ofllce boy.
Canadian Courier.
Only Permanent Resident Specialist In
Varicocele Impairs the
vitality and destroy s the
elements of manhood. I
dally demonstrate that
Varicocele can be posi
tively cured without the
organs being mutilated;
they are preserved and
strengthened; pain
ceases almost instantly;
swelling soon subsides;
healthy circulation 1 s
rapidly re-established, Dr. E. F. Scanlon,
nnd every part ot the Varicocele Special
organism affected by tho 1st.
disease Is thoroughly re
stored. A written guarantee with every case
I accept. Write If you cannot call.
Consultation and examination free. Crodlt
can be arranged.
OlHce Hours; 9 a. m. to G p. m., and 7 to
0 i. m.; Sundays, 12 to 1 p. m.
Offices 433 Linden St., SCRANTON, PA.
(ODDOslte I'ostofllce.)
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Agency at Honesdale, Wayno Co., Pa.
Total admitted assets J 273,813,063.65
Total Insurance In force 1,080,239,708.00
Total numbur policy-holders 425,481.00
New Insurance Reported and paid for In 1910 , 118,789,033.00
Increase In Insurance In force over 1909 67,?I0,613.00
Total Income for 1910 E11S79,892.26
Total payment to policy-holders 32,809,899.00
Ratio of expense and taxes to Income 12.78 per cent.
II. A. TINOLEY, Agent,
To the Farmers of Wayne Co.-
We Desire to Have You Patronize the
7" per Cent. of the stockholders of
9 this Bank are Farmers
Open An Account in the Progressive Bank
Capital Stock $75,000.00
Surplus and Profits $17,000.00
Comparative Growth of Deposits:
June 1st 1907,
May 1st 1008,
May 1st 1909,
May 2nd 1910,
May 1st 1911,
H. E. SIMONS, President ' C. A. EMERY, Cashier
M. B. Allen,
George C. Abraham,
J. Sam Brown,
Oscar E. Bunnell,
Wm. H. Dunn,
W. M. Fowler,
W. B. Guinnlp,
John B. Krantz,
Fred W. Kreltner,
John Kuhbach,
John Weaver.
1 Jjfc. T50SS 1
Roll of
AtterMon is called to the STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
City has published a ROLL Of
HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States.
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wayne County.
Capital, Surplus, $527,342.88
Total ASSETS, $2,951,048.26
Honesdale. Pa.. December 1, 1U10.
ono size smaller after using Allen's
Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder for
the feet. It makes tight or new
shoes feel easy; gives instant relief
to corns and bunions. It's tho
greatest comfort discovery of tho
age. Relieves swollen feet, blisters,
callous and sore spots. It is a cer
tain relief for sweating, tired, ten
der, aching feet. Always use It to
Break in now shoes. Don't go on
your vacation without a package of
Allen's Foot-Ease. Sold everywhere,
26c. Don't accept any substitute.
For FREE trial package, address
Allen S. Olmstead, Le Roy, N. Y.
G. Wm. Sell,
M. E. Simons,
Fred Stephens,
George W. Tisdell,
J. B. Tiffany,