PAGE a TOK CITIZEN, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1011. III HER II I MM IB H III JUSTIGE His Celebrated Victory In the Battle of Santiago Recalled. . - How He Rescued the Greely Expedition Other Events In His Career. By JAMES A. KDGERTON. i DMIltAL SCHLEY belongs to his i tory. Ills death furnishes the opportunity to do hlin belated Justice. Ills story will live as long ns Americans read the annals of Miolr country. Despite naval boards ud bureaucratic jealousies tho pub lic proclaims him the hero of the battle of Santiago. Wlufleltl Scott Schley was born on a Maryland farm Oct 0, 1839, and nt the time of his death ho lacked but seven days of being seventy-two yeare old. Ills father was an ofllccr of the navy and served In the war with Mex ico, naming the boy for tho hero of that coulllct. Admiral Schley gradu ated from tho Naval academy at An napolis In 1800 nnd saw service throughout the civil war, being ap pointed successively mnster nnd lieu tenant by President Lincoln. He was in the bjockadlng squadron along the coast of South Carolina and later par ticipated In tho engagements that led to the capture of Port Hudson. Aft er the war he was shifted to the south ern Pacific, but In 1860 was promoted to lieutenant commander and was on duty at the Naval academy for three years. Ho then returned to sen duty on board the Bcnlcia and participated In the attack on the Saleo river forts In Korea lu 1871. Three years later he was promoted t commander and was the head officer on the Essex until 18S0, when he was made light house Inspector. His Relief of Greely. In 1SS1 Commander Schley was placed In charge of tho Greely relief expedition, commanding the Thetis nnd other vessels. He rescued General Greely nnd six other survivors at Cape Sabine. It was for this deed that He was presented by the Mary land legislature with 'the gold watch found on him after his death on the streets of New York. Ho was next made chief of the board of equipment and repair and In 18S8 was promoted to captain. Vov three years he com manded the Baltimore and on that ship took home the body of John Erics son, the Inventor of the Monitor, for which service Captain Schley was pre-! sentcd with n gold medal by tho king of Sweden. Ho also settled a delicate nnd 'lllllcult international trouble In Chile. He wns then successively com-1 mandcr of tho New York, member of J the board of inspection nnd survey and chairman of the lighthouse board. In 180S Captain Schley was promot- ted to commodore and placed at the j head of the Hying squadron, In which capacity ho was in Immediate com-, maud at the battle of Santiago. After , the war he was promoted to rear ad-, mlral nnd was nt tho head of the j south Atlantic squadron. In which ca- ( pacify he served until his retirement , in 1W1. Schley-Sampson Controversy. Admiral Schley took little or no part in the celebrated controversy over the battle of Santiago, remaining tho per sonal friend of Admiral Sampson throughout the newspaper war waged by their supporters. Schley did aslc for an official Inquiry board, which ex onerated him from all charges made by the partisans of Sampson, but gave that officer credit for having planned the battle nnd being In chief com mand. Admiral Dewey, the hero of Manila Bay and president of the board, dissented from these findings nnd gave full credit for the victory to Admiral Schley, whom he warmly praised. That hero himself was modest and magnanimous enough to say, "There Is glory enough for all.' stroyed, nbout 10:50 a. m. Tho con centration of the fire of the squadron upon the ships coming out was most furious and terrific, and groat damage was dono them. "About twenty or twenty-five min utes nftor tho engagement began two vessels, thought to be the Teresa and eratlon that 'the Brooklyn occupied the most westward blockading posi tion, with the Vixen, and, being more directly In tho route tnken by the Spnnlsh squadron, was exposed for some minutes, possibly ten, to the gun fire of three of the Spanish ships and tho west battery at a range of 1.500 yards from tho ships nnd nbout 3,000 yards from tho batteries, but the ves sels of the entire squadron, closing lu rapidly, soon diverted this fire nnd did magnificent work nt close range. 1 have never before witnessed such deadly and fatally accurate shooting as was done by tho ships of your com mand ns they closed In on the Spanish squadron, and I deem It n high priv ilege to commend to you for such action ns you may deem proper the gallnntry nnd dashing courage, the prompt decision nnd the skillful han dling of their respective vessels of Cap tain Philip, Captain Evans. Captain Clark and especially of my chief of staff. Captain Cook, who wns directly under my personal observa tion nnd whose coolness, promptness Oquendo nnd since verified as such, took tire from the effective shell fire nml COurnge were of the highest order, of the squndron and were forced to I rrlle ,jcnse Smoko of tho combat shut out from my view the Indiaun nnd the Gloucester, but ns these vessels were closer to your flagship no doubt their part In the conflict was under our Immediate observation. "I have never lu my life served with a braver, better or worthier crew than that of the Brooklyn. During tho com bat, lasting from 0:35 until 1:15, much of the time under tire, they never flncKcd for a moment and were appar ently undisturbed by the storm of projectiles passing abend, astern nnd over the ship. "The result of the engagement wns the destruction of the Spanish squad ron and tho capture of the admiral and some 1,300 to 1,500 prisoners, with run on the beach some six or seven miles west of the harbor entrance, where they burned nnd blew up later. The torpedo boat destroyers were de stroyed early In the action, but the imoke was so dense In their direction 'bat 1 cannot Bay to which vessel or .-essels the credit belongs. This doubt less was better seen from your flag ship. "The Vlzcaya and Colon, perceiving the disaster to their consorts, contin ued nt full speed to the westward to escape and were followed nnd engaged In n running fight with the Brooklyn, Texas, Iowa and Oregon until 10:50. when the Vlzcaya took fire 'from our shells. She put her helm to port nnd. with n heavy list to port, stood in Surprise For Rip. "Wouldn't Blp Van Winkle bo as tonished If he could nwake now?" "I should say so. Just think of It! Ho riove'r saw a steamship or a rail road train, to say nothing of automo biles and ncroplanes." "I know, but what would surprise him most would bo tho way women nre able to dress without causing riots or even starting scandals." Chicago necord-Hernld Some Advice. Lives there n man with eyes so blind That no distinction he can find 'Twlxt mushrooms and tho stools of toads That grow along our country roads? If such thero be ho ought to go Inside his shack or bungalow And buy sorao flnc, expensive brand Of mushrooms safe and sanely canned. New York Commercial Advertiser. A. O. BLAKE AUCTIONEER & CATTLE DEALER YOU WILL MAKE MONEY BY HAVING ME Bell Phone 9-U BETHANY, PA. 0HICHE8TER S PILLS . TUB WAMONI I1KAN. A I.allft iinU your ItruffsrUt for j i iii'cnon-ir.r't jnarnond II rand in lied ton uom metallic1 Tfika m nthe. Hut of t otip lirtirtrt't. AiKTMC'iii.tHiKH-TERP 1HAUOND IIIIANII 1'ILI.H, for Si Ij ya., known Pi: Best, Safest, Always RetUbti -P jOLO PY OPIiTilSTS FVERYWHERF DIGNITY and CONFIDENCE It Is wonderful what an amount of dignity and confi dence .one gets from the fact that he has a growing bank ac count. The possession of mon ey you have earned and savea yourself makes you Independent mentally as well as In regard to material things. Becom'e a regular depositor In a good, strong, growing Insti tution like the Honesdale Dime Bank Wo will help you with three per cent. Interest. Each new de positor Is presented with a use ful, as well as ornamental house hold hank. We make a specialty of loan ing money to Wayne county peo ple. Business accounts solicited. Call and see us or you can do your banking with us by mall. Write and we will tell you how. JOS. A. FISCH, Cashier. E. C. MUMFORD, President. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Attorncys-nt-Lnw. H WILSON, . ATTORNEY. COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office odiucent to Post Office In Dlmmlck office, Honesdale. l'n. il. H. LEE, ATTORNEY COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Offlpfi river nost office. All legal hunlnniia promptly attended to. Honesdale, Pa. TJl C. MUMFORD, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-L AW. Office Liberty Hall building, ominsltnlho Post Office, Honesdale. Pa. HOMER GREENE, ATTORNEY A COUN8ELOR-AT-LAW Office over Kelt's store. Honesdale Pa. Charles a. Mccarty, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-XT-LAW. Special and prompt attention given to th collection ot claims. Office over Kelt's new store Honesdale. Pa. P. KIMBLE, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Office over the post office Honesdale. Pa. ME. SIMONS, . ATTORNEY 4 COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Office in the Court House, Honesdale. Pa. PETER H. ILOPF, ATTORNEY 4 COUNBELOR-AT-LAWi Office Second floor old Savings Brik building. Honesdale. Pa. SEARLE & SALMON, ATTORNEYS 4 COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, Offices latelv occupied by Judge Searle CHESTER A. GARRATT.G ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Office adlaccnt to Post Office, Honesdale, Pa The Ideal Guardian of the estates of your minor chil dren. It has the very best facilities for the profitable and wise invest ment and re investment of the princi pal and accrued income -The Scranton Trust Co. 510 Spruce Street. tm I DR. E. T. BROWN, DENTIST. Office First floor, old Savings Bank build ing, Honesdale. Pa. DR. C. R. BRADY, DENTIST, IIOKESDALH. PA. 1011 MAIN ST. Any evening by appointment. Citizens' Phone. a-ftt-f-fan-f::-fa::-ftn'fn-t'-fn-f::::-fn-fa-f tt BSl HSU ( immi rr tt tt tt tt 4- tt tt j: tt tt TUB LATE W1NF1ELD SCOTT SCHLEY. shore and rau aground at Asseraderos, nbout twenty-one miles west of San tiago, on tire fore aud aft, and where she blew up during the night. Ob-h-ci'vlng that she had struck her colore nnd that several vessels were ncaring her to capture aud save her crew, sig nal was made to cease firing. The Oregon having proved vnstly faster than the other battleships, she and tho Brooklyn, together with the Tex as nnd another vessel which provea tho loss of several hundred killed, rstlmnted by Admiral Cervera nt 000 men. away nt the time of tho battle, con ferring with General Shatter. He took with him the Now York, one of the best lighting ships In the fleet, nnd for this was criticised. Popular sym pathy was almost unanimously with Schley, and It Is generally believed that the controversy hastened his death, which occurred soon after. His Report of the Battle. Admiral Schley's report of the battle of Santiago as rendered to Admiral Sampson was in substance as followH: "Sir I have the honor to make the following report of that part of the squadron under your command which iamo under my observation during the engugemeut with the Spanish fleet on July 3, 189S. "At 0:35 a. m. Admiral Cervera, with the Infanta Maria Teresa, Vlz caya, Oquendo, Cristobal Colon and two torpedo boat destroyers, came out of the harbor of Santiago de Cuba in column at distance and attempted to escape to tho westward. Signal was wade from tho Iewa that tho enemy was coming out, but his movement iiud been discovered from this ship at the same moment. This vessel was the farthest west, except tho Vixen, In the blockading Hue. Signal was mado to the western division, as pre scribed in your general orders, and there was Immediate and rapid move ment Inward, by your squadron and a general engagement at ranges begin ning at 1,100 yards and varying to 8,000 (yards) until the Vlzcaya was de- CONSULT 12th and Kimble St. HONESDALE, PA. it :: - tt a f tt tt tt tt tt tt tt -f tt tt tt FOR COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE "CAPITOL" Boilers and Radiators. "LEADER." Air pressure water systems. "GOULD" Pumps. "STAU" Windmill. Tho above goods represent the best products In the market. The use of them coupled with our 20 years' practical experience at the business Insures you a lasting and satisfactory job. Correspondence Solicited. Both 'Phones. W. B. HOLMES, President. A. T. SEARLE, Vice Pres. 11. S. SALMON, CASHIER W. J. WARD, Ass'T Oashiee We want yon to understand the reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECURITY 01 11118 isanK. WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HONESDALE, PA., HAS A CAPITAL OP - - - $100,000.00 AND SURPLUS AND PROFITS OP - 427,342.00 MAKING ALTOGETHER - - 527,342.00 EVERY DOLLAR ot which must be lost before anv depositor can lose a PENNY It has conducted a growing and successful business for over 35 years, serving an increasing number of customers with nueelity and satisfaction its cash funds are protected by MUJHSKiN STJiiSL. valiiis to be your flagship, continued west ward In pursuit of tho Colon, which had run close in shore, evidently seelc- Admlral Sampson was twenty miles j 1"R sonle K01 spot to beach if she sliotliu ran io eiiiuu titu iuauuo. "This pursuit continued with Increas ing speed in the Urooklyn, Oregon and o.iier ships, and soon the Brooklyn and Oregon were within long range of tho Colon, when the Oregon opened tire with her thirteen inch guns, laud lui? n shell closo to the Colon. A mo ment afterward the Brooklyn opened fire with her eight Inch guns, landing a shell just ahead of her. Several oth er shells were fired at the Colon, now In range of the Brooklyn's and Ore gon's guns. Her commnndor, seeing all chances of escape cut off and de struction awaiting his ship, fired a lee gun nnd struck her flag at 1:15 p. m. and ran ashore at a point' some fifty miles west of Santiago harbor. Your llngshlp wns coming up rapidly at the time, as were tilso the Texas and Vixen. A little later, after your arrival, the Cristobal Colon, which had struck to the Brooklyn nnd tho Oregon, was turned over to you ns one of the tro phies of this great victory of the squadron under your commnnd. "During my olllclal visit, a little later Commander Eaton of tho Reso lute rfppeared nnd reported to ypu the presence of a Spanish battleship near Altarcs. Your orders to mo wero to tnko tho Oregon and go eastward to meet her, nnd this was done by the Brooklyn, with the result thot the ves sel reported as an enemy wob discov ered to be the Austrian cruiser Infanta Maria Teresa, seeking the commander In chief. "I would mention for your consld- "I congratulate you most sincerely upon this great victory to the squad ron under your command, and I am glad that I had an opportunity to con tribute in tho least to a victory that Eeems big enough for all of us. "I have tho honor to transmit here with the report of the commanding of ficer aud n drawing lu profile of the ship showing tho location of hits and scars; also a memorandum of tho am munition expended nnd the amount to fill her allowance. "Since reaching this place aud hold ing conversation with several of the captains viz, Captalu Eulato of the Vlzcaya and the second In command of tho Colon, Commander Contreras 1 have learned that tho Spanish ad miral's scheme was to concentrate all fire for awhile on tho Brooklyn and the Vlzcaya to ram her in hopes that If they could destroy her tho chance of escape would be Increased, as it was supposed she wns the swiftest ship of your squndron. This explains tho heavy flro mentioned and the VIzcaya's action In the earlier moments of tho engagement. The execution of this purpose wns promptly defeated by tho fact that all tho ships of tho squadron ndvanced into close rnngo and opened an Irresistibly furious and terrific fire upou the enemy's squadron as It was coming out of the harbor. "I am glad to say that the Injury sup posed to be below tho water lino was duo to n water valve being opened from some unknown causo and flood ing the compartment. Tho Injury to tho belt Is fouud to be only slight nnd tho leak small. "I beg to Inclose a list of tho officers nnd crew who participated In tho com bat of July 3, 189S. "r cannot close this report without mentioning in high terms of praise the splendid conduct and support of Cap tain O. E. Clark of the Oregon. Her speed was wonderful and her accurate flro splendidly destructive. Very re spectfully. W. S. SCHLEY." All of these things, rnutiletl with conservative management, insured by tho OAHKFUL PKKSONAIi ATTENTION constantly eUen the Hank's affairs by a notably able Board ot Directors assures the patrons ot that SUPKKMK SAFETY which is the prime essential of a good Hank. DECEMBER I, 1910 Total Assets, - - - $2,951,048.26 CST DEPOSITS MAY BE MADE BY MAIL. "1 DIRECTORS Dentists. Physicians. P15. PETERSON, M. D. . llL'GMAIN STREET, HONESDALE, PA. Eye and Ear a specialty. The fitting of glass es given careful attention. Livery. LIVERY. h red. G. Rickard has re moved his liverv establishment from corner Church street to Whitney's Stone uarn- ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FIRST CLASS OUTFITS. 75yl SPENCER The Jeweler would like to see you if 1 you are in the. market for 1 JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, WATCHES,! CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, AND NOVELTIES "Guaranteed articles only sold." X tJ54tU5J!ij:5:::;::nnn55rm;ujtJJ!ttt:tJu WHEN THERE IS ILLNESS V. H. HOLMES A.T. SEAKtiE T. 11. CLAKK CIIAS.J. SMITH. H.J. CONOElt. W. K. SUYDAM If You Want A Roof Yon Can Really Djend On V. P. KIMHLK g II. S. SALMON K W. FARLEY . . s U1 S uet ono that is honestly guaranteed lilto " RELIANCE RUBBER ROOFING, "Tho Roof Durable". On Three Ply RELI A NCE you get n guarantee for 10 solid years and without vour painting or coating vour roof 'from the dan It la laid! Two ply is guaranteed in a similar way for 8 years. and One Ply 5 years. No other roofing made is backed in this fair manner; no other will serve you eo well and for so long a time at so low cost. Don't let anyone cloud vour iudirment: don't let anvone eell you roofing that has to bo constantly looked after in order to keep it in proper condition. Reliance Rubber Roofing "The Roof Durable" Costs no more than ordinary unguaranteed roofine and if wears two or three times ns long. Its worth and merit have been proved on thousands of buildings in the past ten years. Cover yours with it and get the most reliable and economical roof made. Get samples, price3 and further facts. They will show you lhe way to save some money. ERK BROS., Agents Honesdale, Pa.j in your family you of course call a reliable physician. Don't stop at that ; have his prescriptions put up at a reliable pharmacy, even if it is a little farther from your home than some other store. You can find no more reliable store than ours. It would be im possible for more care to be taken in the selection of drugs, etc., or in the compounding. Prescrip tions brought here, cither night or day, will bo promptly nnd accurately compounded by a competent registered pharmacist and tlie prices will be most rea sonable. O. T CHAMBERS, PHARMACIST, Opn. D. & II. Station, Honesdale. Pa. tnmaammtaa:nmmm:armn German-American Home Tuj.Iu.mm1 Men Women, younaAultl. I FGOllttGnta " S"'t r.l Cared. I Foltd. D.ttlf.d or nobbed Tod, Don't ladte oil ollho. The GERMAN AMERICAN TREATMENT. Strllltj HcUotlflo Coubloittoe HU,tod Conblood el &OUO Diii.r.ol Drop. Io oolt eece oi.rr lodlitdeal Il llio Only Cure, oo natter whoteoe,er josr Allaeot or Dleoaio asay bo. eaaeo or orlcle. DO mailer ... lui.a. nnie.eiaie A UurelllJA DOCTOR, ho failed. Write, elate roar Caeo In atrtct eealld.ato. kGuretinAItANTKKU. IddrouQLD OERMAN OCTOR. i'aat Uaz liBSO. lll.dilM.. P.. HOTEL 'ST. OEWSS' BROADWAY and 11th ST. HCW YOflK CITY Within easy nceesi of every point of in tersot. Hilf block fr -n V rive mwtt vralx of Nioppinit Uu'n NOTED FOR i iixctllewu of ca -iin comfortable appointment!, cottrr orrueo and homelike iurrruniir.j (tooinc $1.01) per day and witn pmilcno oi umn 51. GO per day and up EUROPEAN PLAN Telia d'Hott Br.aUaal OOo - WrW.TAYLdR SON, Ino.