The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 13, 1911, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGE 8
McNamara Defense Alleges
"Union" Prejudice.
Examination of First Juror of Vehiri
Brings Out Line of Defense Will
Oppose 'a Jury With Any
Feeling Against Or
ganized Labor.
Los Angeles, Oct. 12. James B. Mc
Nnniara, Ironworker and alleged dy
namiter, Is now on trial for bis life.
charged with the murder of Charles
Huggerty, one of twenty-one persons
who lost their lives in the explosion
thut wrecked the Los Angeles Time
building on the morning of Oct. I.
1010. John J. McNamara was returned
to his cell in the county jail, there to
await the outcome of the trial of his
1 rather.
Early the defense Indicated clearly
the tight It Is going to make to get is
jury to Us liking. When the examlnn
tlon of the first vcnlremau called. .
T. Nelson of Long Beach, .commem-ed
Lecomte Duvls began questioning hlui
us to his opinion regarding labor or
ganlzatlons. The prosecution objected
to this Hue of questioning, iissertini:
that organized labor Is not on trial
that this Is to be a trial of Individuals
and not of the Issues between capital
and labor. Davis Anally withdrew tin
Much time was taken up with tin
examination of Nelson, Clarence nar
row, chief counsel for the defense, and
Joseph Scott, associate counsel, assist
lug Davis. Nelson was trapped dually
Into un admission of some prejudice
In the case, and It is certain he will In
Adjournment was taken until 10
o'clock Friday morning, as today Is
Columbus day, a legal holiday In Call
Every seat In the courtroom had been
taken long before the McNnmaras en
tered the room. The attorneys for the
defense were there also. The attorneys'
for the prosecution did not appeal until
. llfteen minutes later.
After the venire had been sworn the
district attorney called for the Indict
ment and made a brief statement of
the case. He pointed out J. B. McNa
mara to the occupants of the Jury box
and read the charge, calling attention
to the date of the disaster.
Mr. Davis began the examination of
the prospective jurors. After asking
them the usual questions, ho com
menced questioning Z. T. Nelson. Ilnv
lug brought out that Nelson was a
armer. now retired, he asked him
whether he, being aware of the "bit
ter" warfare In the United States be
tween labor nnd capital, had sympa
thies either way. This was objected to
by the prosecution and Davis, address
ing the judge, said:
"While it is not alleged in the in
dictment that this alleged crime grew
out of a labor war between the Times
aud organized labor, yet the prosecu
tion will claim this. It Is alleged that
the motive of the crime was to nvenge
the attitude of the Times toward or
ganized labor. We have to meet that
Your honor will agree that no man op
posed to organized labor should act on
the jury."
Davis dually withdrew his question.
Telegraph and Phone Lines Into Butte
Down For Hours.
Butte, Mont., Oct. 12. The heaviest
snowfall in twenty years cut Butte
off from the outside world yesterday.
Every telegraph and telephone wire
out of Butte was down and street car
tralUc was entirely supended. The
snow In the streets was two feet deep.
Between Butte and Anaconda the
weight of snow on the wires not only
broke them, but pulied down miles of
poles. The phone lines will practically
have to be rebuilt.
Thousands of school children were
unable to go to school on nccount of
the depth of the snow. The railroads
have suffered little and trains are run
ning on the through Hues.
Writer of Get-Rick-Quick Stories Must
Pay Alimony.
New York, Oct. 12. Supreme Court
Justice Deluney signed an Interlocu
tory decree of divorce for Sirs. Eliza
beth M. Chester from George Ran
dolph Chester, writer of the "Get-Rich-Quick
Walllngford" stories. Under a
stipulation In the divorce proceedings
Chester pays his wife 51. COO a year for
her own support and $2,400 a year for
their two children, George It., Jr., four
teen years old. and Robert F. Chester,
The Chesters were married In Dav
enport, la., In 1605.
The Rev. Dr. Sewell Dies.
Bangor, Me., Oct. 12. The Bev. Dr.
John S. Sewell, professor emeritus of
honilletlcg at the Bangor Theological
seminary, is dead of pneumonia. He
was a member of Commodore Perry's
famous expedition to Japan.
Will Feast Newport Boys.
Newport, It. I., Oct. 12. Mrs. Freder
ick W. Vanderbllt has announced that
she will give a Thanksgiving dinner to
the newsboys and messenger' boys of
Newport this year, as she has done In
the last seventeen yearn.
Ex Police Commissioner of
New York May Do .Prosecutor.
VJ " vs "'J
1911, by American 1'ress Association.
New York. Oct. 12. James C. Crop
sey. ex-police commissioner, was nomi
nated for district attorney of King's
county by the Itcpubtlcau convention
in Brooklyn.
In Queens the Republicans nomi
nated James A. Dayton of Bnyside for
district attorney. lie Is a graduate of
New York university and was admit
ted to the bar In 1001. He served as
assistant district attorney under Dnr-
nn rrom lonii to 1000.
Wickersham Denies Rumors of Shake
up Because of Attacks.
Washington, Oct. 12. Attorney Gen
eral Wickersham has Issued nn em
phatic denial of a report which has
been current In Wnslilnctnn fnr kov.
oral days that a shakeup Is Impending
in tno uureau of Investigation, the se
cret service division of the depart
ment of justice. Mr. Wickersham said
said that he has entire confidence in
Its operation under Stanley W. Finch,
chief of the bureau, and added that in
his opinion the newspaper aud other
attacks upon the bureau were prompt;
ed by Its efllclo. t and successful re
sults which resulted in Its Investiga
tion. The bureau hns a force of about a
hundred examiners, aircnts nnd nr.
countants and hns become nn Impor
tant branch of the covernmonr sprvlpn
since the trust Investigations wero be
gun. The bureau was created as a
result of the light between former
President Roosevelt and lnndnrs in
congress over the alleged Illegal oper
ations of the secret service division of
the treasury. At that time members
of congress were anxious to limit the
secret service officers in the treasury
to functions of detecting counterfeit
ing and protecting the life of the pres
Nathan Allen's Outlay Will Be $162,
000 In Jenkins Case.
Kenosha, Wis., Oct. 12. Nathan
Allen, the Kenosha leather manufac
turer, who was fined $12,000 for smug
gling in New York recently, will make
a closed Incident of the case, and It is
announced here among people very
close to Mr. Allen that the suit brought
against him by the government to re
cover customs and costs to the amount
of $130,000 will never get Into the
They say Mr. Allen has notified the
government agents to figure up the
amount that is alleged to be due the
government, nnd It will be paid. This
$130,000, with the flue paid, will bring
his total expenditure in the Jenkins
Jewels up to $102,000.
Former Champion Lightweight Finds
Surprise In Beecher.
New York, Oct. 12. In n slambang
ton round glove fight Battling Nelson,
tho former world's lightweight cham
pion, earned a draw with Willie
Beecher, tho local boxer, at the Madi
son Athletic club.
It was Nelson's hurrlcnne fighting In
tho last round that saved him from
defeat on points. Up to that time
Beecher had shown skill In handling
punches to have n slight advantage.
Nelson was outclassed In speed In the
early rounds.
Lehigh Tie the Tigers.
Princeton, N, J., Oct. 12.-IrIuceton
struck a snag In Lehigh, aud the best
the Tigers could do was to escape with
a 0 to 0 score. Although Princeton
forced the play throughout tho game,
making eight first downs to Lehigh's
oue, It was not until toward tho end
of tho third period that Baker man
aged to break away with n sixty yard
run for a touchdown. 'froin 'which he
kicked the goal ejii saved the game:
Mr . VJ
Coatesville Girl Points Him
, Out as Her Assailant. ,
Negro Found Under Covers Fully
Clothed Identifies Him Watching
From Hotel Window and Con
firms Accusation In Police
Station Later. '
West Chester, Pa., Oct. 12. Amy'
McElhaney, the fifteen-year-old school
girl who was attacked by n colored
man on n lonely road near her home'
at Coatesville Monday afternoon, iden
tified Thomas Harmon, under arrest
here on suspicion, as her assailant. i
Harmon was arrested at his home
by the state police. The constabulary
were seeking him on n clew given by
Elmer Rauibo, u farmer. When taken
Into custody Hnrraon was lying In bed
fully clothed. He admitted knowing
the McEJhiincys, but denied all knowl
edge of tho attack.
Harmon wus brought here soon aftei
his arrest, and arrangements were,
mndo to have the girl come over from
Coatesvlllo to see whether she could.
Identify him. Miss McElhaney came
to West Chester and was taken to a
hotel opposite the courthouse. j
She was seated at a window over-'
looking the street when Harmon was
being led from tho Jail to the court
house. As Harmon passed Miss El'
hnnoy leaned forward.
"Father, that's the man," she sud
denly cried.
Mr. McElhnuey Immediately took
her over to the olllce of tlie district'
attorney, where Harmon had been led.j
As she entered the room Harmon wasi
seated by a window, tho light falling
upon his face.
Miss McElhaney hesitated only for a (
moment and trembled as she gazed at j
the prisoner. . i
"Yes, that's the man," she stated
emphatically. "I recognized him as1
he passed across the street from the 1
hotel. 1 wns not sure that I would,
know him, but I am satisfied that!
there has been no nilstnke.."
Harmon said nothing. He was sev-j
oral times questioned, but refused to'
answer. After the Identification the.
negro was taken back to the county i
A dramatic turn was given the ne-1
gro's arraignment. The girl appealed j
to the people of Coatesville not to
wreak summary vengeance on her as-
sailant. '
At first she tried to speak to the
crowd that surrounded the courthouse,
but their cries for speedy vengeance !
on the negro made it impossible for '
her to be heard. Then she wrote this ,
message, addressing It to the people-of
Coatesville: '
"Do not darken the fair nnmc of
your town by another such occurrence
as that of Aug. 13. There Is no need
of mob violence against the negro,
who, 1 am given to believe, will be
punished by law with tho greatest pos
sible dispatch." j
The negro after a brief hearing was
held for trial. !
Out of Seven Trials For Coatesville
Affair Seven Go Free.
West Chester, Pa., Oct. 12.-Albcrt
Berry nnd William Gilbert were found
not guilty of murder for their alleged
share in the death of Zach Walker, the
negro who was burned at the stake la
This makes seven acquittals out ol
seven trials, with two men yet to be
Jnck Miller, who was in the posse
that pursued and finally cornered
Walker in the tree where lie shot him
self, corroborated Berry's testimony,
dcclnrlng that both he and the defend
ant had counseled the members of the
posse ngalnst lynching Walker when
there was talk of It. Tho witness was
asked by Judge Butler whether Walk,
up at the time looked like u fit sub
ject for u lynching.,
"No," replied Miller. "I thought he
was dead."
Schuiykill County Man Attacked, Killed
and Robbed.
1'ottsvIIle, Pa., Oct. 12. Tho body
of Anthony Betch was found on the
public road near his home at New
Castle, witli the nose cut off and tho
forehead and right temple caved In.
There are evidences that a knife and
club wero used by his assailants dur
ing a severe struggle.
Bobbery was the cause of tho mur
der, as Ketch's pockets were rifled aud
turned Inside out, and his watch and
money are missing. A detail of tho
state police is working on the clews.
Betch had been to St. Clair and spent
money freely. It is believed that when
he started for bis home, two miles
from there, lie was followed by two
r more men, who, nfter beating him
to death, robbed him.
Fatal Motorcycle Crash.
Philadelphia, Oct. 12. Annie Yount
is dead and James Hunter is dying at
tho result of a collision of a motor
cycle with a trolley car. Tho girl was
riding on tho handlebar of the ma-,
chine, which Hunter was driving
when tue collision occurred.
New York Bankor Indicted
For Alleged False Reports.
New York, Oct. 12. Edward M.
Grout, formerly comptroller of New
York city and president; of the Union
bank of Brooklyn before It failed, was
indicted by the Kings county grand
Jury on the charge of making a false
report to the state banking depart
ment. James T. Ashley, formerly cashier of
the bank, was Indicted on the same
grounds, the Indictment nllcgliig he
concurred with Grout in making the
report, which is declnred to be false.
Grout and Ashley were accompanied
by nn imposing array of counsel, who
took no active part in the proceedings
except to stnnd about their clients in
a protecting attitude.
Lorimer Probers Hear More About
$1,000 Offers.
Chicago, Oct. 12. Startling charges
of hitherto unknown offers of money
to members of the Illinois legislature
of 1000 to get votes enough for Sen
ator William Lorimer nnd the testi
mony that tho senator himself the
night previous to his election declared
he was to be "put over" were made before-
the subcommittee now probing
Lorlmer's election in Chicago.
Representative John Griffin of Chicago-
was named by Representative
Henry Terrill of Colehester as the man
who had told him "there was $1,000 or
more in it" if ho would vote for Lor
imer." "Griffin asked me to vote for Lor
imer," the witness told the committee.
"I asked what there was In it.
"He told me- there was at least $1,000
in it. I just asked out of cnrloslty.
That ended the conversation."
Terrill declared that he did not want
tho committee to interpret his testi
mony as nn accusation that Griffin
had offered him a bribe.
"Griflln never offered me anything,"
he said. "He merely told me when I
nsked him that he believed a mnn
could get at least $1,000 for voting for
Portuguese Government Recalls Navy
From the North Coast.
Lisbon, Oct. 12. The government has
recalled, In nn urgent command, nil
warships from the north const and tho,
entire fleet is anchored in the Tagus,
with steam up ready to sail.
This Is accepted as confirmation of
n report that the royalists have some
thing armed afloat, against which pre
caution must be taken.
The monarchist adventure on land Is
regarded as lost. Government forces
are concentrated on three sides of the
enemy, who are Intrenched near tho
Spanish border.
Federal Judge In Illinois Grants Tem
porary Order.
Spriugtleld, 111., Oct. 12.-On applica
tion of tho Illinois Central, Judge
Humphrey In tho United States circuit
court has Issued a temporary injunc
tion restraining strikers from interfer
ing -vith the road in the southern dis
trict of Illinois.
A hearing on motion for a permanent
Injunction will be held Nov. fl.
Weather Probabilities.
Fair today nud Frldny; not much
change in temperature; light northwest
winds, becoming variable Friday.
4,118 Students at Harvard.
Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 12. There
are 4.118 students enrolled at Har
vard. Market Reports.
BUTTER Steady; receipts, 11,233 pack
ages; factory, current make, 18V4a21Wc.
CHEESE Steady; receipts, 4,882 boxes;
state, average fancy, per lb., 144c
EGGS Steady; receipts, 14,533 cases.
POTATOES Easy; state, per bbl., $2.2Ca
2.37; Bweets, Jersey, No. 1, per basket, 76c
nH.25; southern, per bbl., J1.7oa2.25.
HAY AND STRAW-Firmer; timothy,
per 100 lbs., $1.05al.25; shipping, Jl; clover,
mixed, Jlal.15; clover, Jlal.lS; straw. Ions
rye, SOa&c; oat nnd wheat, 60c.
LIVE POULTItY-Weak; chickens, broil
ers, per lb.. 12al3c; fowls, 12al4c; roosters.
DRESSED POULTRY Weak; turkeys,
fresh, spring, choice, per lb., I8a22c;
chickens, Philadelphia squab, broilers, per
pair, 40a50c.; Pennsylvania broilers, per lb.,
18al9c; roasting, 18aUa; western, milk
fed roasting. 16alSc; corn fed roasting. 14a
Uttc; mixed sizes, UaUc.j squabs, white,
per dot, JLT&al.
t -xx
People Happy Over Sue
cesses at Tripoli.
Perfect Organization of Expedition and
Secrecy of Departure Causes Much
Favorable Comment Willing to
Permit Turks to Evacuate
With Military Honors.
Rome, Oct. 12. Tho nrrival of the
Italian landing expedition at Tripoli
Is officially announced. Forty troop
ships, escorted by four battleships,
submarines, destroyers and torpedo
touts, have reached Tripoli. The con
voy advanced In line and dropped
anchor four miles offshore.
The disembarkation by means of
rafts began as soon as the ships had
come to anchor, and the warships flml
salutes. There was prolonged cheer
ing nnd excitement mingled with some
bedding of tears. The landing was
admirably conducted.
The news of Monday night's skir
mish, which has assumed the propor
tions of a victorious battle, coupled
with the successful landing of the
troops, has provoked a frenzy of re
joicing In Rome.
The perfect organization of the ex
pedition ami the secrecy of its de
parture is receiving the most favorable
comment. It is said that Italy is will
ing .o allow the Turkish garrison to
evneute Tripoli with military honors
nnd spare it the humiliation of sur
render provided that Turkey is willing
to become reconciled to the uncondi
tional loss. Peace under such condi
tions Is possible, though it Is not con
sidered imminent.
Germany Reports Success In Efforts
For Suspension of Hostilities.
London, Oct. 12. Router's Berlin
correspondent says Mint from an au
thoritative quarter It Is learned that
the efforts of the lowers, especially of
Germany, to secure u suspension of
hostilities In Tripoli have been so suc
cessful that both belligerents have
agreed upon an armistice, though ofll-
cial decision has not yet been taken.
Italy will continue to send troops to
Tripoli pending the outcome of the ne
gotiations which will follow the arm
istice, but no hostilities will occur.
Turkey's Minister of War Hopes For j
Intervention of Powers.
Constantinople, Oct. 12. Shevkat
I'nsho, minister of war, says that even
Asia Minor was not properly garrl-1
soued, for Turkey hod not believed
that there was reason to fear attack.
Ihe defense of Tripoli was Impossible, '
Turkey was prepared to go in the mat
ter of concessions, Shevknt Pasha said:
"We have not yet decided. We nre
waiting to know what Italy's demands
will be."
In reply to a question regarding Tur
key's hopes of mediation of the pow
ers, or If she contemplated a direct
communication with Italy, he replied:
"We hope that Italy will spare us
that. The intervention of the powers is
the most suitable way to have the mat
ter settled."
Iowa Man of Sixty-eight Also Step
daddie to Seven Others.
Marshalltown, In., Oct. 12. D. K.
Ewalt nt the age of sixty-eight is re
joicing over the birth of his seven
teenth child, n boy weighing nine
pounds, in addition to the seventeen
of his own ho Is stepfather to seven
children. All twenty-four nre living.
Mr. Ewalt's present wlfo Is his
fourth. No 1 bore him one child, No.
2 six, No. 3 four and No. 4 six.
As a bride Mrs. Ewalt brought to
.Mr. Ewalt seven children by a former
marrloge. She is now tho mother of
thirteen. Her age is thirty-eight years.
Viscount Chinda May Be Transferred
From Berlin to Washington.
Berlin, Oct. 12. It Is reported that
the Japauese ambassador to Germany,
Viscount Chluda, will be transferred
In February to Washington, to suc
ceed Viscount Uchlda, who has re
turned to Tokyo to assume the post of
minister of foreign nffalrs.
EnJIro Yamaza, counselor of the Jap
anese embassy nt London, will, it Is
said, replace Chluda here. Viscount
Chluda was educated in the United
Observations of tho United
States weather bureau taken at
8 p. in. yesterdny follow:
Temp. Weather.
New York 50 ' Cloudy
Albany ,. 68 Cloudy
Atlantic City... 00 Cloudy
Boston 02 Cloudy
Buffalo ......... 68 Clear
Chicago 02 Clear
St. Louis , .08 Cloudy
New Orleans.,',; A :Raln
Washington"... 02 Clear
So many letters have been received
at The Citizen ofilce asking about tho
game laws ot the states of New York
and Pennsylvania, that we publish
below the laws of the two states,
'iney aro as follows:
New York Laws.
Deer Dutchess county, Sept. 16 to
October 31.
Deer Ulster county, Oct. 1G to
Oct. 31.
Deer Sullivan county. Town of
Neyerslnk, Cochecton, Highland,
Bethel, and all that section of the
towns of Mamakattng and Thompson,
lying south of the Newhurg and
Cochecton turnpike, Oct. 1G to Oct.
Deer Orango county, town of
deerpark only, Oct. 16 to Oct. 31.
Gray Squirrels Oct. 1 to Nov. 30.
Hares and rabbits Oct. 1 to Feb
1. Not to be hunted with ferrets.
Mink and Skunk Nov. 1 to March
Muskrat Nov. 1 to April 1G.
Grouse October 1 to November
30. No open season in Duchess
Pheasants In Dutchess county.
Nov. 1 to Dec. 31.
Quail Nov. 1 to Nov. 30. No
open season In Dutchess county.
Woodcock October 1 to Novem
ber 30.
Ducks and Geese 'Sept. 16 to
January 10. Not U be taken in the
night, from sunset until sunrise.
Snipe and plover Sept. 16 to Dec.
No open season for wild birds, ex
cept English sparrow, crow, hawk,
crow-black bird, snow owl, great
horned owl and kingfisher.
Trout 'April 15 to August 31.
Lake Trout In counties of Ulster,
Sullivan, Orange, Rockland, West
chester and Richmond, (Lake trout
only), May 1 to June 30,
Pickerel and Pike May 1 to Feb.
Black and Oswego bass .Tuna ,tr
to December 31.
Pennsylvania Lnws.
Bear, unlimited, Oct. 1 to Jan.
Use- of steel traps forbidden.
'Blackbirds, all kinds, and doves,
unlimited, Sept 1 to Jan. 1.
Deer, male, with horns visible
above the hair, one each season,
Nov. 15 to Dec. 1.
English, Mongallan, Chinese and
Rlngneck pheasants, ten in one day,
20 in one week and iifty In one sea
son, Nov. 1 to Dec. 15.
Hare or rabbit, ten in one day,
Nov. j. to Dec. 15.
Hungarian quail, five in one day,
20 in one week and thirty in one
season, Oct. 15 to Nov. 15.
Plover, unlimited, July 15 to Dec.
Quai commonly called Virginia
partridge, ten in one day, forty in one
week and seventy-flve In one season,
Nov. 1 to Dec. 15.
Racoon, unlimited, Sept. 1 to Jan.
Ruffled grouse, commonly called
pheasant, live in one day, twenty In
one week and fifty in one season,
Nov. 1-to Dec. 15.
'jan. T. cu 1 L"
Snlne.. Jack or Wltann. unlimited
Sept. 1 to May 1.
Squirrel, fox, black or gray, six of
tlle combined kinds In one day, Nov.
1 to Dec" lf;-
, web-rooted wild water fowl, ot all
'""' ""T1. 1 1. 1 10 ,pm lu
N w ??atf?5es"nls.e
in one season. Nov. 1 tr. i f.
Woodcock, ten in one day. twenty
in one week and flfty In one season,
Oct. 1 to Dec. 1.
To the Voters of Wayne County:
I take this method of returning
my thanks for the nomination given
me by my friends at the late primar
ies, for the olllce of Prothonotary. I
fully appreciate this mark of their
confidence in me, and if chosen to the
ofilce La Novemger shall endeavor to
justify this confidence by a faithful
performance of all official duties.
My record is before the public and I
wish to bo judged by it. My best ef
forts have been given to the service
of the people, in a legislative posi
tion, which it is well known, affords
an Inadequate compensation; and I
now appeal to the people for their
support in my efforts to attain a
position in which the performance ot
duty Is better rewarded.
Yours respectfully.
Allen K. Lloyd and wlfo Equin
unk, to William A. Bleck, Equinunk.
Parcel of land in Manchester town
ship. Consideration $400.
'Asa Ilollister and wife, Salem
township, to Elizeur Fessendun, Sa
lem township, 1 acre and 79 1-5 per
ches. Consideration, $50. This
transaction took place September 29,
1876 and tho deed was entered Oct.
11, 1911, just twenty-flvo years la
ter. Anna Fruiermuth to Otto Freler
muth, both of Mllanvllle. 29 acres
of land in Damascus township. Con
sideration $1.
Elizeur Fessendun, Salem town
ship, to Holllstervlllo Creamery Co.
Ltd., Salem township. Parcel of
land in Hollisterville. Considera
tion $3,000.
HOW'S Tins?
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, havo known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honprablo
in all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by his Arm.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonial sent free
Price 76 cents per. bottle. Sold by
all Druggsts.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con-stlpation.