The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 13, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAOU 4.
Scmi-Wcckly Founded 1008; Weekly Founded 1844.
Published Wednesdays and Fridays by the Citizen Publishing Company.
Entered as second-class matter, at the postofflce. Honesdale, Pa.
Our friends who favor us with contributions, and desire to have the same re
urned, should in every case enclose stamps for that purpose.
Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Post Office Order or Registered
letter. Address all communications to The Citizen, No. 803 Main street,
Honesdale, Pa.
All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for the purpose of
making money or any Items that contain advertising matter, will only be
admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notice
of entertainments for the benefit of churches or for charitable purposes
where a fee is charged, will be published at half rates. Cards of thanks,
50 cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will be charged for at
the rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application.
The policy of the The Citizen is to print the local news in an interesting
manner, to summarize the news of the world at large, to fight for the right as tins
japer sees the right, without fear or favor to the end that it may serve the lest
interests of its readers and the welfare of the county.
FIUDAl, OCTOBER 13, 1011.
-f -f-f -f-f "f
Congressman, W. D. B. AINEY.
President Judge, HON. ALONZO T. SEARLE.
District Attorney, M. E. SIMONS.
Prothonotary, WALLACE J. BARNES.
Register and Recorder, W. B. LESHER.
Sheriff, THOMAS Y. BOYD.
Treasurer, W. W. WOOD.
For Auditors, W. O. AVERY, LEROY GILPIN.
For Coroner, P. B. PETERSON.
:c -f -f -f
The road leading to the coal pockets which passes over the different
railroad tracks, Is very dangerous. Wednesday afternoon the freight was
being switched. The engine had gone down the line and a short distance
behind it followed a freight car, which was unobserved by the driver of
the Gurney Elevator team. The horses had partly crossed the track when
the freight car was 'fast approaching them. The driver could not ad
vance and was compelled to back the team off the track. It was a close
call. 'Had there not been a brakeman upon the car in all probability the
men and horses would have been killed. This is a dangerous crossing
at all times and the company ought to provide In some manner, either by
gates or a watchman, for the protection of the many teams and drivers
who dally pass over this crossing.
One of the most remarkable commercial incidents in the present
sky-rocket market for raw sugar was developed when a vessel laden with
sugar from Java arrived in Philadelphia to establish the fact that, in its
voyage of little more than a month, the price of the commodity had ad
vanced to an extent almost equal to the duties on the cargo, which were
about $150,008.
The Philadelphia consignees, in other words, found that the rise in
the sugar market while the cargo was on the sea had in effect nearly paid
the duties and that they stood financially in about tie same position they
would have bean if they had received the sugar duty free.
It was the British steamer Kwarra which brought G000 tons of Java
sugar to Philadelphia. When the Kwarra sailed from Java on August 1
the ruling market price for Java sugar was 14 shillings G pence for 112
pounds. Upon her arrival here the market quotation for 112 pounds of
Java sugar had advanced four shilling to 18 shillings C pence. Mathe
maticians of the Commercial Exchange quickly figured that the enhanced
value of the sugar ergo during the voyage represented In our money within
a few thousand dollars of the $150,000 to be paid in duties at th Custom
We suppose that the owners are sorry now they didn't make a longer
voyage, because If the present increase In price keeps up they could prob
ably have bought tnother steamer out of the proceeds.
Scranton Is well favored in the matter of hospitals, without which it
would be seriously embarrassed. In a community such as it is, where
bo many people are engaged in occupations considered hazardous, hospl-
tals are especially needed, particularly one controlled by the State, which
is in duty bound to care for the homeless or for those unable to provide
for themselves, especially in emergency cases.
The work of providing maintenance for the hospitals of Scranton
furnishes one of the brightest and most Interesting pages in the city's
history. Naturally, the State hospital takes first place among these in
stitutions because of its superior advantages.
What the State hospital is doing for the community was shown at the
annual meeting held there on Tuesday when the Hon. E. B. Hardenbergh
of Honesdale was elected President of the Board of Trustees. The year
just ended has been the bmsiest in its history. Two thousand, three hun
dred and seven patients have been admitted. An aggregate of 43,178
days were spent In the hospital by in-patients. In addition to all these,
3,004 dispensary cases were treated during the year and 5.49G dispensary
visits were made. The average number of patients In the hospital each
day in the year was 114. The total expenditures for the year were ?73,
514. G5. .
These figures are eloquent and speak for themselves. What our
needs require is even more liberal treatment by the state In the way of
appropriations.' Private charity Is already taxed to the straining point In
caring for other institutions.
Fifty men in Pittsburg in one day applied for divorce on the ground
that their respective wives are extravagant. The majority of these men
are in fairly comfortable circumstances, or would be, according to their
contentions, It their wives had any Idea of the value of money. One, a
salaried man getting ?70 a week, stated that In a year his wife had bought
forty-four hats and twenty-nine gowns, eating up entirely J1000 he had
saved besides using up all his salary. Others reported similarly.
Tim mnnov nrnhimm hns undoubtedly become one of the nrlnclpal rea-
sons for dissension in families, and la one of the most fruitful causes of
domestic infelicity. An extravagant wife can work havoc with a man's
peace of mind, but there are two sides to the story. Many men aro not
60 frank with their helpmeets as they should be. The wife outlines
knows little of her husband's financial condition. She sees the money
come in regularly and, feminine-like, argues that there is always more
where it! came from. In a great many Instances, too, men have married
womemlwho were accustomed to having more than their husbands can
give them.
Whore real affection exists reason, of course, can be used. Absolute
frankness on the part of a husband may bring to a wife a realizing sense
of the wreck she Is making of the happiness of both. Where love does not
exist the conditions are different and it appears that there is but one of
two courses to follow. Elthor ho husband must take a firm grip on the
reins himself or they must go their separate ways.
Candor In the first place, however, would save the divorce courts a lot
of work. If marriage were looked upon not only in the light of a partner
ship lor mutual return of affection, but as a business agreement as well,
and a thorough understanding were reached before the twain were united
there would be few requsts for divorce In which the dollars and cents
figure as the principal cause. But then this may be too much to ex
pect. Love Is blind and the sordid, vulgar question of money has no place
In the cherae of destiny which the average man and woman figure out for
themselves before marriage. After It well, that's Just what we have
been trying to explain.
Be on tho winning side and vote
a straight Republican ticket.
The campaign promises to bo an
interesting one. You are Interested
in the election of the Republican
candidates nominated. Do your
part to elect them.
Only two of tho Republican nomi
nees livo in Honesdale. Six out of
the seven Democratic candidates aro
residents of Honesdale.
Vote the representative ticket.
The nominees on tho Republican
ballot spell Wayne county, while tho
Democratic candidates Honesdale.
When you stand before your ballot
on election day make an "X" mark
In tho square marked " Republican,"
and you will never regret It. By
doing so you will help elect. men
who have been tested. Stand by
your party, boys.
The people of Chicago observed the
40th anniversary of that city's "big
fire," on Monday. The announce
ment serves to recall that tremend
ous conflagration, one of the greatest
ever known In an American city, and
having few parallels In the world's
history. The Chicago fire began
about 9 o'clock on the evening of
Sunday, October 8, 1871, the current
reports stating that It was due to the
kicking over of a lamp by a cow
which was being milked at the time.
The flames originated in a small
barn In the western part of the city,
and spread with unexampled rapid
ity through the heart of the munici
pality, carrying destruction to the
finest buildings the place could boast.
It was not until tho early morning of
October 10 that the fire was checked,
and by that time the burned space
was 2,124 acres in extent. The
main business and residential sec
tions were devastated, there was
large loss of life, estimated at about
300, and the value of the property
consumed was placed at ?200,000,
000. These are impressive figures.
Moscow was burned in 1812 to pre
vent the city being the place of shel
ter for Napoleon and his troops; but
the Moscow loss was $150,000,000.
Even the ruin wrought by the Paris
Communists in 1871 did not equal
that at Chicago, for tho total charg
ed to the fanatical lnceddiarles was
$150,000,000. There have been oth
er big fires in the United States, In
cluding that in Boston in 1872, but
tney did not rival the Chicago con
flagration, Boston's loss being $75,
000,000. Baltimore had a $50,000,
000 blaze in 1904. The only visita
tion that surpassed Chicago In the
actual loss inflicted was that at San
Francisco in 190G, when $350,000,
000 damage was done. But in that
case responsibility was divided be
tween the earthquake and the fire.
One feature of the Chicago celebra
tion will be an effort to secure a gen
eral cleaning up of buildings and
yards, with a view of removing In
flammable refuse. That Is a good
Idea, and the lesson should be im
pressive. Care of that kind constant
ly exercised would be effective, in re
ducing tho fire loss of the' cpuntry,
now so lamentably large. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stalker, son
Arthur, and Wllma Egler of Poak
vlllc, spent Sunday With relatives
Miss Helen Rutledge of Lookout
called on friends here Monday.
Emma Kelly made a trip to Han
kins recently.
Miss Emma Woolheator, Edith
Stalker and Mary Ryan were at Cal
licoon last Saturday.
Will Ryan of Port Jervis visited
his parents over Sunday.
'Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Layton of
Alatamoras spent last week calling on
friends and renewing old acquaint
ances. We were very glad to shake
a hand and see their smiling faces
Special to The Citizen.
Steene, Oct. 12, 1911.
Miss Hattlo Miller, Farvlew, visit
ed Thursday and Friday with her
sister, Cora, here at Steene.
Stephen Kaglar, who has been on
the sick list, Is slowly Improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ball, Hones
dale, visited friends at Way-mart on
Merchant Snediker has purchased
tho old Wager homestead at Promp-ton.
Druggist Dennis and wife, Car-
bondale, passed through this section
Mrs. O. W. Chapman and daugh
ter, Mrs. Foster, .visited friends at
Cherry Ridge last week.
Miss Josephine Perry, of Carbon
dale, visited friends at Steene last
Russel Swingle and Florence Wood
are the only two scholars that at
tended the first month of school
without 'missing a day.
NARY. The marriage of Jeanne Marie
Guyot of Pueblo, Colo., and Paul
Edward Illman of Syracuse, N. Y.,
was solemnized in the spacious par
lors at Caznovla Seminary by the
groom's cousin, Dr. C. D. Skinner
on Tuesday evening, Sept. 3; 1911.
Tho bride, who is a beautiful
western girl, was attired In a white
gown which added to her girlish
simplicity. Mrs. Illraon is a 1911
graduate of Wellesey College, Mass.,
and will be associated with her hus
band in settlement work. Mr. Ill
man Is the second son of Dr.
Walter Illman, who for many years
practiced in Port Jervis. After Dr.
Illman's death the mother, who was
Abgail Skinner Illman, came to her
old home in Milanville in which
place Paul spent his boyhood days.
Mr. Illman was the first graduate or
the Damascus High school from
there he attended Caznovla Semi
nary for one year. Tho next three
were spent at Wyoming Seminary
where he made a good record in both
studies and athletics and graduated
in 1904. The next two years were
spent in hard work at Syracuse Uni
versity. From there he entered
Harvard and graduated with high
est honors In 1909. While at Har
vard Mr. Illman became Interested
In charitable work in Boston and af
ter his graduation was appointed
secretary of the United Societies of
Charity at Buffalo, N. Y. During
the past year Mr. Illman was made
head of the Syracuse Charity work
where he is at present doing excel
lent work. During this winter Mr.
Illman will give a course of lectures
(pertaining to his work) at tho
Syracuse University) and at Caz
novla Seminary. Mr, and Mrs. Ill
man went directly to their furnished
homo on State street, Syracuse. The
only guest beside Dr. Skinner's fam
ily was tho bride's intimate friend.
Miss Madeline Jean Randol of
Cleveland, Ohio.
ISpecial to The Citizen.
Kellam, Pa., Oct. 12.
The funeral of Mrs. John Neuman,
Port Jervis, occurred at the Braman
church Monday, Oct. 2, 1911. Her
sudden death was a great shock to
her family and friends. She Is sur
vived by her husband and six small
children. H. Knapp, Equlnunk, had
charge of the funeral and our pastor,'
Rev. 'Brown, preached tho funeral
The Ladles' Aid at Mrs. Lydia
Coles was woll attended last
Thursday and about five dollars
A. F. Lawson visited friends at
Narrowsburg recently.
Mrs. David Stalker, Sr., returned
homo last Sunday having spent two
weeks with her son at Peckvllle.
Gale H. Stalker, of Canton. Pa..
made a short visit with his parents
and friends the first of the week.
Mrs. Whlto, Mrs. Casgln and Mrs.
Schnackenburg attended the Ladles'
Aid at Braman last Thursday.
Lodusky Barnes is away attending
a W. C. T. U, convention.
Special to The Citizen.
Riverdale, Oct., 12, 1911.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wlldenstein,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wlldenstein, and
daughters, Margaretta and Clara, re
cently visited at the home of their
cousin, Mrs. 'Philip Waidler, Winter
Misses Edith and Bertha Rosener
and Ruth Snedeker, Aldenville, spent
Sunday with Margaret and Clara
While George Hauenstein was re
cently at work filling his silo he had
the misfortune to 'break one of the
bones of his forearm.
Miss Zona Vas. Binder, of Omaha,
Neb., and Mrs. E. Flynn, of Scranton,
have been recent visitors at W. A.
Miss Gertrude Ihlefoldt has return
ed to her home at Belmont.
Normal.- BDent Sn
Several from this place attended
tho Masonic banquet at Moscow on
friaay ovening or last week.
Miss Florence Hazon spent Sun
day at her horiie at Maplewood.
Miss M. A: Hodgsbn Is entertain
ing Miss Goodale of Brooklyn, N.
Mr. nncl iMrs. T.Ann PVIurnrrla Pnp.
est City, were entertained at D. W.
nKiwaras over 'Sunday.
Rev. O. G. Russell Is enjoying a
vacation amoncr his frlnnrln nrwi rel
atives In New York State.
Mrs. W. H. Alt has returned from
a few doys' sojourn at Big Pond.
Mrs. U. W. Simons visited Mr.
and Mrs. Max Simons at Peckville
last week.
Mrs. George Chapman of Little
Chaple gave a dinner to the Ladles'
Aid on Tuesday, October 10.
Mrs. G. D. Stevens of Scranton,
has been visiting at Mrs. Loring's.
Mrs. C. E. Mills, Honesdale, was
the guest of Miss D. P. Hamlin last
By S. S. Robinson
A little boy with golden hair,
Sat on an old man's knee.
"Was that old Stourbridge
He said, "Grandpa tell me."
"Ah, no my child," he then re
plied, "It was no ibeast at all,
It was a very queer machine,
A locomotive small!"
"Choo, choo, choo, choo, It smoked
and puffed,
Choo, choo, choo, choo It went,
Choo, choo, choo, choo It' fairly flew,
Till all It's force was spent.
Choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo
The wheels went swiftly 'round!
It was tho first machine like that
To roll on Freedom's ground."
" The villagers came out to see
Tho Lion run by steam,
They gazed with wonderment and
It seemed just like a dream.
To see that mass of Iron and steel,
Go like a thing possessed,
It made some very frightful sounds,
As if it was distressed."
"Horatio Allen was the man
Who was tho engineer
He pulled the- throttle open wide,
And had but little fear,
As on the narrow track it went
With all Its strength and might.
The people cheered and waved their
Till it was out of sight."
Special to The Citizen.
Orson, Pa.. Oct. 1!.
Wanda Keeney, Scranton, is visit
ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. J. Hine. Miss Wanda expects to
start for Virginia on the 19th of this
month to spend the winter with her
cousins, Milton Hine and wife.
Mrs. Ira W. .Hine and mother
Mrs. Travis, have returned from a
week's visit at Lestershire, N. Y.
Reba Hine Is visiting relatives at
Greenfield and Jermyn.
'Mr. Neasel, of Clinton, Is visiting
his uncle, Daniel Utter.
Mrs. Frank Sanford Is in very
poor health.
Clarence B. Hall, Scranton, spent
Sunday with his father, H. B. Hall.
Ethel Griffin has secured employ
ment at Ararat.
The remains or Mrs. Agnes Al
bright of Mlddletown, N. Y was In
terred in the Hlnes Corners ceme
tery at this place on Monday Oct.
9. Mrs. Albright had been in' poor
health with Bright's disease and
dropsy and died In the Mlddletown
hospital. The deceased was 53
years of ago and leaves two daugh
ters to imourn her loss, namely,
Anna, wife of Kirk Lee, Cadosla,
and Susio, wife of Asa Albright, of
Mlddletown. The funeral was held
at Hancock, N. Y., Rev. Reynolds, of
Mlddletown, officiating, also accom
panied the mourners to this place.
Rev. Mr. Crane of Unlondale
preached in the M. E. church here
on Sunday evening last. Although
Mr. Crane is quite an elderly gentle
man, yet he puts forth tho effort and
vigor in preaching that will surpass
many or the younger men of his
class. His sermons are much en
joyed by all who listened to him.
He is expected to flu the appoint
ments on the Orson charge until a
pastor Is supplied.
Listen, for soon the wedding bells
will be ringing.
Special to The Citizen.
Beach Lake, Pa., Oct. 12.
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Barnes Is at
tending the state convention at War
ren, Pa.
'Mrs. Thomas Olver will visit
friends in Scranton this week.
The W. C. T. U. held a very in
teresting business meeting at the
homo of their president. Mrs. Neal.
October 10. Eleven members wero
The furnace of the M. E. church
is being repaired, hence no services
last sunday.
The L. A. S. meet with Mrs. Gar
rett for chicken dinner October 11.
The White Rlbboners will hold a
"Baby's" meeting October 25 for
dinner at Mrs. Neal's. All members
are invited to come.
Maud Spry is gaining right along.
G. C. Olver and wife contemplate a
trip to Dyberry to see their son,
Grant, and visit frtnndn thn inf nt
the week.
Mrs. 'Phoebe Olver seems to enjoy
her music class and every Saturday
Special to The Citizen.
Hamlin, Pa., Oct. 12.
Miss D. P. Hamlin returned to
day from a few days' visit with
Scranton friends.
Dr. J. A. McKee is improving
slowly. He Is now able to get out
upon tho porch.
Tho Booklovers Club met last
Wednesday with Miss D, P. Hamlin.
They passed a very pleasant after
noon, being entertained by tho host
ess witn an account of her trip to
California last winter.
Miss Claire Simons of Stroudsburg
According to press dispatches from
South Bethlehem It Is stated that
gold is said to have been found in
paying quantities near Statedale,
along the base of the Blue Moun
tains. The prospectors declare the gold
is to be found in the clay, sand and
quartz rock abounding thereabouts.
A shaft twenty-three feet deep has
already been sunk and the yellow
metal began to appear after a depth
of three feet.
rltrintn fnr fVinntv flnmmlRHlnnpr
uuuou ii u v u v ucu uj uaico uuunid
At the age of about three years.
L1111U UVC1 i UU11 a, LCULUl J UKU 111
wu a ww wv a a uat wa v
place to Mt. Pleasant township.
WtJSL UiilllilSUUH. inHIH t?ill 1
nninitlnil nnil nnnnntnil tin, rvwn M ti
son, -Chester Holgate.
then young couple first settled on
f rt m Iti Wftaf rinmnnnnn Kn mKnn
land In Lebanon township where Mr
nuitiiLK wus nusLinuHLur iiir hihvhi
111 111 1H LI ilLUJIIH. HH HLUI IIWI1H illll
uiJemius una iluiii. uunug me pus
"llnnmnn (ah Mnif In 'Pnuflnlrl'o t n r.
ble and granite works at Honesdale
umirrpnn nun rm rfimnvpri rrnn
II lilllll 1 11 I II IIS lllilltl III 111 UKI L
be In closer touch with the head
quarters of his employer.
fi m Ti i n v nr nn o pqrn n iiRnmonr anon k
W U1I IU1 111S lttlLIHUlUUHiS, liUlieSLV
Intpcrltv nnrl nnmnfttfinov ns n. hiisi
-III li b II.
out Wayne county ana numerou
friends, all of whom will doubtles
mi rin ir n ! a filpntlnn. hnnniiRA Rimh pi
in the County Commissioners ofilc
1IUU Will JC11U1 111 1LB uuuco iiuucolij
competently and In the interests
those whom ho will be placed ther
to serve.
' l .t-i n.i r.V rn r-. nlvtir tnn n nt nirn 1.
has nover before asked the voters
Wayne county for any office and h
J'.WUQWU ... " I
payers of Wayne county.
Taking Pictures.
When attempting to photograph
children who are not familiar with
the Kodak or the process, place tho
Kodak in position and then go about
doing something else for a little
while until they become accustomed
to its presence, even allowing them
to handle the Kodak If they so de
sire. Simple costumes photograph best,
and the children feel more at home
in them.
White and the lighter colors aro
specially well adapted for children's
costumes, not only adding to the
youth of the subjects, ibut aiding you
In that you may employ a shorter
When It comes to the grown ups a
certain amount of posing is neces
sary, though as you become accus
tomed to the work It may be mini
mized by so arranging the seat they
are to occupy, or the other inciden
tals of your picture, that they will
Involuntarily assume the pose desired.
For Amateurs
Eastman Kodaks Films
lead all others.
Eastman Chemicals are
Ask or send for free copy
of the new Kodak catalogue
and booklets.
The Bodie Studio
Opposite City Hall
Special to The Citizen.
Clinton. Pa., Oct. 12.
Recently a 'little daughter cam
to me nome 01 xur. anu Airs, .uiuo
Lillie, Jr.
that came to the home of Jlr. an
our last Items.
ance Alliance neia its meeting at in
Clinton Center Baptist church. Th
clses very good.
Mr. Stephens will address th
Sunday school this week, Thursda
Airs. Fyflfhpr KMvnn. nr Srrjinrnn. '
. l a i i i i . i iki
daff, spent last week with Mrs. C.
Miss Minnie Foster, a niece,
Mrs. Harvey Dann.
i'iir.4 rim irniiinrii in .Hnioiifiui !Minn
and supplies Vim, Vigor and
Vitality to tho Whole Body.
If you feel all run down, out
get a 50-cent box of MI-O-NA s
acb. tablets to-day.
'rnifA &vnrv nnA nr thorn npnnrmn
i i.i i.ra A HrmiiftfTii mliiihih win rH
ovate your disordered stomach an
Inactive liver.
ml..... ...Ill l.n
1 f f . .1 I I . . 1
nlghtsweats, and sleeplessness.
irr XT A ...111 ....... .. j I ..
n .1 l.-.l... I .. .1 ..-I .... .
IjiW&o UU1 uu CUI11H ill It. W.
and druggists everywhere.
You Should Insure with th
HI. .A... i i :x. iu n
iriuiudi li iti surance un
panv ot new York.
1. I1ECAUSE It is tho Strongest Iilfo insuranco Company in tho World,
lmvlng nearly 100 million dollars Surplus to policy-holders. $00,
018,018. 2. BECAUSE tho profits of tho Company go to tho Policy Holders and
not into tho pockets of rich stockholders.
3. BECAUSE tho dividends paid to policy-holders havo increased nearly
100 per cent, in the last six years and this year amounts to more
than 13 J million dollars. No other Company can show such an in
crease, or so largo an amount aproprlatod for dividends to poller
holders in 1011.
1. It is the Oldest Iilfo Insurance Company in tho United States, having
08 years of experience and B72 Millions of Dollars back of its poli
cies. 5. The Best is none too good for you and costs no moro than tho oth
ers. It will pay you to get our figures before lnsurlnir.
Fire, Life, Health,
Accident and Boiler
Consolidated Thone 1-0-L. Office opposite Post Office, HONESDALE.