TOE CITIZEN', WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11, 1011. PAGE S A-CENT-A-WORD FOR SAIiE. FOR SALE A YOUNG BLACK horse, good worker, single and double. Inquire Howard Smith, Forest street, Honesdale, Pa. 80eol2 FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS WORK horse, weight about 1200. Ad dress S. S Robinson, R. D. No. 3, Honesdale. 78el4. A PIANO BARGAIN. RENTED less than three months. $175 cash; $200 payments. Mclntyre. 2t miscellaneous. WANTED A PORTER AT THE Commercial Hotel at once. 80t2 SCHOOL OF DANCING OPEN FRI day atfernoon, Oct. 27, Tuesday, Oct. 31. For Information consult register open at P. L. Cole's drug store. 79tf. WANTED I have a buyer for a nice home, 10 or less rooms, any Vhere In Wayno county. Must have a few acres of land connected with It. Send loviest price and full par ticulars. DORIN, the real estate man. WHEN IN NEED OF CARRIAGES and sleighs don't forget E. T. Smith, 1120 Church street, who has the largest assortment In Wayne county to select from. 75tf WANTED A chambermaid, quire Allen 'House. In- FOF RENT G-ROOM APARTMENT with Improvements. Basement, Laundry and garden. 222 Ridge street. 80ei2 ALL REPAIR WORK finished up-to-date in all our different branches. Sominer, Jeweler and Optician. 30tf POSITIONS GUARANTEED TO bright young men as soon as they finish the courso of shorthand or bookkeeping. No question about it. Everbyondy knows our reputation for getting positions. Write us, or better enter at once. We can NOW place a fow young men to earn their board. Binghamton School of Busi ness, 4 Henry street. 77t2 WANTED A MIDDLE AGED WOM an for laundry work. Inquire Allen House. 2t. DR. B. GOLDEN, "OPTOMETRIST and Optician," has arranged to bo at the Allen House, HonesJala, on Monday and Tuesday and at the Park Vknv Hotel, Hawley, on Wed nesday, Thursday and Friday of next week, commencing Oct. 1C. He will bring most of his office equipment with him and will bo prepared to give proper care to the most difficult cases. 80t2 WANTED FIRST-CLASS MAN TO take charge of acid room, at once. Keystone Cut Glass Co. THREE experienced workmen at the bench daily. All repairs finished dt the shortest notice. Sommer, Jeweler and Optician. 30tf INVENTORY of our repair depart ment shows 23G finished Jobs wait ing to be called for. Sommer, Jewe ler and Optician. . 30tf. LOCAL NEWS Not a single will was probated In the office of the Register of Wills Emerson W. Gammell during the month of September. William E. Curtis, the well known traveler and political writer and journalist of Washington, D. C, died of apoplexy In Philadelphia on Thursday last. The one-cent-a-word column is the place to put your house for sale. rent or farm advertisement. It will be Tead by thousands of people and undoubtedly bring you a ready buy er. Footballs are manufactured in Philadelphia to the extent of more than 45,000 per annum. These are the real footballs, too, and not of the toy sort, and Philadelphia doesn't quite supply the entire demand either. It Is estimated by a social ex pert that a woman worker In Boston must spend at least $150 a year for food, at least $65 or $70 a year for dress and, if a clerk, more than $80, and if a factory girl, not less than $55 a year for rent. 'William A. Lewis, a body guard of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil war, and a policeman at the White House with a doorkeeper's duties for 35 years, died at Washington last week. He was 85 years of age. the oldest policeman on active duty There has been considerable change of property in Dyberry town ship lately. Nathaniel Sargent re cently sold his farm to James Clemo for $3,500 and Mr. Sargent has pur chased the Xiloyd Woodward farm for $5,000. Other sales are pend ing. Among the men whom Governor Tener named last Wednesday to at tend the conference on dairy pro ducts at Milwaukee, October 10-18, were the following from Northeast orn Pennsylvania: "W. C. Horton, Waymart, Wayne county; Guy Wells, Lacoyville, Wyoming county; ArCh Brumbaugh; J. Detrich, 438 Adams county; J, D. Detrich, 438. Adams avenue, Scranton, Lackawanna coun ty. Tho country weather prophets are enumerating the signs which foretell a hard winter. An old In dian tradition Indicates that the coming winter will be a severe one and that there will be sufficient snow to cover up a wild flower known as Indian posies. These are said to already be higher than they have grown In years. Tho immense crop of nuts, which furnish food for wild game, is also taken by some as a prediction of a hard winter. Mr. Merchant: Keep advertising and advertising will keep you. The marriage of Miss Edna Blake and Russell Gammell, both of 'Bethany, will bo solemnized on Wed nesday, October 18. Potntoea are bolng sold In Chenango county, N. Y., at 70 cents per bushel. The crop In that vicin ity will be a good one, the average being from 175'to 225 bushels to the acre. Rev. A. J. Van Cleft, who for nearly two years has been pastor of tho Great Bend Methodist church, has tendered his resignation owing to ill health. Rev. Mr. Van Cleft was a former pastor of the Hones dale Methodist church. The regular monthly meeting of the Greater Honesdale Board of Trade will bo held on Friday even ing of this week In the city hall. There will be business of import ance to transact and every member Is requested to be present. Mrs. John F. Igler, Scranton, has begun suit to recover damages from the Scranton Transfer com pany for tho death of her 'husband, who was run down by one of tho de fendant's taxlcabs, last spring. Mr. Igler was formerly of Honesdale. Among the Democratic Inno vations at Oxford in recent years is the opening of the summer vacation lectures to workingmen students. The board of education makes a grant for that purpose, but during tho past summer the grant was In sufficient and many of the university tutors generously gave their services free. Tho four large ten hundred ton engines belonging to the Delaware & Hudson railroad, which have been in the round house, Honesdale, since last spring, have been taken over the Mooslc to Carbondale. The two last locomotives loft Honesdale on Saturday. According to Delaware & Hudson officials one of, the biggest booms in the coal business Is prom ised this winter. The electric railway operating between Seattle and Tacoma out on the Pacific coast is probably the fast est running suburban line in the country. It has recently further re duced the time of its limited trains. Train orders on this line are de livered by satlon agents and in order to save time in the delivery of or ders the station men are now de livering many orders by means of a wire loop, tho conductor catching the loop at high speed. 1 Hardtack is about to be almost eliminated from the rations of the American soldier. Field bread will take its place, except as an emer gency ration. At the big Texas man euver camp scores of new things have been tested, and many new theories have been tried out and conclusions reached that may work a revolution in tho conduct of mili tary affairs. Field bread is like the fresh bread that has always been made for the troops except that it Is of a finer, porous structure 'and Is covered with a thicker crust. It keeps fresh for a week or 10 days. Hardtack will still have a place as place as part of tho rations, but it will be used much less than In the past. Judge A. T. Searle, of 'Hones dale, won out for the Judgeship nom ination In Wayne county, by about 800 majority over E. C. Mumford. This will be good news to the Judge's many friends In Susquehanna, as he has been frequently seen on the bench at Montrose the past couple of years. He is an able Judge and should be elected by a handsome ma jority. M. E. Simons was also the Republican nominee for district at torney. Some of you readers will re member Simons. A fine fellow. Used to live In Montrose, and was a law student in the office of Blakes Iee & Davies. 'He'll make a good man to look after Wayne county's evil doers, and goodness knows they need somebody that is tireless and can't be bamboozled. Independent Republican, Montrose. Cards announcing the marriage of George Osborne Foster, of this nlacp. tn Mlna Mnhol T. Hnvlo P,. bondale, in tho latteT city, Thurs- uay, uct. o, nave Deon received by Honesdale relatives and friends. The marriage of the young couple was a happy surprise for Maplo City peo ple. The bride Is an only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace iHoyle, Car bondale, while the bridegroom, until reeentlv wna a rpslrlnnt nf Hnnoi. dale. 'Ho is now an employe of the international uorresponaenco Schools of Scranton. The bride was attrac tively gowned In a brown traveling suit. The couplo were unattended. After a wedding trip to New York city and other points of interest Mr. and Mrs. Foster will take up their Honesdale friends extend best wishes ana congratulations. An attempt to bribe Mayor Knlffen, of Wilkes-Barre, was made on Thursday last when William B. McGuire appeared in the mayor's of fice with $4,000 in bills and $25,000 in five per cent, bonds. McGuire represented a new electric light com pany in that city, which was en deavoring to get a franchise to do business in Wilkes-Barre. Mavor Knlffen had been told that a repre sentative or the company would come to his office concerning the franchise. The mayor took advant age of tho tip and called In two wit nesses, whom he closeted In his of fice. McGuire appeared with the money and bonds and at a signal given by Mayor Knlffen the two men, one an officer, came out from their place of hiding. The officer seized the money and placed Mc- uuire under arrest. 'Ho Is held un der $1,500 ball. Other men, it is said, are implicated in the attempted bribe. McGuire was one of Mayor Knlffen's best friends and tho latter has expressed himself as being sorry that 'he caught McGuire. Every thing, it Is claimed, had been "fixed" with the select and common council and it remained with Mayor Knlffen to sign or veto the franchise. The mayor s political opponents claim that it Is a "grandstand" play on the part of the mayor In that ho wants to make a good impression upon the public as he Is candidate for shenrr. Mayor Knlffen is called the "Man of the Hour" by )the public In general. A cent-a-word in Tho CitizenJ Is an advertisement In tho home. Commencing to-night (Tuesday) Oslek tribe No. 318 meets weekly at 7:30 p. m. In Freedom Hall. Miss Ethel E. Wheeler, Gelatt, and Harry Watson, Pleasant Mount, were married Tuesday In Unlondale by Rev. 'H. J. Crane. The Methodist Ladles' Aid so ciety will hold their annual chicken plo supper In the church parlors, Thursday evening, October 12. First table at 5:30. Price of supper, 35c. The Delaware & Hudson rail road company carried 66,000 passen gers to Lake Lodore during the past season. It Is claimed that the com pany cleared $31,000 over all ex penses. The local order of Knights of Columbus will observo Discovery Day with no special exercises this year. During the evening the ilrst degree will be exemplified upon eight candidates. A smoker and lunch will follow the Initiation ex ercises. B. Golden, Optometrist arid Op tician of Carbondale, will be in our midst again next week. He is ad vertising to spend two days In Honesdale and three days In Haw ley. Mr. Golden claims that he has been of service to over 4,000 Wayno county people. For the month of September there were six deaths and thirteen births reported in the district em bracing Honesdale and Prompton boroughs, Texas, Oregon and Ber lin townships. Honesdale Is credited with one deatn and three births, and nine of the births occurred in Texas township. Capitalists have secured the right to secure the water of the Neversink river and convey it tb Paterson, Passaic, Newark and Jer sey City to provide these cities with drinking water. An immense lake will be built to serve as 'a reservoir and work has begun near Brldge vllle, N. Y., for that purpose. J. A. Bodlo, Sr., is the proud possessor of his great-great-grandfather's clock. It was shipped re cently from Holyoke, Mass., and for many years was in possession of his uncle. The clock is an old-fashioned type of cherry casing and brass works. It keeps excellent time and Is an heirloom that money cannot buy. In Wayne county Judge Searle received 2160 votes and E. C. Mum ford his opponent 1315, an apparent Republican vote of 3475. Hon. F. P. Kimble received 11C0 and C. A. McCarty 780, a total of 194C Demo cratic votes. If the above indicates party votes Wayno county is decid edly Republican. 'Piko County Press. The fall term of the United States District court opens in Scran ton Oct. 16. G. W. Taylor, of Lau rella, has been drawn on the petit jury. Court is presented with the unusual fact that there are but three cases on the criminal calendar to be tried. There are two bankruptcy cases and thirty civil cases, the lat ter being more than ordinary, so that court will be in session two weeks and more. The government 'has established a new rural delivery route to take effect Wednesday, November 1. Start lng from Lakowood postoffico it will run via. Doyle's Corners, Preston, High Lake, Lake Como and return to Lakewood. This service has been much needed and will be greatly ap preciated by the patrons on the route. Much thanks are 'due to Postmaster E. J. McLean for his In terest in getting the route estab lished. Miss Hannah McGettigan, aged 80 years, died on Friday last at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Bridget McGettigan, on Linwood street. Miss McGettigan had been a resident but nnt vpnr. hnvnp come from Philadelphia to Hones- uaio. -rne only survivors of the de ceased are Mrs. Bridget McGettigan, a niece, Miss Margaret McGettigan, and nephew, Daniel McGettigan. The funeral was held from St. John's Roman Catholic church Monday morning. Judge Alonzo T. Searle granded a preliminary injunction restraining the school directors of Canaan town ship from erecting a new school house. October 14 at 10 a. m. was fixed as the time for a hearing in the matter. Tho action was brought by wessrs. w. w. zizer, Harvey J. Dan iels, C. B. Cobb. Abraham Jaegers C. W. Bryant, C. C. Shaffer and John Jaggers for themselves and other residents and taxpayers against Messrs. Alex M. Cook, E. D. Spangenbergh, Loren Fielding, Chas. Hotzel, H. L. Megargel. W. R. Shaf fer, directors of the school district of - South Canaan. Homer Greene, is tne attorney ror the plaintiff. Tho fifty-eighth annual Fire men's Parado and Ball scheduled to take place on tho afternoon and evening of October 20 bids fair to be the social and financial success of the season. All the local companies will be In line when the parade zorms at uity Han at 1:30 p. m. The fact that the ball will be held in the new Park Place Armorv Is am pie assurance that the large crowds of former years, when as many as 1000 and 1200 attended this public runction, .will be well taken care of. The committees of Protection En' glne Company No. 3, under whose auspices the celebration will be held, are working hard to make the affair a success. Remember the date, uctoDer ao. Mrs. Emma Taylor. Mrs. A. B. Transue and William Rlefler left Saturday for Flushing, L. I., where mat evening they attended the fun eral of their nephew, Everett Gates. The latter was 25 years of age and had been married a year. He leaves a wlfo and Infant son, who was born tho day after ho entered tne nospitai. Mr. Gates had perl' tonitls and became delirious short ly after he was taken sick, and did not recognize his wife when she was ablo to call a few weeks later. Be sides his parents. Mr. and Mrs. E H. Gates, tho mother being formerly oi uarley Urook, Mr. Gates is sur vlved by two sisters, Marie and Frances, also two brothers, Gordon and George. Interment was made at Flushing Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Geo. D. Bishop has moved to Dyberry, Pa. Hancock Herald. 1 Tho Business Men's association meets Wednesday nlglit in City Hall at 8 o'clock. If you are alive and wide-awake to the Interest of your town attend tne Board of Trade meeting Friday evening. District Deputy Arthur M. Lelne went to Hawley Monday night where he raised to their stumps the elected and appointed chiefs ot High Sun Tribe I. O. R. M. A. L. Rhodes, Gouldsboro, has filed with tho County Commissioners, his , withdrawal as a candidate for the office of school director, in Lehigh township, on tho Democratic ticket. Greater Honesdale movement will bo discussed at Friday evening's Board of Trade session. Every mem ber living In Honesdale and Texas township Is requested to be present. It is a live issue. Come. Conductor James J. Ward com menced operations Monday morning for the erection of a modern eight room residence on West Park street. Contractor Pierce, of Carbondale, was the successful bidder. The Seelyvlllo Fire company Is gratified over the result of its fair held last week, $385 being the net' proceeds. The affairwas well pat ronized by Honesdale people. Son ner's orchestra furnished music for the occasion. Frank Cau field and son, Ed ward, and Joseph Griffin attended the funeral of Edward Bartley in Scranton last Saturday. The de ceased was formerly of Steene and was a member of the firm, Bartley Bros., stationers. Scranton. Beginning on Monday next Com pany E will commence drilling Mon day evenings Instead of Thursday. There will be an election for lieu tenant next month, caused by the re signation of W. H. Mumford, who Is now In Southern Pines, Va. An application was made to the court October 6, for the appointment of a guardian for Tyler Hanklns, a feeble-minded person. The petition was made by his wife, Anna Han- Kins, or Mount Pleasant township. She alleges that her husband has become Insane or feeble-minded and Is unable to care for his property. A hearing for the case was fixed for October 18, at 2 p. m. There Is a joint movement on between the members of the Business -Men's Association and Board of Trade for better freight service on the Honesdale branch of tho Dela ware & Hudson railroad. A petition in charge of the committee is being readily signed by all shippers. It, asks for the restoration of the form er schedule, that of two freights a day to be operated from Honesdale and a switch engine, the latter to in sure prompt delivery, being furnish ed. Last Thursday evening District Deputy Arthur M. Lelne went to Maplewood where he presided at the raising of the elected and appointed chiefs of Macoby Tribe, No. 234, I. O. R. M., to their respective stumps. He was accompanied by a delegation from Oslek Tribe No. 318, consist ing of Messrs. L. Blumenthal, C. P. Searle, Esq., William Schloss, L. D. Katz, C. L. Dunning. The installa tion ceremonies were open to tho public, and were witnessed by about 250 people. After the exercises, an oyster supper was served in the hall. Macoby Tribe owns its own building, is free of debt, and has an active membership of 80. PERSONAL Mrs. P. F. Griffin Is visiting in Scranton. Michael Coyne spent Sunday In Carbondale. Miss Pearl Murray spent Sunday In Scranton. Harry Young, of Scranton, was In Honesdale Tuesday. Miss 'Hattie Smith is visiting friends in Newark, N. J. V. A. Decker, Hawley, was In Honesdale on Thursday last. William Katz left Tuesday on a business trip to the metropolis. Charles Thomas spent a few days the first of the week in Scranton. Edward Katz was a Scranton business caller on Saturday last. Walter Smith, Scranton, is visit ing Samuel Hawker, Park street. Thomas Dand has returned homo after an absence of several weeks. James F. Drake, Hawley, was in Honesdale ob business on Friday last. Miss Bessie Lawyer spent Sunday in Carbondale as a guest of friends. A. G. Loomls, Deposit, N. Y., was a business caller in town over Sun day. E. A. Delaney, Esq., Carbondale, transacted business in town, Tues day. Miss Maude Rehbein left Monday for New York .for a several weeks' visit. Edward Valentine, New York city, spent Sunday with friends In Hones dale. George Valentine, New York, passed the week-end with friends here. Jack Golden, Scranton, the well known ball player, spent Sunday In town. Misses Emma and Louise Smith, of Seelyvllle, aro sojourneylng in New York City. Miss Daisy Alberty, Carbondale, passed Sunday with her parents In Honesdale. O. F. Correll, of Dunmoro, spent Sunday at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Baker. Mrs. Herbert Klshbaugh, Carbon dale, was a guest of Mrs. W. J. Mc lntyre on Saturday. Miss Mae Brant, Susquehanna, spent Tuesday with her friend, Miss Martha M. Collum. Mrs. W. H. Kreltner entertained a number ot her friends at cards last Thursday afternoon. Fred Glehrer and F. W. Michels spent Thursday and Friday of last week fishing at Duck Harbor. Miss Lydla E. Croll, Scranton, at tended the funeral of the late John Brill, Sr., Berlin, on Thursday. Mrs. A. D. Cramer, Carbondale, Is being entertained at the home of Cashier and Mrs. C. A. Emery. R. J. Ponwarden, who went to Scranton recently for a delicate op eration, returned last Saturday. Theodore Vetter, Jeanetto, Is spending a fow days with his broth ers and sisters on Fifth street. Miss Marguerite Walsh returned to Brooklyn after passing three weeks with Honesdale friends. Joseph Spellman, Michael Stahl, and N. B. Spencer were Honesdalers who were In Scranton Saturday. Miss Anna 'Salmon returned Sat urday after a few days' visit with her cousin, Miss -Grace A. Salmon. Mrs. U. G. RIdgway and son, Homer, returned Sunday evening from a few days' visit in Hawley. William Delmore, local business manager of the Bell Tolephone com pany, spent Sunday in Carbondale. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smith onter tained their niece, Miss Jennie Smith of White Mills for a few days. Miss Charlotte Bauman left Mon day morning for a short stay with friends and relatives In Jersey City. iHenry Vetter has returned to Philadelphia after a three weeks' visit with his brother Frank, on Fifth street. R. A. Smith, who is on the sur veying corps on the State roads near Montrose, passed Sunday with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry TIngley, daughter Louise and Mr. and Mrs. George Lees spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Roberts at Jermyn. Mrs. Patrick McDermott, of Brook lyn, and Mrs. Moran, of Scranton, were In Honesdale the week's-end to attend the funeral of Mrs. Charles Landers. Miss Mary C. Hager left Sunday for her home In Roselle, N. J., at ter spending three weeks as the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. M. Smeltzer. Miss Inez Decker, Seelyvllle, has been employed as teacher for the Riverside school in Damascus town ship and entered upon her duties last week. Misses Tessie and Jessie Federlc left Monday for Newark, N. J. The former will take up her school stud ies, while the latter will return to Honesdale. Miss Mayme Charlesworth return ed to her home in Scranton, Satur day, after spending a few days with her brother, Edwin Charlesworth, on Dyberry Place. Alton Van Home left Monday for Detroit, Mich., where he expects to secure employment in one of the large automobile factories for which tho town Is famous. Mrs. Leo Nebal, Lake Preston, South Dakota, and Mrs. Laird V. Jordan, St. Paul, Minn., spent Mon day with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Collum. Miss Florence Steelman, of Sauy-teries-on-the-'Hudson, is at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Ball, on Ridge street, where she will spend the winter. Thomas O'Neill, Jersey City, N. J., is convalescing slowly from a severe attack of pneumonia. His mother, Mrs. P. F. O'Neill, Cold Spring, Is at his bedside. Mrs. Maude Rehbein left Monday for a week's visit In New York City. During her absence Mrs. E. W. Burns will manipulate the keys of the organ in the Presbyterian church. Mrs. E. B. Callaway is spending u few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bone, Dunmore. She at tended the 'Harper-Bryden wedding in that city Tuesday evening. Mrs. Bernard 'Blrkman, of Brook lyn, N. Y., Is spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. William Cross, on Broad street. She also attended the funeral of her uncle, John Brill, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Holt, daughter Marguerite, and John Cook of Car bondale, motored to Honesdale Sun day and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mclntyre, on North Main street. Mrs. Frank Smith and little .daugh ter returned to Pasadena, Cal., Mon day, after a few months spent here. Mrs. Smith was called homo by the death of her father, the late Adam Schilling. Mrs. Ellen Drake, New York City, has returned to Scranton where she has been the past few months with her niece and sister, after a few days spent with her sister, Mrs. John Blake on Ridge street. NOT A PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE Miss Mary Major, an Industrious young woman in the emply of S. S. Robinson, manufacturer of men's clothing, who has been residing with Mr. and Mrs. Brown, a colored fam ily who live on the towpath, since she was a little girl, when It is al leged her mother deserted her, has found lire with Mrs. Elizabeth Georgo Brown, who is said to be half In dian, since the death of her husband some time ago, very hard. Accord ingly she had a search warrant Is sued for her personal belongings and Constable P. J, Moran served it Tues day morning. Mrs. Brown, it Is said, was rather loath to have her foster child depart. It Is even said that a 3S-callbre revolver figured In the removing of her daughter's be longings which P. J. Moran, it Is said, wrested from Mrs. Brown be fore she could do any harm with it. Mary Is now living In more congenial quarters. The Prudential Insurance Company of America Incorporated as a Stock Company by the State of New Jersey. JOHN F. DRYDEN President. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Monaghan, bride and groom, were recent guests in Honesdale. After a short visit 111 Hawley Mr. and Mrs. Mona ghan will go to Scranton where the bridegroom 1b employed. Ambrose Whalen attended a six-teen-course banquet of the Scranton district agents of the Prudential In surance Company In the Hotel Casey, Scranton, last Saturday night. Mr. Whalen is the popular and suc cessful local manager of the com pany. " Barney " Mehan, of Port Jervis, formerly of this place, was a visitor In 'Honesdale Monday after an ab sence of several years. Mr. Mehan formerly traveled the hills of Wayne and Sullivan counties selling clothing but is now employed as a switchman in the Erie yard at Port Jervis. WHAT IT COST THEM. Less than a dozen of the candi dates for nomination for offices In tho primary election of September 30 have filed their expense accounts In the office of the Prothonotary and Clerk of the Courts. Four victorious candidates sworo that their expense accounts did not exceed $50. Six of tho seven de feated candidates, who filed affida vits, declared that their expendi tures did not reach $50. Ferdinand Kroll, a defeated candi date for County Commissioner, af firmed that his expenses totaled $206.60, itohiized as follows: Print ing and advertising, $121.60; travel ling expenses, $40; writing letters, $20; Incidentals $25. Tho following candidates have filed their bill of expenses with Pro thonotary M. J. Hanlan, the amounts when not mentioned, claim did not exceed over $50: I. G. Simons, com missioner, Sterling; F. C. Relchen bacher, treasurer, Honesdale; A. M. Henshaw, commissioner, Indian Or chard; Artemus Branning, commis sioner, Atco; C. E. Dodge, prothono tary, Honesdale; John E. Mande vllle, commissioner, Hawley; Gotleib Landers, commissioner, Honesdale; C. K. Schoonover, sheriff, Hones dale; M. E. Simons, district attor ney, Honesdale; A. F. Voigt, treas urer; Benjamin Maxey, mine inspec tor, Carbondale; W. O. Avery, audi tor, Bethany; J. P. Flynn, auditor, Hawley; W. H. Dimmick, Judge, Honesdale. F. P. Kimble, Democratic candi date for judge, $250.10. WHAT HONESDALE WILL HE RE QUIRED TO DO SOMEDAY. The borough of Susquehanna has been directed to build a sewage dis posal plant by the state department of health under penalty of having the state take summary action. The town sought to extend its sewage system and plans to conform with the health department's regulations were approved by Dr. Dixon, the commissioner. It will require a bond issue to make the Improve ments and the voters will pass upon it at the November election. Much opposition has developed among" some of the taxpayers and as a re sult there are harsh differences of opinion as to Dr. Dixon's sanitary plan for the protection of tho Sus quehanna river against typhoid and other pollution caused by sewerage. HOW'S TIDB7 We offer Onp Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh. Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., -1 Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any ob ligations made by his firm. Walding, KInnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in ternally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Testimonial i sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggsts. . Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Our Cold Tablets break up a cold stop it right at its conception prevent it resulting in serious Illness. Really a remarkable remedy, safe., sure, never falling, never even hesi tating. Has a slight laxative effect to remove the germs when dislodged. Just give them a trial. 25c. a box. "The Quality Store" PEIL DRUGGIST How would your family fare if they lost you? Could they live in as good a house? Could they wear as good clothes? Could the children remain at school? Prudential Ordinary Life Insurance says YES to these questions. Ask for rates at your age. Ambrose A. Whalen, Agent, Honesdale, Pa. Home Office, NEWARK N. J.
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