The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 11, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGH 4
Semi-Weekly Founded 1008 Weekly Founded 1844.
Published Wednesdays and Fridays by the Citizen Publishing Company.
Entered as second-claBS matter, at the postofflco. Honesdale, Pa.
n. dobfuhoer, m. b. allin, u. w1l80s. e. b. habdkxbebon. w. w. wood
Our friends who favor us with contributions, and desire to have the same re
urned, should in every case enclose stamps for that purpose.
Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Post Office Order or Registered
letter. Address all communications to The Citizen, No. 803 Main street,
Honesdale, Pa.
All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for the purpose of
making money or any Items that contain advertising matter, will only be
admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notice
of entertainments for the benefit of churches or for charitable purposes
where a fee is charged, will be published at half rates. Cards of thanks,
50 cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will bo charged for at
the rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application.
The policy of the The Citizen is to print the local news in an interestinp
manner, to summarize the news of the world at large, to fight for the right as thts
paper sees the right, without fear or favor to the end that it may serve the best
interests of its readers and the welfare of the county,
4-f -f -f -f --
Congressman, W. .D. B. AINEY. -f
-f President Judge, HON. ALONZO T. SEARLE. '
-f District Attorney, M. E. SIMONS.
Prothonotary, WALLACE J. BARNES.
Register and Recorder, W. B. LBSHER.
Commissioners, JOHN MALE, EARL ROCKWELL. -f
Sheriff, THOMAS Y. BOYD.
Treasurer, W. W. WOOD.
For Auditors, W. O. AVERY, LEROY GILPIN.
For Coroner, P. B. PETERSON.
- - :
According to the Wayne County Herald the enthusiasm displayed at
the recent meeting of the candidates " showed that the Democratic party
is very much alive, and that they will present a united front to the Re
publicans from now. on until the election." Well they ought to. They all
live in Honesdale, with one exception, so it ought to be comparatively easy
for them to get together with that " solid front " thing. But when it
comes to election time, it will be seen whether the county supports a ticket
representing Honesdale or a ticket, such as the Republican ticket, which
represents the entire county.
Wireless communication between San Francisco and Japan, a' distance
of 6000 miles, was established last week. It was the first time that a
wireless message has been received across the Pacific Ocean.
When the operator at Hlllcrest station caught the signals he made
them out to be the call for the Chive Maru, a steamer that was due Friday
at Honolulu. Ho answered the signal and learned that the call came from
the Japanese wireless station on Hokushu Island, in the northern part of
the Japanese Archipelago. The operators exchanged mssages for some
time. And yet they used to say that Marconi was crazy.
A gang of pickpockets reaped a rich harvest last week at the Colum
bia county fair which was held at Bloomsburg. Reported losses will
reach $2000, none of which was recovered. R. M. Lashellee, of Philadel
phia, lost $600 In checks and a large amount in cash. A policeman was
standing on a principal street when he felt a hand in his pocket. Making
a quick grab, he caught 'the hand. He knocked the man down, but In a
rush for a car the crowd separated the officer and the piekpocket, and the
latter made his escape. It would seem that the county seat of Columbia
might profit by observing how the county seat of Wayne keeps such un
desirables away from its fairs.
There has been much fun poked at the so-called " hobble skirt " since
Its advent in the realm of Fashion that any serious remark made concern
ing it is subject to constant repetition in order to produce effect. That it
has become a serious proposition with manufacturers, however, Is shown
by the fact that the French Chamber of Commerce is being urged by mak
ers of cloth to take some action with a view to having designers make
changes In their models.
Everyone knows that much less cloth is used In making this peculiar
style of dress and the difference Is so great that many warehouses in
France are piled full of finished material which cannot be sold for the price
of the raw stuff. The result is that work has been scarce for spinners and
even the dyers are now suffering. Besides all this, undergarments, such as
underskirts that cant find room in a 'hobble, have been discarded. The
market for these is also over-stocked. Just what can be done about It is
not clear, but the manufacturers seem convinced that some change will
have to be made.
Claiming title to a $180,000,000 estate left by the famous Dutch. Gen
eral, Paul Wertz, who died in Amsterdam in 1732, two hundred descend
ants of the general residing in the United States met in Illinois for the
purpose of devising a plan of presenting their case to the government of
the Netherlands. The meeting continued three days. Mrs. Estelle Ryan
Snyder, of Chicago, read a paper, entitled " The Wertz Family Their His
tory as far as known." Mrs. Snyder said:
" We have a most convincing claim to present. I have a plan to pro
pose whereby a working fund Will be accumulated to be spent by the elev
en lawyers among the heirs in waiting on the Dutch Government and
pushing our claim.
" A majority of heirs who are now meeting for the first time come
from Pennsylvania, 'by reason of the fact that Jacob Wertz, son of the
rich old general, settled In that State." 11
Seems to us that $180,000,000 will go quite a ways even when divided
among 200 descendants. Let's see It's only a trifle like $900,000
apiece that the Pennsylvania heirs will bring back with them. Ought to
be able to worm along on that for a while, hadn't they?
Vote a straight Republican ticket.
Wayne county Is represented on
the Republican ballot. Honesdalo on
the Democratic.
If you want your party to win,
stand by it to a man. Don't give up
the fight in the eve of victory.
The Republicans of dear old
Wayne stood by their colors at the
primary election. If tho vote is as
solid In November and there is no
reason for it not being so, there will
be a clean sweep.
Vote for men who are honest and
Vote for men who are labeled "true
bluo"; ,
Men you have tested In sorrow and
Whom the lusts of office cannot de
stroy; Men who will stand by promises
Men unbiased and never afraid
To raise their voico to tho 'highest
In defence of right for such men
Voto for men who have righteous
Men of courage who dare reveal
The base and cowardly acts they see,
Then face the fire of musketry;
Men whoso purposes never swerve,
Men of honor, stamina, nerve;
Look for such men, howe'er remote,
Exalt your franchise for such men
FORD. Five thousand, one hundred and
two voters in Bradford county cast
a tie vote for the Republican nomi
nation for tho offico of Judge, ac
cording to the official canvass of the
ballot, completed Friday afternoon.
The contestants are 'William Max
woll and Judge A. C. Fanning, who
Is at present tho county Judge.
The first count showed that Max
well was a -winner by nine votes.
Then the eeml-officlal returns made
from the outside return sheets
showed that Fanning bad won by
five votes. Thursday afternoon it
was found that the Troy district 'has
returned officially forty-nine votes
for Fanning, while the tally sheets
showed that ho had actually receiv
ed only forty-four votes.
The law provides that the two
contestants are to cast lots In the
presence of the secretary of the
All kinds of game, according to
State Game Protector Kalbfus, will
bo more plentiful this year, In Penn
sylvania then they have been for
years and the hunting .season prom
ises to be good.
"Quail," said Dr. Kalbfus, "are
very plentiful except in the south
eastern counties, where the close
cultivation has driven them out.
Pheasants are numerous. In fact,
tho wardens, berry pickers and oth
ers -who have been out In the woods
In different parts of the State say
they are frequently discovered In
groups lnstend of only In pairs as
pheasants usually are found.
"Wild turkeys are first rate and
deer ai in greater number than they
have been for many years. Bears
are reported to be numerous, also
squirrels aro fairly plentiful and rab
bits seem to be everywhere." ,
Tho Game Commission has al
ready experienced some trouble in
enforcing the game laws.
A son of Charles Dickens and a
godson of Alfred Tennyson, In the
person of Alfred Tennyson Dickens,
arrived in Boston last week on the
steamer Cymric from Liverpool. Mr.
Dickens was In America In 1842, and
during his tour he found much to
criticize directly in his "American
Notes" and Indirectly In "Martin
Chuzzlewit." Like his father, the
younger Dickens Is here to lecture.
There Is something In his appear
ance which will recall the elder, and
although he has not the beard nor the
flashing eyes, the prominent brow
and the strong chin, he has the same
simple and unassuming ways of his
father. Alfred Dickens has spent
most of his life in Australia, going
there at the age of 20.
Special to The Citizen.
MILANVILLE, Pa., Oct. 10.
Mrs. Reeves Sampson and son Fred
left Sunday for Deposit where they
were entertained by Mrs. Fred Ol
ver. From there they went to Hoyt
ville, Pa., where they will visit Mrs.
Charles Sherwood.
Mr. Dobson spent last week In
Philadelphia and New York city.
Mrs. L. B. Price will entertain the
ladles of the Baptist Aid society on
Thursday of this week.
Miss Mabel Skinner returned from
Hackensack, N. J., on Saturday last.
Air. and Mrs. Fred Rickard of
Honesdale, were guests at the Law
rence last Thursday.
Mrs. Frederic R. Lillle has return
ed to Brooklyn after a visit with
Miss Bessie Skinner.
The result of the recent primaries
shows that the Republicans of Wayne
county are unanimous In wishing to
see Judge A. T. Searlo elected and
we trust the disappointed ones will
not on election day pout like naugh
ty boys because they didn't got
things their way and cast their vote
with the opposite party. 'Judge
Searle Is the man we want.
George Kimble, Honesdale, and
daughter, Mrs. Box, Seelyville, spent
Sunday at Marion Brown's.
"The Other 'House," a story of
Mormon life, which was In the Sept.
and Oct. Delinator, should be read by
everyone. It quite dissolves tne old
theory that innocence is bliss.
Mrs. Edwards and daughter Ida,
of Wlnterdale, recently visited at
A. Baird's.
Joseph Burcher, 'Honesdale, was In
town recently.
Mrs. Mary Hill, Fosterdale, N. Y.,
visited tho Mesdames Connor and
Nicholas last week.
Mrs. W. D. Yerkes, Mrs. Reeves
Sampson and Mrs. F. D. Calkins
spent Saturday at Calllcoon.
Stanford Shlvler, Hackensack, N.
J., died In September after more
than a year's Illness from Bright's
disease. Mr. Shlvler had visited in
Mllanville several times and his
friends were sorry to laarn of Death
taking him while in the prime of life.
Mr. Shlvler was a Mason of tho
highest order and was buried with
Masonic honors.
Special to The Citizen.
TYLER HILL, 'Pa., Oct. 10. Mr.
and Mrs. E. D. Knapp of Mt. Vernon,
N. Y., are visiting the latter's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Jackson, of
this place. Mr. Knapp is well
known throughout 'Wayne county,
being the owner of many valuable
properties in Damascus townshihp.
Ho was once the proprietor of a mer
cantile business In Damascus, but
for the past few years has been con
nected with a profitable livery in
Mount Vernon.
Vandy Tyler left town Tuesday
on a visit to New York.
Clarence Fortnam has ordered an
Charles Seipp Is having his house
slightly repaired and considerably
improved through the agency of
Elmer Olver who is busy with his
carpenter's kit.
'A representative of tho Scranton
Tribune-Republican was in town on
Our town treasury is drained for
the first time In many years. The
teachers' salaries cannot, therefore,
all be paid at the present time.
Dr. E. M. Stephenson, head of the
Baptist Sunday School work in Penn
sylvania, spoke in tho Tyler Hill
school house last Saturday evening
on "The Teaching Function of the
Church." Dr. Stephenson also en
plalned tho work In teachors' train
ing classes. Under tho heading
" What Should A Teacher Know?"
Dr. Stephenson makes the following
headings: (1) The Bible; (2) The
Child; (3) Pedagogy; (4) The
School; (5) Missions; (6) Church
History. On Sunday morning at the
First Damascus Baptist church, Dr.
Stephenson also Bpoke. Rev. R. D.
Mlnch preached in the school houso
Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Mills and chil
dren, Elizabeth, Wesley and Clyde,
of Laurella, spent Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Buch
anan. Mrs. E. E. Olver spent last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Theron A. Olver,
William Smith recently purchased
sixty-five Brown Leghorn hens of E.
Allyn Smlthers took a load of peo
ple to the church services at tho
FlrBt Baptist church Sunday morn
ing. Mrs. William Bolkcom, Port Jcr
vls, N. Y., Is visiting relatives hero.
Ellwood Stalker, Lookout, will
work for Joseph Abraham this win
ter. Freeman E. Brown is quite 111 at
this writing.
Mrs. K. 'P. Johnston entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schlumbohn at
dinner Sunday.
The Tyler Hill club (It is tho lad
les that run It) met with Miss Flor
ence Bush Saturday evening.
Mrs. Forest Taylor and son
George, of Torrey, spent the first of
the week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Griffith.
We are Informed that there will
be a Christian Endeavor convention
in the Cocheoton Presbyterian
church on October 16 and 17.
Fred Pierce is the proud possessor
of a new horse.
Special to The Citizen.
DREHER, Pa., Oct. 10. Out of a
possible one hundred and seventy
voters in this township there wore
one hundred and fifty voted at the
primary on Saturday. Everybody
was peaceably inclined and no oc
casion to call on a peace officer to
keep order. With telephone In con
nection with the county seat and
nearly every section of country,
there is no reason why those Who
failed in being of the chosen few
should not know their doom. Bless
ed are they that 'mourn, etc.
One morning last week when Mrs.
Andrew Beesecker arose early and
was about to start fire in the kitchen
stove, she had occasion to open the
kitchen door and was surprised to
see a full grown pheasant sitting on
the porch Hoor, where, from appear
ances, it had roosted all night.
Messrs. 'Wm. Geesner and son,
Herman Gessner, and their wives,
all of Scranton, are guests of C. W.
Graser and family.
Elva Angel, daughter of Air. and
Mrs. A. C. Angel, started out a few
days ago to ride a ibicycle, when the
wind caught her hat and In the at
tempt to catch it, she lost her bal
ance and fell from the wheel and
fractured one knee cap so severely
Chat a doctor was called to attend
her. She uses a crutch to assist In
moving around.
V nile out on the Marsh lumber
tract, owned by A. N. Sayre of Mos
cow, a week ago, John Hazelton
saw a yearling bear eating apples.
It was quite tame and John made
considerable noise before bruin
started for cover.
Miss Verna Hazelton arrived home
on Wednesday last, from the Mt.
Pleasant House, Mt. Pocono, where
she has spent the summer helping
cater to the wants of summer
J. 'H. Green, Harvey Green and
Dr. Parsons autoed to Scranton on
Saturday on a business trip.
'Dr. Gilpin and wife are visiting
relatives In Westfield, N. J.
C. W. Akers Is arranging to start
to California about October 15, and
expects to remain there until spring.
Mrs. J. B. Phillips returned to her
home on Saturday, Sept. 30, after a
lengthy stay in a Scranton hospital
where sho had gone for treatment
and an operation.
Charles Relgel is threshing buck
wheat and sawing wood with a new
two-horse Schmltt gasoline engine.
Too frequent rains are causing
some worriment among farmers who
have buckwheat to thresh and
patches of potatoes not dug that are
located on low, wet places.
Only a very little rye Is sown in
this locality owing to excess moist
ure and In many cases the ground
is too wet to plough.
Elgin Kerr came home Sept. 28
after a lengthy visit with relatives
in iBInghamton.
Special to Tho Citizen.:
ARIEL, Pa., Oct. 10. J. F. Far
land and wife and G. G. Collins and
wife had a pleasant auto trip to the
Delaware Water Gap recently.
Several of the ladies of Ariel met
with Mrs. G. G. Collins on Saturday
evening last and spent a most en
joyable time.
Tho Grange fair held at Ariel re
cently was a success.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. MeFarland and
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Collins went to
Scranton by auto on Wednesday af
ternoon. They enjoyed a course
supper at J. D. Williams' after
which they attended the theatre, re
turning home that night.
A. S. Keyes has gone to Michigan
to visit his son.
G. G. Collins Is Installing a steam
heat plant In the residence of Jud
son Cook.
Special to The Citizen.
Tho primary election passed very
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Spry, of
Beachlake, were visitors at J. W.
Spry's recently.
Several from here attended Benj.
Frey's sale at Troop's Corners last
Joseph Schwartz has secured a
position in the valley. He began
work on Monday last.
William Watts and Floyd Tell of
Carley Brook, wero recent visitors
at tho home of Clarence Tell.
Thomas Olver is reshlngllng his
barns. Mr. Olver has made a great
many Improvements since ho moved
upon his farm last April.
Mrs. Richard Ham, who accom
panied her daughter Laura to Scran
ton on Monday last, has returned to
her homo. Tho latter Is attending
college there.
W. C. Spry, wife, son Harry, and
several from Beachlako, went to
Lake Huntington to-day.
Richard Ham, Wallace C. Spry and
W. H. Marshall attended Matthew
Clemo's sale at or near Bethany on
Saturday last.
J. W. Reining, who has been on
the sick list, for a long time, we are
glad to say is much better.
Mrs. George Ham and daughter,
Mary, aro visiting Mrs. Isabella
Ham in Scranton.
Mrs. Richard Decker, Beachlako,
snnnt sovnrnl rinvn lnnf wnnV wltti
'her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Spry.
inaian urcnaru urange will hold
their regular meeting at their hall
on Wednesday evening, tho 11th.
Miss Alice Gegory, teacher In the
Honesdale High school, was a re
cent caller at the homo of Mrs. W.
H. Marshall.
O. D. Henshaw, who Is teaching
school near Galilee, spent Saturday
and Sunday last with his family at
this placo.
Special to The Citizen.
ARLINGTON, Pa., Oct. 10. Rally
Day Sunday, Oct. 15, at 2 p. m. The
combined Sunday schools of Pau
pack, Lakeville and Arlington will
co-operate In making Rally Day this
vear a Erratirt Hiippnoa nn Mo a..n
day thero will be no other services
on tho Lakeville charge. In the
evening the pastor will ask the
question, "ARE YOU A 'HO BAD?"
All peoplo aro asked In love to look
up this question in the Bible. Come
to the evening service and the Rev.
H. T; Purklss will give the answer.
Special to The Citizen.
HAWLEY, Pa., Oct. 10. On Tues
day Edward Hardier moved his fam
ily from the East Side to 'his Bone
Ridge farm which he lately purchas
ed. He has built an addition to the
home. Mr. Hardier will still hold his
position in the Keystone cutting
Harry Bea, Harry Williams and
John 'Roan will leave this week for
Montreal, Canada, where they have
secured employment in a glass cut
ting shop.
Miss Barbara Unger accompanied
Mrs. Carrie Rouse on Tuesday as far
as Scranton. Mrs. Rouse Is on her
journey to Montreal, Canada, where
she will Join her husband.
Alex Correll, who Is making his
home with her daughter. Mrs. W. W.
Baker, Honesdale, was a welcome
visitor nere on Saturday last.
Mrs. C. T. Smalley and two chil
dren are visiting relatives at Penn's
Grove, N. Y.
Mrs. Carl Racker is still lingering
between life and death. If any
change the chances are a little more
encouraging for her recovery.
Howard Killam, Ariel, spent a
few days in town last week.
Tho Worthing linnco Imc lmon un
pointed and is now in elegant Condi
Fred White's automobile party
while touring through Pike county
Sunday saw a most beautiful sight.
While halted for some purpose at a
spot where both sides of the road
were eovfired with n Hiiv .,
thero came rushing with nostrils ex-
lumieu, snuning tne hreeze, a large
uuun ana iawn. Tney landed in the
road close by the party but were
Soon awav on thn nther oliln
White says they were the finest spec
imen of deer .that he has ever beheld.
Miss Nellie Tuthill is now arrang
ing ior an entertainment to be held
at the'iBaptist church on Oct. 17.
Mrs. Michael Langan had a stroke
oi apopiexy on Sunday, Oct. 1.
The road viewers who aro compos'
ed of tho following, I. B. Sander
cock. Wm. RnnnnrK nnH Hn Wflril TIT
JOneS. lllHt .it 'Wllsnnvllln rm Hfnn.lo.'.
to vacate part of and lay out a new
roaa leaaing rrom Wilsonvllle to
Lakeville. The other lot of viewers,
A. V. Tyler, George Teeter and T. F.
Wflll. Will TYIfiof nn Pi-Idnv r,n -I n
f " " ... iv v.. J II 11 J , AO,
to view the road from Wilsonvillo to
P. J. Keary's.
Rachel Davles, Wyoming, visited
at Dr. A. C. Voigt's last week.
Martha Pierson is visiting her
lneuu, .miss Anna xait, Harrlsburg
Mary Thielke is in the metropolis
Mrs. R. 'H. Ely entertained tho
thimble club last week.
Mabel Gardner, Scranton, is visit
ing at R. Arnold's and J. Miller's.
Mr. Matthews, a druggist of Scran
ton. is snpndlncr n. fnw jlnvn.ln in
James and Joseph McClusky spent
Saturday and Sunday at their home
Joseph McNamara, Brooklyn, is
homo for a visit.
Special to Tho Citizen.
STERLING, Pa.. Oct. 10. Well.
an exciting primary Is over and now
we will fall to see the many smiling
faces In tho county papers and the
'humble smokers will miss tho poll
tlclan's cigars of which there has
been a super-abundance.
September 30 was the last day to
pay taxes and get a rebate, but we
aro pleased to say that, notwlth
standing they were unusually high,
the most of the folks wero able to
meet them.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bortreo
returned to Orlando, Florida, last
Friday, having passed about two
months up north.
Joseph Ferguson has returned to
For the past few years L. T,
Adams has been out but little but ho
attended the primaries in order to
get tho right man nominated.
Rev. Mr. Belknap, an evangelist
rrom Syracuse, n. Y., preached an
excellent sermon last Sunday and
he expects to assist Rev. W. E
Webster conduct extra meetings at
South Sterling this week.
Bronchitis Conquered
Seventy Years Old and Praises Won
ilcrful Ilyonici.
" I had a severe attack of La
Grippe. It left me with bronchitis
and catarrh of my throat. I be
came quite deaf in one ear so I
could not hoar a watch tick. I com
menced using your HYOMEI and In
haler and soon got relief, and be
lieve that it saved my life. I have
recommended It to many. I am
over seventy years old. I have told
several prominent doctors what it
did for mo." wm. H. Mowder,
Washington, N. J R. F. D., March
16. 1911.
For catarrh, asthma, bronchitis,
coughs, colds and catarrhal deafness
HYOMEI is guaranteed by G. w,
Pell. Complete outfit Including in
haler and bittle HYOMEI $1.00, sep
arate bottles HYOMEI If afterwards
needed 60 cents.
Rev. Webster attended the grangl
poie raising at Aiadlsonvillo lad
week and was one of thn imnnirnrd
Mrs. Webster intends to visit hel
folks in York state this week. I
Mrs. Ida Wray and dauerhtnr nl
Brooklyn, 'N. Y., spent a few dayl
wun miss a. m, iNoDio and Mrs.
H. Howe last week.
uovuu juiru ana HiDer Altera nl
T n 1 . Tl 11 1 -i 1 1
union, attended Odd Fellows lodcl
on Saturday night. W. B. Leshel
gavo an Interesting account of hll
pilgrimage through the county as
politician and M. A. Gilpin gave ul
a few stanzas of an original pooil
that was well received. Officers werl
elected for tho next ensuing term. I
Mrs. w. uuinor and Mrs. J. E
Gilpin attended the Sunday schoi
convention at 'Honesdale recentll
ana Mrs. uuiner gave us an excel
lent report of tho proceedings tha
was wen received.
ur, ana Mrs. jamas Neville rri
turned to Niagara Falls last Friday
W. B. Lesher's many frienria a-rl
pleased to learn that "Brock" madl
the nomination so nicely.
or tho past three weeks Robeil
cross has been quite quite sick anl
nis son Merle has left his emDlovfi
at Prompton and came home to al
sist his lather.
On the 4th of this month Mid
Grace A. Killner and Frederick vl
Zane of Sellersvllle, Bucks counts
were united In marriage at the resi
dence of the bride by Rev. W.
Webster and tho happy couple infl
meaiateiy lett ror a two weeks "v
cation." Mr. Zane Is an enclned
and works at Panama and they e
pecx to resiuo at Empire, Panaind
congratulations. Wo are all veil
sorry to loose such a good, Jolly anl
congenial girl as Grace and she wil
besadly missed by her fond motlu
and all the loved ones at home. Bt
such Is life.
To the Voters of Wavnn rinnntv
l desire to express my appreci;
tion of the way in which my frient
so loyally supported me at the lai
primaries, wnicn resulted in
nomination for Sheriff. Tf Alpptort
serve von at thn nlonMnn In Nnirnr,
-r 7 . t'"'V"l
uer, i snau rememDer tnis loyalt
ana enueavor to tuinii the duties
tne oillce in a manner satisfactory
I shall need vonr rnntlminH ei,J
nort from now on until thn cnnorl
election, ana ior past, ana any lutui
tavors, x most neartly thank you.
Very respectfully yours,
To tho Republican voters
Wayne county: I most sincerely wiJ
to express my thanks for your hear!
support given me at the pri.naril
or septemDer hu.
Ariel. Pa.
CanUidate for County Commlssiontl
I desire to most cordially exprel
my gratitude to the friends who el
tended to me their support at ta
late primaries which resulted In pi
securing my nomination for til
County Commlsslonershlp. This
expressive of a confidence on tl
part of the people which, If elect!
to the Oillce at the November ele
tion, I shall remember and endeal
or to fulfill and discharge, to tS
very best of my ability, every du
in tnat oillce honorably expected
me. I shall need your continui
support and trust you will work fl
me as faithfully at the general elt
tion as you did at the nrlmarid
This will insure another success fl
you and also for me.
And thanking you, I am,
Yours respectfully,
To tho Votei-s of Wuyno .Couuty aJ
mo I'eopio ueneraiiy:
I desire to exnrnss tn vnn
sincere thanks for vonr Riinnnrt ni
help at tho primaries, September 3
and for the many acts of klndncl
extended to me during my recel
canvass. Aitnougn i ten a few votl
short of tho nomination, I feel thl
my time was well spent in makii
new acquaintances ana irionds.
Very truly yours,
I hereby desire to return
heartfelt thanks to the party for
stowing upon me the Republic
nomination for Sheriff. I also fd
grateful to my unsuccessful oppol
ents ror xneir lranic and sincere
pressions of kindness and asslJ
ance which they openly extended.!
Cordially yours,
I most heartily desire to thaJ
the Republican voters of Wayl
uuuuijr wuo supportea mo ror tho q
flee of Register and Recorder at tl
primary election held September
W. n. T.watrnirf
14 Sterling, Pa.