The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 11, 1911, Image 1

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" "fr
oth YEAR. --NO. 80
Hscussed at Meeting of
the Borough Council
Last Thursday.
" Why don't wo take In the wliolo
t . i i- .i nll-U f 4 M
"nvtv o fVo mooMnp' nf thfl Hnrniicrh
1IIIIVIIIL1 lllhLIll ls wu.t unut:i LUIIQIU-
The petitions of residents in ad
acent districts, as hereinafter de-
II 11V IIIhLlll L -HA. Hi. fcJl-
i mm i i 111 iiMriiiiHiuii t:i t: uuuiiiiuuua-
'mill! 1IH I.I1H IiriVUtKt3 Ul
AH the members of the city coun-
,t1 iirVin DKnnlrlnnt
Treasurer George V. Penwarden
Balance on hand $1,183.49
Ill U UUl .. a.... I VllUd
tn nmP nn hnnrl S 4
Mr. Penwarden also reported the
;(tiini.. tin i nursuiiv. n uiii iua LiUi-
5000 to apply on tne lyii dupli-
Dr. P. B. Petersen and W. II.
nn U'nn nrt in nunn iirnra rl 1 1 o r
unan or hpr r n.
The matter of blowing the gong
when a tire is extinguished was
It was decided that the holes on
ain a li ecu uo iiiicu. uiiu luc
ii f ir( i ii irii i it rt mi i. it n rsi - iss rtm-
It nn.
The Burgess and the members of
ljiu uuuuuu win vujvy wie uolu un-
hT nnv. unmnnr zu. rrnm n. snpnini
Hr Tho linn nf ninrnli will fnrm
at city hall at 1:30 p. m.
The S1500 note in the Hones-
dale National Bank was ordered
paid. The sidewalk on the Gay
lord property in front of Clark &
Bullock's store will be relaid. Eight
month or September. The com-
nlnlnt. nf R. . Tirirpv. whn Rtntml
...nil ..! f . 1 nn
1 ,1 mnlrn 1, r
The 400 feet of hose for use on
thR srnnmnr is in tho nnmin nr Hrn-
tection Engine Company No. 3, it
was stated, and this company has
complied with the action of council
requesting that 350 feet of hose,
good for plug service, be sent down
to Hose Company No. 1.
It was determined to test the fire
plugs 'before cold weather sets In.
Messrs. Geo. W. Penwarden, John
'Lyons and Prank McMullen were
appointed to look after this annual
The Misses Keene presented an
application to have their property
connected with the Main street
These bills were ordered paid:
Mrs. W. J. Van Keuren (Scrip
Book) 110.95
Seaman, Irving and Brenne-
man (use of steam roller 500.00
Fred Kissel 32.18
William Knorr 33.00
H. Knorr 34.50
P. Rlckard 40.90
L. Weidner G1.99
Stapleton 34.50
f T?lnnn OK 1 Q
Consolidated Telephone Co. 30.00
t r .1 i r i r. 1 pi or
Kraft and Conger 22.20
,1. J Canlvan 45.00
AT. Lyons 25.00
J. Carroll 12.50
Chas. Truscott G.25
Light Co 2G4.42
C. Weidner
Bell Telephone Co.
6. GO
Levi Do Groat
Penwarden Lumber Co.
Atlantic Refining Co. .
Total ?2,987.8S
Annexation Ordinances.
Bo it enacted and ordained
by tho Burgess and town coun
cil of the Borough of Hones
dale and It is hereby enacted
nnd ordained by authority of
the same, That the following
lands, lots and out lots adjac
ent to the Borough of Hones
dale be annexed to tho said
Borough and that said lots and
outlets become a part of the
same, viz,
The First. Beginning In tho
center of Park street In the
Western lino of said borough;
thence north 23 degrees west
along the borough line 258
feet to a line parallel to and
200 feet distant from High
street; thence south 74 de
grees west 342 and 3-1000 feet
to tho north-western corner of
what Is known as the "Wlnton
estate; thenco south 9 degrees
east 455 feet to the center of
said Park street; thence along
the center of Bald street north
Honesdale Is going to have a new
Industry. It will he a high class
china decorating, establishment. Or
ders are already being booked and
nothing but the finest grade of work
will be made.
The proprietor of the proposed In
dustry Is N. A. Ray, formerly of
Honesdale, who about 25 years ago.
conducted a similar factory in tho
town before going west. Mr. Ray
Is proficient in the art of china dec
orating and assures his friends that
nothing but Al work will be execut
ed. A site has been purchased on
Main street, corner of Eighteenth
street upon which a modern factory
will be erected.
Mr. Ray has been employed in
Bowling Green. Ohio, for some time
as superintendent of a largo decor
ating establishment for a Chicago
concern. The company has remov
ed the Bowling Green factory to Chi
cago and not wishing to go to the
Windy City, Mr. and Mrs. Ray de
cided to come to Honesdale. They
are expected here November 1st.
All the banks of Honesdale will be
closed on Thursday next, Oct. 12,
Columbus Day. This will be the first
time that this holiday has been ob
served In Honesdale. In many of
the large cities stores and factories
will suspend operations for the day
to do honor to the discoverer of the
Western Hemisphere.
53 degrees east 553 feet to the
place of beginning.
The second. Beginning In
the northern line of the Bor
ough of Honesdale In the cen
ter of Main street; thence
north along the center of Main
street 287 feet to the center
line of 18th street; thence east
along tho center of last named
street and the center line of
said street extended about 433
feet to the Dyberry creek;
thence southward by the west
ern margin of Dyberry creek
248 feet to the northern line
of the Borough of Honesdale;
thence south G7 degrees west
540 feet to the place of be
ginning. The -majority of tho free
holders, owners of said lots and
out-lots having presented their
petition to the said Council
praying that the same be an
nexed to said borough, and the
same being composed of lands
adjacent to the said borough.
Honesdale, Pa., Oct. 5, 1911.
Attested 'by Wyman W. Kimble,
Approved Oct. 5, 1911. T
John Kuhbach,
' Burgess.
Park street signers W. N. Alber-
ty, Eva E. Kelly, Prank P. Caufleld.
Dr. R. W. Brady. John N. Sharp-
steen, James J. Ward, M. B, Allen,
H. T. Menner, G. M. Genung.
Eighteenth street signers C. A.
Cortrlght, W. T. Butler, George C.
Butler, A. T. Bryant, J. B. Robinson,
Chas. S. Seward, Jr., Henry Som-
mers. Joshua A. Brown, Reuben
HoneMUiIo Before Annexation.
Description of the boundaries
of the Borough of Honesdale as
It was before the lands annexed
on the north side of Park street,
on the west side of the bor
ough, and north of the Bor
ough, east of Main street, viz:
Beginning at the most southern
corner of the first lock upon tho
Delaware and Hudson Canal,
below the basin at the head of
the canal; thence by a course
south 67 degrees west 24 rods
to the western lino of the
Indian Orchard tract; thence
by the said line and an exten
sion thereof, north 23 degrees
west 34 G rods to the line of the
farm of Levi Schoonover;
thence by tho last named line
north G7 degrees east 105 rods
to the Dyberry creek; thence
southward by Dyberry creek to
its junction with the West
Branch of Lackawaxen, and by
the Lackawaxen River to the
place of beginning.
Hoiiesdulo After Annexation.
Description of the boundar
ies of the Borough of Hones
dale after the annexation of
lands on the north side of Park
street, on the west side of the
Borough of Honesdale, and
lands at the north of the Bor
ough, on the east side of Main
street, viz:
'Begrnning at the most south
ern corner of the first lock up
on tho Delaware and Hudson
canal, helow the basin at the
head of the canal; thence by a
course south G7 'degrees west
24 rods to the western line of
the Indian Orchard tract;
thence by the said line and an
extension thereof, north 23 de
grees west to the center of
Park street; thence south 53
degrees west 553 feet to a point
In the center of Park street;
thence north 9 degrees west
455 feet to the northwestern
corner of land known as the
Wlnton estate; thence north
74 degrees east 342 and 31-100
feet to original borough line;
thence north 23 degrees west
to the Scihoonover farm; thence
by the last named line north 67
degrees east to the center of
Main street; thenco north along
center of Main street 287 feet
to the confer line of 18th
street; thence easterly along
center of 18th street and the
center lino of 18th street ex
tended about 433 feet to Dy
berry creek; thence southward
by Dyberry creek to Its Junc
tion with the West Branch of
the Lackawanna, and by the
Lackawaxen River to the place
of beginning.
Came to Honesdale in I850
from Start to Finish.
' ' -ftp -iTiti -
' si -
For more than sixty years the
name of C. Petersen has been asso
ciated with the oldest jewelry store
in Honesdale, his daughter Caroline
continuing the business nt the same
stand upon the death of her father
Charles, which occurred In 1S95.
Charles Petersen, whose picture
accompanies this story, came to
America from Copenhagen, Den
mark, in 1850, and immediately pro
ceeded to Honesdale. It was just by
chance that his footsteps were direct
ed to Wayne county, for it had been
his Intention to locate In Charleston,
S. C, upon his arrival in this coun
try. News of the prevalence of the
cholera scourge in Charleston Induc
ed him to settle in the Maple City,
where he took up his vocation of
watchmaking and repairing.
Mr. Petersen came from a family
noted for Its skill 1n tho fashioning
of timepieces. His father was cele
brated for his dexterity In the manu
facture of clocks in his nntive city,
and four of his sons learned the
trade which their father adorned for
so many years.
The name of Petersen Is synonym
ous with watchmaking in the Lack
awanna Valley, where for many
years two brothers of Charles,
Alexis and Herman by name, con
ducted a shop, in Scranton, that was
noted for fair dealing and excellent
workmanship. A third brother, Val
demar by name, had charge of a sim
ilar establishment In Pittston for a
long time.
Charles Petersen, who learned his
trade in Denmark, finished his pre
liminary training by taking a course
In Switzerland, a country noted for
line watches and expert workmen.
Upon his arrival in Honesdale he
bought out the only jewelry store in
the town at that time, from the
owner, Moses Cummlngs. When that
store, which was located several
doors below the present shop, was
burned out several years later, Mr.
120 at Banquet of Grace
P. Church.
" The Idea was to get the men of
Grace church together, all at the
same time, so that we could discover
' who's who ' in church circles."
Declaring that such was the pur
pose of the Men's Dinner In the par
ish rooms of Grace P. E. church last
Thursday evening, when one hun
dred and twenty men, of all creeds
and no creeds at all, gathered around
the festive board. Homer Greene,
Esq., in an outburst of post-prandlal
eloquence stated "It's a good Idea for
the men to get together, to congratu
late those who were nominated last
week, and to condole thoso who were
defeated last week; to talk and laugh
together to make every man feel he Is
Interested In the other.
"This Is an enoch-marKinc time
in tho history of the parish, a red-let
ter evening," said the Kev. A. L
Whlttaker. who served as toastmas
ter, before Introducing tho speakers
of the evening, following ono of those
rare dinners that Mrs. Brlggs knows
so well how to serve.
- Could 'Make a Watch
Petersen put up the building at 837
Main street, which remained the
headquarters for his business for nl
most three score years.
M. Fteterseu occupied a prominent
place in the social and religious life
of the fcbmmunlty, serving for many
years as a yestryman in Grace Pro
testantLEpfscopal church and acting
as superintendent of tne Telegraph
DepartTiftnjof)thft.,jJ)e)aware and
HudBoa Canal company from 18G0
until the time of his death.
He could make a watch from start
to finish, an accomplishment rare
Indeed in these days of division of
labor, when apprentices are instruct
ed in but a single branch of the art.
When Mr. Petersen laid down his
life's work, 'he willed the property to
his daughters, Miss Caroline and
Mrs. Grant W. Lane. Mr. Lane was
associated with .Miss Petersen In
carrying on the business, as his
wife's representative, until his death
in 1900. Last year when Mrs. Lane
removed to Dresden. Germany, she
sold her interest in the firm to her
daughter, Miss Charlotte Petersen
Lane, so that now the business is
owned by a daughter and a grand
daughter of the founder.
Leaving behind him a well-earned
reputation for honesty and Integrity
tho elder Petersen passed to his
final reward. 'His daughter, who
has found abundant time, along with
her other duties, to take an active
part In civic Improvement, serving
for many years as President of the
Honesdale Improvement Association,
which office she still fills, thereby
showing that his mantle has fallen
upon Her shoulders.
The Citizen some time ago pub-
iisneu a story about the Arms who
had been in existence in the Countv
Seat for the past forty years. Sixty
years of unbroken trading life of a
shop is uncommon to say the least,
and this story chronicles the fact as
one worthy of more than passing
The driving rain of the evening
was enougn to deter tho enthusiasm
of the most enthusiastic, but what
does a man care for the play of tho
elements, when he is armed with a
top coat and a large umbrella?
Some faint Idea of the gastronomic
delights which featured the occasion
may be gleaned from a glance at the
six-course menu:
Chicken Bouillon Celery
uiarn rattles
Smothered Chicken
Cranberry Jelly
rencn reas uous cabbage Relish
Prune Salad
Neapolitan Ice Cream
Fancy Cakes
After-dinner Coffee.
Ninety minutes of feasting were
punctuated wlia orchestral selections,
these men comprising the quintette
or piayers: jos. A.- Uodle, Jr., plan
1st; Dan Storms, cornet: John Busie
clarionet; Henry Wagner, trombone;
J os. bonner, violin.
And such chorus singing, when the
hundred and more mala voices blend
ed In choiring tho good old tunes of
"My Old Kentucky Homo, Good
Night," "I've Got Rings on My Flng-
ers," "Has Anybody Here Seen
Kelly?" and so on.
Leaflets wore placed at each plate
containing the words of songs of the
long ago. Running pine encircled
the pillars of tho Sunday school
room in which the banquet was held
Green and rod was the color scheme
bouquets of mountain ash. berries
and sword ferns, intertwined, sotting
off the spotless white of the napery
and table linon. Candelabra shod a
dim religious light on tbo scene.
Mrs. Brlggs was assisted In serv
ing by a bevy of charming Grace
church women. A check room
worked overtime at one end of the
basement. Everything In fact wasi
perfectly appointed, and there were
no hitches or Jars to mar the pleas
ures of he evening.
Six tables were required to accom
modate the celebrants. At the head
table were seated the clergy, Revs.
Dr. W. H. Swift, C. C. Miller. Father
T. M. Hanley, and A. L. Whlttaker,
and the vestry of the church. Five
other tables were arranged perpen
dicularly to the first table. The
opening invocation was pronounced
by Doctor, Swift, pastor First Presby
torlarHZufarch. Wesley E. Woodruff, Wllkes-Barre,
whose father was pastor of the Cen
tral M. E.'church, 'Honesdale, at the
time when the present commodious
structure was erected, the first speak
er of the evening, was Introduced by
Toastmaster Whlttaker as " a good
typeiotftninister s son."
'lilSRalleged subject was " Enthu
siasm"' 'His apparent subject was
' Taking Things Wrongly." But
what .lis real subject was the report
er cpuld not learn. His object
seemed to be to put everybody in
good hunior and In doing this he
succeeded admirably.
Speaking In a serious vein, he
said among other things: " Your
churchman will seldom become an
enthusiast, I may say never, unless
he becomes In a churchly sense an
educated churchman. An enthusi
ast Is a man who knows what he is
talking about. The man who knows
something about the history of his
church, somehow, Is never quite able
to keep It to 'himself. He's a radiat
ing inlluencB." Speaking about the
proper attitude In worship he re
marked: " If we don't have the
spirit of absorption in our worship.
it won't help us."
Chas. Truscott, the solo man. sane
' Over and Over Again!" And he
sang it with such effect, that he had
to sing it over and over again.
Kev. William 11. Butler, rector St.
Mark's, Mauch Chunk, spoke for the
thousandth and one time, clowlnclv
and eloquently of the missionary op
portunity, and urged upon his hear
ers, a recognition of their Individual
responsibility in the matter. Mr.
Truscott sang the other solo, also the
rourtn solo.
Homer Greene, Esq.. was the third
and last speaker of the eveninc.
He stated that the Men's dinner was
hold as a matter of family pride. He
painted a startling word-picture of
the condition of a churchless com
munity, where ten years of depriva
tion or religious opportunities would
work a lowering of the moral stand
ards, a contempt of law and order.
a disregard of public and property
rignts, a very riot or vice and crime.
we haven't reached that stage
of development," said Mr. Greene,
wnre we can live without the re
straint of religion. You business
men ought to support the church as
a matter of self-protection, of self-
" Religion is a matter of senti
ment, of loyalty, of love. I can't
accede to the wiping out of denom
inational lines. I don't believe we
could be as loyal to a great big
church as we can to what is in our
hearts our very own. I wouldn't
want to give up my allegiance to this
old beautiful Episcopal church and
transfer it to a great big religious
department store where everybody
could come and get a common
brand of religious theology, and no
where else for us to go. I couldn t
do it. Let us have church harmony
but not church unity.
Voicing the thanks of the audi
ence to the speakers of the evening,
Rev. Whlttaker brought the evening
to a happy conclusion by calling up
on the audience to join with him in
"My country, Tis of Thee
Sweet Land of Liberty!"
It was good to be there. And the
men dispersed with a renewed deter
mination to do what is right, and
to stand, more firmly than ever, on
the Lord's side.
The board of county commission
ers, clerk and assistants, commenced
counting the vote of the primaries
on Wednesday last, finishing their
arduous duty Thursday night. There
were hut few changes In tho linal
totals of tho different candidates of
the respective parties. Tho official
count gives the Republican candi
dates the following vote:
Judge, A. T. Searlo 2157, E. C.
Mum'ford 1319; Searle's majority,
District Attorney, M. E, Simons,
Prochonotary, W. J. Barnes 1131,
.1. N. Sharpsteen 937, A. H. Howell
G55, G. P. Ross GOO.
Sheriff, T. Y. Boyd 167G, N. B.
Spencer 1054, L. P. Stark 550.
Register and Recorder, W. B.
Lesher 1345, P. II. Crago 1126, A. O.
Blake 811.
County Treasurer, W. W. Wood
1)87, A. W. Larrabee 826, G. W.
Taylor 665, P. C. Relchenbacker 389.
Mine Inspector, Benjamin Maxey
County Commissioners, John Male
1146, Earl Rockwell 872, F. A. Stod
dard 785, Minor Brown 548, F. D.
Waltz 456, I. G. Simons 417, J. L.
Sherwood, Sr., 378, G. H. Gilpin 373,
A. M. Henshaw 270, C. W. Brink
245, Philip Reining, Sr., 242, Ferdi
nand Kroll 200, Gotleib Lander 54.
County Auditors, William O.
Avery 1640, Leroy Gilpin 1167,
William II. Bader 1116, Albert Gil
low 516.
Coroner, P. B. Petersen 2330.
On the Democratic ticket F. P.
Kimble had a majority of 396 votes
over C. A. "McCarty. his opponent for
judge. Kimble Tecolved 1166 to Mc-
IN $500 BAIL
to Have
Threats Against his
A. T. Hankins, a Pleasant Mount
liveryman, who carries the mail be
tween Pleasant Mount and Herrick
Center, was arrested Monday even
ing at his home In Pleasant Mount
by County Detective N. B. Spencer
on a warrant sworn out by his wife
charging that on September 15,
1911, at Mt. Pleasant. A. T. Han
kins threatened to kill her and also
her children and that she was in
fear that he will do his wife and her
children bodily harm and that the
father Is not a proper person to be
left in the family with the children.
Hankins was brought to Hones
dale Tuesday morning by Detective
Spencer and taken before 'Squire
Robert A. Smith, where he was given
a hearing at 10 a. m.
After reading the complaint to the
prisoner, 'Squire Smith shouted to
Hankins, who Is bard of hearing:
" They are fearful you will do
them bodily harm."
" Ah," replied 'Hankins, " I think
enough of my wife and children. 1
don't treat them harsh. No, sir. I
never did in God's world. I think
more of my children than of myself.
I never struck my children In God's
world. That's true as you live.
"Your children are all afraid of
you " continued 'Squire Smith.
" She says that," answered Han
kins. " I always dress them good," con
tinued Hankins, "and give them
money. There's not a family in
that town that has better than they."
Mrs. Hankins was called and
sworo that she was the wife of A.
T. Hankins. When asked as to how
her husband had treated her, sho
answered :
" I think It's been pretty rough
treatment. A good many times he
gets full, and he comes home and
threatens to kill tne. 'He made
those threats a good many times,
every time he gets mad at me. He
threatens to kick us all out doors.
Tho children are all nfrald of him.
He told me to get out a number of
times. He threatened to kick mo
Mildred, their fourteen-year-o'ld
daughter, was questioned by District
Attorney M, E. Simons as to her
father's actions,
" He treated us pretty badly," she
said. " 'He comes home drunk and
threatens to kick us out. He said
that we had to get out and Mamma
said she wouldn't go. He comes
home drunk about every day. I am
afraid of him."
It was brought out that Hankins
hadn't been working for two or
three months.
Hankins protested to the 'Squire
that he didn't believe they were tell
ing the truth. " That girl," he
said, " has been set up by her moth
er. I never said a word to her In
any way."
'Squire Smith Informed Hankins
that the evidence against him was
strong enough to warrant holding
him under $500 bail to answer at
Court to the charges brought
against him by his wife.
Deputy Sheriff F. H. Crago remov
ed the prisoner to the county jail.
His daughter Mildred kissed him
" Poor man! I feel sorry for him.
I really do," said Mrs. Hankins to
a Citizen man, as her husband was
taken down the court house corri
dor and over to tho county jail.
"He's losing his -mind," she walled.
There are three children in the
Hankins family, a girl of 17, Mil
dred, aged fourteen and a boy of
Louise L. Tyler; Lillian T. Mitch
ell and husband, Damascus town
ship, to Charles G. Curtis, Delawaro,
Sullivan county, N. Y 15 acres In
Damascus township; consideration,
Mary A. Wattorson, Paupack
township, to James Butler, Mooslo,
Lackawanna county, 41 acres In
Paupack township; consideration $1.
Carty's 770. The balance of tho
District Attorney, M. E. Simons,
Prothonotary, Leopold Fuerth
696, W. A. Sluman 603, Charles E.
Dodge 504.
Sheriff, F. C. Kirablo 1,063, John
Theobald 781, C. K. Schoonover 71.
Register and Recorder, Fred Saun
ders 653, C. I. Hopkins 536, Chas.
J. Iloff 363, P. J. Tolley 303.
Treasurer, A. P. Volgt 1,629.
Commissioners, Neville Holgate
738, Charles Herrman 569, P. J.
Keary 557, T. J. Canlvan 455, A.
Brannlng 376, John Mandevllle 298,
Henry Brled 160, A. D. Rutledgo 158,
N. H. Llpport 136.
County Auditors, E. R. Bodlo 680,
J. P. Plynn 673, E. R. Arthur 605,
W. P. iHawker 547.
Coroner, P.B. 'Petersen 1245.
On the Prohibition ticket A. T.
Searlo received In the county 3 votes
and C. A. McCarty 1 for Judge.
Keystone, Judge, W. H. Dlmmick
2; prothonotary, C. E. Dodge 1; reg
ister and recorder, F. J. Tolley 1;
treasurer, A- F. Volgt 1. All of the
above Keystone votes were cast in