THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, SEPT. 21), 1011. PAGE 5 A-CENT-A-WORD FOR SALE. A SIX OCTAVE $85.00 ORGAN nearly now, only ?50. Easy pay ments. Mclntyre. 76el4 FARM FOR SALE LOCATED IN Texas township near Indian Or chard, 100 acres, about hall Improv ed. Inquire of Anthony Rlckert, Honesdale, R. D. No. 4. It FOR SALE A 5 4 -AC RE FARM, 2 miles northeast of Honesdale. Good house, good barns, good wa ter and plenty of It. DORIN, the real estate man. Miscellaneous. WHEN IN NEED OF CARRIAGES and sleighs don't forget E. T. Smith, 1120 Church street, who has the largest assortment In Wayne county to select from. 75tf POSITIONS GUARANTEED TO bright young men as soon as they finish the course of shorthand or bookkeeping. No question about It. Everbyondy knows our reputation for getting positions. Write us, or better enter at once. We can NOW place a few young men to earn their board. Binghamton School of Busi ness, 4 Henry street. 77t2 WANTED FIRST-CLASS MAN TO take charge of acid room, at once. Keystone Cut Glass Co. FIVE ROOMS AND BATH TO Rent Inoulre Philip Kxantz 360 Fourteenth street. 75eltf COAL AND WOOD HEATERS, OIL heaters and all kinds of stove supplies at Murray Co., Honesdale, Pa. V4el2. LOST "H. H. S. '05" CLASS PIN. Finder leavo at 1019 Main street. 74el 2t. THREE experienced workmen at the bench daily. All repairs finished st the shortest notice. Sommer, Jeweler and Optician. 30tf IF IT'S A DOCKASH, THAT'S ALL you need know about a stove. Full line of new styles. Cost no more than common stoves. Murray Co., Honesdale, Pa. ALL REPAIR WORK finished up-to-date in all our different branches. Sommer, Jeweler and Optician. 30tf HORSE BLANKETS AND PLUSH Robes in great variety and sur prising values at Murray Co., Honesdale, Pa. 74ei2. INVENTORY of our repair depart ment shews 236 finished jobs -waiting to be called for. Sommer, Jewe ler and Optician. 30tf. -LOCAL NEWS Primaries Saturday, Septem- -f ber 30, from 2 to 8 p. m. Rev. A. L. Whlttaker will hold service In the White Mills church, Sunday, Oct. 1, at 5:15 p. m. If you are not a subscriber of The Citizen you can get it three r months for a quarter of' a dollar. The W. C. T. U. will hold a meeting the first Tuesday In October at Mrs. Margaret Brown's, High street. The Nickelette, a moving pic ture house on Main street, has been leased for an indefinite priod by Hawley parties. "The Girl and the Tramp" will be seen at the Lyric on Friday evening. This Is a first-class attrac tion. You want The Citizen during the campaign. We will send it to your address from now until me first of the year for only 25 cents. Grace Episcopal church: Holy Communion and sermon at 10:30 a. m.; evening prayer and special mu sical service and sermon at 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school at 12 M. Protection Engine Company No. 3 will hold their annual ball Oct. 20 In the new armory. Committees were appointed Friday evening at a special meeting. It is expected to make this one of the most eventful affairs of the season. Saturday, September 30, is the last day for paying school taxes In any district of Wayne county, In or der to escape tho 5 per cent, pen altyy, which will be added on Oc tober 1. " Now that Main street is In good shape it behooves the property owners to take care of It," said Rohert Brenneman to a Citizen re porter. "The road should bo sprinkled every day, this will pre serve It and keep It hard." Tho regular annual meeting of the Honesdale Golf club, for the election of officers, followed by a special meeting to vote on the ques tion of changing tho date of pay ment of dues, will be held at the club house, at 7:30 p. m. on October 7, 1911. A large attendance Is de sired. There are many Wayne county citizens, irrespective of party af filiations, who feel that Judge Searle's very excelont record made during his brief career on the bench here In his liome county and in var ious parts of the state where ho has been called upon to specially pre side entltlo him to recognition at the hands of the voters of his homo county. In passing it Is Interesting to note that not In one instance has Judge Searlo's rulings been appeal ed from to a higher court a sig nal tribute In itself from the mem bers of the bar of the several coun ties where he has presided. Judge Searle has for years "been one of Honsdalo's best known and most representative citizens. Scranton Truth. The Knights of St. Paul will have an Important meeting Tuesday, Oct. 3, at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Howard Sterling and little daughter, Charlotte, returned to their homo In New York City, Wed nesday after spending three weeks with the former's father, Millard Sherwood. George W. Nape, Scranton, deputy factory inspector for tho Eighteenth Pennsylvania District, comprising Lackawanna, Wayne. Pike and Mon roe counties, made a special trip to Honesdale Wednesday when he took the measurements of the Lyric Theatre. When seen at the Hotel Wayne by a citizen man, Inspector Nano In formed the reporter that his visit was made by order of the Depart ment of Factory Inspection, who have instructed their forty deputies to examine the exits, aisles, and gen eral appointments of all the thea tres, nickelettes, music halls, etc., in tno state. ine state is taking measure ments of all the opera houses and nickelettes there are In the state, he said. "We have to examine the fire escapes, aisles, exits and things in general. When they have acci dents, as they do every now and then, if they have the information on file, they may recommend some changes. "Tho labor certificates are work ing fine. They are all issued by the Department of Public In struction, which Is In charge of Dr. N. C. Schaeffer. We only have to examine them. If we find boys at work between fourteen and sixteen, without them, we dismiss them. " Boys from fourteen to sixteen, and girls from fourteen to eighteen, are only allowed to work fifty- eight hours a week. The girls are two years higher than the boys. They take better care of the fe male employees. " There Is very little child labor In Honesdale. The percentage is very small compared with tho num ber of employees," connluded Mr. Nape, who said, that he found things In good shape in the Maple City, where the factory laws are strictly enforced. Morris F. Hartman, who is serv ing six months in the county Jail tor loiging a cneck on Goldsmith Brothers, Scranton, tor $25, and having the Ireigut agent at Ariel cush it lor him last Summer, does not stana conilnement between the lour walls ol a prison very well. ills healtn, none the best at any time, has been considerably affecteu since his incarnation there. He has just askea the authorities to be al lowed to take outdoor exercise. His physician, Dr. H. II. Ely, en dorses his request, and states that the dope is almost all out of him, and believes that occasional outdoor exercise would be beneficial to him. Deputy Constable Patrick J. Moran has offered to walk Hartman around, and It is understood that Sheriff M. Lee Brainan has ottered no objec tion to the plan. Hartman is a model prisoner. He is considered one of the most gentle manly inmates that ever spent any time in the eounty bastile. He has persistently told the samo story of how he was led into temptation by the lack of money; of how he saw Goldsmith's large advertisement in the paper, and thought that forging a check on them would be an easy way to raise money. When brought before Judge Searle for sentence, at September ar gument court, he admitted his guilt but refused to divulge the name and address of his father whom he al leged, was a man of standing and re finement residing in the metropolis. Hartman's life is shrouded In mystery. No one knows where he came from, nor whether the name under which he was tried and con victed is his own or not. Of ascetic appearance, with clean-shaven face, and iron-streaked hair, medium in height and erect of statue, he walk ed into tho domains of Wayne un known to anyone, and there com mitted the crime to which he was driven by the lack of funds; walked as proudly into the jail to bear his punishment like a man, and doubt less will leavo the shire when the first day of January 1, 1912, ar rives, without revealing any infor mation as to his antecedents, but with a firm New Year's resolve to lead an honest and upright life, realizing as never 'before that the way of the transgressor 1b hard. Who has been secretary of the Republican County Committee for the past five years and worked hard in the interests of the party? George P. Ross who now asks your support for the office of Prothonotary. Who has been on duty at the Commissioners' office every day to receive candidates' petitions and given personal attention to the preparation of tho ballots? George P. Ross, and he now asks you to promote him to the office of Pro thonotary. How many men do you suppose would have given themselves entire ly tojtheir duties and left their cam paign entirely to the Republican voters? Is not that the kind of a man you -want in office? One who has been tried and has proven worthy? Show your appreciation of his course by giving him a largo majority. LAKE COMO. Special to The Citizen. LAKE COMO, Pa., April 28. Miss Helen Woodmansee Is visiting friends In 'Binghamton. P. I. Nasby 'was a pleasant caller In town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodmansee and R. O. Woodmansee attended tho funeral of Charles Under,wood Sat urday at Hancock1. Mr. and Mrs; R. E. Lake Is spend ing a few days In Binghamton. Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston spent Sunday with their daughter at 'Preston. '' Mr. Scholes, who has been very ill, is reported some bettor. Tho remains of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermltt's child were brought hero from Binghamton. Funeral services were held at Rock Lake Wednesday. For Prothonotary, JOHN N. SHARPSTEEN. X PERSONAL Mrs. Isaac Smith, Carbondale, spent Wednesday In Honesdale. .Miss Eliza Blgart, Binghamton, Is visiting relatives and friends In Honesdale. Miss Gladys Jones, Wilkes-Barre, is a guest at tho home of Attorney and Mrs. W. H. Lee. George Wilson and family of Maple avenue, Blandln, are remov ing to Wilkes-Barre. Mrs. E. P. Schell of 1704 West street and maid spent Wednesday afternoon in Scranton. Mr. .and Mrs. Walter M. Whitney nrrived Wednesday for a few days' visit at the latter's home here. Miss Minnie Miller returned to Greenwich, Conn., Wednesday, after spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. A. W. Eno, at Soelyville. Mrs. P. F. O'Neill, Cold Springs, was called to Jersey City Wednes day morning by the serious Illness of her son, Thomas, who has pneu monia. Mark your ballot thus: For Prothonotary, JOHN N. SHARPSTEEN. LAKEVILLE asocial to The Citizen. LAKEVILLE, Pa., Sept. Spencer Kimble, Scranton, is 8. the guest of relatives here. Chas. J. Iloff, of Honesdale, was a caller here on Sunday last. Miss M. Whlnn returned to her home at Scranton on Monday morn ing after passing a time with Mrs. Charles Daniels. Abraham Miller and Louis Miller went to New York City on Monday to spend a week. S. Miller and wife entertained their entire family, Abe, Louis, Misses Mary, Fannie, and Millie of Hawley; flyman R. from Newfound land, and a number of friends from Scranton during their Jewish New Year which fell on Saturday, Sept. 16. M. Hosher recently passed a time with his cousin, Spencer Daniels, Miss Eva Smith passed a few days lately with her brother, Geo. Smith, and family at Ariel. Wedding bells again to ring In Lakeville next month. Mrs. Daniel Smith and son, Henry passed Sunday last with her son, Dan, and wife at Ledgedale, Pa. Philip Sheeley extends his sincere thanks to those who so kindly con- triuuteu toward buying his artlfl clal arm, which he has and is splen did. Richard Hazelton made a business trip to Scranton this week. An automobile party from Dun moro was pleasantly entertained at D. A. Locklin on Sunday last. Lincoln Stephens is convalescing nicely and is able to go outside now. E. Tuttle, of the Board of Health, fumigated on Thursday last. Mrs. William Brooks entertained the Ladles' Aid society of Lakeville on Thursday. Net proceeds, ?2.25. L. M. Blttner entertained a num ber of gentlemen friends ono night last week. The next meeting of the L. A. S. will meet at the parsonage Wednes day, Oct. 4. Everybody is Invited. Mrs. Thomas Ammerman from Sayro, Is the guest of Mrs. Peters; also Mrs. Charles Daniels. Norman Bishop left on Monday for Honesdale where he is employed by Borden Milk Co. at that place. Lakeville Grange is In a flourish ing condition. Six candidates were initiated at the last meeting on Sept. 20. Mark your ballot thus: For Prothonotary, JOHN N. SHARPSTEEN. Death of Mrs. Frank Miller. Mrs. Frank Miller died at her home at Hawley Tuesday evening, aged 64 years, of heart trouble. Mrs. Miller is survived by her hus band and several children. The family moved to Hawley a few years ago from Blooming Grove. Tho funeral was held Thursday, Rev. Rudolph Lucas officiating. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. FRANK 1). WALTZ, Newfoundland, p. 'jjv I have found it imnosslblo t'ocall on all tho voters as was Intended so I would take this method of solicit ing your support. I have been through part of the county; made a clean canvas; have made no deals with other candidates; made no promises, and have been working for Waltz and Waltz only. i nave been in nartnershin with my brother In general store business lor eleven years. Since he retired I have conducted tho business suc cessfully for three years. I feel that I am competent to perform the du ties or tne ollice to which I aspire. li i am nominated and elected. the people will have taxes to pay. I cannot promise to relieve them of their obligations to the government. l would be only one of the three commissioners, after all. But I pledge myself to equalize the prop erty valuations and to reduce the taxation as far as I can. . There are thirteen candidates for the office of County Commissioner. As the law requires the names to be arranged on the ballot alphabetical ly, my name comes last. .Fortunate ly so, I believe, for the Good Book says, "The last shall be first!" Thanking you for the interest you have shown In my candidacy, and ine assurances of sunnort you have given me, I remain, Yours for service, FRANK D. WALTZ. CHANGE OF TIMETABLE, ERIE RAILROAD. Will be effective Sunday. Oct. 1. 1911. Train 290 (old Train 30) will leave Honesdale 8:22 a. m.; train 292 (connection of Train 2) will leave Honesdale 2:53 p, m. For further changes procure new folders September 30 from local agents. Vote For E. C, Mumford FOR NOMINATION FOR THE JUDGESHIP. The Man Who Has Always Stood For, With and By the People of Wayne County. In all suits in the courts where tho county of Wayne has been defend ant or interested, Mr. Mumford 'has always been for the county and also in all cases of appeals wherein the people of Wayne county were Inter ested he has always been with, de fended and won for the taxpayers, all of which are matters of record. Regarding him the Scranton Tribune-Republican published the following sketch: When one wanders through Cen tral park at Honesdale the most Imposing and impressive object that attracts attention is the Soldiers' monument with its tablets of bronze, perpetuating tho names of Wayne county boys who laid down their .lives that " government of the peo ple, for the people and by the peo- E. C. MUMFORD, Republican Candidate For Judge of Wayne County. OJiVEU OLVER WEDDING. At the hour of nine on the even ing of Monday, Sept. 25, Theron Olver of Damascus, and Edna Olver of Tyler Hill were united in marri age by Rev. R. D. Mlnch at the homo of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Olver. Rev. F. E. Moyer, M. E. pastor at Damascus, had been engaged to perform tho nuptial cere monies but, not being acquainted with the windings of the public thoroughfare between the two cities mentioned above, lost his way on the road and finally arrived Just in time to see the knot tied by the Baptist minister. The wedding guests were treated to a bounteous repast served by the bride's mother. Those present were: 'Mr. and Mrs. Luther Olver, parents of the groom; Florence Olver, a sister of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. John S. Olver, grandpar ents of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Buchanan, also grandparents of the bride; Mrs. Richard Olver, a great-aunt of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Olver, tho bride's par ents; Rev. R. D. Minch, officiating clergyman; Rev. and Mrs. F. E. Moyer; Bessie Marks and Laura Pollock, friends of the bride. Tho groom Is one of Damascus' most respected young men, and is employed in the mercantile estab lishment of A. G". Gregg, Damascus. The bride is a very popular young lady, and for the past two winters has successful taught the Tammany district school. Both carry with them the best wishes of everyone in both villages. They will reside the coming winter In tho home of Mrs. Ella Snyder, which is one of Da mascus' many beautiful residences. KELLAM & BRAMAN. Special to The Citizen.: KK'-', BRAMAN, Pa., Sept. JU tteryone is very busy filling their silos. D. M. Stalker has a new harvester which cuts and binds and they all think it will be a great sav ing of labor. Miss Emma Woolheater spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister in 'Union. Mr. and 'Mrs. L. Denio, Equlnunk, visited at D. M. Stalker's last Satur day. Mrs. David Stalker, Sr., Mrs. D. M. Stalker, Clyde, Edith and Emma Stalker spent last Sunday at Peck ville. Mr. and Mn$ffohn Bloom are hap py by the arrival of a son, Harold Clinton, on Sept. 7. .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray visited their sister, Mrs. McCabe, at Long Eddy, last Saturday and Sun day. Maggie Murray, who has spent somo time at her home and with her brother, caring for the sick, return ed to Hancock last Sunday. W. Scott Conklln Is the proud owner of an auto. We WGro visited by qulto a respectable-looking party of gypsies who stayed over night by the Kel lam bridge on the New York side. Everyone should be wide awake when they are around wanting to toll fortunes as they succeeded In getting 1.25 from the pocket of ono young man while busy talking to him. Mrs. Frederick Schneider, of Bas ket, visited her cousin, Mrs. John Bloom, recently. Tho Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. Lydla Cole, October 5. Mark your ballot thus: For Prothonotary, JOHN N. SHARPSTEEN. X Wo print pamphlets, Wo print bill heads, pie should not perish from the earth." On that monument at the very top are two names that are con spicuous for their very location. Ono Is Oliver Mumford, who was killed at the 'battle of Petersburg, Va., and the other is James L. Mumford, who was killed at the battle of Chan cellorsville, Va. Both of these Mumfords were sons of James Mum ford of Wayne county, at one llino its associate judge, and brothers of Elwln C. 'Mumford, who this year is asking tho Republicans of his na tive county to name him as their candidate for the Judiciary. Mr. Mumford was born in Wayne county. He was brought up on a Wayne county farm, attended the district school and finished his edu cation at 'Millersvllle. He read law with 'Waller & Bentloy at Hones dale, and' on Sept. 6, In the centen nial year, he was admitted to the bar. Two years later, In 1878, Mr. Mumford was elected district attor ney. Mr. Mumford was nominated by the taxpayers and indorsed by the Republicans, the Democrats of fering no candidate in opposition. Thus ho really became the unanim ous choice of the county, which of fice he filled with credit to himself and satisfaction to the public. In religion E. C. 'Mumford Is a Presbyterian. In politics he Is a Republican but belongs to a class of people who believe in partisanship when It is right and not in a blind following after mistaken or vicious notions. He is really an independ ent man who dares to think for him self. Mr. Mumford is president of the Dime Bank of Honesdale and is interested In various commercial and financial institutions in some capac ity. He is a hard worker, a closo thinker and a safe counsellor. His undisputed record is that he has been a great helper financially to Wayne county Individuals and in stitutions in times of adversity and always has "helped out" everybody who has applied to him in some way or other. His friends are very con fident of his nomination. 75tl CHECKER AS A TRAIN ING. (Continued From Page One.) er that ever lived was James Wiley. He held the championship of the world for over fifty years. He was a native of Glasgow, Scotland. " "Herdladdie ' they called him, because in his boyhood days he tended sheep. During his leisure hours he 'worked out the moves on a big stone where he marked out a checkerboard. , " Charles F. Barker, Boston, who died recently, was probably the greatest player in the United States. Richard Jordan, Glasgow, Scotland, is the champion of the world. " There are 42 different openings. The weakest move on the board Is tho Edinburgh, 9 13. No. I have no favorite move, because I have to meet them all." " No. This is not a very enthusi astic checker town. Thero are no very strong players here." To the truth of the last statement the reporter can bear abundant tes timony. Some months ago he es sayed to play a game with Grls wold. He must have used the Edin burgh opening, because the game was over before the newspaper man knew that it had begun! But there were others who fared just as badly! CLINTON. CLINTON, Pa., Sept. 28. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Loomis, a daughter. Mr. Taylor spoke on the subject of Temperance laBt Sabhath. Pastor Rainey is away on his vacation. Mrs. F. N. Rude and Mrs. George Cramer attended the W. C. T. U. at Honesdale as delegates. A. H. Norton and daughters, Ruth and Esther, of 'Scranton, were recent guests of C. R. Bunting. Mrs. Bunt ing and son, Roswell, accompanied them home. Warren P. Norton left last week to attend school at Brown's College, and his sister, Amanda, is at school In Northfleld. Mass. If You Want A Roof Yots. Can tmmm HnMiiimai ukmjiwi Really Depend On Get one that 13 honestly guaranteed like RELIANCE RUBBER ROOFING." Tho Eoaf Durable". On Three Ply RELI A NCE you get a guarantee for 10 solid years and without Dour painting or coating vour roof from the dag It 13 laid! Two ply is guaranteed in a similar wav for R vpnrs. and One Ply 5 years. No other in this fair manner ; no other will so long a timo at so low cost. Don't let anVOUC cloud VOIir sell you roofing that has to bo constantly looked after in order to accf u iu proper conumon. Reliance Rubber Roofing "The Roof Durable" Costs no more than ordinary unguaranteed roofinfr and if wears two or three times no long. Its worth and merit have been proved on thousands of buildings in the past ten years. Cover yours with it and get tho most reliable and economical roof made. Get samples, prices and further fasts. They will show you the way to save some money. ERK BROS., Agents Honesdale, Pa. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. Elaborate preparations were made for tho annual convention of tho Wayno County Sunday School Association Which was held Thurs day, September 28, In tho Chapel of the First Presbyterian church, Hones dale. The officers of the association are: Otto Appley, M. D., President, Damascus; Miss Frances Tyler, sec retary, Damascus; Andrew Thomp son, treasurer, Honesdale. The program was as follows: Thursday Morning. 10 a. m. Devotions, led by Rev. G. S. Wendell. 10:15 'Welcome to Honesdale, R. M. Stocker. 10:30 Reports from the District Officers. 11:00 "Why an Organized Class?" W. D. Stem, of the Pennsylvania State Field. 11:30 "An Elementary Vision," Mrs. Maud J. Baldwin, of the Pennsylvania State Field. 12 M Business Session; Appoint ment of committees on nomina tions for officers for coming year; also on Resolutions, etc. 12:15 Dinner. Thursday Afternoon. 2:00 Devotions, led by Rev. C. C. Miller. 2:10 Special Music. 2:20 Address, "Light and Life," Rev. R. Clayton Burch. 2:45 "Graded Lessons," Mrs. Bald win. 3:15 Address, Rev. B. P. Ripley. 3:35 Special Music. 3:45 Address, Rev. Frank E. Moy er. 4:00 "Class Activities," Mr. Stem. 4:45 Business Session. 5:00 Adjournment. Supper. Thursday Evening. 7:30 Devotions, led by Rev. A. L. Whlttaker. 7:40 Special Music. 7:45 "The Child in Our Midst," Mrs. Baldwin. 8:15 Music. 8:20 "Every Man a Brother," Mr. Stem. 8:50 Report of committees on nom inations, resolutions, etc. Mark your ballot thus: For Prothonotary, JOHN N. SHARPSTEEN. TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF WAYNE COUNTY: Frank D. Waltz, of Newfoundland, Is a candidate for the office of Coun ty Commissioner at the primary to be held Saturday, September 30. Mr. Waltz Is one of the best known business men in the southern end of the county. He is not a pro fessional officeseeker, never before asking for, nor holding any county office. He is well qualified to fill the of fice for which his friends in both parties urged him to run. He has had considerable experi ence in building and contracting. Tho P. O. S. of A. building at New foundland, and a number of other structures were erected under his supervision. He is also familiar with bridge construction and cement work. The Republican voters In casting their votes for 'Mr. Waltz will make no mistake in .so doing, for he Is a man of exemplary personal habits, and sterling business integrity and ability. A FRIEND. For Prothonotary, JOHN N. SHARPSTEEN. For Indigestion Bad Dreams, Nervousness, Bilious ness, and nil Stomach Misery. Go to G. W. Pell's to-day, don't procrastinate get a fifty cent box of MI-O-NA stomach tablets and get rid of all that annoying gas, sour ness, heartburn, bloating and heavi ness. Mr. Pell guarantees them. There wouldn't be so many deaths from acute Indigestion if sufferers would constantly carry a few MI-O-NA tablets with them. Read this from a man 64 years old and then decide whether you prefer to suffer longer or not. " I am on my second box of MI-O-NA. I received relief after taking two doses. I feel like a different man. I am 04 years old and MI-O-NA Is the best thing I ever used for stomach trouble." J. M. Burger, R. F. D. No. 3, Box 58, Wooster, Ohio. Fifty cents for a large box of stom. ach tablets at G. W. Pell's and drug, gists everywhere. roofing made is backed servo you so well and for lllrlfrmpnt. rlmi't let nn.mno