X11K CITIZEN, Fit WAY, SEPT. 20, 1011. CERVERA'S FLEET MAY BE FLOATED Hulls Sunk Off Cuba's South Coast Worth Saving. THE OPINION OF ENGINEERS, First Two Columns of the Republican Primary Ballot. OTHER OFFICES ADDED AS DISTRICTS REQUIRE. All the Battleships Have Been Looted Except tho Colon, Which Was Pro tected From Vandals by Four Fath oms of Water. President T.aft's recent message to congress asking that it be determined whether tho Spanish nicn-of-wnr sunk In the battle of Santiago thirteen years ago should bo given away and Secre tary Knox's opinion that the wrecks belong to the United States have re vived speculation as to tho possibility of refloating tho ships. Engineers who have studied the location of the three battleships and two; torpedo1 boats think salvage is practicable and would warrant Its expense. Seven miles west of tho narrow mouth to Santiago (Cuba) harbor lies the first of Cervera's bottled up battle ships, the Almlrante Oquendo. She Is beached in the breakers of Juan Gon zales, with about one-third of her hulk visible above tho whltecaps. Long ago she wns stripped of every portable article by wreckers who braved a wa tery grave for tho prizes she was re puted to have held. They took every' thing they could pry loose, including, report has it, many thousand golden coins from tho bhlp's safe. Recent In spection has shown that tho Almlrante Oquendo was looted of even the copper rivets which held her fixtures in place. Admiral Cervera's flagship, tho Vlz caya, lies eight miles farther down the rocky coast, as much a victim of the depredations of ocean Juukmen as tho Oquendo. A third of her form breaks the land line, and it is believed that there would bo comparatively lit tle difficulty in recovering her, with other ships of tho Spunish fleet, al though she would be worthless, it is thought, as a vessel of war. May Find Treasure. Nearly two hours' sail from the Viz caya, at Rio Torquino, forty-eight miles from Santiago, is tho third of tho four Spanish ships, tho Cristobal Colon. The Colon has been preserved from the hand of the vandal by four fathoms of water above her. Locked in her safe there is said to be a largo amount of money. Aboard her noth ing has been disturbed slnco she was silenced by American guns and nm ashore to prevent her capture. Tho water Is comparatively deep at the point whore she Hps, and tho land rises abruptly from tho sea, a sheer precipice of considerable proportions. Her salvage probably would bo the most difficult of the three, engineers assert. The history of tho fourth vessel of the fleet, the Infanta Maria Teresa, Is well known. She was floated by Lieu tenant Richmond P. Ilobson of Merri inne fame and lost off Cat island, in the West Indies, while in tow of an American war vessel on her way to an American port during a squall. Engineers have declared her not wor thy of a second nttempt at salvage. The two secondary vessels of Ad miral Cervera's fleet, the torpedo boats Furor and Pluton, lie submerged not fur from the harbor entrance. Tho bafo of tho Pluton and easily porta ble nrtlcles from her deck and cablus have been recovered. The Furor is practically undisturbed. Both He In comparatively shallow water. UNIQUE QUESTION RAISED. Woman Forbidden to Vote Beeauso Husband b Not a Citizen. Judge Frank II. ItudUlu, sitting in tho United States district court for eastern Washington In Spokane, will be called on to pass upon several legal proDlems of international importance when counsel for Mrs. Maude E. Black, wife of James II. Black, a stonema son, presents an application for a writ of mandamus to force the clerk to is suo naturalization papers for the wo man. Mrs. Black has been declared an alien, thongh she was born In the Unit nii stntos and has never set foot on foreign soil, Involuularlly becoming a British subject by marrying a native of Canada In tho United States several years ago. The district clerk holds that she canuot bo restored to citizen ship until her husband swears alle giance to tho United States. This, Mrs. Black declared with emphnsis, she will not permit her husband to do. "I was born in the town of Weyau wega, Waupaca county, Wis., thirty eight years ugo, and my forbears fought in the Revolutionary and civil wars," Mrs. Black said. "My peoplo liavo been Americans for more than 135 years, and yet I am classed as nn alien. I hnvo never stepped outsldo of tho United States, but the clerk of tho federal court declares I cannot voto until my husband becomes an Ameri can citizen. I did not know I had married away my legal rights." Frozen In Glacier Fourteen Years. Tourists crossing tho Loetschen gla cier, Switzerland, saw doop down In tho clear ico tho faces of two dead men. Guides chipped out tho frozen bodies with their ico axes and brought them to tho surface. They are prob ably those of two London tourists named Bemebccko and Coin, who dls- JUDGE OF TILE COUUT PLEAS. (Mark One.) OF COSDION MINE INSPECTOR, 8TII (Mark One.) DISTRICT. I Elwln C. Mumford Alonzo T. Searlo DISTRICT ATTORNEY. (Mark One.) Myron E. Simons Benjamin Maxey COUNTY COSlSnSSIONERS. (Mark Two.) PROTIIONOTARY AND CLERK OF THE COURTS. (Mark One.) Wallace J. Barnes A. H. Howoll George P. Ross John N. Sharpsteen r SHERIFF. (Mark One.) Thomas Y. Boyd Nicholas B. Spencer Levi P. Stark Charles W. Brink. Minor Brown G. Howard Gilpin A. M. Henshaw Ferdinand Kroll Gotlolb Lander John Male Philip Reining, Sr. Earl Rockwell J. L. Sherwood, Sr. Isaac G. Simons Fred A. Stoddard Frank D. Waltz REGISTER AND RECORDER. (Mark One.) COUNTY AUDITORS. (Mark Two.) Alfred O. Blake Francis H. Crago. W. B. Lesher COUNTY TREASURER. (Mark One.) A. W. Larrabce Fred C. Reichenbacker George W. Taylor W. W. Wood William O. Avery William H. Bader Albert Gillow Leroy Gilpin , CORONER. (Mark One.) B. Peterson, M. D to the persons securing the largest number of points in the the following contest : THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MILWAUKEE, WIS.! Agency at Honesdale, Wayne Co., Pa. FflOM TUP! KM JMMIIAI. HEpnilT Total admitted assets f 273,813,063.65 iiiauiuuLU ill luiuu ......... t ..., ((.. ......., l.voUlJltuS.W Total number policy-holders 423,481.00 New Insurance Reported and paid for In 1910 118,789,033.00 Increase In Insurance In force over 1909 67,240,613.00 Total Income for 1910 61,979,892.23 Total payment to policy-holders 82,869.899.00 ltatlo or expense and taxes to Income 12.78 per cent. VOU WILL, MAKE NO MISTAKE IF YOU INSURE WITH II. A. TINOLEY, Agent, HONESDALE, PA. W. B. HOLMES, Pn.E81DEJ.-T. H. 8. SALMON, CASHIER A. T. SEARLE, Vice Pres. W. J. WARD, Ass't Oabuieb We want you to understand the reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECURITY of this Bank. WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HONESDALE, PA., HAS A CAPITAL OF - - - 100,000.00 AND SURPLUS AND PROFITS OF - 427,342.00 MAKING ALTOGETHER - - 527,342.00 EVERY DOLLAR ol which must be lost before any depositor can lose a PENNY. It has conducted a growing and successful business for over 35 years, serving an increasing number of customers with fideelity and satisfaction. Its cash funds are protected by MODERN STEEL .VAULTS. All of these things, coupled with conservative manacement. insured by the CAKKFUL PERSONAL ATTENTION constantly el fen the Bank's affairs by a notably able Hoard of Directors assures the patrons of that SUPREMK SAFETY which Is the prime essential of a eood Bank, DECEMBER I, 1910 Total Assets, - - - $2,951,048.26 86T DEPOSITS MAY BE MADE BY MAIL. " -DIRECTORS- W. B. HOLMES A. T. SEARLE T. B. CLARK CIIAS.J. SMITH. H.J. CONGER. W. F. SUYDAM. IK. P. II . S. V. KIMBLE SALMON FARLEY CONSULT n and Canivan 12th and Kimble St. HONESDALE, PA. COUNTY REPRESENTATIVES FOR "CAPITOL" Boilers and Radiators. "LEADER" Air pressure water systems. "GOULD" Pumps. "STAR" Windmill. . The above goods represent the best products in the market. The use of them coupled with our 2G years' practical experience at the business Insures you a lasting and satisfactory job. Correspondence Solicited. Both 'Phonos. a a a tt a it a a a a a -f a - a -f a tjaaaaa-f a-f aa-f aa-f a-faa --a-aaa-f m aaaauaa One Hundred and Fifty Dollars in Gold and Mer chandise will be Given Away Absolutely Free by Company 1st Prize $50.00 in Gold 2nd " - 25.00 " " . 3rd " 10.00 " " Next 10 Prizes 5.00 " " Next 40 " One pound each of Clark & Snover "Stripped" or Top Wave Tobacco. Fifty-three Prizes in all, and every one worth working for All you have to do to win one of theso prizes, If you secure points enough, is to save theNEW CLARK & SNOVER YELLOW COUPONS, BEARING THE EXPIRATION DATE, JUNE 1, 1012. No others accepted in this contest), and either mall or bring them to Tho Clark & Snover Company's office, No. 112 Adams Avenue, Scranton, Pa., before 12 o'clock noon, October 31, 1911, and, in addition to tho premiums listed on tho backs thereof, you will be given credit for all tho new coupons returned, beginning with tho morning mail August 1, 1911, and closing with tho last mall before noon, October 31, 1911, acordlng to the following schedule: To the Farmers of Wayne Co.-- We Desire to Have You Patronize the ECHANICS 7JKper cent this Bank ; of the stockholders of are Farmers Open An Account in the Progressive Bank Capital Stock $75,000.00 Surplus and Profits $17,000.00 Comparative Growth of Deposits : June 1st 1907, May 1st 1908, May 1st 1909, May 2nd 1910, May 1st 1911, M. E. SIMONS, President M. B. Allen, Georgo C. Abraham, J. Sam Brown, Oscar E. Bunnell, Wm., H. Dunn, Officers: Directors: W. M. Fowler, W. B. Guinnip, John E. Krantz, Fred W. Kreltner, John Kulibach, John Weaver. $24,398.51 8109,896.20 8161,077.58 $241,843.67 $272,500.68 C. A. EMERY, Cashier G. Wm. Sell. M. E. Simons, Fred Stephons, George W. Tlsdell, J. E. Tifff.ny, Coupons marked "Value 1 Coupon" one point Coupons marked "Value 2 Coupons" two points Coupons marked "Value 5 Coupons" ilvo points Coupons marked "Value 10 Coupons," ten points In addition to this, wo will give contestants credit for two points each for every advertisement they send in, In which the name "T1IE CLARK & SNOVER COMPANY" appears. These advertisements may bo taken from tho newspapers, dance programmes, pay envelopes, or from any publication in which an advertisement containing our name apears. This offer is open ONLY to CONSUMERS of Clark & Snover Tobaccos, and no Jobber, dealer, coupon col lector or broker Is elllglble to enter tho contest, and coupons or advertisements turned In by any but CON SUMERS of our tobaccos will not be .accepted for credit In this contest. Therefore, Mr. Consumer, f you want to win one of these prizes, bang on to your coupons. Tell all your friends about this contest and get them to use CLARK & SNOVER "STRIPPED" or "TOP WAVE" Tobacco, and if they do not want to enter the contest, they can give you the coupons. The Clark & Snover Co. H2 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. JTjalVESJHE.BEST RESULTS. H iIGHTJ ,ry trade 9 (5$ I 'cALLvf XHe SMITHSONIAN 1 ;correo? VM. f HOLDS I 'WPL INANY I FOR SALE BY' C- C. 0"-A-ID"W"I2Nr