The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 29, 1911, Image 1

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69th YEAR. NO. 77
1 to r
Judge Searle Has Stood
The Test of
"Develops Caution and
Foresight," Says Expert
" Checker playing is one of the
very best trainings for the memory.
It teaches a man caution and fore
sight. It also brings into operation
all the powers of calculation. I
consider it 'better than mathematics
for developing the powers of calcu
Such, in the opinion of George I
Griswold, Factoryvllle, Pa., champ
ion checker player of Northeastern
Pennsylvania, are some of the bene
fits to be derived from the playing
of draughts.
" Concerning the relative merits
of chess and checkers," he said,
" there has always been a dispute.
Edgar Allan Poo stated, In some of
his works, that he considered
checkers the greater game. Benja
min Franklin considered checkers
superior to chess.
" The greatest argument in favor
of checkers is this: That although
Plllsbury played them both he was
never a top-notcher, I.e., he was nev
er able to reacli the first class In
checkers. Pretty good evidence that
checkers Is nearly as good as chess!
Plllsbury never could be anything
but a second-rater in checkers.
Advice For Tho Hcginncr.
" The best thing for a beginner
to do is to secure a good book on
the game. I would name Lee's
Guide. It can be secured through
"The Draughts' World Publishing
Company," Edinburgh, Scotland, for
liny cents, in a paper edition. It Is
an elementary work.
" Then I would advise him to
take one or two of tho popular mag
azines, such as the Canadian Check
er 'Player and The Draughtsman's
" Then I would advise him to
meet some player who was stronger
than himself, and play with him
" I would also advise him to take
up regularly and systematically the
study of problems. 1 believe the
study of problems does more to de
velop a man's cbecker playing abili
ties than Anything else."
Jlr. Gnswoid, wno is 'a man of
39 years of age says that he was led'
into playing checkers by meeting,
some fifteen or eighteen years ago,
an expert from Buffalo by the name
of Compton.
" Four or five years ago,'' he
said, " I met Plllsbury in Scranton
and defeated him. I won two games
and drew the third. Ho charged $1
to play three games.
" I claim tho championship of
Northeastern Pennsylvania. I play
blindfolded. I have played twelve
games simultaneously at Y. jr. C.
" There are perhaps twenty news
papers publishing checker columns.
One is edited by Newell Banks and
is published In Detroit, Mich., Tho
Pittsburg Dispatch publishes a very
fine checker column edited by Hugh
Henderson. I take that.
" Tho San Francisco Post pub
lishes a very fine column. Dr.
Schaeffer, of New York city, pub
lishes an excellent column in one of
tbe Jersey City papers. The auto
matic player at the Eden lluseo has
been manipulated by Dr. Schaeffer.
New York City boasts of a very fine
checker club. So do Boston, Chi
cago, Pittsburg and Detroit.
" They're trying to form a na
tional association at Pittsburg. The
checker champion at present is Ne
well Banks, of Detroit, but he has
just been defeated for the champion
ship of the -world by Alfred Jordan,
of London, champion of England.
He is touring the United States at
the present time, and appearing In
all the principal cities.
" Hugh Henderson, a Scotchman,
who rjinifi tn this pnuntrv fnnr vnnrs
ago, has recently played a match In
Boston with Dorio of Chicago for
?1,000 a side which Henderson won
by tho score of 12 to 5.
" The checker players aro now
talking up a national tournament,
same as they have In Scotland every
year. They already 'have' f 1,000
raised for purses. The first prizo
will be $500; the second $250, and
so on.
" This tournament will be held at
Cedar Point, Ohio, and any player In
the United States will be eligible by
paying an entrance fee of ?10.
Boston Tho Checker Hub.
" The great checker center of tho
United States, you know, is Boston.
When Jordan was touring this coun
try ho playing the members, 150 in
all, of the Boston club, simultane
ously, without losing a game.
" I played him two games at the
Scranton Y. M. C. A. last July. I
lost one and drew tho other. We
made up a pur so for him of ?25 for
coming there.
" The leading checker magazines
are The Draughts' World, published
In Glasgow, Scotland, at ?2 a year.
Then In thl country there are two,
of which Tho Canadian Checker
Player Is the most popular. The
Pocket Checker Magazine,, published
In Chicago, and tho Checker World,
published In Manchester, Now
Hampshire, are good.
"There are probably 300 volumes
published devoted entirely to check
ers. Th literature la very oxten
slve. ProbalJP the greatest play-
Bethany Residence to be
One or hnestm State
The palatial residence of John II.
Strongman, Bethany, which is In
course of construction, when com
pleted, will be one of tho finest
homes In this section of the State.
The house Is located on the site or
the Strongman homestead and com
mands one of tho most picturesque
mountain views In Wayne county.
-Mr. Strongman was born In tho
house that formerly stood upon the
site of 'his new home and the hand
some residence now in course of
construction will be admired and en
vied by everybody. Words cannot
express how the new homo and sur
roundings will appear when com
pleted. A faint idea of the beauty
and quietude of the place can be
imagined by the reader sitting on the
large 16-foot two-story porch of the
dwelling, his eyes resting upon the
two-acre flower garden, with a per
gola In the center and a number of
rainbow fountains playing in the
sun's rays, the garage and barn prac
tically hidden by shubbery planted
by a landscape gardener and crushed
stone roads gracefully circling
around the pergola to the house and
main road. '
Charles T. Arthur, contractor and
builder, of Bethany, is erecting this
handsome residenco under plans and
specincauons ol n. s. Childs, New
York city. The arrangement
throughout is convenient and the
rooms are so situated as to save
much unnecessary -walking. All the
rooms are well lighted and spacious.
The first floor Is divided into seven
rooms, three pantries, two closets
and a maid's kitchen. A large re
ception hall faces the main entrance
to the house; a library, living room,
dining room, parlors and kitchen
constitute the first floor, A large
double porch, 1G feet In width, sup
ported with four IS foot colonial
columns, 20 inches in diameter,
capped with an Ionic design, graces
the southeast entrance of the build
ing. Handsome stone steps lead
from the house to the private road
way. Tho ground will be terraced
from the landing to a concrete re
taining wall, which will lio
with an ornamental fence. F. J.
Varcoe has been awarded the con
tract to Diuia tne retaining wall.
Tho second floor contains six bed
rooms, closets, with private bath
rooms and a hall extending through
the building. There is a balcony
facing tho west. A railing and
pedestal at each eorner -will add to
the beauty of the porch.
Tho third floor has five bedrooms
and as many closets, bathroom and
A nineteen-foot circumferential
bay window, two stories high, faces
the old town of Bethany. A railing
and pedestal will grace the top of
the window.
The roof has a number of dormer
windows, which light the third story
and add to the beauty and attrac
tiveness of the building. Tho cor
nice decoration consists of lndentlal
brackets trimmed with curve frieze.
All windows, except those of the
back part of the building, will be of
ornamental plate glass. Tho flours
will be of oak and highly polished.
The finish will be In white enamel
with mahogany doors.
The building will be heated by
steam, equipped with hot and cold
water and lighted by electricity. A
gasoline engine will generate elec
tricity on the premises for tho
lighting of the house, barn and gar
age. Tho cellar Is concrete and
plastered. Harry Itettew has chargo
of the plumbing.
The building proper Is 100 feet in
length including porches and G5
feet wide.
A pergola 80 feet long, 18 feet
high and 20 feet wide built of con
crete and wood, will occupy the cen
ter of the flower garden east of the
house. Tho pergola will be covered
with vines and underneath in the
circular center will be located a
Several fountains will be located
at different places throughout the
grounds, tho water for which will
como from an artesian well on the
Landscape gardeners will arrive
above the middle of October to plant
the shubbery and lay out the flower
beds. Tho arrangement is very at
tractive. About 30 men are now employed
In the building and upon the
Candidate For President .IihIrc of
Moyno County.
"The Girl and the Tramp," a
'bright comedy, which is proving to
be very successful, will be presented
at the Lyric Friday evening. The
play tells tho story of a man who Is
driven rrom home through the arti
fices of his enemy who flees to tie
west whore he prospers. In the
mean time the plotting man con
tinues In his efforts to drive the fam
ily ruin. He wishes to marry the
wife who Is left alone. Flo Randall,
a girl from the bowery, aided by
Happy Jack, tho tramp, aids the
abandoned woman in her ngntB
against the plotter and In the end all
ends happily.
A. D. Heneforth, Salem township,
to E. A. Hartford, Salem township
Twelve and one-tenth acres of land
in Salem township. Consideration,
Samuel Anderson and wife. Yon
kers, Westchester county, N. Y., to
Alma N. Ahlquist. 218 Albemarle
Koad, Brooklyn, N. Y. One hun
dred and twenty-four acres of land
in Manchester township. Consldera-I
tion, ?500, and other valuable con
Jared Mickel and wife, Salem
township, to Alfred R. Mickel and
wife, Peckvllle, Lackawanna county.
Five acres and thirty-five perches of
land in Salem township. Considera-i
tion, ?l,uuu.
William Melody to Elizabeth
Melody, both of Cherry Ridge town
ship. Two pieces of land in Cherry
Ridge township. Containing 48
acres and SO perches and GO acres
respectively. Consideration, SI.
Gilbert F. Simmons and wife,
Hiierman, to John T. Brownson, Syr
acuse, N. Y., 94 and acres of land
In Scott township. Consideration.
Si and other valuable considera
"Jury Road Law Will Give
Somebody a Fat Job"
says M. E. Simons
" I think the object of the Road
Jury Law is to give some one In the
larger cities a fat ofllce. It neither
helps in efficiency nor lessens In
cost. I think it is wholly unneces
Such Is the opinion of District At
torney M. E. Simons on the new
Road Jury View Act passed at the
last session of tho Legislature, which
does away with the appointment of
a separate set of men for each pro
posed thoroughfare, and In its stead
provides for the appointment, at the!
discretion of the court, of a per
manent board, to consist of from
three to nine men, whose tenure of
otlice shall be dependent upon good
" No board," continued Mr. SI
mons, " has as yet been appointed
in Wayne county. In Lackawanna
county they appointed one. This
Act will not affect any viewers at
present under appointment.
" Under the old system the sur
veyor was entitled to' $5 a day and
the other two viewers to $2 a day
apiece. Each viewer was entitled to
mileage at the rate of six cents a
mile from his homo to the nearest
point of view and return. I am
quite positive that the compensation
of the viewers to be appointed Is to
bo fixed by the Court. Under the
new law, three will be appointed on
eacn viow.
" In order to secure a road, thei
modus operandi is as follows: You
present a petition jo the Court set
ting forth the necessity for tho road,
and naming tho point at which the
road begins and ends, and stating
the exact distance the termini are
from the nearest Intersecting road,!
and asking for tho appointment of
" The Court, if it approves of the
petition, will then direct that the
viewers examine the proposed road
and report to the Court whether
such a road is necessary or not. If
necessary, they proceed and lay out
the courses and distances, the line of
tne roaa, and appraise tho damages
if any, for the land taken.
"The report will then be pre
sented for confirmation nisi, and
unless exceptions are filed, it will
do approved absolutely at the next
term of Court. In that case the
Clerk of the Court will lssuo orders
to the supervisors to open tho road.
The county pays the cost of the
road. There is no fixed nutriber ofl
signers required, only sufficient to
convince tho Court that tho view
should be made.
" Tho new law affects this method
in no way save In the procedure ofl
tne appointment of viewers. Thel
viewers to be appointed by tho Court
win nave a little more authority.
They can convene at the county seat
and call witnesses before them, If
they see fit. and hear testimony for
and against the road before making!
Why Not Keep Him
There ?
The Hon. Alonzo T. Searle has successfully filled
the office of President Judge in this county during the
past 2 years; he fully commands the confidence of both
the people and the bar of his own county, and the high
opinion formed of him in other counties in which he
has held court signifies much. When a judge finds it
necessary to call in a judge from another county, the sense of
responsibility and of duty to litigants and attorneys naturally
leads him to seek the best judge that can be obtained. And
if the judge thus called in fails to command his confidence, and
the confidence of the attorneys engaged, he is not likely to be
called again. There is no better proof of the fitness of a judge
than repeated calls to sit in other counties.
Probably no judge in the State is more frequently called on
to hold court in other counties than Judge Searle. Among the
counties in which he has sat are some of the largest in the State
outside of Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and in these no small
number of important cases have been brought before him. The
confidence in his legal attainments, ability, and judicial im
' partiality, inspired by his decisions, is best shown by the re
peated calls for his services as judge. He has held court three
weeks in Dauphin county; four weeks in Luzerne; four weeks
in Susquehanna; and seven weeks in Lackawanna; in North
ampton he has held a term of two weeks; and he has been called
once to Pike, in which the business of the courts has dwindled
almost to the vanishing point.
In 2 years of judicial service, Judge Searle has made a rec
ord, both in his own county and in every other in which he
has sat. which has seldom if ever been surpassed.
a singBe case which Judge
Sea He has tried has ever
appeaEedg a record exceSBed
none and
The people of Wayne will make no mistake in keeping him in
the office which he has so ably and acceptably filled.
Alonzo T. Searle, Judge of the Courts of Wayne county,
was appointed by Governor Stuart on September 15, 1909, to
fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge George S. Purdy.
He was appointed upon the petition signed by nearly all the
Republican members of the Wayne County Bar and a majority
of the county officials. This petition was accompanied by let
ters from a large number of the representative men of the
Upon his appointment he relinquished an extensive and
remunerative law practice and resigned the position which he
held as Assistant United States Attorney for the Middle Dis
trict of Pennsylvania.
Judge Alonzo T. Searle was born in New Marlboro, Mass.,
on September 13, 1856. His father was a minister. He was
graduated from St. Johnsbury Academy, Vermont, in 1873 and
from Amherst College in 1877. After teaching school for one
year in Rutland, Vermont, and two years in Cheltenham Acad
emy, near Philadelphia, he entered the law office of Hon. B. S.
Bentley at Williamsport, Pa. Judge Bentley was the father-in-law
of George S. Bentley of the firm of Waller and Bentley of
Honesdale and upon the death of George S. Bentley and upon
the recommendation of Judge Bentley came to Honesdale and
entered the law office with George G. Waller. Upon his ad
mission to the Wayne County Bar in 1882 he entered into a
partnership with Mr. Waller which lasted until the death of the
latter in 1888 since which time Judge Searle has conducted the
business alone.
For nearly thirty years Judge Searle has been a member
of the Wayne Count' Bar and has been interested in nearly
every important case which has come before the courts. In all
his years of extensive practice his most humble client received
as much consideration as those more prominent. The
best years of his life have been spent in Wayne county and he
has been so thoroughly identified with its interests and has
mingled so closely with its people that he should be able to call
nearly every man within fts boundaries his friend. Judge
Searle has been a close and diligent student of the law and is
thoroughly versed in and an able exponent of, its principles.
If nominated, he will use every legitimate and honorable
means for his election; if elected, he will enter upon his offi
cial duties with no pledges, except to conduct the office honor
ably, justly, fairly, without fear, favor or partiality and unin
fluenced by any considerations save those. of law and justice.
- -Hi ,
Advertise la TbV Citizen
(Continued n rage Fire.)
their report."
Ramember this on Saturday.