The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 22, 1911, Page PAGE 6, Image 6
PAGE 0 THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, SKIT. 22, 1011. PREMIER STOLYPIN. Whose Death Adds Another Vic tim to Bullets of Assassins. r r FOR ASSISTING DEATH. Inquest May Result In Holding Shaker For Murder. Tampa, Fin., Sept. 10. The little town of St Cloud, near Klsslmmee, Is today the scene of the final Inquest In the ease of Sadlo Marchant, one of the Shaker colony sect at Ashton Aug, 22. The Marchant woman, who was very old and In the last throes of con sumption, asked to be put out of the way. "Let me ko peacefully; assist me out of life," she Is alleged to have said to E. B. Gillette and Elizabeth Sears, other members of the colony, who were at her homo to aid her. They gave her opiates. When she came out from under the Influence the nest day she asked again for death. And they gave It to her through use of chloroform. Several days passed before the news leaked out. They were nrrested and frankly told their part with simple 'directness. They did not see that they had done any harm. They were held by a justice of the peace for action, of the grand jury, ball, for Gillette being fixed at $5,000 and for the woman 52,000. Later the body of Sadlo Mar chant was exhumed. The Intestines and stomach were withdrawn and a chemical analysis has been made to ascertain what drugs may have been given her. RUSH TO CANADA TO VOTE. Reciprocity Campaign Elections to Be Held Thursday. Halifax, N. S.. Sept. 10. The poli tical campaign reaches Us climax to day and tomorrow, and although both sides claim to be sure of the people's verdict the party managers have not ceased their exertions. As a matter of fact, the leaders of both parties are anxious because of several elements of uncertainty which prevail In Que bec and the Martlme Provinces, and and the most vlglrous campaign argu ments are being resorted to by both sides. The party leaders have made ar rangements whereby many Canadians in New England and elsewhere In the United States who are registered In Canada will return to vote next Thursday. It is said that fully 5,000 of these former residents will voto in Quebec and the other eastern prov inces. VOTE TO STRIKE AGAIN. England's Railways Faco Another In dustrial War. London, Sept. 10. At a meeting of union men nt the Abbey theater reso lutions were passed favoring a na tional strike of railway workers on Sept. 20. The executive officers of tho unions employed on the Midland, tho Great Northern, tho Great Southern and tho Midland railways left for Ireland to attend 'a meeting to be held at Dublin to consider the question of a strike. CZAR'S DAUGHTER MAY WED. Approaching Betrothal to Bulgaria's Youthful Heir Is Announced. Sofia, Bulgaria, Sept. 10. Tho ap proaching betrothal Is announced of Prlnco Boris of Bulgaria, the heir ap parent, to Grand Duchess Olga, the eldest daughter of Emperor Nicholas. Botli aro extremely youthful. Prince Boris was born on Jan. 80. 180-1, while his fiance was born on Nov. 15. 1805. In view of their youth their engagement promises to bo a long one. ROBBERS BOLD IN MEXICO. Spanish Merchants Flee When Zapa tistas Sack a Town. Monterey, Mcx., Sept 10. Advices from points in tho state of Puebla show that the Zapatistas aro increas ing and becoming bolder in their oper ations. More than 100 Spanish mer chants fled to tho city of Puebla from tho district of Acltlan, having been forced to flee from their homes by the Zapatistas. i AID 10 REBELS Story From Mexico Rile Standard Oil Officer. ONE RUMOR IS UNANSKEKi H. C. Folgor, Jr., Secretary of tl. Company, Falls to Dony State ment of Negotiations For Lord Cowdray's Oil Interests. New York, Sept. 10.-n. C. Folper Jr., secretary of the Standard Oil coai puny, in reply tn a Washington ill.' patch saying that Standard Oil was negotiating to take over the oil hoM Ings of Lord Cowdray In Mexico, alsc intimating that John W. Gates had previously acted as the Standard's agent in this matter and that the Standard had helped finance the Mexican revolution, made this state ment: "In tho course of the late revolt tion in Mexico tho Standard Oil com pany had occasion to deny fully and emphatically that it had ever contrib uted In any way to tho revolutionary cause. Now, In the face of recent re iterations, it wishes to repeat its de nial. In being revived tho Btory has had an additional misstatement tagged to it, .namely, that the Texas company (an oil corporation identified with the late John W. Gates) is a sub sidlary of and owned and controlled by the Standard Oil company. That is absolutely untrue. Tho Standard Oil company has no interest In the Texas company, and any negotiations Lord Cowdray may have had with .Mr. Gates in respect to tho Pearson prop ertles was of no concern to the Stand ard Oil company. The statement leaves unanswered the report that negotiations between the Standard Oil and Lord Cowdray are now In progress for the taking over of the Pearson .holdings in Mex ico by the Standard Oil company. TAFT TALKS ON WAR. At Bay City He Urges Strong National Defenses. Bay City, Mich., Sept, lO.-It was nearly midnight when President Taft ended tho day that ho had begun at Detroit at 7 o'clock yesterday morn ing. The president stopped off to say a word of peace and arbitration to Saginaw. He had a big crowd there to greet him. Hero Mr. Taft shifted suddenly from peace to war. lie talked on the national militia. "The Lord looks after children and drunken men and tho United States. We have put ourselves in that help less category in tho past by what we have done with our national defense. Let us not keep our window open nt night and our silverware exposed just because we favor the abolition of bur glary. I favor a policy of common sense," he said. It was 1 o'clock this morning before the president's special loft hero for Sault Ste. Marie, where he is to speak this afternoon. BOWERY STATESMAN DIES. East Side Tammany Assemblyman Will Be Missed at Albany. New York, Sept. 10. Assemblyman James Oliver "Paradise Park Jim- mle" is dead. Some Tammany men who had heard he was in the hospital paid calls there, but other Wigman men w,ere surprised that the white haired statesman from tho third dis trlct would not bo in his seat at Al bany. For yoars Oliver was the most pic turesque legislator in Albany. He In sisted nt all times on wearing the garb of n statesman a high hat and a long frock coat. Oliver would .not take off his frock coat when tho thermometer was at 02. LAMBERT DEFENDS ACT. Parson Who Married Astors May Bo Disciplined by Church. Providence, R. I., Sept. 10. The ac tion of Rev. Joseph Lambert, n Con gregational minister 'of this city, in marrying Colonel John Jacob Astor and Miss Madeline T. Force, was dis cussed at n meeting of the Providence Congregational ministers. It was de cided to leavo the matter In tho hands of a commltteo of three, who will re port at the next meeting of tho State Society of Congregational Ministers on Oct. 10. Mr. Lambert spoke briefly in de fense of his act. Dead at Age of 110. Providence, R. I., Sept. 10. Judy Ann Young, a one time slave, is dead here, aged 110. She was born in Vlr glula. TALE OF THE WEATHER. Observtttlons of the United States weather bureau taken at 8 p. m. yesterday follow: Temp. Weather. New York 70 Clear Albany GO Clear Atlantic City... CO Clear Boston 04 Cloudy Buffalo 7-1 Clear Chicago 7'2 Cloudy St Louis 7i Cloudy New Orleans... 80 Cloudy Washington .... 01 Clear MISS MATHILDE MOISAHT Avlatress Holding Altltucio Rec. ord For Women at 2,500 Feet. 19U, by American Presi Association RODGERS TO TRY AGAIN. Third Aviator In Cross Country Flight Not Discouraged After Fall. Middletown. N. Y.. SeDt. 10. With his Wright living machine, which was smashed when he fell thirty feet in It, 'completely dismantled and the un derground parts laid aside for use in putting together nnother machine. Calbraith P. Itodgers, who started from Sheepshead Bay Sunday, Is wait ng for news from the Wright com pany which will determine when hp can resume his flight. The broken machine was removed tn the special train which follows the flier and lie. with his cousin. Lloiiton ant John Itodgers, United States navy. onueveral mechanicians were busj taking tho wrecked machine anart. S. I. Dekraft, Itodgers' manager, stated that the parts for the- machine ought to arrive hero late today, and if so Kodgers could resume his flight to morrow. FAMOUS HOTEL BURNS. The Rooks Near West Point Totally Destroyed. Highland Falls, N. Y., Sept. 10. The Rooks, part of the property of the estate of tho iato Colonel Caleb Huss of the southern confederacy, was totally destroyed by fire that started In the kitchen. There were few guests in the hotel, though had it been a cadet hop night tho place would have been crowded, for it Is here that most of the guests for the ncadomy balls put up. EXPECTS COTTON TO GO UP. Texas Agriculture Commissioner Urges Growers to Hold Crop. Austin, Tex.. Sept. 10. E. R. Keene. state commissioner of ngriculture. has Issued an address to Texas cotton growers calling upon them to hold their cottou until tho price reaches 15 cents per pound. Ho says that the crop is short and this fact, together with the demand for the staple justi fies a llfteeu cent price. Big Fire In Rio Janeiro. Rio Janeiro, Sept. 10. The National Printing works were destroyed by fire and other valuable property was burned. The damage Is estimated at $5,000,000. Weather Probabilities. Increnslng cloudiness, probably fol lowed by showers this afternoon or nlght; Wednesday fair and cooler. PROTECT GUNNERS' EARS. Navy Looking For Guard to Soften Terrific Concussion. An exhaustive study is being by tho medical corps of the navy to devise means of protecting the hearing of American sailors from the disas trous effects of gunfire. Ear safe guards used in foreign navies aro be ing compared with similar devices now supplied to American seamen, and It Is expected that n protector shortly will bo evolved that will adequately resist tho terrific concussion of the big guns. Tho oubject is being Investigated by Dr. E. M. Shlpp of the naval medi cal corps. Tho oar protectors now used aro fill ed with cotton. Tho great shock from one of tho mammoth guns is likely to rupture an eardrum and produce deafness at once unless tho dellcato organ ia properly protected; also It ta feared that tho constant firing of tho small arms, such as tho servlco rifle, may gradually produco tho same effect. Mads Her Own 8hroud. Mrs. Lucy S. Illckey, aged 104, who dlod In Gloucester, Mass., was buried In a shroud which she made for her self fifty years ago, A brother, nged 107, attended tho funeral. A Blind Hunter. Though totally blind, Paul w. Plow ereo of New London, Mo., la an en thusiastic fox hunter and ,ia president of the Fox Hunters' association of Italia county. DIGNITY and CONFIDENCE It Is wonderful what an amount of dignity and confi dence one gets from the fact that he has a growing bank ac count'. The possession of mor ey you have earned and saveo. yourself makes you Independent mentally as well as In regard to material things. Become a regular depositor In a good, strong, growing insti tution like the Houesdale Dime Bank We will help you with three per cent. Interest. Each now de positor Is presented with a use ful, as well as ornamental house hold bank. We make a specialty of loan ing money to Wayno county peo ple. Business accounts solicited. Call and see us or you can do your banking with us by mall. Write and we will tell you how. JOS. A. FISCH, Cashier. E. C. MUMF0RD, President. Roll of AtterMon is called totne STRENGTH of the The FINANCIEIt of New York City has published u ROLL OP HONOR of the 11,470 State Banke and Trust Companies of United States. In this list the WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS HANK Stands 38th in the United States Stands iOtli in Pennsylvania. Stands FIRST in Wayne County. Capital, Surplus. $527,342.88 Xotal ASSETS, $2,951,048.26 Honesdale. T&.. December 1, Idly You need the "Stickley-Brandt Catalogue" to keep posted on furniture styles. Only $1.60 For this Box Seat Dinlns Room Chair In the Oolden Quartered Oak; hand-made open cane seat Shaped banister back. A strictly hlch-erade Dininir Chair that always retails In stores for 12.00 each. Six Chairs carefully packed and shipped, freight charges prepaid, for $9.60. Why not buy from the manufac turers same as dealers do? Send today forour"SatisfactlonFumiture at Factory Prices" catalog. It's'ifree. BINGHAMTON, N. Y. DR. E. F. SCANLON, Only Permanent Resident Specialist In Seranton. TEN YEARS' SUCCESS IN THIS CITY. CURING VARICOCELE vitality and destroys the elements ui iiiunnoon. i dally demonstrate that Varicocele can be posl- 1 1 vpl V Ml rprt vlfirtM lha organs belns mutilated: they are preserved and st rone tUenod; pain ceases almost Instantly; swelling soon subsides; healthy circulation 1 s rnnlrilv rp-patflhllflhnH Ilr. E. K. Scanlon, and every part ot the Varicocele Special- disease Is thoroughly re stored, a written guarantee with every case I accept. Write Ifyou cannot call. can be arraneed. Office Hours; 8 a. m. to 5 p. m., and 3 U s p. m.; Sundays, 12 to 1 p. m. Offices 3 Linden St., 6CRANTON, PA. (Opposite Postotilce.) Wo print circulars. We print letter heads. Wo print candidates' cards. Wo print bill heads. Wayne County Sails Sank CAN BE HEARD 12 MILES. Electrio Horn Will Be Installed on Angel Island. Tho time when a ship will bo wel comed twelve miles out at sea by national nlrs, popular tunes and per haps eventually phonographic records bellowed from gigantic foghorns seems not far distant. rieasetl with the harmonious tooting of electric automobile horns, Lieu tenant Commander William A. Moffat, lighthouse Inspector of the California district, made inquiries as to the pos sibility of making a similar horn- for lighthouse service to (eplnec the dis mal blare of tho foghorns now in use. He learned that one rnnM nri which would be heard at he Farralon4! islands, twentv-threo mlina nnf nf con As n sample, however, he decided to oruer ono with a twelve mile range. It will be installed immediately on Blunts point, Angel island. Attracting Attention. "They say she attracted no end of attention on tho beach." "She did. Her bathing suit came al most down to her ankles, and every body wondered what for.' Detroit Free Press. On the Trail of tho Motor. "You say he's a professional man?" "Yes." "But I thought ho followed motorcar racing?" "lie does. He's a doctor." Toledo Blade. A Singer. A happy little vocalist, Reversing human lot, The cricket kicks when making song; The audience does not. New York Sun. Hopeful. "She won't let me kiss her." "Then why do you keep hanging around her?" "Well, she lets mo try." Kansas City Journal. Piles! Files! Piles! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It ab sorbs the tumors', allays itching at once, acts aa a poultice, gives Instant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment Is pre pared for Piles and ltchlnj? of the private parts. Druggists, mall 60c and $1.00. WILLUMS MFG. CO.. Props., Cleveland, Ohle FOR SALE BY O. O. J AD WIN. W. C. SPRY AUCTIONEER HOLDS SALES ANYWHERE IN STATE. To Clean CL01 OUT SUMMER MENNER & GO. Keystone Stores. Consisting of Made Up Goods for Ladies, Juniors and Misses. Wash Tailor Suits, Newest Styles. House Dresses, Wrappers & Kimonas, White Lawn and Marquisette One Piece Dresses. Kimona Shirt Waists and High and Low Neck Waists. Long Coats in Light Weight Wool, Pongee and Linen. Separate Skirts and Jackets will be sold low to close out all re maining stock. MENNER & 0. immmmmmKmtmtammttmtKmtmttmmjm:mmn RESULTS JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire Insurance The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Kpnnnd flnnr fnonn!n rintlri ins. over (!. Ci. .Tnrlwi n'fl rimer olnra Honedale. ' 9 M. LEE BRAMAN EVERYTHING IN LIVERY Buss for Every Train and Town Calls. Horses always for sale Boarding and Accomodations for Farmers Prompt and polite attention at all times. AliliEN HOUSE BARN utttm ijtmtmtmtttttttmtttmtmimtm MARTIN CAUFIELD f Designer and Man- I ufacturer of ARTISTIC I MEMORIALS :: :: untie tuu wuitva 8 W5b MAIN SI I HANFSTUIP A A 1141 MJSM A A j ' m m MM V k n i u v 111 UUJ Up Stock Deoartment Stores KRAFT & CONGER HONESDALE, PA. Rearesent Reliable Comaanies ONLY GOOD COST BANE ADVERTISE IN THE CITIZEN