The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 22, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3
THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, SUIT. 22, 1011. r-AOE 3 BASEBALL STARS WHO STILL STICK Diamond Shining Lights of 1910 Twinkle Brighter Than Ever. M'GRAW FOOLS WISE ONES. Showing of Rube Marquard This Son ton Surprised Many Experts Many New yorld Beaters Make Good, but FgJI to Uiurp Many Vets. v With" The end of the major league season In sight, this seems as good a time as any to rerlew some of tho points which will make 1011 history In tho annals of the game, if there really bo any annals. We do this to beat some of the real baseball Ills torians like George Moreland; Pop Morso nnd Ilughle Fullerton to It. Now for tho fntnl plunge: Ty Cobb of Detroit further strength' I ened bis hold on the honor of being the world's greatest ball ploycr. Char ley Comlskey, owner of the Chicago White Sox, called him this. In a fa- jnous Interview last year. Nothing the Georgia Cracker has done so far can take this remarkable title from him. Ho has been largely responsible in keeping the Tigers In their high es tate. In batting, base running and fielding he has been premier in all that that much overworked word indi cotes. After having been panned by New Xork critics for two years and more McGraw of the Giants now has the eatlsfactlon of seeing his $11,000 beau ry, Rube Marquard, develop Into one of the best southpaws In tho country. Getting off to another punk start, this former American association star has , blossomed out Into a world beater, and It is duo to him in a great meas ure that the Giants are very, very formidable contestants for the Nation nl league title. Tho changeable New York critics now nre extolling M& Grnw's foresight. So hatd off to the Giant's manager, please! Player Stovall of the Clevelnnd Naps has proved himself n first rato man agcr for "one so young." Tho Naps have really played better ball under him than they have In years. The players seem to want to make his re gime ns much of n success as possl , ble, which accounts for tho very com mendable manner In which they have oiAeen playing tho past two months. epJiey have risen out of the depths to n S')sition which is not half bod, being JJgnjntestnntH with tho Whito Box, the 10Jankees and the Speed Boys of Bos gc '.on for third notch. Ed Walsh of tho Sox has pitched his first no bit gamo artei-knoclslng-nrthe' floor for years. This caps his truly Kreat career, and ho now can rest in content. It would have broken his heart to retire from tho game with out that honor. Ed has pitched several one hit games. One tough ono In particular, played some four years ago In Chicago grounds against the Naps, was a cruel blow to Edward. The ono hit was a mighty dinky one In tho eighth Inning. Then another bit that might have bene knocked down occurred a couple of weeks ago against Boston. But tho best game Walsh ever pitched was against Chcs bro of tho Yankees six years ago. That former spltball king held the Sox to ono hit and lost, 1 to 0, which Is going some. Another Ed Iteulbach of the Cubs-r retains his unchallenged title of the wildest man of the leagues. For years tho Cub fans have shuddered to see him ascend tho box. As It generally happened there were half a dozen men passed, one or two hit, and then Ed ward was called to the bench. Most of tho Chicago fans wonder why he has been kept this long time. But perhaps the Cub management feels compelled to retain ono who Is so con sistent. And wo still have tho same old headlines In tho papers In fact, it happened only recently "Reulbach Wild, Cubs Lose." Tho grand form shown by tho St. Louis Cardinals nnd their amazing spurt earlier In tho season are ono of I the year's best offerings. It Is possl blo that next year St. Louis will have a winner. !t Tho Boston Nationals, with two comebacks KHng and Donlln have been Jarring several of tho "hopes" of late. Tho Cubs were severely Jolted on their last visit to Boston. This Is noteworthy enough to deserve men tion here, Inasmuch ns Bo6ton general ly Is satisfied with ono victory a year from Chicago. She Even in tills old ago pension bill which Is proposed tho men are going to get tho better of-it He Why should they? She Idiot! How many women do you suppose nro going to apply for nn old ngo pension? Baltlmoro American. Why? "I'd rather hnvo three sober men nnd a bottle of Ink to start a movement," says a Nebraska philosopher, "than n hall full of people and a keg of beer." "Sound doctrine, but why bother tho three sober men?" Chicago Record Herald. Summer Days. The days etc loitering on the way Through sunshine and through storm. They could not hurry much, they say. Tho weather was too warm. Washington Star. Needed More. Bronx Professor Aleck has Issued a very Interesting bulletin on how to keep bees. Lenox Well, 1 think he'd do a lot more good If he told us how to get rid of hives. Judge's Library. Chance to Demonstrate. "This beauty surgeon claims ho can remove wrinkles." "Going to give him n trial?" "I shall, provided he makes a dem onstratlon on my pet bulldog first" Kansas City Journal. Can't Improve on Nature. "Doctors now say that boiled cow's milk is not good for babies; It Is better raw." "Tho doctors are right. A raw cow gives better milk than a boiled one." Stray Storjes. OPEN LETTER FROM A. O. BLAKE TO THE PEO PLE OF WAYNE COUNTY. o i - To tho Voters of Wayne County: flAntlntvini. r a . lnatlon nVnonrf ii raDn, .Vess tlian tw0 weeks distant. .The nom botae nrintSS arf,an,OD nle at l,he Commissioners' office. The ballots are fatWK.S".te.,5 a nomine "It is only i w 1 ' i ""V" w"y ' "sk ior your .vote ana lniluence. supporters of thfpary. a Republlcan- M famlly before me were staunch aMinM September 30, 18CG, I was born on a farm In Wayne county. My sc 100 days were spent at tho Honesdalo High school. After leavlnK roMii Jnt$? fa""lne- where I made a specialty of making milk for the a side line ,,ueeu yeilrs 1 nave ueen engaged in handling stock as I am rated' 100 cents on the dollar every time. Vnr itv v!.LLlime t0Wn u( Be'hany 1 haye Ailed many Important offices. or six years I was a sehnnl fl roptm. nn.i ainn ,,..i f tu , ... Vi. nS a1ud,lt0,r antl Poormaster. For nine years I have been a trustee totow zfcTa11' Twelve years 1 acted as a dlrector of the 1 ?m, a .charter member of the Beech Grovo Grange, which was or ganized nineteen years ago, and have filled all Its Important offices. 1 nave served as Mastpr nf Wn trict deputy. ' - ua u,aueB una ais- I am also affiliated with the I. O. O. P. I have ahvavs aimed t ?iy fdc'eanllness. Six years ago I began buying and shipping tl, extensively. I have met and transacted business with hundreds of farmers In Wayne county, and sold stock through Orange, Sessex and Essex counties, lork state, brinclnir mnnpv hnir nnri riioii..,in n u .1.. channels of business In Wayne county. I have always paid good wlces. imyms caaii, ana never navmg any difficulties with anybody. Twenty-fivo years ago, last June, I was married. My family consists or one daughter who for four Ing school. ,umc at " J tho J'1 election for candidates on, the Republican ballot I ran for the office of Register and Recorder, receiving all but three votes in my homo town. I was defeated in the election. It has always been conceded, however, that a defeated candidate should bo the next nominee of the party. I have never asked, for any other office In tho county, neither has a large family of heavy taxpayers over been honored by an office Now, Mr. Voter, we would ask you to deal as squarely by me as wo have by you In all our business transactions. And trusting for a square deal in my candidacy for the office nf Rmrlnriar nnri n0or.ri t , main, ' "- Most cordially yours, A. O. BLAKE. Tumps were Invented In 224 B. C. Pte9iblus of Alexandria. by His Fearfu' Crime. John Glllat, servant to James Hul frud of Tlnsley, England, was convict ed and fined 10 shillings nnd all ex penses in October, 1S05, for riding in his cart nsleep on tho highway. Jurors In England. An English Juror must bo between ho ages of twenty-one nnd sixty. To Scald Milk. To scald milk put it in a pan or dou ble boiler nnd stand in n pan of boil ing water over tho lire. When tho milk begins to steam It Is scalded. vBlue .Foxes. Blue arctic foxes are bred extensive ly on tho islands of tho Alaska coast. Thcso creatures cannot bo tamed, but they- are fed all the year round nnd trapped In special houses In' tho winter when their coats are in sultnblo condition. The First Canal. The first canal, which was construct ed In Egypt in 1(539 B. C, was used to transport merchandise from Memphis to the sea. 1 Grape Culture. Culture of the "grape In America for winemaklng began In Florida in 15G4. Women's Fashions. In America woman's fashions chancre at least twice a year, yet in Japan fash ions in women's clothes Jiavo not changed materially in 2,500 years. Vesuvius. First recorded eruption of Vesuvius took place in tho year 70, warnings having been given sixteen years pre viously by a great earthquake, which shattered Ilerculaneum nnd Pompeii. Rico Wine. Wine wns made from rice bv tho Chinese In 100S B. C. Shipwrecked Mariners. Among tho early Greeks nnd Romans shipwrecked mariners were regarded as enemies and as such were either put to denth or sold Into slavery. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, nnd which has boon In uso for over 30 years, has. borno tho signature of anl has been mado under his por C&tsvrZZ7sTrfs Snal supervision slnco its infancy. 'ixacsuk. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Just-as-good" aro but Experiments that triflo with nnd endanger tho health of Infants nnd Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and nllays Fovcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THCCtNTAUn COMPANY, TT MUHHAT BTIlCtT. NCIVYORKCITY. Queer Art Gallery. Corrtgglo's best paintings were placed over the crevices in tho royal Italian stables at the north to prevent th wind from blowing upon tho backs of tho horses. THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. .Agency at Honesdale, Wayne Co.. Pa. .. , ... . . FROM THE 03d ANNUAL HEPOItT. ' ' rf.;Z; ? Z3.513.U63.65 4.UU11 jriisuiuiiue in lorco i ncn!i 7n nn Total number policy-holders .......... WS ixeiv insurance neportea ana paid ror In 1310 iiR7sqm?m Increase in Inaurtm tn fnrro Vvor iono Total Income for 1810 ...........'::.''.'.'.'...'..'..... Bl'srawS Total payment to policy-holders ..!! !!. TORmsw'nn i;ftVi?li.e?PfP??.Sy,S taxes to income l!78 nw Snt iuu wiuLi luAiira rwu austake IP YOU INSURK WITH H. A. TINGLBY. Agent, HONESDALE, PA. FOR RELIABLE HEATING IPLUMBING CONSULT Morrison and Oanivan HONESDALE, PA. I2th and Kimble St. COUNTY REPRESENTATIVES FOR "CAPITOL" Boilers and Radiators. "IiEADEU" Air pressure water systems. "GOULD" Pumps. "STAR" Windmill. Tho above goods represent the hest. use of them coupled with our 2G years' practical experience at tho ti business Insures you a lasting and satisfactory Job. ' 8 Correspondence Solicited. Both 'Phones Carrigan Has Collection of Giovei. Bill Carrigan, the Boston American catcher, carries a series of gloves and a valet to supply them. Some ho uses with men on bases and others when tho sacks nro unoccupied. Cicotto's spltball Influences Bill la his change of mitts. Players Who Made Flvo Blngles. Players who have mado Ave hits In one game this season nro Devoro, Byrne (twice), Tenney, Bescher, Simon, Bill Sweeney, Mlko Mitchell, Cobb, Dan Murphy, Mclnnes, Barry and Ed die Collins. Four of tho twelve, aro Mnckmen. Sweeney Has Developed Into 8tar. Indelder Bill Sweeney of tho Boston Nationals Is fast getting Into the class nf Al ball players of the country. ITa never was so much In tho gamo as llnce ho took to playing second base. To the Farmers of Wayne Co.- We Desire to Have You Patronize the FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK 7P per Cent. of the stockholders of S3 this Bank are Farmers Open An Account in the Progressive Bank Capital Stock $75,000.00 Surplus and Profits $17,000.00 Comparative Growth off Deposits: Jnne 1st 1907, May 1st 1908, May 1st 1009, May 2nd 1010, May 1st 1911, M. E. SIMONS, President M. B. Allen, George C. Abraham, J. Bam Brown, Oscar B. Bunnell, Wn, H. Dunn, Officers: Directors: W. M. Fowler, W. B. Gulunip, John E. Krantz, Fred W. Kreltner, John Kuhbacb, John Weaver. $24,398.54 $109,890.20 $101,077.58 $241,843.67 $272,500.68 C. A. EMERY, Cashier O. Wm. Sell, M. E. Simons, Fred Stephens, George W. Tisdell, J. B. Tiffany, Spuyten Duyvil. Spuyten Duyvil is a Dutch phrase and is said to have been the exclama tion of a rider who would cross thi stream "In snlto of the dovil." SIIAKK INTO YOUIt SHOES Allen's Foot-Ease, tho antiseptic poyder. It relieves painful, smart ing, tender, nervous feet, and in stantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest com fort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Eas'o makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain relief for sweating. callous, swollen, tired, aching feet. Always use it to Break in New shoes. Try it today. Don't g on your vacation without a pack age of Allen's Foot-Ease. Sold everywhere, 25 cents. Don't accept any substitute. For FREE trial package, address Allen S. Olmstead, Le Roy, N. Y. $49.50 VIA ERIE R. R, To SEPT. 14 to Oct. 14, 1911 And Points In Southwest nnd Northwest. Ask agents for particulars or write W. O. Rock, D. P. A., New York City. The Ideal Guardian of the estates of your minor chil dren. It has the very best facilities for the profitable and wise invest ment and re investment of the princi pal and accrued income -The Scranton Trust Co. 510 Spruce Street. One Hundred and Fifty Dollars in Gold and Mer chandise will be Given Away Absolutely Free by . Thejj Clark & Soever Company to the persons securing the largest number of points in the the following contest : 1st Prize $50.00 in Gold 2nd " 25.00 " " 3rd " io.OO " " Next 10 Prizes 5.00 " " Next 40 " one pound each of Clark & Snover "Stripped" or Top Wave Tobacco. Fifty-three Prizes in all, and every one worth working for mDIlif ?D0 0i theS8 PrlZeS' 11 you secure polnts eno"Sh, Is to save theNEW CLARK & SNOVER YELXOW COUPONS, BEARING THE EXPIRATION DATE, JUNE 1, 1012. No others accepted in this contest), and either mall or bring them to Tho Clark & Snover Company's office. No. 112 Adams Avenue, Scranton, Pa., before 12 o'clock noon, October 31. 1911, and, in addition to the premiums listed on tho backs thereof, you will be given credit for all the new coupons returned, beginning with the morning mail August 1, 1911, and closing with the last mall before noon, October 31, 1911, acording to tho following schedule: Coupons marked "Value 1 Coupon" ono point Coupons marked "Value 2 Coupons" two points Coupons marked "Value 5 Coupons" flvo points Coupons marked "Value 10 Coupons," ten points In addition to this, wo will give contestants credit for two points each, for every advertisement they send In, In which the name "THE CLARK & SNOVER COSIPANY" appears. Theso advertisements may bo taken from the newspapers, dance programmes, pay envelopes, or from any publication In which an advertisement containing our name apears. This offer la open ONLY to CONSUJIERS of , Clark & Snover Tobaccos, and no jobber, dealer, coupon col lector or broker is elliglble to enter tho contest, and coupons or advertisements turned in by any but CON SUMERS of our tobaccos will not bo accepted for credit In this contest. Therefore. Mr. Consumer, f you want to win one of these prizes, hang on to your coupons. tell all your friends about this contest and get them to uso CLARK & SNOVER "STRIPPED" WAVE" Tobacco, and If they do not want to enter the contest, they can give you tho coupons. The Clark & Snover Co ii2 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. or "TOP t