PAGE 0 TUB CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20, 1011. PRESIDENT WILL 13,000 MILES Will Visit Twenty-four States and Speak More Than 200 Times. ib' I'l't't" By JAMES A. EDGEIITON. WHENEVEH the president has nothing else to do-and at some qthcr times ho "swings around the circle." As a circle swinger Sir. Taft Is the greatest of them all. Colonel Roosp 'vclt was sometimes lu the swing, hut as a plain and fancy traveler Taft has been running circles all around Roosevelt. In the time of the first King Olaf there was In Iceland, Nor way, Russia and elsewhere by turns n gentleman called Thorwald Kodran son, who was known as the "far trav eler," but compared with our president this Thorwald was securely anchored to nn iceberg. A few years ago it was rstlmated that Mr. Taft had covered tnough ground to take him to the moon and back, and since then his Journcylngs have extended the distance to at least one of the fixed stars. Our amiable and abundant chief executive can certainly wander, go trek, Jour ney, move onward, cha'go from point to point, tour, hike, travel, take n trip, globe trot o" do any of the other things that indicate motion across the earth's surface. Now be is at it again. Starting Sept. 15, he remains out forty-seven days, covers approximately 13,000 miles, travels over twenty-flve different rail roads, visits twenty-four states, speaks more than 200 times and spends $18, 000. Ho outdoes his previous record in 1000. He intends to visit every in surgent that is at home, and the others will have to do some tall traveling if ho does not overtake them. For nearly seven weeks he sleeps in a car berth and eats at enough banquets to give indigestion to the whole Japanese navy. Think of the number of recep tion committees and local chairmen ho mast meet during this time, the wearying, monotony of hearing "Hail to the Chief" from bands that are un certain on the high notes and the oc casions he must listen to "We have with us tonight" or "It gives me great pleasure to introduce," to say nothing of talking eighteen times a day in railroad yards, town halls, picnics and county fairs. Believe me, the job of being president of these United States is not all pie and doughnuts. Neither does our hearty chief magistrate Jour ney about for health and pleasure alone. Far from it; also to the con trary and quite otherwise. He has a stern duty to perform viz and to wit, to explain to a somewhat extensive country why lie vetoed those tariff bills, why the Democratic majorities of last year should be revised down ward and why some of his fellow Re publicans should quit insurglng and come Into the reservation. These are no slight chores for one man, even though he does weigh more than 300 pounds and is quite strong for his weight. Nor are they tasks any man would undertake for the mere enjoy ment. The crusaders may have gone about their enterprise in a holiday spirit, and perhaps Columbus consider ed his trip across the Atlantic as a junket, but a speechmaking tour by a president of the United States deserves a sterner title. There are already twenty large vol umes of Mr. Taft's speeches, and the present tour will make it twenty-one. Nor do these include his messages and state papers. Think of the labor it must have been to make the speeches in the first place! We gasp at such a vast literary output as the result of an entire lifetime, yet the president is comparatively young nnd has been fairly busy at other 'things, such as being reporter, lawyer, prosecutor, in ternal revenue collector solicitor gen eral, judge, dean of a law school, gov ernor of the Philippines, secretary of war, proconsul in the affairs of Porto Rico, Cuba, Panama and elsewhere, besides being tho most industrious and prodigious traveler of whom there is official record. A man who can play golf, eat various chains of banquets without missing a course, make all these speeches nnd do so many other stunts makes tho "busy bee" and the ant, to whom "thou sluggard" is told to go, look like sons of rest. It is frankly admitted by the presi dent and his friends that ho is going out this time to talk politics and is going to do most of the talking in the insurgent states. Whether he intends by this to bid defiance to La Follette, Cummins, Bristow and their followers or designs to cut the ground from under them and win their followers is not stated. At any rate, it is a declara tion of war and is so regarded by the progressive leaders. Senator Ciapp has ulready been sent to tho Pacific coast to counteract the Taft tour In advance, and it may be that others of the pro gressive group will follow the presi dent. On tho part of the Democrats it has been proposed that Speaker Champ Clark "swing around the circle" in Mr. Taft's tracks. But, whatever tho Insurgents and Democrats may do, Mr. Taft himself is frankly malting political speeches. It will be his last chance to do so on an extended scale before the presidential campaign cpens, and he is not one to overlook tbo political hay crop while tho sun Is shining. There is a tradition in the land that it does not comport with the dignity of a president to make f r 111 47 1 4 t Trip Will Exceed His "Swing Around the Circle" X In 1909. I speeches in his own behalf while uu actual campaign is on, but a year be forehand is a different matter. It is not alone the veto of the wool, cotton and free list bills that the presi dent is discussing, but the arbitration treaties with France aiid England that tho senate has shown a disposition to hold up and amend. By nppealiug to the people Mr. Taft hopes to bring pub lic opinion to bear on the honorable senators. There are also those who aver that the latest presidential tour may result in getting more Taft dele gates in tho Republican national con vention nnd that the shrewd surmise to this effect may have been present in the minds of those mapping out the trip. The president's friends reply, "No such thing!" or something of that general tenor, and in proof of their denial Insist that Mr. Taft already has the ronomlnatlon cinched. To schedule a trip of 13,000 miles for the president, sort out of thousands of Invitations from almost every city, vil lage and hamlet of the country a few hundred that shall be accepted, work out a list of stops, hours of addresses, time tables and all the other details, Is n task the size of which the average man can hardly realize. The culling over of the Invitations Is attended to by Secretary miles and the White House office force. The selection of the ac tual points to bo visited Is, of course, a matter for the president himself. The nrraugemcnt of time tables and rnn nlng schedules is made by the passen ger department of the railroad on which the trip originates, in this case the Boston and Albany. The notifica tion of the cities the president is to visit, also of tho committees having matters in charge, is attended to by the "White House force. By far the heaviest portion of the details falls on the shoulders of a secret service man, however. His name is Luclen Wheeler, but he is known from tho Atlantic to the Pacific ns "Jack" Wheeler, ne is only n little past thirty years of age. yet he has been looking after presi dential tours for some years. lie has not only to provide for the safety of tho president, but for his comfort, en tertainment, precedence of those who are to welcome and who nre seated with him at banquets and a thousand nnd one other things the mere thought of which would make the average man's head spin like a top. Jack Wheeler acts as tho advance agent of the presidential tour, ne goes about two weeks ahead of the main show nnd nrranges everything except the presidential smile. When and where Mr. Taft speaks, whero he Is to go und in what conveyances, whero ho is to eat nnd sleep, who is to meet him, who forms his guard all of these and many other things are kindly worked out and organized by tho thoughtful and omnipresent Jack Wheeler. Per haps the president is still a free agent and can follow the prearranged pro grams or not as suits him, but ho sel dom breaks over. Wo enviously speak of the president as having the greatest power of any man in tbo land, yet as a matter of fact there Is scarcely one outside of a penitentiary with so little liberty, ne is the slave of his office and of the pub lic. He can go nowhere in privacy. His time is mostly taken up with inter views, .demands, requests, public af fairs and delegations. In all of his illIll DAY moves the whole press of the country i spies on him und tells of every syllable i ho utters, every crook of his elbow. If I he plays golf that Is wired from Los Angeles to Boston. If he steps on a I banana peel and strains the sidewalk that Is known from London to Manila. ' If he scratches his left car sainebody ! talks about It. If ho wrinkles his nose it is photographed. The Caliph Ha-roun-al-Raschld used to break away und bo n private citizen now nnd then, nnd even modern kings and princes travel incog, but Taft cannot thus es cape. It is impossible to dlsguiso 300 pounds or to conceal a smile that is famous from Guam to Porto Rico. Following tho lines laid down by Jack Wheeler is only an Incident of the presidential Blavery. Most, men are bossed by their wives, but Mr. Taft Is bossed by everybody. Com mittees here nnd there are pulling him this way nnd that, editors and sena tors ore telling him what to do. his cabinet is advising him, reporters are watching him, photographers are wait ing around the corner, banquets are beckoning to him, congress is sending him bills and mnking him read them, and Jack Wheeler Is leaving directions as to when and where he is to do everything except slnp nt mosquitoes. This is what it means to have the big gest and most sought after job on earth. When a man onco attains this proud eminence he has less personal liberty than anybody except a bride groom at his own wedding. If he should slip out to Casey's bar like an ordinary freeman the whole thing would be in the morning papers under a seven column slug hend. The official itinerary of President Taft's journey is as follows: Ltavo Boston Sept. 15. Syracuse, N. Y. ; Krle, Pa., Sept. 10. Erie, Pa.,' Sept 17. Detroit, Pontine, Saginaw, Bay City, Mich., Sept. IS. Bay City, Sault Ste. Marie, Marquette, Mich.. Sept. 19. Marquette, Mich., Sept. 20. Grand Rapids, Montelth, Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, Mich., Sept. 21. Peoria, III., Sept. 22. St. Louis Sept. 23. Kansas City, Mo.; Baldwin, Kan., Sept. 24. Baldwin, Cherry vale, Coffeyvllle, Kan.; Independence. Mo.; Chanute, Ottawa, Kan.; Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 25. Hutchinson, Kan., Sept. 2G. Topeka, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kan., Sept. 27. Council BlutT3, Denlson, Fort Dodge, Webster City, Iowa Falls, Waterloo, la., Sept. 23. Waterloo, Des Moines, Knoxvllle, Ia Sept. 29. Albla, Ottumwa, la., Sept. 29. Moberly, Sedalla, Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 30. Omaha, Neb., Oct. 1, Lincoln, Hastings, Neb., Oct. 2. Denver Oct. 3. Cheyenne, Laramie, Rawlins, Wyoming, Oct. 4. Salt Lake City Oct. B. Pocatello, Eolse, Ida., Oct. 6. Walla Walla, Wash.; Lewlston, Moscow, Ida.; Spokane, Wash., Oct. 7. Llnd, Ellensburg, Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 8. Bellingham, Mount Vernon, Everett, Se attle, Wash., Oct. 9. Seattle, Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 10. Olympla, Centralla, Chehalis, Castle Rock, Kelso, Kalama, Vancouver, Wash.; Portland, Ore., Oct. 11. Portland, Salem, Ore., Oct. 12. Sacramento, San Francisco, Oct. 13. San Francisco Oct. 14 and 15. Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 16 and 17. Salt Lake City Oct. 18. Butte, Livingston, Billings, Mont, Oct. 19. Sheridan, Newcastle, Wyo., Oct. 20. Newcastle, Wyo.; Edgemont, Custer, Deadwood, Visit, Lead, Sturgls, Rapid City, S. D., Oct. 21. Pierre, B. D Oct. 22. Huron, Aberdeen, S. D., Oct. 23. Aberdeen, S. D.; Cologne, Shakopec, Mankato, Watervllle, Faribault, Randolph, Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 24. St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 25. Green Bay, Appleton, Oahkosh, Fond' du lac, Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 23. Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha, 'Wis,; Chi cago, Oct. 27, Chicago Oct. 23, 29 and 30. Pittsburg Oct. 31. Washington Nov. 1. The-special will be made up of five or six cars the president's private car, a baggage car, a dining car, two sleepers and probably a coach which will be used by local committees. After It is all over tho president will be entitled to a rest. So will the White House office force and Jack Wheeler. DIGNITY and CONFIDENCE It is wonderful what an amount of dignity and confi dence one gets from the fact that he has a growing bank ac count. The possession of motl ey you have earned and savea yourself makes you Independent mentally as well as In regard to material things. Become a regular depositor In a good, strong, growing insti tution like tho Honesdale Dime Bank We will help you with three per cent. Interest. Each new de positor Is presented with a use ful, as well as ornamental house hold bank. We make a specialty of loan ing money to Wayne county peo ple. Business accounts solicited. Call and see us or you can do your banking with us by mall. Write and we will tell you how. JOS. A. FISCH, Cashier. E. C. MUMF0RD, President. Roll of HQ AtterMon is called totne STRENG1H of the Wayne County The FINANCIER of New York City has published a ROLL OP HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks and Trust Companies of United States. In this list the WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Stands 38th in the United States Stands 10th in Pennsylvania. Stands FIRST in Wayne County. Capital, Surplus. $527,342.88 Total ASSETS, $2,951,048.26 Honesdale. Fu.. December 1, lUlu. You need the "Stickley-Brandt Catalogue" to keep posted on furniture styles. Only $1.60 For this Box Seat Dlnlnc Room Chair In the,Golden Quartered Oak; band-made open cane seat. Shaped banister back. A strictly high-grade Dining Chair that always retails in stores for 12.00 each. Six Chairs carefully packed and shipped, freight charges prepaid, for $9.60. Why not buy from the manufac turers same as dealers do? Send today for our "Satisfaction Furniture at Factory Prices" catalog. It's free. BINGHAMTON, N. Y. DR. E. F. SCANLON, Only Permanent Resident Specialist In Scranton. TEN YEARS' SUCCESS IN THIS CITY. CURING VARICOCELE Varicocele Impairs tho vitality and destroys the elements ot manhood. I dally demonstrate that Varicocele can be posi tively cured without, the organs being mutilated; they are preserved and strengthened; pain ceases almost instantly; swelling soon subsides; healthv circulation 1 s rapidly re-established. Dr. E. I". Scanlon, and every part of tho Varicocele Special organism affected by the 1st. disease Is thoroughly re stored. A written guarantee with every case I accept. Write If you cannot call. Consultation and examination tree. Credit can be arranged. Office Houra; 8 a. m. to S p. m and 7 to 9 p. m.; Sundays, 12 to 1 p. m. Offices 133 Linden St., SCRANTON, PA. (Opposite Postolflce.) Wo print circulars. Wo print letter beads. Wo print legal blanks, Advertise In The Citizen , Wo print wedding Invitations. DIMENSIONS OF HEAVENS. Louisville Pastor Telia of Building 792,000 Stories High. Heaven's exact dimensions were fig ured out in a sermon the Rev. M. E. Dodd, pastor of a Louisville (Ky.) Bap tist church, preached to his congrega tion. In the course of his sermon tho preacher said: "In Revelation xxl, 10, nervous Christians have read where tho dimen sions of heaven nre only 1,500 cubic miles. Immediately they jump at the conclusion that even this space will not ncsommodato tho vnst multitude of which the Bible speaks. "However, calculation will show that this space will accommodate a build ing 702,000 stories high and, counting rooms of ten cubic feet, the first floor of the structure would have 027,204, 000 such rooms. Multiplying this by 702,000, it is easy to demonstrate that such a building would indeed accom modate an innumerable multitude." The Divine Sarah's Rule. Mme. Bernhardt at a supper smiled sympathetically over tho story of a young actor who applied vainly for the post of secretary to a rich widow, says the Detroit Free Tress. 'He failed, I understand," said Mme. Bernhardt, "because he didn't wear his best clothes. Now, a young girl apply ing for a secretaryship to an elderly millionaire would never make such a mistake as that. "I believe, do you know, that tho one freat difference between men and women Is this: "When an important step is to be taken a man asks, 'What shall I say?' a woman, 'What shall I put on?' " Vanadium. Vanadium, a costly metal, the ores ol which are very widely distributed, oc curs, according to one authority, in all primitive granite rocks, but in small quantity. It is difficult to obtain In a state of purity and Is of value lu processes connected with the manufac ture of steel. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It ab sorbs the tumors, allays Itching at once, nets as a poultice, elves Instant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment Is pre pared for Piles and Itching of the private parts. DrUKsists. mail 50c nnd $1.00. WILLIAMS MFG. CO.. Props.. Cleveland, Ohle FOR SALE BY O. O. JADWIN. W. C. SPRY AUCTIONEER HOLDS SALES ANYWHERE IN STATE. m:a:$maaimaaja:::ujattaas::aanmjmnmtt:a:am:aHjj CLOSING OUT SUB GOODS THAI COST To Glean MENNER & GO. Consisting of Made Juniors and Misses. Newest Styles. House Dresses, Wrappers & Kimonas, White Lawn and Marquisette One Piece Dresses. Kimona Shirt Waists and High and Low Neck Waists. Long Coats in Light Weight Wool, Pongee and Linen. Separate Skirts and Jackets will be sold low to close out all re maining stock. MENNER & CO, a:m:attmjmttjitam:t:nattna:m:mnmj:mn FOR RtSULTS JOSEPH N. WELCH r ire The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Second floor Masonic Build ing, over O. C. .Imluin'p drug store, Honsdnle. i. LEE B EVERYTHING IN LIVERY Buss for Every Train and Town Calls. Horses always for sale Boarding and Accomodation for Farmers Prompt and polite attention at all times. ALLEN HOUSE BARN aaaa-. ,jn:::n:;:::u:::t::nKna MARTIN CAUFIELD 1 Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC Office and Works 1036 MAIN ST. HONESDALE, PA. 8 aaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaataaatti i IT LESS Up Stock Keystone Stores. Up Goods for Ladies, Wash Tailor Suits, Department Stores KRAFT & CONGER Reoresent Reliable Companies ONLY nil HONESDALE, PA. ADVERTISE IN THE CITIZEN
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