PAGE 8 THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, SEPT. 15, 1011. INDICT II II rri Butler Grand Jury Acts In Dynamiting Gases. MAKE COiSP.RAGY CHARGES Special Investigation of Outrages Along Harmony, Pit.sburg, Butler and Newcastle Line Results In Action Against Former Employees. Butler, Pa., Sept. 14. The. grand Jury .which mnde a special Investigation Into dynamiting outrages and other acts of violence along the line of the Har mony, Pittsburg, Butler and Newcas tle railway made Its report to Judge James M. Gnlbralth aud recommends that indictments be brought against twenty labor leaders and former em ployes of the company. Among those named by the grand jury against whom indictments shall be brought are J. J. 1 horpe of Pittsburg, International vice president of tho Amalgamated As soclatlon of Street aud Electric Kail- way Employees, aud C. A. Belts, ores ideut of the Harmony local union of the association. The grand jury specifies J. J. Thorpe, C. A. Betts, V. W. Pollock, L. G. Bow man, II. F. Gasklll, D. E. Pierce, Henry Cllngensmlth, A. L. Householder, Wil liam Williamson, Sam Hodmau, M. J., Skeohlll, .7. II. Roberts, Clyde Shouts, I. D. Hllemau, Henry Dunbar, Clyde Jones, n: E. Thayer, John Strosuider J. C. Baker and L. Kinghorn, aud rec ommend that they be indicted. Immediately after the presentment had been made the district attorney brought n bill of Indictment nnd passed it to the grand jury. The grand jury acted immediately aud indictments ,were raturned. Two charges were brought, fifteen of the men named be ing charged with conspiracy for dy namiting cars and other attempts, nnd several of the men were named for conspiracy for soaping or greasing the tracks. TRACE IANSDALE EIOPERS. Pair Arrested Also Charged With Rob bery and Forgery. I.ansdale, Pa., Sept. 14. Mrs. Anton etta Manzoll and Antonio Toledo, who eloped from here, have'been traced to New Windsor, Conn., and are In cus tody. Charles Kulp, a policeman, is at Ilarrisburg to procure the approval of Governor Toner to requisition papers to bring the fugitives back to Mont gomery county for trial. The Manzels have their home here. The husband was thrifty and had it good position and a bank account. With Toledo's Intimacy with the wile there followed quarrels between the husband and wife. A week ago Mrs. Mnnzell and Toledo disappeared. Simultaneously It was developed th'.t tho wife hud forged her husband' name to a savings bank certificate In the amount of $300 and procured the money from a local linnfe. n charged that Toledo smashed open the husband's trunk and took .? 100 In notes. Kulp was put on' the case and war rants wort issued by Magistrate .1. Winfleld White of Gwynedd for the ar rest of the wife on forgery chnrgos nnd that of Toledo on robbery charges. CARRIED SLAIN PRISONER. Policeman Forces Six Captives to Move Assailant Whom He Shot. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Sept. 14. After being kicked under a moving train by a negro prisoner, Burton E. Som mers, a Lehigh Valley railroad police man, rolled on the rails, drew his re volver and killed tho lleelng man by shooting him In the spine. Six other mcu, whom Burton also had arrested for illegal riding on the train, were forced to carry tho negro's body to Timkhnnnock, a mile away, where Burton locked them in Jail and sur rendered himself. Policeman Sommers, although dazed for a' moment by tho man's attack, acted so quickly that he saved his own life and killed his escaping assailant. Sommers served In the United States army iu the Philippines. The icn. was David Collins of Philadelphia. WOMAN HALTS CITY WORK. Pittsburg Milliner Won't Permit Rais. ing House Above Flood Level. Pittsburg, Sept. 14. The raising ol north side streets abovo flood level is being effectively blocked by an Indig nant milliner and her pet poodle dog. "What's tho trouble?" Mayor Mugec inquired of the contractor when ln saw all of the men loaflug. "Don't" you see that womau and her poodle" lie asked, pointing to Mrs. Susaua A. Lynn, who was in the dooi way of her store holding her pet dog Winks. "She won't let us proceed." The mayor was powerless to Inter fere for Mrs. Lynn owns the building und refuses to allow the city to raise it. Tho mayor thinks Mrs. Lynn will iu couslder, though she camped outside her store all night on a cot with her dog as a guard. Pittsburg Bars Deattie Pictures. Pittsburg, Sept. 14. Director John Morln of the department of public safety said any attempt to show pic tures of the Beattie trial will bo prohibited. West Virginia Executive From a Snapshot at Spring Lake. Photo by American Press Association. TO IMPEACH BLEASE. Enemies of South Carolina Executive Seek to Oust Him. Columbia. S. C, Sept. 14. Leaders of the opposition to Governor Cole L. Blcase nre getting evidence against him as a basis for impeachment pro ceedings that It is positively nssertcd will be filed against him when the South Carolina legislature convenes in Jnnuary. The evidence being assem bled is to be put iu concrete form, and he will be generally charged with mal feasance in office. A resolution 13 to be introduced, it is said, to Impeach him. If this is passed the articles of impeachment will be ready to bo filed at once, upon which the state senate, sitting as a high court, will try him. His opponents be lieve that nearly two-thirds of the members of tho legislature nre inim ical to Governor Blease. In a speech made at Spartansburg on July 4 Governor Blease said that impeachment proceedings had been threatened against him and that if he were impeached nnd removed from the office of governor he would run for nnd bo elected to the house next year. GOULD PAYS $1,000 FINE. Note Contender Plea Accepted In Wire Pool Indictment. New York, Sept. 14. Judge Hough in the United States circuit court here accepted a plea of nolo contender from Frank J. Gould nnd fined him $1,000, but he made it plnlu that he accepted tho plen only because his colleague. Judge Archbnlu, had established the precedent In tho steel wire pool case. There were eighty odd indictments and nbout seventy of them have been dis posed of by Judge Archbald. Judge Hough also let it be known that his acceptance of tho plea was not to be taken as a precedent in his administra tion of the criminal law in this district. As president of tho Old Dominion Wire and Nail company Mr. Gould had been indicted for participating in one of the nine wire pools. YALE PRACTICE BEGINS. Few of 1911 Football Team Report at New Haven. New nnven, Conn., Sept. 14. A small squad of Yale football men have re ported to get their new suits for this year. The practice started this after noon. Captain Arthur Howe is confi dent that there will be forty men here. Only "those who have n fair chance of getting Into some of tho games have been ordered to report. Of the men who won their "Y" last year those who will return, beside Cnp tnln Howe, are McDavitt and Childs, guards; Scully nnd Paul, tackles; Phil bin, half back, and Francis, half back. Walter Camp, Jr., who was hurt last year so that he couldn't get into the later games, Is here and is in fine con dition. LIFE TERM FOR KIDNAPER. Wisconsin Justice 8wift After Suspect Confesses. Madison, Wis., Sept 14. John A. ("Dogskin") Johnston pleaded guilty In court to tho murder of Annie Lefber ger, tho soveu-year-old child who was kidnaped from her bod. Tho man "made a detailed confession to tho authorities. It was twenty-live minutes after Johnson cnlled the turnkey In the county Jail nnd told him ho had de cided to plead guilty that Johnson had been sentenced nnd was on his way to tho state prison for life. Johnson was arrested last Saturday, but was released for lack of evidence. Monday night ho was again arrested, but tho lack of evidenco was such that the district attorney did not venture to issue n warrant until yesterday, GERMAN MARKET DEPRESSED. .Jfrneral Feeling of Alarm Adds to Panic on Bourse, Berlin, Sept. 14. A state of depres sion has ugaln seized tho Bourse and tho result is a general decllno iu prices and the withdrawal of French gold which is leading to a rise In Paris exchange, which is tho chief factor of nnxlety. Orders from Vienna based on the reports that the France-German nego tiations had broken add to the weak ness of tho shares. PLEA FOR L Foss Also Would Protect the Employers. GOVERNORS ViSIl GOAST FORT Big Guns at Sandy Hook Demonstrate to State Executives Ability of Army to Repel Foreign Invaders to Country's Gateways. Spriug Lake, N. J., Sept. 14. Twcn ty-eveu governors with cotton in their eats tiptoed onto the parapet of Fort Hancock, observing the habits of a twelve inch coast defense gun. Hoke Smith of Georgia wns the only dele gate to the house of governors to miss tho entertainment nt Sandy Hook. Un like some of the westerners, Mr. Smith had seen big guns nt play, so he stayed at the Monmouth hotel to read the news from Georgia. To most of tho governors, who wero invited by the war department to see what could be done to a battleship that tried to be rough with New York citj, the exhibition of marksmanship was a treat Some, like Btubbs of Kansas, stood by glumlly, shaking their beads over good money burned up to make a governors' holiday, whilo others, like Kltchln of North Carolina, sermonized a bit on the economic wasto of war fare. But nine out of ten had as much fun and asked as many 'questions ns boys just, let out of school. They made the trip to Sandy Hook after discussing employers' liability and workmen's compensation prob lems, tho only topic up for discussion, nnd to the majority of the governors here It is regarded as the most impor tant. Two addresses wero made, one by Governor Hny of Washington, the other by Governor Foss of Massachu setts, but several took part in tho In formal exchange of opinions. Governor Woodrow Wilson's atten tion was colled to a statement purport ing to come from Governor Osborn of Michigan to the effect that he had not attended the conference because it was merely a gathering to boom Wilson for tho Democratic nomination for presi dent. Governor Wilson had nothing to say in reply, but ex-Governor Fort of New Jersey did what talking was necessary. It was ho who as governor of New Jer sey got the conference for Spring Lake, said Governor Fort and Wood row Wilson bad nothing to do with It. Moreover, he added, Governor Osborn wrote on Aug. 10 last and again on Aug. 30 that lie was looking forward with pleasure to being hero. All of the governors joined in saying that it was decidedly untrue nnd unfair to Gov ernor Wilson to hint that tho Spring Lake conference was to bo used to further his candidacy. Governor Wlllson of Kentucky has Invited the conferees to Frankfort to attend the unveiling of a monument to Abraham Lincoln on Nov. 8. Governor Foss of Massachusetts read his paper on "State Legislation For Worklngmen's Compensation." His state has a law which goes Into effect In a few months. Governor Foss fa vors state laws providing adequate I compensation for workingmen who be come Injured, but he Insists upon proper process for the protection of the employers. FRYE'S WILL FILED. Daughters of Late Mains Senator Divide His Estate. Augusta, Me., Sept. 14. The will of United States Senator William P. Frye, filed at the Androscoggin county probate court, is in the sen ator's own handwriting nnd Is dated Aug. 30, 1009. It has only one pub lie bequest, tho sum of $1,000 to the Old Ladles' home In Lewiston. It gives to the senator's daughter, Mrs. nolon Frye White, the house and lot with tho contents where she lives, and which was the senator's own home, provided tiiat she account to his estate for tho sum bt $10,000 for the same. It also gives to her his house and lot at Squirrel Island. It gives to his daughter, Alice Frye Brlggs of Auburn, his camp nt Bangely Lakes, and as the value of this Is less than tho Squirrel island property, it gives to Mrs. Briggs $1,000 to equalize the bequests. Tho remainder of- the estate is divided equally between the two daughters, who are charged with tho .care and burial of Rose Lewis, a woman who was for many years n do mestic in the Frye house. SHAKERS TO BE ACQUITTED. Pair Who Killed Woman to End Suf fering Out on Bail, Klsslmmee, Fla., Sept. 14.-Charged with murder because after praying they gave chloroform to n dying wom an to end her agony, it is believed here that Sister Elizabeth Sears and Broth er Egbert B, Gillette, two respected members of a Shnker colony, may not even be indicted by the grand Jury, such Is tho respect with which they nre held. Both are freo on ball. The woman, Sister Sadie h. Mar chant, begged them to give her the chloroform, and the action of her two friends Is regarded here as assistance at suicide rather than murder. Under the laws of the stato attempted suicide Is not a crime. Rev. Thomas J. Drumm Dead. Concord, N. H., Sept. 14. Tho Rev. Thomas J. Drumm, masterin St Paul's school for thirty-eight years, is dead. - i HHQfi :IlEV DR' FRANCIS CLARK. Founder of Christian Endeavor, Who Celebrates Sixtieth Birthday. Ottawa. Ont. Sent. 14. President Taft has telegraphed to Rev. Dr. F rancis Clark, founder of the World s Christian Endeavor union, eonirrntii. lating him on tho celebration of tho sixtieth anniversary of his birth. Dr. Clark was born at Avlmer. near here, and appropriate functions were hold to mark tho occasion. Many Americans are attending. ALL IN FORTY-THREE MINUTES President's Aids Makes Record For Changing Uniforms. Beverly, Mass., Sept. 14. Major Archibald Butt has taken his physical test. It Is not the prescribed army test which the president's aide took, but one unique to his post and which he voluntarily imposes upon himself. Fri day the major will board the presi dent's car for the 13,000 mile trip. He knows that he will have a record to make In lightning changes of uniforms So he has put himself through the paces by way of preparation. Baron Uchlda called upon tho presi dent to take his formal leave of him before leaving for Japan. Tho major met him in full dress uniform. The cnll was made and the baron returned to the depot. Without omitting any bows, tho major then made his gct away and hurried back homo to the president's house, some two miles from the depot, changed from the full dress uniform to a little fuller dress civil- Inn's costume nnd returned to the de pot to cntch a train to Boston. The whole thing, tho ambassador's cnll, two trips and olinnge, was done In forty-three minutes. FLIER WARD UNDISMAYED. Will Resume Coast to Coast Flight From Paterson, N. J. Now York, Sept 14. James J. Ward, the second filer to try for the coast to coast prize, went Into the air from Governors Island. Just after dusk he settled down near the limits of Pater sou, N. J., after a day of hunting through tho unblazed air trails. He lost his way over Jersey City, mistook the tracks of the Lehigh for those of the Erie and swept a wide semicircle that didn't advance him a great deal on tho road to Buffalo. High, gusty winds brought him to grass twice. But be wasn't hurt, his Curtlss biplane wasn't scratched, and he said that he had every Intention of continuing Ills flight nt once from Pat erson. EXECUTE INDIAN CHIEF. Head of Cucapas Meets Bandit's Fats In Mexico. Los Angeles, Col., Sept. 14. Juan Guerrero, noted Cucapas Indian war chief and reputed bandit, was execut ed in Ensenada, Lower California, last Friday, nccordlng to word brought to Los Angeles from there. Guerrero left Los Angeles for Ensenada ten days ago against the advice of friends, prompted by a promise from the Mexi can government to treat with him over tho restitution of lands formerly be longing to his tribe, ne wns arrested as he left the Ensenada wharf. Weather Probabilities. Fair and continued cool today; Fri day fair and warmer. , Market Reports. BUTTER Steady ; receipts, 11,824 pack ages; creamery, specials, per lb., 27c; ex tras, 2Ca26Vtc; thirds to firsts. 20Ha25c; stato dairy, common to prime, 19a23Hc; process, seconds to specials, lSHa23c; fac tory, current make, 17a20c.; packing stock. 16alEc. CHEESE Firm; receipts, 5,812 boxes; state, whole milk, specials, per lb., I3V4a 13?ic; fancy colored, 13aKVlc.; white, 13a lSVic; undergrades, liaise.; daisies, beBf, HallHc; part skims, ialiytc; hard skims, l,4a3c. EGOS Steady; receipts, 15.Ha cases, fresh gathered, extras, per doz., Ba27c.; extra llrsta, 23a23Kc; firsts, Ha22cj sec onds, 19a20c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery whites, 30a3Ec; gathered whites, 27a33c; hennery browns, 27c, gathered brown and mixed, 21atJc. POTATOES Weak; Maine, per bag. $2.25; Long Island, per bbl. or bag, J2.25a 2.50; Jersey, $2a2.S5; sweets, Jersey, No. 1, per basket, tl.26al.40; southern, yellow, per bbl., tWa3.W. . HAY AND STRAW Firm; timothy, old. per 100 lbs., B0c.aO.25; new, 90c.ah.25; shipping, 80aS5c; clorer, mixed, 75aajl; clover, TSaSGc; straw, long rye, 75aS0c; oat and wheat, 40a45c DRESSED POULTRY Fowls steady; chickens weak; turkeys, fresh, old, par lb.,;17al8c; fowls, fresh, western, boxes IfliaUc. - - 1 I II I B "WETS'lEADNOW Prohibition Paper In Maine Concedes Defeat. BY MARGIN OF 545 VOTES. Election Returns Are Again Juggled, and State Long "Dry" May Be "Wet" by 8mall Majority on Official Count of the Votes. Portland, Me., Sept. 14,-Flrst It was uie wets," then it was the "Drys." Now it is tho "Wets" again. The most dramatic climax yet in iuu series or climaxes that has at tended Maine's remarkable election camo when George W. Norton, sec retary of the No License league, con ceded n victorv to tho wh. h.. margin of 545 votes, when two hours Dcrore tho voters all over tho stato had settled to the conclusion that the "Drys" wore sure winners. Mr. Norton based his figures on tho face of returns received from the sec retary of state's oillce, whore an ac countant especially employed by the Express Advertiser, a prohibition paper, and by the No License league took the returns ns fast as they were received. Verified returns from 480 towns nnd cities were received, giving a "dry" majority of 2,200 votes. Four cities and thirty-seven towns were not in cluded in this list According to special and Associated Press reports from these places, tho thirty-seven towns gave a majority of 038 for the "Drys," making a "dry" majority of 2,847 without tho four cities. But the four cities, Lewiston, South Portland, Rockland nnd Old Town, have an aggrecnto "wot" mninritr nf 3,302, offsetting the "dry" majority iiuu giving a majority of 543 votes for the repeal of tho prohibitory amend ment. Here Are the Figures. Portland, Me.. Sent. 14. A total vot has been given out by the secretary of state. It is as follows: Yes, 00,523; no, 00,3(0; majority for repeal, 155. The total vote as given out by tho Associated Press follows: Yes. nn.241- no, C0.5S8; majority for retention, 347. Which of these ronorts Is corroct- is not known. Both wore given out early mis morning. INSANE AT BROTHER'S GRAVE Myrtle Smith Now Lies In Hospital Near M an Held For Crime. Washington, Sept'. 14. Myrtle Smith, pretty youthful sister of the lad who was murdered in nn Itnllan shoemak er's shop last Sunday the place after ward being set on fire in an attempt to conceal the crime, became Insane at Mount Olivet cemetery when the body of tho little victim was being lowered into the grave. She tried to Jump in tho grave and it required four men to restrain her. Finally it became neces sary to bind her hands and feet. Then the girl was taken to the Washington asylum, where she lies on n cat nnt n hundred yards from tho cell In which ony Aiaiino, the "shoemaker by trade," In whose shop little Harry Smith was brutally beaten tn rlpnth with a steel hammer, is confined on a charge of having committed the mur der. Physicians at the hospital say that the youngAvotnan is in a serious condi tion and that her reason may never be restored, even if her life is saved. Mrs. Smith, mother of tho murdered boy, and his little sister May are both prostrated at their homes. At tho Inquest which held Mllano for tho crime tho theory was devel oped that the Italian, who had long been tho butt of mischievous boys of the neighborhood, thought tho Smith boy, who stuttered, was trying to mock him, and killed the lad in n lit of rage. SUGAR TEUST NOT TO BLAME. Head of House Probe Committee Says Shortage Raises Prices. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 14. Congress man II. H. Hardwlck of Georgia, chairman of tho committee Investigat ing the operations of the alleged sugar trust, who Is here, says the trust is not to blnme for the price of sugar advancing ns It has been during the pnst few weeks. Ho exonerates the combine from tho charge of wilfully forcing up the price, although ho says the matter will be investigated by his committee when It meets next month. "Tho increase in the price of sugar," the congressman said, "is not tho re sult of manipulation. It Is solely the result of hick of production In Pnlm and elsewhere. Tho beet sugar crop has failed hero and abroad, aud sup plies cannot be had. The result has been nn Increase In price, Just us there would be an Increase In' price of cotton If wo should have.n very short cotton crop." WRECK KILIS FOUR. Threo Others Will Die From Injuries at Cleveland. Clevelnnd, Sept. 14. Four men were killed nnd fourteen injured in a col lision between a freight and work train on the belt lino railroad. The wreck occurred half way between Franklin nnd Warren road. Three of tho in jured, all of whom are at St Alexis hospital, will die today, according to the surgeons. The wreck was evidently due to a misunderstanding of signals. MILANVILLE. tSDedal to Tho Citizen. MILANVILLE, Pa., Sept. 14 MlssWinnle Gay and niece, Elizabeth Skinner, loft Thursday for Scranton where they will spend threo weeks wuu ours. n. u. uarr. Miss Gay expects to go to Kansas for the win ter. Miss Lorena Skinner started on Friday last for Troy, N. Y wlhore she has a position teaching drawing. Hor friends wish her a pleasant winter. Mrs. Nichols and Miss Llhbie Sherer spent last Tuesday In Port Jervls, N. Y. J. J. 'McCullough and Klngsley of Blnghamton, recently spent a few days with Mrs. Beach. Miss Cora Gordon will return to Middletown, N. Y this week after spending several weeks hero with her aunt, Miss Florence C. Skinner. Miss Bessie E. Skinner returned home Tuesday after a delightful visit with 'Honesdale, Hawley and Scran ton friends. The friends of Dr. Otto Appley are glad to see him able to drive out again. Mrs. T. G. Wilson and son Donald, of New York city, are boarding at V. Skinner's. .Mrs. Isadore Calkins is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Pulls, at Endl cott, X. Y. John Sherwood and son, Adon, are attending the State Fair at Syracuse, N. Y., this week. Montieth Brown has returned to New York city. Ruth, Dorothy and Wilmot Carr, who were visiting their aunt, Miss Gay, have returned to Scranton. Jean Carthuser recently enjoyed a trip to Niagara Falls, N. Y. It is rumored that Orville Kays has sold his interest in the grist mill here, and will engage In business in Blnghamton. While wo wish Mr. Kays success, we are sorry to lose both OI r. and Mrs. Kays. Willis Tyler has sold his farm to 'Mr. Haynes of Brooklyn, possession to be given April next. Mr. Haynes built a new home near Mr. Tyler's and now expects to plant an exten sive fruit orchard. F. D. Calkins and William Pulis recently were In Honesdale. Robert Dorln, one of Honesdale's popular men, was in town last week on business. The city people who have occupied the bungalows owned by Mr. Samp son, 'have returned to their homes. Mr. Sampson has no trouble renting these bungalows and could rent as 'many more. 'Miss May Boucher of Port Jervls Is visiting here. '.Miss Minnie Hocker will teach the school at Nobody's Switch. Gertrude Calkins, Sarah Calkins and Charlie Hnnlrnr nra ott.!l High school at Damascus. we are glad to note that Prof. Pethlck will remain nt nnnmcu.,,,, fi,t year. As the people of the township pay the tax we are glad to see a Damascus boy receive tho benefit. Mrs. Peck, Washington, D. C, is visiting at M. S. Skinner's. CANDIDATE for PKOTIIONOTARY. JOHN JT. SIIAHPST EEN. To the Republicans or Wayne Co.: I tako this means of announcing myself as a candidate for the nomi nation of Prothonotary at the pri maries, Sept. 30, 1911. To most of you I am known per sonally. During my seventeen years of service as a clerk In tho Hones dale postofflce my efforts have been to perform my duties faithfully and courteously to the patrons of the of fice and the public generally. To tho voters with whom I am not personally acquainted I would say that, since a severe Injury sustain ed by my father a few years before his accidental death when I was six teen years old I have tried to make an honest living. My 'birthplace was In Texas township, district No. 4, Wayne county. My school days were limited to tho district school and the Honesdale High school. As a bov of elnypn vpflra T annnf mv summers slate picking on the Dola- wuru tiuuson uock anu attended School dtirlntr thn wlntor T nlen spent several summers working on a farm in Cherry Ridge. After school I entered the office of the Honesdalo Iron Works, known now as tho fliiflrnnv Rloptrlo lin, ..,,. Co., where I stayed a numher of years aim later entoreu tho Hones dale postofflce serving two years un- dor Wllllnm 1? Vtrlrrfro t v. . 1 ' ;- - - -.rea. x moil tTUUl to the Carbondale Lumber company as a bookkeeper, remaining with thorn until the appointment as post master of Miss Mary E! Gorety, who later became the wife of Hon. C. A. 'McCarty. In June, 189S, I returned to the Honesdale postofflce where I have been employed ever since. In coming before the people and asking their assistance and vote at tho com ing primaries, let me say that I am no tool of any boss or bosses. I simply desire In common with every American citizen to better my condi tion. Your support will be appre ciated and if nomlnatod and elected I will devote all my time and atton- "2? ,t0T th0 ,dutIes of tho office to which I asplro and will resign my present position. ' As the son of the lato Newton Snarpsteen, veteran of the Civil war, I have an Interest in and sym pathy with all veterans. Most cordially yours, J. N. Sharpatoon.