TIIE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, SUIT. 15, 1011. rAUE a S State Heads at Spring Lake. Bar Politics. WESTERNERS IN SPEGIAL CAR. Thirty of Forty-eight Executives As semble In Annual Conference Jersey Summer Resort to Dis cuss National Questions. Spring Lako. N. J., Sept. 12. Tho annual conference of governors opened hero this morning. Efforts to get the governors to discuss political condi tions in their home states and tha nation at lnrg6 are futile and the score or more of newspapermen who descended upon the visitors are able to get but llttlo satisfaction. Governor Judson Harmon of Ohio was one who had to answer many questions, and he reflected the scutl ments of the whole group when ho said that he had come here to gather in a lot of information from the others, who undoubtedly had come on tho same mission, and he was not going to talk politics at a nonpartisan gath ering. The meeting opened this morning when Governor Wilson of Now .let sey told the visitors how gratified ho is to welcome them in this state. Governor Joseph M. Cary of Wyom ing made tho response. In addition to forming a temporary organization, Governor A. E. Wlllson of Kentucky delivered an address on the possibil ities of tho governors' conference. This afternoon the governors learned why Governor Norrls of Montana and Governor O'Neal of Alabama think the powers of tho executives should bo strengthened. There has been but one oiiange necessary in the program. Governor John A. Dix of New York, who is to deliver nn nddress on thp Inheritance tax and state comity, will not be able to get here on Thursday and that sub ject has been put over until Friday afternoon. Governor Dencen of Illin ois, who waB to dellTer an address on employers' liability tomorrow,, cannot come because of the necldent in which he broke his leg. and Governor M. E. llay of Washington has been substi tuted. This will occupy the time of tho conference tomorrow afternoon. Of tho thirty odd governors here Governor McGovorn .of Wisconsin is the only one who was officially au thorized by the legislature to attend the conference, although some states made appropriations. Sixteen of the thlrty-flve governors arrived here yesterday afternoon ready to start work today. The" first arrival was Governor Hay of Wash ington and he was followed shortly by Governor Gilchrist of Florida and Governor Kltchln of North Carolina, whose presence was very much In doubt. The lvlstors from the west came in a special car and were greeted a't the station by tho members of a citizens' reception committee, tho chairman of which was former Gov ernor J. Franklin Fort. Spring Lake entertained tbo visitors last night with a big display of fire works. A 1,200 foot court of honor has been erected approaching tho new Monmouth hotel, where the meetings will bo held, and this is Illuminated, as has boon the boardwalk. Nearly every house in town displays the na tional flag. Tonight Governor Wilson will give a reception for tho visitors and tomorrow tho whole party goes to Fort Ilancock on a special train. PAYS TO BE A PREACHER. New Orleans Clergyman's Fees From Weddings Amount to $50,000. New Orleans, Sept. 12. That tho ministry is a paying proposition from a worldly standpoint was borne out by a statement that from wedding fees aloue in his twenty-seven years as rector of Trinity Episcopal church of this city, the Rev. A. Gvrdon Bakewell has received $50,000. Rev. Mr. BakewclPs statistics show that during his pastorate hero he has per- formed 10,030 wedding ceremonies, ' ...1. t . 1. 1 1 iur Hiucu ue ruceivvu uu average ieo of $5. lie has baptized 1,003 babies ana uas omciatea at 12,001 funerals. CAR DITCHED, WOMAN DIES. Special Agent of New York State Labor Department the Victim. Blnghamton, N. Y Sept. 12. The chauffeur employed by Miss Woer shoffer of New York was taken ill yesterday at Walton and when she attempted to drive to Deposit to take an Erlo train near Cannonsvllle, the car was ditched and Miss Woershof fer received injuries from which Bho died at Cannonsvllle today. Physicians were called from the Roosevelt Hos pital, Now York, to attend her. Miss Woershoffer was a special agent for tbo state department of labor. Congressman Latta Worse. Rochester, Mlnu, Sept 12. Tho con dition of Congressman J. P. Latta of Nebraska, who undermcnt a serious op eration in this city somo time ago, has taken a turn for the worse. While he has made somo recovery, tho outlook is not so bright as a few days ago. Shakor Sister Dead. Thompsonvllle. Conn., Sept. 12. Sister S. Emily Copley, one of the oldest Enfield Shakers and for thirty one years a trusteo of tho North Shaker family, is dead. GOVERNOR MEET AllOUT PEOPLE'S NAMES. Pcoplo Llvo Up to Them nud Muko Them Fit. A person will grow to look like and bo like his or her name. Alger nons and Reginalds of modern times look tho part, and owe a deen debt ! of Ingratitude to their parents. A young ,man named Harold or Mont morency would ho Justified in hiring an automobile and running over his aged parents as they are attempting to cross tho street on the way home from church. But it Isn't Just tho society-column names that a person will come to be like. Take any name at random, think of all the people you know who aro going 'by that nomination, and see if they aren't all a good deal the same typo. Name a girl Gertrude and then call her Gertio for tho first fifteen years of her life, and she will inevit ably become a victim of tho psychol ogy oi mo name. Sho will chew gum, wear her hat on one side, and giggle with slight provocation. Let us now consider for a moment tue names John and Ed. Can you conceive of any man you know by tne name ot John being named Ed? To apply Ed. to a man who has been named John all his life would he as absurd as to take a staid-looking minister, remove his black clothes, shave off his white fringe of whiskers, and then dress him up in a plaid cutaway coat, double-breasted green vest, and brown derby. John Is a stolid sort of person, in clined to smoke thoughtfully and stand with his hands In his trousers' pockets while you do the talking. Ed isn't that way at all. Ed Is a jaunty person. Ho breezes up, carry ing, perhaps, a baseball extra in one hand, and begins to talk rapidly of hatting averages, politics, or what not. Liko as not he has recently heard some fool story that ho tells you almost before he's said good morning. A man named Ed usually wears his hat shoved back on his head. Not infrequently he wears a cute little stubby mustache and car ries a slender cane that heightens the air of Jauntlness. Ed may be a bar ber, a real estate salesman, or a broker. John would be found less frequently in any of these vocations. He Is more likely to be a street-car motornian, a plumber, or ft bank officer. It is an extremely rare thing for a John to have any sense of hu mor. Tho strangest name in the list. Is William. A boy is christened Wil liam, but may he called Willie, Bill, or the other variations. His charac ter will depend on which of the di minutives people get to calling him by. If ho should be called Invariably by the full name, William, tho hoy will he studious, thoughtful, hard working, dressing conservatively and talking almost humanly. Call him plain Bill and ho may not study much, but he will organize a baseball team and have himself elected Cap tain before he is 10 years old. It is when the boy William is called Will that the situation Is serious. Many boys turn out all right in tho end, but they have much to overcome. Throughout thoir early lives there is a strong tendency to revert to type, that Is, to look like the hero of a story In a Sabbath school leaflet, talk precociously, and make puns frequently. It will take him twice as long to learn to chew tobacco as those of his companions called Bill. Frank usually means a distinct typo. A great many livery stable horses are named Frank, and there are people who declare that Frank was originally Intended only for a horse name. This seems extremely doubtful, but it must be conceded that nine men out of ten named Frank have a bland, quiet manner like a horse, plod along without say ing much, are reserved but kindly disposed. Somo time ago a friend of mine made an investigation of the names of bartenders. About 41 por cent, of all tho bartenders ho inter viewed were named Frank. This, however, does not show that a man named Frank will he any better bar tender than one named Harry or Fred. Neither does It show that be cause a boy is named Frank he Is going to be a bartender when ho grows up. Every llttlo while one finds a Frank selling life Insurance or clerking In a jewelry store. People still namo boys Roy and Clarence. A boy by the name of Roy runs the risk of getting fat and pudgy, as If to make his appellation look still more dinky by comparison. Just as a young Harold will take naturally enough to lace collars. Little Lord Fauntleroy suits and spring heol shoes, so will a lad called Henry go In for hound pups as com panions, crave brass toed boots and carry fishing worms In bis breast pocket. Ho will grow up to bo a man who dresses plainly with a ten dency to have his clothes too largo for him, and with a predilection to ward money rather than art or liter ature or other highbrow stuff. No body ever heard of a Henry with a hobby for old prints or rare bits of China, but unless ho guards against It, a Henry may carry a toothbrush In his vest pocket and read George B. McCutcheon novels. George is still one of our leading joke names. Wo call a colored wait er George if wo do not know his real name,- simply because it seems the most natural namo to call him. But It Is difficult to chart Georgo out In confined limits. Tho name has be come so common that scores of ex cellent men are named Georgo. However, If a person answering to the namo George has developed strictly according to typo, ho will wear tight-fitting trousers, patent leather shoes, white vests, gray al pine "hats, and tend to use profum ery. Most of our best barbers aro named George. Many of them have dollghtful traits of character and never say anything about giving a customer a haircut or "massodge " until tho customer speaks of it him self. There Is little chance for a man named Arthur to be anything but tho sort that a man named Arthur was intended to be. Tho odds are largely In favor of him being called Art, and then it Is all off. Ho will bang around haberdasher shops studying the latest things, and will glory In wearing a soft shirt with tho collar fastened together with a gold safety pin. He will stand on street corners, in immaculate garb, smoking cigar ettes, and if ho can afford It may In extreme cases have his Initials print ed on his cigarettes. The namo Art makes its bearer a trifle jaunty, much as the name Ed does, only in a more malignant form. He keeps slapping a man on tho shoulder all tho time ho's talking to him. Unless ho has friends who watch him closely a man with tho Art title will wear a diamond ring oven If ho has to. buy it on tho installment plan, and ho has poor judgment on theatres. He will go to every punkerlno musical show that comes to town and enjoy It, and when at last something fair ly good happens along ho will admit to being bored to death. SHALL THE 1JABY BE ROCKED? Chicago's Department of Health Is making an official campaign against the world-old habit of rock ing the baby. Dr. Caroline Hedger, In charge of tho field nurses, asserts that "tho best cradle in the world is not a good thing for a baby to rest in," and that "there is no more reason for tossing a baby about In order to rest than there is for swinging about a grown-up." It may bo very presumptuous for a mere newspaper to tako issue with an experienced physician like Dr. Hedger, but on behalf of tho baby we feel constrained to ask If the doctor may not bo mistaken in spite of her technical training? Rocking tho babies undoubtedly Is carried to extreme In some cases. There aro mothers who aro worn out rocking the cradle. There are Infants who refuse to close their eyes without rocking, because they know that they have only to refuse In order to be rocked. Wo have no intention of advocating the kind of rocking that spoils the child, but it seems to us that Dr. Hedger Is go ing too cruelly far when she says that a baby ought not to be rocked at all, and that there Is no more ex cuse for rocking a baby than for rocking a grown-up. Is It possible that Dr. Hedgsr was never rocked In a mother's arms, or that if sho was, her memory dates back so short a distance as to enable her to forget the delights of it? Can Dr. Hedger not even recall the re mains of the passion for being rock ed, which exhibited itself at the ago of 8, 10 or 12 years in a mania for swings? Those same swings to-day would make her violently sick, but they were the acme of delight in that transitional stage between babyhood and youth. The swing is an echo of infancy. Tou rarely see adults in swings because they don't need them and don't want them, and it would seem logical to suppose that the rea son children do want them Is be cause they need them. Somo of us can remember distinct ly past the swing age direct to mother's arms and having such a vivid recollection of what that rock ing meant to us of its soothing qualities, Its power to charm away grief, to lighten dull moods and to calm tho wearying restlessness of ohildhood we should dislike to see the practice abolished altogether be cause of the decree of some learned physicians. Tho probabilities, however, are that the mother Instinct will be too strong for the edict of Science. Ba bies always have been rocked and, bless their clinging hearts! If they have the right kind of mothers, they always will be. Harrlsburg Tele graph. PICNIC AT LAUREL LAKE. On Aug. 22, 1911, a party of glrU met at Laurel Lake for a picnic. Those present wore Lela Keesler, Lil lian Canfield and Vera M. Rutledge. Galilee, Pa.; Bertha C. and Harriet S. Selpp, Tyler Hill; Ruby Keesler, Canlstota, N. Y.; Helen Bender, New York City; Harriet Rosencranse, Hawley, Pa.; Dorothy Lake, Staten Island and Alma Canfield, and Helen Jackson of Laurel Lake. A very en joyable day was passed by all. The following Is a " jingle " composed by two of the girls describing the pic nic: On a sunny day in August We started out to take A little picnic by ourselves Down at Laurel Lake. The road was hot and dusty, The way seemed rather long, But we continued our journey Singing many a song. But we were exceedingly lucky, We girls so bright and gay, When 'Mr. Selpp, a neighbor, Chanced along our way. Wo piled our baskets In his wagon And then we clambered in, But after ho had loft us Wo wished him back again. At last wo reached tho grove, And 'neath Its leafy shado We found a cozy spot And there our lunc'h cloth laid. Our luncheon soon was ready, Then each her place did take, We sampled first the salad Which was of Lela's make. Our cameras were not forgotten, So when wo had all eat Wo snapped a few llttlo pictures Which would be hard to beat. Soon Alma, a jolly lassie, Whn Is Rtnvlnir tipnr thnt nlnna Came to join our party ' With a smile upon her face. We wero later joined by Dorothy, A Staten Island girl. She's a capital hand at rowing, She makes the oars just whirl. So we passed the timo in boating And gathering lilies fair, Singing songs and telling jokes, Sitting by tho water there. Many other sports were indulged in, Perhaps some wero rather queer, Till at last we journeyed homeward, Hoping to meet again next year. Tho coming attraction "Let George Do It" will, bo vory enter talnlng. Don't forget that. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Havo Always Bought Bears the Signature of LADIES CAN WEAR, SHOES I one size smaller after using Allen's , Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder for tho feet. It makes tight or new , shoes feel easy; gives Instant relief to corns and bunions. It's tho 1 greatest comfort discovery of the age. Rolloves swollen feet, blisters, callous and sore spots. It is a cer tain relief for sweating, tired, ten der, aching ifeet. Always use it to Break In now shoes. Don't go on your vacation without a package of Allen's Foot-Ease. Sold everywhere 25c. Don't accept any substitute. For FREE trial package, address Allen S. Olmstead, Le Roy, N. Y. Republican Candidate. l''or County Commissioner. FRED A. STODDARD. Being a resident of one of the ex treme northern districts of Wayne county, which has never been repre sented on the board of county com missioners, and being also a con tractor and builder, conversant with concrete work and bridge building, and further having a special Interest in a needed reduction of taxation, I feel assured that I could discharge the duties of the office economically and satisfactorily In every way to the people. Farmers and real estate owners hear the heaviest and most unequal sharo of taxation and should bo relieved by the burdens being more equally placed on all classes of property owners. To this end, If nominated and elected, I will direct my best efforts. FRED A. STODDARD. Starrucca. Pa. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself as a Republican candidate for the nom ination to the office of County Com missioner of Wayne county, and re spectfully solicit tho support of my friends at tho primaries to be held on September 30. 1911. J. L. SHERWOOD. Preston, Pa., Aug. 15, 1911. C5eoitf. The Farmer's Candidate for County Commissioner on the Republican Ticket GOTTLEIB LANDERS BERLIN TOWNSHIP. Primaries Sept. 30. One Hundred and Fifty Dollars in Gold and Mer chandise will be Given Away Absolutely Free by The Clark & Soever Company to the persons securing the largest number of points in the the following contest : 1st Prize $50.00 in Gold 2nd " 25.00 " " 3rd " 10.00 " " Next 10 Prizes 5.00 " " Next 40 " One pound each of Clark & Snover "Stripped" or Top Wave Tobacco. Fifty-three Prizes in all, and every one worth working for All you have to do to win one of these prizes, if you secure points eno ugh, is to savo theNEW CLARK & SNOVER YELLOW COUPONS, BEARING TIIE EXPIRATION DATE, JUNE 1, 1012. No others accepted in this contest), and either mail or bring them to The Clark & Snover Company's offlce, No. 112 Adams Avenue, Scranton, Pa., before 12 o'clock noon, October 31, 1911, and, in addition to the premiums listed on tho backs thereof, you will be given credit for all'the new coupons returned, beginning with tho morning mall' August 1, 1911, and closing with the last mall before noon, October 31, 1911, acordlng to tho following schedule: Coupons marked "Value 1 Coupon" ono point Coupons marked "Value 2 Coupons" two points Coupons marked "Valuo 5 Coupons" flvo points Coupons marked "Value 10 Coupons," ten points. In addition to this, we will give contestants credit for two points each for every advertisement they send in, in which the namo "THE CLARK & SNOVEIt COMPANY" appears. These advertisements may be taken from the newspapers, dance programmes, pay envelopes, or from any publication in which an advertisement containing our name apears. This offer Is open ONLY to CONSUMERS of Clark & Snover Tobaccos, and no Jobber, dealer, coupon col lector or broker Is elllglblo to enter the contest, and coupons or advertisements turned In by any but CON SUMERS of our tobaccos will not be accepted for credit In this contest. Therefore, Mr. Consumer, f you want to win ono of these prizes, hang on to your coupons. Tell all your friends about this contest and get them to use CLARK & SNOVER ''STRIPPED" or "TOP WAVE" Tobacco, and If they do not want to enter the contest, they can give you the coupons. The Clark & Snover Co. ii2 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. REPliBLIOAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. JOHN MALE. Cherry Ridge. Wo print circulars. Wo print legal blanks. Mm mm V 4 I pal and accrued income FOR O. C. J" The i. f ITESJT.HE.BEST RESUlT I LIGHT; TRADE"1 f9 I Tfie SMITHSONIAN J 1 CORRECT sm ark., I J jpL TRUSS 1 1 " HOLDS 1 ?V IN any, m I POSITION. I ALL FAVORS APPRECIATED. Republican Candidate for the Nom ination of Register and Recorder. W. B. LESIIER, Sterling, AVayne County. Pa. of the estates of your minor chil dren. It has the very best faci'ities for the profitable and wise Invest ment and re Investment of theprinci- -The Scranton Trust Co. 510 Spruce Street. SALE BY ID "W I ZLST