The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 15, 1911, Image 1

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69th YEAR. --NO. 73
Dr. Brady Says They are
AH Fakes
" My candid opinion Is (hat a man
who is well-fixed here, is a fool to go
down and take up land in the Ever
Such was the opinion Doctor R.
LW. Brady expressed to a Citizen man.
Tuesday evening, to whom he de
nounced, in the most scathing terms
the contemptible efforts of the Flor
ida land boomers to part Wayna
counteans from their hard-earned
" Along the edge of the Ever
glades, people have gone In and
I cleared off the land, and gone to
raising tomatoes. I couldn't find a
I man among them who could say
he'd made money at It.
They tell you the climate Is
I worth $100 an acre, but the soil ain't
worth a d n."
" If you have the fever, go down
I there and look the land over, before
I you burn your bridges behind you.
You can find Florida literature In
every house In Wayne county.
" Land schemers are thicker than
I fleas on a dog. It's a perfect craze.
IlIcElroy of the Tribune is always do
ling that sort of thing. He will buy
140,000 acres at $1 an acre. Then
I they sell it on the Installment plan,
?5 an acre down, and $5 a month.
They get the first month four times
Ithe price what they pay.
"You can t see any of those things
I that these glittering prospectuses
show you on paper when you go
down there.
"It costs $50 to $100 an acre to
I clear the land. There are palmetto
roots as thick as a man's leg. After
they are torn up and burnt, they are
no use to the soil.
Lorlng, a Honesdale glass cutter.
iwno moved from here to Elmlra.
went down there and raised toma-
toes, and dropped all the money he
tank thpro V'
"If you are In bad health and
rant to go there, you'll do well to
lane your living. Florida climate
Beats California climate for an in
For any one to gay' you can make
loney, It's all a pa6k of- lies from
Urst to last. I've been there five
Doctor Brady, by the way. was in
Florida, twenty years ago. and ho
was down there as late as last Win
Ler and knows whereof he sneaks.
A farmer hero that thinks he's
?olng to sell his farm here, and go
Jown to Florida, and make money,
inakes a great mistake.
"I met a 'Mr. White, who used to
livo in Massachusetts. "I was 72,
lie said, "when I came hero 17 years
ligo. it s prolonging my life. He
yas wheeling a barrow, whem I saw
lilm, and working a great big orange
jrove. "I've just held my own, fl-
lancially, ho said.
Florida nas oeen boomed ever
klnce the days of Ponce De Leon. It
Bias Its boom, and It has Its drop.
3ven women come down and take up
i Homestead and live In a shack.
"Take It iu the Winter months.
fou hardly ever see any water.
hVherever they bore down, they find
Sulphur water, and it's warm.
There are cypress ridges in the
Sverglades connected by lakes vary
ing rrom a nan to a quartetmlle In
vidth. There comes the wer season,
Ivhen the whole business Is under
" They catch water In cypress
Irells from the roof.
" They tell you, you can raise su
?ar cane and bananas. You can
raise them, but they're not the kind
to take to market and get a price
or them. They're small.
" 'Every place you go to In Florida
lias had its day. When you ask them
fvhy they can't make a living, they
Ray "Porto Illco, Hawaiian Islands,
luba, has killed the pineapple indus-
lljr licit?.
"Ask a man 'How long will it take
I'ou to get an orange grove?'
"Oh, about five years," he 11 an-
"What do you do In the niean-
"Well, scrub along."
" How aro you getting along?"
"Making a living. That's all I
are about. If I do that I'm satis-
"The soli of Florida Is like sand
Jm the ocean beach.
Down at Koresslan there Is a re
ligious sect that believes the earth
Isn't round but a hollow sphere.
ur. ieea, or isquinunk. the inven-
Ior of a water wheel, went down
here and became the head of the
ect. lie died a year ago last Christ
inas. His followers nut him In a
kault, at Estero. They're waitlnc for
Ifeed to resurrect.
"They aro living on cow beans.
They are so devoted to their religion.
They have thousands of acres. They
vero driven out of Chicago. They
vera named after Cyrus.
A Darner said to me one dav.
Doctor, I'd like to prove to you the
vorld isn't round but a hollow
Never mind," I said. "I don't
krgue with my harbor."
"They claim the sun Is 1000 mlien
from the earth. If a man lives a
perfect life, they say, he won't die."
Doctor Brady is a man whose ron-
itatlon for truth and veracity as at
tested by the speech of the com
munity Is of the yery best. He Is
All Kinds and Conditions
of Taxable Jobs
Are you a $250 man?
Maybe you are a $200 man? Per
chance, you are Included In the $150
class? The ?1U0 list Is the most
popular, and there is a bare possl
hlllty that you are classified with
the $75 crowd. Let us hope you
are not numbered among the $25
The man who draws teeth, and
the men who draw the largest salar
ies, come in under Class $250.
The men who draw up wills and
legal documents; the men who draw
money from the bank till to pay
your checks: the men who draw
fevers and agues out of you; they
all, like the prophets of old, hang
Peradventure, you are entrusted
with the management of some large
concern. You may even belong to
the largo and flourishing group of
"policy" writers. Your lot may
have fallen In editorial places. Your
ambition to become a bank president
may have reached Its fulfillment.
You may be punching tickets on the
Mountain Ltmlted, or holding the
throttle on Engine 999. In any of
these events, you are included in the
$200 class.
Do you Homeward plod your
weary way, when night falls on the
sultry hills and dales of Wayne? Do
you spend your days and nights
tracking criminals to their lair? Do
you keep horses for hire? If you
do, the $150 class Is yours.
There's jolly company In the $100
class. First of all, there's the ice
man to keep us poor in Summer, and
the policeman to keep us safe in
Winter; and there's the chauffeur
to keep our purses empty all the
year around.
The tonsorlal artist who scrapes
us twice a week, is In the $100
class too. There's the photo
grapher, tq snap us at our best, and
the cynical reporter alert to catch
us at our worst. It's a motely
crowd, that $100. company, to. say
the least.
-Labora omnia vin'clt. j The stu
dent, whoso khowjedge of 'Latin Is
limited to' "tempbra" does fuglt,"
shares the' honors of the $75 class
with his 'brother, who earns his liv
ing by the sweat of his brow.
And the $25 class? Here's hop
ing and praying you aren't number
ed among them; for that Includes
the aged, the crippled, the Invalid
and the Incapacitated.
All that has been written above
may be gleaned by any one who
may run through the pages of any
assessor's book In the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania.
As we are rated, so we aro taxed.
And the Act of Assembly most
thoughtfully provides, that "persons
having more than ono occupation
should be assessed with the occupa
tion rated highest." If you have
two irons In the fire, these feeble
words of explanation may help you
out with your story, when the as
sessor comes around next time!
For the purpose of reviewing the
work In the Model Orchards con
ducted during the past season by the
Division of Zoology of the State De
partment of Agriculture, Prof. H. A.
Surface, Economic Zoologist, an
nounces a series of fall meetings for
the purpose of studying the results
obtained hy methods recommended
toy the orchard owners. Lectures on
the best methods for producing good
crops of sound fruit which can now
be examined on the trees will be de
livered by representatives of the De
partment. All persons interested in
the production of fine fruit, and the
care of trees, are cordially invited to
One or two meetings will be held
in each county. Meetings begin at
one o'clock p. m. The State agents
will be present regardless of the
weather. Following Is a list of own
ers of Model Orchards and dates of
meetings and dates of meetings for
Wayne county:
Hon. Alonzo T. Searle, Slko, Sept.
F. W. Osgood, Ariel, Pa., Sept.
We have a number of painters here
In Kansas who can paint a picture
that will put "Mona Lisa" in the
shade, and do It for half the price.
Hutchinson News.
the dean of the Honesdale medical
profession. For more than half a
century ho has practiced at the coun
ty seat. In the early 70's the whole
county was his parish. He Is a mem
ber of the Honesdale Board of Health
and ever since Its organization has
been President of the Honesdale
Medical society.
As a man of wealth he has been
approached dozens of times by land
boomers. They failed, however, to
find In him the easy, gullible victim
they expected. He never bit.
It is the opinion of The Citizen
that those farmers In Wayne county
who havo been induced to Invest In
Florida land schemes, ought to pause
awhile and consider before soiling
their farms here, and going down to
Florida, and drop their patrimony
ana nard-earned savings of a life
Action Brought Against
Poor Widow of Palmyra
PORT. The lines of Mrs. Anna Klenck,
who lives on a farm In Palmyra'
township, have fallen In hard places.
Bereft of her husband, by death,
some five or six years ago, she has
struggled and tolled day and night
to keep the wolf from the door.
As If to make her cup of bitter
ness full to overflowing, her son,
Walter had to be removed to the in
sane asylum at Danville some years
ago. She has been unable to eke
out more than a living on the
farm, to clothe and feed herself and
children, respectably, let alone pay
Ing toward the support of her un
fortunate son.
She was the defendant, Monday
niternoon, in argument court to an
action brought by tho overseers of
the poor of Palmyra township who
are trying to compel her to con
tribute to the support of her Insane
The hearing of the evidence In tho
case occupied the entire afternoon
Some of the testimony was of an
exceedingly Interesting character.
Attorney F. P. Klmblo had charge of
tne piaintitrs side, and P. H. Hoff,
Esq., appeared for the defendant.
John McGIniy, one of the over
seers of the poor of Palmyra town-
siup, swore than Mrs. Klenck's farm
consisted of 104 acres. He said that
there was a fine house, worth $3,000
on it, ana that there was four or
live acres of timber land on the
place. He placed the cash value of
her farm at $6,000. He thought the
rental value of the place should be
?J00 a year, the tenant to pay taxes
and the owner to take care of the
Insurance. The assessment for poor
purposes In Palmyra, he said, was
live mills.
Mllo Hopkins, another overseer of
the poor, who has lived In the town
ship, since 1S48, swore that the
market value of Anna Klenck's farm
was between $5,000 and $6,000
Her house, 'he said. Is about the best
house in Palmyra township.
William Conklln who lives within
gunshot, of. ..Mrs.,.. Klenck's1", place,
swore he "knew her Just long
enough to play at her wedding when
sue was married." He said his farm
was rocky, hard nan. "I live on It."
he said, "but I don't make my living
on it.
The Count didn't think that a case
had been made out, but gave Attor
ney Klmblo until the third Monday
in ucioDer to me a Drier.
John Kellam, a Palmyra farmer
for the past 35 years, swore that the
Klenck house was a fine double-
house, worth from $5,000 to $0,000.
He estimated, that of the 104 acres,
between 40 and 50 were tillable
land, the rest being woodland and
At this juncture the Court Inti
mated that the plaintiff had not
made out a strong case.
The defense called Mrs. Klenck.
who was attired In widow's weeds,
to the stand. She testified that her
youngest child, a girl of 11, goes to
school. Her next oldest child is a
son of 19, who works, when ho has
work, at the cutting shop of Dor-
ninger's in White Mills, and that he
had only been making $7 a week
I can't raise much on the place."
she said. "The boy helps me when
he has time. The rest I have to get
Mrs. Klenck swore that she was In
poor health. Another daughter.
aged 24, she stated holps her, "and
gives her wages so we can get
Tho taxes Is high, and I couldn't
get along without It," she declared.
She also affirmed that she could not
pay anything toward the sunnort of
her son at Danville, and still sup
port herself and her family.
un cross-examination, she claim
ed that "the house looks nice, but
It's the old house fixed up. We
couldn't afford to have Insurance on
Mildred, her eleven-year-old
daughter, was called to the stand.
She swore that she lived with her
mother, who bought her clothes, and
that she went to school.
Lewis Klenck, Palmyra township,
her 19-year-old son, was called to
the witness stand, and told of giving
his mother the wages ho earned In
tho White Mills cutting shop. His
sister, Minnie, ho said, gives most of
her wages to her mother. Lewis
can earn $10 a week, when he works
full time.
"Why you can't raise enough on
the place to feed a horse. I have to
buy feed," said Lewis. "I don't
know whether wo have enough pota
toes to kdep us over Winter."
Mrs. Klenck was recalled and al
most burst Into tears, as she pro
tested that her daughter was sickly,
that they had nothing at all, save
Just what they need. "We havo to
buy feed every week," she said,
David Conklln swore that ho knew
Mrs. Klenck for 35 years, that he
knew tho Klenck farm, as he was
horn there. Ho said ho calculated
her farm which Joins his, was worth
about $2,000. For years he swore,
to seeing Mrs. Klenck working out
in the fields, "She raised only 74
bushels of grain this year. I don't
think she raised enough to pay the
taxes," he said. (He declared he
(Continued on Pago Five.)
Bad Company and Cigar -
ettes Responsible for
Wrong Doing
Five boys, whose ages ranged
from twelve to fifteen, were arralgn-
ea ueiore 'Squire Robert A. Smith,
Thursday morning, charged 'with
forcible entry In the store of Graham
Watts, taking and carrying away
from said building revolvers and
pocket knives of the value of $40.
Their names were Percy Wright,
aged twelve, Edwin Conzelmann,
aged twelve, Alfred Polt, aged thir
teen, Ed. Schmuck, aged fourteen,
ana uuas Heagelon, aged fifteen.
"Got a Sunday school here?" in
quired 'Squire William H. Ham, who
chanced to drop Into 'Squire Smith's
office before the hearing began.
"A kindergarten," answered
'Squire Smith.
"We got quite a Sunday school
here this morning," remarked Dis
trict Attorney M. E. Simons.
"Yes, come to order," said 'Squlro
Ellas Hedgelon works at Durland
Weston Shoe company blackening
shanks In the finishing room. Ed.
Schmuck works at the same place,
painting uuttons. They earn $4
punning uuttons. Tiiey earn $4 a",
week. Alfred Polt eors n snnnni I
Miss Theresa Soete being 'his teacher.
Edwin Conzelman also attends
school, Mrs. W. A. Sluman being his,
school boy. All the boys wore short
pants ana caps.
now, boys, no lying to-day. Be
very careful that you tell the truth,"
'Squire Smith cautioned the boys at
me outset.
" Does your Papa have a lawyer?'
the reporter asked one of the boys
" Wo'll take what we get," he an
swered. District Attorney M. E. Simons
cross-examined the hoys. Edwin
Conzellman, whose father Is dead,
was first questioned. He said that
uimer bpry and Stanley Decker were
with him and his brother when they
wont to Erk's store. Harrison Con-
zoiiroan, his little brother, he said,
went In and got all the revolvers.
Decker went In the stove and got a
His little brother, he said, went
in and got one revolver for Stanley,
one for Elmer and ono for him. He
claimed that he got the revolver ho
sola to Karl Wright from one of
the boys. Stanley Decker, he declar
ed, naa one ot the revolvers taken
from Eck's store.
Percy Wright was the second hnv
examined. His father's name is
Frank Wright, and his parents live
on the hill. He admitted going into
Watts store a year ago. and takinc
one revolver. "I didn't take no
knives," he protested. "They was
given to me after I got out. I hid
the knives In the coal pockets. Af
terwards I dug them up and took
them home, and hid them in a trunk
upstairs. My mother found them."
Percy didn't remember whether his
mother asked him where he got them
or not. He denied taking a woman's
purse with $10 In it. or nnVhnrlv's
else purse.
"1 11 hold you all In the sum of
$50," said 'Snulre Smith, "for n
hearing at court. "This thing will
have to be stopped. It will have to
be sifted thoroughly. Be on vnnr
good behavior until tho next term of
There are two other hova
ought to get," said District Attorney
Simons. "Mr. Erk ought to get out
a warrant for those other two hoys.
we want to serve tnom all alike."
Mr. Wright, the whlte-hairon (nth.
er of Percy, went surety for the ap
pearance 01 ins son Dororo tho Judge
for a full settlement of the case.
"He's been In bad comnanv. Tim
only way Is to keep the boy homo
nights," admonished 'Squire Smith.
Another had habit." said Mr
Wright, " they have Is smoklncr clc-
arettes. I tried to 'break them hut
I can't watch them all the Hmo.
They don't like to stay In nights. I
guess uiey nave some sort of a club
at one of the boy's houses, where
they go nights. I am too tired
when I am through mv dav's work tn
chase all over town looklncr for
'Squire Smith: "Keen them homo
George Schmuck. William Polt.
appeared and gave surety for the ap
pearance of their sons. William
Hedgelon, a brother of Kilns.
his bond. Miss Emma Conzell man
went security for her nenh
P. J. Moran, denutv constahln. wnn
then sent out after the other two
Los Angeles There Is flnnsldnr-
ahle anxiety here among the friends
of James J. Jeffries, the pugilist, who
Is hunting on the Konai peninsula,
Alaska, far from civilization. Cables
received rrom Seward, Alaska, to-day
declare that two weeks ago scouts
were sent into the wilds of tho nanln-
sula to locate Jeffries and send him
hack hero to the bedside of his moth
er, wno is in. The scouts searched
for two weeks, hut reported that they
could find no trace of tho nuelllst.
The Kenal peninsula is In a very wild
country and tho pugilist's friends
hero fear he may have lost his way.
j Honesdale Man Tells of
Work as N. Y. Water
Eugene Drumm, formerly of
Honesdale, who for the past three
years has been In Now York Cltv.
Is engaged as an inspector of meters
and water consumption In the me
tropolis. He recently was engaged
in supervising a crusade against
leaning waste water and all unneces
sary use of water In the cltv. Mr.
Drumm, on tours of Inspection, has
encountered many humorous and In
teresung experiences. ho told a
Citizen representative Tuesday that
in tne lower tenement houses the
bathtub Is discarded altogether and
that the tub Is used as a bin for coal
and wood. In some bathrooms the
windows had been removed and the
place was used to house nlcreons.
Large tanks are used upon the roofs
or some or the tenement houses and
In one Instance Mr. Drumm stated
that he and another Inspector heard
a splashing noise. Making further
Investigations they discovered that
boys of the tenement house were us
ing the tank for a swimming pool
and they were having the time of
tneir lives. The water Is forced In-
A. 1 , . """" ,o
these tanka by means of a hy-
a.ramlc ram tne basement. One
uay ,an Inspector was making the
us an? naa occasln to go to the
He uncovered the water-
pump, which was under a pile of de
bris, and was about to make his exit
when a four-legged ram appeared on
the scene and sent him against the
wall with terrific force. The much
frightened inspector, trembling In his
boots, barely escaped with his life
and it was a long time before he
would enter tenement cellars again.
The goats are used by ohlldren as
pets and the cellar serves as stable
for both the water-ram and pet ram.
Mr. Drumm states that there is a
great waste of water in New York.
An examination in the poorer tene
ment district showed that there was
a waste of 95 per cent., while in the
residential section It registered 30
per cent. These districts pay from
$7 per month to $8,000 per year
water rent. One of the largest ho
tels In the city consumes 562,500
gallons of water per day. In this
consumption Is included water for
ice machines, fountains, etc. The
water bill amounts to $75 per day.
Other hotels pay $500 per month.
The tour of Inspection was made
during the summer months by a
corps of 200 men. Mr. Drumm and
Vincent Kilroe, also of Wayne coun
ty, were tho supervising Inspectors.
Mr. Drumm secured his position
through the civil service. He was In
a class of 1,200 persons who took the
examination. Of this number 250
were successful In passing and Mr.
Drumm stood third on the list.
Honesdale Is always glad to hear of
the advancement and progresslveness
of its boys. The Citizen congratu
lates Messrs. Drumm and Kilroe up
on their success In life and sincerely
hopes that they will not stop until
they 'have reached the top of the
ladder of success.
Protectory Refuses Ad
mission, to Mr. Duffy's
P. F. Duffy, County Treasurer of
Lackawanna, who lives at 1G02
Price street, 'Scranton, is learning
that playing the Good Samaritan In
tho year of our Lord ono thousand
nine hundred and eleven isn't all It
Is cracked up to 'be.
'Mr. Duffy came to Honesdale "Wed
nesday morning to seo Judca Alonzo
T. Searle about William Hennlgan,
uie if-year-oia horse thief of
Scranton, who confessed to borrow
ing a horse and rig from Slnquott
and Wonnacott, the Waymart livery
men, last Summer, and disposing of
it to a Scranton liveryman the follow
ing day for $35, and was sentenced
on Mr. Duffy's plea, to spend two
years In tho Catholic Protoctnrv nt
Philadelphia, Monday morning, at
argument court.
Mr. Duffy, on his promise to Bee
that the youthful culprit -was remov
ed to' tho Quaker City Institution of
correction, free of oxponse to Wayne
county, was given charcro of vniinrr
What happoued when ho returned
to Scranton may hest be told In his
own words:
They -wouldn't accept him at his
age," he told a Citizen mnn T
have Mm in my custody. He got talk
ing -with "his relatives Monday night.
nur mey jeit ino torn mo "i am go
ing to get a lob at tho nnit
(Continued on Pago Flvo.)
So Says Mrs. Johnston
Who Comes From
" Well, I really must say I am a
little riiR.iniinlntAri In Amnplnn. Whm
I look around, it don't seem as if it
was finished. Of course it's a great
That Is the Impression the States
have made on Mrs. John Johnston,
who with hor husband, a retired dry
goods merchant of Dundee, Scotland,
came over the pond In August to
spend several months N visiting
The Johnstons of Tyler H1U aro
having a regjilar Home-month of it,
this September. A. T. Johnston, a
watchmaker of Glendora, California,
Is In the East on a visit, to his broth
er, K. P. Johnston, and Mr. and
Mrs. John Johnston, Dundee, -Scotland,
are spending several weeks at
the same place.
They all came over to the county
seat, Wednesday, where they were
shown the various points of Interest
Including the Court House.
When seen In tho afternoon by a
Citizen man, they chatted freely of
life In " Bonnie Dundee."
" Thfi Amorlf-nna lunt llvo tnr tr-
day," said Mr. Johnston. In Scot
land, they want things substantial,
to last for ever. All the buildings
are of stone. Tlhlnirs nrn nnt innilo
so substantial as In the old country.
we landed at New York on the
eighth of August. We came over on
the Columbia, the shin Hint strnnlr
tho Ice berg. Wo come to spend a
few months in America, and take In
Niagara Falls."
The reporter asked Mr. Johnston
Whether thev drank linnr nr nln In
"Thev Hko whlsknv Mm boat" ha
laughingly replied, " It's a cold coun
try. They want something tn wnrm
" They smoke stronner clears t.hnn
here. They don't chew much. It
costs Ave nence (ten cint.O fnr n
good cigar."
They have a nicer aroma," spoke
UP Mrs. Johnston. " Thnv nrn hnttar-
than here," she continued with Justi-
iiaDie national pride.
evangelists do not make - much
headway 111 Spotlnnd. nrrnrfltni' tn
Mr. Johnston.
If a man crops Mirnui1i tn r.n
vert the inhabitants," he said, " It
generally falls through In a few
' They are pretty good church
goers. They pay their debts. If thov-
PeOPle aro Vfirv ninnh mnrn roller!-
ous in Scotland th on in Ampripfi de
clared Mrs. Johnston. " That's one
thing,' she said, " we haven't heard
here, the church hells.'
" In the summer time," said Mr.
Johnston. " the people go to the
parks and the country districts. They
spend Saturday afternoon and Sun
day In the parks."
The trouble amnni? tho Proohvtn,.-
lans Is all over, according to Mr.
Johnston, who Is a United Presby
terian himself. " Not much Is
heard of the 'Wee Frees' any more."
" We have plenty of pie In Scot
land," declared Mrs. Johnston who
looked charming In a blue suit with a
hat to match. "Very wholesome.
too. Scotland la a very healthr
country." Mrs. Johnston, with her
rosy cheeks and perfect complexion,
was a good attestation of her state
" Thev eat oatmeal, nntntnon mont
broth and. vegetahles," she continued.
es, we get ueiow zero. Last Win
ter it was thlrtv below. This nnnt
Summer has been a record summer.
it was 90 in the shade when wo loft."
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston had no
trouble With the Custom TTnnso offi
cials at New York.
' The neonla nrn nnito nn tr nnt
In Dundee," declared Mrs. Johnston.
" London and Paris not. tho fnshlnTia
for us."
Dundee Is the third cltv in Rent-
land. " There's a good deal of Amer
ican EOods." said Mr .TnhnatnT,
" such as tools, agricultural Imple
ments and all lrlnila nf mnnhlnorv nn
a great deal of household ware made
In America, sold there.
" Boots are quite expensive. (They
call shoes "boots" In Scotland).
Woolen clothes are about one-halt
oheAPor than In America. y Cotton is
about tho same. Dundee is tho cen
tre for the fruit trade. Keeler's
Alarmalstdo Is mado there."
" What political parties are there
in Scotland?" was asked.
" They're Liberals, Liberal Union
ist, Conservative Socialist, Labor,
Home Rule. Dundee goes in for Lib
eral Homo Rule. The Liberals and
the Labor party are the two parties
that go In for Home Rule.
" I am a Conservative. There's
no elections only every seven years.
If Parliament Is defeated, they have
It Is said that Germany has the
fastest big ship in the world. The
new dreadnaught cruiser Moltke Is
credited with a speed of twenty-nino
and a half knots on her trials.
The Twenty-seventh Company of
Coast Artillery, practising yesterday
with the 10-lnch guns at Battery
Cranston In the Presidio military res
ervation hit a moylng target six times
In six shots.
Dundee cIars