The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 13, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    THE CinZBN, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 13, 1011.
ed sale of farm Implements be
longing to E. A. Adams, Carley
Brook, will be held on the premises,
Monday, September 18. 72wl
thresher, nearly new. N. L. Wood,
Boyds Mills, Pa. 2t
al Bank stock. Warren P. Sch
enck, iHonesdale. 70tf
shaw will sell at his farm at In
dian Orchard, Saturday, September
16, 2 p. m., seven cows, due to
freshen In early winter. Ono two-year-old
brood sow, eight tons of
hay. 71el3
good condition. T. B. Clark. 3t
orlck factory building, including en
due, boiler and shafting. Inquire of
7. B. Robinson. 60tf.
LEGAL BLANKo for sale at The
Citizen ofllce: Land Contracts,
Leases, Judgment Notes, Warrantee
Deeds, Bonds, Transcripts, Sum
mons, Attachments, Subpoenas, La
bor Claim Deeds, Commitments, Ex
ecutions. Collector's and Constables'
Sales, Tax Collector warrants,
. , I
Criminal Warrants, Etc.
WANTED A chambermaid and
woman to work in laundry. In
quire at Allen House. 72t2.
wheeled road cart. Address G.
Lock Box 827, Honesdale, Pa.
received for installing a steam
heating plant in tho county Jail at
the Commissioners' ofllce until 2
p. m. Thursday, September 14, 1911.
on Eleventh street with all mod
ern Improvements, Including fur
nace. J. E. Richmond. 57tf.
THREE experienced workmen at the
bench daily. All repairs finished
at the shortest notice. Sommer,
Jeweler and Optician. 30tf
painting Herman bridge, Hones-dale-Texas
will be received at the
Commissioners' ofllce until 2 p. m.,
Thursday, Sept. 14, 1911. Jle2
ALL REPAIR WORK finished up-to-date
In all our different branches.
Sommer, Jeweler and Optician. 30tf
tlng of tho construction of the
bridge over Butternut creek in
Sterling has been postponed until 2
p. m. Thursday, Sept. 14. Bids are
requested to put In tho iron bridge
on the ground, also bids for an en
tire new concrete bridge. Right re
served to reject any or all bids. 71e2
INVENTORY of our repair depart
ment shews 236 finished Jobs wait
ing to be called for. Sommer, Jewe
ler and Optician. 30tf.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Coons, Fortenla, a aaugnter.
The Grange picnic at Maplewood
last Thursday was well attended.
There were thirteen candidates on
tho ground.
Mrs. John R. Hunt, late of El-
venvllle. died recently in that town
She was a sister of Mrs. Asher M.
Atkinson, deceased, formerly of this
borough. '
Richard Monoghan has return
ed home from Oape May where he
played base ball during the past two
months. During the past season
" Dick ' nut up a fine exhibition both
in batting and fielding. Carbondale
Five hundred people witnessed
the thrilling performances of "Dare
Devil Frank," the roller skater, at
Rink on Monday night. It was the
general consensus of opinion that
' D. D. 'F, was the best man on
skates over seen In these parts. His
thrilling dive down a twenty-foot
high, 60-degree-elevatlon plank
made the auditors hold their breath.
It was a corking exhibition.
Miss Violet Nield, while Ironing
some clothes early Friday morning,
burnt her Tight hand quite badly.
Miss Nleld, who Is employed In tho
Durland-Weston Shoe factory, was
anxious to finish her work before
going to work. The Iron was too
hot and to cool It (Miss Nleld went
to the faucet and allowed water to
run over the flat Iron. As she did
so the steam that was formed scald
ed the entire back of her hand, mak
ing a painful Injury. Dr. E. AV,
Burns dressed the hand.
Miss Lucy Coyne, head waitress
at the Commercial Hotel, is spending
a week at Rutledgedale.
The annual convention of the
Wayno County Sunday School asso
elation will be held Thursday, Sept.
28, in tho Chapel of the First Pres
byterian church, Honesdale. Ses
sions will be held at 10 a. m.. 2 p
m. and 7:30 p. m. The officers of
the association are: President, Otto
Appley, M. D., Damascus: treasur-
erer, Andrew Thompson, Honesdale:
secretary, Miss Frances Tyler, Da
mascus. Free entertainment for
delegates will be provided. Each
school Is requested to select two or
more delegates at once and to notify
Doctor W. H. Swift or Andraw
Thompson, Honesdale, if their rep
resentatives expect to remain over
night. Sunday schools are urged to
send their pledges and offerings for
tho support or tne county work,
Tho convention will be aided by
State Workers W. D. Stem. Mrs
Maud Junkin Baldwin and local
Sugar Jumped to eight cents per
pound on Tuesday.
Money paid out by the Site to
school districts has reached a total of
?1. 201,000.
Jerry Lenthan has filed papers
for supervisor of Texas township on
the Democratic ticket.
The following advertised letters
remain at the postoffico: M. G. Del
Castillo, Miss Lillian 'Miller.
The survivors of the Sixth
Pennsylvania Reserves will have n
reunion in Scranton on Sept. 14.
The Susquehanna county fair
opened at Montrose today (Tuesday)
and will continue for three days.
The passenger engine of the
Delaware & Hudson train Just came
out of the shop. It has been re
cently repainted.
Commencing Monday, Sept. 11,
Instead of the 9th, the Honesdale
Erie passenger train left mornings
at 8:14 instead of 7:20.
Tho premium money of the
Wayne county fair Is now In the
hands of Treasurer J. C. Starnes.
The society paid out $751.90 in prem
iums. On September 15 the Federal
Government will open one of Its
postal Savings banks In Honesdale.
Miss Beatrice Rehbeln returned to
Cortland, N. Y., Tuesday.
The Champion Grange of Gird
land will have a Harvest Home pic
nic at their hall Friday, Sept. 15.
Dinner 25c. Amusements for old
and young. All are cordially invit
ed. C. P. Searle, Esq., will be the
Isaac R. Kimble, Blandln, who
, recoverinK from a dislocated hip
XOUUVj IVl J tst UU"UI"I n w
and is able to get around with aid of
crutches, fell last Wednesday after
noon and received a compound dis
location of the ring linger of tne
left hand
Edward H. Blake, one of Hones-
dale's dlspensors of milk, claims that
during the six years he has been
serving customers he has never miss
ed a trip. This Is a remarkable rec
ord considering all kinds of weather
to be out In.
Honesdale Hentasophs met Wed
nesday evening in Freeman's Hall
and elected Mayor John Kuhbaoh
and Fred J. Tolley as delegates to
the district convention which will be
held In Scranton September 14. for
the purpose of electing a district dep
-Coming to the Lyric theatre
soon is the new musical show called
' Let George Do It," featuring Geo
P. Murphy, the young comedian of
an Irish name, wuo plays lxitcn
parts. Mr. Murphy is supported by
a strong company and chorus. There
are a dozen song hits and some new
color effects in scenery and cos
The twenty-first annual con
ventlon of the Christian Endeavor
societies of Wayne county was held
In the Prompton Presbyterian church
last Thursday. The program, which
was an Instructive one, was follow
ed closely, every speaker and person
represented being present and re
sponding to the dilferent subjects as
signed to him.
Contractor F. J. Varcoe Is lay
ing a concrete walk and curbing in
front of .the new armory. The walk
will be extended from the east line
of the armory lot adjoining the Irv
ing Cut Glass property and along tho
front of same to the bridge. The
walk will be extended along tho Tor-
rey estate facing Park street and ad
joining the armory property to Dy-
berry place.
The junk yard of David Fisher
contains almost everything that has
ever ibeen manufactured In a metal
line. There are huge piles of scrap
metal, wornout horse shoes, boilers.
stoves, pipings, etc. Among the
many curiosities that is in the yard
Is an old-fashioned high bicycle that
is said to have "been the first in
Honesdale. It Is claimed that It
once was tho property of Lot Atkin
son, late of this borough. The bicy
cle was in vogue about 30 years
The E. A. Adams' sale at Car-
ley Brook has been adjourned un
til Monday, September 1
Paul E. Fives was a business
caller In Hawley on Monday.
Miss Isabel Harroun left Sunday
for Philadelphia, where she was
called by the Philadelphia Board of
Education to teach In the Hause
school, corner of Frankford and
Erie avenues. Miss Harroun was
graduated from West Chester school
last year. She took the examina
tion before the Philadelphia Board
of Education and was the only one
that passed
Announcement was read from
the Methodist Episcopal pulpit Sun
day morning by Pastor Will H. H li
ter concerning tho reconsecratlon of
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran
church. In which Invitation was ex
tended to the church, members to
participate In the services of tho
day. After the reading of tho an
nouncement J. A. Brown offered the
following resolution: "That the Cen
tral Methodist Episcopal chrch of
Honesdale send Christian greetings
to tho Lutheran church in acknowl
edgement of the successful past, the
promising present and the hoperui
future in the Christian up-lift In our
community by their society."
Mr. and Mrs. John Spinner,
Cherry Ridge, entertained a number
of friends at supper last Thursaay
evening. The evening was pleasant
ly snent. the customary party diver
sions being enjoyed. The following
were present: Mr. and Mrs. John
Foster, Mr. and Mrs. warren won-
ear. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bonear,
Mr. and Mrs. Homer uonear, Mr. ana
Mrs. Lawrence Iloff. Mr. and Mrs
Jacob Keller. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Rlckard. Mr. and Mrs. Edward kins
man, Mr. and Mrs. John Male, Mr,
and Mrs. Humphrey Sandercock, Mr,
and Mrs. Edward Hull. Mr. and Mrs,
Fred Compton. Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Sninner. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mang,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sullivan, Edgar
Comuton. Frank Tylor, Herbert
Mate. Lester lrale. Ray Sandercock
Ewen Mang, Raymond Compton, and
Miss Gladys Compton. The out of
town guests were Mr. and Mrs. John
Clarenson, Brooklyn, N. Y Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Adams. Hawley, fa
Miss May Hutchinson, Wilkes-Bar
re and August Foster and J. Golden
The next day that will have
some attention will De v;oiumouB
Dr. A. W. Smltn, scranton, as
sisted by Dr. F. W. Powell and Dr.
L. B. Nielsen of this place, operat
ed upon Edward G. Roe, Monday
morning for appendicitis.
-Tho Young Men's Bible class of
the Methodist church will hold an
ntertalnment in the parlors or tne
church Thursday evening. Proceeds
for, the benoilt of tne ciiurcn. ice
cream and cake will be served.
.Mrs. W. F. Brines has leased
rooms In the building adjoining the
Farmers & Mechanics Bank as an
annex to her boarding 'house and will
rent them either furnished or as
leeplng apartments. These are tne
first furnished rooms ever to have
been obtained in Honesdale. Mrs.
Brlggs has, by setting a first-class
table built up quite a boarding
house that Is appreciated oy tne
people of Honesdale. Mrs. Brlggs
will cater for the Masonic banquet.
Earl Gager, Scranton, was In town
F. G. Peters Is In New YorK uity
on business.
J. W. Farley. Equlnunk, was a
business caller here Monday.
H. Mvers. Archbald, is spending a
few days In Honesdale on business.
Aueust Breesteln is spending the
first of the week in New York city.
Miss Hazel Patten, Carbondale, Is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Clarence
.Miss Julia Loomls, Deposit, is
passing a few days at the Hotel
Wayne. j
Miss Nellie Slttser, Liberty, N. Y.,
Is visiting in Honesdale for a few
Mr. and Mrs. John Terry, of New
York, are visiting friends In the
Maple City.
Miss Hattie R. Finn, Scranton, is
a guest of her aunt, Mrs. George W.
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Williams, of
Jersey City, are spending the week
In Honesdale.
Frank P. McLaughlin, of Oly-
phant, was a business caller here the
first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Landau, of
Scranton, are spending a few days
with relatives here.
John Strongman returned to New
York Monday after a few days
spent in Honesdale.
Miss Lillian Fowler, Wllkes-Barre,
spent Friday and Saturday with her
many friends here.
Mrs. G. W. Decker has returned
from a month's stay at Lake Winola
and Clarks Green.
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Miller are
spending a part of their vacation In
Waymarfc with relatives.
E. A. Caulield leaves this Week to
resume his studies at St. Bonnaven-
ture's College, Olean, N. Y.
Miss Patrick Lynott and daughter,
Miss Mame, are spending two weeks
with relatives in New York City.
'Miss Martin Lynch has returned
to her home In Tunkhannock after
frlef visit with relatives here.
Mrs. Leon Ross entertained a num
lber of her young friends at her home,
on East street, Thursday evening.
D. T. Lansing, D. P. Dempsey
and W. A. Bunting, Scranton, were
in Honesdale a few days this week.
Floyd J. Ball, a traveling sales
man of Boston, spent Friday and
Saturday with friends In Honesdale.
Mrs. George Eck and Mrs. Isaac
Hawker have returned from a few
days' visit with relatives In Port
Miss Janet Martin, Jersey City,
is being entertained by her friend,
Miss Bessie Lawyer, on Thirteanth
Mrs. E. A. Whitehouse and two
sons, MewarK, w. J., nave returned
after a few days' stay with Miss
Corlne Stone.
Angus Lawyer returned to his
duties in the metropolis Monday af
ter spending his vacation with his
parents here.
Miss Marie and Frances Gates re
turned to their home in Flushing, L.
I., Monday, after an extended stay
with relatives In Honesdale.
C. J. Brown, while leading a horse
down Main street Thursday after
noon, turned his foot on a cobble
stone and sprained his left foot.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa S. Sterner, of
Tunkhannock, werd pleasantly enter
tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Carroll J. Kolley over Sunday.
Robert A. Smith, Jr., who is on
the State survey corps in the Inter
est of the Highway Department,
near Montrose, spent Sunday witn
his parents in Honesdale.
Cashier and Mrs. C. A. Emery re
turned Monday from a thousand
mile automobile trip through the
New England states. It was made
with their Stanley steamer.
Mrs. Henry Hartung left Monday
for Paterson, N. J., where she was
called by tho illness of her daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Fred Hartung, who
Is lying In a comatose condition.
Bert Lane, Toronto, Canada ar
rived 'Monday and will stay some
time In Honesdale. While here he
will stop at the home of his aunt,
Mrs. M. E. Simons and visit other
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Weaver and
daughter, Miss Gladys, returned
Monday from Stroudsburg. Mrs.
Weaver and daughter have been
visiting for two months with rela.
tlves in Chicago.
J. C. Birdsall, William BIrdsall.
H. T. Menner of this place, and Fred
Bassett, New York city, left Hones
dale iMonday morning In Keough
Bros, automobile for a tour In the
southern and eastern part of the
state. They will visit the Delaware
Wator Gap and Gettysburg before
returning homo.
Misses Allco and Emma Birdsall
attended the Matthews-Chamberlain
wedding Tuesday evening In Green
Ridge. Tho bridegroom. William
Matthews, Is a cousin of the Misses
Birdsall. The Dride, Bliss weien u
Chamberlain. Is one of Scranton's es.
tlmable young women and Is well
Joseph Brown, Scranton, was a
callpr here Saturday.
Miss Anna Vaughn, Scranton, spent
Sunday In the Maple City.
F. W. Bussman, Hancock, N. Y.,
was a business caller hero Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell,
Scranton, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. F. H. Thomas.
Mrs. A. Galland, Dr. Rose Cohen
nnd Miss B. Cohen, New York City,
are registered at tho Allen House.
Mrs. F. H. Thomas, who was In
jured In a runaway last March, is
Just able to be around without the
aid of crutches.
-Miss Ella Gray, of Newark, N. J.,
Is visiting thiB week in Honesdale.
She expects to spend next week with
friends in Wyalusing, Pa.
Marriage licenses were Issued Sat
urday, Sept. 9, to Georgo Smith and
Alta F. Baldwin, White Mills, also to
George E. Ammerman, Lake town
ship, and Florence L. Hooper, South
Fourteen men were thrown out of
employment last Saturday by the
blowing out of the flues on the en
gine operating Thomas Moore's Ex
celsior Mills at Prompton. This
plant, when running on full time,
has a capacity of four and one-half
tons of excelsior a day.
Special to The Citizen.
LOOKOUT, Pa., Sept. 12. School
opened on 'Monday last with Hazel
Hopkins of Rlleyville as teacher.
Ezra 'Mandsley Is attending school
at Damascus.
Earl Mandsley returned to Blng-
hamton last week after spending his
vacation at his home here.
.Mr. ana Mrs. Lewis G. -Hill are
visiting friends at Binghamton, N,
Rev. and Mrs. Bowen are enter
taining their son from Patterson, N.
L. L. Teeple and F. M. Lester en
joyed a trip to New York City In
the former's automobile last week.
Mrs. Harris Hill and sons return
ed home on Monday last from a visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Warner Lester, at Seelyville.
Mrs. Hiram Gaston is spending
some time with her daughter, Mrs,
Clyde Marks, at Braman.
Mr. Sattler and 'Miss Fox returned
to their home at Brooklyn, N. Y.,
after spending two weeks at Mrs. A.
Daney s.
Warner Lester, Seelyville, is visit
ing friends at this place.
Ernest H. Wilson died of tubercu
losis at his home at Torrey Thurs
day morning at 5 o'clock, after an
Illness of about a year. Mr. Wilson
was born in Deckertown, N. J., thir
ty years ago and moved to Honesdale
with his parents when seven years
of age, where he has since resided.
Last -November 'the decreased had an
affection of the throat that rendered
Mm speechless, which developed into
tuberculosis of the throat. He has
been confined to tho house since Inst
July. Mr. Wilson was an expert
glass cutter, but wing to his con
dition could not work stea'dy at the
trade. He was a member of the
Honesdale Baptist church and was
always very active in every depart
ment of church work. For some
time he was a deacon in the church.
His pastor Rev. G. S. Wendell, con
ducted the funeral last Saturday af
ternoon from the home of his uncle,
Dean Reynolds, Torrey, Saturday af
ternoon at 1 o'clock. Interment
was made In the Union cemetery,
Calkins. He Is survived by his moth
er, of Torrey, and one brother, Irv
ing, living In North Dakota. The de
ceased was Honesdale's census enu
merator for 1910 and was an exem
plary young man.
A very entertaining program was
rendered at the High school last
Friday evening, consisting of vocal
and instrumental music. Tho fol
lowing prizes were awarded:
Most perfect llower of one kind,
Evalyn Seltz,
Greatest variety or flowers grown
by one person, Catherine Partridge,
Most artistic bouquet, Bertha
First prize for best vegetable dis
play, Virginia Brown.
Second prize for best vegetable
display, John Hawker.
The Judges were Mrs. L. 13. Relcht
myer, Miss Carrie Weiss and Miss
Caroline Petersen.
The display was greatly admired
by a largo number of patrons of the
Y'ou can have the folks saying
"Just Liko Mother Uso to Make"
about your pickled or canned goods
If you will use a little care In the
selection' of your spices. Our spices
possess the richest and spiciest
flavor that you can getii anywhere.
Use them In your pickling, preserv
ing and cooking and you'll surely
smack your Hps at the pungency of
your dish.
Agent for Foss & Co's Quality ,and
Premier Chocolates.
"The Quality Store"
Prof. F. A. March, Sr father of
Prof. Thomas S. March, of Greens
burg, formerly of Honesdale, died at
him home In Easton Saturday after
noon. He was 86 years of age. In
January last he fell and suffered a
broken hip, since which time ho had
been confined to his home. Dr.
March had a world-wide reputation
as a philologist. In his long career
as one of the leading English sclujijj
ars of the world he Wrote many
Dr. March also took the direction,
in 1878, of tho work In America for
the "New English Dictionary on His
torical Principles" of the Philological
Society of England, published by the
University of Oxford.
He was considered almost from
tho beginning of his career, a final
authority on words concerning whoso
origin there was a dispute among
scholars. His work as chief consult
ing editor in tho compilation of the
"Standard Dictionary" is viewed as a
notable achlvement by etymolo
The writings of Dr. March were
If You Want
A Roof Yon Casi
Really Depend On
Get ono that is honestly jruaranteed liko
Durable". On Threo Ply RELIA NCE you get
a guarantee for 10 colid years and without vour
painting or coating vour roof from
xwu piy is guaranteed m a similar way lor years,
and One Ply 5 years. No other roofing made is backed
in this fair manner; no other will serve you so well, and for
so long a time at go low cost.
Don't let anyone cloud vour
cell you roofing that has to be constantly looked after in order to
keep it in proper condition.
"The Roof Durable"
Costs no more than ordinaiy unguaranteed roofing and if
wears two or threo times as long. Its worth and merit have been
proved on thousands of buildings in tho past ten years. Cover
yours with it and get the most reliable o nu economical roof made.
Get samples, prices and further facts. They will show you
Ihe way to save some money.
ERK BROS., Agents
Honesdale, Pa.
who is probably as well and favorably known
as any man in Wayne County is a Demo
cratic Candidate for an office that requires
much responsibility and work. To this end
he most earnestly solicits the support of the
voters of Wayne County on September 30,
for the office of
The Prudential Insurance Company of America
Incorporated as a Stock Company by the State of New Jersey.
JOHN F. DRYDEN, President.
Morrison and Canivan
12th and Kimble St. HONESDALE, PA.
"CAPITOL" Boilers and Radiators.
"LEADER" Air pressure water systems.
"GOULD" Pumps.
"STAR" Windmill.
The above goods represent the best products In the market. Tho
use of them coupled with our 26 years' practical experience at tho
business Insures you a lasting and satisfactory job.
Correspondence Solicited. Both 'Phones.
not confined to philology. In 1860
he contributed articles on philoso
phical subjects to "The Princeton
Review," which were reprinted in
London tho next year -and led to a
correspondence with Victor Cousin.
He edited a series of text-books to be
used In tho Btudy of Christian clas
sics entirely preparing a selection of
Latin hymns.
At tho outbreak of the Civil war
he published a series of letters, out
lining a scheme for amending the
Constitution of tho United States, In
tended to bring about a peaceful set
tlement of the difilcutlies between
the North and the South. They at
tracted much attention, and were
read In Congress, In the" Virginia Leg
islature and elsewhere.
Dr. March received recognition of
his work in Europe as well as In
America. He held degrees, from Ox
ford and Cambridge universities.
Princeton and Amherst gave him tho
degree of L. L. D. and Columbia that
of L. A. D. He was president of
many societies In America, England
and Franco. In 1891 he succeeded
James Russell Lowell as president
of the Modern Language Association.
the day it la laid
iudemenl: don't let anvone
You want to protect your family. A sen
sible fair, easy way is through our low cost
ordinary Life Insurance Policy.
Send postal to-day for booklet.
Ambrose A. Whalen, Agent,
Honesdale, Pa.
Home Office, NEWARK, N. J.
Hats That Wear
Twice aslong as the
ordinary kind at the
price of the cheaper
class. All the new
known In Honesdale.