The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 13, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
Tim CITIZEN. Vtil)NKS!AY, SEPT. 13, 1011.
ScmMVeckly Founded 1008J Weekly Founded 1814.
Published Wednesdays and Fridays by the Citizen Publishing Company.
Entered as second-class matter, at the postofflce, Honesdalo, Pa.
Mi fl. ALIEN,
ii, wilson,
Our Mends who favor us with contribtitions, and desire to have the same re
amed, should in every case enclose stamps for that purpose.
Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Post Offlce Order or Registered
letter. Address all communications to Tho Citizen, No. 803 Main street,
Honesdale, Pa.
All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for the purpose of
making money or any Items-tnat contain advertising mutter, win j u
nAmUiari fn thin tinner on navment of regular advertising rates. Notice
of entertainments for the benefit of churches or for charitable purposes
where a fee 1b charged, will bo published at half rates. Cards of thanks,
CO cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will be charged for at
tho rate of a cent a wora. Advertising raicn uu uiJt.iii.uuuu.
lck recently, returned to her home.
Mrs. M. Li. Slayton is expected
home to-day, Monday.
Miss Ella uammeli is spending
the week In Hawley.
Those who had the pleasure of
meeting Miss Ball last winter while
isitine here with Miss Laura Slay-
ton, Portland, 'Me., will be pleased
to hear of her marriage to Rev.
Philip Tuttle, Los Angeles, Cal., on
Mr. Eisenberger came over from
Prompton Wednesday to call on his
church people here.
James h. Monington is able to bo
out and is going on with the build
ing of his silo.
Mr. and Mrs. (Jliaries Faatz at
tended the C. E. convention at
Prompton Thursday and report a
very pleasant time.
Miss Anna Ross, who makes her
home with her cousin, Mrs. Charles
Pethick. was taken ill while on a
visit to her aunt, Mrs. Baker, Car-
Noel Woodward spent the week
end with her grandmother, Mrs.
Jackson Woodward at the Allen,
The policy of the The Citizen is to print the local news tn an interesting
manner, to summarize the neivs of the world at large, to light for the right as this
paper sees the right, without fear or favor to the end that it may serve the Vest
interests of its readers and the welfare of the county.
Well, they finally were married, weren't they? A Congregational min
lster performed the ceremony and they are to spend the "winter abroad. It
must seem peculiar to have one's son act as best man at one's wedding,
mustn't it? Also Hiss Force seems to -have done much better than if she
had gone Into the chorus. Beyond these two remarks we have nothing
to say except that her mother is a wonderful manager and we should have
liked to have heard her sigh of relief after the $200,000,000 fish had been
. :0:
The steam roller lias gone over ns and again we mo flattened out,
Tho Bradford-Susquehanna combination enme to the Republican Congres.
sionnl Conference with tlio necessary votes already secured and again cap
lured tho nomination. The politicians of our sister counties frankly con.
ceded tho justlce.of Wayne county's claim to the nomination. Tlicy made
no hypocritical pretense, put forth no fallacious reasoning, used no argu
ment save tlio cold, positive argument of seven votes out of ten. Our con
ferees, Messrs. Simons and Decker than whom none better could have
been sent to the confcrncc very ably presented AVnyno's case, were lis
tened to courteously, and then tiilmly voted out. But the situation has
its compensations. Capt. Ainey, the chosen candidate, is a man of experi
ence and ability. His qualifications lit him to represent this congressional
district with credit to hmsclf and with satisfaction to his constituents,
and to do cood service to his party nnd tho country. Moreover, it Is e.vj
treinely important that tills district should be represented in Washington
by n Republican.
Tho Citizen will support Capt. Ainey.
These are the things one must do In Germany before he can run
hllr wlthntit nfittlncr arrested:
He must snend a week in the " school " of the factory that made
Mb monv,ino wntniiiniT mntnrs belne taken apart and assembled and
J41t9 "
He must take to the police authorities a sworn certificate from this
school, bearing witness to his proficiency, togetner wun a Dirm ceruucuie,
a photograph of 'himself, and a certificate from a state doctor saying that
Ma dciit nml hP.irlnir are normal and an application tor a permit.
He must drive' a car, carrying1 a police examiner, through a hilly
country, turn it around in a narrow piece of road, pass a quizz as to the
mechanism of the motor, and lastly run tho machine through narrow city
.inutc miioro tram cars are running.
If he passes all these tests he gets a permit to which his photo
pmnh nml nutoeranh are officially affixed. And nobody but the man In the
niirttrnnii onn run that machine.
Oh. ves. thev do things differently in Germany. They also havo effi
cient safety appliances for all dangerous machinery In Germany.
It took the jury only 57 minutes to decide that Henry C. Beattie, Jr.,
1.1H-.1 t, ! rv.tio nut nntn rirlvinc. So far everybody seems to be sat-
nilicu lira lYi.o " ... t v. w w - - .
.iv. v.o -..cript ovnsnf vounc man. himself and naturally lie
lOUCU 1 L 11 tlio .v.x.v ' 1 - - w
would be somewhat put out. He heard the verdict with the same amaz
ing air of aloofness which has characterized all his actions since the night
.i.. AHimnirh n mpnn pnntemntible murderer, he has shown
Ul IUC IllUlUCli mviiuuE,.. 1 .
throughout a philosophical calm worthy of a .far better cause. As he him
self says:
"You never can tell what a jury will do. If I had been tried by a jury
of city men instead of farmers I believe I would have had more chance.
I was convicted more for having associated wun 'aeuian uinioru aim uuv
i if,i wlta tlmn I was for murder.
"Those jurymen seldom or never heard of such a thing and they be
lieved, on general principles, that a man, who would do that would com-
111 11, UlUlUGii
"Well, I guess my friends will light to the last ditch and I expect
there will be a new trial. Good-bye, uoys; ten my irienus i m nBui cum
fnrtnWo as comfortable as anybody could be in this place."
nr. n,iv v.o in wrmn nhniit. tho new trial, unless, of course, he
,V U Llllllll 11 1 ' " " O " "
.oo Vila trlnl nt tho .1 llfl IT til Oil t. Seat.
a r ti, nivifnr.1 piri. hIir. tno. Is done for. Already the theatres
have canceled their engagements with her, and her hope to make capital
out of her sordid relations with tho principal of the murder has been short
lived Indeed. It Is well that the American stage has been spared the dis
grace of her presence.
Special to The Citizen. ,
WHITES VALLEY, Pa., Sept. 12.
Howard Miller and 'brother, Doug
las, returned to. Nowburg, N. Y., af
ter visiting relatives and friends in
this vicinity.
Mrs. D. 'E. Hacker returned from
Scranton Friday after spending sev
eral days with her daughters, Mrs.
L. E. Perkins and Mrs. L. A. Rus
sell. F. W. White spent Monday In
Scranton on business.
Mr. and Mrs. William Glover nnd
Mr. and OUrs. George Cllft and fam
ily attended tho Glover reunion at
Thompson Tuesday.
Mrs. Mary E. Fisher, Nevln Fish
er and daughter, Kathryn, and Wil
liam Fisher returned to Maryland
Tuesday, via. Easton In the latter's
touring car after being entertained
several days at H. L. Fisher's.
Mrs. G. N. Bonham returned homo
recently after spending tho summer
ut Lake Ariel and Carbondale.
!Mrs. Martha Stark has returned
from an extended visit in Promp
Mrs. Jennie Edwards returned re
cently to her 'homo in Scranton after
being entertained several days by
Mrs. O. C. Miller.
Rexford, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Cllft, Waymart, who has been
seriously ill with typhoid fever, at
the home of his grandparents, 'Mr,
and Mrs. J. W. Hull, is slowly re
Nelson Cross, a theological stu
dent ably filled the pulpit at the M
E. church Sunday. Friends who
were nresent from Aldenvlllo were
Mr. and Mrs. George Gaylord, Miss
Ada Hopkins and Miss Minnie
Mrs. Laura Conyne, who has been
ill. Is convalescing.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Glanville
Pleasant Mount, spent Sunday at
Chas. Bon-ham's.
Miss Edith ull left Monday for
Englewood, 'N. J., where sho is em
ployed as teacher in i-the pudii
schools, after spending tho' summer
vacation with her parents, Mr. and
'Mrs. J. W. Hull.
Special to The Citizen.
BETHANY, Pa., Sept. 12. Mr,
and Mrs. John D. Doherty. Riley.
vlllo, visited at the Fives home here
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Starnes and
children came to spend Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. v. Starnes and fam
Mrs. Edward Ward of Newark, N.
J., left tho Gammell home Saturday
and is continuing her visit with her
sister, Sirs. Rush Kimble, of Fleas
ant valley.
Mrs. Fields and llttlo son of
Brooklyn, after spending somo time
with her cousin, Wra. Charles Peth
in white marquisette, and carried a
bouquet of pink roses. The color
scheme of pink and white was beau
tifully carried out throughout the
parlor, living room and dining room,
the decorations consisting of large
quantities of pink and white chrys
anthemums, china asters, sweet peas,
and roses intermingled with ferns.
To the strains of Lohengrin's wed
ding march rendered by Miss Besslo
Smith, the bridal party marched up
tho aisle formed by wldo white satin
ri'tVbons held by little Margaret Tier
ney, Tobyhanna, and Ford Hoffman,
a little Gouldsboro boy, to a beauti
ful large arch formed of pink and
white china asters and white bells,
with a background of pink and white
flowers, ferns, etc., where they were
met by tho minister, Rev. p. S. Len
man, pastor of the M. E. church,
who using the impressive ring cere
mony pronounced them man and
wife. After congratulations had been
extended a wedding 'dinner follow.
ed. Miss 'Bertha Crooks, a sister of
the bride, and the Misses Maude and
Lottie Beers, of Scranton, served.
At two o'clock Mr. and 'Mrs. Reaser
1 left by automobile and will visit
Rev. W. H. Harned, Scranton, I Now York, 'Philadelphia and other
preached in the Methodist church,
Mr. Eisenberger preached to a
large congregation Sunday evening,
coming from Slko, Dyberry and
Pleasant Valley, Prompton, Alden
vllle and Haines. 'He preached an
excellent sermon from Proverbs 3:0.
points. The brldo's traveling suit
was cinnamon brown chiffon broad
cloth. George Edwards and Miss
Anna Smith accompanied them as
far as Mount Pocono. The bride re
celved a large number of handsome
and costly gifts, consisting of several
gold pieces, silverware, china, cut
The nublication In thn newsnnnprs
of the portraits of political candi
dates is exciting varied comment.
Those who criticise it unfavorably
are generally those who affect dis
pleasure over politics genorally and
of personal bids for party support in
particular. But there seems to be
no good reason for decrying politics,
since we must have government and
every person ought to be versed In
the science of it; neither is there
any very great occasion for disgust
because a man announces himself
willing, or even anxious, to under
take the responsibilities of office.
Must public office never bo filled ex
cept by men from whom a hint that
tho position would be agreeable to
them could not be extorted by an
electric dynamo? To look upon the
portrait of a candidate Is often an
advantage and faVor to voters who
are prevented from meeting person
ally tnose up tor suffrage. Common
men are not so dense as to be in
sensible to the significance of that'
saying once expressed by a man of
letters concerning the human face,
that " the sculptor's chisel always
leaves Its mark upon the statue's
rront. The Hawley Times.
By S. S. Robinson.
How well I remember that old violin,
Way back In life's dawning where
mem'ries begin,
And all the aid tunes that ho always
would know,
As " Haste to the Wedding " and
"Rosin tho Bow."
Quite often at evening when going to
My weary head pillowed on dear
mother s breast,
I heard the pins squeak and the tun
ing begin,
And then sweetest music on that
old violin.
And oft In the morning before I
Only half sleeping In blissful re
pose, He would be singing somo old-fashioned
And playing away on the old
Now it is silent, discordant and
No more its music as years go and
My heart will gladden 'mid life's toil
and din,
Longing for strains of that old
Dr.- F. Von Krug will preach In j glass, .brlc-a-Jbrac, linen, pictures,
the Presbyterian church next Sun
day, Sept. 17, and administer Holy
School commenced to-day with
Will Hoar as teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Many spent
Sunday at Tyler Hill.
Special to The Citizen.
ARIEL, Pa., Sept. 12. Rev. and
'Mrs. F. A. Van Sclver are spending
a few weeks in Philadelphia. Rev.
Furey, Scranton, is filling the va
cancy during his absence.
Mrs. G. G. Collins and mother
have just returned from a visit to
relatives in Pottsville.
Georgo Keyes, who has been visit
ing 'his brother, A. S. Keyes, has re
turned to his home in Michigan.
J. w. Kandercock made a busi
ness trip to Honesdale on Saturday
The Book club met with Mrs. G.
Samson on Tuesday evening.
A. S. Keyes is building a new ad
dition to his postoffice.
Most of the cottage people have
returned to their homes in Scran
ton for the Winter.
Mrs. Noise, Wyoming Seminary.
Is visiting Helen Sandercock.
Special to The Citizen.
CENTERVILLE, Pa., Sent. 12.
Bridget E. Garrity and brother, Pat
rick, are visiting their mother, Mrs,
Elizabeth Garrity.
Mrs. Margaret Locklln is visiting
at Mrs. M. Lane's of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Surnlus.
Gouldsboro, and Mrs. Daniel High
land, New York City, spent Monday
at the home of the former's sister,
Mrs. Konert Marshall.
Quito a large number from this
place attended the dance at John
O'Connor's last Saturday evening.
James j? . Collins, Scranton. who
has been visiting for the past three
weeks at R. Marshall's, returned
home Monday night.
Special to The Citizen.
ORSON, Pa.. Sent. 12. Mrs.
Sarah Ferris, Blnchamton. N. Y..
has been renewing acquaintances
the past week.
Sarah Whipple is again taklnir ud
ner stuay or music with Prof. Bly,
Lila and Elmer Hlne, Orson Mosh
er, Arthur Sanford and George Hlne
are ail attending school at Lake-
'Mrs. Adelaide Chamberlain of
Starrucca, Is making an extended
visit with relatives here.
The M. E. Aid society was larce
ly attended at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. William Belknap on Thursday
last. Tnose irom out or town were:
Mrs. Sarah Ferris, Blnghamton, N,
Y.; Mrs. A. M. Chamberlain, Star
rucca; Mrs. Alvira Box, Lakewood
All enjoyed a very sociable day.
The seven months' old child of
Mrs. Perry is very ill at the home
or j, h. Sheldon, Jr.
Word has been received of the ar
rival of a little boy at the home of
Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Soles, Bingham
ton, N. Y. Mrs. Soles was formerly
Miss uia Lee of this place.
Several from hero attended the
Woodmansee reunion at Lakewood
on Wednesday, Sept. 6. All report
a fine time.
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, daugh
ter, vioiet, liingharaton, N. Y., are
visiting tneir aunt and uncle, Mr,
and Mrs. Will Sanford.
Agnes McKeon. Brooklyn. N. Y.
who has spent the past two weeks
with Mrs. Harlow, has returned.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hlne are at
tending tho Walton fair.
John and Ansel Lewis are in at
tendance at the Syracuse fair.
Mrs. W. B. Signor and son Duane,
drove to Cadosee one day last week
wnere Mrs. aignor has sold ber car
rlage horse to a party near there.
Devere Chamberlain is giving the
parsonage a new coat of paint.
W. Gardner. Starlight, was in town
In the Interest of the Tribune-Re
publican, scranton.
etc. The 'bride has always resided
In Gouldsboro, and Is very popular.
In the four years that Mr. Reaser
was located here he made a great
many friends, and all extend the
most hearty congratulations and
good wishes. They will make their
homo in Moscow. The following
were the guests: Mrs. Mary Beers,
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Leach and son
Horace, Mr. and Mrs. David Johns,
Misses Maude, Bessie, Lila and Lot
tie Beers, Jennie and Nettie Eschen-
bach, Scranton; Mr. and Mrs. Van
Brunt, Messrs. Sidney Winshlp and
Luther Havenstrite, Moscow; Mrs.
Charles Tierney, Mrs. Counterman,
Mrs. Joseph Starner, Misses Ethel
Crooks, Mabel and Rebecca Quick,
Margaret Hierney and Alfred Tier
ney, of Tobyhanna; Misses Anna
Crooks, of Mount Pocono; Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Beehler, Edward Beeh
ler of Bartonvllle; Messrs. J. Reaser,
Ernest Reaser and Walter Reaser,
Stroudsburg; Miss Fable, Strouds-
burg; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gara
gan, .Mr. and Mrs. John Eschenbach,
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Crooks, Mr. and
Mrs. James Crooks, Mr. and Mrs.
George Newell, Mrs. William Sur
plus, Mrs. Minnie Rhodes, Mrs. John
Keesler, Misses Besslo, Grace, Anna
and Helen Smith, Grace and Alice
Dowllng, Eliza Simons, Lila Flower,
Mollle McAree, Sallie Marshall,
Bertha, Grace and Helen Crooks,
Harriet Newell, Margaret Roth, Ber.
P. S. Lehman, Messrs. Geo. Edwards,
Willard and Paul Surplus, Edgar
Dowllng, Charles Brown, Raymond
Crooks, Roy and James Crooks and
Ford Hoffman
Misses Marilla Fairless and Helen
Smith attended tho teachers' insti
tute at Scranton last week.
Madeline and Gus Matthews, who
wore visiting with thel grandpar
ents at Thornhurst, have returned
Mrs. M. M. DuTot, Mrs. Joseph
Matthews, Mrs. A. L. Rhodes and
Mrs. G. A. Kerllng were tho guests
of Mr. and Mrs. S. -Wilson Ellenber
ger at Sunnycrest Farm on Sunday.
Mrs. Salle LcClaire is visiting her
daughter at Lohlghton.
Miss Alice Boucher and son, Jos
eph, are visiting friends In Wllkes
R. B. Decker' and James Crooks
spent tho first of the week fishing at
Mrs. W. L. Harvey and grand
children, Lytle and Raymond Ellen
merger, nave oeen Bpenaing a iew
days with friends at Factoryville and
Lake Wlnola,
Mrs. Babbett, Newark, N. J., who
has been visiting her sister, Mrs,
Lizzie Simons, has returned homo.
While here she purchased two very
desir&tle building lots of Mrs. Sim
ons. Mrs. Hrman Huffman also pur
chased a lot from the same plot.
Mrs. M. T. Megargel of Sterling,
and Miss Ellen Carlton, Carbondale,
have been spending several days
with Mrs. S. A. Adams at Hillcrest.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Decker, S. H,
Rhodes and Fred Rhodes attended
the Monroe county fair at StroudS'
Special to The Citizen.:
'GOULDSBORO, Pa., Sept. 12,
Ono' of the prettiest weddlnsrs wit
nessed in Gouldsboro in some time
was that of -Miss Maude, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James Crooks, who
was married to Allen Reaser, of
Moscow, at the home of the bride at
noon Wednesday, Sept. G. Tho maid
of honor was Miss Grace Crooks, a
sister or tne oriuo. waiter Reaser,
Stroudsburg, a brother of the irroom
acted as best man. Roy Crooks and
Ray Crooks, a brother and cousin of
the bride, acted as ushers. The
bride was attired In a handsome
white satin gown trimmed with
heavy pearl passementerie and car
ried a 'bridal bouquet of roses. The
maid of honor wore pink silk, veiled
Attention, Veterans I
Editor Tho Citizen:
The 28th annual reunion of the
6th Pennsylvania Reserves will be
held at G. A. R. Hall, Penn Avenue
and Linden street. Scranton. Pa..
Thursday, Sept. 14. Business meet
ing at 2 p. m. Supper at G p. m.
Camp fire In the evening. If there
is any survivors of Co. C, we hope
they will be present with just as
many of their family as can be In
duced to come. Notices have been
sent to all survivors whose address
was known. Hoping you will kind
ly 'make tho announcement of this
reunion in your paper that has been
so good to us veterans, I am,
Yours truly,
Harvest Grange held their annual
picnic Thursday last when over two
hundred people gathered In Lake
Henry park to visit and hear the
speakers. The day was not very
favorable but every one who came
enjoyed the time fully.
After the grange had sung "River
or Time," Hon. A. T. Searlo gave an
address. The judge's talk was in
his own inimitable style. He gave
some anecdotes of our judiciary
from the beginning of the Wayne
county court and followed with
sound advice to the grangers as to
tho building of their order for the
future. After the grange sang
" Wild Birds" Cashier Emery of the
Anei uanK taiKed on " Money.'
His talk was to the youne neonlo
mostly on the value of money and on
Deing prepared ror a rainy day. His
talk was Interspersed with some very
comical Happenings at the cashier's
window. A duet by the Misses
Kathryn and Helen Ferris entitled
"Sliver Threads Among the Gold'
was loudly applauded after which
Rev. E. L. Morrison of South Canaan
spoke of the saloon, Its curses, and
the great work of the anti-saloon
league. Mrs. Morrison rendered a
vocal solo, "The Days of Summer.'
Harry Sampson, Mastor of Ariel
Grange, recited "Gone With a Better
LooKing Man." Miss Minnie Bud
aennagen sang a temperance song
ana tne program was concluded by
mo urange singing "ueautlful Gold
en Somewhere." Mrs. F. S. Keens,
worthy lecturer, acted as chairman
while Miss Jennie Gromlich had
charge of the music and Miss Cora
Bartlow, worthy flora, was in charge
oi tne literary.
AH the speakers were members of
the Grange and take great interest
in the work.
We desire a correspondent
every town.
PROMPTON, Pa., Sept. 12. On
Thursday, September 14, a dinner
will be given at the home of Mrs.
Frank Adams, for the benefit of the
Methodist church. First table at
11:30 o'clock. All friends are In
World's Greatest Remedy Free From
Cocaine, Uplum nnd AH Habit
Forming Drugs.
Start right now, before tho cold
weathsr comes, to kill catarrh germs
and get rid of catarrh. It's the best
Breathe HYOMEI (pronounce it
Hlgh-o-me). G. W. Pell guarantees
it. It is made of Australian eu
calyptus, thymol and othor antisep
tics, and besides destroying the
germs it soothes and heals the sore,
raw membrane and prevents mucus
from forming in the air passages.
Breathe it a few times a day. It's
an easy and pleasant treatment and
results are quick and certain.
HYOMEI is guaranteed for ca
tarrh, asthma and catarrhal deaf
ness, or money back. A complete
outfit, Including hard rubber inhal
er, costs $1.00. Extra bottles If af
terward needed cost tout 50 cents.
by local applications, as they can
not reach the diseased portion of the
ueainess, ana mat is uy constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caus
ed by an inflamed condition of the
.. .. 1 1 I 11.. TT...n.nnT,
UlUCUUa UU1U& UL lllU ciuDiaumuu
Tube. When this tube is inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or Im
perfect hearing, and when it is en
tirely closed, Deafness is tho result,
i .. 1 . 1 in . .1 v
1.1LKHI1 Illll. 211111 L11IM L1IIIH ll.MLIirKIl Lll
its normaj condition, hearing will
is nothing but an inflamed condition
We will give One Hundred Dol
lars for any case of Deafness (caus
ed by catarrh) that cannot be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, free.
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
Vf.l t tn. .tin! n nr.
plication will be made to Alonzo T.
Searle, President Judge of Common
f pi s in iv; vim i'iiiiui v mi ijitiiiiih
'i n r v. ti m uiiMfi- tho iiriivisinim ii
thfl InnnrnnrnHnn not of 1 S74 and
n km n 111 i '.( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h i 1 1 1 1 1 iii im i Hi it:
Via WVilf a AT!1 la T?lr Donnrfmnnt
1.1 i j. i 1 l. a . i.i-i.
1, nnl nn nA nun.
plements thereto.
72eoi Solicitors.
Agency at Honesdalo, Wayne Co., Pa.
Total admitted assets 273.813,063.65
Total Insurance in force 1,080,239,708.00
Total number policy-holders 425,481.00
iew insurance iteportea ana paid lor l n lino iis,v8a,usi.uu
Increase In Insurance In force over 1909 67.240.613.00
Total Income for 1910 51,879,892.23
Total payment to policy-holders 32,809,899.00
Kayo oi expense ana taxes to income 12. is per cent.
H. A. TINGLEY, Agent,
To the Farmers of Wayne Co.-
We Desire to Have You Patronize the
7(5 per Cent. of the stockholders of
9 this Bank aj-e Farmers
Open An Account in the Progressive Bank
Capital Stock $75,000.00
Surplus and Profits $17,000.00
Comparative Growth of Deposits :
Juno 1st 1907,
Hay 1st 1008,
May 1st 1009,
May 2nd 1910,
May 1st 1911,
M. E. SIMONS, President
M. B. Allen,
Georgo C. Abraham,
J. Sam Brown,
Oscar B. Bunnell,
Wm. H. Dunn,
W. M. Fowler,
W. B. Gulnnlp,
John B. Krantz,
Fred W. Kreltner,
John Kuhhach,
John Weaver.
C, A. EMERY, Cashier
G. Wm. Sell,
M. E. Simons,
Fred Stephens,
George W. Tlsdell,
J. B. Tiffany,
$49.50 ERIE R. R.
To SEPT. 14 to Oct. 14, 1911
And Points In Southwest and Northwest. Ask ngenta for particulars or
wrlto W. O. Rock, D. P. A., New York City.