The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 13, 1911, Image 1

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n;u T7"tn a td "nt- rrn
n ii i i ' i a-a rii i i i . i
400 FEET
TT ?i r f ! 1 1
i own touncu rays Bins
and Renews Notes
Four hundred feet of Fabric hose fnnt. was hnnehr. at rnn San-
.. 1 I P . rT ..... .. Pntm
nil. 'i ifi niiTfinnsfi nt tins miinn-
1 .1 . . ! .. t ...111 1 1 . .,
.nr r nn rn nnianr iim I'lririiiiu ri i
All the members of the Council
ir rf r tirnt-nti f it Vi tt r Drnatilonf Pail-
:07 p. m. Street Commissioner
ntifxnnnn lUl.ln DnlnnnH TAlin
vons. A. D. Fancher. Blnehamtnn.
Y., representing the Fabric Fire
t -riA r tn. t l . .. .1 .. nm
The minutes of a special meeting
ii n J 111 o
r . n m t t m t
ail, BllUtVtiU L11UI UU ilU&UBl, X I ,
am : imirs . pnn m nnnnvfir.
n. T TT Ctrnncrmnn f? A "El IT
17. UU.
Treasurer George W. Penwarden
enorteu as tollows:
ing .8103.22
National Bank, Aug. 4,
$1500 (less 5 per. cent,
discount for thirty days
$7.30) 1492.70
Total $1595.97
Balance on hand $ 157.99
G. M. Genung, W. W. Kimble and
ngineer J. M. Lyons, who were ap-
lllLeil L i:illll 1111 LLKH 1.11 UlHUHd. 111111
Ian. 1C 1111 LKI1 ilM IUIUWS.
flTRnTinN RNflTNR CCi. NO. 3.
50 ft. rubber hose, O. K.
120 ft. on floor to be cut and
449 ft. Fabrio Hose No. 2 Class In
inn ft. TP.i'hrlr- Mnso rlnterl 1R!11
.230 ft. Fabric Hose dated 1903
3Kn ft TT'ntii'ln VI nan Vn 0 rintorl
09, von the trucic).
48 ft. Fabric Hose dated 1909.
650 ft. Fabric Hose dated 1909,
t clixss
50 ft. Fabric Hose dated 1907, 1st
300 ft. Fabric Hose dated 1907,
t cltiss
50 ft. Fabric Hose dated 190C, 1st
1 At ff UlK.ln TJriPn .Infnil lOfll
d class.
100 ft. Fabric Hose dated 1899,
300 ft. cotton hose.
400 ft. on West street hose truck,
d class.
400 ft. Fabric dated 1909 No. 1.
400 ft. rubber hose, O. K. Coup-
A 1 Jl .1
50 ft. hose dated 1899.
70 1903.
00 190C.
50 " " " 1907.
98 " " " 1909.
50 ft. hose.
00 ft. hose 2d and 3d class.
20 ft. couplings to be reset.
49 ft. in tower, 2d class.
00 ft. cotton hose.
37 lineal feet of hose.
11C bUttlltllVbVU VllUlhbU It It 1 I 1
up a contract with C. A. Cort-
ftt and Son for furnishing three
uinn tn iltimir Mia fl rt nrxertrtn OTld
ck at every Are, reported that
1 l 1. .1 -. ... .. .1 . 1 . ..
uial fee being set at $150.
he street committee announced
establishing of a grade on Sov-
eenth street.
nder the head of communications
etter was read from the executor
the Torrey estate, in reply to the
Ice sent by the council, request
that a walk .be laid in front of
Ir property on Park street, stat
that the matter would bo taken
with Mr. Thompson as soon as. he
urned from his vacation.
)n motion of George M. Genung,
onded by S. T. Ham, Dr. R. W.
idy was reappointed as a mem-
of the Hoard of Health.
'lift PnllrA PnmiTiHtAA ronnrtnrl
t twenty-two lights were out all
ht during the month of August.
ttwas decided to buy 400 feet of
hose for the steamer, and 300
: or nose, urst class ror niuc ser-
3, were ordered to be sent down
Hose Co. No, 1 by the Protection
!nft Pn.
ckenberg fire, Hose Company No.
ad harmy enougn nose to reach
Are. "It don't take long," he
1. " to use up a couple of thous-
feet in running several lines to
Dills and Claims,
UUatt LI1119 UUU L1HI1UO Ul"
Knorr (labor) $ 25.50
Knorr (labor) 24.00
Neubauer (labor) la.BO
Rickert (team hire).... 25.35
Stapleton (labor) 18.D0
Dr. E. W. Burns Addresses
Meeting at City Hall
Twenty Boy Scouts were treated to
an informing talk on " First Aid To
The Injured," at City Hall, last
Thursday evening, by Dr. E. W.
Burns, the Eleventh street practi
tioner, who punctuated his lecture
with practical illustrations of life
saving methods.
Scout Master E. G. Jenkins in de
scribing the meeting to a Citizen
man, said:
" Doctor Burns gave us a talk on
the general principles of first aid,
speaking of the necessity of getting
the Injured or severely sick person to
his home or a place of comfort as
the first requirement.
" Speaking of the care with which
this must be done, he suggested that
4n town, or where it was possible, to
secure a cot, and the very best way
was always to carry the patient In a
cot on a spring wagon. He suggest
ed the use of a shutter, and spoke of
the method of using coats, with poles
through the sleeves, where the in
jured or sick have to be transported
from a point 'back to civilization.
" He cautioned the boys against
attempting to diagnose troubles un
less they were very evident; against
the giving of medicines or stimu
lants, except possibly In such cases as
freezing, and the necessity of know
ing .when and how to administer
" He gave emphasis to the neces
sity of placing tho patient, In al
most every case that might arise, on
the 'back, with head low. Pie took up
tho subjects of shock, fainting, sun
stroke, frost bites and drowning.
" He gave a demonstration of the
Slyvester method of resuscitating the
apparently drowned, and a number
of boys practiced the operation under
his direction.
" It is expected that some other
physician will take up the subject
of bandaging and first aid to cuts
and open wounds, next week.
" Nearly all tho troupe passed
their examinations in the points of
the compass, that night."
Continuing, Dr. Burns stated that
when a parson Is injured or taken
suddenly sick not to give medicines
or drugs to leave that to the doc
tors when they arrive. " As a gen
eral rule," he continued, " do not
give stimulants. An exception to
this rule Is in shock, when a stimu
late Is indicated; also In sunstroke
when a stimulant is contralndlcat
ed." " In cases of freezing, if the pa
tient is able to swallow-small sups of
hot whiskey are Indicated. Other
forms of Injury, unaccompanied by
shock, whiskey should be given. In
some cases whiskey is taken when it
does no good whatsoever and then
again it is what 'the patient
' desires.' "
The town council granted the Boy
Scouts the use of city hall for each
subsequent meeting, which will be
held every Thursday evening. Other
physicians of Honesdale will be In
vited to talk upon other subjects
along "First Aid to the Injured."
Four boys, Edward Schmuck,
Percy Wright, Alfred Polt, Ellas
Hoglan, were arrested by Deputy
Constable P. J. 'Moran, charged with
" forcible -entry in the store of
Graham Watts, taking and carrying
away from said building revolvers
and pocket knives of the value of
They wore taken before 'Squire
Robert A. 'Smith, Monday morning,
for a preliminary hearing, where they
pleaded guilty, and were held under
$100 bail for a further hearing,
Thursday morning.
L. Weidnor (Wbor & team. C4.C9
McMillen 2.50
Levi DeGrote (police service) 50.00
Bell Phone 3.40
W. Barnes (57 posts) 8.55
W. B. Holmes (seed) 3.50
M Lee Braman (John Han-
Ioy's board for six days) . 4.25
H. Hartung (sand) COO
J. J. Canivan (police service 45.00
John Fisher (labor) 25.50
F. M. Fuller (auditing) . . . 4.00
Electric Light Bills 2G3.59
Interest On Bonds at 4 Per Cent.
John Houck, Est $ 20.00
G. W. Penwarden 30.00
Win. Leminltzer 10.00
John M. Lyons 30.00
Wm. Watts 10.00
John Watts 10.00
John L. Miller 50.00
Natron Houck 50.00
Total 15G.00
Grand Total $752.31
It was decided to renew the $1500
bank note for another thirty days.
" Sand and gravel Is way out of
sight in Honesdale. I don't know
why they charge so much here," said
one of the councilmen when work on
the streets was up for discussion.
Two of the borough fathers en
livened the occasion by discussing
the perennial tax question.
" It's a thankless Job to collect
taxes," remarked one councilman.
" It's a painful Job to pay them
sometimes," responded another.
John Glbboney, a one-armed man,
who is unable to work, was exon
erated from paying borough taxes In
Mr. Alberty, of Dyberry,
an Expert in Cutlery
" Ask to see our hand-forged
butcher knives. Every one warrant
ed by us."
This sign, hung up in the village
smithy, at Dyberry, attracted a Citi
zen man's attention last Thursday
afternoon, and aroused his curiosity.
Ernest Alberty, the genial proprie
tor, who was busily engaged in the
operation of fashioning a toe calk,
most obligingly paused a moment
from his labors to explain the mys
teries of cutlery.
Mr. Alberty, by the bye, is a
blacksmith by occupation and by In
heritance. For three generations
the Albertys have been knights of
the anvil, and for the past twenty
years, Ernest, the village smithy of
Dyberry, has stood at the forge, day
In and day out.
" I have been a blacksmith," he
began, " ever since I was old enough
to work at it. Uncle used to make
razors and knives, and I took it up
as a sort of side line. I don't go
round with them much. They know
I make them."
The newspaperman was treated to
a display of butcher knives of all
sizes, shapes and descriptions. The
handles were made of different
kinds of wood, some being decorated
with beech, others with apple, and
still more with butternut holders.
Some of the knives resembled
Spanish .machetes more than any
thing else. Others would put a
stiletto to shame. All of them look
ed deadly and murderous to the
eyes of the uninitiated.
Much care must be exercised In
their making, explained Mr. Alber
ty. "You have to be very careful
in drawing them back, or they'll
spring in tempering.
" I get bar steel and then work
them out. I sell these large ones to
hotels. One of those short ones Is
no good on joints of meat. This
one has been oiled. We put linseed
on to keep the grain from raising.
You can't see where the rivet Is.
I get from sixty cents up to ?2.00
apiece for them."
" How often should a man got his
horses shod?" was asked.
" Well, it depends somewhat on
the use they're put to," he answer
ed. " Once In six weeks, at least,
for the benefit of the animal. Take
a horse pulling right along, he ought
to bo shod oftener, as It strains the
nails, and wears Into the shoe. Wo
charge $1.25 for now shoes, and
sixty cents for re-settlng, I.e., we
take the shoes off, dress down the
feet, and put them on again."
Peter S. Alberty, Ernest's paternal
grandfather, was 88 years old when
he died. Frank, his father, is still
hale and hearty at 77, and spends,
considerable time at the shop, tak
ing pride in watching his son con
quer and fashion the raw steel and
Prices for shoeing were higher, he
declared, years ago, than now. "We
had $2 a horse, after I came back
from the Civil war, where I served
three years. Three brothers of us
were all blacksmiths. The oldest
one, Edgar, the one who used to
make the razors, Is dead now. He
used to live in Honesdale. My oth
er brother, William, was sheriff of
the county, and was In the revenue
office at Scranton for twelve years.
" You don't find one team of oxen
now where they used to be thous
ands. I've shod a hundred pair In
a Winter. I used to get $4 a pair.
For the Democrat shoe I used to get
$G. We used the Democrat shoe
when the ox had a bad foot."
But oh those terrible knives! It
makes the reporter shudder to think
to what deadly use a bad man might
put one of them.
Sharp? Well, say, they are
sharper than a serpent's tooth. If
you don t believe it, Just go out and
Some Shoe Company
Stock Sold; Bridge
Plans Shown
Tho regular monthly meeting of
the Greater Honesdale Board of
Trade was hold last Friday evening,
September 9, at 8 o'clock in tho
council chamber of the city hall.
In the absence of President F. W,
Kreltner, second vice-president S. T,
Ham presided over the session. The
minutes of tho last regular meeting
and of three special sessions, were
read ana approved.
Treasuror Edward Deitzer offered
the following report:
Received from E. B. Callaway,
secretary for dues, $75.70; paid E,
(Continued on Page 8.)
Drs, Swift, Hiller, and
Homer Greene Speak
Six hundred and eighty-four dol
lars Was raised at the three services,
last Sunday, marking the recon
secratlon of St. John's Evangelical
Lutheran church, Rev. C. C. Miller,
At tho morning service, a strong
German sermon was delivered by
Pastor Miller. Sonner's orchestra
assisted the choir in the rendition of
the festival music. The singing of
a "fest-lWd " composed by Pastor
Miller, featured the 'Hauptgottes
dteust. A ulatform service was held in
the afternoon at 2:30 o'clock when
congratulatory addresses were made
by Rev. W. H. Swift, D. D., pastor
of the First Presbyterian church.
Rev. W. H. Hiller, pastor of the
Central Methodist Episcopal church,
and Homer Greene, Esq.
Since St. John's Is an independent
German Lutheran church, with no
synodlcal connection, she is not
obliged to live up to tno iamous
Galesburg Rule, viz. "Lutheran pul
pits for Lutheran pastors, and Lu
theran altars for Lutheran com
municants," and is accorded a larger
measure of freedom in the adminis
tration of her internal affairs.
" True Consecration was the
fittinc subject of Doctor Miller's
sermon at the Vesper service, which
was largely attended as were, in
fact, all the services of the day.
Tho vestry of the church Is com
posed of Rev. C. C. Miller, presi
dent, ex-oillcio: Edward Welsch,
second president; Theo. A. Dreyer,
secretary; C. Roeschlau, treasurer;
Messrs. G. W. Peil, G. A. Rippel, I.
A. Hartman, W. .1. 'Haggerty.
$1500 was spent this summer in
ueautifvlnsr the interior of the edi
fice. Many favorable comments
were made on the-improved appear
ance of the beautified sanctuary,
which was made possible by tne de
voted and self-sacrificing efforts of
pastor and people.
Mr. Greene s aaaress ioiows: ,
"1 am here to-day because I be-
Mieve in the efflciency of the
churcHas a. moral and spiritual
force in her community. As a
rule the condition of the church
building and its attractiveness
reflects the spirit and the spiritu
ality of the people who worship
In It. Judged by that standard, St.
John's church is awake, progres
sive and spiritual. It has meant
great effort and much sacrifice
to accomplish what you have done.
But you have been wonderfully
successful and you have done the
work without any blare of trum
pets or beating of drums; but in
that quiet, earnest, persistent way
that is characteristic of the Ger
man race. It does not require
noise to make a church a pow
er in a community. You will re
member that God was not in the
lightning, nor in the tempest,
nor In the whirlwind, but in the
still small voice. And so, with a
zeal that marks the people of
this faith, In your own quiet un
obtrusive but unfaltering way,
you have ibeen faithful to your
pastor and to your God; and
what Is better than all else you
have lived your religion in your
"When I think of your mighty
Martin Luther, I do not think so
much about that day when he
nailed his theses to the church
door at Wlttemberg or that day
when he burned the Pope's bull
on the University Campus, as I do
of those many years that he spent
in his home In the old monastery
nt Wlttemberg, with his beloved
and devoted wife Kathe, sur
rounded by his group of laughing
children, the best example that
the sixteenth century can show of
the big-brained, large hearted,
loving and God-fearing husband
and father.
And so, In the path broken by
him for your four hundred years
ago, you people of this faith have
marched on, believing as he be
lieved, Blnglng as he sang: " Eln
festo burg 1st unser Gott," and
finding as ho found your mightiest
fortress, your strongest tower of
defense In tho God your fathers
worshiped in the yearg gone by.
Floyd, familiarly known as "Taf
fy" Lord, a son of the late "Slice"
Lord, Equlnunk, struck "Jake" Bar
ringer over tho head with a fork
handle, it is alleged, when the lat
ter was In a racket with another
man at a dance in Weltzer's Hall,
at Braman, several weeks ago.
A warrant was Issued for Floyd
Lord's arrest, which was served by
Constable T. Caffrey, of Manches
ter township.
To add to the confusion, Floyd's
wife, It is said, sworo out a warrant
charging "Jake" Barringer with as
sault and battery, claiming that he
hit her In tho scuffle.
According to the speech of those
who attended the dance, it was an
affair long to be remembered. It
Is also alleged that thero was a con
tinuous fight going on at the danco
on that unlucky Friday night.
A spicy hearing was promised the
neighbors, when the grievances of
the parties involved were aired be
fore Justice A. F. Lawson, on Tues
day, Sept. 12.
Youthful Horse Thief Gets
2 Years in Protectory
William Hennigan, of Scranton,
seventeen years of age, who pleaded
guilty, Monday, August 14, to being
guilty of selling a horse and rig he
borrowed from Slnquett and Wonna
cott, the Waymart liverymen, to a
Scranton liveryman for $35, was
brought before Judge A. T. Searle at
argument court, Monday morning,
and committed to the Catholic Pro
tectory, at Philadelphia, for a per
iod of two years.
In presenting the culprit for sen
tence, District Attorney M. E. Sim
ons said:
" This Is the young man that
pleaded guilty to the charge of the
larceny of a horse. I've investigated
his story since, and found it to be
true. Mr. Duffy, County Treasurer
of Lackawanna county, knows the
family and knows the situation, and
would like to say something."
'Mr. Duffy, a white-haired and
fatherly-looking gentleman, came be
fore the bar and made an eloquent
plea In behalf of the self-confessed
" Well, Your Honor," he said, "I
live In Scranton, where this boy was
born. I have known his parents,
who are now both dead. He has
two brothers and two sisters. I
don't recall this boy.
" It was through my son that I
learned of his predicament. I cor
responded with the District Attorney.
I thought I'd come dowri and appeal
to you to give him a chance, In the
hope that you would send him to
some Institution like the Catholic
Protectory of Philadelphia, until ho
arrives at the age of manhood. I
want to help him to blot out this
stain on his life', and to prevent him
from bringing disgrace on his broth
ers and sisters, for the memory of
his dead father and mother."
When asked how old he was,
young Hennigan replied that he
would be eighteen on June 22.
" I don't care how long I stay
there," ho confessed to the Court.
"I wouldn't like to stay there too
long. I wouldn't want to go to the
penitentiary," he continued' hastily.
" Mr. Duffy, if you will take him
down there, without any expense to
the county, I am disposed to grant
your request," said Judge Searlo.
"All right," answered Mr. Duffy.
Judge Searle thought that the
sentence ought to be made long
enough so as to be of some benefit
to him. He Instructed the District
Attorney to make an order to that
effect, Mr. Simons declaring that
the Court Is authorized to send a
young man of this age to any In
stitution, receiving State aid, that
will receive him.
" I thank you in behalf of his
family," gratefully remarked Mr.
" You don't look like a bad boy,"
said Judge Searle, to the prisoner.
" You are reckless and careless.
You can certainly thank Mr. Duffy
for tho interest he Is taking In you.
I hope when you come out you will
be repentant. Two years will cer
tainly prove whether you are peni
tent or not.
" This disposition of the case will
save expense to Wayne county, as we
would have to pay to take you to
the penitentiary, and pay while you
wero there.
" The sentence of the Court is
' that you pay the costs of prosecu
tion; restore the stolen articles if
you have not already done so; pay a
fine to the county of $25; and that
you be committed to the Catholic
Protectory at Philadelphia, there to
bo kept for a period of two years
from this date; and to be removed
to said institution by P. F. Duffy,
treasurer of Lackawanna county,
without any expense to the county of
Wayne. Wo further order that the
fine and costs in this sentence be re
mitted.' "
Young Hennigan seemed much re
lieved at the light sentence he re
ceived and told a Citizen man that
ho -was never In trouble before. He
also told the reporter that ho was
collecting tickets for the roller
coaster at Lake Ladore this Sum
mer, just prior to his escapade.
Mr. Duffy told the reporter that
he was a neighbor or the Hennigan
family. " I did this," he said, "be
cause he stands alone in the world,
and just to keep him out of State's
12-4 Against Home Team
in beven-Inmng Game
" Honesdale Is going to get 'bet'!"
That was the greeting Richard
Bracey'a little boys got from tho
street gamins of Forest City, when
(Continued on Page Eight)
Very Important Business
Transacted at Argu
ment Court
Three divorces were granted, sev
eral guardians appointed, permis
sion given Sterling township to vote
on changing the system of road tax
ation and a number of Important
rules handed down by Judge Alonzo
T. Searle at September argument
court, iMonday morning.
Edward Schwelghofer was ap
pointed guardian of Luellen and
Gladys Schwelghofer, minor chil
dren of William Schwelghofer.
Eugene "Walker was appointed
guardian of Alice Bortree, minor
child of Thomas Bortree, late of
Salem township.
In the case of Josephine Olszefski
by her next friend, Paul Olszefski,
vs. 'W. F. Taylor. A rule for new
trial discharged.
In the case of Garney Belknap, 11-
bellant, vs. Jessie M. Belknap, re
spondent. F. P. Kimble, Esq., ap
pointed master.
In re adoption of John George Or-
don by Frank J. Hornlack; order of
adoption made.
In re appointment of guardian
for Michael 'Conrad, a feeble-minded
person; hearing had and J. H. Shel
don appointed.
Holbert B. Monlngton vs. Eliza
Ann Cole, et al. Master's report of
distribution filed and approved.
In re appointment of constable for
Hawley borough. Petition read and
filed and E. J. Richardson appointed.
Bond filed and approved.
Three Divorces Granted.
Judge A. T. Searle, Monday, Sept.
11, handed down three decrees re
leasing from tho bonds of matri
mony the following:
Effle Welohel, llbellant, vs. Ru
dolph Welchel, respondent.
EfflR RwinzlR. Hhfillant. vs. V. B..
Swingle, respondent.
Susie Blackman, llbellant, vs.
Ralph Blackmore, respondent.
In re petition for permission to
vote on changing tho system of road
taxation in Sterling township. Pe
tition read.and nled and orderTnade
that vote bo taken at municipal elec
tion to be held November 7, 1911.
In re petition for rule on Anna
Klenck to support Walter Klenck,
her son. Hearing had. Argument
deferred to third 'Monday In Octo
ber. In the case of the commonwealth
vs. M. F. Hartman Indicted for for
gery and passing forged checks.
Flora M. Schadt, prosecutrix. De
fendant pleads guilty and Is sentenc
ed to pay costs of prosecution; fine
of ten dollars and undergo an im
prisonment in the county jail to be
computed from July 1, 1911, of six
A rule was granted on Leona
Lord to show cause why a decree
should not be made directing the
Clerk of the Court to Issue a fieri
facias for the collection of the fine of
$500, and costs of presocutlon in the
celebrated case of the Common
wealth vs. Leona Lord.
Morris F. Hartman, who forged a
check on Goldsmith's Brothers,
Scranton, for $25, and had the
freight agent at Ariel cash it, early
this summer, pleaded guilty to the
charge, and was sentenced Monday
morning at argument court, by Judge
A. T. Searle to spend six months in
the county jail.
The sentence was dated July 1, so
It amounts, practically, to only three
months imprisonment. The Court
also directed that Hartman pay the
costs of prosecution, a line of $10,
and restore tho goods, which
amounted to $25, If ho had not al
ready done so.
Hartman claimed that his people
wore well-to-do residents of Now
York City, but refused to give their
address. He pleaded dissipation, as
an excuse for his actions.
Judge Searlo questioned him
closely as to his antecedents; and
intimated that his father should
know about it.
" My father is on his way to Eu
rope," protested the prisoner, who
also declared that his mother was
The culprit was quite vehement
In declaring that his assertions were
true. "As sure as there is a God
in Heaven," he said, "this is abso
lutely true."
'Hartman looks like a gentleman,
although 'his actions belle his ap
pearance. Ho Is to all Intents and
purposes a man of mystery. No one
has been ablo to find out anything
about him. It is said that tho Chief
of Police of New York was unable to
furnish any Information as to his
family and previous condition.
'He goes to prison, taciturn and
stolid, determined seemingly to
shield his father who Is living, from
the sting of disgrace, and not dis
honor the memory of his dear, dead
mother by dragging her name before
the public.