The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 08, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    TID3 CITIZEN, FRIDAY, SEPT. 8, 1011.
Compulsory Vaccination Order
Has Been issued,
72,000 Soldiers to Bo Treated Inocu
lation Will Proteot Three Yeart.
Wonderful Results Obtained on
Mexican Border and Elsewhere.
Vaccination against typhoid fever
has been mado compulsory for every
officer and enlisted man in the United
States army under forty-flve years of
age. Tho only escalations allowed by
the war department's order In the mat
ter ore those who harve had the disease
or who have already been vaccinated.
This action was taken by the secre
tary of war on rocommendatlon of
Surgeon General Goorge II. Torney.
The army physician are enthusiastic
over the efficacy of the antl-typhold In
oculation. They point to tho splen
did health record af the maneuver di
vision at San Antonio, Tex., every
member of wJilch was vaccinated
against the disease, which Is regarded
as one of the greatest scourges of ar
mies. For several months every re
cruit received into tho army has been
inoculated with vims.
Thousands Must Submit.
Estimates compiled at the war de
partment show that up to the presont
time about 17,000 inoculations for ty
phoid have been made. Of tho troops
who were sent to tlio Mexican frontier
nearly 12,000 had boen inoculated. The
total' strength of tho army at present
is 76,000, so there will be plenty of
work for tho surgeons of tho army to
perform before each soldier has under
gone treatment
The "typhoid prophylactic," aa it is
called, has. boon prepared by Major
Russell of the medical corps, station
ed at the army medical school In
Washington, and it will be distributed
to the various forts and posts through
out the country. It is estimated that
In about a month's timo every officer
and man In the army will have been
Feel Little Inconvenience.
Very little, If any, inconvenience ns
a result of the Inoculation is felt by
the patient. lie docs not loso a'slnglo
days duty, nor is ho compelled to tako
to his bed. Ho is watched carefully
for a period of twenty days and la
then declared to bo Immune from the
dread disease. Tho "prophylactic" is
injected In tho loft .arm of tho patient
in practically tho same' manner as tho
smallpox vaccination process.
Tho war department la convinced of
tho efficacy of typhoid Inoculation in
wiping out this disease in the army.
During tho Spanish war experiments
were conducted along this line. Two
divisions of tho Seventh army corps,
under command of Major General Fltz
bugh Loo, were encamped at 'Jackson
ville. The sanitary conditions of the
camps were exactly alike, and w&tcr
for the troops wns obtained from ar
tesian wells. Ono division numbered
10.7B9 men and tho other 12.S01 men.
None of tho men or officers In the
small division hod been inoculated
with tho typhoid vaccine. As a result
there were 2,003 cases of typhoid In
this smaller division, resulting in 248
deaths. In tho larger division a ma
jority of tho men were inoculated, and,
while there was but one case of ty
phoid developed, there was not a sin
gle death.
Will Last Three Years.
One interesting feature of the treat
ment that has not yot been worked
out is the continuance of treatment
after tho first Injection has ceased to
be effoctlve. Surgeon General Torney
and others who have been conducting
experiments have decided that the se
rum renders a man immune for tho
period of three years at least They
do not know hjw much longer the an
titoxin retains its power as a safe
guard against typlwld. According to
present plans, the men who are vac
cinated now will receive another injec
tion at tho end of three years.
The serum s now being manu
factured at tho army medical school,
under the personal direction of Major
Russell, who is an expert on tho sub
ject of typhoid fever and a leader In
the movement to inoculate the army.
Tho present step has not been taken
without exhaustive Investigation both
on the part of Secretary of War Stim
son and the officers and physicians
who have boen engaged in the experi
ment work. On June 0 last tho secre
tary of war, deeply Impressed with
the effectiveness of tho new treatment,
called upon Major Russell to vaccinate
him. No ill results followed, and at
the end of twenty days tho secretary
wa's pronounced immune.
Famous Solentlsts Serve.
Though tho first experiments were
conducted daring the Spanish-American
war, results were not positively
accepted until tho famous "typhoid
board" was created under the adminis
tration of Surgeon General Rellly.
This board comprised the most famous
scientists and experts in the country.
Those who served were Dr. Flexncr,
the Now York expert on the disease;
Professor Musaor of the University of
Pennsylvania, Dr. Thayer of Johns
Hopkins university, Dr. Alexander
Lambert of New York and Professor
Vaughn of the University of Michigan.
Mss Beatrice Ilurrmlen has been
elected to tho council of tho English
Society of Women Journalists,
v Mrs. Avn Willing Astor will not re
turn to America this season. She en
gaged a house at North Berwick, Lon
don, for tho autumn golfing season and
will entertain large house parties.
Mls3 Anna Willis Williams, the orig
inal "Miss Liberty," whoso profllo
adorns the silver dollar, has been for
tho last twelvo years at the head of
tho kindergarten system of Philadel
phia, her native city.
Miss OUvo Conger has been admit
ted to practice in tho supreme court
of tho District of Columbia. She has
been employed lu tho customs division
in the treasury department and was
graduated last May from tho Wash
ington Law college.
Mrs. Qvam, president of tho Nor
wegian Woman Suffrage association
and of tho Norwegian Women's Sani
tary association, has Just been doc
orated by the king of Norwny with a
gold medal. This honor was bestowed
on Mrs. Qvam because of her services
in working against tuberculosis.
The Writers.
Booth Tarklngton in his student days
at Princeton had a decided gift for
sketching and usually illustrated what
ho wrote.
Robert W. Chambers began his ca
reer as a draftsman and painter, study
ing art in New York and at Jullcn's
academy In Paris.
Ray Stannard Baker has recently
moved from East Lansing, Mich., to
Amherst, Mass. He does his writing in
Amherst, but goes to his office In New
York nt regular intervals of about a
Charlos Battcll Loomls, the humorist,
studied drawing at the Brooklyn instl
tute along with Gibson, Wcnzell, Rem
ington and Peter Newell and at ono
timo under nn assumed name gave a
musical chalk talk as a vaudeville act
Political Quips.
There's no doubt that the water In
tho political swimming hole is warm
enough, but tho trouble is ft's over the
avcrago statesman's head. Washing
ton Post
Tho old fashioned man who would
rather be right than president has been
superseded by several men whb would
rather bo president than anything .else
In tho wido world. Albany Journal.
Campaigns will not seem notnralln
Now York any more.' Mayor Goynor
announces that ho will not permit po
litical banners to be stretched across
the street Rochester Democrat and
Pert Personals.
Edison, departing for Europe, said he
expected to llvo 150 years. We're will
ing. Troy Press.
We'd llko to know when Artist Fred
erick Pinney Earle gets any time to
paint pictures. Detroit Free Press.
It was an occasion "worthy of the
historical painter when Mr. J. Pierpont
Morgan had to sit up all night to eavf
tho country. Providence Journal.
Judging from tho price tho Pittsburg
team paid for him, this man OToolo
must be tho pitcher who struck out
"Casey at the bat" Denver Repub
lican. ,
Current Comment.
There seems to be in England a
greater necessity for more rich Amer
ican wives than for more peers.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Perhaps it is a mere accident that
tho fortification of tho Panama canal
should begin at tho Paclflc end.
Springfield Republican.
Dr. Woods Hutchinson says old ago
is a natural condition. It beats all
how much the doctors are finding out
lately. Waterbury Republican.
Industrial Items.
The demand for gutta percha is sixty
times that of the supply.
Tho oil product of the United States
is now several times that of tho entire
world seven years ago.
India has a new factory law which
limits adults' work to twelve hours
and children's to six hours n day.
The number of women employed In
manufactures and trades In Germany
is 0,400,000; In Austria, 5,000,000; in
England, 5,300,000.
Short Stories.
Steel was in use in 002 B. O.
Chinese peoplo rarely eat beef.
Pulleys were first made In 518 B. O.
Sweden and Denmark have no sol
diers who cannot read and write. In
Russia's army 70 per cent of tho men
aro illiterate.
Stage route from New York to Bos
ton was opened in 1732. Tho Journey
to tho Hub from Now York then con
sumed fourteen days.
English Etchings.
In July eighty-two years ago the first
London omnibus, or "shlllibecr," was
In England there are now more than
2,000 picture theaters, of which Lon
don possesses 300.
In tho reign of nenry VIII. tho gen
eral price for tho letting of land was
n shilling an acre,
England has tho honor of first mak
ing cruelty to animals a distinct sub
ject of public attention by legislation
inacted In" 1840.
Advance figures of her new census
five Uruguay a population of 1,042,CS0.
In India the scale of pay for high ap
pointments is more liberal than In any
other country in tho world.
With the exception of Norway, Swe
den nnd Iceland more men than wom
en loso their sight In Europe.
Whllo Amsterdam Is tho diamond
center of the world, these gems are not
generally worn by the natives.
In the kitchens of tho United States
Military academy at West Point prac
tically all tho work is now done by
Tho population of Now Zealand's
largest cities arc; Auckland, 109,781;
Wellington, 00,122; Christchurch, 85.
023; Dunedln, 50,899.
Tho New York Association For the
Blind is raising $150,000 to erect the
first modern trade school and settle
ment house for the blind.
A substantial reward awaits the man
who successfully applies to tho ex
haust of tho motorcycle a muffler that
absolutely cannot be cut out
The czar of Russia is the largest In
dividual landowner in tho world. Tho
land belonging to him is greater in
area than the whole of France.
There are ten Long Island suburbs
within ten miles of New York city
hall where agriculture is pursued on
fields assessed at building lots prices.
Japan needs nearly $2,000,000 worth
of nails a year, and tho whole supply
at present is Imported. It Is now pro
posed to manufacture them at home.
Before tho end of tho year tho Philip
pine Islands will have complete par
cels post and money order arrango
ments with all countries and colonics
In tho far east
, Benuty doctors in Paris have a sur
prising conception of their sphere of
usefulness. One of them advertises,
for SO francs, to insert wrinkles on the
face of a bulldog.
Australian farmers have taken to
breeding opossums for their furs by
way of utilizing timbered sections of
their land which have little value oth
erwise. It has boen found that these
animals can be bred to produce white,
gray, brown or black furs.
The United Statos has a floating
sourt composed of Judge T. R, Lyons
and Fletcher Maddoxyf the treasury
department It travels on the revenue
cutter Thetis and visits the remote
towns of western Alaska to decide
cases which have accumulated since
the preceding summer.
A use has been found for the dog
fish which abound off the Nora Scotia
coast. A rendering factory at Clark
harbor converted 700,000 fish Into oil
and fertilizer during one month, and
the factory, which was built three
years ago, is to be enlarged bo that tho
capacity will be doubled.
Professor Kennedy of Edinburgh
university describes a hitherto un
known manuscript of tho Old Testa
ment, which he names the Codex Ed
chburgensls, which ho has discovered
In the Advocates library, Edinburgh.
It is said that for size, condition and
caligraphy it has few rivals among
similar manuscripts in any library In
tho world.
English polo Is to have its Sir
Thomas Llpton. Tho Duko of West
minster is determined to db for polo
what the tea merchant did for yacht
ing. He says ho will bear tho entire
cost of tho team which will try to re
cover the international trophy. Ho
thinks tho recent defeat of tho Hur
llnglmm club was duo largely to in
ferior horseflesh. Tho duke himself is
a fine pololst.
Because they do not require a de
positor to have the consent of her
husband when she opens nn account,
a group of Berlin women who man
age n largo bank all by themselves
have made a big success of their ven
ture. The institution is the first bank
exclusively for women, nnd tho only
one in the world that is conducted by
female financiers alone.
Tho falling off in attendance in the
various churches and tho lack of in
terest on tho part of young peoplo in
religious matters have had the atten
tion of tho authorities of Bavaria,
where the supremo court has decided
that parents must provldo religious in
struction for their children and that
tho Instruction must bo In keeping
with tho faith of the parents.
An academic do la mode is to bo or
ganized in Franco for tho purpose of
guarding against tho Inroads of the
foreign modistes In their attempts to
replace the designs originating in
Paris. It is planned to Invite to this
organization actresses of renown, mo
distes, painters, leaders of fashion;
also physicians, In order that hygienic
features may not bo neglected.
John Boyce, an Englishman who
became the white king of tho Kl-ku-yus,
a powerful tribe in East Africa,
has left the Dark Continent for the
first timo in years to visit In London.
He landed on tho coast about ten
years ago and won tho good graces of
tho blacks, though ho was only a sol
dier of fortune. Tho tribe mado him
a blood brother and then admitted
him Into the Innermost circle.
John Gregory, the cobbler-poet of
Bristol, England, who has just cele
brated his eightieth birthday, is a
dreamer of the practical sort, who
works on committees, trade councils
and the platform. Ho wrote verso as
a child, but not until bo wns forty did
his first volume, "Idyls of Labor," ap
pear, and then nt his own expense.
His gift has not been without its finan
cial reward, however, as a state pen
sion was granted him Boveral years
Oil Magncte Won't Have Delivery Men
on His Grounds.
John D. P.ockefelicr has begun the
work of . dipping a tunnel from his
home on to;i of Kykult hill, near Tnr
rytown. N. Y., to the rond near his
stable to be used by drivers of nil do
livery wagons. The tunnel will be
about 1.000 fppt long and will cost
many thousands of dollars, but Mr.
Rock-fcllor 1ms decided that hereafter
no delivery wagon will drive up tho
roadway to his lionip.
The tuunri may be large enough for
wagons to drive In, or there may bo
an escalator to carry heavy boxes, etc..
up to the house.
Graco Greon Roosevelt.
The little daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Theodore Tioosevelt. Jr.. Is to be named
Grate Green Roosevelt nfter her
grnndmotliiir. Mn U. Addison Alex
ander, whose maiden numo was Grace
Cunning Johnny.
Little Johnny played with matches at the
ase of llvo or six;
Burned the shed and burned tho kitchen,
which were rather naughty tricks.
After Johnny had crown older and had
wearied of such fun
Prom his mother he stole money for tho
purchase of a gun.
Johnny now employs a lawyer who Is full
of trlcka nnd wise
To find loopholes In tho statutes and to
fix up alibis.
Chlcaco Record-Herald.
Candidate on the Republican Ticket
for Nomination for
Forty-fifth Birthday of Candidate.
As this kind of an anniversary is
only observed by men, his friends all
over Wayne county will have a
splendid opportunity to give him a
vote as a souvenir of the occasion.
Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic
powder. It relieves painful, smart
ing, tender, nervous feot, and In
stantly takes tho sting out of corns
and bunions. It's tho greatest com
fort discovery of the age. Allen's
Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes
feel easy. It Is a certain relief for
sweating, callous, swollen, tired,
aching feet. Always use lto Break
In New shoos. Try it today. Don't
go on your vacation without a pack
age of Allen's Foot-Ease. Sold
everywhere, 25 cents. Don't accept
any substitute. For FREE trial
package, address Allen S. Olmsteatl,
Le Roy, N. Y.
' ' ' ' ' '
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chandise will be Given Away Absolutely Free by
The Clark & Snover Company
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Republican Candidate for tho Nom
ination of Register nnd Recorder.
W. B. LESnER, Sterling, Wayne
County. Pn.
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