The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 08, 1911, Image 1

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69th YEAR. NO. 71
483 wsm
Straw Hat Gives Way To
Derby and Peek-a-boo
Waist is Gone
The next holiday is Thanksgiving
Day. And that reminds us that Fall
Is at hand, and Winter will soon be
Take a walk down Main street If
you don't believe it. Look Into the
-windows ot the haberdashers. Note
the absence of the straw lid, and the
appearance of the nobby 1912
Gaze with longing upon the $20
suits marked down to $10. Treat
your eyes to a sight of the last of the
Summer ties, marked down to 23
Walk along Irving Boulevard in
tbo early evening. Hearken to
milady as she bemoans to her friend
the fact that her hat is out of
style. " I'll have to get a new Tiat,
soon," she confides to hubby later in
the evening.
Marvellous creations in feminine
headgear are beginning to adorn the
show wln'dows of the local milliners.
Some are large, and some are small.
The shirtwaist man and the peek
aboo waist lady are no more to be
seen on the aristocratic avenues of
the Maple City.
The school house bell is on the
job agarln. Tommy Jones and Sis
ter Sue are regretfully marching to
school again. "Teacher's cross, too,
this year," said one nine-year-old
boy to his younger sister. "Wonder
what's the matter with her? I
don't see her out with her beau
nights anymore. Must of had a
fall out."
Step out into the country where
signs of a severe Winter are abund
ant. Note the heavy foliage on the
trees. Observe the beeches laden
with nuts.
For be it known that Mother Na
ture makes extra provision for the
creatures of the woodland, when a
severe season awaits them.
Stop and talk with Silas Hicks
for awhile. Listen to the nonogen-
arian weather prophet of the Lehigh
as he reads the signs of tho goose
bone. "It's going to be a hard win
ter," he says. "Thirty-five snows.
How do I know? Oh that's my se
cret," he laughingly says as he par
ries the skillful attempts of the re
porter to learn the why's and where
fore s of his predictions.
Soon the bugs will be shouting
"Katy did" and "Katy didn't." The
bull frogs already are tuning up
their raucous voices. The last of
the harvest Is being gleaned.
The careful farmer Is going over
his outbuildings making repairs here
and there, and getting everything
snug and secure for the coming
nine-months' winter.
The summer boarders are desert
ing the shire, and hieing away to
city shop, office, store and factory.
Theatre billboards are telling of
the opening of the season in the
County Seat. Everywhere you turn
there are signs galore of the ap
proaching death of Nature.
Pleasant Mount. As Mrs. Wei
lington Moase, daughter, Mrs. Flor
ence Sands, and granddaughter, Dor
othy Sands, were on their way to
church last Sunday they met George
and Nelson Spencer of Honesdale in
their auto o.n the corner near George
Moase's house. Their horse- became
frightened and turned the wagon
over into the road. Mrs. Moase fell
heavily, striking on her shoulder.
fracturing one rib and receiving a
number of other bruises, the wagon
having passed over her. Mrs. Sands
and daughter were more fortunate,
being only severely shaken and
bruised. Mr. Spencer said it was an
unlucky day for him, his machine
having 'frightened more horses than
ever before. He rendered all the as
sistance possible to the Injured peo
ple and after taking iMrs. Moase
home, went for a doctor. The horse
ran all the way home to the barn,
wrecking the wagon quite badly.
1000 Gallons of Fluid Poured Into
Depression in Road.
Gllmore, Neb. Thomas Iler, a
milkman, was drowned near hero on
Tuesday in 1000 gallons of butter
milk. Iler was driving a tank con
taining the buttermilk to this city
when the wagon dropped Into a de
gression in the road and overturned.
Tho tank burst and tho milk filled
the depression. Iler was caught be
neath the tank.
Occupants of a passing automo
bile pulled the body from tho sea of
milk half an hour later.
Los Angeles, Cal. One dollar was
the price paid for a kiss by David
Bell, a taxlcab driver, Wednesday.
Bell took the kis3 from Miss Violet
Templeton, of San Francisco, whom
he had transported to tho railroad
Uopot, where she suddenly discov
ered that she waa without funds.
Miss Templeton upon making the
'discovery said her face was .her for
tune and leaned forward. Bell took
tne ami ana me &ias was tno result.
For More Than 50 Years
Mr. Freeman Made
" Storo For Rent."
This simple announcement, dis
played In the window of the Main
street shop, occupied by Morris
Freeman, Tuesday morning, was the
first intimation hundreds of Hones
dale people had of the retirement
from active business life of one of
the oldest and best known merchant
tailors in Northeastern Pennsylva
nia. For more than fifty years, Mr.
Freeman has designed custom-made
clothing for the residents of the
city and county.
'When seen by a Citizen man at
his home, 814 Court street, he
talked freely of his experiences. He
" In War times, I couldn't make a
suit for less than $40 or $50. Every
thing was high then. I had to pay
$19 a barrel for flour.
" There Is less custom-made
clothing now than then. People buy
more ready-made clothes. The
farmers, too, pay more for ready
made clothes than they did years
" I was in business In the Eas
mann building for twenty-eight
years. I used to keep twelve or
fourteen girls working all the tlnre.
" I came to Honesdale when I
was about 1C. I am 72 years old
now. I have been living here 56
" I learned the trade in the oM
country. You work w'ith tho boss
there. He gives you 'felling' to do,
and you have to pick up the trade
" Here in this country, one. tailor
makes the coat, another the trous
ers, and so on. It goes from one
hand to another.
" Yes, they make very good
ready-made suits now. Years ago It
wasn't that way. You can't get
girls or men to learn the trade
now. I could take half a dozen at
that time. Now I can't get one.
" There's not tho style to a custom-made
suit as to a ready-made
suit. If you want to pay the price,
and pay $50 to $75, of course, you'll
get a good custom-made suit.
No, you can't get a young man
to learn tho trade, nowadays. You
couldn't get them to sit down on tho
bench and learn It."
One 'by one the men who came to
Honesdale in the fifties, when the
town was nothing but a village, and
was hemmed In on all sides by vir
gin timber, are retiring from active
life, to spend the remainder of their
days in peace and quietude.
Like tho mighty monarchs of tho
forest, who were forced to give way
to the woodman's axe, the pioneer
merchants are beginning to drop
out of tho race one by one, yielding
to the Inexorable demands of Father
The flower exhibition of Friday
afternoon and evening will be fol
lowed by a musical program at 8
o'clock in the High school auditor
ium. Everybody welcome.
ium. Everybody welcome. The fol
lowing program will be rendered:
1. Dorln's Juvenile Orchestra.
2. Barchetta Virgil
Miss Annie Lambert.
3. Vocal Solo. . . . Miss Hagaman
4. Duet 'A. Rough Rider.
B. The Singer and the
Misses Prlscilla Lambert, Ruth Free
man. 5. Vocal Solo Miss Katherine
G. Piano Solo Afton Wasserfall
Llchner; Miss Rockwell.
7. Dorln's Juvenile Orchestra.
8. Vocal Solo Miss F. Bryant.
9. Piano Solo. "In Deen Woods."
MacDowell; Miss Bessie Caur
10. Trio Gypsy Rondo . . . .-Haydn
Miss Sluman, Lulu Hickert, Blanche
11. Vocal 'Solo.. Mrs. C. Rockwell
12 Piano Solo.Danz des Fess, Jeal
Elsa Jacob.
13. Juvenile Orchestra.
The theatrical season In Hones
dale was opened Tuesday night.
when "Beverly of Graustark" was
presented before a fair-sized audi
ence at the Lyric Theatre. The
company was a well-balanced one,
and the audience showed Its appre
ciation of their good acting by lib
eral applause. Robert Lawrence,
who figured as "Prince Danton," was
recognized by many playgoers as the
man who calmed the spectators and
averted a threatened panic at the
time of the $25,000 Cortright fire
last Fall.
Unclaimed letters remain in the
Honesdale postofllco for the week
ending September 4, 1911, address
ed to the folowlng persons:
E. R. Brown, Mrs. W. H. Cur
tis, Mrs. 'Anna N. Fretz, S. Garcia,
Mrs. Lyman Gilpin, Miss Esther
Hovt. Louis Krantz, Mort Moore,
Wayne county only, John R. Rock-
lein, care Mrs. J. Sleeger, The Hyde.
Martin B. Allen, 'Postmaster.
Ainey Chosen as Nominee
For Congressional Va
cancy Caused by
Kipp's Death
Wayne county was turned down
once more.
At a meeting of the Republican
conferees of the Fourteenth con
gressional district held in the par
lors of the Oakland House at Sus
quehanna, 'Wednesday afternoon,
Captain W. D. B. Ainey, of Mont
rose, was unanimously chosen as
the nominee for the vacancy caus
ed by the sudden death of Congress
man George W. KIpp, of Towanda.
When the meeting was called to
order Henry M. Harding, of Tunk
hannock, was named as chairman.
There were present four conferees
from Bradford county, three from
Susquehanna county, two from
Wayne county and ono from Wyo
ming county. W. J. Marsey, of For
est City called the meeting to order
and M. E. Simons, of Wayne coun
ty and E. M. Lyons, of Bradford,
were chosen secretaries, and the
meeting proceeded with tho nomina
tion of candidates.
After the presentation of the cre
dentials Mr. Maxey offered a resolu
tion embodying the rules authoriz
ing the meeting and these were
adopted and this was folowed by an
attempt 'by Mr. Decker, a Wayne
county conferee to have the gather
ing adjourned for one week as the
people from Wayne county felt that
It was a snap convention. Their
candidate he said was unable to
be present as the time was so short
that he could not arrange his busi
ness so he could get there. While
he did not think it would change the
result he felt that in the Interest of
the eandidate named it would be far
better to take the action he sug
gested. D. L. Sweet;-of Bradford, opposed
tho motion saying the people of his
county wanted Ainey and it would
be doing them an injustice to fail
to jnake a nomination to-day.
Mr. Harding, of Wyoming, spoke
In the same manner and said he did
not suppose it would make any dif
ference any way as things were
shaped up for 'Mr. Ainey and a de
lay of a. week would make no dif
The name of Captain Ainey was
presented by E. B. Joachin, of tho
Bradford county delegation, while
that of Attorney Homer Greene, of
Honesdale, was 'presented by, the
Wayne county conferees. The name
of W. N. Reynolds, of Tunkhannock,
was presented ny tho Wyoming
county conferee. A vote was taken
which resulted In Ainey receiving
seven votes, Greene, two, and Rey
nolds, one. Captain Ainey had re
ceived the united support of the
Bradford and 'Susquehanna delaga-
tlons while Wayne and Wyoming
had voted for their favorite sons.
Upon the announcement of the
vote V. A. Decker of Wayne county
moved that the vote 'bo made unani
mous and this motion was seconded
by "Henry M. Harding, of Wyoming
county. The motion prevailed and
Captain Ainey was declared the nom
inee of the Republican party In the
famous old Wilmot-Grow district.
Dr. C. H. Rockwell Democratic Can
didate. u
Tunkhannock, Sept. 7.Tho' Dem
ocrats and Keystone conferees' of the
Fourteenth Congressional district,
composed of Bradford, Susquehanna,
Wyoming and Wayne counties, met
here today in joint session and nom
mated Dr. C. H. Rockwell, Monroe
ton, to fill the vacancy in congress
caused by the death of Hon. George
W. Kipp.
New York, Sept. 7. Dr. Freder
ick A. Cook will go to Rome at the
end of this month to attend the in
ternatlonal congress of geographical
societies in October. So states the
company which will publish Dr,
Cook's book, " My Attainment of the
Henry H. Holder has resumed his
duties with the Lackawanna Trust
and Safe Deposit company, after
spending his vacation at Atlantic
City and Honesdale.
Andrew Kauff and son. Walter,
spent baturday and Sunday with
friends at Honesdale. They were
accompanied homo by the former's
daughter, Viola, who has been
spending the last two weeks at
Dr. and Mrs. B. Golden, Carbon
dale, are the nroud narents of a lit
tie son. Dr. Golden, Jr., arrived
Monday evening, September 4.
Mother and son are both getting
aiong lamousiy.
E. G. Simons, of the Boll Tele-
pnone company, scranton, was a
business caller In town, Wednesday.
Honesdale Man Marries!
Westboro Girl
Westboro, Mass., Aug. 31. Miss
Marguerite W. Nason, daughter of Mr
and Mrs. John S. Nason, John street,
Westboro, and Walter Merrick Whit
ney, son of Mrs. Jane A. Whitney,
Honesdale, Pa., were married to
night at 7:30 o'clock In the Evan
gelical church.
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. John J. Walker, treasurer of
the Massachusetts Homo Missionary
society In Boston, formerly pastor of
the Westboro Evangelical church.
Many acquaintances and relatives
of the young people were In the
church. The wedding march was
played by John Hermann Lord, Bos
ton. The best man was R. Milton Sal
mon, Honesdale, Pa., and there were
three brldemaids, Miss Jane A. Na
son, Miss Elizabeth C, Nason and
Miss Helen C. Stebblns.
The maid 'of honor was Miss
Gladys Ralston, Joplln, Mo., and the
flower girl Miss Elizabeth Brigham,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
The ushers were Noah Nason,
brother of the bride, and Frank A.
Jenkins, Henry R. Menner and Chas.
W. Dorninger, Honesdale, Pa.
The bridal gown was white satin
with court train with trimmings of
applique lace and pearl, and tulle
veil with point applique cap. She
carried a shower bouquet of roses
and lilies of the valley.
The maids wore dainty gowns of
yellow messallne with lavender chif
fon over-dress, and carried a bou
quet of yellow snapdragon and laven
der asters tied with yellow chiffon.
The gown of the maid of honor
was yellow crepe de metier. She car
ried lavender sweet peas. The gown
of the flower girl was white point d'
esprit. She carried a basket of yel
low marguerites and lavender sweet
The gift of the groom to the bride
was a handsome crescent of dia
monds and pearls, and gifts of the
bride to her attendants were pend
ants of baroque pearl and topaz in
the shape of a marguerite. The gift
to the ushers from the groom was
cuff links.
Immediately after tho church cer-
avnony.CMr. and MrsWhltney. receiv
ed relatives and acquaintances at the
home of the bride's parents, John
street, where the young couple were
assisted by Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Na
son. The gifts received were numer
ous and of value, many of them Im
ported. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney left
on their honeymoon to tho Adiron
dack mountains.
The bride has always resided In
Westboro with her parents, and is
one of the most widely known of
Westboro s younger set. She has
been showered and entertained ex
tensively by her girl acquaintances
since the announcement of her en
gagement. The church was decorated beauti
fully with a rich display of flowers
and 'palms, hydrangeas and golden
glow predominating.
The Fairview Lake association,
composed of owners of cottages bor-
uering on tnat neautuui lake, iorm-
erly known as Big Pond, Pike coun
ty, is doing good work along the
line of improvements and protection
for the cottagers.
The association is planning to
connect Fairview Lake with the Mill
Pond, a short distance from the
former lake. Tho Mill Pond, like
Fairview Lake, is fed principally by
springs. By rebuilding the dam at
the outlet of the Mill Pond and con
necting the two lakes by enlarging
tho channel between tho two bodies
of water a lake about three miles
long can -be made. This can be done
by erecting a six foot dam at the
outlet of the Mill Pond. Other im
provements are contemplated, which
if they materialize, will make Fair-
view Lake the Ideal resort in this
section of the state. The area of this
lake is 500 acres. The lake will be
restocked. The association recent
ly conducted a carnival that was
enjoyed hy a large number of people
ana arrordea much amusement.
Next year the carnival will be made
a two-day auair. Tho committee In
charge Is composed of A. Stllgor, of
New York City, president of Fair-
view Lake association; Dr. Harry
Smith, Scranton, and G. L. Weitz,
also of New York City. The other
oiucers of the association are H. J,
Atkinson. Hawley. vice-president: W,
C. Knapp, Hawley, secretary and
treasurer. F. W. Lynch, Scranton,
Is attorney for the association.
Near the site of tho old mill, at
Mill Pond, is one of the most pic
turesque spots In that vicinity. The
old lumber roads through the woods
are arched with bowing trees In and
out among tho once-cloared land
One Is then in the very heart ot na
ture and If he is at all nature-loving
his cup Is continually running ovor.
Otto Relgles, of Sherman, Pa.,
and Miss Phoebe 'Smith, Scott, Pa.,
were united In marriage on Wednes
day, Aug. 30, by Rev. a. u. acott,
Deposit, n. i.
DALE. Edward Murtha, of N6V York city,
who had the honor of driving the last
boat out of Honesdale on the Dela
ware and Hudson Canal, almost thir
teen years ago, Is spending several
days In town, renewing old friend
ships. According to his statement, the
last boat of pea coal left Honesdale,
Saturday, November 6, 1898. She
was numbered 1107 and bore the
euphonious name of "Sunshine."
Frank Hinzenbecker, of 49 Ger
man street, Kingston, Ulster coun
ty, New York, captained the barge
on her swan trip, and Edward Mur
tha was the driver.
Peter B. Balles, of Erie street, was
one of the gang of men that helped
to load the boat "Sunshine" with
pea coal at the Union Dock, on that
memorable day in November, 1898.
The Delaware and Hudson Canal
was built in 1828, at a cost of $6,
339,210. It was in operation for al
most 71 years, and was finally sold
in June, 1899, to the Erie Railroad
Pessimists In the days of '98 pre
dicted that the abandonment of the
waterway would mean the wiping of
Honesdale from the commercial map.
That their predictions were not
well-founded is shown by the fact
that the Maple City still lives and
flourishes; that her manufacturers
were never more busily engaged In
filling orders; that at the present
time and that, notwithstanding the
labor troubles of last year, her stores
are doing larger ameunt of business
than ever before, and labor continues
to receive a fair and Increasing
Labor Day at Fairview Lake saw
the first of a series of three motor
boat races, competing for a silver
cup to be awarded by A. E. Stllger
of Brooklyn, N. Y., to the boat mak
ing tho greatest number of points.
The preliminary race was run In
the morning to settle the handi
caps, and under the following
rules: That any exceeding In the af
ternoon race- their morning time by
more than 3 per cent, should be dis
qualified; five points should be
awarded the person finishing first;
three to the second, two to the third
and one to, the fourth; the race to
be over a triangular course, three
times around. The contestants were
A. E. Stllger and A. H. Avery, of
Brooklyn; Jos. Murray of Hawley,
and Y. M. C. A. boat representing
Camp Brooklyn. The time in the
morning was as follows with Dr.
Holden and W. F. Langdon of
Brooklyn, and H. J. Atkinson of
Hawley, as judges, each ovier run
ning his own boat and Schenkle
managing thp Camp Brooklyn hoat:
Avery 29 minutes, 40 seconds.
Stllger, 35 minutes, 32 seconds.
Murray, 36 minutes, 58 seconds.
Y. M. C. A., 37 minutes, 40 sec
At two o'clock in the afternoon
with conditions ideal for a race'.
and enthusiastic cottagers to cheer
on the contestants, the race was
started, allowing the following
handicaps over Avery, the first man
to finish In the morning; Camp
Brooklyn, eight minutes; Murray,
seven minutes and eighteen seconds;
Stllger, five minutes and 52 seconds.
The boats started off In the order
given above. On the second leg
both Stllger and' Murray had passed
Schenkle and the race looked hope
less for Avery, but he slowly drew
up until on tho next turn, as Mur
ray neared the last stake, Avery
passed Schenklo and Stllger, Mur
ray finishing before the rest made
the last turn, beating his morning
record by ono minute and 13 sec
onds which was more than the 3
per cent, agreed upon. Avery came
in next, Stllger and Schenkle
coming in close together. The time
was as follows:
Murray 35 minutes, 45 seconds
Avery 29 minutes, 21 seconds.
Stllgor 36 minutes, 56 seconds.
Schenkle 39 minutes, 32 sec
While tightening a cable by means
of a stick in one end of a twisted
wire, Isaac Lobb, who was assisting
in making some repairs at tho coal
shutes Wednesday morning, received
an ugly cut over the left eye. The
accident was caused by the stick
striking Mr. Lobb. His eye Is badly
swollen, but the sight Is not Impair
ed. Dr. L. B. Nielsen attended the
injured man.
O. II. Hell Did Not Want to Em
blazon Cognomen in Electricity.
Now York. O. H. Hell applied to
County Judge Grant in Brooklyn for
an order changing his name to Otto
Hill for business reasons.
" I am about to open a confection
ery store," said Mr. Hell, " and I
want my last name In big electric
letters over the door. I don't think
It would look very well."
" Tho court agrees with you," Mr.
Hell," said Judge Grant. " Bring in
the papers and I'll approve them."
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Torwllliger
spent Sunday and Labor Day with
Mr. TerwIUlgor's brother in Dalton.
Editor F. J. F. Warg of the Haw
ley Times Is spending a two weeks'
vacation In New York City.
New Courses of Study
Added to Curriculum
Long before 9 o'clock, Tuesday
morning, the streets of Honesdale
were filled with hundreds of bright
faced, rosy-cheeked boys and girls,
who flocked to the $65,000 High
school building on Church street,
where they registered for the term
of 1911-1912.
According to Superintendent of
Schools, Prof. Harry A. Oday, 167
pupils enrolled In the High school
and 8,16 In the grades, a total of
Only twenty new children entered
the primary grade, a remarkable
feature, which Is easily accounted
for by the fact that Honesdale bor
ough hasn't been enlarged of late
years. With rents averaging from
$20 to $25, a man must earn pretty
fair wages to enjoy the privilege of
living in tho aristocratic confines of
the City of Hone.
Workingmen do not reside in the
borough in large numbers, that is,
men who work In shops and factor
ies. They live in the Texas's and In
the suburbs.
Several new courses have been,
added this year, viz. Commercial
Geography, Commercial Arithmetic,
Mechanical Drawing and a full
year's work in Agriculture. A num
ber of the advanced students are
taking up these practical elective
There are thirty-eight members In
the Senior Class, and the Freshman
Class numbers exactly sixty-two.
Forty new arm chairs, for recita
tion purposes, have been placed in
the annex room. In the High
school room, instead of installing new
desks, twenty chairs and twenty
tables were added to accomodate
new students.
Only one change of text-books was
made, Lelnbarger's "Physics" sup
planting "Carhart atfd 'Shute's."
Flve-and-one-half hours a day are.
set aside -for purposes of instruction.
School opens at 9 a. m. and re
mains In session until noon. The
afternoon session convenes at 1:30
o'clock and closes at 4 p. m.
The little folks are allowed a 15
minute Indoor recess. The first
grade Is dismissed at 3:15 p. m.
" Last year," said Prof.. Oday.
"we closed -the first-month with an
enrollment of 352 in the grefdes, and
159 in the High school. I can't see
that we have lost very many pupils
from people moving away."
All of the teachers wore at their
posts of duty, Tuesday morning,
save Miss Mary Menner, Latin in
structor in tho High school, who has
been spending the Summer abroad.
She sailed for America September 2,
and is expected home September 11.
In the meantime her sister, Miss
Dorothy Menner, is acting as her
One additional teacher was em
ployed last Summer, Miss Florence
Brown, who has charge of the Ger
man classes, and brings the total
number of Instructors up to sixteen.
The personnel of the faculty of
the Honesdale 'Public Schools for
1911-1912 is as follows:
High School Prof. H. A. Oday,
Ph. B Supervising Principal (Sci
ence); Prof. R. T. Davies, Ph. B.,
vice-principal (German and Sci
ence); Miss Alice Z. Gregory, (Eng
lish); Miss Edith K. Swift (English,
History); Miss 'Mary A. Menner, A.
B (Latin, History); Miss Florence
Brown, Ph. B. (German and Mathe
matics). Grammar Department Eighth
grade Mrs. Alma J. G. Dix; sev
enth grade Mrs. W. A. Sluman;
sixth grade Miss Theresa B. Soeto;
fifth grade Miss Elizabeth Baird.
Primary Department Fourth
grade Miss Edith Tolley; third
grade Miss Anna Seaman; second
gra() Miss Caroline Stephens; first
grade Miss Mattie Gillen; primary
Miss Jennie S. Lee; supervisor of
music Miss Harriet Arnold.
' Wo are affected very little by
tho provisions of tho new School
Code," said Prof. Oday. " There are
several of tho features of the Code
wo have required from pupils for
years, especially, the two seasons of
entering. Wo did not allow children
to enter at any time."
The wheels of tho school machin
ery are moving along smoothly, and
tho prospects for a successful year
aro very bright.
Prof. Oday confessed to a Citizen
man " that he didn't gain any In
weight during his six weeks' vaca
tion, but ho "rested his mind." And
ho needed it, if the demands made
upon his time, during the brief in
terview granted tho Citizen man, aro
any index of what is going on every
day. What the teachers and schol
ars didn't como In and ask him for,
Isn't worth mentioning. Their re
quests ranged all the way from pen
cils on up to school books, note
books, and even to a copy of tho
new school code!
No ono asked him for money at
least not while the reporter was
Now York. Michael Scudno,
driver of an ash cart in Bayonne, N.
J found a bag containing $2,000 in
cash in a barrel which ho emptied.
Ho remembered where ho had got
the bag and took it back. He says
he was rewarded with a gift of seventy-five