PAGU f TUfi CITIZEN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1011. Woman'sWorld First Woman In China to Practice Medicins. DM. TAMEI KIN. Is it possible for an eastern woman to enjoy western education and train ing and remain characteristically ori ental? This is a question frequently asked by Europeans interested in the education and progress of eastern wo men. To seo Dr. Yainel Kin, China's first woman doctor, and, better still, to hear ber speak in perfect English of her hopes for the further progress of Chinese women, is to answer the ques tion in the affirmative. Dr. Yampi Kin stands for the well balanced oriental woman, familiar with the science, learning and methods of the wast, but losing none of her own nationality. Sue is typically Chinese in appear ance. There are the pale complexion, the dark hair, the small dark eyes, twinkling with fun. Small in stature, but alert and active in body and mind, Dr. Kin wisely retains her Chinese dress. It is more than twenty years since Dr. Yamei Kin took her degree at the Women's Medical college. New York, now merged into Cornell university. The years spent in the west have taught her much besides a wondorful command of tlio English language and a knowledge of medicine and surgery. She docs not approve of al she has heard and soon, but she recognizes that modern science is the greatest gift of the west to the east today. In" method there must be adaptation rather than adoption. She is now intrusted by the Chinese government with the organization of a medical department for women in northern China, a huge task which calls forth her splendid abilities. A start has been made at Tientsin. A hospital, dispensary and medical school are in existence. How they came in to being is characteristically Chinese. Land, on which were some very an cient buildings, was allotted , to Dr. Kin for her new organization, with an assured revenue. That was the gov--crnment's part; sho waB to do all the rest. "You must make your own plans and carry your scheme to suc cess." This meant that sho had to be her own architect and engineer and carry out the work with the aid of a few ordinary workmen. There were the water supply to bo planned and sani tary work to bo done, as well as de molishing some of the old buildings, replacing them with new ones and adapting others to her purpose. The transformation was worked. The architect and engineer are now sunk In the doctor and director. Dr. Kin's aim is to make sure progress and lift the people slop by step to better sanitation and hygiene. In her estab lishment she maintains Chinese cus toms so far as possible and Introduces only such western methods of sanita tion as are Indispensable. DTer stu dents enter for a two or three years' course; their method of life is Chinese, also their food, which Dr. Kin shares with them In order that sho may be the first to complain if anything should bo wrong. Nothing Like Personality. Nothing like personality, If you know how to assert it. Clerks have not forgotten the dear lady who wrote to her husband: "I am Just crazy ovor tho Thousand islands. How long can I stay?" It was personality, pure and simple, that won for her tho enthusi astic response, "So glad you arc hav ing a nice time! Don't hurry. Stay a week on each island." Mora gossip this, but with his own ears tho clerk onco heard a farmer's wife pay a most generous and inspir ing tribute to personality. Concluding a tirade in disfavor of an nunt, sho blurted: "I know what I'll do to her. 111 I'll visit herr-Clerk of the Day In Boston Evening Transcript. Orioin of High 'Heeled Shoes. Mim. Tompadour was a very small -woman, but to mako herself look tall she built her hair up high and wore tho first pair of high heeled shoos ever made. The high heels that were In vented for her hove been accused of many crimes to tho foot, but physicians now seem agreed that "broken arches" may bo produced by any sudden shock, such as Jumping from a car. Children who Jump the rope a great deal some times have this disease of the foot. DIDN'T SPEAK TO HIS WIFE FOR FORTY YEARS. Finland Lived Next Door to Her, b it Never Forgave Scandal. Gilson Ituland ever since lip return ed to his homo in Pntohogue, '. Y., from the civil war In 1Si5 had lived In a house adjolnlmr thnt of lite vft and never In forty yours sjiok- n n word to her. Iltiland died recently, lie was ninety-one yours old nud nt the time of his li had not a friend or relative In the wor'd. his wife hav ing died some tlnii previously, from grief, It Is believed. lioc:iu.-i( ho would not lie reconciled with her. Ituhuul married shortly Ixjfuro the civil war. lie onlWed at the first call for volunteers. When lie returned, four years later, gossiping residents of Pntchogue wore linking the name of i his wife with those of other men who had not gone to the war. From tho day he returned and first heard the stories Itnlaud never again addressed n word to his wife. He left the house in which he and she had been living lwforc the war aud built himself a house next door. It was small, with only two rooms, and he lived there alone. lie and his wife often passed each other in tho street and lived so near that they could not help seeing each other through the windows of their homes. She made many fruitless attempts to win his forgiveness. Huland was known to two genera tions of children as "Santa Claus" be cause of his long white beard. FAVORS BIG GUNS FOR. PEACE. Lord Beresford Scouts the Idea of a British-German War. Tho peace of Europe is best main tained by big navies is the opinion of Lord Charles Beresford, wlw is visit ing this country. It was In reply to a question regard ing the makeup of the British navy that Iord Charles Beresford gave his opinion. "1 do not think It Is arrogance to say that the peace of Europe depends largely upon the strength of the Iirlt ish tlect," he said. "Peace is for the interest of all and is the greatest In terest the powers of the world have to consider. "Tho idea of war between England and Germany Is ridiculous. Diplomacy will always prevail to preveut such a thing." Asked about the veto bill, ho said the reform of the house of lords was a necessary step to meet modern require ments. He added without comment that the house of lords will have to be distinctly reformed. He was asked which was the greater fighting ship, our new Delaware or tho British Dreadnought. "That is a question of patriotism," he answered diplomatically. Lord Beresford is going to the Pa cific coast and then to Mexico, where he has property. A HOLE AS EVIDENCE. Unusual Exhibit Will Figure In the Trial of the McNamaras. A hole in the ground caused by the explosion of n Iwmb will figure In the trial of the McNamara brothers for the alleged dynamiting of thp Los An geles Times. Tho hole was dug up and boxed for preservation. On the morning of the destruction of tho Times building, Oct. 1, 1910, two unexpkxJod liombs were found at the residences of General Otis, owner of tho Times, and F. J. .oehandelaar, Fecretary of the Merchants and Manu facturers' association. A detective was carrying off the bomb from tho Otis grounds inclosed in a suit case when he heard a clock ticking nnd dropped the grip and ran. The bomb went off, tearing a large hole In tho ground. Tho hole remained undisturbed, but a few days ago tho attorneys for the defense decided they needed It for evi dence. Accordingly four detectives set to work nnd by daybreak had tunneled under the hole, boxed It In and pre pared to cart it away. INVITE TAFT TO FLY. Harvard Aviators Will Give Him Chance if He'll Take It. President Taft will have an oppor tunity to take an airship ride at the air meet at Boston, which begins Aug. '-7. Officials of the Harvard Aviation as soclatlon have decided to present an Invitation to the president to take his first trip Into the air on tho day that ho visits the flying exhibition. The president has already promised that he will go from Beverly on one of tho flying days. Mayor Fitzgerald of Boston, who went up last year, will go up again this year. If possible Mayor Fitz gerald will take his next trip on the day that the president attends the meet, and an appeal will be made to tho president not to let Boston's chlcl executive outdo him. Mew Kind of Compass. Ensign Lemalre lias invented a gyro. scopic comimss, which possesses the advantage of indicating the geographi cal north instead of tho magnetic north. By this compass the calcula tion of tho variation becomes unnec essary. Pine Tract Pays. In Louisiana In 1882 a firm bought a tract of about 19,000 acres of yellow pine for $10,000. In 1000 the same tract was sold for $1,125,000. points for Mothers In tho Nursery. Fresh rlpt fruit without sugar is very wholesome, especially if eaten In tho early part of tho day. So much sugar is often added to stowed fruit as to make it undesirable for some children, especially those subject to skin trouble. To make an attractive!- screen for the nursery get a light bamboo screen (an old one will do) and remove the sllko llue with which these are usually covered. Substitute dark red or green cambric and cover it with colored pic tures, pasted on so that each panel Is given over to one kind, such as flow ers, animals, children, etc. Tho screen will prove its value in the early morn ing hours when tho baby will He and look at the pictures instead of start ing an untimely concert. A pretty crib cover may be made from a yard each of whlto and pale blue or pink flannel. On tho colored flannel -embroider a flower and bow knot design, on the whlto a conven tional border and a largo central mon ogram. Bind the two together by means of wide satin ribbon and put the bow or rosette in ono corner, with tho colored side considered as the top. When a child eats or drinks any thing that Is hot enough to burn the mouth give him a tcaspoonful of pure olive oil, telling him to hold it in bis mouth as long as possible before swallowing It. ' One Mother's Experience. A wise young mother who seems to have excellent control over her little ones let fall a few words of wisdom at a "mothers' club" recently. "When my babies are tired at night and it's time for them to go to bed," she said when another mother asked her bow she succeeded so well In get ting her children to bed without a row, "I never say 'Get ready for bed at once and put away your playthings immediately,' for that will call forth tears and a protest against the strict command. Instead I say, 'Nearly time for bed, so put away your play things in a few moments.' In this way they have fair warning, and they are seldom unwilling to go when the Dual signal comes. That's my very simple method." It Is well for young mothers to re member this one mother's way, for it's the keynote of tho real understanding of tho child heart. Sympathy is a quality children never fail o under stand and appreciate. Imagine a mother being told by some ono In au thority to put down her book without finishing the one chapter which is the most interesting in tho whole book. Would It not at least save a frown of Impatience to be told to finish the chapter first? Helping Backward Children. Many mothers would bo perfectly willing to help their children with their school work if they only knew how. If a child is slow to read and spell It will help to say, "Shut tho d-o-o-r," "Get me a b-o-o-k, please;" "Your hair is b-r-o-w-n," "Your eyes are b-l-u-e." Then encourage tho child to tell you something the same way, even if It is only "Look nt the c-a-V If there are some new words to spell give the child an old newspaper and a pair of scissors and let her cut out the letters and form tho words who, been, work, etc. This will impress the letters on the mind more than repeat ing them. To tempt children to read rouse their curiosity by putting a picture in tho middle of the sentence, as the (rat) went into a hole. Toll a story and spell a word occa sionally, as: Once there was a dear little (rabbit) and it had long (ears). It went for a little (walk) one day in the (field), etc. Ten Commandments For Baby. Give tho baby Its food at regular hours. Give tho baby water. Give the baby no medlclno unless prescribed by tho doctor. Give the baby a tub bath every day. Do not put warmer clothes on tho baby In tho summer time than you wear yourself. Keep a window open night and day in thi baby's room. Colds come from closed windows, not from open ones. If the baby does not gain weight sec tho doctor. Something is wrong. Do not rock tho baby to sleep. Put it down and let It cry Itself to sleep. Boll all milk before giving it to the baby. If yon cannot employ a doctor apply to the nearest police station. Teaching Chivalry. "My little boy has always been very chivalrous in his attitude toward me," said a mother recently. "This trait 1 mako uso of now when he comes from school saying, as most small boys do nt ono time or another, 'I don't like tho teacher.' I talk about tho largo number of Httlo boys tho teacher has under her charge, how tired sho must get, how much' sho needs strong, manly little boys to help her, and my son decides at onco that he'd like to b a brave, strong knight to protect tho teacher, Ho always goec back in a helpful frame of mind." DR. WALKER OFFERS TO SELL A FINGER. Will Clve Digit to Mrs. Waldorf For Money a Build Hospital. Mrs. Reginald Waldorf of Philadel phia ond Los Angeles, Col., who ad vertised for a "living right index fin ger," can buy tho desired member if sho likes from no less n person than Dr. Mary Walker, the woman who wears trousers. Dr. Walker has sent this letter to Mrs. Waldorf: Mrs. Reginald Waldorf I have Just read that you desire to purcliaso a right Index finger. Will you give mo enough to erect a consumptive ward on my estato at Os wego,. N. Y. ? I have saved hopeless cases, and be cause I declare consumption Is not con tagious money Is not forthcoming to erect a ward. I finish this letter not using my Index finger. MARY E. WALKER, M. D., Surgeon of War 1851-03. P. S. If return ticket Is sent will come Immediately so you can decide If my fin ger is desired by yourself. Mrs. Waldorf desires a finger to re- place ono sho lost In an accident. She is reported to bo independently wealthy aud capable of paying almost any price for a finger, provided it suite her. She believes that the finger can be grafted on her hand nud that eventu ally she will havo a perfect one. Dr. Walker is elghty-ono years old. She figured prominently in the civil war as a surgeon nnd was ono of the first woman suffrage workers in the country. For years sho has worn man's nttire. Sl;o is anxious to erect a hospital for consumptives, and in a note sho says she would sacrifice much more than a finger if it were possible to realize her dream. SUES FOR A FORCED JAG. Sunday School Teacher Wants $55V000 as Recompense. Harry J. Bohart, Presbyterian Sun day school teacher of Kansas City, has filed suit in tho circuit court asking $55,000 damages from tho Missouri Pa cific railroad because that company's employees forced him to drink whisky enough from a Jug to make him drunk. The petition relates that Bohart and John Laughlln went to Lake City, a station on the Missouri Pacific north of Kansas City, ono day last fall. When they started to return they found tho train was late and would not reach Lako City until midnight. They sought refuge in tho depot from the cold while waiting for the train. Tho petition alleges that the station agent nnd operator informed Bohart that they expected to have a Jolly evening -and brought forth a Jug of whisky. Bohart, who up to that time had never tasted whisky, was the first to be asked to drink. When he re fused It Is alleged that tho men forced him at tho point of a revolver to swal low tho liquor. The Sunday school teacher claims to havo become intoxicated and to have suffered a splitting headache the fol lowing day. An effort will be made in tbo Bult to hold the railroad responsible on the ground that its employees in charge of tho depot were the prime movers In the affair. TAFT TO CALIFORNIA. President Will Break Ground For the Panama Exposition. President Taft has decided to extend his western trip to the Pacific "coast for tho purpose of breaking ground for the Panama-Pacific International ex position at San Francisco. His first Intention was to limit his trip to four weeks, golrig as far west as Nebraska and Kansas, but bo finds it will be possible to take two more weeks In October or early in November, thus giving him an opportunity to visit Cal ifornia, Oregon and Washington. Tho directors of tho Panama-Pacific exposition, commercial bodies In Cali fornia and prominent cltizons all along tbo coast havo urged tho president to visit the far west Tho exposition di rectors nro holding tho date of tho ground breaking ceremonies open to meet tho president's convenience. It Is expected that ho will visit San Francisco in tho latter part of October. A big celebration will be hold at Son Francisco to greet tho president and to celebrate tho beginning of exposi tion construction. Special trains will bo run from all parts of the coast Tho Pacific fleet will be ordered to San Francisco bay. The festivities will include a banquet to President Taft, a procession of his toric floats, a military and naval pa rade, athletic and aquatic sports and fireworks. EAR TRUMPET FOR DOG. Performing Animal, Going Deaf, Be comes Beneflolary of Science. Domlnlck, a handsome mastiff own ed by United States District Attorney Thomas Ward, Jr., of Denver and known as a tree climbing and other wise accomplished animal, has become tho beneficiary of science. Ho is be ing fitted with an ear trumpet. Recently Dominlck became melan choly and failed to perform his tricks with customary alacrity. A veterinary was visited and It was found Dominlck was going deaf. Now Dominlck Is to have an ear trumpet to correct his affliction. Makeup of the A. F. of L. There are now affiliated with the American Federation of Labor 120 in ternational anions, 89 eta to federa tions, C32 city central bodies, 431 lo cal trado unions and 210 federal labor unions, making a total of 1,433 organisations. Trying to Bo Accurate. Parent Did you break this window, George? George Well, I helped. Parent Helped? How helped? George It was a ball that broke 1L but 1 throw the ball. Stray Stories. Get the Hookl Dick Darling, you are tho first girl I ever loved. Dolly Come around Friday night Dick Friday night? Dolly Yes; that is amateur night, you know. Chicago News. Well, Weill Exchange Editor Tho catfish must be exceedingly scarce this year. Cub Reporter How's that? Exchange Editor Just read of a dogfish attacking n man. Sunday Il lustrated Magazine. Winding the Alarm. "Pop, that dog next door is like an alarm clock. Ho wakes mo up everj morning." "Yes: ho's a watchdog, my son." "When do they wind him up, pop?" Yonkers Statesman. A Gossipy Tactician. "Mrs. Chntterall Is constantly assum ing tho role of peacemaker." "Yes," replied Miss Cayenne. "In that way sho manages to hear all the news from both sides of a dispute." Washington Star. Next. "You say ho's a professional man?" "Yes." "But I thought he followed automo bile racing?" "Ho does. He's a doctor." Toledo Blade. Sign of Quality. "I'm sure that there Is some wonder ful quality in my daughter's voice." "What makes you think so?" "None of the neighbors has object ed to her practicing." Detroit Free Press. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Have you overworked your nervous sys tem and caused trouble with your kid neys and bladder? Have you paii.s In loins, side, back nnd bladder? Have you a flabby appearand o the lace, and un der tlto eyes? A frequent desire to pass urlno? If so, Williams' Kidney Pills will euro you Druggist, Price BOc. WILLIAMS MFG. ."O.. Propj.. Cleveland, Ohio VOTX SALE BY CO. J AD WIN. W. C. SPRY AUCTIONEER HOLDS SALES ANYWHERE IN STATE. I Tho Kind Yon Havo Always in uso for over SO years, and has 2Vl, Bonal supervision since its Infancy. r"C&JiityZ A11nwnnnnntndni(1vnvnnln tli In- All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" nro but Experiments that triflo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor OU, Pare goric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Foverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Pood, regulates tho Stomach nnd Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE Bears tho The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THI 0NTUH COMPANY, TT MWUMT BTIUET. new YORK CITT. FOR RESULTS JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Second floor Masonic Build ing, over O. C. Jadwin's drug store, llonsdale. M. LEE BRAMAN EVERYTHING IIS LIVERY Buss for Every Train and Town Calls. Horses always for salo Boarding and Accomodations for Farmers Prompt and polite attention at all times. ALLEN HOUSE BARN MARTIN CAUFIELD Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works 1036 MAIN ST. HONESDALE, PA. I Bought, and. which lias been lias homo tho signature of been made under his per- ALWAYS Signature of KRAFT & CONGER Renresent Reliable Comoanies ONLY INSURANCE HONESDALE, PA ADVERTISE IN THE CITIZEN
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