The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 23, 1911, Image 1

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68th YEAR. --NO. 67
"Hard Thing to Cure"
Says Dr. E. W. Burns
Midsummer has come, August Is
here, and the sound of the hay-fever
sneeze Is heard In the land!
With a view to gaining some in-i
formation that might be of value to
readers of this paper, a Citizen man,
went the rounds of tho offices of the
Honesdale medical fraternity one
day last week. Unfortunately many
of the doc-tors were either out at the
fair or engaged In their customary
dally rounds of sick calls.
Dr. E. W. Burns, the Tenth street
physician, when seen, talked freely
on this seasonal malady. He said:
" 1 think It's a little more pre
valent than It used to be. Anyhow
It's on tke Increase from what I can
"There seems to be quite a regu
larity about It. I don't know that
that Is an infallible rule. It seems
to come on people at just such a
time of year. There is nothing to
prevent it so far as I know. Its
cause is not understood.
" We can say that it is a neu
rosis, but that's not an answer.
Neurosis Is an affection of tho ner
vous system. It's of nervous origin.
" We can give patients relief, but
it's a mighty hard thing to cure. I
think it has exited for a long time.
I don't know who first discovered it,
but I do think that all agree that a
greater proportion of the population
are being afflicted with it right
" Oftentimes a change of locality
seems to be beneficial. Women do
not have it worse than men. I nev
er saw It in a child. It is amenable
to medical treatment as far as relief
is concerned, but the progress in re
gard to a cure is not very encourag
ing." " This is the time of the year for
It," said Coroner P. B. Petersen, the
Main street practitioner.
" Hay fever," he continued, "is a
peculiar condition of the. mucous
membrane susceptible to "tho dust
and pollen from weeds, especially
golden rod and rag weed. It at
tacks most people In the middle of
August. Some people get1, It earlier
especially If theyhavo an exciting
cause. r
" I never knew of a case where
children had It. It is frequently ac
companied with asthma, although
the majority of people don't have
asthma with It.
" Most people get relief from go
ing to the mountains. The White
Mountains Is tho favorite resort, you
" Very few poor people have it.
It's a fashionable disease. It Is
amenable to constitutional treat
ment. It is necessary to begin
treatment a month before, and con
tinue the treatment right through.
" The 'best thing to do is to keep
out of the dust. Avoid the dust,
and especially avoid going into the
country and coming in contact with
pollen from any weed in bloom at
this time of the year, like golden
rod and ragweed.
" I have a theory of my own
about it that is not found in any of
the books. It's a chronic disease.
You Inherit It from one or two or
three generations back. Tho old
name for that chronic condition was
scrofula. It may be cancer or
scrofula or tuberculosis or some in
curable blood disease in an ances-
" It may skip a generation abso
lutely. It's hereditary. It's a blood
taint from an incurable chronic dis
ease In an ancestor, commonly call
ed scrofula.
" Patients outgrow It, and even
cet over It. sometimes. Constltu
tional remedies taken for a month
beforehand and continued through
out modify the attack very much,
and somo patients get absolute re
Ker-chew! A-chew!! Ker-chew!!!
i.'ix iil: rini'i l ijt j i i i isi ii ii
Howard J. Erk. chauffeur for Hon.
E. B. Hardonbergh, while returning
home from a drive Sunday, saw two
men lying alone the roadside Stop
ping tho car he found that both were
unconscious. Ho Immediately drove
to Hawley for a physician and re
turned with him to where tho men
wore still laying. After hard work
they regained consciousness. The in
jured men were John Williams and
Daniel Corcoran. Their horso be
came frightened and both thrown out
of the buggy nnd rendered uncon
scious. How long tho men had laid
there before being discovered is not
Dentil of Charles E. Howell.
Charle3 E. Howell, South Canaan,
father of Prof. A. H. Howell, White
Mills, died suddenly Thursday night
after spending tho day at Scranton
whore he and Mrs. Howell attended
a family reunion. Dr. Noblo, of
Waymart, was called hut Mr. Howell
was dead when he arrived. The de-
ceased was a trustee of the South
Canaan Methodist Episcopal church,
also a trustee of the cemetery com
pany at that place. He was a man
well known and highly esteemed.
Tho following are survivors: George
R.. of Scranton: Arthur H. white
Mills: William H., Scranton; his wife
and Phoebe C. Howeii, at home; also
by one Bister, Mrs. Joseph H. Earl, of
Highland Mills, Ti. y. Tne runeral
-was held on Sunday.
First Marriage License
Was Granted to Colored
Four thousand three hundred and
seventy-three marriage licenses have
been granted in Wayne county, from
the time the Act of Assemblv went
into effect, In the Fall of 1885, up to
the present time.
The first marriage license was
granted by Clerk of the Orphans'
Court W. A. Gaylord to Richard
Watrous and Caroline Brown, both
of whom were colored, and residents
of Texas township. Each of the con
tracting parties gave their occupation
as laborer, the groom being 3G years
six months and one day old, and the
bride thirty-five past, when the nup
tial knot was tied at Honesdale, the
same day as the license was issued,
by Justice of the Peace James B.
" A relatively small proportion of
people are married by Justices in
Wayne county," said Clerk of the
Orphans Court M. J. Hanlan to a
Citizen man. " The feo used to be
fifty cents for a license certificate.
A recent Jaw, passed about three
years ago, increased the fee to one
" Two or three marrlago licenses
were unused. They are good until
used People change their minds
sometimes, and I suppose don't want
to uso them.
" io, there were no ' common
law ' marriages In my day. I don't
know of any common law marriages
in Wayne county.
" Throe or four times I was rout
ed out of bed to issue licenses. As a
a general rule it was a case of com
pulsion or necessity. The girl was
generally In trouble, and they wanted
things fixed up for fear the prospec
tive groom would run away.
" There have been couples married
in the court house room upstairs.
One couple was married there by
Squire William II. Ham.
" The prothonotarles since the Act
of 1885 wore W. A. Gaylord from
18'85-i888; F. B. Carr from 1S8S
1894; George A. Smith from 1894
1900; W. A. Gaylord from 1900
1903; and M. J. Hanlan from 1903
to the present time."
Of the 4,373 licenses Issued in the
past twenty-six years, 1419 or over
one-third were granted by Prothono
tary M. J. Hanlan.
On an average ICS licenses were
issued annually, or about fourteen a
month, or one every other day.
Mrs. Herbert Qulnney, Ridge street,
was awakened about 12:30 Tuesday
morning by unfamiliar sounds at the
rear of the house. She stepped to
her bedroom window and saw a light
burning In the homo of N. J. Spen
cer, a neighbor, and thinking the
noise was that made by dogs she
returned to -her bed. Then In the
quietude o( the night she heard a
soft whistle as If someone was at
tracting the attention of another, and
almost simultaneously tho creaking
of the tin roof over the kitchen led
her to believe that there was some
one outside.
Looking out again, it was then
dark. The light in tho Spencer
home had been extinguished. Still
Mrs. Qulnney heard the creaking of
the tin, as it gave way as tho would-
be sneak thief stepped back and forth
on the roof. She went to a window
of an adjoining room, crouched down
on the floor and looked out of the
window. Outside, on the roof, in a
squatting position, the form of a man
was seen. Mrs. Quinnoy described
him to a Citizen man as being very
large and wore a derby hat and
black clothes. " I was never more
frightened In all my life," she said,
"and In my fright I called Mr. Ball.
The man," she continued, said: "You
needn't be afraljd of me, I wouldn't
hurt you.' But that shriek brought
William Ball and N. J. Spencer to
my home. By that time the man was
nowhere around, "having jumped
from the roof when I called."
Mrs. Quinney stated that she and
her daughter, Marlon, were the only
persons in the house; her son and
Mother Qulnney wore In the country.
About three years ago a man came In
their yard but was removed by her
husband before getting In the house,
Nathan U. Buller, the new Com
missioner of Fisheries, who is to
take office on the first of September,
is preparing to take hold of the of
fice and will como here a few days
before to be sworn In. Mr. Buller
has been quietly working out some
plans for the Improvement of the
State's fish service and will put
them Into execution at an early day,
One of his first moves will be a tour
of the hatcheries and plants of the
State and an overhauling of meth
ods. It Is not known If there will
be any appointments made at first.
William E. Meehan, the retiring
commissioner, Is preparing a state
ment of what has been done in tne
department under his direction.
Harrlsburg Telegraph.
8 5
From the Ilarrisburg Telegraph
of last Saturday, August 19, we take
the following:
Candidacy is Favored by
Many men Prominent
in Affairs
Honorable Alonzo T. Searle, presi
dent judge of the Twenty-second ju
dicial district, filed his nomination
papers to-day. His district Is com
posed of the county of Wayne and
this year there are five candidates
for the nomination two Republi
cans, two Democrats and one Key
stone. A glance at Judge Searle's
papers Indicates that many of the
strongest Republicans of the county
favor his candidacy, the signers In
cluding the prominent members of
the bar in his party, clergymen of
the various denominations and busi
ness and professional men through
the county of the -highest standing,
Judge Searle has always stood well
with the Republican party in his
county and the State, which no doubt
accounts for the splendid list of
signers he secured.
Locally tho judge is a great favor
ite, and members of the bench and
bar are watching his fight with In
terest and wishing for his success
both at the primaries and at the polls
in Novomber. While ho was serving
as assistant United States district at
torney ho made many friends here,
who were attracted by his person
ality, and here, as well as elsewhere.
he has shown a faculty for retaining
Since his appointment to the bench
by Governor Stuart in 1909, he has
assisted in holding court here, his
evident fairness and quick mastery
or tne questions involved making him
a very satisfactory judge. Tho varl
ous qualities of mind and tempera
ment which go to make a successful
judge are combined In him to an
unusual degree, and his long and
varied experience at the bar in his
home county and elsewhere have
aided him in reaohlng judicial con
clusions which have given general
Since his appointment to the bench
Judge Searle has frequently been
called upon by his judicial brethren
to assist in holding court in their
districts, and besides Daunhln. he
has spent several months In Lacka
wanna, Susquehanna, Pike, Luzerne
and Northampton counties. He has
been unable to respond to all the re
quests made upon him. His friends
here are trusting that tho people of
Wayne county will best servo their
own interests by keeping Judge
searie on the bench.
Etta V. Whipple, Preston, to
Daniel D. W. Stanton, Carbondale,
22 acres in said township, $400.
John E: Goff to Charles Avery
Bethany, two lots situated in said
borough, $100.
Calvin D. Davis, Canaan, to Vina
R. Goodrich, Carbondale, two pieces
or land in Canaan township. 52.500
Emily J. Scudder, Prompton. to
Franklin Bodle, of tho samo place.
lot in said borough, $1,200.
R. W. Hi;ll and others to Lewis
J. Clift, both of Waymart, lot in
said borough, $175.
James Runyon to A. H. Terwllli-
ger, lot in borough of Hawley. $7B0
L. G. Dlmock and wife, Waymart,
to Frank Hollonbeck. Carbondalo.
right to cut timber from a. lot In the
borough of Waymart. $400.
William H. Hall. Berlin townshln.
to Frank Hollenbeck, right to cut
timber from a tract of land contain
ing ten acres of land In said town
ship, $276.
Tho Republicans of Dyberry will
meet at the house of E. W. Ross
Saturday evening. Aug. 26, at 7:30
Shoemakers' Picnic at
Lake Lodore a Huge
" Tho best place
To t,eo tho bii-diium llj
Is Out on tho open lake.
Get n boat.
While you navigate,
Watch tho
Aviator aviate."
-Luko Lodoro Lyrics.
Five thousand people, some afloat,
but most ashore, " watched the avia
tor aviate" at Lake Lodore last Sat
urday afternoon, when the ninth
annual excursion of the Boot and
Shoemakers' Union, Local No. 377,
was featured by the first airship
flight in Wayne county.
" We can say we saw an airship
fly." "I think if I understood it,
I'd go up every day." " He came
down fine." These were only a few
of the many expressions of delight
occasioned by the performance of
Walter E. Johnson, Bath, N. Y., in
tho Thomas Headless Biplane.
It was fully six o'clock when the
scheduled ascension was made from
the base ball grounds. The ma
chine, which was housed in a knock-
ed-down shed in front of the grand
stand, was viewed by thousands of
people in the course of the 'day, at
tho cost of ten cents per view.
It was not until 5:20 p. m. that
the side of the frame structure was
demolished, and the queer-looking
object trundled out into the field.
Willing hands wheeled It to the top
of a hill several hundred yards
from tho grandstand. It was kill
ing to see the people chase It. Men,
women and children ran after it.
Pouf! A cloud of dust arose, as
down the gentle decline the artificial
bird sped, and away It went, up, up,
into the air to a height of about 100
feet; travelled a couple of hundred
yards, and alighted, right side up,
by the barn, at the edge of the
woods. The wind was so strong
tliat the aerial navigator expected
to be shipwrecked. But he came
down as gracefully as a dove, un
fastened himself and walked back
to the grounds, none the worse for
his short flight. . -
I'd rather not lly, said Aviator
Johnson to a committeeman, late in
the afternoon. " Tho wind Is dead
against me. I wouldn't go up for
In view of the fact, however, that
such a large crowd was present and
In order not to disappoint the peo
pie, many of whom had come long
distances to see an airship fly, he
was prevailed upon to make the
" Well, I'll only make a very short
night," he said. Ami so he did
According to Aviator Johnson,
ascensions are usually made after
four o'clock In tho afternoon. "The
later it is, the better we like It," he
For his aerial trip, Birdman John
son received $000; $300 when his
airship was ready to lly, and $300
when he landed. The payments
were made with certified checks.
Aside from tho airship flight, tho
Shoemakers' excursion was a great
success, socially, financially and
needless to add, politically. This
was the seventh year that Lake Lo
dore was made the scene of their an
nual outing, the first and second
picnics having been held at Lake
" Well, are you a shoomaker too?"
"Ain't the airship great?" "I'm
coming again next year." "This is
tho best picnic wo ever had." Such
were some of the questions asked
and comments made by the happy
crowd of pleasure seekers, many of
-whom took the first train out of
Honesdale at 9 o'clock, Saturday
morning, so as to bo on the grounds
early, and not miss anything.
As usual much of the credit for
the financial success of the affair be
longs to tho women. The Labor
League, which Is affiliated with tho
Labor organizations, had charge of
the refreshment stands. 'Mrs. Ed
ward Keltz and 'Mrs. Archibald Mar
kle were assisted in their labors by
a corps of enthusiastic and efficient
helpers. The League has an active
membership of twenty-five.
The Boot and Shoemakers' Union,
Local No. 377, under whoso auspices
the excursion was held, has a mem
bership of 105. The officers of this
society are: President, Frank J.
Hall; vico-presldent, Peter Sutton;
secretary, unarios is, Boyd: treas
urer, William IlOv.leln; recording
secretary, James Orchard; trustees,
jonn uooa, jonn sonner, John Tier
ney. The committee In charge of the
excursion consisted of J. D. Orchard,
chairman; Frank Holl, vice-chairman;
Fred S. Cory, treasurer; J,
Boos, secretary, and Messrs. D,
Vlclnus, Chas. Boos, D. Lohmau,
William Moran, William Hoefleln,
L. wagner and Fred Theobald.
Friday night, headed by the
Honesdale Band, a largo number of
shoemakers paraded the sidewalks
of Honesdale. carrying Japanese
lanterns, and banners advertising
the excursion of the morrow. Hun
dreds of people made tho up-town
thoroughfares almost Impassable,
and swarmed tho streets to hear tho
band concert given on a flat car
near the Union station.
Early In the evening the Carbon-
( Continued on Pago Eight.)
Honesdale Second
Damascus a Cloe Third
There are 11,985 taxables residing
In the twenty-eight assessment dis
tricts of Wayne county. Texas has
by far the largest number, 1580,
with Honesdale a close second at
124 9. Damascus is a strong third
with 1038 taxable individuals. The
smallest assessment district is Beth
any which reports but 85.
There are 3G1,330 acres of timber
land In dear old Wayne, and 68,067
acres of cleared land. Or In other
words, only about one-fifth of the
area of the shire is under cultivation.
It may surprise some readers 'of
The Citizen to know that there are
25 acres of timber land in Hones
dale. Damascus township takes the
palm for timber land with 40,451
The value of all the real estate in
Wayne county is $11,404,175. Of
this amount $1,002,830 is exempt
from taxation, leaving the valuation
of taxable real estate $10,401,345.
Thero are 5,747 horses, mares.
gelding and mules in the shire,
valued at $327,334.
11,530 neat cattlefu over the' age
of four years, and valued at $175,-
018 aro reported.
The value of the salaries, emolu
ments of office, offices, posts of pro
fit, professions, trades and occupa
tions reaches the total of $4G7,230.
The aggregate value of all proper
ty taxable for county purposes at the
rate of 44 mills on the dollar is
The aggregate amount of county
tax assessed at the rate of 4 V- mills
on the dollar is $51,642.52.
Tho amount of money at Interest
including mortgages, judgments,
bonds, notes, stocks, etc., is $11,
717,222. The value of stages, omnibuses,
hacks, cabs, etc., Is $4,500.
The aggregate valuo of property
taxable for state purposes at four
mills on the dollar Including money
at interest, stages, omnibuses, hacks,
cabs, etc., is $1,176,22?.
rne aggregate amount or tne state
Tax is $4,696.52.
The debfoMhe county is $23.-
000.10, or about eighty cents ner
Property In Wayne county Is as
sessed at eighty per cent, of Its act
ual value. The Court House, Arm
ory, churches and school houses are
exempt from taxation.
Simply Get the Voters
Together and Agree
on Candidates
" Politics are getting warmer,
Fair week I saw three or four par
ties, with one man. I thought they
were going to pull him apart. That
was too much for me.
Tho reporter overheard this man,
who is a candidate for a township
office, Interview the County Commis
sioners' Clerk as to the proper meth
od of getting his name before the
" If you, hold a caucus," said Mr,
Ross, " and nominate a set of offi
cers that doesn't prevent another
man going out and getting up nomi
nation papers. This is a free fight.
" The idea is to sign them all up
there at the caucus. The committee
man knows then that there Is somo
one In the field for every office. The
voters get together and call a cau
cus. They agree on candidates, fill
out the papers and sign them there,
and send them in.
" No, you don't have to swear to
the papers at all. Just simply fill
out the papers, get them signed, and
turn them In here. You have to
have a paper anyhow, even If you are
nominated at a caucus."
" It's a hot campaign," sighed the
prospective office-holder, with which
sago observation Mr. Ross promptly
" Every township," he continued,
" ought to have a caucus. They do
not need to have It, If they don't
want It. It helps tho committee In
the county. There's not enough In
some offices to pay a man to carry a
petition around. It simplifies mat
ters for him."
" I have my papers here," said the
petitioner. " I lack one man yet.
I'll Just slip over In the corridor and
get him to sign."
Returning a few minutes later
with the required signature, (he
candidate presented hla papers to
the commissioners' clerk.
" Am I to sign It, too?" he aBked.
" No, answered Mr. Ross. "A man
would hardly sign his own paper,"
" Is that all right then?"
" Yes "
"Anything for this?"
HOW 10
Public Schools Will Open
Here September 5
Preparations are being made for
the opening of the public schools of
the borough on Tuesday morning,
September 5, at 9 o'clock. Children
who became six years of age, be
tween tho opening of the term and
January 1, 1912, will be admitted
at the beginning of the term, while
those who reach their sixth birthday
between January 1 and June 1,'
1912, will enter the schools after
the Christmas hoirdays.
All the old teachers have been re
elected, and the schools will again
be under the able supervision of
Principal Harry A. Oday.
About twenty new seats were
added, this Summer, to accommo
date the High school department.
The enrollment will be about the
same as last year.
The taxation for school purposes
has been reduced one-half mill. The
school board closed tho current
fiscal year with a clean record. It
was the custom, formerly, that at
the end of each year, there were de
mand notes for a couple of thous
and dollars outstanding.
" There's a shortage of little chil
dren," a school director Informed a
Citizen man. " Something Teddy
Roosevelt wouldn't like." The High
school, he stated, becomes more
congested than the primary depart
ment. And for this reason. Any
child living In one of tho surround
ing districts, after finishing the
grammar school in their own town
ship, can go to the nearest High
school, and tho township, in which
their parents reside, must pay for
their tuition. The influx from tho
country districts accounts for the
large Hlsh school enrollment.
No satisfactory explanation has
been advanced for tho shortage in
primary children. Last year, each
teacher did work one-half year ad
vanced In his or her grade or tho
primary teachers would have been
without work.
Tho School Board did not adopt
tho medical inspection feature of
the new school code. They , felt
that- they had gotten along,-.soVfar
without It, and they rather thought
they would wait and see what hap
pened in the districts that adopted
And by the way all the members
of the present Board of School Con
trol were legislated out of office by
the provisions of the new school
code, and their places must be filled
at the primaries and November elec
tion. The office is an honorary
one, carrying with It more than the
usual amount of fault-finding which
a public officer must expect. There
Is no salary connected with It, and
thus far not a single candidate has
let the dear public know ho aspired
to the office.
But that shortage of little chil
dren is an alarming feature of tho
local school situation. Probably
some of tho Honesdale sociologists
are ready to advance a theory to
account for it. If so, The Citizen
would be glad to receive communi
cations on the subject,
The poultry pen was tho center of
attraction for bird fanciers. A
number of the different kinds of
standard breeds were on display and
captured some prizes too. The chief
conversation at the poultry exhibit
was the advisability of holding a
winter exhibition about tho first of
the year, when tho birds are in their
prime and their plumage . much
better than at present. It was sug
gested that the affair, should It
materialize, bo open to tho State
and that prizes bo given for tho best
birds, etc. If an exhibition were
held in Honesdale It would bring
some of tho best exhibition birds to
this place. Tho feeling among tho
different breeders was strong for a
bird meet here and the Citizen's
representative was told that every
possible means to havo an exhibit
hero, either In January or Febru
ary, would be made.
In the poultry pen George Robin
son, Fortenla, W. H. Karslake,
Honesdale, and Russell Erk, of
Seelyvillo, had good displays of the
Rhode Island Red chickens.
Mr. Karslake also had an exhibi
tion of White Rocks and Buff Leg
horns. F. B. Lord exhibited two good pens
of White Leghorns and Black Su
matras. F. W. Schuerholz has a pen of fine
White Orpingtons.
Edward E. Kinsman, Cherry
Ridge, was the only exhibitor of
Barred Rocks.
Robert Miller exhibited a nice
pair of Carneaux pigeons.
" No charges."
And that Is only a sample, declar
ed Mr. Ross, of what takes place
half a dozen times a day. For be It
known, that tho County Commis
sioners' office is tho mecca, nowa
days, for all Wayne county political
" A good many talk now as If
they think the biggest crop we'll
have Is candidates," said a prosper
ous Oregon township farmer to a
Citizen man, Monday. "The pota
toes Is going to be a small crop.
They can't all get It. Some will
havo to get out."