The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 18, 1911, Image 1

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'. 1
68th YEAR. -NO. 66
I'll' ii''jii'
Mr. Vernon Tells How to
Benefit by the Sport
" Young people skate their heads
of," declared Frank Vernon, who
with his wife Lillian Vernon Is play-.
Ing a return engagement at the
Honesdale Roller Rink this week, to
a Citizen man. " They skate for two
hours and a half at a time. They
ought to skate ten or twelve minutes
at a time, and then sit down to rest.
They would get more benefit out of
It then, and It wouldn't tire them so
" A child ought not to begin to
skate until at the age of eight years.
Then, they ought to be properly
coached, so as not to overdo it. The
main thing Is that a lot of children
are left to skate too long at a time.
" My first experience was at a rink
in Canton, Ohio, when I was nine
years old. I have been skating for
twenty-two years.
" I skated here 22 years ago at tho
rink on the corner of Park street.
I was only a kid in those days, a lit
tle bit of a fellow. I came hero
through Billy Boyes, of Port Jervls,
one of the noted roller skaters of
those days.
" At that time I held the two and
three-mile championships of the
world. I was only a kid, but there
wasn't any of the big fellows could
get the best of me. I did the two
mile In 5:58 and the three-mile In
7:5C at the Le Grande Rink In Cleve
land, in 18SG. "
" A good many people claim they
can't learn to skate. Children
should not skate .too young, as their
muscles are weak1, and they overdo
themselves, and show bad results.
" The best thing for a beginner to
do is first to keep the body as supple
as possible. Roller-skating Is an en
tirely different stroke than Ice skat
ing, which is a side stroke. .
" Roller-skating is a straight,
walking stroke. If you start to
walk on skates, just as you walk on
the streets, you'll have the best re
sults. " Many beginners throw them
selves up rigid. If they'd fall in
that position, they are more apt to
break a limb than in a supple posi
tion. After a beginner starts prop
erly, ho will look more graceful
than one who keeps himself In a
rigid condition.
" A number of the leading base
ball stars like Hans Wagner, skate
In winter to condition themselves
for Spring work.
" A child should always be guid
ed awhile by an Instructor, so as to
get the right motion, and the right
carriage of the body. Boys think
of racing the first thing, and thereby
are apt to take a header. They
oughtn't to wear low shoes as they
weaken the ankles.
' I met my wife at a skating
rink. That's how we happened to
get acquainted," laughingly said
Mr. Vernon, who admitted that rinks
"were good "Courtln places." " She
was at tho rink at her home town
where I was giving as exhibition.
She's a Southern girl. She has
only been skating seventeen months.
February 28, 1910, was the first
time she over had on a pair of
skates. Five days after that she
appeared before the public, and to
day is as good a skater as any
"woman in the business.
" We are teaching " Tlghe " to
skate. Tighe is a Boston terrier.
We had special skates made for
"him, and boots made with wheels
-lnch in diameter attached to
each boot. It's a very difficult thing
to teach a dog. He's broke In now
so 'he'll skate twenty-five feet. Our
object Is to use him In quarter and
half-mile races.
" Tlghe starts from tho scratch
just like a person at the word
"Go." He's just crazy to go. He
has a record made at the Dyko
Roller Rink, Batavla, N, V., of a
half-mile in 1:26. He beat me
about two feet there.
"The Rink hero Is a 25-lap rink,
that Is twenty-five laps to tho mile.
I have skated over the United
States, Canada and England. New
York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Mich
igan are the four best skating
states in the country.
" On October 23, wo sail for Paris
whero we open a four-weeks engage
ment, November C. Then we go to
Bremen, and play there for the
same length of time. After that we
play a few of the principal places In
Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and
Special to The Citizen.)
PAUPACK, August 17. The
Lakevllle charge of the M. E. church
will have services at the places men
tioned and at tho tirao given: Lake
vllle, In the morning at 10, Sunday
-jas aapiouojd Xq poMonoi 'joonos
vice at 11 o'clock. Arlington, Sun
day school at 2; preaching service
at 3 o'clock. Paupack, Sunday
school at 10 In tho morning and the
preaching service In tho evening at
7:30. A Visit of the Y. M. C. A.
Camp, Brooklyn, Is expected, If the
weather Is fine and the colored chef
of the camp will sing some special
solos. The pastor, Rev. H. T. Pur
klss, will give an address upon
"Building A House," and we hope
to soe a good congregation. Every
body Is most cordially Invited to all
and each of these services.
Thousands of Hands are
Shaken by Candidates
The Forty-Ninth annual exhibition
of the Wayne county politicians,
which came to a close Thursday
evening, was a handshaking suc
cess. Although the crowds fell several
thousand short of the record- break
ing attendances of last year, the
stock of cattle was up to the stand
ard and as for the crop of candi
dates well, that exceeded all form
er years.
Some Idea of the number of peo
ple who passed through the gates
may be gathered from the fact that
early Wednesday afternoon, nothing
could be bought to drink on the
grounds, not a soft drink, no not
even an Ice cream cone. "It's aw
fully dry," remarked a Sterling man
to an up-county farmer. "Dryer'
than Maine," answered his bucolic
One man was arrested Wednes
day afternoon by a State policeman
and County Detective N. B. Spencer,
charged with being drunk and dis
orderly. That was the only dis
turbance that occurred during the
entire period of the Fair.
The fertilizer booth was the mecca
for hundreds of interested farmers.
Hero It might be learned why fer
tilizers was better thaa manure.
Manure contains ammonia and a lit
tle phosporlc acid, while the in
gredients of bone fertilizer ane am
monia, phosphoric acid and potash.
Plants need potash.
"Are you going up to the Fair?"
was asked a political aspirant at
noon Wednesday.
" I haven't fully made up my
mind. I think I saw "more people
that were really worth while yester
day morning down town than I did
up on the Fair grounds."
He was almost alone In his opin
ion, however, for most of the can
didates spent Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday on the
Fair grounds, greeting friends, and
getting acquainted.
The " Midway " was next to the
races, tho greatest attraction on the
grounds. "Hurrah, hurrah. Every
time you knock the nigger on the
head you get a ten-cent cigar!"
out of tho box "three for five," the
barker should have added, judging
from the one given the reporter to
" Now five cents passes you in to
see this smallest animal in tho
world," shouted Sailor Fog Horn
Ballyhoo. "Now If it isn't as I say
you needn't pay a cent." Hero he
came up to a farmer and Invited him
to "step right in and see the small
est horso on earth. Let him pay
of his free will, if he's satisfied."
The farmer enters the canvass
tent, sees " 'Duchy " who stands but
eighteen inches high and weighs but
twenty-five pounds, Is six months
three weeks and three days old. He
Is properly Impressed, and comes
out delighted.
"See I proved to you I didn't fake
you. Pay the cashier." And the
farmer cheerfully digs up from tho
recesses of his trousers pockets a
hard-earned nickel, gives It to the
barkre's assistant, and passes on to
the next concession.
" No use wiping your nose on
your sleeve when you can get seven
handkerchiefs for a quarter," purr
ed another "ballyhoo." "I couldn't
wait any longer," said a hay-fevered
farmer who bought them. "Say,
they're great!"
" Would you see the little lady
handle all kinds of reptiles?" yelled
In stentorian tones an ex-Coney Ib
land barker. " I handle all kinds
of reptiles. I pick them up in tho
woods. Now hurry if you want to
see something." And the way they
poured the dimes Into the cashier's
tray made that Individual almost die
from apoplexy.
M'gr. Dittrich Says Seas
on will open here
Sept. 9
" The theatrical season will open,
probably, September 9," said B. H.
Dittrich, manager of the Lyric
Theatre, to a Citizen man. "Tho
Chorus Lady" Is one of the first and
principal attractions for the season.
It Is booked for September 9. It Is
Rose Stahl's great success for the
past Ave or six years. She won't bo
seen in It hore, though.
" About thirty attractions are
booked at the present time. " Baby
Mine," by the author of " Polly of
the Circus," one of the great suc
cesses In New York last season, will
be 'here September 27.
" Hal Johnson, -who Btarred in
'Squire E. B. Hollister has
Tried to Convert Them
in Vain
" I have been Justice of the Peace
for over fifty years," said "Squire E.
B. Hollister, Hollistervllle, wl came
to town, Wednesday, to attend the
Wayne County Fair.
'Squire Hollister Is undoubtedly
the oldest Justice of the Peace In
tho state of Pennsylvania. The ven
erable custodian of the peace Is a
remarkably well-preserved man for
his years. On January 8, 1912, he
will celebrate the eighty-fifth anni
versary of his birth.
The 'Squire has been a stockhold
er of the Fair Association ever since
It was organized, forty-nine years
" I haven't been here for three
years," he confessed to the reporter.
" I am going up there this after
noon to see the people.
" The crops are fine in Salem
township. All but the potatoes and
apples. They are failing on account
of the drought.
" I bet I've got more pensions
than any other man In the State.
I got 570 applications on my books."
" Who is going to be the next
Judge?" was inquired.
"The man that gets the most
. votes," laughingly replied the
" That cane Is over a hundred
years old," he continued, exhibiting
a buckhorn handle cane to the news
paperman. " The stick is made of
curled maple that grew where the
Court House stood In Bethany. I
struck a dog with it several years
ago, and split it the whole length.
I am going to hand it down to the
next generation. You couldn't buy
it for love nor money."
" Have tho candidates been down
your way yet?" was asked.
" We haven't seen any of them
yet, but we want to see them," he
answered. " There are 270 voters
In Salem township.
" Hollistervllle Is a little village
composed of about probably 200
people. There are -only about 25
voters. We've got three churches.
" There are only two Democrats
right In the village. I have been
trying to convert them for years.
" I've always been a Republican.
I cast my first vote for Governor
" Nobody has any exhibits at the
Fair from Hollistervllle this year. I
came up here about ten years ago
and I brought a gallon of the nicest,
smoothest, lightest maple syrup you
ever saw. There was only one other
maple syrup exhibitor there. An
old lady from Bethany had some as
black as a hat. The Judges gave her
the prize because she was an old
lady, and had always got the prize.
I haven't exhibited since.
" I play all kinds of games. I
like backgammon," declared tho
'Squire as he and Prof. Cornell made
arrangements to play a game at the
hotel in the evening after the Fair
was over.
There was only ono exhibit at the
Fair from Hollistervllle this year,
and that one wasn't an exhibit. The
Hollistervllle Creamery Co. brought
down a load of people In their G0
horse power auto truck and did a
landofllce business In conveying peo
ple to and from the Fair grounds
at twenty-five cents per "convey!"
"The Arrival of Kitty," will be seen
sometime this season in a new play,
called " The Girl Who Wasn't."
" Negotiations are being made for
" Forty-Five Minutes from Broad
way," one of the big musical suc
cesses. " The Newlyweds and the. Baby,"
are on for November 30. "Madame
X" -will be hero some time during
tho season.
"On December 25, Christmas Day,
tho " Dixie Chorus," composed of
eight colored gentlemen, will be
" The Gambler " will also be one
of the principal attractions this sea
son. " I have been manager of the Ly
ric going on four years. Before
that I put on amateur performances,
like tho Amity Indoor Circus, etc.
" Some managers of troupes come
here and try to tell us how to run
our house.
" Wo have about forty-five regu
lar employees during the theatrical
season, viz: Orchestra, ushers, stage
hands and boys. Jos. A. Bodlo, Jr.,
Is the leader of the orchestra. John
Carroll has been manager of the
stage hands since the house opened.
" Wo haven't had a bad show,
morally speaking, In tho house. I'd
ring down on thorn. I did cancel
a number of such shows.
" Nick Spencer looks after the
policing of the theatre. Uniformed
firomen are at every performance.
Tho fire exits are all working and
the fans too.
" Wo have added Bome moro fans
this Summer, making It quite com
fortable In -warm weather."
S. H. Lee and family deslro to ex
tend their thanks to their many
friends for their kind thoughtfulness
and sympathy during their recent
The fiscal year ending June 30,
1911, completed a few months moro
than two years of President Taft's
term and It Is a fitting point, from
which to look back and briefly sum
up what the present Administration
has accomplished.
Because of our constantly in
creasing population and the tremen
dous advance in all industrial activ
ity, more important duties and larg
er problems have come to President
Taft and his Cabinet than to any
predecessor. They have each and
all been met with courage and un
swerving devotion to the best Inter
ests of the whole country.
It has fallen to the lot of Presi
dent Taft to make an unusual num
ber of appointments to the Supreme
Court and these appointments alone
will give great lustre to his adminis
tration. His judicial training and
experience, hs calm and falrminded
judgment met with great approval
In the selection of Lurton, Hughes,
Van Devanter and Lamar as Asso
ciate Justices, while his appointment
of Justice White to the Chief Jus
ticeship proved his fidelity to the
highest Interests of the Nation with
out regard to section or party or his
tory, having in mind only experience
and fitness.
In the superb handling of the
Mexican Situation the President
showed splendid skill as well as
judgment, making every preparation
for action If necessary, coupled with
restraint from undue Interference
or breach of neutrality and avoid
ance of any International complica
tions or excuse for hostility.
Again In the matter of Reciprocity
with Canada, although a large por
tion of his party disagreed with him,
yet believing it to be for the best
good of all sections and classes, the
President persisted In Its considera
tion till It was passed by both houses
and received his signature.
But of greater Import than all
else Is the advance toward World's
Peace brought about by the Arbitra
tion treaties already signed or under
consideration. The successful nego
tiation of these treaties places Pres
ident Taft on a high pedestal and
has earned him tho approval and
gratitude of not only his own peo
ple but of all civilization.
Hand in hand with President Taft
in harmonious work for the advance
ment of the Republic and people,
every Cabinet officer has exerted
himsUf to. the utmost In bringing
about In his department Increased
efficiency with tho greatest economy
possible without Injury to the ser
vice. State Department,
While the work of the Department
Of State Is necessarily of a nature
that cannot be exploited, yet the re
sults under the tactful guidance of
Secretary Knox have been beneficial
in the extreme. The Consular Ser
vice has been improved and foreign
relations have been enhanced, while
a share of the success attending the
Arbitration treaties and the solution
of the Mexican and other problems,
must go to its credit.
The Innovation of the maximum
and minimum tariff provisions In the
Payne law compelled negotiations
of great complexity and yet in a rea
sonable time after the enactment of
that law, negotiations were opened
and completed with all foreign gov
ernments affected, with the result
that all Instances of undue tariff dis
crimination against the United
States has been swept away and we
stand to-day on a substantial equal
ity of treatment from every compet
ing nation. Under this administra
tion and under the skill of Secretary
Knox, the American State Depart
ment has placed our nation In the
front rank as regards every diploma
tic endeavor and every International
negotiation, and It can be added had
averted three wars with Latin-American
Treasury Department.
While the receipts and expendi
tures of the Government depend on
tho operation of tho Tariff, yot it
seems proper to state them In con
nection with the work of the Treas
ury Department. During tho fiscal
year ending Juno 30, 1909, tho ex
cess of ordinary expenditures over
ordinary receipts amounted to $58,
734,955. During the fiscal year end
ing Juno 30, 1910, the first full fiscal
year under tho present administra
tion, the excess of ordinary receipts
over expenditures amounted to $15,
806,324 while during the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1911, the surplus
was $47,240, 4GG.
Of tho work properly and directly
to tho credit of the Treasury De
partment under Secretary McVeagh,
It can be said, that not only has
there been Increased ofilciency in
every branch, but economics exceed
ing $2,000,000 in savings In tho
management of the Department.
Among the improvements result
ing In substantial savings can bo
mentioned the change in size of In
ternal revenue stamps, and improve
ment in shipping; the numbering,
sealing and separating of United
States notes, gold and silver certi
ficates In one operation Instead of
several; the readjustments at the
New Orleans and Philadelphia mints
and changes 4n connection with
transportation and cancellation of
currency, Improvements at the Bur
eau of Engraving and Printing, the
changes in forms and elimination of
unnecessary printing and binding as
well as Improved methods of admin
istration In the Revenue Cutter Ser
vice, Life Saving Service and the
abandonment of old and unnecessary
Quarantine Stations.
Wat- Department.
Under Secretaries Dickinson and
Stimson, the War Department, dur
ing the administration of President
Taft, has been more efficient and at
the same time more economical than
ever before In Its history. In fact,
this has largely been brought about
through the present Commission on
Economy and tho efficient and hearty
co-operation of the various branches
of the Department with tho Secre
taries and suggestions of the Presi
dent himself. Progress has been
shown in the construction of sea
coast defences, In the organization of
the land forces Into a mobile army
In the preparations for war in the
'improvement in clothing, tentage
and equipment, In the treatment of
diseases, in the matter of subslst
ance, In the work of the signal corps,
In 'the method of instruction for the
organized militia, In the Quartermas
ter's Department and In the many
forms of Improved business methods
adopted under this administration.
The work on the Panama Canal
has gone on in the most satisfactory
manner. Some 75,000,000 cubic
yards of material have been exca
vated since President Taft took the
oath of office. So great has been the
progress of the work that already
plans are being made for the open
ing of the Canal by 1915 if not
Department of Justice.
During President Taft's adminis
tration under tho direction of Attor
ney General Wickersham, the De
partment of Justice has begun and
completed more prosecutions than
during the same period of any pre
vious administration. The legal
victories already obtained In the dis
solution of many of the so-called
trusts places the present administra
tion far In advance of any other and
proves that the Interests of the peo
ple are being cared for to the fullest
extent covered by the statutes. Mil
lions of dollars have been recovered
for tho Government and millions
more obtained In judgments In the
United States courts.
In spite of this activity and actual
accomplishment on the part of the
Department of Justice the cost of ad
ministering the Department has not
materially increased.
l'ostofllco Department.
For some thirty years the expendi
tures In the Postofflce Department
have exceeded tho revenue and the
deficit for the fiscal year 1909 was
moro than seventeen and a half mil
lions of dollars. Under the efficient
management of Postmaster General
Hitchcock, this deficit was reduced
in 1910 to $5,849,000 while for the
fiscal year 1911, so well managed
has been the Department that not
only has the annual deficit been en
tirely wiped out but the operations
of the year will show a surplus in
excess of $3,000,000. This has been
accomplished without detriment to
the efficiency of the service.
Another pronounced feature of the
operations of tho Postofflce Depart
ment under the present administra
tion has been the marked decrease
In the fraudulent use of tho malls,
millions of dollars being saved to the
people through the successful prose
cutions which have taken place un
der the watchfulness of the Post
master General and his Inspectors.
The agitation for an Increase of the
.postage on second class matter has
resulted In a Commission being ap
pointed by the President, which is
now considering this complicated
question and the result of its deliber
ations will undoubtedly bring about
a readjustment satisfactory to all
concerned. The establishment of
postal savings banks has proved a
great success wherever tried and the
system will be extended as rapidly as
It seems safe to predict that In the
near future letter postage will be
reduced to ono cent on first class
mall and that the extension of the
Rural Free Delivery system will go
on until evry portion of the country
secures satisfactory mall service.
Deportment of the Interior.
While this Department has been
burdened with many perplexing prob
lems It has gone on under Secretaries
Balllnger and Fisher putting into
practice many economics and re
forms and bringing about the suc
cessful investigation of cases satis
factory results to the Government
and the parties immediately con
cerned. Proceedings are now pend
ing which will result In tho restora
tion to. the public domain of many
thousands of acres of coal lands as
well as the conservation of our nat
ural resources to an extent hereto
fore unthought of.
The work of tho Patent Ofilce, of
the Bureau of Education, of the Gen
eral Land Office and in fact every
branch of this Department of tho
Government, shows not only a great
er measure of efficiency under Presi
dent Taft than over before but with
most satisfying results from an eco
nomical standpoint.
Department of Agriculture.
For years tho American Depart
ment of Agriculture has been rated
as by far the best of any nation.
Under Secretary Wilson the activities
of this Department have assumed
enormous and most Important pro
portions resulting la immense ad
vantages to the rural classes In the
way of suggestive, experimental and
statistical information; In fact, It Is
almost Impossible to briefly summar
ize the work of this great department
of the Government in its various
(Continued on Page Four.)
Honesdale Horses Show
Up Well in Trotting
The racing at the fair grounds
Tuesday afternoon was the attrac
tion of the day. In the 2.18 class
the race between May Girl, owned by
Clark & Patterson, and Bonessa,
Daniel Gibson's fast stepper, was
very interesting. It was as nice a
race as has been witnessed and it
required four heats to win the race.
In the first race the 2.40 class
there were five entries. Brownie
Wilkes, owned by Robert MacMul
len, Olyphant, won the race, secur
ing first money. Second money was
won by Bill Dorado, owned by Jud
son iBunnell, Clarks Summit, and
third money by Lady Chimes, John
Murray, Forest City. Star Actuary
and Antoinette, owned respectfully
by George Sherwood, Jormyn, and
Lewis Howell, Unlondale, got fourth
money, It being divided evenly be
tween them. Tho results of the
first race. Purse $200:
Brownie Wilkes, b. m.,
Robt. MacMullen, Oly
phant f 1 1 1
Bill Dorado, bl. m., Judson
Bunnell, Clarks -Summit. 3 2 2
Lady Chimes, b. m John
Murray, Forest City 2 4 5
Star Actuary, b. h., George
Sherwood, Jermyn 5 3 4
Antoinette, gray m., Lewis
Howell, Unlondale 4 5 3
Time: 2.3G, 2.35, 2.37.
Bonessa, br. m., Daniel Gib
son, Unlondale 2 1 1 1
May Girl, b. m., Clark &
Patterson, .Honesdale ... 1 2 2 3
Brighton, ch. g., George
Sherwood, Jermyn 3 3 3 2
Time: 2.21, 2.21, 2.24.
Two Honesdale horses won first
money and one second money at
Wednesday's races. Although the
Interest was not quito as keen as
Tuesday's trotting, tho horses in the
2.23 and 2.15 classes attracted the
attention of a number of lovers of
that sport. Town Directly and Win
nie Lou cnrrlod three straight heats
In two rates. Tho 2.23 class, purse
$200, trotting and pacing, hnd four
entries. Tho summary;. iv
Winnie Lou, b. m " &,;
Clark & Patterson, "L
Honesdale 1 i l
Flossie Bell, s. m H. H.
Howard, Scranton 2 2 2
Antoinette, g. m Winnie
Hlne, Orson 333
Lady Chimes, b. m., J.
Murray, Forest City .... 444
Time: 2.29, 2.29, 2.30.
2.15 CLASS PURSE $200. )
Town Directly, b. h., Clark- : V'
& Patterson, Honesdale.. Ill
Ralph Burns, b. s., Clark
& Patterson, Honesdale.. 2 2 2
Dan Actuary, b. h M. Sher
wood, Jermyn 3 33
Time: 2.29, 2.28, 2.23.
After the last heat of the 2.15
race, Starter Gorman, Scranton, an
nounced from the grandstand that
the races for Thursday had been de
clared off; that the vaudeville and
other attractions would bo In oper
ation but there would be no races.
Wednesday was the largest day
at the fair, It being estimated that
there were 5,000 people upon the
Everybody had a good time Wed
nesday. One of the features to de
tract from the pleasures of the day
was a pugilistic encounter between
two patrons of the fair who were
feeling pretty good. One of the par
ty was locked In a box stall, which
served as a prison for the disorder
ly man.
C. D. Fortnam was awarded tho
following prizes on his fine herd of
Holsteln cattle: First premium on
herd, first on yearling bull, first on
full-age cow for milk, first and sec
ond on two-year-old heifer, second
on three-year-old heifer, first on
yearling heifer, first on grade two-year-old
heifer. Others to receive
prizes on blooded cattle wore: A. W.
Eno, E. W. Gammell, Charles Blake
and Edward Kinsman.
A representative of the Citizen
was In conversation with three
faithful supporters of the fair. The
three gentlemen, Oscar E. Miller,
Oregon, A. W. Eno, Seelyvllle, and
Thomas Bellamy, Carbondnlo, but
formerly of Honesdale. Mr. Eno
said he has been a regular attend
ant to the fair for 49 years. Fifty
years ago ho helped bring a herd
of cattle to the fair and with the ex
ception of ono year has attended
regularly every annual exhibit.
Thomas Bellamy and Oscar Miller
both claim that 1911 is tho 49th
time they havo been to the fair, nev
er having missed an exhibit since
the Wayne Agricultural society was
founded G2 years ago.
C. D. Fortnam has a fine herd of
four-year-old registered cow that
tips the scales at 1470 pounds and
an 18-month old registered bull that
weighs 1100. Mr. Fortnam Is very
proud of his cattle and he has one
of the finest herds In Wayne coun
ty. Mr. Fortnam breeds nothing
but first class stock.