The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 11, 1911, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    t4,Ji ,,iiJi4j,ii)JWi"
Mentioned as Possibility to
Suooted Late Ssnator Frye.
Portland. Me., Aug. 10. - Seiiatoi
Frye's death means that Maine will
bo represented by two Democrats In
the United States senate, ns It will de
volve upou the .present Democratic
governor, I'lnisted, to namu Senator
Frye's successor until the legislature
meets one year from next winter.
There will be probably four active
candidates for the honor. Wllllnm M,
rennoll, who was a candidate against
the present Senator Johnson; E. B
WInslow, n member of the executive
council, and James C. Hamien, a mer
chant and former candidate for con'
gress, all of this city, and Congress
man Daniel J. McGlllIcuddy.
Lowlston, Me., Aug. 10. The funeral
of Senator William P. Frye will be
held tomorrow. A private service will
bo held at the Fryo residence at 1
o'clock. An hour later there will be a
public service at the Tine Street Con
gregational church.
Son of Minister Is Adjudged Habitual
Drunkard in Washington.
Washington, Aug. 10. Drunk eighty
eight times In 139 days Is the record
charged ngalnst John W. Lanahan, a
member of a well known Maryland
family by his wife and their twenty
year-old daughter. Lanahan is a son
of the late Rev. John Lanahan, at the
time of his death a leading clergyman
of the Methodist church. Lanahan has
un estute valued at about $30,000, and
his wife has Instituted proceedings
here to have him declared an habitual
drunkard and a committee nppointed
to manage his affairs.
Mrs. Lanahan testified that she kept
a record on n calendar of the days
when Lanahan was Intoxicated, and It
showed, she said, that at one period
ho was drunk eighty-eight times In
130 days.
In taking the stand, Lanohan's coat
tails wero thrown aside and the Jury
nnd spectators caught a glimpse of the
neck of a largo black bottle In i his I
i-ut-i. " . J"' J J""
mlnutes to decide against Lanahan. I
At New Haven's Coney Island Per
former Is Injured.
New Haven, Conn., Aug. 10. Before
a crowd of several hundred picnickers
nnd merrymakers, Slgnor De Albarado,
a traveling tight ropo walker, fell fifty
feet nt Savin Hock, New Haven's Co
ney Island, breaking his back and
both ankles. De Albarado had been
advertised to ride a wheel across the
wire, but on account of some trouble
with the wire had not attempted the
feat at the previous performances
which he has been giving this week.
The wire seemed to be all right and
he made the try, but In some wny lost
his nerve or his grip. Ho was taken
to the New Haven hospital, where It
Is said that he would probably die.
Governor Colquitt's Refusal is Blow
to "Drys."
Austin, Tex., Aug. 10. Governor O.
B. Colquitt hns refused to submit
liquor legislation of any sort to the
legislature now In special sessiou, giv
ing ofllclal notice in a message to the
house. This means that the "drys"
cannot pass any regulation laws at
this session unless the governor
changes his mind.
A resolution calling a constitutional
convention to meet tho first Mondny
in March of 1813 and signed by seven
teen prohibition senators will he In
troduced In tho senate. The conven
tion's primary purpose will he to re
sume tho state wide prohibition ques
Government Interested In Photographs
of Process of Making It.
Appleton, Wis., Aug. 10. Tho pre
liminary work on the construction of a
six ton American cheese has begun,
and everything will he ready for the
actual construction of the mammoth
cheeso within ten days or two weeks.
It is probable that James Wilson,
socrotnry of agriculture, will como to
Appleton to witness Its construction.
Ttto federal government t bos con
tracted, for 50,000 photograph's showing
the making of tho cheese from the
farms to the finished cheeso on a
special flat car,
Woman Accused as One to
Seek Damages.
Mrs. Bessie Immcrman Retains Coun
sel to Bring Suit Following Charges
That She Practiced Craft to
Others' Danger.
Allentown. Pa Aug. 10. Mrs. Bessie
immcrmuu lias engaged former Mayor
James L. Schaadt nnd Charles W.
Kueppel as attorneys to represent her
In suits for damages she says she will
bring ns a result of her being accused
of practicing witchcraft.
In addition to this, a number of other
attorneys are looking up matters re
lating to the jurisprudence to witch
craft cases from the time when they
burned witches In Salem, Mass., nearly
300 years ngo. Alleutown's attorneys
nppear to be under the Impression that
while happily persons accused of
witchcraft are no longer burned alive
or hanged from n gibbet, there Is as
yet no law making It a crime to ac
cuse any one of being a witch, an al
legation which Mrs. Iininermau resents
most strenuously.
In short, while there is no law to
punish a witch, neither Is there any to
prevent people from believing in
witches. The accusation against Mrs.
Immcrman came about through a com
bination of circumstances jollied with
her own eccentricities. She Is a be
liever In nature cures and n disciple
of Dr. Kloss, the Bethlehem "naturo
path," who has frequently figured in
litigation both as a plaintiff and n de
fendant. Their most eccentric act wns
sitting In wet grass. Then when the
members of the family of George
Kipp, whore she roomed, begnn to suf
fer from peculiar ailments, the accusa
tion that she was a witch quickly fol
lowed. Mrs. Immcrman thinks she Is en
titled to large damages from her ac
cusers, from the city and even from
the aldermen for having been nrrested
and confined for short periods lu the
town lockup and the county jail.
Big Catholic Organization Begins Na
tional Convention,
Scranton, I'n., Aug. 10. With the
city in gala attire and 500 delegates
representing nil parts of the United
States on hand, the national conven
tion of the Catholic Total Abstinence
union is fairly under way. The Most
Itev. DIomede Fnlconlo, apostolic dele
gate from Koine. Is the convention's
The Nov. P. J. O'Callaghan, national
president of the union, has arrived,
and his headquarters in the Hotel
Casey are thronged with visitors. The
gaily uniformed Pnulist cadets and
drum corps of Chicago were a part of
his delegation.
While there has been no active cam
pa,PI1,ngt ,t , confidently predicted
that Father O'Callaghan will be re-
elected president.
Trunk of Vaudeville Artist at Wilkins-
burg Station Explodes.
Pittsburg,' Aug. 10. Hundreds of
commuters nt Wilklnsburg station
were thrown Into n panic and narrow
ly escaped Injury when a trunk owned
by two vaudeville performers blew up
on the pintform. A. J. Graham, a bag
gageman, wns bruised by the flying
debris, nnd two of his fingers were
lacerated. A woman commuter was
gashed on the left leg by glass.
When Chief of Police George Seott
Investigated the theatrical pair said
they knew of no nrticle In the trunk
that might have caused the blowout.
The chief concluded thnt a bottle of
peroxide caused the explosion.
Body of Real Estate Broker Found
Near His Home.
Belle Vernon, Pn., Aug. 10. Mystery
surrounds the death of James Garri
son, sixty years old, a real estate
agent of North Belle Vernon, whose
body wns found In a field near his
home. Wounds on his head and face
and tho fact that his pocketbool: is
missing, Indicate a murder.
A postmortem examination of the
body will be hold to determine the
cause of death.
Gnrrlson left his homo on State
street to show property adjoining tho
town to n woman with whom ho had
been negotiating for a sale, ne was
not seen nllve ogaln.
Husband Loafed, She Says, and Beat
Her With Pitchfork.
Wllkesbarre, Pa., Aug. 10. Michael
Leshko, a farmer, is to be brought be
fore tho United Charities here today to
explain ills conduct. His wife, an
nblcbodled 200 pound woman, com
plained to tho authorities that her hus
band has been making her drive the
horses and pitch tho hay into the barn
while be loafed and smoked his pipe
In a shady spot, and that when she
rebelled he beat her with n pitchfork.
Sho said that In addttion she had to
do the' housework, cook the meals,
milk the cows, feed the stock, hoe the
cardan nnd Dcrform other duties,
Wife of Now Minister to Bel
gilim, Who Is Successful Author.
Carlton Hotel, Patronized by Ameri
cans, Badly Damaged.
London, Aug. 10. Fire and water
ruined the beautiful Hotel Carlton, one
of London's show places and the resort
of the most fashionable English and
American society. Three floors prac
tically were destroyed by the llaines
nnd the rest of the house, Including
the famous restaurant, which was
opened by the late King Edward VII..
was damaged beyond repair.
One charred body was found In the
burned upper floors. It Is feared that
It Is that of Jnincs L. Finney, nn
American nctor, who Is missing.
The Carlton hotel, which shelters
more Amerlcnns than Englishmen, is
next door to His 'ajesty's theater.
The fire unfortunately occurred at
dinner time, and some of the guest3
who wero dressing were frightened by
the dense smoke. They did not take
time to complete their toilets, but hur
ried downstairs in their dressing
The cause of the fire was the fusing
of an electric wire In the kitchen ele
vator. One of th managers, who was
on the third floor, smolled smoke nnd.
looking into the elevator shaft, saw
tha flames shooting upward. He gave
the alarm. Most of the guests nnd
visitors who wero In the reception
rooms nnd the lounges walked out
quietly, but It wns necessary to send
two sick guests down the fire escapes
wrapped in blankets.
The corner occupied by the Carlton
Is one of the busiest spots in London
and at the time the fire started thero
wero crowds of theatergoers nnd club
men In the streets. Many stayed to
watch the fire. The appearance of
Winston Churchill, the hero of the
Sidney street siege, aroused resent
ment among a number of onlookers.
and lie was booed.
The lire was extinguished nftcr
heavy d-nv-jj had been done. The
ivnr wiw etinilly burned nut from
t".e tpcn-il iory upward, while the
i .ft ne 1
IMlCil V
' Majesty's theater was
"ody f '-"rrmicr V ill Bo Brought to
Am'rica Next Week.
Paris, An;;. 10. Tho Gales family is
waiving hundreds of telegrams and
cables expressing sympathy. Among
those from whom messages have been
ro'-i.ivcd are Judge E. II. Gary, George
Gould, Sweeney Hubbard, Charles M
Schwab, John G. A. Lelshlnan, D. G
Hold, Percy Chandler, the Duke of
..Manchester, Jacob Schiff, Fred Sterry
William Plnkerton, Fred King, Lord
Cowdray, J. C. Hutchlns, Florence
Zii'gfold and Alvln W. Krech.
The body of Mi. Gntes will be placed
in a vault at the Interdenominational
American church in tho Hue de Berrl
where it will remain until taken
aboard n steamer for removnl to the
United States. The funeral service
will be held at this church on Satur
The body will bo taken home proba
blv on the Kaiser Wllhelm del- Grosse.
which vH10sall from Cherbourg on
Wednesday of next week. It was on
this same steamer that Mr. Gntes had
planned to sail for New York in the
first week of July.
Merger In New York" Brings Togethe
$160,000,000 In Deposits.
New York, Aug. 10. The plan for
the merger of tho Bankers' Trust com
nany nnd the Mercnntllo Trust com
pnny have been formally approved by
tho stockholders and the merger be
came effective today, tho name of the
now company being tho Banker
Trust compnny.
It will bo the largest trust compnny
In tho United States, with deposits,
stated approximately by an officer of
the compnny, at $100,000,000.
Weather Probabilities.
Fair today nnd probably" tomorrow
not niuc'h'chauKO In temperature; light
Tollable wind.
Newport Excited Over Elope
ment of Miss French.
Favorite Nelce of Mrs. Elsie Vandsrbilt
French Becomes Bride of John Paul
Geraghty, a Chauffeur Married
In Village Hotel.
Newport, It. I.. Aug. lO.-Soclnl Cir
cles are all in a flutter again, this
tlmo over tho elopement of Miss Julia
Estelle French, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Amos Tuck French of Tuxedo
and Newport, nnd a niece of Mrs
French Vnndorbilt, with John Edward
Paul Geraghty of this city, n tender
employed lu the garage of Herbert E.
Pember. Nothing has stirred Newport
quite so much In a long time ns hns
this elopement. It Is the one topic of
conversation In tho summer residence
section of tho city.
At first thero was but little credence
put in the report, but later, when It
becamo known thnt tho couple hud
been located In a llttlo Connecticut vil
lage and when, even later, a telegram
was received by Geraghty's mother
announcing that ho and Miss French
had been married, everybody settled
down to tho fact that Cupid had been
victorious In a race with tho wits of
tho families of both contracting par
ties. Before ofllclal confirmation of the
marriage reached Newport Mr. French
is understood to have gone on a search
for his daughter. Mrs. Vanderbilt.
nunt of the eloping girl, was also
called Into the family conference.
Miss French Is of one of the best
known and oldest families In the New
port summer colony. She Is about
nineteen years of age nnd very at
tractive. She is a devotee of out of
door life and a great lover of dogs and
horses. She was about Newport a
great deal, and It was a very rare oc
casion that she was ever seen without
dog, she having several ns pots at
her parents' home, Maple Shade, on
Bed Cross nvenue. Not only Is her
family well known hero, hut also In
New York and Tuxedo, where they
usually spend tho winter, owning nn
estate nt the park called Tuekesden.
Har father Is connected with many of
tho New lork clubs and her mother,
who was a daughter of Mrs. Stuyve-
Bant Loroy, together with tho other
members of her family, nro consider
ably wrought up nnd worried over the
action of Miss French.
Though Miss French's family hns
thus far declined to make any state
ment upon the subject of the elope
ment, It Is understood that she did
not tell her folks anything about
where sho was going or what she had
In mind. It was learned, however.
that Miss French's family know of
her acquaintance with Geraghty, who
is twenty-one years of age, and that
they had done nbout everything they
could think of trying to break It off.
Young Geraghty is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. John S. Geraghty, who have
been residents of Newport for many
years and who are a humble and re
spected family. Mr. Geraghty Is pro
prietor of a small livery stable here.
and his son prior to the tlmo that he
went Into the automobile business had
frequently drove a cab and other car
riages for his father.
Tennessee Man Says He Will Die Sept.
3 and Haa Grave Dug.
Bristol, Tenn., Aug. 10. "I will die
In twenty-five days," is the startling
declaration made by John Vestl, a Con
federate veteran, residing at Meadow
View, In Washington county, Vn.
This declaration was mado following
tho digging of his grave several days
ago. He has had tho opening lined
with cement, and his request is thnt
he be burled without a coffin. The
grave was made beside that of Vestl's
first wife.
Vestl takes the view that fate has
decreed his death, and according to
his premonition ho is to die Sept. 3,
although he Is apparently in usual
health. He is sixty-eight years old.
Negro Educator Will Not Spoak In
State Capital Hall.
Austin, Tex., Aug. 10. Booker T.
Washington, the negro educator, of
Tuskegee, Aln., will not bo allowed to
speak lu Representatives' hall of tho
state capital during his proposed visit
to Austin In September or October.
A resolution seeking to accord him
this prlvllego was introduced In tho
house, but wns cried down without a
second reading.
Observations of the United
States weathor bureau taken at
8 p. m. yesterday follow:
Temp. Weather.
New York 78 Cloudy
Albany 78 Clear
Atlantic City. . . 70 Cloudy
Boston 70 Clear
Buffalo 72 Clear
Chicago 78 Cloudy
St. Louis 8-1' Clear
New Orleans... 78 Rain
Washington ... 84 Clear
Ex-Governor and Now Named
For Senator From Mississippi.
Syracuse Youths Crushed In Tunnel
Beating Way to New York.
New York, Aug. 10. Two young
boys from Syracuse, stealing a ride
Into this city aboard a fast freight
were found dead on the top of one of
the cars when It pulled Into the Grand
Central station. Probably near New
Hamburg, whore the train goes
through a tunuel. the boys were Jam
med against tho top nnd crushed,
Their skulls wero fractured. Their
faces wero unrecognizable.
One of the boys, William Beakbane.
was a schoolboy in Syracuse, fourteen
years old, nnd lived on South Grnuger
street, Syracuse, and In the same
house lived his companion, who was
killed with him, Robert Crosby, six
teen years of age. The boys lived
with their parents.
The boys disappeared from thoCc
home Tuesday afternoon.
Coroner Holtzhauser sent the boys'
bodies to the morgue, where they will
be kept until relatives como from Syra
cuse to identify them positively.
Demands to National Association Made
by Workmen.
Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. lO.-Con
tlnued pence In the trade or war to
the knife involving 7,000 workmen in
sixty-four potteries that turn out prac
tlcally nil of the crockery ware and
pottery products required for domes
tic use and export trade. Is said to
depend upon acceptance of an ulti
matum for higher wages presented to
a conference committee of the United
States Potters' association.
Tho demand has been formulated
aad presented by President Thomas J
Duffy and nine delegates representing
the Natlonnl Brotherhood of Operntiv
Potters, which is In conference with
President W. W. Wells and nine other
manufacturers representing tho pot
ters' association.
Misuse of the Mails Charged Against
Company Officers.
New York, Aug. 10. George A.
Cove, president, nnd Elmer E. Bur
Hngame, stock selling agent of the
Sun Electric Genorntor company, with
offices nt 118 Maiden lane, were nr
rested by United States Marshal
Plnckney, charged with misuse of tiie
Inspector Blrdseye, who assisted In
the Investigation, says that tho elec
tricity used in the operation of the
demonstrating machines shown to In
vestors and located on tho roof tops
did not come from the sun, but was
supplied by storage batteries chargfd
from the plants of electric lighting
Second Son of Ex-President Off For
Lower California.
Los Angeles, Aug. 10. Keruilt
Roosevelt, second son of ex-president
Roosevelt, Is about to undertake an
other hunt for big game.
He will go after tho game In the
wild regloiiB near the Gulf of Califor
nia. In letters to friends here Kermlt,
who has been spending some time In
Silver City, N. M., expects to be
gono for a ten day hunt, returning to
this city after he haa buggeu a rew
mountain sheep.
Market Reports.
DUTTEIt Steady; receipts, 9,430 pack
. ...nm.rv sripHnlR. npr lh.. 27e.I px
trasjCc.; thirds to firsts, 2014a24V4c; state
dairy, common 10 prime, mniuau., iJiutra.,
seconds to specials, 18o23c; factory, cur
rent make, 16tta20c.; packing stock. Itia
nxTTlt?aT? T7lrm, rprMnta. 249 boxes.
EOaS Steady to firm; receipts. 11.632
POTATOES Weak j Lone Island, No. I
JUJl UUI., w . I . '
per bag, J2.50a2.CS; southern, No. 1, per
bM., J2.25a2.60: sweets, Jersey, No. 1, per
basket, t.90a2.2S; southern, yellow, per
bbL. IltOal; white, 2J0a3.25; red, I2.50O3;
yellOW, per OagKei, liu.a, ama, swuiu
era, per bbl.. 12a3.
nnvuflirn tVlTTT.TTlY Tflpmpr; hrall
if lli.UUW" vw " " - "
n., IS Ifoilfl. fnwln. fresh.
mb, - w i . --.-- -
western, average best, bbts.. KMalSc.:
roosters, rresn. who.
MEATS Live buttermilk and gross
calves, per 100 lbs., a4.60; live calves.
xreatern. 14 coo?.
Ll.cchil la The Ouzen J
MILANVILLE, Pa., August 9.
Mrs. August Foss and daughter, Car
rie, of Jersey City, are boarding
with Mrs. Nichols.
Mrs. W. D. Yerkes left Friday for
Asbury Park, N. J., to spend a few
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tyler and son,
Manley, have returned from a
week's sojourn at Kenoza Lake, N.
H. H. Tyler left last week for a
trip through northern New York
The Fromer family who have been
camping nt Sampson's grove, have
returned to their homo at Damascus,
Mrs. Florence Brown returned to
New York city on Monday.
Miss Myrtle Lassley returned from
Scranton on Monday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Rolston and
daughter, Fnllsdale, Pa., visited
their son, Floyd, the first of the
Mrs. John Van Orden, who has
been isltlng her granddaughter,
Mrs. Albro Dexter, has returned to
Now York city.
Mrs. Caroline Smith, Blnghamton.
N. Y., will spend some time here
with her sister, Mrs. Beach.
Miss Nellie Kimble, Houesdale,
who was recent guest of Mesdames
Conner and Nichols, went to Laurel
Lake Saturday to visit Mrs. Dlttrich.
Mr. Stewart, Blnghamton. was
looking after his business Interests
here last week.
Miss Lorena Skinner Is visiting
Miss Laura Ross at Tyler Hill. '
From every stranger who enters
the town we hear the same exclama
tion, "What awful roads," and it is a
statement only too true to be a credit
to anybody or any place. The three
hills between the residence of Volney
Skinner and that known as the Clin
ton Skinner hill are not only dis
graceful but dangerous. The super
visors hifve been repeatedly appealed
to but of no avail. They do abso
lutely nothing; so henceforth, kind
friend ajnd stranger. If Instead of
simply grumbling about tho rocks.
you will make a complaint to the
men who are elected to office to at
tend to the roads, you will be doing
tne people of Mllanvllle and vicinity
a favor.
A. Z. Earl, of the Erie, spent last
Sunday and will spend the following
Sunday at Volney Skinner's.
Miss May Skinner. Narrowsburg.
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. B.
Gladys and Isabella Mitchell, Port
Jervls, are visiting their aunt, Mrs.
Rockwell Brlgham.
Kenneth Calkins and friend, of
Scranton, walked from there here
last week.
Miss Gertrude Calkins returned
from a long visit with friends at
Scranton, Peckville and Pleasant
Miss Cora Gordon, Mlddletown, N.
Y., Is visiting her aunt, Miss Flor
ence C. Eckmler.
The chemical factory will soon re-
sumo business.
Klngsley McCullough, Blngham
ton, spent a few days in town.
Dr. James Mills, Port Jervls, was
in town 'Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hocker and
children, Cook's Falls, N. Y., are
visiting at L. J. Hooker's.
Henry Hocker, West Chester, Pa.,
is enjoying his vacation with his par
ents here.
E. Cleveland, New York City, Is
hoarding at the Lawrence.
I most respectfully solicit your
support at the primaries September
30, 1911.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Fair Week Aug. 14, 15, 16, 17.