The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 11, 1911, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGIC 0
Superintendent of Naval Academy
Who Entortalned Admiral Togo.
Annapolis, Md.. Aug. a As Admiral
Togo entered the Naval academy
grounds the marine guard presented
arms and the band playod the Jap
anese national anthem.
The admiral In white duck uniform
accompanied by Lieutenant Panl'
gnchl, bis naval aid, saluted, and the
party went to the house of Superin
tendent John H. Gibbons.
Later the Japanese inspected the
grounds and buildings of tho academy
and held a reception at the officers'
Tho admiral returned to Washing--ton
and was the dinner guest of Sec
retary Knox.
Ho Took the Cue.
Ho was a man who gave lltUo and
got much. Today, for Instance, bo had
got a clothes brush, a basin of water,
a towel and a ehlno, and bo bad given
nothing at all.
Tr-r-r-ring! went his bedroom bell.
The hotel attendant smiled sourly.
Thl3 was tho fourth tlmo ho had been
summoned, and bo did not harry.
"I thought you wcro never coming,"
exclaimed tho visitor when tho at
tendant appeared at tost. "Are you
nicknamed 'Slowcoach? "
"No, sir," answered tho attendant
"They call mo 'Billiard coc." "
"Billiard cneT repeated tho visitor,
frowning. Then an Inspiration dawn
ed. "Ah! Bocooso yoa'ro such a stick,
I eupposoT" be asked.
"Wrong again, slrl" returned tho at
tendant. "Ifs because I work better
with a good Op," Londoa Answers.
I A Herculean Katydid,
Experiments conducted by a natural
ist attached to one of tho government's
scientific bureaus at Washington ad-j
ducod an interesting oxample of tho
strength of tho katydid. He harness-!
ed a katydid to a kind of sled mada
by folding a plooo of ordinary note
paper, and then loaded the sled with'
various articles. Tho Insect proved
able to draw. In addition to tho orig
inal paper, twelvo paper sheets each
3 by 4 inches, a largo screw, two
eteel pens, a stono weighing two
ounccer and three and a half lead pen
cils. When tho weight became too
heavy to draw otherwise, the katydid
got its foro feet over tho edge of the'
tablo for a better bold, and on tho
addition of another weight it incrcas-.
ed tho adhering power of its feet by,
moistening them in its mouth. Now,
Sork Tribune. . .. ;
.V-.-u ' . .
J Where Bluebeard Uved.
Most of our readers have beard of
Bluebeard, the enterprising gentleman
who made a hobby of marriago and
had a way of bis own for getting rid of
superfluous wives. Probably very few
people, however, know that tho story
has any sort of basis in fact Vet on
the banks of tho world famous Bos
porus near Constantinople there Is
situated a picturesque oM medieval
fortress known as "Bluebeard's cas
tle" and which Is said to bavo been
tho abodo of a terrible old pasha,
whoso playful littlo ways gavo rise to
tho story. Wido World Magazine.
First Calculating Machine.
Tho first calculating machine was
invented and constructed by Blalso
Pascal, a. Frenchman, in 1042, In
which year ho was but nineteen years
of ago. It was mado by him with the
aid of ono workman and was present
ed to tho chancellor of Franco. Dur
ing the revolution It was found in a
Junk sbop at Bordeaux and at present
Is tho property of SL Bougouln of
that city. All of tho four simple math
ematical operations can bo mado with
Laughter, while it lasts, slackens
and unbraces tho mind, weakens tho
faculties and causes a kind of remiss
ness and dissolution in all the powers
of tho soul, and thus far it may bo
looked upon as a weakness In the com
position of human nature. But If wo
consider tho frotiuent reliefs wo ro
cclvo from' it and how often It breaks
ttw gloom which is apt to depress the
mind and damp our spirits with tran
sient unexpected gleams of Joy, ono
would tako caro not to grow too wise
for so great a pleasure of llfev Addison.
II i'
. ?Ji... r I
Ironing Cabinet That Folds
Into Small Space.
Tho Iowa man who designed the Iron
lng cabinet herewith shown arranged
nn ordinary Ironing board with a sleeve
Ironing board within it and two racks
on which to hang the clothing and then
I so contrived that the wholo niloir could
be folded up. Tho cabinet, a flat one.
stands against tho wall. Tho lov.-ei"
J portion is a hinged door, and the
I board slides into It in a vertical posi
tion and Is conoealed. When in ute
one end of the board rests on the top
of the lower part of the cablnot and n
pair of folding legs is straightened
out and supports the other end. In the
center of the large board is a sleeve
ironing board pivoted on metal arms
on which It can be raised several Inch
es above the main board and used
handily for Its special purpose. The
racks also ore pivoted at the side of
tho cabinet so that when they are not
in use they can be pushed up toward
the ceiling and will look like n couple
of sticks there.
To Hull Corn With Ashe
Take one pint of good, clean wood
ashes, put them in a cheesecloth bag
and put in an iron or granite kettle
that holds six or eight quarts of wa
ter. Then pot In two or threo quarts
of shelled corn, cover with water and
boll until the hulls slip off the corn
easily. You will have to try the com
after boiling twenty minutes to half
an hour, by taking out a spoonful and
throwing it into cold water and rob
bing It with your Angers. If the hulls
or outside skin of the corn slips off
easily, it has been cooked enough In
tho lye. Now strain the water off tho
corn and pour the corn into a largo
dlshpan or tub and cover with cold
water. Tako up tho oorn and rob be
tween tho hands until It is free from
hulls. Too win need to pat it through
several waters. When the com is free
from bolls put it on to cook in dear.
cold water, which should bo changed
several times whllo cooking to free It
from the taste of lye. Cook until ten
der. When it is almost done salt to
taste and cook half an hour longer.
Squabs on Toast
These birds are a favorite dish for
luncheon. They may be broiled. In
which case they should bo split and
cleaned and the wings and feet bent
and skewered into place over the
breast, or they may be drawn and
seasoned with salt and butter inside
and baked In a hot oven, first pinning
a slice of fat salt pork over the breasts
to baste them with. Cook about twen
ty minutes and then arrange them on
squares of hominy which have been
browned delicately in hot butter. Gar
nish with fried potatoes and serve
plain lettuce dressed with French
dressing at the some time on separate
plates. If they a to bo broiled wrap
them in buttered paper, each one by
Itself, and by turning the edges over
securely the Juices and fat may be
kept inside and will baste the bird as
it Is turned. The paper will not ignite
unless it oreaKs ana some oi tne tat
Gluten Bread For Diet.
Mix together a pint each of sweet
milk and lukewarm water, stir into it
half a cake of compressed yeast bro
ken fine and n dessertspoonful of melt
ed butter. Lastly add enough gluten
flour for a soft batter and sot to rise.
When it has doubled the original bulk
beat in an egg and, when this is well
mixed with the sponge, enough gluten
flour to enable yoa to knead It Into
loaves. It must not bo stiff. Mold into
small loaves and set for tho final ris
ing. This is tho recipe recommended
by a well known dietitian.
Old Virginia Com Bread.
Make about a quart of mush and
whllo it is hot pour in half a gallon of
cold water. Stir In meal enough to
make rather a stiff dough and set
where it will keep warm until it risen.
Beforo baking put in half teaspoonful
of soda nnd some salt. For breakfast
bake on griddle In cakes, nave grid
dle hot and well greased. If you wish
to bake In pouo let it raise awhile in
pan until light.
Dressing For Fruit Salad.
' Put into a double boiler ono-half
cupful of lemon Juico, ono-half cupful
oforango Juice, a cupful of water, a
cupful of sugar and throe eggs, beaten
very light Cook until tho mixture be
gins to thicken slightly, then take
from tho flro and set aside to cool
Sour Milk Biscuit
Into two cupfuls of sour milk stir
two teaspoonfuls of melted shortening
and a teaspoonful of baking eoda dis
solved in a tablespoonful of hot water.
Stir In enough flour to mako a soft
dough, roll out quickly, cut into rounds
and bake in a quick oven.
Hoppy and Floppy.
Next door there lives' a little boy
With cheeks Just like a poppy.
I do not know his truly name.
And so I call him Hoppy.
When mother calls him from his pUy
Ho hops up In a minute;
If Bhe has work for him to do
He's eager to begin It
If there's an errand to be run
He hurries oft to do It.
If there's a hard thing to bo done
He hops his way right through it
There also lives a little girl
In this same house with Hoppy,
And nor name, too, I do not know,
But I have dubbed her Floppy.
Does mother call, straightway she flop
Down on a chair or sofa
Or creeps Into a hiding place,
Just like a littlo gopher.
At sight of work sho flops right down
Wherever she Is standing,
"All tired out I" and only moves
At mother's stern commanding.
Now, which of these two children
Would you youngBters like to copyf
If you live In my neighborhood
I hope It won't be Floppy.
Sunday School Times.
The Kingfisher.
Tho kingfisher is tho greatest digger
of our birds. Deep 'into a sand or
clay bank ho digs until ho has built
a tunrwJ six feet or more long. Ho
then hollows out a littlo underground
room nt tho end. in which hln mntn
lays her eggs. The kingfisher is much
larger than a robin a bandsomo bird.
wim a Diuisn gray back, a crested
head and a white breast with a gray
band across It He is usually seen
sitting on a tree or stump on tho edge
of tho stream or lake where he gets
his food. A ripple on tho surface of
tho water shows a minnow swimming
below, and down he dives, spearing it
with his long, sharp bllL Then ha
flioa back to his perch, shakes off the
water and oats his catch' The Indian
think tho kingfisher stocks their lakes
wn nan. Tney say that when a king
fisher finds a lake without fish ha
catches one in another lake and drops
it into the lake which has none.
Magio Milk.
It is not generally known to boys and
girls that though Umewatcr is very
clear and transparent as common
spring water, if one chances to breathe
or blow on it the liquid becomes as
white as milk. The best way to try
this experiment Is to put some pow
dered quicklime Into a bottleful of cold
water. Shake thoroughly at Intervals
for a day. Allow the bottle to remain
undisturbed for a day, when tho clear
umewatcr may bo poured off from the
sediment which will have gathered.
Fin a wineglass or tumbler with tho
limewnter and blow through the liquid
with a piece of clean straw or a glass
tube. In a few seconds the water win
be to mod into milk. This is a very
amusing experiment and its result la,
of coarse, unerring.
Geographical Names.
"Smoky mountain," Mount Popocate
petl; "Gate of Tears," Strait of Bab-el-Mendeb;
-Great river," nio Grande;
"Boat Destroyer," Amazon; "Foaming
river," Ebro; "Valo of Paradise," Val
paraiso; "Black mountain," Monte
negro; "Long lake," Kennebec; "Tor
toise Islands." Galapagos; "Snow Clad
range," Sierra Nevada; "Mother of
Waters," Chesapeake; "Father of Wa
ters," Mississippi; "Lake of Abun
dance," Mcmphremagog; "River of
Joy," Guadlna; "Wind Blown Cloud'
Wabash; "Mountain of Light" Llch
tenfols; "Rich lake," Baikal; "Fruit
ful mountain," Cerro Gordo: "Land
of Dawn," Asia; "Swift Water," Tal
lapoosa; "Prospect mountain," Monte
video; "Cars Throat" Cattegat Phil
adelphia Lodger.
Half a Ton of Honey.
Long ago, ICO years in fact a way-
side tavern was built in Massachu
setts. By and by some wild bees, look
ing for a place to Bottle down In,
swarmed into the garret Thero they
lived and stored honey, and thero oth
er hives set up housekeeping until
there were fifty families. Tho peo
ple downstairs did not bother them,
and so tho boes lived happily and put
aside honey for the rainy day that
never came until a short time ago.
Then the hotel was sold and torn
down, nnd the wreckers found there
was honey enough In tho garret to
feed a wholo Sunday school. Tbero
was 1,000 pounds of It
Letter to the King.
Flogging in the schools of Denmark
was stopped bocauso of tho following
letter, which King Christian found in
his mail one morning:
'Dear King We nro four boys at
Flakkebjerb school, and the master
whips us every day with a piece of
steel ropo be found in the arbor.' If
bo doesn't stop there will bo a fire."
Tho king visited the school, dis
missed the teacher and bad the boys
treated to cakes and chocolates at his
expense. Then he warned all teach
ers to avoid corporal punishment Bay
ing that they must not make ruffians
of the boys by ruffianly treatment
Animal Thieves.
There was found in the Tyrol, part
of 'the Austrian empire, a swallow's
nest lined with several banknotes,
each worth $2. At about tho same
time a butcher in Dornbirn found the
nest that a mouse had mado out of
ten banknotes, worth $4 each. These
notes, unlike those used by tho swal
lows, had been chowed to pieces, but
tho butcher was able to redeem them
at tho bank.
verb "heave" and means that which
There's a word that means a lot.
That will often get your goat.
It's a cynic's hottes! shot,
That he hammers flown your throat.
It's a nasty little word,
But for withering It's a bird
When you'vo spouted all your soul
In an effort to appear
Wise and heavy, on the whole,
And some chap begins to sneer
Isn't It an awful shame
That one word will gum your game7
Oh, the Irony, the cutl
Oil, tho way It makes you feel I
Any star becomes a mutt
At tho finish of his spiel
When soma fellow speaks to say
In a sharp, conclusive way
When you've read this little verse
Tou'll perhaps bo wondering why
It was writ, though quick and terse
And with sickness In your eyo
Tou will mutter, "What a. doltl"
Then will come that awful Jolt
Piffle. Baltimore Evening Sun.
Cause For Economy.
"A new hat my dear?" said Mr.
Necdall. "I must say you don't seem
to be following my suggestions of econ
omy." "Ifs the first new hat I've had this
six months!" answered his wife, snif
fling. "Nonsense! What's wrong with your
old ono?"
"It's out of date," sho bridled. "And,
after all, while I'vo been pinching and
saving, what have you been doing, I'd
like to know? You've been going to
your cluto nnd music halls and smok
ing your expensive cigars"
"Of course, my darling," be inter
rupted in a pained voice. "What else
do you suppose I asked you to econo
mlze for?" London Answers.
The Little Boy.
Tho littlo boy sat under a shade tree
with his back against its trunk and
tenderly rubbed his inflamed eye.
"When I'm rich," said tho little boy,
"I'll buy something nice for mother."
He was a fairly good littlo boy and
he didn't forget tho conventionalities.
"But first" said tho little boy, "I'll
build a big Jail a mile high an' 111
hlro a thousand p'licemcn an' 111 have
a cell full o' rats, and then 111 put
that red beaded little gink of a Bobby
Moses In it fer blackin' my eye!"
For In tho normal mlad of youth
revenge is sweeter than love, Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
Rameelan Cramps.
The learned editorial archaeologist
of tho Ohio State Journal says that
cucumbers were eaten by the Egyp
tians in 1500 B. O. and probably aren't
digested yet
Come to think of it, ptomaine does
suggest Ptolemy. Cleveland Plain
"The king of England seems to have
a worried look," said tho man who
was looking at the pictures.
"I don't see what he has to worry
about" replied Mrs. FUmgllfs hus
band. "His wife doesn't play bridge."
Washington Star.
They Agree.
"What is the secret of domestic hap
piness?" "Making mutual concessions."
"Mutual? Bah! My husband nnd I
get along fine, and I make him make
all the concessions." Toledo Blade.
The Jaded One.
Mr. X Oh, I've been doing quite a
round of calls, and I've been so unfor
tunate! i
Mrs. T What! Everybody out?
Mr. X No, everybody In! London
Twas Ever Thus.
Patience And you say in the car you
came uptown on thero were n lot of
women hanging on to the straps?
Patrice Yes, and a lot of men hang
ing on to tho seats. Yonkers States
man. The Tranquil Life.
The Sago After forty years o mar
ried life I've made up my mind it
doesn't matter how often a man an
bis wife disagrees, ns long as he don't
let her know it Harper's' Magazine.
Schedule Time.
Hungry Traveler (at railway dining
station) How soon will the train start,
Conductor I'll start on time today.
I ain't got much appetite. Soho.
Miss Young In Turkey a woman
doesn't know her husband till after
she's married him.
Mrs. Wedd Why mention Turkey
especially? Boston Transcript.
The Real Thing.
Mrs. Gnaggs I'll never forget the
night you proposed to me. You acted
like a perfect fool.
Mr. Gnaggs That wasn't acting.
Philadelphia Record.
S rived.
He So Billy has told you that he
saved mo from a watery grave?
Sho Hm! ne told mo he'd saved
you from a much worse place than
that!-M. A. P.
Self Evident.
"Before we married you called me
an angoL"
"And I still do so. Are you not con
tinually harping?"-Spokano Spokesman-Review.
Grown Cautious.
Chatty Lodger ito landlord) You
seem to have seen a good deal. What
are you? Landlord-Welt sir, 1 were
a Hon tamer, and I'd bo thero now It
I 'adn't a-marrled; but, you see. my
wife were a knlie thrower in the same
show, and sue got to practicing lier
turn on me. Well, thinks 1. life ain't
too long to run uo risks, so I took on
u safe Job and become a steeplejack.
London I'uni-h.
A Word to Be Avoided.
Wife Well, did you And out what It
was .1 said that offended Mrs. Young
bride? Hub- Yes. her husband told
mo. It seems that you remarked. "I
see you're Installed In your new home."
and as they've furnished on the In
stallment plan she thought you were
trying to be funny at their expense.
Boston Transcript.
Quite a Help.
"Is your boy Josh much of a help to
"Yes." replied Farmer Corntossel.
"Ho is making a collection of insects.
Of course he don't catch as many au
he could If ho wouldn't stop to label
'em, but. then, you know, every little
helps."-Washlngton Star.
"What Is an anecdote, pa?"
"An anecdote, mv son. in n nhnrf
and funny tale which at once reminds
tho other fellow of n til which u
neither short nor funny." Puck.
Good Old Days,
Sing me a song of the good old days,
The days when men could mix,
Could laugh and Joke and go their ways
And not talk politics.
Denver Post.
Sing mo a song of the good old days.
The days when dames could chat
And not devote each word and phrase
To gown and wrap and hat
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Lakeville, Wayne Co., Pa.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, nnd which has been
in use for over SO years, has borno the signatnro of
- and has been mado under his per
L&L jCJ&Jty'y''2! sonal supervision since its infancy,
C7r, '-eucA4Z Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health oJT
Infants and Children Experience ngainst Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Faro
gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fevcrislincss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
CoUc. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears tho
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
ro r
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Office: Second floor Masonic Build
ing, over C. 0. Jadwin's drug store,
Buss for Every Train and
Horses always for sale
Boarding and Accomodations
for Farmers
Prompt and polite attention
at all times.
Designer and Man
ufacturer of
Office and Works
1036 MAIN ST.
Wo print bill beads.
Wo print pamphlets,
Signature of
Represent Reliable
Companies ONLY
u neavea or raised up.