The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 11, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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the citizen, fhiiax, august 11, ion.
BINDER TWINE nnd all kinds of
harvesting tools at Murray Co.,
Honesdale. C3el2
perty, located at Honesdale, ad
vertised at Sheriff's sale Aug. 14, by
C. Smith, will be contested, as Smith
never rightfully owned It, simply
loaned same so as to put It up as
collateral for a loan he made of
Honesdale Dime Bank. J. D. Rob
bins. C3t2t
engine and shingle mill. J. W.
Tlsdell, Ariel. 2t
orlck factory building, Including en
slue, boiler and shafting. Inquire of
. B. Robinson. 50tf.
Honesdale, Democratic candidate
for Sheriff, September 30. G4eoi2
nulre 300 14th street. Philip
Krantz. C3tf
for delivery. One horse size $95
at Murray Co.'s, Honesdale. G3eol2
the Wayne county fair in our big
tent. Murray Co., Honesdale. C3el2
ing Bids will be received at the
Commissioners' office until 10 o. m.,
Sept. 5, 1911, for the erection of
a bridge over the Butternut creek
at Jericho, Sterling township; con
tractor will build concrete abut
ments, raise the same 20 inches,
place the Iron work and put on a
concrete deck. Commissioners will
deliver the bridge on the ground.
At the same time and place bids will
be received for painting the Lee
bridge on the Salem and Sterling
line. Paint will be furnished by
the commissioners. 3t
on Eleventh street with all mod
ern Improvements, including fur
nace. J. E. Richmond. 57tf.
LEGAL BLANKo for sale at The
Citizen office: Land Contracts,
Leases, Judgment Notes, Warrantee
Deeds, Bonds, Transcripts, Sum
mons, Attachments, Subpoenas, La
bor Claim Deeds, Commitments, Ex
ecutions, Collector's and Constables'
Salee, Tax Collector Warrants,
Criminal Warrants, Etc.
Training School for Nurses. High
school graduate preferred. Apply to
City Private Hospital, Carbondale,
THREE experienced workmen at the
bench daily. All repairs finished
ut the shortest notice.' Sommer,
Jeweler and Optician. 30tf
ALL REPAIR WORK finished up-to-date
in all our different branches.
Sommer, Jeweler and Optician. 30tf
INVENTORY of our repair depart
ment shows 236 finished jobs wait
ing to be called for. Sommer, Jewe
ler and Optician. 30tf.
A marriage license was issued
this week to Joseph Harvey and Miss
Hattie Bates, both of Dyberry.
Decorate your respective places
of business in honor of the Eagles,
who will come to Honesdale on Fri
day of this week.
The regular morning and even
ing services at the Methodist church
will be hold as usual on Sunday.
There will bo a special musical pro
gramme. There were two grange picnics
held on Thursday one at Torrey
and another at Beech Grove. Poli
ticians made friendly visits at both
Hugh Malloy, a barber who
formerly resided in Honesdale, was
arrested Tuesday morning In Scran-
ton by Patrolman Charles Weber,
for drunkenness. Magistrate Lentes
sent the defendant to tho county
jail where an examination is to be
made into his sanity.
The total amount of earth ex
cavated and yet to be taken out in
building tho Panama .canal under the
projected plans amounts to 2i4,ti0,--.94
cubic yards. This pile would
rower nearly two and one-half times
as high as Cheops, ana woum con'
ta'n about 14 times as much mater'
ml, by volume. In height it would ex
pend up into the sky nearly a,ito
In a letter to a friend, Rev. P
Winters, pastor of St. Paul's
hi.rch. Green Ridge, tens or an un
-t nl experience he had while going
. broad a week ago. wo stoou wun
n a few feet of the spot where a
hcu-rrazed stoker on his steamer
leaned from the deck into tho ocean
and drowned. Rev. Winters was
lormerly of Hawley.
--Governor John K. Tener grant
ed a charter to the Wayne Devolop
ment company, Wednesday. The
company is capitalized at ?5,000.
The incorporators consist of L. B.
Stillwell, L. A. Watres, F. W. Still
well, C. D. Simpson, all of Scranton,
and Alvan Markel, Hazleton. This
company will develop and construct
a dam on tho Paupack river, at Wil
sonvllle, near Hawley.
The Maple City Fife and Drum
Corps, one of the flourishing Maple
City musical organizations, has se
cured a number of out-of-town en
gagements for tho month of August.
The personnel of tho organization is
as follows: Drum major, John Car
mlchael; leader, Ed. Short; snare
drums, Horace "Williams, William
Short, Olaf Hlghhouse; bass drum,
Joseph Chambers; cymbals, Alonzo
Hedgelon; fifes, Arthur Lavalle, Geo.
Karslake, Clarence Mundy. Harold
Bishop, Ed. Welsh, Ray Short, Jos.
May, Charles Houck.
Born, a dnughter, to Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Bodle, Prompton, Thurs
day morning.
In 1809 fiscal year the govern
ment of Italy made profit of $12,
821, G6B out of its salt monopoly.
A portable vacuum cleaner
brought out In England also may be
Used as a seat, table, cabinet, music
stool or pedestal.
Joseph Harvey and Hattie Bates
of Dyberry, were married Wednes
day, Aug. 9, by the Rev. W. H. Kil
ler, pastor of the Central M. E.
A number of the young friends
of Earl Transue happily surprised
him at his home on East street,
Wednesday evening, the occasion be
ing his birthday.
At Providence, R. I., Tuesday,
Fred Schuerholz, better known as
" Sherry," of Honesdale, was in
strumental In defeating the Buffalo
team, who only made two hits off
his delivery.
M. Morris Moscovitz, an attor
ney of Scranton, has been arrested
in Belgium, after over a year's ab
sence from that city. The fashion
plate attorney, as he is called, es
caped with considerable of his
clients money.
The announcement of the can
didacy of Attorney S. J. Strauss for
the nomination for Judge of Lu
zerne county on the Democratic
ticket, has caused widespread in
terest among the voters of both par
ties. Scranton Times.
Charles P. Searle and B. H.
Witherbeo have entered the Penn
sylvania Chess Tournament which
will be played by correspondence.
One hundred players will enter this
tournament to compete for the five
cash prizes ranging frono100 ?10.
A German botanist figures out
the number of species of flowers cul
tivated in Europe as 4,200, or wnicn
420 possess an agreeable perfume.
Odors are most likely to be found In
flowers having white or cream col
ored petals, then yellow, red, blue
and violet, In order.
Rantlst rhuroh Rev. Geo. S.
Wendell, pastor. Church open all
day. Sunday school at usual hour.
Rev. C. E. Cordo, D. D Philadel
phia, is expected to preach at one
of the services on Sunday, Aug. 13.
Twelve representatives of the
Honesdale band drove to Narrows-
burg, N. Y., Wednesday, where they
Dartlclnated in the festivities or tne
firemen of that place. A parade waB
one of the features of the celebration
The occasion was well attended by
Wayne county people and all had a
very pleasant time.
Dn PYlrinv. Kacle Dav. the nar-
ade, will rorm at tne union siation,
nt Mm nrrlval nf the SDecial train
from Scranton, which will be about
11:30 a. m., In the following order:
Pnlnr honrora MnrshnlR Hon. John
Kuhbach, N. B. Spencer and Eugene
r'nnrtrlr-lit mniintpd! Rnrnnton Eacle
band, Scranton degree team, scran
tnn norlo Wnnosfi.Ufi hand. uaruon
dale aerie with band, other aeries
with bands, Maple City arum corps.
TJnnaarTtilfl i!oirrpfi tnnm. mascot and
Honesdale aeries. The line of
march will be from the Union sta
tion at place of forming, down Main
ofroot tn Fifth strfifit. tn Church. UD
Church to Twelfth, to Main, up Main
to Tliirteentn street, counter marcn
down Main to Bellevue park.
Caucuses are being held In dif
ferent parts of the county, but they
will in no way affect the nomination
of candidates. Every candidate run
ning for office must file his nomina
tion paper before septemoer . it is
just and proper that prospective
nominees for office get together and
see how matters stand. For in
stance John Jones might be a candi
date for supervisor from the south
em end of a township. He could
look after the roads in that section
John Smith, his next door neighbor
might be another candidate and had
it not been for holding a caucus the
voters would not have known that
the northern section was not repre
sented. Any number of petitions can
be taken out, circulated and filed be
fore September 9, even after a cau
cus has been neiu. me caucus, or
" gentlemen's meeting " as it is
sometimes called, should be encour
aged and by holding them candidates
can better see how the aurerent ini'
portant offices of his district are diS'
Earl Gager, Scranton, was a visi
tor her last Sunday.
D. R. Coleman. Scranton, is In
town on business this week.
W. L. Jackson, Tyler Hill, spent
Wednesday in town.
Lawrence Grambs, New York, is
the guest of relatives here.
R. Milton Salmon is spending the
week with friends on Long island.
Miss Belle Fryer, Brooklyn, N.
Y., Is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Leon
Miss Anna Lvnott spent several
daj-B with Scranton friends rocont-
Ray Carr. Scranton, was a Wed
nesday busness caller in the Maplo
Philip Krantz was a business caller
In the metropolis the latter part of
the week.
H. F. Guerner. Now York, was a
summer caller hero the fore part of
the week.
Miss Helen Charlesworth Is spend
ing her vacation with relatives In
Julius Moll, of Rlckert's clothing
omporium, is enjoying his vacation
this week.
Josenh Matthews. Cleveland, O.
was a business caller in Honesdale
this week.
George James. New York, is
spending his vacation with his moth'
or at this place.
Miss Clara Riot is spending sev'
eral weeks with Miss Ida Steinman
Deposit, N. Y.
Clarence D. Fortnam, Tyler Hill
was a business caller In Honesdale
on Wednesday.
Mr, and Mrs. Leon Ross and Miss
Belle Fryer spent Tuesday ana Wed'
nesday in scranton.
Frank Woodward was In Scranton
on Wednesday. I
J. O. Mumford attended a house
party With Deposit friends the latter
part of last week.
Dr. John Bauman, Jersey City, is'
the guest of his brother, William,
COG Church street.
Robert Pitman returned Saturday
from a short vacation with relatives
in the Eastern states.
Edward D. Katz returned Satur
day from a two weeks' vacation spent
In Boston and New York.
Miss Nellie Doolittle returned to
her home after visiting her sister,
Mrs. John Weaver, Towanda.
J. N. Welch and O. M. Snettlgue
spent Tuesday and Wednesday In tho
vicinity of Kellam this ween.
Judeo Wilson and daughter Miss
Eva, left Thursday noon for Dallas,
where they will visit relatives.
Miss Jennie and Miss Anneta Too-
hey, both of Blnghamton, N. Y., are
visiting their former home here.
Mrs. John H. Smith, Willow ave
nue, Is visiting her cousin, Miss
Meta Klrkem, at Stroudsburg, Pa.
M. F. Dorin returned home Wed
nesday evening from an extended
business trip through York state.
Miss Margaret Green entertained
the 'Merry Heart club at luncheon
on the golf links on Tuesday even
Miss Etta G. Fuerth is home from
a vacation trip to Scranton, where
she was the guest of Mrs. W. Bo-
Mrs. William H. Bader and son,
Frederick, are visiting relatives and
friends in Bayonne, N. J. and Kings
ton, N. Y.
Rohert .1. Horton. wire chief for
a telephone company in Virginia and
West Virginia, is visiting relatives
on West street.
Miss Lucille Rowland returned
Saturday from Scranton where she
has been the past four months
studying music.
Mrs. A. G. Loomis. who has been
passing some time with relatives at
Deposit, N. Y., returned to the Ho
tel Wayne Saturday evening.
'Mrs. Charles Penwarden al chil
dren, Brooklyn, N. Y., are the guests
of the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. L. Whitney.
Mrs. T. H. Gllnin. Greentown,
Pike county, mother of G. Howard
Gilpin, Waymart, is lying In a pre
carious condition.
C. E. Bates, of the passenger and
freight department of the Delaware
& Hudson system, was a business
caller here on Wednesday.
Josenh Fryer will go to Port Jer-
vis Friday and on Saturday witness
the Honesdale base ball team play
against the Port Jervls aggregation!.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Key and
riaiitrhter. Wllkes-Barre. are visit
ing Mrs. Key's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank B. Hawken, North Main
Oeorce W. Decker spent a few
days this week In Hancock, N. Y
on business in the interest of the,
Grand Union Tea company of which'
he Is local manager.
Lieutenant Guy Relph, Dunmore,
and Detective .Frank,? Kelly, Port
Jervis, both In the Erie's employ;
were In 'Honesdale in the interest oi
that company on Tuesday.
William D. Hlller, of Susquehan
na, formerly .of Spettigue's hardware
store, Is visiting friends and relatives
at Indian Orchard and Beachlake.
Mrs. Hlller has been at these places
the past few weeks.
G. Howard Gilpin, Waymart, was
a business caner in Honesuaie
Thursday. Mr. Gilpin has announc
ed himself as a candidate for county
commissioner on the Republican
ti u nittrifii -ivlin with his fam
ily have been rusticating at Laurel
T nl.n nnvt nt tVla ClimniPlV U'111 rflt.lim
1. U IV V Jtll I. W.V ....1 ... . .....
to Honesdale Saturdny. Mrs. Dlt-
trich and children are now nome.
Harry Smith, Tyler Hill, accompan
ied Mr. Dlttrich to Honesdale on
Mi- nnd Mrs Cionrna W. Decker
will ieave on Saturday for Clark's
r.reen. where thev will snend a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Willard
Coon. After a short visit at tnat
place they will go to Lake Wlnola,
wliovo tholr enn Plnvfincfi Decker.
and his family have a cottage. Mr.
and Mrs. Decker expect to ue ausem
two weeks.
Special to The Citizen.
ALDENVILLE, Pa., August 10.
The Carbondale Tigers were wel
come visitors on the local Held on
Saturday last. The Alerts were on
edge and thoroughly manicured tne
claws of this ferociously named
team, 5 to 0. Gregor pitched su
perb ball and allowed only two hits;
Watkins, however, who pitched tor
the visitors, was not well supported.
A fine crowd showed their apprecW'
tion of tho national game by adding
their enthusiasm. R. Milton sal
mon, Esq., and E. Lindsay, Hones
dale, were among the spectators.
The local team is preparing to
take a trin in Northern Wayne and
possibly Into York state tho latter
part of the present month, playing
anv and all comers.
The box social held by tho team
on Tuesday night was a very sue'
cessful affair and netted over 540.
The sack of flour contributed by M.
D. Fitze was chanced off and Orvllle
Millard was tho winner. Tho cut
glass comport, presented by the
Clinton Cut Glass company, was won
by Miss Bessie Curtis. The leg of
mutton contributed by Butcher Tev
rel was won by Ed. Hendricks,
while tho lucky number for the pil
low top presented by G. G. Wll
marth, was held by M. D. Fltze.
R. H. O. A. E.
Tarkett, 3b 2 1 0 4 3
Smith, If 0 0 0 0 0
Shields, e 0 111 1 0
Starnes, ss 0 0 2 1 0
Curtis, lb 1 0 11 .0 0
Rltter, cf 1 0 1 0 0
Davis, C, rf 0 0 0 0 0
Gregor, p 1 2 0 2 0
Goodrich, 2b 0 0 2 ' 3 0
.5 4 27 11 3
R. H. O. A. E.
Davis, H.( o 0 1 G 1 0
Carrol, cf 0 0 0 0 1
Hazen, 3b 0 0 2 3 0
Crane, lb 0 1 8 0 3
Munroe, If 0 0 3 0 0
Davis, L., 2b 0 0 3' .0 0
Welvle, ss 0 0 2 0 1
McLean, rf 0 0 0 0 0
Watkins, p 0 0 0 1 1
Totals 0 2 24 5 G
Ernest Odcll Is on the sick list.
The Baptist L. A. S. are holding
an entertainment on Saturday even
ing of this week. Mr. A. J. Rehbeln
of Honesdale, known as tho "Wiz
ard of Wonderland," will be the attraction.
Special to The Citizen.
LAKEVILLE, Pa., August 10.
W. T. James and W. T. Stewart re
turned to their homes at East Or
auge, N. J., on Sunday, after spend
ing a few days with Lafayette
.Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grelner,
Peckville, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Davis A. Locklin.
Mrs. A. Goble is entertaining her
cousin, Mrs. Charles Bishop from
Dunmore, also 'Mrs. Augusta Keyes
and daughter, Emelyne, from Haw
ley, this week.
Mr. and "Mrs. James Cooke are
visiting Mrs. Cooke s aunt, Mrs. Jas
Carefooto and family.
Charles J. Iloff, Honesdale, was
a caller at this place on Saturday.
Howard Berley, Hoadleys, is as
sisting M. Mosher' with his haying.
Abe Miller, who has been in New
York state for the summer conduct
ing sales, visited his parents, S. Mil
ler and family here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Elderkin re'
turned to Dunmore on Monday after
spending a week at Goble s.
A club of fifteen young men from
Scranton are camping at Long Pond
lor two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Smith, Ledge'
dale, were home over Sunday.
Don't forget the Rebecka fair on
Aug. 17 here. Remember everybody
is invited. A good time is antlcipat
ed. Ice cream and cake will be
served In the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. William Everly are
entertaining guests from New York
City this week.
Rev. and Mrs. Purkiss entertain
ed their daughter, Mrs. Deacon and
family from Paupac, over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Goble are enter
taining Mr. and Mrs. Eldred from
The ice cream social held at A.
Goble's on July 29 was a success.
Net proceeds were ?12.50 which will
be applied on the pastor's salary.
'Mrs. Geo. A. Goble and Miss Alice
Ritcher return on Monday after
spending a few days in Honesdale
with friends.
Miss Jennie Witham returned to
New York city after spending a time
with her mother, Mrs. Harry Chap
man, here.
Messrs. Edward Naterson and C.
Reese returned to Brooklyn after
passing a month "with C. H. Pennell.
Miss Mae Kelllam returned to her
position at 'Honesdale on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Locklin en-
'tertained her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Walker from Moscow on Sunday last.
Mrs. Anna Utt returned on Thurs
day after passing a time with her
daughter, Mrs. R. W. Murphy, at
George Nelson returns to Brook
lyn on Saturday.
Miss Hazel James passed the day
recently with Miss Louise Sodenberg
at Keith's Summer House near Us
wlck. Mrs. Katherine Raushmelr from
Honesdale, Is assisting her mother,
One Hundred and Fifty Dollars in Gold and Mer
chandise will be Given Away Absolutely Free by
to the persons securing the largest number of points in the
the following contest :
1st Prize . $50.00 in Gold
2nd " - 25.00 "
3rd " 10.00 " "
Next 10 Prizes 5.00 " "
Next 40 " One pound each of Clark &
Snover "Stripped" or Top Wave Tobacco.
Fifty-three Prizes in all,, and every one worth working for
All you have to do to win one of these prizes, if you securo points enough, is to save theNEW CLAI5IC &
this contest), and either mall or hrlng them to The Clark & Snover Company's office, No. 112 Adams Avenue,
Scranton, Pa., before 12 o'clock noon, October 31, 1911, and, In addition to tho premiums Hated on tho backs
thereof, you will be given credit for all tho now coupons returned, beginning with the morning mail August
1, 1911, and closing with the last mail before noon, October 31, 1911, acordlng to the following schedule:
In addition to this, we will give contestaflts credit for two points each for every advertisement they send
In, in which the name "THE CLARK & SXOVEIl COMPANY" appears. Theso advertisements may bo taken
from the newspapors, dance programmes, pay envelopes, or from any publication. In which an advortlsoment
containing our name apcars.
This offer Is open OXLY to' COXSUMERS of Clark &. Snover Tobaccos, and no jobber, dealer, coupon col
lector or broker Is elllglblo to enter tho contest, and coupons or advertisements turned in by any but CON
SUMERS of our tobaccos will not bo accepted for credit In this contest. Therefore, Mr. Consumer, f you want
to win ono of these prizes, hang on to your coupons.
Tell all your friends about this contest and get them to use CliAItK & SXOVEIl "STRIPPED" or "TOP
WAVE" Tobacco, and if they do not want to enter tho contest, they can give you the coupons.
The Clark & Snover Co.
ii2 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa.
Mrs. John Bishop, for a time the lat
ter being Indisposed.
Miss Eva Smith has been critically
ill at her home and under the care
of Dr. II. 13. ( Ely of Honesdale and
Dr. H. C. White, Ariel. We are glad
to know she is somewhat bettor.
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. A. Locklin are en
tertaining Mr. and Mrs. Myron D.
Locklin, her mother, Mrs. Milton and
daughter, Florence, Scranton, for a
couple of weeks.
Wedding bells are soon to ring
again near Lakeville.
Miss Eliza Cramer from Adella,
Pa., is visiting at Goblo's.
Margnrette Locklin recently visited
her aunt, Mrs. Starbert R. Tresslar,
at Ariel, Pa.
Win. Alpha was a caller In Hones
dale on Sunday last.
Messrs. Bregsteln and Robinson
were pleasant callers In this town on
Sundny, July 30.
-Fair Week Aug. 14, If, 1G, 17.
Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic
powder. It relieves painful, smart
ing, tender, nervous feet, and in
stantly takes the sting out of corns
and bunions. It's the greatest com
fort discovery of the age. -Allen's
Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes
feel easy. It Is a certain relief for
sweating, callous, swollen, tired,
aching feet. Always use it to Break
in New shoes. Try it to-day. Don't
go on your vacation without a pack
age of Allen's Foot-Ease. Sold every
where, 25 cts. Don't accept any
substitute. For FREE trial pack
age, address Allen S. Olmstead, Le
Roy, N. Y.
Fair Week Aug. 14, 15, 16, 17.
Chas C. Knapp
WEEK AUG. 14th.
at Popular Prices
The Wronp Mrs. Appleton.
Tho Great Reward
Tho lMnkertons
Tho Girl Thief
and other
First Clnss Productions.
PRICES: ID, 20, 30, and 50c.
Seat Sale opens at the Box Office
at 9 a. m. Monday.
The Prudential Insurance Company of America
Incorporated as a Stock Company by the State of New Jersey.
JOHN F. DRYDEN, President. Home Office NEWARK, N. J..
Coupons marked "Value 1 Coupon" ono point
Coupons fharked "Value 2 Coupons" two points
Coupons marked "Value 5 Coupons" live points
Coupons marked "Value 10 Coupons," ten points
Candidate lor tho Ul,1io of Register
and Recorder of Wayne County.
Piles! m& Piles!
.ih.ii.s' ind. ... . .o .mint wul ,uro
Blind, Bleeding uud nchitiK I'llos. It ab
sorbs the U:murf, j.lays nt once,
cetp ns a' poultice, gives infant relief.
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment Is pre
pared for Piles and Uchlng of the private
parts. DrucRlEts, mall tOc and $1.00.
WILLIAMS MFG. C" rops Cleveland, Ohli
Wayne County Fair
AUG. 14-15-16-17
If you aro in Honesdale
Fair Week or nny other
time and need your watch
repaired or nny other re
pairing in our line it will
pay you and please you to
give us n trial. You'll bo
better pleased than ever
before. Or If you are in
need of anything in tho
Jewelry lino It is a good
Idea to see ns.
Jeweler and Optician
1127 Main St.
N. B. We have tried to gain a
long lost art, namely: To give
Promptness and Satisfaction in all
repairs. And we've succeeded.
Strange how things change. Ask
our customers.
$19.08 per year buys $1,000 of life insuranec
in the Low Cost policy of The Prudential at
age 30. See our agent ?bout cost at your age.
Ambrose A. Whalen,
Honesdale, Pa.