The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 04, 1911, Image 1

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68th YEAR. NO. 62
L. J. Dimock Tells What
it Used to be
Mustn't Ride on Sidewalks
" This town was made a borough
in 1851 live years before Scranton,"
said Justice of the Peace L. G.
Dimock, of Waymart, to a Citizen
man, Wednesday.
" From 1828 to 1803 they used
to dump all the large lump coal
here, winters, and go down to Hones
dale and put It In boats. There were
about 800 people here in 1SC5. All
the families were very large.
"Now we have a knitting mill,
two creameries, a glass factory,
three or four stores.
"No one who was brought up here
has ever been In State's prison that
I know of," laughingly replied the
'Squire when asked whether any one
had left the town and gone out Into
the great wide world and acquired
"I was born In this town Just
this side of the cut glass factory.
There were eight In our family.
Most all the families in town at that
time, were from six to eight chll-
dren. Now you can go up this street
and find hardly a dozen children.
remarked the 'Squire who seemed to
deplore this apparent attack of race
suicide from which the thriving
borough of Waymart is suffering.
" They had Patterson's tannery
here, when I was a boy. They load
ed coal here in Spring on cars, and
took it to Honesdale and put it on
the boats."
The office of Justice of the Peace
at Waymart has been In the Dimock
family for 65 years. In 1846, Asa
W. Dimock, the father of the pres
ent 'Squire took out his first com'
mission, and was succeeded by his
son who has been filling the im
portant office most acceptably since
Waymart came into prominence a
number or years ago, when a mur
der was committed there, for which
a man was sent to State's prison for
twenty years. About two years ago
a man hung himself from a tree be
hind the hotel, after trying to com
mit suicide In two or three differ
ent ways.
" I am next to the oldest man that
was born In this town. remarked
Squire Dimock. "Luther Bryant is
the burgess. We don't have a high
constable, but we should have one
There Is talk of raising up the town
hall and putting a stone basement
under it."
Dr. H. C. Noble happened to be
on the 'Squire's front porch, and
talked about the health of the com
munity, which Is very good, he de
" There's two or three very mild
cases of typhoid fever," he said.
"There is some hay fever around
here, although we are 400 or 5J30
feet higher than Honesdale. I cur's
every one of them. I never had
case to beat me yet.
" I have cured people from Scran
ton. I just went to work several
years ago, and found something that
does the business. You can't And-- it
In any of the books."
Doctor Noble by the way doesn'
ravor the hospital project. "There
already too many hospitals in the
country," he said. " They have
their tag days, and go to the mer
chants and get the greatest lot of
stuff and sell It, and pretend It costs
too much. It's a graft."
In his opinion no hospital surgeon
could be secured, and an expert
woum nave to De sent for, at a pro
hibitive cost, from Scranton or New
In a town the size of Honesdale
there Is no use for a public hospital
It wouldn't pay anybody. A private
maiviauai enterprise might flourish
All this information and much
more, the reporter gleaned as he sat
on the verandah of the 'SaulreV
colonial residence waiting for a de
fendant in a suit of assumpsit to
show up.
The Sheriff of Wayne county, SI.
Lee Braman, was the defendant in
the case; and judgment In default
was entered against him for the sum
of $18, and costs. Doctor Noble was
the plaintiff. Ho alleges that he left
a rain coat In Sheriff Braman's liv
ery, last Winter, at the Sheriff's sug
gestion, that It would be perfectly
safe. When he returned to the
stable, after transacting business in
the county seat, the raincoat was
non est Inventus, and so ho decided,
after a six months' delay, to bring
suit against Sheriff Braman. Dep
uty Constable P. J. Moran served a
summons on the sheriff July 26, but
the Sheriff didn't show up at Way
mart Wednesday afternoon for a
Earl Sherwood, Esq,, was also
present at the hearing, and althnneh
he said that " he hadn't done any
justice business for a long time," he
made out the naners with a Hklil
that a Washington, D. C, or Phila-
aeipnia lawyer might well envy,
"Backward, turn backward,
O Time, In your flight!
Hake me a boy,
If just for to-night!'1 -
Were you ever a boy? And did
ou ever have the bicycle fever?
What are you doing with your
' bike now? Is It rusting up In
the garret along with the other de
bris of those halcyon days? Echo
answers, yes!
Bicycles are almost as scarce In
Honesdale as the Dodo of pre-hls-
torlc times.
' Now, nights you might be here
a whole month, and not see any at
all," remarked Patrolman Levi De-
Grote to a Citizen man the other
" 'Benny' Dittrlch used to be a
great bicycle rider ten, twelve or fif
teen year. ago. Twelve or sixteen
ears ago, , was just a regular bi
cycle craze round here.
' Now, you' hardly ever see a man
ride one for pleasure. It's only
fellows who are going to work that
ride them.
' Some of them are riding on the
borough sidewalks. I see quite a few
the last couple or three weeks. Some
are Ignorant of the borough ordin
ance. There's $1 fine and costs or
$2.50 or $3 in all for doing It.
" No one has been ' pulled ' in
three or four years for it. I'd like
you to put a piece In the paper, so If
they are pulled, they can't blame
nobody but themselves."
Here Is the slumbering ordinance.
Read, mark, and inwardly digest' Jt:
Sec. 1. That It shall be un
lawful for any person to ' ride
a bicycle on any of the public
sidewalks, or walks of the pub
lic parks, In this borough.
Sec. 4. Any person violating
any of the provisions of this or
dinance, shall, on conviction, be
liable to a fine or penalty of
one ($1.00) dollar for the first
offence, and not .less than two.
($2.00) dollars nor more" than'
five ($5.00) dollars for each
subsequent offence.
" The autos, I see, are running
pretty slowly, lately," concluded Of
ficer De Groat as he resumed his
lonely beat from City Hall to North
, wno is
W. B. Holmes Elected Per
manent Chairman
The members of the committee
of the $20,000 emergency fund, a
committee recommended by the
Greater Honesdale Board of Trade
for the purpose of creating a reserve
fund to be used by the Board of
Trade In promoting the Industrial
development of Honesdale, met Tues
day afternoon at 4 o'clock In the
city hall and organized. F. P. Kim
ble was nominated temporary chair
man and E. B. Callaway temporary
secretary. The name of J. D. Wes
ton was mentioned for permanent
chairman, but he declined the office.
W. B. Holmes was then unanimous
ly elected permanent chairman, E. B.
Callaway permanent secretary and
F. P. Kimble permanent treasurer,
All members of the committ'
ed by the Board of Trade
exception of M. E. Simons
absent from town, and John Krantzj
who declined to serve, were present.
On motion It was unanimously
carried that F. W. Kreltner, presi
dent of the Board of Trade, be elect
ed to fill the vacancy caused by Mr.
Krantz, thereby completing the mem
bership of the committee.
The following resolution which
was adopted at a recent special meet
ing of the. Greater Honesdale Board
of Trade, was also adopted as a part
of the minutes of the emergency
" On motion it was carried that
the committee on an emergency
fund, composed of Messrs. Holmes,
Weston, Kimble, Simons and
Krantz, be empowered to modify or
change the resolution adopted by the
Greater Honesdale Board of Trade of
May 12, 1911, concerning the ad
visability of creating a reserve fund
to be used by the Board of Trade in
promoting the industrial develop
ment or Honesdale."
The time of meeting was discussed
and it was decided that 4 o'clock In
the afternoon was a convenient time.
The canoe sunk by its owner, Tom
Quick, In York- Lake, -near Lacka
waxen, over a hundred years ago,
has been recovered. It was discov
ered Friday by L. T. Campbell, care
taker' at the lake, In twelve feet of
w,ater and was brought to the sur
face' by Mr. Campbell, assisted by
Earl Thorn, Lackawaxen.
Tom Quick, the Indian Slayer or
the Avenger of the Delaware, was
bprn In what now is the borough of
Milford, in 1739. When but a boy
his father was killed and scalped by
Indians. Over his father's body Tom
made a vow to kill one hundred of
his murderers. He hunted alone
and had succeeded In killing ninety
nine when he was stricken with
smallpox and died in 1796. He ex
pressed the regret that he could not
live until he killed one more. How
ever, he had inspired the Indians
with such terror that they could not
believe he was dead and they open
ed his grave. As a result nearly
the ' whole tribe was wiped out by
smallpox contracted from the dead
body of Tom.
Tom just before he died sunk his
canoe In York lake. It is hewn out
of a cedar log and despite Its long
rest under the water It is still in
such condition that It can be paddled
over the water.
Honesdale and Carbondale! Only Nine Licenses Were
Business Men Enjoy Issued; 12 Last Year
The Starrett's troup, which carry
nine acrobats and performers, all
stars, will give free exhibitions in
front of the grand stand fair week.
This alone will be worth the price of
admission. It is claimed to be the
finest of Its kind on the road. Come
with the expectations of seeing an
excellent entertainment and you will
not go home disappointed.
The management of the fair has
made arrangements with the Erie
officials for a morning train Into
Honesdale from Hawley. The train
will leave Hawley about 11 o'clock,
arivirig at Honesdale about a half
hour later. This will accommodate
a number of people from southern
Wayne county. The train will leave
Honesdale at 6 p. m.
This is everybody's fair. Come
and meet your friends and mingle
with the jolly throngs.
The fair is about two weeks away.
Remember the dates August 14,
15. 16 and 17.
Don't forget the hitch race. It
will be both interesting and amus
ing. Fifteen dollars in prizes are offered.
" We had the biggest crowd there
this summer. We ought to be satis
fied. 3,776 people were counted on
the grounds before the last special
from Carbondale came In."
So said John Erk, chairman of the
excursion committee of the Busi
ness Men's Association of Honesdale,
to a Citizen man Thursday, In, speak
ing of the successful joint picnic
conducted at Lake Lodore, Wednes
day, under the auspices of the Busi
ness Men's Associations of Carbon
dale and Honesdale.
A conservative estimate places the
number of people on the grounds at
5,000. Fully 3,000 people came by
rail from Carbondale,the first ex
cursion train alone carrying over 1,
400 people. 895 tickets were sold at
iHonesdale, 783 of which were pur
chased by adults. Probably a thous
and more motored or drove to the
The weather conditions were ideal.
Old Sol was out in all his glory, and
shone all day long on the jolly holi
day crowd. Not a cloud dimmed
the horizon. Not a single raindrop
fell. It was a great day.
Two specials were run
Honesdale to the Lake, one
Dan Cupid found Wayne county a
pretty poor field for his operations
during the month of July, only nine
of his votaries applying to the Clerk
of the Orphans' Court for marriage
licenses, as compared with an even
dozen in the corresponding month
last year.
The county seat takes the lead
with three grooms and three brides.
White Mills and Hawley were each
represented by a bride and a groom.
The average age of the applicants
was unusually high, that of the
grooms being 30 7-9 years, and that
of the brides 26 and 7-9 years. TEe
oldest groom was 48 and the young
est 22. The oldest bride owned up
to 44 years and the youngest two
blushingly confessed that they were
In only one case was the bride old
er than the groom, and that was
where a young man of 22 took out a
license to marry a young lady one
year older than himself. Two coup
les were of exactly the same age.
Two of the grooms and two of the
brides had previous matrimonial ex
periences. All of the brides gave
i their occupation as "at home," Bavo
from one who said she was a silk weaver.
train' For the grooms, the laborers took
leaving at 9:15 a. m. and the second, the lead, three of them being so oc-
A blight, similar to the pear
blight, is killing the chestnut trees
In the Eastern and Middle Atlantic
states. The blight or canker may
extend over the entire country. As
a preventative to save the tree pois
onous solutions poured around the
roots of the trees has been highly
Of the 1,500 specimens in Bronx
Park, New York, only two are stand
ing. With the more general recogni
tion of the perils of the chestnut
canker serious steps are being tak
en to prevent Its spread. Pennsyl
vania, whose Forestry Department
values the chestnuts of the State at
$50,000,000, has been the first to
take up the matter on a large scale.
After a special message from Gov.
Tener the Pennsylvania Legislature
voted an appropriation of $275,000
to fight the plague. Various meth
ods are under consideration, and
vigorous quarantine methods will be
carried out, though quarantine for
a tree plague is a difficult matter
when the wind, migrating birds, and
even the squirrels with cheerful Ig
norance carry the spores for miles
and miles. The squirrels are among
the most dangerous propagators of
tne disease for short distances, for
the spores must find a place where
the bark is scratched and broken
to enter and make a home, and the
sharp claws of the squirrel make the
necessary abrasions and admit the
spores at the same time. The blight
started on Long Island.
Has Forty -Nine Living
William W.- Atkins, father of Mrs
F. W. Kreltner. Fourteenth street.
celebrated his 95th birthday at his
nome at Rlleyvllle in Lebanon town
ship on Thursday. August 3. Mr. At
kins Is well preserved for a man of
his age and Is also In the possession
of all his faculties. He reads the
county and dally papers without the
aid of glasses, having never been
compelled to wear them.
A number of Mr. Atkins relatives
gathered at his home and offered
congratulations Thursday, wishing
him many happy returns of the day.
Mr AtklD has seven children,
twenty-seven grandchildren, four
teen great-grandchildren and one
great-great-grand child. Many were
present and Joined in the festivities
of the day. He Is remarkably bright
and has a clear memory. Mr. Atkins
told a Citizen man that he remem
bers as far back as when he wore
Examinations for entrance to Da
mascus High school -will bo given In
the High school building the first
two days of the new term, Sept. 5
and 6. The PrlnciDa will ba elad
to answer the questloij of any lnter-
estea in mese exam' yatlons. Ad
dress Harry H. Pathlck, Damascus,
The many Honesdale friends of
Attorney S. J. Strauss, Wllkes-Bar-
re, will be elated to hear of the an
nouncement of Sir. Strauss' name as
a candidate for the office of Com
mon Pleas Judge of Luzerne county
A Wllkes-Barre paper says: "It is
the consensus of intelligent opinion,
both at the bar and among the peo
pie, that a man more specially fitted
to fill the high office of -judge could
not be found in either political party
than Mr. Strauss. He has been In
the active practice of the law In this
county continuously for moro than
thirty-five years, and occupies
place in the front rank of his pro
fesslon. His high personal charac
ter, his large mental culture and
thorough equipment as a lawyer, .his
broad public spirit and his judicial
temperament all make him a pecu
liarly and desirable man for the of
fice of judge. His character, ability
and personality, have alike won and.
neid tor mm xtxe respect oi ail
classes." Mrs. Strauss was former
ly 'Miss Minnie Weiss of thla place.
dresses, which was about 92"years
ago. He was named for his uncle,
William-W: Atkins, and the uncle
artdunrt jhlsj home jin
U lit I, H U ,WI U 'U tu - u
When Honesdale was young In years,
there being' but twelve houses stand
ing, Mr: Atkins used to pick berries
where a number of Honesdale's most
imposing buildings now stand. The
lower part of the town was of
swampy composition, while laurels
grew in abundance.
Mr. Atktns first came to -Hones-1
dale in 1832 and later in ,1848,
he started a pottery, which Is claim
ed to have been Honesdale's first in
dustry. His early life was spent in
his .home town. For fifteen years he
was a boatman on the Hudson river.
For many years the subject 'of this
sketch, who is a grand old man, was
in the employ of the Weston pottery
at Ellenville, N, Y. He traveled over
the country selling the products of
the factory, a branch of which was
started in Honesdale. He received
1 per dozen and upwards for stove-
ware, crocks, jugs, pitchers, etc.,
Sir. Atkins has been a staunch
Democrat all his life. Ho voted his
first ticket in 1836, when Van Buren
was elected, and has voted every
presidential election since excepting
The Citizen extends congratulations
to Sir. Atkins and hopes his health
will continue to be good so that he
may be privileged to enjoy the even
ing of ills II fo in happiness among
his relatives and friends.
at 1 p. m. Both were comfortably
filled and consisted of ten coaches
Wayne county cleaned up a good
proportion of the athletic prizes,
considering that they were outnum
bered four to one by the Pioneer
City delegation.
The base ball game in the after
noon between the business men of
Carbondale and Honesdale was a
screaming farce. One of the local
celebrities, who covered (we shan't
say which position) sprained his an
kle badly. The six-innings played
resembled a comedy of errors, and
the most consoling feature of the
game was the fact that we won, 11
to 6.
' ",NickV,iSpencer was selected to
"detect;"-, wefroeanumpire" yf' the
the' ex-leaguers-who -figured'- ln-the'
game made the most errors, it Is
hard to say.
This was .the Honesdale line-up:
George Deltzer, pitcher; William
Welch, catcher; Frank Schuerholz,
.first base; H. Theobald, second base;
John Rlckert, third base; R. SI.
'Salmon, shortstop; Robert Slurray,
right field; Fred Marsh, left field;
Thomas-Charlesworth, center field.
Honesdale looked like a deserted
village' Wednesday. No one was .left
to take care of the vacant places, no,
not even the policemen. Practically
every business place In town was
closed in honor of the event. There
are those who go so far to say that
the two horses that departed this life
in the Slaple City, that day, died
from sheer loneliness. Not a leaf
stirred, not a blade stirred, not even
a shooner sailed across the bar until
late in the evening.
It was a regular field day for
Wayne county politicians. It took
a man just ninety minutes to run
the gauntlet of Republican, Demo
cratlc, Keystone and Independent
candidates who lined the walk near
the pavilion at Lake Lodore. Never
In the history of Wayne county were
there so many candidates gathered
together in such a small space. Sir
X. was there. And they do say that
the ease and ability with which he
picked up babies and kissed them
was surprising. This feature of
campaigning has been overlooked In
Wayne county for lo, these many
years, but Sir. X. revived It and kiss
ed his way through a small regiment
of infants.
And Sir. Y. was there too. He
was there eighteen ways. He didn't
kiss any babies, It is declared, but
made up for it in greeting the breth
ren from the Central Methodist and
St. Slary's with a warmth and earn
estness only equaled by the vim and
vigor with which he greeted the old
sinner. whose breath smelled strong
ly of 40-rod whisky.
Candidates for commissioner?
Good 'Heavens, there were1 a dozen
of them, at least. Each had a couple
of lieutenants at hand and these
reached out Into the passing throng
and grabbed voters and made them
selves acquainted. Then the voter
received a warm handclasp and
candidate's card.
"How many cards, did you get
Bill?" asked a fellow from White
" I got 10 commissioner candi
dates and two prothonater ' candl
dates," was the response.
" Huh, that's nothing. I got you
beat a mile. I got eleven cards
from candidates for commissioner,
two register and recorder cards, one
county treasurer and two prothona-
ters. You better get busy."
It can easily bo seen that this
was indeed an exciting little game
and after a time wicked men began
betting on their success in getting
cards. The winner of them all.
when the thing wa3 over, had a fine
assortment or 23 cards of candi
dates of all shapes, sizes and condl
tlons of servitude
It was a. picnic for the candidates
cupled. There was one liveryman.
one machinist, one restaurant keep
er, one farmer, one glass blower and
one clerk.
Two of the grooms, and one of the
brides were born In York state. One
couple came here from the Electric
City to take out license papers.
The summer months are usually
dull months In Clerk of the Or-",
phans' Court SI. J. Hanlan's office,
and July was, and August doubtless
will be, no exceptions to the general
rule. But Love, who laughs at
locks and bars calls all seasons her
own. And when a man and a maid
love each other with an all-consuming
passion not all the celestial signs
in the calendar, much less irate'
fathers and mothers, can keep them
from having their own way about it.
kWhen- aj.womanwllls, ,:she wills!-
there you a?5! "
The ages of the contracting nar-
ties with those of the grooms given
first follows: 26 18; 26 19:
4844; ;2223; 2718; 3838;
37 35; 2722; 2424.
to be sure, that picnic of the Car
bondale and Honesdaj4" Business
Slen's Association. There has nev
er beenfctihythlng like it before in
old Wayne county.
The prize winners in the athletic
events were as follows:
100-yard dash for boys from 12 to
15 years. First prize. John Kelly.
boys' pants and cap; second, John
SIcNeal, shoes; third, Lynn Kls-
paugh, umbrella. All the winners
were Carbondallans.
Three-legged race: First prize.
Lynn Kispaugh and Russell Haboner,
two sweaters; second, George Lark
ins, and Kenneth Reynolds., two base
ball bats; third; Sllles Kispaugh and'
ranit HooKer, two hams.
50-yard dash for girls. Flr3t
prize, Slartha Williams, umbrella;
second, Elsie Bailey, art linen; third,
Komaine Stephens, cut glass; fourth,
Isadore Dowd. roller skates: fifth.
Cella Wade, box of candy.
sacK race for boys. First nrlze.
Miles Kispaugh, base ball mlt; sec
ond, Patrick Devlne, shoes; third,
Frank Hooper, bottle Nutreo.
Lemon race: First prize. Frank
Welsh, hat; second, William De-
lanoy, five-pound box candy; third,
Fay Kirby, jack knife.
Fat (Men's Race: First prize, T.
Hendricks, chair; second, William
Brownell; third, George Slaldfleld.
The nail-urlvlng contest for wom
en was won by Sirs. Horace Hoyle,
Carbondale. The prize was a $15
cut glass vase.
George Disch, Honesdale. won sec
ond prize In the boat race, a pair of
Edson H. Blandin, a Scranton
drummer, won a travelling bag in
the commercial men's wheelbarrow
race. Del Walsh won second nrlze.
a pair of cuff links; Chas. Markle,
Honesdale, third, a safety razor:
George Meyers, Scranton, fourth,
box cigars.
The committees In charge of the
affair were: Executive Chauncey'
Bates, A. SI. Lelne, S. T. Ham, John
Athletics John Rlckert, H. G.
Rowland, N. B. Spencer.
'Base Ball R. J. Slurray, F. W.
Schuerholz, N. B. Spencer. Sluslc
A. 'SI. Lelne. Advertising L.
Blumenthal and A. M. Lelne.
The Honesdale Band and the SIo
zart Band of Carbondale furnished
music for the hundreds of young
people "who tripped the light fan
tastic toe."
Slorgan Davis, wife and eleven
children won the prize for having
the largest family on the grounds.
Sir. Davis Is a coal miner who lost
both hands and one eye In a mine
accident. John P. Dunn, the Hones
dale meat merchant, and John
Krantz, Carbondale, marshaled fam
ilies of ten members apiece, and di
vided second prize,