The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 02, 1911, Image 2

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Who Will Bsgin Long De
layed Alaskan Trip Saturday.
1911, by American Press Association,
Washington, July 7. Secretary
Fisher of the interior department will
begin at Chicago on Aug. 2 his long
postponed tour of inspection to Alaska,
where he will attempt to gain at Hist
hand knowledge of the situation In
that territory, particularly with re
spect to the possibility of monopoliz
ing Controller bay ns n harbor for tho
outlet of coal from the Bering rivet
The secretary leaves here for Chi
cago on Saturday. On his way to Seat
tle, where he will embark for Alaska
on Aug. 15, the secretary will make
many stops to look Into other ques
tions coming before his department
These include Irrigation projects, gen
eral laud offices and Indian reserva
Republican Leader In Brooklyn Ends
Caretr of Fourteen Years.
New York, July 7. Timothy I,.
Woodruff, who has been the Itopub
llcan leader In Kings county for four
teen years, has quit and handed over
his powers to the executive commit
tee of the comity organization. Naval
Officer F. J. II. Kracko will be the
new leader, although for the time be
ing the executive committee will act
as a steering committee for all party
With Woodruff goes .Jacob Brenner.
At CARBON DALE for 10 Pays Only
The largest, best known and most complete Piano Manufactory in the World
r. Piano Purchaser:
A moment
territory, we are
save from $100
No. 23 Salem Avenue
Dis chief lieutenant, wno wns cnuir
man of the executlvo committee for
eight years. Ills placo is taken by
Congressman William 51. Cnlder, who
has been among tho most actlvo in
preaching the advisability of a change.
John B. Smitii, for fourteen years the
secretary of tho county committee, re
tires In favor of Darwin It, James,
president of tho Young Republican
club and an nctlvo opponent of Woodruff's.
Depot For Submarine May Be Estab
lished at Narragansett Bay.
Newport, It. I., July 27. According
to reports in official circles here, It is
the desire of the navy department to
establish In Nnrragansott bay a regu
lar depot or base of supplies for all
torpedo boat destroyers, torpedo boats
and submarines.
During the past month both Secre
tary of the Navy Meyer and Assistant
Secretary WInthrop have been here,
Secretary Meyer being n visitor thl?
week, and It is understood that with
Hear Admiral Raymond P. Uodgers,
commandant of the Narragansett bay
naval station, they looked over avail
able land on which n torpedo boat
base could bo established. There lias
been no official announcement to this
effect, however.
California Man Then Begins Pistol
Battle With Police.
Sacramento, Cal., July 27. In n pis
tol battle hero C. H. Emery was killed
by tho police after he had shot five
times and killed Miss Anne Dudley, n
stenographer in the state engineer's
office, and slightly wounded two citi
zens who pursued him.
Miss Dudley and Emery hnd been
engaged. He met her on tho street
and without warning opened Are. At
tho first shot tho girl fell. Stnndlnp
over his victim, Enicry fired four morp
shots into her body.
A crowd gathered, and Emery scat
tered them with bullets. He was pur
sued to tho rrvor bank and, hiding in
the willows, gave battle to a dozen
policemen and was finally killed after
ho had fired more than forty slwts.
Tho Rev. Charles n. Spurgeon was
fond of a joke, and his keen wit was,
moreover, based on. sterling common
sense. One day ho remarked to one of
his sons:
"Can you tell me the rcaoon why tho
lions didn't eat Daniel?"
"No, sir. Why was It?"
"Becauso tho most of him was back
bone and the rest was grit" Youth's
The Great
if you please: In order to introduce the famous KIMBALL
going to sell 100 NEW PIANOS at the regular factory prices.
to $200 in buying a piano, come at once to this
The product of the Kimball fac
tories is more than double in volume
that of any similar Institution In the
world. To you this has much sig
nificance, Indicating great popular
ity. It signifies all that unlimited
capital can command, as W. W.
Kimball Co. purchase for cash and
accommodate their customers as to
terms of payment. It means that
tho manufacturers can afford to sell
at a small profit, obtaining results
from more volume of sales. This
Is also proof of anility of W. W.
Kimball Co. to furnish the most for
the money.
Frenchman Who Won Eng
lish Aviation Prlzs of $50,000.
Brooklands, England, July 27. Aftet
tho most thrilling contest in the his
tory of cross country aviation Lieuten
ant Conneau .f France, who races un
der the name of Andre Beaumont
won tho $.O,000 prize offered by the
London Dally Mail for a successful
flight around England nnd Scotland.
Vedrlnos, n fellow countryman, wlli
get second honors, the two Frenchmen
having distanced all of their competi
tors. For miles along tho route they
How neck and neck with their ma
chines, going at a faster than a mile a
minute rate of speed.
Why Thackeray Was Moved to Tears.
A lady, an Intimate friend and a
frequent visitor at the Thackeray
home, called late one afternoon. She
was shown into the study, and on en
tering perceived the novelist himself
seated at his deal:, his head bowed
upon his arms Fearing she wns In
truding In tho presence of 6omo great
and unknown grief, she paused, hesi
tating. Then, thinking she might bo
of some help or at least express her
sympathy, she stepped forward. Just
then Thackeray looked up. Ells shoul
ders wore shaking, the tears stream
ing from his eyes.
"Little Nell Is dead." he said broken
ly. "Little Nell?" Ills visitor interrogat
ed. "Yes. Little Nell," was the answer.
"She Is dead. I've Just been reading
It" Before him on his desk lay an
open copy of "Old Curiosity Shop."
Ln dies' Home Journal.
Mammoth Factory Sale
Every piano a work of art and
The capital of W. W. Kimball Co.
Is exceeded by but few of the larg
est banks of the United States. This
enables them to buy raw material
in great quantities, to make every
separate portion of the Instruments
in their own factories, and is the
strength of the Kimball guaranty,
which goes with every Instrument.
This is the climax of W. W. Kimball
Co.'s ability to furnish tho most for
tho money.
Factory Representative
Political Unrest Said to Be Growing
on Island.
Havana, July'27, Tho exploration ol
the Interior of the wreck of tho battle
ship Maine diwlo.-wftwo moro skele
tons. There Is so much mud in the
offlcei'd' quarters that tho searchers so
far have been unable to find tho body
of Lieutenant Merritt, who was assist
ant engineer of the battleship. Ills
body wns seen under the captain's
cabin on tho main deck by tho divers.
Political unrest In Cuba Is growing
moro nnd moro intense, especially in
Santiago province, where, it Is said, n
revolution Is brewing.
The .approaching visit ot i cretary
of War Stlmson is still a subject of
editorial comment in some of the pa
pers. Some say that Cuba Is free nnd
Independent, while others insist that
the island's Independence Is fictitious.
Daughter of Mrs. W. K. Vandorbilt,
Sr., to Wed In Europe. ,
Newport, R. I., July 17. The wed
ding of Miss Margaret Rutherford,
daughter of Mrs. W. IC. VnndorbM,
Sr., and Ogdcn L. Mills, sou of Mr.
and Mrs. Ogdou L. Mills of New York,
Is to take place at Mrs. Vanderbllt's
homo in Franco In September, accord
ing to Information received hero.
Tho Earl and Countess of Granard,
son-in-law and daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Mills, are leaving England Sat
urday for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Mills
at their home here. Mr. and Mrs.
Mills nro going to New York to meet
their daughter nnd son-in-law, and
they will return to Europe with thpi
to attend tho marriage.
Cleveland's Cousin Dead.
Crlpplo Creek, Colo., July fl. Ed
ward W. Giddeu, seventy years old,
pioneer miner of Colorado and cousin
of President Grover Cleveland, Is dead
hero of aioplexy. He came to Cripple
Croek fifteen years ago and during
that time inado several fortunes In tho
mining business.
Against Labor Ownership.
Butte, Mont., July 27. Tho conven
tion of the Western Fedoratlou of
Miners has adopted a report which
characterizes as Impracticable tho sug
gestion of President Moycr for the
ownotship of mines and smelters by
labor organisations.
Her Advice
'Ah," he sold as ho led her back to
her sent after the waltz, "I Jost love
"Well," sho replied as she attempted
to repair a torn flounce, "you're not too
old to learn."
warranted to last a lifetime.
Thirty, (30) days FREE TRIAL to responsible parties. Come now,
come at once and see these World Renowned Pianos.
The W. W. Kimball Co. received
tho World's Columbian Award for
Superlative Excellence. This award
Is the most sweeping one ever giv
en producers of pianos and organs.
This signal triumph has been suc
ceeded by yet another: The Kimball
Pianos were honored at the Trans
"Mlsslsslppl Exposition at Omaha
receiving the diploma nnd only gold
medal awarded any piano.
Who Is Recovering Trom Se
vere Attack of Throat Trouble.
Rome, July Z!. The pope, who is
suffering from an attack of laryngitis,
is restless and feverish, but Is much
better. He hopes to bo nble to rouume
his audiences in a short time.
Despite the favorable bulletins it Is
said that the pope's physical condition
is tho cause of real alarm by his nd
vlsors and physicians.
His Ways.
"My husband." sobbed Mrs. Frivol,
'Is the most contrary kind of a man."
"How sx7" asked her sympathetic
"Why. every time," responded the
aggrieved wife, "that I begin dressing
up ho is sure to give mo n dressing
down." Baltimore American.
Hidden Danger.
Owogr How did you come to punc
ture tho tlre7 Chauffeur Ran over n
milk bottle. Owner Didn't you see
!t In time? Chauffeur No: the kid
hnd It under his coat Town Topics.
A Dream of a Hat.
She I dreamed last night yon bought
me a new hat He Well, that's the
first dream of a hat you over had that
didn't coat mo money. Crab Fellow.
The International Jury of Awards
of tho Alaska-Yukon-Paclflc Exposi
tion at Seattle, 1909, conforred the
medal and diploma, unanimously
giving the Grand Highest Award to
Kimball Pianos, Grand and Upright,
and Kimball Pipe Organs.
Mntlinrfl whn vnlua tVinti- nun nnm .
" " . ..... uua WIT,
fnrt nnd thn wnlfnrt nf Hint M. tt
dren, should never bo without a box
of Mother Gray's Powders for Chil
dren, for use thrnnirhntit tha uginn
They Break up Colds, Relieve Fe-
tuiiBiuiuas, uonsupauon, 1 coining
Disorders, Headache and Stomach
Troubles. Used by Mothers for 22
vpnrs. fiTIKSR pnwnuna muvud
FAIL. Sold by all Drug stores, 26c.
uoni accept any substitute. Sample
mailed FREE to any mother. Ad
dress, Allen S. Olmstoad, Lo Roy, N.
AVo print monthly statements,
Advertise in Tho Citizen?
Teachers that have applied for
schools In Berlin will send their cer
tificates to the Secretary before Aug.
D, or no action will be taken upon
their application unless they are
Normal school graduates. By order
of the board.
Honesdale, R. D. No. 4.
Office of the Pennsylvania. Commis
sion to Erect n State Hospital For
tho Criminal Insane, Room No,
008, Real Estate Trust Building,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Sealed proposals for the construc
tion of new buildings known as Din
ing Room Building KI, Kitchen
Building L, Bakery Building JL
Laundry Building T, Power Build
ing V, Ice House W, Reservoir, Sys
tem for Sewage Disposal and Equip
ments for tho Kitchen, Bakery,
Laundry and Power Buildings, per
taining to the State Hospital for the
Criminal Insane for tho Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, at Farvlow,
Wayne county, Pa., to be addressed
to the Pennsylvania Commission to
Erect a State Hospital for tho Crim
inal Insane, In care of H. G. Ash
mead, Secretary, Room No. G08, Real
Estate Trust Building, Philadelphia,
Pa., will be received, opened and
scheduled at 1 p. m. August 8, 1911.
Drawings, specifications and form
of proposal may be had on applica
tion at tho office of J. C. M. Shirk,
Architect, No. 518, Philadelphia
Bank Building, Philadelphia, Pa., by
depositing the sum of two hundred
dollars (?200.00), one hundred and
eighty dollars ($180.00) of which
will be refunded upon the return of
the drawings and specifications.
Bids from others than those en
gaged in the actual business and the
general branches therein mentioned
will not be entertained or consider
ed. The Commission reserves the right
to accept as a whole or in part or
reject any or all bids as may be
deemed best for the interests of the
57t4 Chairman.
PIANOS in this
If you wish to
Masonic Building