The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 05, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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rlnges and wagons. All kinds. Call
and look thera over. E. T. Smith,
Honesdale. 4St8.
orlck factory building, Including en
gine, boiler and shafting. Inquire of
J. B. Robinson. EOtf.
for a small family. Inquire of
Philip Krantz, 300 14th St. 41tf
FOR RENT Six rooms with bath on
second floor, also 3 rooms down
stairs. 1231 Spring street. 34tf.
FOR RENT A modern house and
Improvements with garden on
West street. Inquire Joshua A
Brown. 29tf.
grounds, a bunch of 100 tickets.
Suitable reward if returned to the
manager. &3tl
and Glrdland, ladies silk jacket.
Return to Allen House and receive
reward. 52t2
zen for April 21 to complete our
flies. Address: The Citizen Publish
ing Co., 803 Main street, Honesdale,
missioners will receive bids a,t the
office until 10 a. m. July 11, for
painting the court house roof and
also the Farnham bridge.' 2t
promptly attended to if left with
Thomas Bracey at the Co-Operative
store. Agent Davis Dye Works. 49tS
to enjoy themselves at the carni
val every afternoon and evening dur
ing the entire week at the Carnival.
kills Potato bugs, kills Blight,
Murray Co.. Honesdale. 2
THREE experienced workmen at the
bench dally. All repairs finished
at the shortest notice. Sommer,
Jeweler and Optician. 30tf
ALL REPAIR WORK finished up-to-
date in all our different branches
Sommer, Jeweler and Optician. 30tf
INVENTORY of our repair depart
ment shows 236 finished jobs wait
ing to be called for. Sommer, Jewe
ler and Optician. 30tf.
.' Owing1 to an 'increase, of busi
ness, especially express, the Hones
dale Erie train Is carrying an extra
There will be a meeting of the
building committee at Indian Or
chard school house on Thursday,
July C, at S p. m.
The grounds surrounding the
new armory have been graded,
which adds greatly to the appear
ance of that imposing building.
Hon. and Mrs. Charles B.
Staples announce the engagement of
their daughter, Mary Anne, to Wil
liam Dawson Klrkpatck, Chatham,
N. J. Milford Dispatch.
Fred Wise, who for three years
has been chief lineman for the Bell
Telephone Co., here, has resign
ed. Mr. Wise will spend a short
vacation at his former home In Leb
anon before assuming his new duties
at Carbondale with the Consolidated
Telephone company. .Mr. Wise has
made a number of friends while In
Honesdale who wish his success In
the Pioneer City.
The Wayne County Day at
Luna Park, Scranton, on July 19,
bids fair to bo the largest gathering
of Wayne county people ever held
In Scranton. Prominent speakers
will make addresses In the after
noon at the park. Don't forget the
date, July 19. Train leaves at 8:45
a. m. Tickets $1.00. The big auto
parade on the evening of the 18th
will surpass anything ever seen in
Honesdale. Don't miss it.
The borough orainance forbid
ding lighting and setting oft lire
crackers, rockets, etc., has been
generally ohserved this year. There
have been heard a few snaps and
"reports now and then, but on the
whole there has been little disturb
ance along this line. It Is to he hop
ed that this will be a safe and sane
Fourth. We feel that the picture
that has been running In the Citizen
has had some Influence on our boys.
The Governor has named the
following men to comprise the first
state Educational board: Dr. M. G.
Brumbaugh, Philadelphia, 6 years;
David B. Oliver, Pittsburg, 5 years;
Dr. G. M. Phillips, West Chester, 4
years; John S. Rilling, Erie, 3 years;
William Lauder, Rtddlesburg, two
years; James M. Coughlin, Wllkes
Barre, one year. Dr. N. C. Schaeffer,
State Superintendent of Instruction,
Is to be ex-offlclo president of the
Three blocks on Upper Main
street are being rebuilt by Commis
sioner Weldner. The blocks be
tween Thirteenth and Fifteenth
streets have been completed. The
stUMfe Is certainly In much better
cofflmon and what has been accom
plished Is a demonstration of what
the ten-ton roller can do. Before
being rolled down the road was
plowed or dug up by means of an
attachment placed on the head of
the roller. It is then worked over
and rolled down. The question Is,
"How long will It last?"
Don't fall to see Prince Nemo,
Where? At the Carnival, It
I The average life of a Borden
; milk bottle Is 30 days.
' ChH' es P. Set.llo will dmlor
the Fourth of July oration at Dc.b-
The annual Fourth of July din
ner will be held at the golf grounds
on Tuesday evening.
There will be no freight receiv
ed at, or dispatched from Honesdale
on the Fourth of July.
'State Grange Organizer Theo
dore Klein, Ariel, was shaking hands
with friends in town, Thursday.
The Honesdale Band has been
engaged for the Wayne county fair,
which will commence August 14 and
continue four days.
Miss Emma Brown, Park
street, gave a chain tea for the
benefit of the Honesdale Improve
ment association, Friday afternoon.
J. N. Welsh fell while Ashing
last Thursday and wrenched the
tendons' of his right arm. No bones
were broken. Mr. Welch was in
capacitated for a few days.
The Honesdale Improvement as
sociatlon expect to place benches in
Torrey park. It is hoped they will
not be destroyed as has been the
case in Riverside and other parks
The Midnight Sons will enter
tain their friends at an informal
dance in Lyric hall on Thursday
evening or this week In honor of Mr
and Mrs, .Louis A. Loomls.
Counties In a dozen sections of
the State are appealing to the State
Highway- Commission at Harrlsburg
tor an early start on reconstruction
of roads under the terms of the
'Sproul main highway law.
ine aiternoon Erie train was
a few minutes late, Friday, owing to
the engine becoming disabled at
West Hawley, Another locomotive
was- secured and Engineer Fritz re
turned to Port Jervls with his en
Governor Tener has sicned the
bill which authorizes the opening of
tfie Hospital for Criminal Insane at
Farvlew, for the reception of pa
tients just as soon as any of the
Dunuings are finished, without wait
lng for completion of all.
The Citizen is indebted to Mrs.
P. S. Bass', Cold Spring, J. S. Pen
nell, Paupack, and William Christ.
Honesdale, for advertised .copies of
The Citizen of May B, which we
were In need of to complete our
Hies, we still want papers of April
'Hurrah for the glorious Fourth
and Blester's combined shows. Both
are here but the latter is to remain
for a week. Evervthine amusine.
merry-go-round, ferrls wheels, ponies
and dogs and vaudeville. The Roy
al Italian band will play every 30
The Governor has appointed
Joseph W. Hunter as first deputy to
the Highway Commissioner, at a
salary of $6,000 a year. Mr. Hunt
er organized the State Highway De
partment in 1903 and was Commis
sioner till Mr. E. .M. BIgelow was
appointed recently.
On June 28 Verna Miller Invited
about twelve of her girl friends to
spend the day with her In honor of
her eleventh birthday. At 5 o'clock
dainty refreshments were served, and
at 7 o'clock .Mr.' Miller took the par
ty to the Lyric. All decided that
this was an ideal place to go for a
good time, after which all returned
to their homes wishing Verna many
happy returns of the day.
A jolly crowd enjoyed an al
fresco dinner at the golf grounds,
Saturday night. The participants
were: Mr. and Mrs. John T. Fuller,
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bird3all, Mr.
and Mrs. S. A. McMullon, Jr., Mr.
and Mrs. Charles T. Bentley, Mr. and
Mrs. B. II. Witherbee, Miss Grace
Salmon, Miss Lillian Heydt, New
York, Messrs. Norman Farnham,
C. P. Searle, Esq., R. M. Salmon.
Esq. f3T
Dairy and Food Commissioner
James Foust has ordered an investi
gation Into the cheaper grades of
candies sold throughout the state to
determine whether coloring matters
are Deing used In manufacture con
trary to the pure food laws. Samples
have been taken in forty-two coun
ties of the state and In every city
and In most of the larger boroughs.
These samples are now being ana
lyzed at Philadelphia.
Owing to heavy traffic on the
Erie, the Saturday evening train
was two hours late. There were a
number of carriages and automobiles
waiting at the station to convey
friends and relatives to their respec
tive destinations. Their presence
gave Honesdale a metropolitan air
and It is hoped that it will no the
many years before as many vehicles,
will gather at the depot daily to
take summer boarders to hotels that
will have been built on the hills
surrounding Honesdale.
The annual Arnold reunion was
held at the home of William Arnold
at Prompton, Sunday, July 29,
Those present we're: Mr, and Mrs.
Lewis Hlnes and children, Floyd,
Oscar and Marlon, Scranton; Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Arnold, Scranton; Mr.
and Ms. David Robbins and children,
Harold, Mildred, Charlotte and Carl,
Cherry Ridge; Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Moules and daughter, Elma, Beech
Grove; 'Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clemo
and daughter, Alberta, Bethany;
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Babbitt and
daughter, Lillian, and Edwin Bab
bitt, Honesdale.
A very pretty home wedding oc
curred 'last week at the residence of
George W. 'Sandall of Jackson avenue
when his daughter, Silette R., was
united in marriage to Mr. Albert M.
Van Housen of Starrucca. The cere
mony was performed by Rev. Payne
of Windsor in the parlor which was
banked with flowers. The couple
were unattended. The bride was
charmingly attfred in a white dress
trimmed with lace and satin and
carried a boquet of white roses. Af
ter the ceremony a reception was
tendered the newly married couple
and later they left on train No. 3 for
a trip to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and
other points of Interest. On their
return they will be at home at 407
Jackson avenue. Scranton Times,
Don't fall to visit the museum
of anatomy ;fthl,clw)is very instruc
tive, at the Carnival. It
Everybody will enjoy a visit
to Dunmouth's big five in one show.
The different cut glass factories
are closed down for a week or ten
At the communion services in
the First Presbyterian church Sun
day morning, two prominent Maple
City young men were received into
full membership by the pastor, Doc
tor swift.
The Blester Carnival company
wnicn is giving atternoon and even
ing exhibitions on the flats near St.
Uohn's R. C. church, Honesdale,
voluntarily suspended operations on
raising their tents, Monday morning,
during the progress of a funeral ser
vice in the adjoining sacred edifice.
Myrtle Slllemuth, the sixteen-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Dlllemuth, Crystal Spring, was
taken to one of the Scanton hospitals
Saturday, suffering from a severe
attack of appendicitis.
Hon. A. T. Searle was a recent
caller In Hawley.
Mrs. John Gregory, Prompton,
visited friends in town recently.
'H. Simons, Paupack, was a Thurs
day business caller In the Maple City.
'Mr. and Mrs. George O. Gillett,
Hamlin, spent Thursday in the Maple
Mr, and Mrs. H. P. Colvln, Pitts
ton, spent Thursday in the Maple
Mr. and Mrs. U. O. Millhenni,
Pittston, spent Thursday in Hones
dale. C. D. Gilpin, Newfoundland, trans
acted business In Honesdale last
Charles Gerry, New York City, is
a guest of his brother, Chester
Miss Daisy Herrick, Port Jervls, Is
spending a few days with Maple City
Mrs. A. B. Transue was a guest
of Mrs. W. W. Pierson, Waymart,
Postmaster M. B. Allen was a
week-end business caller In the me
tropolis. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley Weir,
Scranton. called on friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Martin. Pleas
ant Mount, called on friends in town,
C. A. Hanklns, Tustln, N. Y.,
transacted business in Honesdale,
last weeK.
Miss Emma Sandercock. Denoslt.
N. Y., is spending her vacation in
Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Keeler. Tow-
anda, are spending a few days with
relatives nere.
Mrs. M. E. Bolkcom nassed a
pleasant day with friends at Seelv-
ville last week.
Miss Lillian Heydt, Now York
City, is visiting Mrs. A. T. Searle on
Upper Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. William Jones.
Brooklyn, N. Y., are guests of rela
tives in Honesdale.
Miss Charlotte Bullock leaves
Wednesday for a few days' visit with'
friends at Waymart.
Adam Schilling left Friday for a
hospital in Scranton, where he will
undergo an operation.
Lenora Keyes. Lake Ariel, has
been visiting at the present home of
Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Beers.
Mrs. Oliver Bunnell left Friday af
ternoon for Chicago, where she will
visit her son, Fred, and his family.
Miss Amy Clark will leave Wed
nesday for Ithaca, N. Y where she
will take a summer course in mu
sic. O. E. Simons, proprietor of the
Hotel Wayne, Newfoundland, was a
pleasant Honesdale caller last Thurs
day. Mr. and 'Mrs. Lewis Partridge and
children are visiting at the homo of
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Matthews, Clin
ton. Christopher Schraeder Is in New
York City on business. He expects
to be away from town about three
Dr. Arno C. Voigt, Hawley, and
father, Alex. Voigt, of the same
place, were business callers here
Raymond BIgart, Carbondale. has
returned after spending a few
weeks with his uncle, Thomas, at
this place.
Mrs. P. J. Conroy, Dunmore, was
entertained at the home of the
Misses Elizabeth and Mary Hanley
on Thursday.
Miss Beatrice Rehbein, who Is at
tending school at Cortland, N. Y.,
arrived home Saturday evening for
the summer.
Mrs. Ella Jones and daughter,
Miss Mabel, a.; - spending the
Fourth in Glrdland as guests of tho
former's mother.
W. W. Starbuck and sister. Miss
Sadie, New York City, spent Sunday
and the Fourth with their sister,
Mrs. Isaac Hawker.
Monroe Weiss, New York City, is
spending a few days with his sis
ters, Misses Carrie and Matilda
Weiss, on East Park street.
Mrs. H. F. Weaver and daughter,
Miss Gladys, leave Wednesday for
Chicago, where they will make an
extended visit with relatives.
Mrs. T. E. Callaway and son, C. R.
Callaway, spent Sunday and the
Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Schuller In Upper Montclalr, N. J.
Miss Frances Zelller and friend,
Miss Sheridan, both of Wilkes-Bar-re,
are being entertained at the
home of the Misses Lowe, Main
George 'M. Keyes, Morencl, Mich.,
who is spending some time with his
brother, Alva Keyes, at Ariel, was
In Honesdale on business on Thurs
day last.
Miss Etta Brlgg, wno nad been
spending some time as the guest of
the family of her sister, Dr. and
Mrs. R. W. Brady, 'Park street, left
for her home at Westfleld, N, J
Friday, accompanied by her- niece,
Miss Ethel Brady.
Isaac Katz, New York City, spent
the Fourth in town.
J. B. Robinson is spending some
time in Hancock, N. Y.
F. L. Glehrer was a business call
er In Forest City Saturday.
Mr. and .Mrs. John Boyd and chil
dren are rusticating at Beachlake.
Frank Erk and wife left Sunday
in their auto for Blnghamton, N. Y.
Ernest Tolley, Jermyn, Is spend
ing a few days with his parents
Angus Lawyer, New York, Is home
to spend the Fourth with his par
W. W. Parker has returned from
a weeks' visit with Paterson rela
tives. Mrs. Louis A. Loomls is spending
a few days with her Susquehanna
John O'Brien, Rochester, N. Y.,
is spending his vacation with his
mother here.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Gus. N. Brown,
Scranton, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. William. Katz.
Miss Inez LeRoy, Glen Eyre, at
tended the military dance at the new
armory on Friday evening.
Charles Bushwaller has returned
from an extensive business trip
through Western Pennsylvania.
Charles L. Bassett, who was oper
ated on at a private hospital In
Scranton last week, is Improving.
James O. Mumford leaves Wed
nesday for Philadelphia where he
will take the State Bar examinations.
Mrs. Eben Clark expects to spend
a few weeks with relatives and
friends in Randolph and Blngham
ton, N. Y.
Sloan Truscott, Ithaca, N. Y.,
combined business with pleasure
during the past few days spent in
N. B. Sluman and daughter, Miss
Minnie, Montclalr, N. J., are being
entertained at the home of Gilbert
White, East street.
Julius Freund and Robert A.
Smith, of the State surveying corps,
Will SDend the Fourth nt Hiolr .
spectlve homes here.
J. B. Megivern, daughter Miss
Mary F. Megivern and .Mrs. P. S.
Bass. Cold Snrlnc. nnllorl -it tha rttt.
zen office Saturday morning.
Hon. H. fl. Jnnksnn vnc in TTnnac.
dale on Friday enroute to his home
at ij-ier Hill. .ir. Jackson had
spent a few days in Scranton on
MiSS Minnie Schullpr Is snpmllno-
a few days in New York City. Dur
ing her stay she and a nnrtv nf vnnnr
friends expect to go up the Hudson
to iewDurgn.
.Miss Alice Z. Gregory and Miss
Harriet E. Arnold leave Wednesday
tor Ithaca, N. Y., where they will
pursue courses in summer schools
In that city.
R. W. Budd, Ridge street, was
thrown from his wagon near
his home Thursday evening. No
bones were broken, but he received a
number of bruises.
Mrs. R. W. Charles and two chil
dren, Raymond and Martin, who
have been visiting friends and rela
tives in Honesdale, returned to their
home Saturday morning.
Miss Ethel Lee leaves Wednesday
for Now York City, where she will
meet her aunt. Miss Jennie S. Lee,
and from thence will go to Berre,
Vt., for a few weeks' stay.
Mrs. Leonard Roegner, son Clar
ence, and daughter, Miss Margaret,
left Saturday for a few days' stay
with the former's daughter, Mrs.
Ambroso Keleghler, Towanda.
Giles Greene, who has just been
graduated from Yale, and who will
enter the Columbia School of Archi
tecture next Fall, Is working In the
draughting room at the Elevator'
Mrs. A. G. Lootnis returned home
Saturday afternoon from Scranton
much Improved in health as the re
sult of a recent operation which she
underwent at the State Hospital in
that city.
Michael Reilly and Frank Shaffer,
representing the American Flint
Glass Workers local union, left Sun
day to attend the national convention
at Sea Isle City. The meeting will
be in session to-day.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Eugene Coleman,
son Gerald and daughter Jessie, and
William H. Evans left Saturday
morning for a three weeks' visit with
relatives and friends In Brooklyn, N.
Y., Eliznbeth and Trenton, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rosencrans left
Saturday morning for Crystal Lake,
Sullivan county, whero they will
spend about a week with Mrs.
Rosencrans brother, John Quick,
who conducts a summer house at
that popular place.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kelly,
son Joseph E., daughter Margaret
and Miss Louise Meszler, all of De
posit, N. Y., motored to Honesdale
on Friday. Mr. Kelly will remain
over Sunday. His wife and children
will remain here two weeks.
Mrs. Archbald Brown, two chil
dren, Archbald, Jr., and Jeanette,
Berwick, are passing a few days with
relatives here. 'Mr. Brown has ac
cepted a position as athletic trainer
with the Young Men's Christian as
sociation In Jersey Shore, near
Wllllamsport, and will remove his
family to that place within a few
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Dlttrich, son
Franklin, and daughter Dorothy,
and Miss Agatha McGraw motored to
Tyler Hill in their car Friday after
noon. Mr. Dlttrich has a fine bunga
low alongside 'beautiful Laurel Lake,
where he and his family contemplate
staying the next six weeks. He,
however, will make occasional trips
to Honesdale during that time.
W. B. Holmes accompanied his
granddaughters, Misses Rebecca and
Mary Mills to New York City, Mon
day afternoon, after spending ten
days at the former's home. Miss
Rebecca will enter Moody's summer
school, Northfleld, Mass., of which
her father, E.. C. Mills, Is a trustee,
while her sister, Miss Mary, will
enter a camp of eighty other girls
at Falrlee, Vermont.
A big feature at the Carnival
is Kid Canfleld and the Stanleys,
TION. R. M. Stocker, editor of the
Wayne County Herald, and a director
of same, has tendered his resignation.
Mr. Stocker has vyrltten editorials for
that paper for several years. Dur
ing the past year he has been editor-in-chief.
Tho many Honesdale friends of
Miss Tydvll Jones, Scranton, will
be happily surprised to learn of her
marriage to William Lamkle, of
New Hampshire, which occurred on
j r nuay last in Rutherford, N. J.
xne marriage was also a surprise to
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Reese G. Jones. Mrs. Lamkie is
well known In Honesdale, having
visited here on different occasions.
Of course everybody wants to
see Mamie at the vaudeville show. 1
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rettew sperft
Sunday as the guests of his parents,
Hon. and Mrs. C. E. Rettew, John
street, Carbondale.
Biester Combined Shows
Big display of fireworks In the evening. Band concert by the Royal
Italian Band every 30 minutes during the entire day.
Special features Mammoth Merry-go-round, colossal Ferris Wheel,
eight big shows with minor amusement devices. Attraction open after
noon and evening. Come and enjoy yourselves.
Grand 4th of July Celebration
the Scranton Exchange was placed in service on Saturday, June 24.
Local service in Scranton and Dunmore was thus fully restored, just
seven weeks after the disastrous Are of May 9th. For rapid re
construction this excels the record. We thank our patrons for the'
patience displayed during this time and trust that the improved ser
vice which will result when all adjustments have been completed
will compensate for the delay.
Consolidated Teflephone Go.'s
Foster Building
The Boy Scouts need funds to buy camp equipment.
Will you not buy all the tickets you can afford?
One of the best moving picture shows of the
season will be given
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
are the chief attraction; with many other things in Fur.
nishings, Hats, Shoes and other lines to make it doubly
$25. Hart Schaffner &
22.50 " "
20.00 " "
Other well-known makes
in YOUNG SIGN'S SUITS, $8.50 and
910 kind nt $1.05. Not every size
in nil lines, but your size in some.
It will pay you to look tho lino over.
the famous W. L. DOUGLASS and other Rood makes. All men's and
Boys' STRAW HATS at cost. You will SAVE 25 PER CENT, on any
furnishings purchased here.
Enterprise Clothing House H0T
of Fun
JULY 3 to 8
JULY 7th
Marx Suits - - - $18.
" " 16.50
" 14.90
that were $10, $12 and $15
$7, $8 and $11.50.