The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 28, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    THfi 0IT1ZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1011.
ron sale.
by nearly new. Bargain. V. W.
Baker, Honesdale. 51w2
riages and wagons. All kinds. Call
and look them over. E. T. Smith,
Honesdale. 48t8.
Drlck factory building, including en
gine, boiler and shafting. Inquire of
J. B. Robinson. BOtt.
for a small family. Inquire of
Philip Krantz, 300 14th St. 41tf
FOR RENT Six rooms with bath on
second floor, also 3 rooms down
stairs. 1231 Spring street. 34tf.
FOR RENT A modern house and
improvements with garden . on
West street. Inquire Joshua A.
Brown. 29tf.
mlssloners will receive bids at the
office until 10 a. m. July 11, for
painting the court house roof and
also the Farnham bridge. 2t
promptly attended to if left with
Thomas Bracey at the Co-Operatlve
store. Agent Davis Dye Works. 49t8
Sodality of St. liary Magdalena's
church will hold a lawn social at tie
foot of Fifth street, Wednesday
evening, June 28. B0t2
sum of money, which upon identi
fication and payment for this ad
vertisement will be returned to its
kills Potato bugs, kills Blight.
Murray Co., Honesdale. 2t
zen for April 21 and May 5, to
complete our flies. Address: The
Citizen Publishing Co., 803 Main
street, Honesdale, Pa.
THREE experienced workmen at the
bench daily. All repairs finished
at the shortest notice. Sommer,
Jeweler and Optician. 30tf
ALL REPAIR WORK finished up-to-date
in all our different branches.
Sommer, Jeweler and Optician. 30tf
ture, Pyrox and sprayers of all
kinds at Murray Co's, Honesdale. 2
INVENTORY of our repair depart
ment shows 236 finished jobs wait
ing, to be called for. Sommer, Jewe
ler and Optician. 30tf.
Teeth for all makes of machines
at Murray Co., Honesdale. 2t.
The glorious Fourth of July only
a few days off. The small boy can
hardly wait.
Nicholson is celebrating "Old
Home Week" this week. That little
Wyoming county town has always
been wideawake.
A party composed of William
Cummlsky, Fred Hauser, E. M. Mc
Cracken and Messrs. Swartz and
Roselle spent Monday and Tuesday
llsJ.lng on Duck Harbor pond.
Owing to the Fourth of July
coming on Tuesday, the Citizen will
be published on Monday instead.
Advertisers, correspondents and all
those to whom it may concern are
requested to forward their copy a
day earier than usual.
An effort is being made to se
cure a rural route from Narrows
burg, N. Y., taking the following
course from that place: Thence to
Milanville, to Boyds Mills, to Acto,
returning to Narrowsburg, covering
a distance of about 15 miles The
petition presented was unanimously
The Sunday school of the First
Presbyterian church is endeavoring
to bring about a joint picnic to Far
view of all the Sunday schools in
Honesdale this summer. A commit
tee was appointed to make the neces
sary arrangements consisting of W.
W. Wood, Joseph A. Bodle, Jr., and
Frank Jenkins.
Improvements are soon to be
made in Glen Dyberry cemetery,
among them being two new roads.
One will start in near the tool house
and take a northerly direction on
the side hill. Another will take
a similar course starting in just
back of the Appley plot, intersecting
the same road a few hundred feet
north. Supt. R. J. Miller has six
jaetx employed in the cemetery.
It is believed that this year'e
meeting of the Christian Endeavor
societies at Atlantic City in July
will prove the greatest in the his
tory of the organization. This
gathering is of unusual interest and
importance because it celebrates the
thirtieth anniversary of the found
ing of the Christian Endeavor move
ment, and the fact that the meeting
this year Is to be held in America's
famous summer resort. This organ
ization now numbers seventy-five
thousand societies, in practically
e'very country in the world and a
grand total of four million mem
bers. It is believed twenty thous
and delegates 'will attend the con
vention, which is to be held at At
lantic City from July 6 to 12.
To accomodate those "who desire to
attend, the Delaware and Hudson
Co. will sell at all stations on its
lines special excursion tickets for
the round trip at reduced fares.
Ask your ticket agent for particulars.
The Merry Heart Candy sale will
take place, in Central Park, Wednes
day, June 28.
The Guerney Elevator Works
commenced running on 5B hours per
week Monday morning.
A marriage license was Issued to
Frank Freeman, Moscow, and Miss
Anna Smith, Madisonvllle.
We passed the longest day of
1911 last Wednesday. The shortest'
will be here before we know iti
The former home of Fred Bry
ant on Tenth street is being remodel
ed. John Bryant Is doing the work.
There will bo a meeting of the
Wayne County Poultry association
at R. F. Martin's poultry farm, Haw
ley, Friday, June 30, at 4 p. m.
The music pupils of Mrs. L. B.
RIchtmyer gave a delightful piano
forte recital last Thursday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. J. W. Lambert.
The Boy Scouts enjoyed a hike
Saturday afternoon to Hawley. It
took them about three hours to make
the trip. They returned on the 6:56
p. m. Erie train.
Jesse Carey made five miles in
nineteen minutes and seventeen sec
onds, two seconds slower than his
record of 19 M minutes for five miles,
at the rink Friday evening.
A block of Main street will
probably receive an application of
oil this week. The apparatus be
longing to C. Dorfllnger will be
borrowed for the occasion.
Unclaimed letters are remaining
at Honesdale postoffice, week ending
June 26, for the following individu
als: Mrs. F. Stocker, Mr. Walter
Langan. M. B. Allen, postmaster.
There will be a good game of
base ball at the silk mill grounds,
Saturday afternoon. The opposing
team will be either the South
Scranton nine or some other flrst
class team;
The twelfth annual picnic of
Texas Fire company No. 4, will be
held July 4 at Bellevue Park.
Mrs. Louise Case, a graduate
nurse, is in Susquehanna caring for
Mrs. Charles Lent.
'Misses Mildred Spencer and
Alison Sterling, Pleasant Mount, at
tended the wedding In Carbondale
last Wednesday evening of Dr. T.
A. Rutherford, Clark's Summit, and
Miss Marjorle Spencer, Carbondale.
Relatives in Honesdale were
notified by telegram Friday that
'Miss Libble Holbert, formerly of
this place, was stricken with apop
lexy on Thursday. She Is lying in
a precarious condition in a Los An
geles hospital.
Owing to the. Fourth of July
coming on Tuesday, the Citizen will
be published on 'Monday instead.
Advertisers, correspondents and all
those to whom it may concern are
requested to forward their copy a
day earier than usual.
George B. Kimble, the drayman,
lost his valuable horse on Sunday.
The animal was sick a few weeks
with distemper, which developed in
to pneumonia." Mr. Kimble refused
$250 a short time ago for the horse.
He raised It from a colt and feels
his loss quite severely.
Helene Purdy, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. ,C. A. Purdy, Seelyville,
underwent a very serious surgical
operation at the State hospital, in
Scranton, Monday morning. The
operation was performed by Dr. A.
W. Smith, assisted by Dr. Harry B.
Ely. Her condition Is favorable.
The I. T. club, composed ex
clusively of girls, enjoyed a fine din
ner at the home of Mrs. William
Briggs last Thursday evening. Those
present to participate in the excellent
menu served by the caterer were:
iMIsses Ethel Schlessler, Merle Eld
red, Minnie Schoell, Gertrude Krantz,
Harriet Arnold. Marlon Charlesworth
and Florence Eldred.
A hearing was held before
Squire William H. Ham In his office
Monday morning at 10 o'clock, on it
plea of assumpsit for wages of labor
In the case of Miss Emma Conley
versus Miss Kate 'McKenna, the plain
tiff claiming two weeks' wages at ?18
a week or $36 In all. Attorney
Chester A. Garrett appeared for the
plaintiff, and Charles P. Searle, Esq.,
appeared for the defendant. After
hearing the evidence, 'Squire Ham
reserved his decision until later In
the week.
Now that Fourth of July is near
at hand it might be well to warn
the juvenile patriotic leaders that
there is an ordinance forblddlne the
burning or setting off of fire crack
ers before July 4. Never mind how
strong the temptation, even if you
want to celebrate in your own yard,
If the firing of a cracker made a
horse to run away and caused any
damage you -would be held resnonsi
ble. There is a borough ordinance
prohibiting the setting off of fire
crackers under a penalty of $1.
Stephen Heines was tendered a
delightful surprise party Friday
evening at tne nome of Mr. and Mrs,
Abraham Decker, Cliff street. The
customary party diversions were en
joyed. In honor of the occasion
Mrs. Deoker served dainty refresh
ments. The participants were:
Misses Alice Seellg, Alice Knapp,
Cecilia Knapp, Elizabeth Mauer,
Elizabeth Castek, Margaret Kelgler,
vara i.estnacier, iva Kelley, Scran
ton; Mary Krelter, Rose Seellg;
'Messrs. George Holle, Julius Rlck
ert, Jacob Holl, Robert Mauer, Ed
ward Butler, William Bunnell, F.
Tuthel, Stephen Heines, Duncan
Mac Tavish, William Seellg, Fred
Though the date is not until
December, members of the Pennsyl
vania State Grange are already pre
paring lor tne annual meeting in
Scranton. This is the first time the
Grange has met in northeastern
Pennsylvania, and though the min
ing industry predominates in the
immediate proximity, business men
and others are co-operatng to make
the meeting the best in the Grange
history. Thousands of members are
expected to attend the meetings,
which will bo held In the Town
Hall. Headquarters will be at Ho
tel Casey. Five counties, Lacka.
wanna, Wayne, Wyoming, Bradford
and Susquehanna, all of them strong
Grange counties, are joining in
making the meeting a success.
Charles E. Dodge is out for
Prothonotary on the Democratic
' The letters from Orson, Steene,
Sherman, and Ariel will appear in
Friday's issue.
The Stroudsburg hospital will
receive an appropriation of $2000
from the state, ;
The White Ribboners met at.
Tuesday evening. I
On the evening of July 18
there will be a street parade in which
7l automobiles will take place.
The Lady Maccabees will hold a .
on High street on Thursday evening,
June 29.
Past Great Prophet, William
H. Long, Hanover, will be in Hones
dale July 18, to witness the Red
Men's automobile parade.
Superintendent and Mrs. J. J.
Koehler returned Monday from
their vacation spent in the central
and southern part of the state.
Five new students enrolled at
Prof. Oday's summer school on Mon
day morning. One has completed a
course in the East Stroudsburg State
Normal. This speaks well for Prof.
Mrs. Charles Webb, Beech
Grove, was operated on Tuesday
morning by Dr. H. B. Ely, assisted
by Dr. Nielsen and trained nurses
Misses Cody and Hatler. Miss Cody
has charge of the case.
A wreck occurred at Elmhurst
on the Scranton division of the Erie
railroad on Saturday afternoon, but
no one was injured. The Hawley
Erie train, due at 6:40, did not ar
rive until after 11 o'clock. J
Owing to the Fourth! July
coming on Tuesday, the CMzen will
be published on MondajV Instead.
Advertisers, correspondency and all
those to whom it may concern are
requested to forward their copy a
day earier than usual.
George Anvil, who claims his
home is in the vicinity of Carbon
dale, was arrested in Hawley on
Monday charged with threatening
to kill Martin May of that town.
Anvil was committed to jail Mon
day night, where he will await his
appearance before the next grand
The graduating class of the
Port Jervls High school, the largest
ever to be graduated from that in
stitution, was composed of thirty-
six members. Miss Caroline A.
Rlghter received first honor and
Fred D. Salmon, nephew of Cashier
H. S. Salmon of this place, secured
second honor. The pictures of the
different members of the class occu
pied a page In Saturday's Port Jer
vls Union.
Charles Fessenden, Hollister-
vllle, was in Honesdale on business,
Monday. He motored from his
home town tb Seelyville in two
hours and twenty-five minutes. Mr.
Fessenden brought a large load of
wool to Blrdsall Bros. Mr. Fessen
den makes daily trips to Scranton
from their creamery in Hollister-
vllle by the way of Moscow. The
seventeen miles was made in an hour
and twenty minutes.
'Since the tree trimmers have
finished their work along the banks
of the Lackawaxen river, the beauty
has been enhanced many fold. The
old dead limbs have been removed
and within a short time the experts
claim the dead matter trimmed away
will be replaced with a new growth.
The skilled workmen were in Tor
roy Park Tuesday and changed the
appearance of several trees therein.
The men will remain hero but a few
days longer, and It behooves the
property owners of Honesdale to take
advantage of their being here if they
desire any tree surgery done. Much
credit is due the Honesdale Improve
ment association for their efforts and
money spent in beautifying Hones
Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Mprrltt nfnt
Sunday with Scranton friends.
Wilhur Dallov. nnnnslt. Ttf. V. Is
visiting his parents on High street.
Rlarfinpfi Fnrtnnni. Tvlnr TTI11
called on relatives in the Maple
City, Sunday.
Erlwnrrl ATnllnn nnrl wifo Wonf
Pittston. were pallors on rplntivps
here Sunday.
'Miss Matilda Whnlpn. PIHstnn.
Is the guest of her brother, Am
brose Whalen.
Mrs. John Daniel and daughter.
Dorothy, Scranton, spent Sunday
with P. R. Collum and family.
Mr. and Mrs. William Harding.
New York City! are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clark, Park
street. '
Miss Eva Wilson, who has been
the guest of her brother in New
York city, returned home Monday
Mrs. C. Schuller and daughter,
Miss Alma, returned Monday from a
stay at the home of the former's
son, Alfred L. Schuller, Upper Mont
clalr, N. J.
Miss Marie Freund, who gradu
ated from Smith College, at North
ampton, Mass., this year, Is home
to spend the summer with her .par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freund.
Mr. and Mrs. John Strongman,
New York city, who spend much of
their time in Honesdale and Beth
any, sail for Liverpool, Saturday, on
a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Byron
Miller, who lives in the suburbs of
that city.
Miss Clara Eck, who has taught
the past few years in the Seelyville
High school, has accepted a situation
in the office of her un'cle. William
W. Starbuck, New York city. Miss
Alma Schuller has secured Miss
Eck's former position in the Seely
vllle school.
O. E. Reynolds, West Nicholson,
was a week-end guest of Rev. Sam.
uel Tolley. 'Mr. Reynolds, who Is a
prominent Civil war veteran, visited
the Park Place Armory, through the
courtesy or captain Carroll J. Kel
ley. He -was lavish in his praise of
the modern and up-to-date nome
provided lor the use of Company E
Miss Amy E. Calrk spent Satur
day .in Scranton.
George Foster, Scranton, spent
Sunday with relatives here.
Dr. Reed Burns, Scranton, spent
Saturday in the Maple City.
R. Slefz, Scranton, was a Hones
dale, business caller Monday.
Dr. R. H. Ely, Hawley, visited his
son, Dr. H. B. Ely, Saturday.
John O'Neill, New York city, is
spending the week in Honesdale.
Miss Emma Hauensteln, Carbon
dale, spent Sunday in Honesdale.
Miss Ruth Lane, Smith College,
Is home for the summer vacation.
H. A. Preumers, Carbondale,
passed Sunday with his family here.
George Kimble, Dyberry Place,
lost a valuable young horse last Sun
day. Charles Adams, Scranton, was a
business caller in Honesdale on Fri
day. Noble Pellenz, Scranton, Is spend
ing a week with relatives in Hones
dale. Gustave Smith, Jr., Scranton, Bpent
Saturday with his parents at Seely
ville. L. S. Gager, Cold Spring, was a
Monday business caller in Hones
dale. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Belknap, Or
son, spent 'Monday with friends in
Thomas Renn, Scranton, spent
Sunday as the guest of Dr. and Mrs.
P. J. Griffin.
Rev. Will H. Hlller attended the
funeral of a relative in Wilkes-Bar-re,
last week.
Miss Helen Coyne, Scranton, Is
spending some time with Maple
City relatives.
Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Scranton,
spent Sunday as the guest of her
son, Jay C. Smith.
Mrs. Nicholas Mathey and son,
Nicholas, Boston, Mass., are visit
ing relatives here.
Mrs. W. H. Lee returned Monday
from a ten days' sojourn with rela
tives in Philadelphia.
Miss Madge Graham attended the
reception of nurses of Dr. Reed
Burns' hospital, Tuesday.
'Mrs. Charles E. Sandercock spent
several days in Scranton last week
as the guest of her parents.
Mrs.. Ezra Clemo, Clinton, spent
last Thursday at the Slebold resi
dence, Salem avenue, Carbondale.
Thomas Kllroe, New York city. Is
spending his vacation at Tanners
Falls, as the guest of his mother.
William Beurket, Charles Dun
ning, Edward Joseyle, and Leon
Katz motored to Liberty, N. Y., last
Miss Elease Krantz is spending
several weeks in Hawley as the
guest of her grandfather, William
George Collins, East Extension
street, is day operator at the Hoad-
leys station of the Erie and Wyo
ming railroad.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Holmes are
entertaining two of their grandchll.
den, Rebecca and Mary Mills,
Brookline, Mass.
Mrs. Carl Schuller and daughter,
Miss Alma L. Schuller. returned
home from a visit to Mrs. Schuller's
son at 'Montclalr, N. J., Monday,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Martin Merlon and
three children, Scranton, spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Allenbacker, on High street.
Reuben Brown and Austin Lyons,
law students at the University of
Michigan; came home Sunday even
ing to spend the summer at their
homes here.
'Miss Louise Lee returned on Frl
day last from Catsklll, N. Y., where
she was employed as a teacher of
German and French in the high
school of that place.
G. Howard Gilpin, Waymart, a
Republican candidate for the nomi
nation for County Commissioner, was
a pleasant caller at The Citizen of
fice, Saturday morning.
Giles P. Greene, a graduate of the
Class 1911 of Yale University, ar
rived in town last week to spend
the summer with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Homer Greene.
Ernest E. Slocum, New York city,
is a guest of George Graham, Park
street. Mr. Graham deserted the
fourth estate some years ago for the
more profitable occupation of land
E. M. McCracken, formerly of
Honesdale, late of Coudersport, is
spending a week with friends in
Wayne county. Mr. 'McCracken has
severed his connection with the Bell
Telephone company.
Mrs. T. D. O'Connell, Honesdale,
accompanied by Miss Clotilda O'Con
nor, Hawley, attended the reunion of
the Alumni of the Lancaster High
school, last week, of which Mrs.
O Connell is a graduate.
Joseph Jacobs, a member of the
Class of 1911, Honesdale High
school, has secured a good position
with a state survey corps which is
engaged in doing map work in
Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Palen, Wil-
llamsport, were Sunday guests of Mr,
and Mrs. John E. Richmond, Church
street. Mr. Palen is division super
lntendent of the Elk Tanning com.
pany. Mrs. Palen is a grand-niece
of Mrs. Richmond's.
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rutledge,
Rutledgedale, spent part of Satur
day with Mr. and Wrs. J. O. Ter
rell. 'Mr. Rutledge is enjoying
a successful summer boarding sea
son, many city guests having .been
at his homo since last April.
George Hotchkiss Street, Paris,
France, rendered an offertory last
Sunday morning in Grace Protestant
Episcopal church with rare taste
and in excellent spirit. During
his stay here, Mr. Street was the
guest of the Misses C. Petersen and
Charlotte Lane, Church street.
Wm. H. McCormlck, Jr., Philadel
phia, a student of Forestry at State
College, spent Sunday as the guest
of the Misses C. Petersen and Char
lotte Lane, Church street. Mr. Mc
Cormick is on his way to California,
where he will spend the summer
months estimating timber tracts.
A. G. Loomis, Deposit, N. Y.,
spent Sunday in town.
Miss Anna Brown, Scranton, is
visiting friends in town.
J. Hathaway, Lookout, spent Sat
urday in the 'Maple City.
Nathan Mitchell left Monday on a
visit to Carbondale relatives.
Eva Weston returned home from
New York on Monday night.
B. A. Street, Scranton, transacted
business in Honesdale, Friday.
H. Bakers, Damascus, transacted
business in Honesdale, Saturday.
Miss Lena C. Courtrlght, Newark.
N. J., is visiting friends in town.
Mrs. Orran. Carbondale. Is visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farnham.
M. J. Kelly, Whites Valley, trans
acted business in town, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clemo s'Dent
Saturday and Sunday In Scranton.
O. Farrell, Whites Valley, was a
Monday business caller In Honesdale.
Miss Millie Tuthill. Hawley. Is
visiting friends In Port Jervls, N.
R. M. Spencer, Blnghamton, N. Y
transacted business in town Mon
Ed. Murphy, Scranton, was a Sat
urday business -aller in the Maple
Miss Ren& Keen. Orange. N. J..
is spending the summer at her home
here. '
R. M. Salmon. Esq.. scent the
week-end and Sunday in Wilkes
Barre. Wayne Hazen, Elmlra Heights. Is
expected home with his family this
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sheard. Cal
kins, spent Sunday with Honesdale
'Martin Caufield. Montreal. Can
ada, is visiting his father, Martin
H. P. Mead, Whites Valley, trans
acted business at the county seat,
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. FItze. Cream-
ton, called on Honesdale friends,
C. A. Hankins and S. :H. Hankins.
Tustin, N. Y., spent Suntiay in the
Mapie city.
Mrs. Ezra Clemo and daughter,
Edna, Bethany, are visitlnc relatives
in Scranton.
Miss Elizabeth McCurdv. New
York, is visiting friends and relatives
in Honesdale.
Mrs. Kate Clemo. Fifteenth street.
is spending a few days with her chil
dren at Bethany.
Miss Florence Moon, Carbondale.
spent Sunday as the guest of her
cousin, Miss Ruth Ruppert.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. FIsch,
Tenth street, entertained Edr'-J
Robling, Scranton, recently Va."
Mr. and 'Mrs. R. J. Many, Beth
any, have been visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Judson Noble, Scranton.
Dr. C. R. Brady and Dr. E. T.
Brown attended the State Dental con
vention In Scranton on Tuesday.
Miss Elizabeth French, Montclalr,
N. J., a Vassar girl, is the guest of
her aunt, Mrs. William H. Stone.
Miss Elizabeth Harroun returned
home, Saturday, from an extended
visit with West Chester friends.
Mrs. John Wall, Boyds Mills, has
been visiting her friend, Mrs. M. E.
Bolkcom, of East Fifteenth street.
Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Beers, who
have been visiting relatives at Lake
Ariel, Scranton, Vina, Tompkins
county, N. Y., have returned home,
bringing with them, their two grand
sons, John and Sturgls, Scranton,
who will spend a month with them.
Chicken Dinner at noon, price 35c.
Ice Cream and other refreshments on sale,
Chester A. Garratt, will deliver an address at 11:15 A.M.
Rev. Father Balta's address at 2 P. M.
Music for dancing afternoon and Evening.
Sock races, and other amusements.
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
are the chief attraction; with many other things in Fur.
nishings, Hats, Shoes and other lines to make it doubly
$25. Hart Schaffner &
22.50 "
20.00 " "
Other well-known makes
in YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, $8.50 and
910 kind at 94.05. Not every size
in all lines, but your size in some.
It will pay you to look t ho lino over.
the famous W. L. DOUGLASS and other Rood makes. All men's and
Boys' STRAW HATS at cost. You will SAVE 25 PER CENT, on any
furnishings purchaeed here.
Enterprise Clothing House
Miss Katherine Babbitt, West
Btreet, returned Monday from a visit
with friends and relatives in Scot
dale. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lincoln, Fif
teenth street, are visiting their
daughter, Mrs. Pethlck, at Boyds
Mrs. Morris Freeman, 814 Court
street, Is critically 111, and but slight
hopes are entertained for her re
covery. Conductor 'McAndrew, Port Jer
vls, N. Y., Is running a few days for
Charles Lordon on the Honesdale
passenger train.
Rev. James P. Ware, Drlfton, a
former rector of Grace P. E. church,
Honesdale, is visiting former par
ishioners in town.
Dorothy Clemo ana Alice Ward,
Bethany, will leave Saturday for Or
son whore they will stay until after
the Fourth of July.
Mrs. M. T. Lynch and son, Fran
cis, who have been spending some
time in town, left for their home in
Sayre, the first of the week.
Miss Harriet E. Minor, a Jersey
school teacher, is spending her va
cation as the guest of her mother,
Mrs. Nancy P. Minor, 1002 Church
Mrs. A. G. Loomis is convalescing
rapidly from the effects of a recent
severe operation at State Hospital,
Scranton, and 1b expected home some
time this week.
Miss E. Goldstein returned from
a two weeks' visit to New York city,
where she was summoned to attend
the funeral of Mr. Falk, accompan
ied by 'Mrs. Rudolph Reinhart, and
little son, Robert, who will be
her guests for some time. Mr. Rein
hart Is expected Wednesday for a
few days' stay.
Thursday night Dr. and Mrs. R.
W. Brady entertained the monthly
meeting of the Honesdale Medical
society at their Park street resi
dence. The evening was spent in
discussing the treatment of different
diseases, and proper handling of
surgical wounds. In honor" of the
occasion Mrs. Brady served an ela
borate dinner. Those present were!
Dr. H. B. Ely, Dr. L. B. Nielsen, Dr.
Wm. T. Convlll, Dr. P. F. Grlffln,
Dr. P. B. Petersen, Dr. F., W.
G. Howard Gilpin, Waymart, Pa.,
announces himself as a candidate
for the office of County Commission
er on the Republican ticket, subject
to the decision of the primaries.
Marx Suits - - $18.
" 16.50
" " 14.90
that were $10, $12 and $15
$7, $8 and $11.50.