itben WEATHER FORECAST: FAIR, WEATHER FORECAST; FAIR. READ THE CITIZEN SAFE, SANE, SURE. READ THE CITIZEN 7 . SAFE, SANE, SURE. 68th YEAR -NO. 50 HONESDAIjE, WAYNE 00., PA., FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 191lV PRICE 2 CENTS: SUBPOENAS OUT IN 3 DIVORCES issued at Argument Court Held Thursday JUDGE SEARLE PRESIDES; VIEW- EUS OF ROADS APPOINTED; OTHER ROUTINE BUSINESS Argument court was held Thurs day afternoon, Judge Alonzo T. Searle presiding. The following matters -were disposed of: On motion of Searle and Salmon, Mary F. Hedwig was appointed guardian of Thomas A. Finnen and Virginia M. Finnen, mlnor' children of Elizabeth Finnen. C. A.,Garratt appointed auditor In Woodward estate upon motion '.of Searle & Salmon. . Alias subpoenas Issued in the fol lowing divorce proceedings: Hale vs.. Hale; Lehrnann vs. Lehmann, and Connors vs. Connors. In matter of the petition of Mary i F. Helwlg, guardian of T. A. Finnen and Virginia M, Finnen, to Join In sale of real estate, on motion of Searle &. Salmon, order granted per mitting guardian to join with other parties interested in making deed. A petition was presented in be half of the Scranton Trust company, administrator of the Elizabeth Sears estate, for the specific performance of contract. On motion of Searle & Salmon Trust company directed to execute and deliver deed to Francis J. Dimock. In the matter of petition to change location of road in Palmyra, Faupack and Salem townships, on motion of L. H. Watres, I. B. San . dorcock, William Ruppert and How ard M. Jones appointed viewers. In re petition to change road lo cation in Palmyra township, on mo tion of L. H. Watres, A. V. Tyler, Theo. F. Wall and George S. Teeter were appointed Viewers. In the matter of petition to change location' of of the road In Salem township, on motion of L.-H. Watres, L. S. Collins, Joseph S. Pen nell and David .A. Lochlln.were ap pointed viewers. Searle & Salmon presented two petitions to vacate roads in Damas cus township' which have fallen in to disuse. Th,e court appointed C. Avery, F. X. Soete. and Nelson Alber? ; ty to view the roads in question and make report to next term of Court. JACORI BILIiARD WEDDING. A very pretty church wedding Was solemnized Wednesday morning at 5) o'clock in St. Mary Magdalena's church, when Miss Catherine Billard, Cherry Ridge, and Charles Jacobl, Scranton, were married with a nup tial mass by Rev. J. W. Balta. The (bride was' attended by two maids of honor and two best men, namely, Misses Barbara Wiest and' Anna Schmuck and Messrs. George Billard and Jacob Jacobl, After a wedding breakfast at the home of the bride, the happy couple left for a brief honeymoon. They will reside in Scranton, where the bridegroom has a." position. JIASONS TO CELEBRATE. The Free, and Accepted Mason's of Wayne and Pike counties will Join In the celebration of the 125th anni versary of the founding of Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Free and Ac cepted Masons sometime In Soptom- ' her. tr The occasion promises to bo one of the "most auspicious ever held h the county Invitations will be extend ed to Salem, Waymart and Hawley lodges in wayne county, ana Mlliord lodge, 'Pike county; to participate in this important event of Free Ma sonry. The membership of these different lodges is about 400 and it Is expected that a large percentage win oe present. ACTIVITIES IN. REAL ESTATE. John T. Bradley to Fred M. Pierce, both of Damascus, ten acres In said township, $300. Executor of Mary A. Avery to Agnes C. Purdy, Honesdale, lot on Park street, $5,000. Agnes Qulnlin, Carbondale, to Michael Lopatofsky, Fell township, land in Prompton borough, $150. Charity ..heoler to John F. Wheeler, both of Hawley, Jot in said borough, $1. Heirs of William Weiss to Carrie and Matilda Weiss, all Interest in, two lots and improvements In Hones- dale, bounded bv Park, Dyberry Place and High streets. Considera tion $1 and other valuable considera tion. SPORTING. LIFE. The management of the Honesdale baseball team has'a surprise for you. Come to the . Dunm'ore-Honesdalo game Saturday afternoon, and --Bee what you think of Ilanager Ross' re inforcement. The Phoebe Snows are scheduled to come later In the season. Dunmore Is now the undisputed leader of the Lackawanna County League. They are coming hero on Saturday, June 24, to play the de ciding game of the series of three which are being played between the local team and Dunmore. That ag gregation wll bring a crowd of root ers aa well as Pitcher "Bill" Lotfgh ran, who will put up a greatflght for tnls game. Dunmoro cannot afford to lose to. Honesdale, now that they are classed as the beet team In the Lackawanna League, . Never Buy a Horse After Dark', $25 CLAIM AWARDED VICTOR MISZLER MV 'SQUIRE SMITH TUESDAY. Judgment for $25 was awarded the plaintiff, Victor Miszler, em ployed at Charles McArdle's stables, Honesdale, against Albert "Kanttner, a WhIte""Milts farmer, Tuesday after noon at a hearing before 'Squire Robert A. Smith, Attorney W. H. Lee appearing for the prosecution and Chester A. Garratt, Esq., for the defense. The claim was for $25 and inter est for 'two years, balance owing on a hbrse, buggy and harness sold to the defendant by Mr. Miszler June 9, 1909, for $80, and on which pay ments amounting to $55 had already been made. A plea of non-assumpsit was en tered for the defense. Victor Misz ler testified to the sale, and terms of payment which were to be $10 a month, The, horse was in "pretty good condition," said Miszler, who also remarked: "You can't get much for $80 can you?" Charles McArdle testified to a con versation In his presence in whiph Kanntner .refused to 'sign 'a judg ment note 'for the balance. Albert ' Kanttner swore that Mesz ler guaranteed the horse to be true every way. That the riext morning he found the horse had the heaves. He paid $1 down and thq real dur ing a period of six months. The horse, wouldn't work, and so he gave It away. Mrs. Kanttner 'testified that the horse 'had the heaves and said: "I was ashamed to ride behind it." Miszler was. recalled and denied having guaranteed the" horse. Mrs. Kanttner's two infant chil dren, Edwin and -'Kathryn, were present at the hearing. Declaring 'the case to be a one sided one, 'Squire Smith granted the judgment prayed for. The horse deal was made in the evening. The lesson It should teach Wayne county farmers Is, never to buy a horse In the dark. CircusAdvertisingBrought Trade to Honesdale WHY NOT HAVE SIMILAR AT TRACTIONS ONCE OR TWICF A MONTH? The "result of systematic, legiti mate and thorough advertising was shown' on Friday by several hundred people coming to Honesdale from the rural districts to attend the Sparks circus. The merchants of Honesdale: were a happy hunch when a large major Ity of these people visited their stores. For days afterward they wore a smile that wouldn't come off, and from a business standpoint it was a paying proposition on the part of the merchant. It is said that shows and circuses are not wel come to a town, and they take "out more than they, leave. This, un- aouoteaiy, to a certain degree, may be correct, but what about thn rov. oral . hundred people who always IBK8 advantage or like occasions and visit the town, perhaps once or twice a year to do their shopping? Right- along these: lines Is an on portunlty for the merchants of Honesdale to' create or devise some means whereby large numbers of people, wllj be attracted to the town once or twice a month for the pur pose of stimulating business. The summer boarding season is here and there are large numbers of ,tne city' guests who come to the county annually to have a good time and be entertained. The num bers are increasing yearly. Every day the boarders go somewhere' for a drive, .traveling sometimes from fifteen to twenty miles. They go to the largest country town or city from where they might be staying and money is no object with them. It now lies with the Business Men's association and Greater Honesdale Board of Trade to co operate in this matter and secure the business' that might otherwise go elsewhere. Floral parades, car nivals, or other doings of a special nature can be planned to attract the people to Honesdale. The summer-boarder Is not the only class that the town wants, bjrt It Is very desirous of the rural dis trict trade. Farmers and others who now go to other places should come to the county seat. Arrange ments might be made to have spec ial excursions come to Honesdale over the Erie and Delaware & Hud son roads, thus bringing a large number of people to Honesdale. When the excursion comes there should he some provision made for the entertainment of the visitors. Every prosperous business man realizes the value of thorough ad vertlslng. It the proposed scheme were advertised as was the Sparks show, the prdposltlo.HajvouW be an overwhelming success ro,mj one end of the year, Ao the .'Othef.,. Advertis ing Is gradually being reduced to a science. The time has gone by wnen any store oan hope to be a success except on the one-price sys tem. BUSINESS M WANT CROWDS (SUMMER SCHOOL IS MEN HOLD HAS 30 STUDENTS Opened Monday, Under Prof. Oday and Mrs. Alma J. G. Dix 37 WOJiEN AND' a MEN STUDY ING FOR TEACHERS' EXAMI NATIONS. Thirty students, the majority of whom are 'High school graduates, registered Monday morning at the Honesdale High school when the Summer school conducted by Prof. Harry A. Oday and '.Mrs. Alma J. G. Dlx was formally opened. ' The object of the school is to fit young men and women to take the teachers' examinations. For the five weeks' terra the moderate fee of $5 is charged. All of the thirty embryonic peda gogues are women, with three ex ceptions. In this connection it may 'be of general Interest to know that only two or three of the young men who graduated from the Honesdale High school within the past ten years, have made teaching their pro fession, owing probably to the smal' salaries paid male Instructors. The majority of them are engaged In more profitable occupantlons. The schedule of daily- lectures in the Summer school Is as follows: 9-9:40 a. m. Algebra; 9:40-10:20 a. m. Arithmetic: 10:20-11 a. m. Grammar; 11-11:30, a. m. Arith metic; ii:ju a. m. to v m. rny slology; 1-1:30 p. m. Geography; 1:30-2:10 p. m. Theory; 2:10-2!50 p. m. History; 2:50-3:20 p. m. Civil Government; 3:20-4:00 p. m. 'Reading. A list of the stndents, listed ac-i cording to the names of the schools from which they graduated, is as fol lows: Honesdale High school: 'Marie Bracey, Honesdale; Bessie Bunnell, East Honesdale; Agnes Carr, East Honesdale; Edna Dlrlam, Honesdale R. D. 2; Anna Doherty, Rlleyvllle; Anna Kllroe, Tanners Falls; Bessie Kimble, Honesdale; Gertrude 'Murrman, Honesdale; Alice Mullen, Qherry ,Rldge; Dorothy O'Connell, Honesdale: Margaret RIckard, Honesdale;. Clara- BaunderBy iasc Honesaaie;-' Aiioe..Turnuerger, Honesdale. Prompton High school: Florence Denny, Waymart. Clinton High school: Nellie Gleason, Honesdale R, D. 3. Damascus High school: Bertha Selpp,' Tyler Hill; Snavely, Fallsdale; Mamie Galilee, , Aldenvllle High school: Gerald Shaney, Waymart. Blnghamton High school: Hazel Hopkins, Rlleyvllle. Carrie Tyler, Starrucca Graded School: Ruth Huyck, Starrucca; Everett stepnens, starrucca Those who have done High school work, 'but are n6t graduates of any institution are: . Teresa Maloriey, Laurolla; .Carrie Noble, Calkins; Blanche Oliver, Beachlake; Grant G. Oliver, Beach lake: Mabel Peterson. Beachlake: Anna Schmidt, Indian Orchard; Edna iuiuB, nonesaate; jonnio van.wert, Beachlakfe. The ages of the students run from 17 to 24. No less than thirteen of the future school teachers are only eignteen, while one young woman's age could not be ascertained. Five are of age, three are twenty, four are nineteen) two are twenty-two, ana the youngest ono Is only seven teen, DISCONSOLATE HOG ATTEMPTS SUICIDE. Who ever heard tell of a hog attempting to commit suicide? Nevertheless, if you haven't heard of It; such is the fact. Not belne on the spot at the time or being abje to talk "hog latin" we were unable to get an interview with the porker. But it is presumed he was crossed In love by a fellow ho& and could no longer stand being rebuffed and took this means of doing away with his "pig skin." The hog belongs to Anthony Rickert, -Indian Orchard. Sunday morning he missed his lordship and' a search ensued. He found newly broken ground near the berm bank oi me om u. & a. canal and en In vestlgation followed. The Die had rooted a large hole in the bank un derneath two large bents, which hnrt fallen upon him and beld him a prisoner. When Mr. Rickert ex tricated the hog It was about dead, but he has since given It consider able care and attention, and the hog is now apparently none the worse ior Ala attempted suicide. CAUGHT. 7 M POUND BASS. Catching a seven-and-one-half pound bass In the First Glass Fact ory Lake, Wednesday afternoon, EX' Sheriff William H. Roadknight, who along with Chief of Police John J, Canlvah, accompanied by their faml' lies, enjoyed a day's outing at the lakeside, broke all previous records neid 'by local sportsmen in 'luring members of the finny tribe from the cavernous depths of this broad sheet or water. ' SCHOOL TAX REDUCED. Tho onlinnl fnv Uvu In Honesdale will be six and one-half mius, aB over against seven mills iaav year. HEAPJIG SLEEP ThefShamokin Convention Largely Attended HONORS FALL TO LOCAL TRIUH; lEii 0,000 IN PARADE. "The whole Pennsylvania system wat, tiud up oy tne Red Men's con vention at Shamokln last week," sala Merchant Charles L. Dunning, the delegate from Oslek tribe, Hones dale, to Vne annual state meeting of the improved O. R. M., held in that city j';uue-l2 to 15, in describing, his trip to a Citizen man Wednesday morning. , "Why you couldn't get a glass of water, in Sunbury, only eighteen miles away1 last Thursday," continued Mr. Dunning. "All the trains were delayed and I never got into Car bondale until midnight, the train be ing over, tour hours late." air. Dunning, by the way, was complimented as the representative or Oslek tribe, by the great chiefs for the 'excellent showing made by the local tribe In the recent "Long boom" when 65 palefaces were Ini tiated into the mysteries of Red Manshlp. "We also have the honor" of the appointment of the district deputy, A. M. Leine," said Mr. Dunning, who whs officially appointed by the great chiefs of the state." The only other Wayne county del egate at Shamokin, was Fred Sch aim, who represented High Sun lodge of Hawley. Mr. Dunning stopped at the Wind sor Hotel during his stay In Sha mokln, one of the largest hotels In the city, accomodating 465 guests and headquarters for several of the uniformed tribes from Philadelphia. The parade, according to 'Mr. Dunning, was a great feature of the convention, more than-6,000 men be ing in line. The delegates were given the free dom of the city, and every effort was put forth to make their stay a pleasant and memorable one. "Each representative," remarked Mr. Dunning, "was handed six "tickets' as he received his official pins, and they admitted him to al most any attraction In the City. We -were'igiven free transportation on twO'-eiectric-'roadsTuunlngout, to, the beautiful Bdgewood park. The coal company offered thelrN 'monitors' to fehow, us the mines. They took us out to a large culm pile there, as big as a whole hill, which people go to see for miles around." Great Sachem W. H. Long, who congratulated Oslek tribe very high ly on Its recent successful member ship campaign, promised Mr. Dun ning to be at Luna Park, Scranton, on the great Red Men's Day, July 19, when all the chiefs from Wayne county will gather for a day's out ing. e The 530 tribes of Red Men in the State, with a' combined membership of 80,833, were represented at Sha mokin by 510 delegates, besides the great chiefs and committeemen, bringing the total attendance up to about 530. The Great Council sessions were opened in a public meeting when an address of welcome was delivered By the Mayor, and responses made by two of the great chiefs. Tho other sessions were held behind closed doors. The week's festivities were mar red by only one accident. Richard Zellers,, an organizer In one of the Philadelphia tribes, being knocked down and run over by a giant auto truck, receiving a fractured left ankle. Mr. Dunning said he found the convention a very Interesting and in structive one, and that he learned lots of new points. The 1912 convention will be held iu vviuiamsport. REAL ESTATE JEALS. An important real estate deal was cuusummatea in 'juancnester town ship June 10 last when Hyman Weltzer sold to Dr. F. C. Frisbio and J. N. Farley, Buckingham township Several tracts Of Vftlllfthla InriH nnn. slstlng 5f about 500 acres. Heavy foreBts of timber ntnnri linnn n num ber of acres. The contract price is private. , A. W. Lakin, Winwood, to Dean w, nowell, Preston, 130 acres J1.900. H. Wilson, mrfster, to Barbara oiattery, jot in borough Of Hawley: consideration, $1,475. Heirs Barbara Slattery to Mary R Slattery, property In Hawley; con' slderatlon private. CROSSING COLLAPSES UNDER ROLLER'S WEIGHT. The monster now Texas township road roller passed through the streets or the- Maple City Wednesday, leav ing destruction in Its wake. The stones of the cross-walk at Ninth and Main streets collapsed under its great weight. Planks wero used at the other crossings to avoid fur ther mishaps, Pufllngr and panting, like a thing of life, It disappeared jnto tne mil country or .Texas. CARGILL DOW. James Ira Carglll. Tallmansvllle. Pa and Mlss'Clara HI Dow, P.restoa park, Pa., were united in marriage by Rov. O. A, 'Merchant at the M. E. parsonage, Deposit, N, Y. on Thurs' day, June 15. Carbondale Man Marries Pretty Honesdale Girl F1TZPATHICK- WALTER CERE MONY LARGELY ATTENDED ON WEDNESDAY AFTER NOON. St. John the Evangelist's R. 0. church vas the scene Wednesday af ternoon at four o'clock,' of a pretty June wedding when the nuptials of Miss Florence M. Walter, 37-7 River street, Honesdale, and Miles Fltz patrlck, Carbondale, were solemnized by Rev. Father Thomas M. Hanley, in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives. . The bride looked charming in a gown of white embroidered Brussels net over white silk, and carried a shoWer bouquet of bridal roses, lilies of the valley and maidenhair ferns. The bridesmaid, Miss Lillian Palmer, Honesdale, wore a light blue crepe de chine gown trimmed with satin, and carried a bouquet of white car nations. Bernard Barrett, Carbon dale, was the best man, and the ush ers were August Wllllea and Dan Monaghan, both of the Maple City. Miss Beatrice Hayey, organist, played Hearts and Flowers" and the wed ding march from Lohengrin before and during the'eeremony. In the evening a dinner was serv ed a large number of invited guests at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walter, a77 River street. Conrad Wolfe catered. The, bride Is a popular employe of the Katz Underwear factory. The groom Is employed in the restaurant of T. J. 'Monaghan, Carbondale. The happy young couple left late Tuesday evening, In an automobile for Scran ton, where they took the train for Blnghamton, N. Y. On their return they' will make their home at Car bondale. Their many friends wish them all sorts of 'happiness on the voyage of life. They received a large number of presents In the shape of linen, cut glass, china, furniture and checks.. Among the out-of-town guests who attended the wedding and- reception were: Carbondale: Mr. and Mrs. Patrick FItzpatrIck, Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas King, Thomas Ruddy, Hubert Dar- rlty, Michael McDouvern, John Mangf Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Monaghan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. William Birch and family, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet. Fitch, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walter. ' ' Scranton. Mrs. V. R.' Haas and daughter, (Miss Mary, Miss Lottie Wolfram. ..Clarence Ransom. Djymla xjgue. Wllkes-Barre: Joseph Burke, F. Burke. '1 ..j. , . -' JUDGE SEARLE 'DELIVERS FINE ADDRESS AT WINWOOD. Special to The Cltljen. WINWOOD, Pa., June 20. Liast evening iwas a gala night in Winwood. The class of 1911 of the Winwood High school held thoir commencement exercises In the Meth odist church and the largest crowd ever assembled In Preston township witnessed the function. It is esti mated that fully six hundred people were present. The church was crowded to the doors and at least one hundred persons were unable to secure even standing room. Judge Alonzo T. Searle delivered the commencement address which was a forcible, thoughtful and splen didly delivered speech, containing words of excellent advice to the young graduates and which were ap plicable to grown-up3 as well. Judge Searle closed his address with a splendid and stirring tribute to our grand old Keystone state andurged love of country, state, county; 'and townsnip a.s one oi tne great -jesen-tlals for young or old. The volumes of applause which greeted him and his address demonstrated that the Judge Is Very favorably thought of In the northerh part of the county. The orchestra was secured from Carbondale and during the evening Miss Helen Buckley rendered several songs in a most excellent manner. The addresses of the graduates were all excellent and well delivere After the Invocation by Rev. H. B. Emil the graduates delivered their addresses in the following order: Ella Corey 1 r- Modern Chivalry Mary Madlgan True Nobility Edith Harrows , . . . Disciples of Life and Character Leon Cole .The Negro and tho South Harold Stanton , . . . The Treason of Benedict Arnold Rose Smith , Memory's Message Reba Hlne v. Education Related to Civic Pros perity. Guy Bennett , The. Decisive Battle of the 'Rebellion Raymond Leet ....American Ideals The graduates' all did splendidly and It wpujd be a very difficult mat ter to say which one was-best Af ter the presentation of the diplomas by Principal McAndrew refreshments were served In the school house and everyone went homo feeling that they had spent a most pleasant and profitable evening, ACID FACTORY SHOOTING UP. Work on" Relfler'e acid factory, Tanner's Falls, is progressing rapid ly, In all, there are about fifty men employed In the different Btages of construction, from excavation to building. Krettner Bros, of Hones dale, are doing the carpenter work, while Contractor Biisseman,- 'Hancock haa charge, of tbV'cqnoiete' work. The main building Is 2 9x7 8. feet,' Are proof aad"!wlir be' modern through out. When completed Jt.wllbo one of the finest structures of Its 'kind In the state. GOVERNOR W SIGNINlSlLLS Next Week WKiee Com $Pi I 12 pletion of i ask JONES ROAD BILL CUT $500,000; SCULPTOR BARNARD GETS $80,000. Next week will see the finish of the legacy left to Gov. Tener by the late Legislature, as the thirty -days after adjournment will have elapsed. All bills will either have been vetoed or signed, or they will become laws by reason of the expiration of thirty days without action on the part of the Governor. Quite a number are still in his hands, although this week has s'een the closing up of a great many. ' Among the bills signed was one providing for an addition or exten sion of the Capitol Park grounds, carrying an appropriation of $2,d00, OOpr although only $200,000 Is made available this year. Not a little , pressure was brought to bear upon the Governor by Harrlsburg people to sign the bill, and the Executive evidently gave the matter careful consideration. This was evidenced by the statement he gave out when he signed the .bill to the effect that if 'it should develop that the land in ques tion could not be secured for the amount of the appropriation, he would recommend that the next leg islature repeal the bill. How likely they are to do this may be guessed by the fact that two successive Leg islatures passed such a bill as Gov ernor Tener just signed, almost un animously, and this undoubtedly had some Infliinnna with tho nnv.nn. A great many disinterested people luuiuiu to me oeuer tnat the State win nave expended nearer four mil lion than two million when the grounds are cleared nnrl nut I sentable condition. About 28 acres- are added to the 17 the State al ready owns, and the care, of these will natnrnllv Hnnlilo tho nmho,r ! lab6rers,',policemen, etc. A commis sion Ir tn ha nnmo1 ti enf , , 1- under wav at once. Rtv-oata mnaf . abandoned, car lines changed, fac- tunes removeu, teiepnone, telegraph, gas and water serylce completely cleared out and a lot of cheap, flimsy, j . wooden dwelling hnneos rinn4niiehni ' " o Wl... Itkl.l Jn many -respects- the changes m.ade .uctcaaai menu u aeciueo. gain to tne iuimui city in riUQing it or a most undesirable section, to say nothing of the ready cash this! big purchase Involves. In vetoing a number of salary rais ing bills, while approving others less worthy,, the Governor brought down upon himself the condemnation of those" he did not favor, and many comparisons .were made. What mov ed him to such action is a matter of conjecture, but he doubtless had what he regarded as good and suffi cient reason. The vetoes were not on account of Insufficient revenue. Another veto, which will probably cause "more condemnation, was the . Jones road bill, which was given $500,000 by the Governor, instead of the $1,000,000 appropriated by the Legislature. There are many who believe that the dominant party will lose by this action, among the farmer voters, for this bill appealed to them especially. If money were necessary thaf amount could have been cut from some other bills, for there were quite a few where the State was more generous than fair. Sculptor George Gray Barnard was allowed 280.000 'tw n' hill li,n tn. day. This will help him to recoup some .of his losses. -Mr," Barnard has been here most of the week putting the finishing touches on his work, so as to have It ready for the un veiling ceremonies In September. 'Harrlsburg was signally honored this week by the presence of two great Democrats, Speaker Champ Clark and Governor Wilson of New Jersey, both of whom regard them selves as Presidential timber, and have a little boom under way. These gentlemen were here for the en couragement and quickening of the state Democracy, particularly the re organizing element, and a big crowd of the untorrlfied was on hand. Con gressmen Pamer, Stroudsburg, and Wilson, Tioga county, were also present. Thero Is no doubt but our friends are In better fighting' shape than usual this year, and Speaker Clark felt so encouraged that he ventured to predict the success of tho Democracy In the Presidential .campaign next year. Perhaps, he may be corrett Much may happen between now and November of 1912 N. E. HAUSE. - ANXIOUS TO HELP. The people of Honesdale are en thusiastic over the Citizen's sugges tion, relative to a monument being erected in Torrey park in honor of the running of the first locomotive on the western hemisphere, which i occurred at Honesdale August 8. 1829. Many say that If a petition were circulated they would gladly give toward a monument. It Is now up to the Mayor, TO MAKE .MAIN STREET OVER. On Monday next Street Commis sioner Weldner expects to recon struct Upper Main street. The road, fop three blocks, la in Jbad condition. It will he plowed, graded and rolled, Tlje Texas township hew ten-tdn gasoline engine' will be usc2 In moulding the road to its proper i shape..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers