The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 21, 1911, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    VAGE 8
Londoners Giving Over Gity
to Coronation Mobs.
Decorations Are on Such a Magnificent
Scale That Electric Light Compa
nies Fear Supply of "Juice"
Will Be Exhausted.
London, Juno 20. Thousands of
Londoners tire fleeing from the city to
escnpc the coronntlon hordes from the
provinces and abroad whoso capacity
for demonstration is so boundless that
tho night, so far as sleep Is concerned,
has become n decidedly curtailed pe
riod. Fears of panic following an accident
within the walls and barriers erected
by the police have also Influenced thou
sands of the more nervous to get away
from the crush. The railroads have
been quick to take advantage of the
situation and nre widely advertising
excursions, at attractive rates, to sea
side and country resorts on tho days
of tho big events.
No less than $75,000 has been ex-
pended on the construction of gates
shutting off the main approaches to
the processional route. These barriers
have been built so massively that they
could withstand tho onslaught of a j
regiment when once closed, and the
crowds, however savage, will be un
able to make the least Impression upon
King George and Queen Mary have
visited Westminster abbey and wit
nessed a part of the rehearsal of the
coronation ceremony. Their majesties
looked on as the roles which they will
Oil on Thursday were taken by under
The peerages were bestowed on as
mnny Individuals by tho king at a
dinner attended by Mr. Hammond.
Among the recipients wns Lieutenant
Colonel Arthur J. Bigge, private secre
tary to the king. Another was Sir
Charles B. McLaren, the steel master
and shipbuilder.
John Hays Uammond, "the special
representative of the president of the
United States," accompanied by Mrs.
Uammond and the special embassy
staff, made his ofllclal entry Into Lon
don and was met at the railroad sta
ti'on by the Duke of Connaught, Crown
Prince Christian of Denmark, Prince
Alexander of Teck and other notables.
The American party traveled to Lon
don in the royal saloon attached to a
special train from Dover, where Baron
Sandhurst welcomed them to England.
The night long work of tho army ol 1
decorators served to enliven most of
the streets in tho center of London I
Flags give a gala appearance which
the Intermittent rainstorms cannoi
spoil. Tho decorations nnd Ilium! na
tious are on a scale never before at
tempted In England, and the demand
for electric lighting Is so great that
the electrical companies have served
public notice that their capacity t.
supply the current has been exhausted
and that they cannot undertake fur
ther contracts.
The German crown prince and Ills
party, Prince Henry of Prussia i nil
Prince nenry of the Netherlands, nr
among the new arrivals. The Duke of
Connaught nnd other members of th"
royal family flitted from station to
station to meet each newcomer unde
terred by the showers of mud thai
their swiftly moving vehicles tossed
Miss Janet D. Fuller Will Today Be
come Mrs. Winfield Fuller.
New York, June 20. One of this
week's Important weddings is that of
Miss Janet Douglas Fuller, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Williamson W. Fuller
to WInfleld Fuller, son of Mr. and Mrs
W. B. Fuller. The wedding will be a
small one and will take place at the
horue of Miss Fuller's parents, 107'.'
Fifth avenue.
Mlsa Margaret Fuller will be her sis
ter's only attendant, and Weutwoith
Tucker will bo the best mnn.
Though of the snmo name, Miss Fill
Ier and her fiance are hot related.
So Many Thrown Out That, Average
Price Goes Below 102.21.
Washington, June 20. So. many Ir
regularities were discovered In tho bid
for tho $50,000,000 lssuo of Panama
bonds that the average 'pride will bf
lower than was first estimated.
Wheu tho first $40,048,80Q had been
tabulated the price had got down to
102.21. The National City bank will
get probably $2,000,000 or $3,000,000
It bid for tho entire Issue.
Treasury officials announce lat any
one who bid 102.2130 or higher Is sun
to get some of the new securities.
Constituent Assembly Declares Mon
archy at an End.
Lisbon, Portugal, June 20, A con
stituent assembly, organized with 102
deputies, ratified the government'
edict formally proclaiming the repub
He of Portugal, nbolltlon of the mon
archy and prescription of tho Bragnn-
in ilvnaatv.
Proceedings" passed without sptelal
incident ? i ; ? , ? -f r f JPt I
V 'J t
New York Stats Corrptro'l'r
Who Faces a Big Deficit.
Albany, N. Y., June 20. Frequent
ronferenees nre being held by Govern
or Dlx, Comptroller Sohuier and other
financial officers of tho state regarding
Its monetary affairs.
The Inheritance tax probably will
net nearly $1,500,000 less than was
estimated, and tho stock transfer tax
Is less productive than usual owing to
financial conditions.
The appropriations for 1010 were
$42,000,000, while the Income to Sept.
30, 1911. was estimated at $0,000,000
less. There was a surplus on hand
Sept. 30 lust of $4,500,000, leaving nn
estimated deficit of $1,500,000 to Sept
1 next.
Pontiff Has Fainting Spell and Anxiety
Is Felt at Vatican.
Home, Juno 20. The pope has had
another fainting spell. He rallied
quickly upon reaching his private
quarters In the Vatican, but the condi
tion of ills health Is causing grave
Although the members of his holi
ness' entourage are strictly forbidden
to mention the subject of his illness,
or to spread rumors of an alarming
nature, It Is known that they fear he
may die suddenly of heart trouble.
The effect of the warm weather has
accentuated the symptoms of depres
sion and cardiac weakness which Pope
Plus has been exhibiting for a con
siderable time.
His sisters, to whom he is devoutly
attached, apparently fear the worst,
for they have taken quarters in a
modest fiat In the Plana BustlcuccI,
very close to the Vatican, and are In
constant telephonic communication
with the pope's physicians.
Frequent visits of Cardinal VIves y
Tuto, the confessor nnd fav.orlte ad
viser of his holiness, have caused much
comment within the past two or three
The American correspondent learns
that the pope's Illness Is from nn ad
vanced stage of arteriosclerosis (a
hardening and thickening of the walls
of the arteries), due to senile decay.
It Is known that there has been 'an
"active change of Ideas" nmong the
cardinals stationed here In Rome as
to n successor to Plus X. Tho general
6entiiw;nt seems to favor Cardinal
Ilampolla, who would have been elect
ed to the high offlce to succeed the
late Lw XIII. save for tho veto placed
'upon his candidacy by the Austrian
Result! of Games Played In National
and American Leagues.
At Pittsburg Pittsburg, 3: Brooklyn, 0.
Batteries Lelfleld and Gibson; Sohardt
and Bergen.
W. L. P.C. W. L. P.C
Chicago... 35 19 .643 St. Louis. 29 25 .537
New York 34 21 .CIS Cincinnati 25 30 .455
Pittsburg. 31 23 .574 Brooklyn . 20 35 .3ii4
Phlla'phiaSZ 24 .671 Boston.... 13 42 .236
At Detroit Detroit, 8; Chicago, 5. Bat-
terles Wlllet and Stanago; Young, Bakor.
Lange and Block.
At New York Boston, 0; New York, 3.
Batteries Wood and Nunamaker; Cald
well, Qutnn and Sweeney.
At Philadelphia Philadelphia, 6; Wash
ington, . lvitterles Bender, Krauso and
Thomas; Johnson and Street.
W. U P.C. W. L. IM-
Detroit.... 39 18 .684 Chicago... 25 24 .510
Phlla'Dhla 34 18 ,C54 Cleveland. 24 34 .414
New York 28 23 .549 Wash'ton. 20 34 .370
Boston.... 29 2G .537 St. Louis. IS 39 .291
first of solvation navy.
Commnnder Eva Booth Will Dedicate
Yacht Tomorrow.
New York, June 20. A new depar
ture In the Salvation Army iu the
United States will bo witnessed ai
noon tomorrow when Commander Eva
Booth, leader or tne army in America
will dedicate the first boat of the Sal
vation navy at the Battery. The dedl
cation will be preceded by a half hour
band concert, which will be attended
by the Salvation Army national staff
and all Its Greater Now York forces.
The yacht, which Is the gift of the
architect, Bradford Gilbert, will after
the service of dedication start on a
cruise along the Atlantic coast It will
itopat cltlos and towns for-open air
erjcos raa ngjs meetings.
Silver Wedding Reception
-Notable Social Affair.
Apparently Without a Care, President
and Mrs. Taft Receive 5,000 Guests,
While Outside Fence Thousands
8ee Brilliant Assemblage.
Washington, Juno 20. President and
Mrs. Taft celebrated their silver wed
ding anniversary, and It will bo many
a day before tho national cnpltal for
gets the fuuctlou. Every oue, from
the most exclusive social cave dweller
to tho newest member of congress,
seems willing to admit that the recep
tion was one of tho most notnblo so
cial affairs ever held at tho White
With the weather absolutely perfect,
the White House grouuds transformed
almost Into a fairyland, tho 5,000 In
vited guests having the best kind of n
lime nnd four times that many Inter
ested and enthusiastic spectators
htaudlng twenty deep outstdo the spik
ed Iron fence that surrounds the exec
utive mansion, President Taft .as he
stood at the head of the receiving line
with the first lady of the land did not
seem to have u care In the world. He
was particularly happy, as he said re
peatedly, that Mrs. Taft, lately not In
the best of health, seemed to have
won some strength for tho occasion
and was with him every moment of ,
the time thnt tile thousands of guests
were filing by exchanging hand grips
and expressing the hope that they
might be spared td lie present away
off In the futuie at the Tafts' golden
wedding day.
Incidentally It Is not at all lraproba
ble that President Taft, considering
tho success of the reception, will Issue
n ukase Increasing the salary of Pro
fessor Willis Moore, who makes the
government's weather. Mr. Moore ap
peared at the White House with a long
face and delivered the most pessimistic
predictions. Everybody at the White
House was much worried nbout the
atmospheric outlook, so Mr. Moore ran
over to brighten things up. After he
had talked with the president he told
the newspaper men thnt the "president
lias only one chanco In a hundred of
having a garden party," then he elabo
rated. "Conditions nre mo'U unfavorable," .
he said. "There probably will be show-1
It Is remarkable the way thing's at
the White House brightened up after
Professor Moore's visit. The president
iult looking at the weather and whis
tled, and the preparations for the out
of doors fete went merrily ahead. j
Every one who nttended the recep
tion agrees It would have been noth
ing short of a calamity had the weath
er been less perfect. Probably not a
single one of the guests had the slight
est conception of tho elaborate prepa
rations thnt had been made In n. deep
ratlve way. And to those entering the
White House either from tho avenue
side or the east carriage entrance .
there wns little beyond a searchlight
playing on the fountain In front of tho
portlchere nnd n few clusters of lights
on the lawn to Indicate what awaited t
them on the spacious grounds In the
Back there, though, the scene was
beautiful beyond all description. All
around the outer edge of the acres of
level, short clipped grass within the
White House inclosure swung Chinese
lanterns of fantastic designs; blocks
upon blocks of them, barely six Inches
apart, swaying In the light breeze and
casting their queer shapes and shad
ows on the lawn. Within the great
square of lanterns every tree, big and
little; every evergreen, every shrub
and bush, wore a dress of colored
light. From the top of ancient elms
and oaks long streamers of light In tho
national colors, looped hero and there
from branch' to branch, swung down
ward to the ground. In tho pines and
cedars clusters of smaller bulbs wound
nbout the trunks glowed within the
green. From tho roof of the White
House a squad of white clad Jackles
from tho dispatch boat Dolphin oper
ated n big navy searchlight, casting
ever changing colored rays on the con
verging streams of the great fountain
and basin In the center of tho lawn.
Many of the guests literally had to
fight their way from Pennsylvania
avenue down to the entrance, the
throng of spectators having formed a
Jam extending from the Iron fence
arouud the grounds, across the side
walk and street and overflowing the
steps of the treasury building. On the
west, between tho White House nnd
the state, war and navy building, It
was the same. Apparently everybody
In Washington had read of the presi
dent's silver wedding and of the elabo
rate preparations that were being
made to entertain the 5,000 guests and
had come down to see the sights.
There was really no way of estimating
tho crowd, which tho entire reserve
force of policemen had the greatest
difficulty In handling.
Eagles Gather at Roohnster.
Rochester, N. X., June 20. Eagles
from all over the state to the number
of a thousand as well as 3,000 visitors
are In .Rochester for the fifth annual
'convention of New York stato acrle.
Tho' convention will be In session
three days-
AT v ."IE V o.s MArtTS.
Major Ferguson li.psctin- En"
nacle Covered Exterior of yecc'.
Photo by American Press Asi"oclaVr.
Havana, June- 20. The firs! part
n human body from the wmik of tt
battleship Maine were discovered r.'bm!
the workmen removing mud and tf-brts
from the spardeek forward of the rftnl
superstructures found tho blacKnftf
and coral encrusted bones of a leff
forearm nnd right foot.
They were taken In charpe bj an
undertaker and placed in a recep'iclt
on tho collier Leonldas.
Water In the cofferdam had verm
lowered thirteen feet below nofnl
revealing considerably morn of tfct
craft, especially amidships.
A superficial examination of tin'
most recently uncovered portions hat
(ended somewhat to revive tho Sop'
that It will bo possible to float th'
after half or more of tho hull.
Second Congress of Church No" In
Session In Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Juno 20. The six-ont' '
congress of the Baptist World nlh'anc' I
is in session at tho Baptist temple ,
About 3,fi00 delegates are present anil
nt least 1,500 more are expected tdn.v
The sessions will continue durlnp tlil
week. On behalf of the city of Philnd(phl
Mayor Iteyburn welcomed the vl&UIn:
delegates, nnd other addresses of wel
come were made by the Ilev. Grg'
II. Ferris of the First Baptist cr-urc)
and the Ilev. Augustus II. Strong. Tlw
Hev. William Fetler of Russia respond
cd, and the Hev. John Clifford of Lou
don, president of the alliance, mfilo r
lengthy address.
Nearly all the delegates to the North
ern Baptist conference, just ended,
have arranged to remain through the
coming sessions. It Is expeoted that
the nlllance will bring together 5,000
of the denomination.
John Henry Shakespeare, a lineal de
scendant of the grandfather of Wil
liam Shokespeare, the great poet, will
be among those who will attend the
nlllance from England.
The conference brings together world
renowned Baptist missionaries, edu
cators and ministers. The sessions will
be held every morning and evening.
The afternoon will bo given over to
special exercises connected with the
congress. The congress represents 58,
235 churches and has a membership ot
Senator Lea of Tennessee Submits to
Transfusion Operation.
Washington, June 20. Senator Luke
Lea of Tennessee and his young wife
nre patients In Georgetown University
hospital, the latter In a serious condl
tlon from an operation performed Sat
urday, while the senator Is In a weak
ened condition due to the transfusion
i. blood from his veins to those of his
wife In what Is believed to have been
a successful effort to save her life
Senator Lea submitted to the open
ing of an artery In his arm, and the
transfusion was successfully accom
plished. Senator Lea Is ablb to walk
about the hospital with assistance nnd
Is rapidly gaining strength.
It Is said that nearly a quart of blood
was transferred. Mrs. Lea Is now
thought to be on tho road to recovery.
Summer Hotel Burned.
North Truro, Mass., June 20. The
Bayslde House, a summer hotel, is lu
ruins. It was to have been opened
July 4.
Observations of the United
States weather buroau taken at
8 p. m. yesterday follow:
Temp. Weather.
New York 75 Cloudy
Albany 78 Clear
Atlantic City . . C8 Cloudy
Boston 80 Cloudy
Buffalo 08 Clear
Chicago 80 Clear
St. Louis 82 Clear.
New Orleans .. 82 Cloudr
Washington ... 74 Cloud.v
" i....:" ;T-J:.?J
Keystoners May Meet In
Philadelphia July 28.
Communication to Members of Party
Urges Upon Them Necessity to Con
tinue Organization For Cam
paign Next Fall.
Philadelphia, June 20. The Key
stone party of the state will probably
hold a convention In this city on July
l!8, the llrst nnnlversary of the move
ment for governor, In Withorspoon
Thomas L. Hicks, state chairman of
tho Keystone party, authorized the
publication of u communication for
warded by J. S. Niles of York In the
form of an address signed by nctlve
Keystoners throughout the state.
Tlie address urges that a convention
or reunion be held as an appropriate
celebration of the convention of lust
summer with the aim to continue In
terest In the party movement In the
The Keystone party was formed July
28, 1010.
"It Is the mission of the Keystone
party to substitute patriotic public
spirit as the motive of political action
Instend of hunger for spoil," tho com
munication reads, "and to reclaim the
state from the blight of partisan poli
tics and restore It to the people for the
common welfare.
"If this fall the Independent voters
shall mnlntain their nllgnment It will
be possible next year to elect n ma
jority of the legislature, who will
faithfully represent the people and
legislate for the true Interests of tile
"We call for a gathering of repre
senlallve Independent citizens nt such
time and place as the officers of tin
Keystone party shall designate to cele
brate the work already begun as the
result of the convention of 1010 nnd
consider further duty nnd opportu
nity." The Philadelphia signers of the ad
dress are Clarenco D. Antrim, Rudolph
Blankenbiirg, George Burnhnm, Jr.:
George Wentworth Carr, George D.
Cox, Frank J. Gorman, F. II. Haw
kins, Johu T. McGuckln, S. Edwin
Megnrgee, Mlckle C. Paul, Frank M.
Riler and Walter Wood. Several huu
dred names of men prominently Iden
tified with the Keystone party In vari
ous parts of the commonwealth are
attached to the paper.
Man Enters Room of Accident Victim
by Climbing Along Cornice.
Philadelphia, June 20. Climbing
along the cornice of the third floor of
the dwelling nt 142G Arch street.
Frank Gardner entered the window of
the room occupied by his chum, Thomiw
Ramsey, and found him lying upon the
floor almost asphyxiated.
Gardner's attention was attracted to
his friend's room by the sound of a
fall. He was unable to gain admit
tance to the room and detected the
odor of gas. He then clambered along
the cornice and entering Ramsey's
room found It Hlled with gas.
Opening the doors and windows
Gardner cnlled for assistance and had
Ramsey removed to the Hahnemann
hospital, where his condition was pro
nounced serious. Ramsey will recover.
He explained to the doctors that ho
had gone to bed after apparently turn
ing off the gas and smelling the odor
of the illumlnunt arose to Investigate.
He was overcome and fell. It was
found that the gas Jet was loose and
that Ramsey hnd failed to turn It off
Governor Signs Bill For Board to Wipe
Out Disease..
Harrlsburg, Pa., Juno 20. By sign
ing a bill providing for the appoint
ment of n commission to Investigate
the chestnut tree blight In this state
Governor Tener has placed Pennsyl
vania In the lend of the states In the
fight against the disease which threat
ens to wipe out the chestnut trees ol
the country
The bill provides for a commission
of five men nnd carries with It an ap
propriation of ?250,000 for expenses
and $25,000 for salaries. The most Im
portant feature of the bill, however, Is
that It gives the commission wide pow
ers and authority in fighting the blight.
It will bo authorized to take such
measures to check the disease as It
may deem fit, Including the destruction
of Infected trees or of sound trees
whose destruction Is deemed advisable
In order to check tho spread of the
Governor Tener Has Almost Cleared
His Desk of Legislative Acts.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Juno 20. Governot
Tener will clear his desk of bills dur
ing the week, less than forty being
before him for action. In the numbci
are the "full crew" bill and the road
Jury bill, together with a number ol
others of less Importance.
As soon as be acts on the bills the
governor will consider appointment!
to the various commissions provided
for In acts recently approved. Tb
governor will not take any vacation
until late In the summer.
Editor P. .T. Wnrc nt h Ilniulo
Times, .was a business caller In
rionesaaio on Friaay.
ATtfln Vn TCollv. RprnTltnn la onatirl.
Ing a month with her sister, Mrs.
George Heller, at Beach Grove.
Mrs. G. William Sell, who has
been visiting her sister In Upper
Montclalr, N. J returned last Friday
nccompanled by her llttlo niece,
-umiiie awuoioy, oi mat place.
B. F. Kellam, Esq., Justice of the
Peace of Pnnnnn. nml n moml.nn nf
the Pike county bar, presented peti
tions ior cnanges or roaa in Pal
myra. Paunae nnd Knlnm tnwna),ia
at Wayne county court Tuesday af
ternoon. Genrfrfi Pnllnv. nfflro r1nplr In M,
Guerney Electric Elevator works, Is
enjoying a iwo weeKS vacation. He
leaves Wednesday morning to at
tend the commencement exercises
of the Bloomsburc Statn
Rev. George S. Wendell, pastor of
the First Baptist church, Honesdale,
returned Frlrinv nvpnlnir frnm Phil
adelphia, where ho attended the an-
jiu.ii meeting oi me jNortnern uap-
usi convention neia in urnce Bap
tist church, Broad and Berks streets.
Caahlpr nml ATra nmrlaa
Emery, Miss Alice Simons and El-
win aimer motored to Liberty, N.
Y., Sunday. Mr. Emery speaks in
Words of hiehfiSt nrnlnn nnnnnrnlni,
the new state road from Lake Hunt
ington to Liberty, a stretch of eigh
teen miles.
'-Miss Anna Lambert Shay, a grad
uate of the Honesdale High school,
Class of 1905, who 'has been resid
ing in uaston for several years,
where she Is organist In one of the
lame churches In thnt Mtv hno l,,ot
published a 'splendid inarch and two-
step enntiea me American Lead
er," which Is enjoying a large local
Judgment for ?25 was awarded
the plaintiff, Victor Miszler, em
ployer at Charles McArdle's stables,
Honesdale, against Albert Kanttner,
a White Mills farmer, Tuesday after
noon at a hearing before 'Squire
Robert A. Smith, Attorney W. H.
Lee appearing for the prosecution
and Chester A. Garratt, Esq., for
the defense.
Twenty-six boy scouts, headed by
Scout 'Master E. G. Jenkins and As
sistant Scout Master Ray Dibble,
donned their new uniforms last Sun
day for tho first time, assembled at
Park street and Dyberry Place in
the afternoon, and took a long hike
Bethanyward. The embryonic mili
tiamen conducted themselves like
gentlemen and marched through the
streets of the 'Maple City In an or
derly manner.
Troop Number 1 consists of four
patrols, A, B, C, D., with a numeri
cal strength of thirty. The regula
tion khaki uniform Is worn. Cap
tain Carroll J. Kolley of tho gal
lant Company E, will Instruct the
troop on drill nights at tho new
Sunday night theboys attended
tho Central Methodist Episcopal
church, and listened to an eloquent
sermon on "Character Building," by
the pastor, Rev. Will H. Hiller.
The Ladles' Improvement associa
tion of this place held a special
meeting last Friday evening, tho
object of which was to consider
the advisability of trimming the
willow trees along the Lackawaxen
As tho borough council had ap
propriated $25 toward caring for
the trees, the society, at Its meeting,
voted to furnish the balance. "The
only way the association Is able to
do this," remarked 'Miss Petersen,
nresldenr nf thn nssnMntlnn tn o
Citizen reporter, "Is by holding
chain teas. We could do more work
on tne trees u thore were additional
teas held which In turn would reim
burse the treasury. More money
would be. appreciated and dona
tions would be very acceptable for
this nurnoRfi Inst nt ttila Hm Tho
experts say that the old willows will
uve lur to o years longer, ana
tnat a new growth will start lm-
mfidlntfilv. Thnv II wnnlH ho
a shame to cut down these large,
beautiful trees."
rspeclal to The Citizen.
WHITES VALLEY, Pa., Juno 20.
E. Prosper Gager and son, Curtis,
Scranton, are spending several days
with friends and relatives,
W. S. Bonham, Carbondale, with
a party of friends, called at G. N.
Bonham'8 Sunday.
Mrs. O. C. Miller recently spent
several days with Honesdale friends.
airs. D. E. Hacker fell Sunday
evening from tho second floor In
chicken house and sustained severe
bruises. Dr. Mellen Is In attend
ance. Mrs. O. E. Odell left Friday for
New York state where she will make
an extended visit.
Children's Day service will be held
here next Sunday evening, June 25.
Bates F. White, Lestershlre, re
cently visited his parents, 'Mr. and
Mrs. H. W. White.
Chas. V. Bonham spent Friday
and Saturday In Carbondale on busi
ness. Mrs. Rena M. Phillips returned to
Wllkes-Barre recently after visiting
her -mother, Mrs. Martha Stark, sev
eral days.
Hans Wagner, well-known In
Wayne county, who Is Pittsburg's
great shortstop, Js now batting,
fielding and running bases as well
as lie ever did.
Arrangements have been made for
a ten-round battle between Giant
Hollywood, Tamaqua, and Tommy
Glnty, Scranton, at Tamaqua ball
park on July 7.
The second annual water sports
under the auspices of tho Wllkes
Barre Chamber of Commerce will be
held on the Susquehanna at WSlkes
Barre on Saturday afternoon, July