PAGE 0 THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1011. Her IMission How She Kept It a Secret and How She Performed It By MANUEL GORDA Copyright by American Press Asso ciation. 1911. I wns born iu Madrid of eminent though not noble parents. When I wntf sixteen I formed the acquaintance of Alonzo Gonzales, an anarchist. I entered the university a year le fore Gonzales left It, and It was dur ing this year that I was converted to the theories of the anarchists. There Tvcre others of our set that were cap tured by Gonzales, nmong them a girl, Dolores Sierra, who had been a play mate of mine. But Gonzales, so far as he was able, kept his converts apart, maintaining great secrecy In all his prosolytlng work. I conceived a great reverence for him, 'which later was turned to horror. When I was nine teen he persuaded mo to Join one of the anarchist circles of Madrid. I had been initiated only a few months when the society decided to put out of the way a statesman high in power, who was considered an obetaclo to anarch istic principles. One night when I went to a meeting of the circle It was announced that lots were to be drawn with a view to determining some mem ber who should assasslnato the person In question. Dp to this moment I had been fasci nated by the romance I conceived to pervade these efforts to equalize the social strata. When I put my hand In a hat to draw a bit of paper that might compel mo to kill a man and probably be executed myself as a felon, the illusion vanished like a mi rage, or, rather, it was changed into repulsion, and whon tho paper I drew (was opened and I saw by a skull and crossbones on It that I had drawn the order to commit murder I was frozen with horror. I did now what I should have done In the beginning I made a confldant of my father, no saw at once the terrible position iu which I was placed, but, Instead of making It worse for mo by reproach, kept his head and consid ered what it would be best for me to do. The result of his deliberations was that I should pass out of exist encethat is, that I should disap pear from the world as myself and re appear as far away as possible from the place of my exit ns some one else. A few days later, with what ready money I needed and certificates of de posit In the Bank of France, payable to mo as Ebenezer Swift,' disguised as nn old man, I left the city. My object In taking an English name was that I proposed to settle eventually in America, and I intended to give out that I had been born of an American father and a Spanish mother. It was a year later that I turned up at New York as nature made me, ex cept that my beard had grown. Pre tending that my eyes wero sensitive to the light, I continually wore dark glasses. It was not absolutely neces sary that I should cam a living, for once a year my father remitted suffi cient funds to carry mo for twelve mouths. We know that my family would be watched, that my location might bo discovered; hence there was to be no communication oftouer that that interval. One day, so I learned long after word, Dolores Sierra went to my mother and told her that for my safety she must know where I was, stating that the circle to which I had belonged had condemned me to death, that they knew where I was nnd that I must bo warned at once. With out thinking what she was doing my mother told her whero I would bn found In, New York. My father was absent at the time and whon he re turned my mother, having learned that she had been indiscreet In giving ray whereabouts, did not dare tell him what she had done. She trusted Do lores implicitly and preferred to rely on her to protect mo rather than reveal her action to ray father. The conse quence was that I was not ndvlied of the matter. Living with a sword suspended over one's bead Is by no means pleasant. In my case It brought on a nervous breakdown. The summer was on, and I was ndvised to go up to the Cats kill mountains. I thereforo went to one of the hotels on the summit, hop ing to recover my lost nervous vigor. I had not tyeen there a week before I met with n great surprise. Walking out one afternoon, I met a girl coming toward me, and when wo met who should it be but Dolores Sierra. Cut off as I had been for more than a year from every one I bad known before, her appearance gnvo mo a thrill. I sprang toward her with a cry of Joy, Instead of meeting me in the same spirit she stood as if para lyzed, all the color leaving her face. "Dolores!" I exclaimed. "What brings you here?" "I am so surprised," she stammered, "at meeting you that I" Sho could get no further, "But, Dolores, bow strange that I should meet you of all others, and the very one I would rather meet" Sho put her hand to her broast. ner breath was coming quick. For a mo ment I thought sho would fall. I sprang forward to catch her, but she waved mo lack. I waited till she had somewhat recovered, when she said to mo: "My meeting you unexpectedly after your midden disappearance Das s. tied mc. It was reported that you 1 1 been mado nway with by the nnar ista." "But what has that to do with yi coming to America?" "To meet one in the fi; ill whom y nave supposed to be dead you nv admlt is liable to cause a shock." r i replied without noticing my qucstl.u. "But" "'Come; lot us walk together." By slow degrees she brought out t! it she had come to America because there are fields open to women in which they may make their living. She had no dowry, and In Spain a dowry was nec essary to marriage; thereforo sho pre ferred to bo occupied among those o her own sex who were used to work and where there was work to do. "There Is no work to do up In tlwe mountains," I said. The question took her unaware. That her presence in America was not explained by anything sho had told mi I did not doubt. But what was her object In coming? As we walked on I probed tho matter, wondering all the while at the strange occurrence. Then suddenly a theory suggested itself to mo. Might she not havo come to pro tect me? And would she have come all the way across an ocean on my ac count except for ono reason that she loved me? But such n suspicion I was not In clined to make known to Dolores. Nevertheless it caught my fancy and brought a wild Joy to my heart. Set apart from those with whom I had been reared, dead to every living be ing I had known, the bare suspicion that this girl loved me nnd loved me so well that sho had como nil the way from my beloved Spain for me was llko n now birth to me. With this girl for a companion I would be willing. to live on In my changed existence. I said no more to her as to tho rea Bon for her coming. In any event it was her secret, provided sho chose to keep It a secret, nnd not mine. I found that she was stopping nt a house not far from mine, and there later on I left her, having arranged to call and walk with her the next morning. And so I did. In that mountain air wo strolled, I Invigorated not only by Its purity, but by tho companionship of Dolores. But while I grew strong she seemed to be wasting nway. Something was distressing her. I ask ed her to confess it to me, and she declined. I pressed her to do so, and In a spasm of feeling sho cried: "If you don't leave I shall go mud." To express my sympathy I took her hand in mine, but she snatched it away. "Ono would suppose," I said, wound cd, "that a viper had touched you." "Or that you had touched a viper." she replied. I was looking her In tho face nt the time sho said this and saw her bite her Hp. Perhaps tho words and tho ac tion should have given mo a clew to her secret, but they did not. I wns as much puzzled as ever. One day when wo wero walking to gether we met a woman with dark hair and eyes. "That woman," I said, "came either from Spain or Mexico. At any rate. she's Spanish." I turned to look at Dolores nnd saw that she was struggling with some emotion. But by this time I had giv en over questioning her upon these strange matters and said nothing. To attempt to extract from her vhelr cause seemed only to madden her. Wo met the same woman ngaln the next day, and I saw on her face a look that assured me that there was Eomo understanding between them; but, as beforo, I refrained from speak ing of It. Ono night I awoke with a start. Tho moon, shining In at tho window, showed a woman's flguro standing near. She held something in one hand, while with the forefinger of the other she was smearing what she hold. Then suddenly she flung tho article out of the window. A ray of moon light struck it and revealed what I. took to bo a knife. I rose, supporting myself on my el bow, and asked; "Who's there?' A hand grasped mine a hand cold ns Ice. "nush! I am Dolores." "What nro you doing here?" "Don't interrupt mo whllo I tell you and what to do. Our lives depend upon it. I came to Americn ordered by the circle to kill you. A woman was sent with mo to Bee that I did tho work. She is tho Spanish woman we met. Tonight I told her that I would como to your room, plunge n dagger Into your heart and throw tho dagger out of the window to prove to her that I have done tho deed. I havo smeared It with beers blood. Sho is to leave by ono route, I by another; she by tho stony clove nnd I by the clove leading down eastward. Good by!" "Dolores!" I cried, "I will go with you!" "Wliere-to death?" "Wo will bide ourselves from the world." "Hide yourself. If you nro dlscov. cred allvo I must die." "But, Dolores, darling, this wom an, not hearing of a murder here, will know that you havo not done the deed." "I have thought of that But she will not stop till sho reaches Madrid." "Go with mo, Bwoethoart. I love you and so far as I can will protect you." That was many years ago. I recall how, long boforo day we mot at the mouth of tho clovoj how wo walked ten miles to a railway station nnd, boarding a train, wont so far ns those who had known us were concerned out of existence. HUMOROUS QUIPS'! Story of Two Brothers. 1670. KtaA reader, mark my truthful tale No moral Is annexed, Dut If you have none handy We'll print one In our next. Two brothers In Itchoboth town, When Philip's war began, To Bhow their worth were summoned forth By the head militiaman. John charged his gun and his canteen All ready for to slay; With Mister-Muster-Master Oreen He boldly marched away. (But Robert sought tho barn, unseen, And hid him In the hay.) There came a night of gory fight; Assumpsett creek ran redl Dh, grisly sight 1 By morning light Poor John showed up shot dcadl Bo he was done with earthly work, But Robert lived to be Poundkceper, deacon and town clerk And ancestor of me. John Pearson In Puck. The Oriental Way. In China when tho subscriber rings up exchange tho operator may bo ex pected to ask: "What number does the honorable eon of tho. moon and stars desire?" "Hohi. two-three." Silence. Then the exchange resumes. "Will the honorable person gracious ly forgive the Inadequacy of the in- significant service and permit this humbled slave of tho wire to Inform him that the nevcr-to-be-sufllclently- censured lino Is busy?" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Where Evan the Wireless Fails. "Can you direct me to tho Grand hotel?" "Beg pardon?" "Which is the way to tho Grand hotel?" "What's that?" "Grand-G-r-a-n-d h-o-t-e-1?" "Well, what about It?" "How do I got there?" "I give It up. I'm a stranger here myself." Browning's Magazine. Singleness of Purpose. "Are you going to see the corona tion?" "No," replied Mr. Meekton; "I don't think Henrietta would caro for it, Sho would regard It as a wnsto .of time to organlzo such a grand parade without putting 'Votes For Women' banners in If 'Washington Star. He Pleased Her. 'What do you think of your new boarder?" asked tho typewriter. "Oh, I think he's such n nice young man," replied the boarding house lady. "Die's a very small eater, Isn't ho?" "Oh, my, yes; he's really eaten his way into my affection." Yonkers Statesman. Comfort In That. "Ain't yer vaccination healed yet?" asked Jimmy. up "Naw," replied Tommy. "Gee! Don't It make yer feel bad?" "Naw. Tho doctor told mom 1 mustn't take n bath till It's all healed up." Catholic Standard and Times. With Alacrity. "Waal, I dunno," said the farmer's wife when Dusty Rhodes applied for a meal. "Would you bo willing to do a few chores?" "Madam," said Dusty, "If you'll give me something to chaw on I'll chaw all day." Harper's Weekly, Too Quickly. "Sir, I wish to marry your daughter Susan." "You do, eh? Are you in a position to support a family?" "Oh, yes, sir!" "Better bo sure of It. There are ten of us." Toledo Blade. Unsatisfactory. "What became of your Ideas of sim plified spelling?" "I abandoned them," replied the universal reformer. "The result looked too much like a dialect story with the quotation marks left out." St Paul Pioneer Press. Just a Way He Had. "I suppose," growled the pessimist, "you believe In taking things as they come, don't you?" "Only when I don't consider them worth going after," replied the opti mist. Chicago News. In the Air. "I wonder If you could call it high flnanoe?" "What?" "Dealing In airships." New York Journal. Unanswerable. Missionary But what haye you against Christianity, my good brother! Cannibal King Well, there's too many clothes go with it for a man wltb forty wives. Puck. After the Vereln Meeting. Jenlor How many glasses did you havo last night? Sunlor Only one. Jenlor How fast did you work it? Columbia Jester. Easy. Teacher (trying to puzzle him) Tom my, what la the plural of "wealth?" Tommy Tucker Scads. Chicago Tribune. Equivocal. "I want you to get mo somebody to take this part who's a live wire." "Humph! That's dead easy."-Baltl-morn American. For the Children Rain Gauge Used by the Ancient Koreans. The first urp of the rain gauge bos been credited to Benedetto Cnstelll, nn Italian contemporary of Galilei, but recent research shows that rain gauges were us;d In the Ofteenth rentury, nparly two centuries before, says Popu lar Mechanics, in ton second volume of the historical annals of Korea Is found o reference to rntn gauges which translates as follows: "In the twenty-fourth year nt the relgD of King Sejo (1442) the king or dered constructed a bronzo Instrument to measure the rainfall. It Is a vase resting on a stone base and was placed nt the observatory. Each time It rain ed the attendants measured the height of water In the vase and reported to the king. Similar Instruments wero nlsr placed In all the provinces." The ancient rain gange herewith Il lustrated may still he seen at Ta'o, Korea. A Japanese Fable. One day the. monkey saw the ant climbing up a tall tree and thought that he would amuse himself at his expense. "Look here. Mr. Ant." said be. "how auickly you are ascending the tree! Won't you have a raco with me to the top of the tree? I am certain that you can beat, me." "All right," replied tho ant. and both started to run up the tree from the bottom. In a mlnnto the monkey bad reached the middle branch of the treo. while the little ant bad scarcely trav eled nn Inch. The monkey looked down haughtily upon the ant and then negou to per form his favorite acrobatic feats upon one of the outstretching branches. Suddenly the wood snapped under his weight, nnd he fell to the ground. Ho was so badly hurt that it took soma time beforo he could pick himself up. In the meantlmo the ant bad reached the top of tho tree nnd won the race. Mo'al One who relies too much on his own ability often falls. The Waltzing Egg. Place a plate on tho table so that It Is near enough to the edge to be easily taken in hand. Then place the egg In tho middle nud with the help of the thumb and the Index finger of the right hand, placed respectively at either end, give the egg n lively rotary move ment. It will soon stand upright on its points and turn. Now seize tho plate and all you have to do to make the egg waltz Is to move your band In a waltzing motion. The egg should be n bard boiled ono and should while boiling bo kept in a perpendicular po sition In the saucepan. Try It and see tho egg. spin around the plate. Magi cal Experiments. The Engineer Mouse. Several years ago workmen were digging boles for somo telegraph poles In New York, and Into ono of them a poor little mouse fell. The tiny pris oner nt flrst raced around tho bole frantically; then he seemed to set his wits to work. Tho hole was sovernl feet deep, but be began to dig a spiral groove around It from the bottom, working night nnd dny. When bo got tired he built little landings to his staircase where he could rest. Tho workmen had become Interested In him and gave him food, and when on tho third day mousle reached the top all the men cheered him. An Elephant Rope Walker. The elephant was trained In tho old en time to perform many feats. Men tion Is made of ono that walked tho tight rope, and not only near tho" ground. If we may bellevo what the old writers say It also walked a ropo stretched above the heads of the spec tators and carried a man on his back. The Friendly Sunbeam. There's a certain little sunbeam who is very fond of me, And every single morning, bright and early as can be (Because he knows my nursery Is on the shady side). He leaves his brothers frolicking o'er dewy meadows wide. And ho climbs Into a window at the east end of ouf hall. And he creeps across the carpet, and he feels along the wall, And hit slips between some curtains and thmtlf-h on nnn And he makes a golden 'bee line across uij ueuruom noor Ontll, without a tiny sound to tell he's Re has lumped upon my pIUow and l Then up I start and out of bed, for who wnnM wtflh in tn When such a, friend has corns so far to oil one out id piayr Youth's Companion. Used Another Man's Legs, In tho ha 1 of tho house of represent atives ther Is a painting of George Washington. Ho looks a most Com manding nemifl. with thn ufn film nf n giant nnd n faultless physique. But looKing. at the portrait recently n pub lic mau commented: "That Is u good, deal of a sham. George Washington never looked like thnt, though I've no doubt ho would have been proud to appear bo magnifi cent. "Notice the legs," tbo speaker con tinued. "They nro perfect beauties, but they nro not Washington's. They nro tho logs of General Smith of New Jersey, n soldier of tho Revolution. "it Happened this way," be explain el in conclusion: "Washington had ( unimpressive legs, and tho artist who painted that picture was so dis satisfied with their shape that ho per su'idd General Smith to "lend his fau'th'HS members as models. So, while, we have the face and torso of our great flrst president, the support ing logs are those of ono of his gen erals. Long may they stand!" Wash ington Post. Not the Answer Me Expected. One of Lord Dcsborough's bust anec dotes relates to a clergyman who wns for more at homo In tho hunting Hold than In the pulpit, Bays London Tit- Bits. On tho morning of a meet ho was much annoyed at having to offi ciate nt a funeral; but, this over, he mounted his horso and started in pur suit of his friends. On tho road he sought Information of an old womnn with a donkey cart. "Wen," sho said, "If you ride to the top of the hill you will como to a 'meenlster. Then If you turn to the right you will bo likely to come up with them." Handing her a shilling, he said, "My good woman, why did you call the sign post n minister?" "Why, you see, sir, It's like this: We use to cnll 'em sign posts, but since you've been in these porta we calls 'em mcenlsters, 'cos, though they points other folks tho way, they never goes themselves. Go on, Neddy!" Death In Factory Fires. ' The question is often debated us to whether persons who lose their lives In a fire developing with groat rapid ity undergo extreme physical suffer ing. An authoritative opinion is ex pressed by the New York Medical Jour nal, which says: "Unnecessary an guish of mldd has probably been felt by relatives of unfortunate workers killed in factory fires by reflection on tho supposedly agonizing pain caused by such a death. Whero a great bulk of highly Inflammable substances Is quickly consumed in a closed space tho result is tho production of large quan tities of carbon monoxide. This cas. It Is well known, combines with tho hnoniogobln of tho blood to form n compound that refuses to combine with oxygen. Tho result Is a speedy and prolwbly painless asphyxiation bo foro tho flames have had n chance to attack the bodies of the victims." Omm Urn ImWk. Tho Kind You Havo Always in use for over 30 vcars. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good "aro but Experiments that trifle- with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine- nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Fovcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind. Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years. TH CCHTAUR OOHPANY, TT UURRAr RTRtCT. NIIVVORK CIT. JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire Insurance The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Second floor Masonic n.iiiri. Ing, over 0. 0. Jndwln's drug store, Honednle. M. LEE BRAMAN EVERYTHING IN LIVERY Bubs for Every Train and Town Calls. Horses always for sale Boarding and Accomodations for Farmers Prompt and polite attention at all times. ALLEN HOUSE BARN ttmmnttmntratnttmmmitmtmmi MARTIN CAUFIELD Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works 1036 MAIN ST. HONESDALE, PA. nmatm::jtnjta:tj::naj:mm::t AVo print letter heads, Wo print pamphlets, Wo print monthly statements, Wo print postal cards, T vffj IW H Bought, and which has been Ima Immn f.lm siimnfm-n - and lias been mado under his pcr sonal supervision since its infancy. Signature of KRAFT & CONGER HONESDALE, PA. Reoresent Reliable Comnanies ONLY