The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 21, 1911, Image 1

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68th YEAR -NO. 49
Hawley Handed Terrific
Beating; Score: 14-5
The County Seaters punished the
Canalers Sattirdny afternoon in the
long looked for opening game at
Hawley. The dose was 14-5.
Honesdale made a killing In tho
"lucky seventh," bunching their
hits, knocking Butler out of the
box, and scoring nine runs. Up to
that time It looked very much like
anybody's game with the chances
slightly In favor of Hawley. But
that seventh stanza put the quietus
on the Bridge Dodgers. No less
than fourteen men faced Butler In
that session. And the way they hit
the ball was something terrific!
Tho game was called at the end
of the eighth Inning to permit the
County Seaters to get their supper
and catch the C:35 Erie train for
Thirteen was a lucky number for
Honesdale last Saturday afternoon.
When the Citizen man counted
noses on the 2:50 Erie Hawley-
bound train, he found that there
were just thirteen men in the party,
Jacobs and HelBtern together with
Manager Leon Ross and assistant
manager R. B. Bracey bringing the
number uri to that Ill-omened limit.
The game was . late in starting,
and did not open until 4:10 p. m.
McNamara acted as umpire, and his
decisions were quite fair to both
teams. Captain Gibbons had some
trouble in getting his men together.
Honesdale scored first in the
opening session. Mangan, the first
man un. got to first on errors. Bra-
der hit a nice littlt hit, Mangan be
ing out at second. Brader was ad
vanced to second on Hatler's hit.
Sandercock came along with a line
drive good for two bags, scoring
Brader. Shortstop "Juicy" Polt
drew a pass to first, and the bases
were full.
Schilling filed out to second base
man Gibbons, Hatler scoring. Bader
was out on an easy grounder to
When Hawley came to the bat,
Wilson, first man'up, skied to Pitch
er Male. McNamara was ovt on an
easy grounder to Pitcher Male
(Continued on Page Four.)
Honesdale German Cath
olic Club Beaten
Score of 5-0
"They couldn't 'hit Gregor!" That
was the trouble Saturday afternoon
on the silk mill grounds, when the
German Catholic club was defeated
by the Aldenvllle team to the score
of 5 to 0.
Southpaw Gregor who pitched on
the regular team last year Is a good
pitcher. He proved it again last
Saturday. And among the consoling
features In the loss of the game may
be mentioned the fact that the Al
denvllle team is practically made up
of Honesdale players. There Is
Kupfer, for instance, captain of last
year's team, and the best shortstop
in the county. There are Shields
and Targett, old Honesdalers.
The only chance Honesdale had to
score was In the sixth inning. She
had three men on bases and none
out. Polt next man up sent a fly to
the left fielder, who caught it and
got It to the home plate ahead of the
lellow on third who tried to score on
the fly
Welch pitched a good game He
allowed no hits until the last inning,
whe,n a combination of four hits and
three bad errors let Aldenvllle get
three more runs.
The heart rending details follow:
R. H
' 5
Kupfer, ss 1 1
Curtis, lb 0
Starnes, 3b 1
Gregor, p 2
Shields, c 1
Davis, cf 0
Hendricks, rf 0
Goodrich, 2b 0
Targett, If 0
Totals 5 9 27 7 3
R. H. O. A. E.
Denk, 3b 0 0 3 1 1
Welch, E., c , 0 0 9 4 2
Polt, 2b 0 0 4 2 1
Balles, lb 0 1 7 0 0
Barberl. ss 0 0 1 0 0
Welch, p 0 1 1 1 0
Holl, If 0 1 2 0 0
Herzog, cf 0 0 0 0 0
Weldner. rf 0 1 0 0 0
Totals 0 4 37 8 4
Score by Innings:
Aldenvllle ..01100000 35
Ger. C. C. .0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 00
One base hits Balles, Welch,
Weldner, Holl, Kupfer, Starnea 3
Struck out By Gregor 10; by
Welch 9. Base on balls Oft Gregor
2; off Welch 3. Double play Tar
gett to Shields. Hit hy pitcher.
Denk. Stolen bases, Barberl, Kup
fer, Gregor, Shields, Hendricks, Urn
plre Burns, Aldenvllle.
Ranks With Binghamton
in Amount or Mail
During the month of May there
passed through the Honesdale post
office 271,741 pieces of mall. Of
this number 144,735 was outgoing collarbone and two ribs on Satur
and 127,000 incoming. Each car- day last at Rlleyvllle as she was
rler handled an average of 22,550 alighting from a wagon. Mrs. Tay-
Blnghamton's carriers averaged 22,-
pieces, while Blnghamton's carriers
averaged 22,850 pieces.
Honesdale compares almost ex.
actly with Binghamton in the amount
of mail received and delivered dur
ing tho month of May. According to
a record of the mall matter handled
In the Honesdale nostofflce by its
clerks and free delivery carriers the
number of pieces in outgoing, In-
coming mall delivered and collected,
places 'Honesdale on an equality with
second-class cities.
During the month of May a spec-
ial dally count was authorized by
the government, beginning May
and ending May 31 inclusive. Upon
the arrival of the t different malls
during the day the' delivery window
was closed whilo the clerks counted
the vast amount of mail that had
to be handled. The report given
will vouch that the clerks were
busy. The total number of pieces
received was handled throe times in
course or uistnuution.
Postmaster M. B. Allen has pre-
beuittu us wuu me luuuwiug rerjuri,
which will be read with much inter
Total number pieces of out-going
mail, 144,735; actual time consunv
ed In handling same, 211 hours.
Incoming Number of pieces nan
died, 127,000; time of handling,
nearly 359 hours.
The above includes the carriers
report. They, however, handled a
total of 19,995 pieces of outgoing
mail and 47.65G nieces Incoming.
The time consumed in handling the
former was 101 hours, and in the
latter about 520 hours. This, does
not mean a mere physical handling
nf thfi nlpcea hec.ausa there -Is the
stamnlnc.idistrlbutlntri.etc.-. ln'addl-
tlon to records which must be kept
or certain classes oi man, out it
gives an idea of some of the work
required In the postoiuce.
Binghamton papers gives 77b, 9Ub
as the total handled by the carriers chestra and Mrs. N. J. Spencer, or
of that city. If these figures are cor- ganist, accompanied the choir.,
rect, with 34 carriers, each man The exercises commenced at .0:30
handled an average of 22,850
Deposit, N. Y., also snows up
well. During the same period the
Incoming mall amounted to 60,-
212 -pieces and the outgoing mail
43,605, making a total of 103,815
nieces handled hy the clerks. Num-
ber of nieces delivered by the car-
rlnrs. 36.797: collected. 7,960, mak-
ine a total of 44,757 pieces nanaiea
by all the carriers during May.
Denuty Postmaster J. N. bnarp-
steen stated to a Citizen represents-
tlve that May is nlways a light
month and that June has already
come up to the May average of bust-
nnsH. "One-third more of the
amount of business will be realized
ln June than was recorded in way,
he concluded.
May was selected by the govern-
ment as being one or tne hbuiobi
monthB, when the difficulties or
counting would least interfere with
the routine business or tne omce.
Each local carrier travels 14
mlles dally, makes about 400 stops,
delivers eight pounds of letters and
84 pounds of other mall matter.
George Southerton was arrested
uy ueiecuye . o - fram; recltaton, "Because Ho Loves
day for shooting at J8"6" Us So," three girls of Miss Peth
Stephens, and trespassing upon his recitation, "What Little
property uu u V".
Southerton was taken before
oquiru 11. a. ouiiiu """"
ana was douuu over
COUrt. 1'atrlCK P. pennon guvo ""
. t i aum rtf sinn
rue piainun cwimnu
erton uuwi u u.i.j.-
neios mm wmi u ''UDC" r
ns properiy .u"J.
Btepnens. tne priauuer
1. .nn n nnnn r na SIOll IlMIlK
I1D a u flr recitation, "Bo Brave," Burton Rob
farm, but was over In the woods ,ng Bextetto, "We Are For Edu
nearby playing poker. LUt cation," Misses Charlotte Bullock
Htepnens sxaiea iuui oouiuuu
snot at mm a ""l"u'-
ton was Identified by the plaintiff
ana nis iwo sous ua uoiub iuo
who trespassed upon their farm.
"i iu oimiui i w n
The American Flint Glass worn
ers' union specinea in tneir con
tract tnat tney signea mesaay
morning with Krantz, Smith & uo.
that tnere wouia De no serine ae-
clared within a year.
This Is exceedingly good news to
receive. xne mercnanis oi noues- mienaenc uoage in which he thank
dale have been upon an uneasy seat ed the children and all who assist
for the past few weeks but can reel
assured now that no disturbance
will be forthcoming.
The contract between tne Amen
can Flint Glass Workers' Union and
Krantz, Smith & Co. was made by
Organizer Robert Luckout repro-
sentlng the Honesdale union and
John Krantz and G. William Sell,
of the Krantz, Smith & Co. it cans
ror tt) noura per weeic.
With eacli Wednesday Issue
of Tho Citizen until further
notice wo will publish as a
supplement to tho regular
vdition n little ningnzino devot
ed to making life more liv
able. Wo will gladly pay for nny
available jests, humorous
verse, short essays, etc., which
are accepted and published.
A stamped and addressed en
velope must accompany all
manuscripts to Insure their
safe return.
Mrs. Taylor, formerly Miss Lom-
den of this place, fractured her left
lor, who now lives at uarDonaaie,
was staying at the homo of J. W.
Rice, Rlleyvllle.
Charles W. Lenz, Scranton, Is
missing from home and relatives of
that city have been Inquiring with
Honesdale parties as to his where-
abouts. He is a glasscutter by
trade and his family presumed he
was in Honesdale, but information
gained theretrom revealed no trace
of the young man.
r i i n
V . r. I, HI N fl TXPTC SRS H
Credit to All
"The Children's Hour" at
the Central Methodist Episcopal
church, last Sunday morning, was
an unusually pleasant hour. It was
In charge of Superintendent Buel
Dodge, who announced the different-
numbers. The exercises were held
In the auditorium of the church,
The decorations were banks Of dais-
lesi.'and huttercuns: starting . from
eltheri,:slde. of. .the .platform rana
gradually diminishing toward aJpolnH"gtjj5 to' talce care of the' extra width
in tne center, Tne songs renaerea
by the school were assisted by a
large choir under the leadership or
Miss Blanche Pearce. Sonner's or-
a. m. with "The Children's Anthem,"
a song by the school. Rev. Will H.
Hilier then ottered prayer aiier
which the ordinance of baptism was
administered to six infants and one
little girl, namely: Edith Elizabeth,
daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Evans: Harriet, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Deln: Henry, Bon of
jlr. and Mrs. Josenh Boldewaldt:
Blanche Ruth, daughter of Jlr. ana
Mrs. Charles Canflold; Harry James,
son of 'Mr. and Mrs. James Pen
nington; Crawford Albert, son, and
Louise May, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William B. Baker.
Responsive reading was led by the
assistant sunerlntendent. M. E. Sl-
m0ns; singing, school, "Our Bright-
e3t Summer Day"; A Welcome,"
Arthur Campfleld; "The Children's
King," Mildred Varcoe; song, "Jesus
ioves .Me, primary class; -wei-
Corae to the Cradle Roll," Anna
starbuck; recitation, William Var-
coe; recitation and song, "Persever-
ance Band," primary hoys; reclta-
tlon, Lawrence Dibble; duet, "Sweet
Galilee," Misses Blanche Pearce and
Charlotte Bullock; recitation, "Do
Your Best," Earl Arnold; "Flower
Gossip," "primary girls; exercise and
song, "Playing Daisies," young la
dles of iMlss Tolley's class; recita
tion, "Summers Message, Clifton
Robinson; recitation, Rosaline Wol-
Ones Can Do," Katherlne Partridge;
nA i t ml
Pethlck's class: recitation, "How
We Toll." Edna Penwarden: exer-
,. ..RnlHIra nt Jpbhh " a Wa
I - w.. . --rf -
from Miss Clark's class; song by
the school, "Jesus Sees"; recitation
RusseU French; recitation, "I Will
and I Wont," James Crossley; reel
tatlon, "What the Roses Think,'
four Kiris from Mls8 .PoHlick.a ciasa.
I '
Bern,ce McIntyrei Fannle Tlngley.
Stella Henty, Raymond Dibble and
r arl nniinrir
The pastor, Rev. Will II. HUIer,
then gave an Interesting address on
Bunnort of the Board nf RducnMnn
- was then received. Paul Sonner
- violin, Frank Duppious, cello, and
airs, w, J, spencer, organist, render-
ed a beautiful selection during the
The program was brought to
close with a few remarks by SuDer-
ed In taking Dart and heln maklne
the exercises the success that they
were. Song, school, "The Word of
- the Lord."
Credit Is due Misses Charlotte
Bullock, Margaret Hilier. Edith Tol
ley. Amy E. Clark. Harriet Arnold
Mary Jones, Bessie Brown, Blanche
Pearce for their time In training
the children. Those taking part all
aid wen
State to Commence Work
on Main Street
Arthur W. Long, civil engineer of
Scranton, made a professional trip to
Honesdale on Monday in tho interest
of t'fte various pieces of State road in
Texas township. Mr. Long was ac
companied over the roads by Super
visor and Street Commissioner Law
rence Weldner.
During the year Texas township
has expended $192.50 per mile for
maintenance of Its ten miles of ma
cadam road. It has filed application
with' the State department for Si, 925,
for which amount the State will re
imburse the township, Engineer Long
claiming that he found all roads in
good shape and that Texas would re
ceive the full amount asked.
Engineer Long, in conversation
said: "Under the new Act the State
payb 50 per cent., the township one-
quarter and the county one-quarter.
One million dollars has been appro
priated for State aid roads outside of
the three million dollars for the main
roads under tho Sproul bill. The
roads in Texas township come under
the State aid fund. This fund is
governed by the number of miles of
township reads in each county. The
appropriation will be for the next two
years, expiring Juue 1, 1913. The
amount available In Wayne county
Is $25,070.37. This amount Is prac
tically over $50,000 owing to the
county and township being required
to each pay one-quarter, making
half. Heretofore tho State paid
three-quarters and the county and
township one-eighth, respectively."
When asked whether or not the
State would commence work on Main
street, It being on one of the Sproul
routes, (Mr. Long stated that he
thought it would. "Regarding the
width of the street," he continued,
"tho maximum width Is sixteen feet
In township, roads and when the road
goes through a main thoroughfare in
a town the authorities pay the bal
ance. This has been the agreement
In the past. . There is a provision, in,
.the new bill. ; however, whereby
-.towns'' enter lntoa contract with, the,
of the streets."
Gibbs -Holgate Wedding
Surprises Friends
The many friends of Miss Inez
Holgate and Charles E. Gibbs were
happily surprised on Friday to learn
of their marriage, which had taken
place Thursday evening at 8 o'clock,
Rev. W. H. Hilier officiating,
The bride is a daughter of Mrs.
Ida Lewis of this place. The bridal
couple were attended hy Miss Mildred
Holgate, a sister, and Lee Ehrardt,
cousin of the bride
Mrs. Glbbs was becomingly gown
ed in white batlst, trimmed with em
broidery and cluny lace and carried
bridal1 roses. Her maid or honor
wore a dress of light blue batiste
and carried a bouquet of roses,
After a short honeymoon, which
was partly made by auto and rail,
Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs will be at home
on 'Main street to their friends July
The -bridal couple were the reci
pients of an excellent line of linen,
silverware, cut glass, china and
money, the bride's mother having
presented her with a pocketbook con
taining a check for $50.
Mrs. Gibbs is one of Honesdale s
popular young ladies, having been a
stenographer In the office of the Dur-
land-Weston 'Shoe company for sev
eral years, while Mr. Gibbs Is the
popular owner of the Honesdale gar
age and Is favorably known In this
A barn belonging to Chas. Heyne,
East Cherry Ridge, burned be
twoen 1 and 2 o'clock Tuesday
morning. This makes the seventh
barn that was destroyed In two
years. All were located In that vi
cinity and practically all took fire
about that time of night. It is
thought that they must be of an in
cendiary origin. Those who have
previously suffered are John Rose.
Gustave Heyne, William and Fred
Rowe, Gustave Llntner and Frank
Bonear. This makes the second
time Heyne's barn has burned.
Mayor John Kuhbach, who al
ways delights In doing something
ror Honesdale, cheerfully responded
to a request made by a Citizen man.
'Monday, when asked If he would ap
point a committee to take Immedi
ate action In the "Stourbridge Lion
Horatio Allen" monument proposl
tlon. Tho mayor appeared to be
highly elated and expressed a will
lngness to do all In his power to help
this worthy cause.
Floyd Brundage, a lumberman,
Hoadleys, was Injured by a tree fall
lng upon him last Saturday. He
was rendered unconscious, but no
bones were broken.
Accounts and Reports
Announced and
June term of court convened Mon
day afternoon at 2 o'clock, Judge A.
T. Searle presiding, when the follow
ing accounts of executors, adminis
trators, trustees, etc., appraisements
to widows, and auditors' reports
were announced and confirmed nisi:
First and partial account of C. M.
Betz, trustee and acting executor of
the estate of Nathan Jacobs, Hones
dale. First and final account of Charles
H. Truesdale. administrator of the
estate of Adelaide A. Truesdale,
South Canaan township.
First and final account of M. J.
Hanlan, administrator of the estate
of Lewis Hansmann, Texas.
First and final account of Joseph
Wlehle, Sr., executor of the estate of
Ezoklel Wlehle, Hawley.
First and final account of Emma
H. Hoyle and Ezra Clemo, executors
of the estate of Elizabeth Clemo,
waj mart.
First and final account of Alexan
der Correll, executor of the estate of
William Correll, Lake.
First and final account of George
A. Clearwater, administrator Cum
Testamento Annexo De Bonis Non,
of the estate of Leonard G. Clearwat
er, Salem.
First and final account of Homer
G. Ames, administrator of the estate
of William C. Ames, Hawley.
First and final account of H. A.
Williams, administrator of the estate
of Sylvester Woodmansee, Preston.
First and final account of Nicholas
Hessling and J. F. Racht, adminis
trators of the estate of Jacob Racht,
South Canaan.
First and final account of Horace
Grlmstone, administrator of the es
tate of Amos Grlmstone, Dyberry
First and final account of Edward
Deltzer, administrator of the estate of
John Hempfilng, Texas, ,' ' '
Appraisements-of. - $300.?'Uo: .the
wldows"of .thextollowIng;',:
Charles E. Baker, Waymart.
Amos Grlmstone, Dyberry.
William W. Tarbox, Scott town
Appraisements under Act of 1909
James Simpson, Damascus.
Petition of George iMackle and
Fletcher Coon, Texas township, that
In making a decree establishing the
Seelyvllle Independent school district,
the boundaries be reformed to in
clude their farms, filed.
On motion of E. C. Mumford, at
torney for libellant, R. M. Salmon,
Esq., was appointed master to take
evidence In the case of William Jus
tin, libellant, vs. Jane Justin, re
spondent. Order of sale of real estate of
William Correll, South Canaan town
ship, confirmed.
Publication In the following stated
libels in divorces ordered, returnable
to second Monday of August next:
Emma L. Bloomer, libellant vs.
Chas. L. Bloomer, respondent.
Effle Swingle, libellant vs. W. R.
Swingle, respondent.
In the case of Fred F. Latnberton,
libellant, vs. Lizzie 'May Lamberton,
respondent, Chas. 'P. Searle, Esq.,
was appointed master.
Lawrence H. Watres, of tho bar or
Lackawanna county, was admitted
to the Wayne County Bar on motion
of Judge Henry Wilson, the examin
ing committee consisting of H. Wil
son, Esq., and W. H. Lee, Esq., re
porting that they were satisfied with
his qualifications and recommending
his acceptance.
In the matter of tho petition or L
C. Mumford, admr. of W. W. Tarbox,
deceased late of Scott township, to
sell real estate; sale ordered and pe
titioner ordered to give $600 bond
Bond approved.
The cognizance of Charles Stevens
was forfeited and respited to the next
term of court.
'Master's report of sale and dis
tribution In the case of Wood v
Wood et al. was filed, and approved.
In the matter of the adoption or
John Howard Johns by E. L. Glea-
son, petition granted, the name of
child to be changed to John Howard
Gleason, with all the rights of a child
and heir of E. L. Gleason.
A divorce was granted Samuel A
Moules from Evelyn M. Monies
Both parties were granted permission
to marry again.
In the case of the Inspection of a
bridge In Damascus township, a pe
titlon was filed and a rule granted on
the county commissioners to show
cause why the report should not be
referred back to A. V. Tyler, A. u,
Hutledge, u. A. Lybolt, inspectors
In re petition for the establish
ment of the Independent School dis
trict of White Mills out of part of
Texas township, the second Monday
of July, at 10 a. in,, was fixed as the
time of hearing upon the petition
ten days' notice thereof to bo given
to the school district of Texas town
Auditor's report In the estate
Henry Iloff, late of Cherry Ridge,
dee'd, was confirmed nisi, to be con
firmed absolutely unless exceptions
be filed within ten aayB.
The bond of P. H. Reining, Jr
collector of Texas for Cherry Ridge
Large Audiences Enjoyed
Every Moment
"I don't care for a circus. Life Is
one grand circus to me; tumbling
around to get a living. Maybe I'll
get the fever,"
The iman who was overheard to
make these remarks by a Citizen
man last Friday morning, was seen
In the afternoon of the same day
occupying a front row reserved seat
at the Sparks show, with a package
of popcorn in one hand, and a bag
of peanuts peeping out of his left
pocket, laughing along with the rest
of the merry crowd at the grimaces
and stale jokes of the clowns. He
got the fever!
Boys from three years on up were
In great demand In Wayne county
last week. Gray-haired citizens just
had to go to the circus to show
their Infant grandsons a good time!
It was wonderful what excuses the
people out in Beaehlake and there
abouts framed to account to their
neighbors for being obliged to go to
the county .seat that day. Mary
needed a new pair of shoes. His
wife wanted to have her last sum
mer's hat made over Johnny but
what's the use they all drifted to
the flats in East Honesdale, and
many were the laughing greetings
exchanged. "Why, Sam, I never
expected to see you at the circus."
Well of all persons." "Sally. 1
( Continued on Page Four.)
$170 Raised by Picnic for
Priest's Monument
. One: , hundred ,.and,'seventy dollara
was reallzedlfromTtheplcnlpiheld ln
iBellevue:'Parkv last"- Thursday, after-?
,hboni,'and. evening for'-rtHe: purpose
of raising funds for the erection or
a monument to Father " Dassell, a
former revered rector of St. Mary
Magdalena's R. C. church, who died
last October.
Notwithstanding the Inclement
weather In the early riart of the af
ternoon, a largo crowd was In at
tendance, and the affair was a de
cided success. Sonner's orchestra
furnlshd excellent music.
At S p. m. Prothonotary M. J.
'Hanlan, who was chairman of the
general committee In charge of the
day's festivities, called for order,
and Introduced the speakers of the
evening, viz: Rev. Father J. w.
Balta, J. U. D Judge Alonzo T.
Searle, Hon. F. P. Kimble, Hon. C.
A. -McCarty and Hon. Leopold
Fuerth, who spoke in glowing terms
of the magnanimity of the late
Father Dassell, and paid a high
tribute to his memory. Mr. Hanlan
then delivered a short English-Ger
man address in wnicn no tnanneu
the people for the liberal support
they had given the project, and ror
the cheerful manner in which they
had responded to the call for mon
ey to complete tho monument fund.
The beautiful monument purchas
ed by the friends of the late Rev.
William Dassell, the beloved pastor
of St. 'Mary Magdalena's church, Is
In course of manufacture, rue
monument, which Is of dark Barry
granite, comes from the best quar
ries in Vermont. It was completely'
designed by Nicholas Hessling and
is artistic to say the least. The mon
ument, When erected, will be 12 feet
In height, and Is composed of three
sections, base four feet, eight Inches
square, die and cross.
The shaft will mark the graves or
two deceased priests, Rev. William
Dassell and Rev. Frank H. Uuthe,
both of whom served several years
with the German Catholic church.
One one side of the base of the1
monument In large relief letters is
the name Dassell and on tho reverse
side, Buthe. In the center of the dlo
is chiselled a chalice, surrounded by
a wreath. Both sides will be alike.
Underneath is the Inscription, which
Rev. William Dassell. :
18491910. :
Erected By His Friends. :
The opposite side bears these
Rev. Frank H. Buthe,
Both Inscriptions are In raised let
ters. The die Is capped with a well
proportioned cross upon which are
inscribed "I. H. S."
for the year 1911 was approved.
Petition of William S. Wagner,
guardian of Floyd Burdlck, to Join
In sale of real eltate, approved; also
bond approved.
In re appointment of guardian for
John W, Ames, bond of Homer G.
Ames, guardian approved.
In re appointment of guardian for
Louise Elizabeth Ames, a minor cntid
of William C. Ames, Homer G. Ames.
appointed, and bond approved.