1 oras ornzBX, Wednesday, jice 14, 1011. PAGE T "GOLDEN RULE" KOHLER. Cleveland's Chtof of Police Who Will Attend Coronation. "GOLDEN RULE" KOHLER SAILS Cleveland's Chief of Police Will See King George Crowned. Now York, Juno . Chief Koliler, known ,as tho "Golden Rule Chief of Police- of Cleveland, O.. will sail for Europe today. lie may be In London during the coronation period. Chief Kohler called upon Mayor Gay nor and extended to him his congratu lations and felicitations, "but not sym pathy, for he needs none," as ho him self expressed it. HOLD HUSBAND AND WIFE FOR MURDERS Double Baltimore Grime Charged to Account of Love. Baltimore, June fl Charged with murdering Morris Cohen and Mrs. Sa rah Cohen by administering poison to them In their food, Mrs. Ida Cohen, wife of the dead man, and another Morris Cohen, husband of tho dead woman, arc under arrest. Tho motive for the alleged crimes, as a result of which little ten-year-old Samuel Cohen, son of Morris Cohen, is also beMeved to have lost his life, Is thought by tho police to have been a desire of tho coup'to now under arrest to get rid of wlfo and husband In or der that tho attachment of tho living Morris Cohen and Mrs. Ida Cohen might bo more favorably fostered. Each prisoner refused to make any statement. Neither expressed surprise at being arrested. MUST REMAIN A WIDOW. Will of Late Frank W. Edwards Con tains Unusual Conditions. Jersey City, June 8. The will of Frank W. Edwards of Bayonne be queaths his estate in trust to Mrs. Clara L. Edwards, his widow, with the understanding that she Is to enjoy the interest of It as long as she does not marry. In tho event of remarriage Mrs. Ed wards is to get $20,000. The balance of the estate would then bo divided equally among four Bons and n daugh ter. Mr. Edwards died May 13. Tho will Is dated March 10. WRECK OF MAINE IN SIGHT. Cofferdam Works Perfectly, According to Army Engineers. Havana, Juno 8. The water Inside tho cofferdam around the wreck ol tho battleship Maine is now Ave feet below the outside level. Tho coffer dam is holding perfectly. Since the water was lowered tho whole of the top of the after turret Is visible. There will bo no more pumping until the ar rival of tho commission from the Unit ed States. Major Ferguson, the United States army engineer in charge, Is highly pleased and confident that tho leakage will bo negligible. Zulu "House Boys." The best of all servants in South Africa Is a Zulu, esicclally if he is raw that is, fresh from his native kraal nnd totally unspoiled by the wiles of civilization. Such a "house boy" la. honest, sober, quick, clean and anxious to learn the ways of the white man. Ho soon becomes as deft as an English batler and as bandy as the Ideal housemaid. He docs everything, from cooking to answering the door, and after a little practloo ho does It well. The boys have all manner of strango names, usually, chosen by themselves from eome one- ox other of tho words they hear often usod, such as sixpence, "dekey" (threepenny piece), shflllna breakfast, kettle, silly fool, ugly, pint pot, scrubber, chopper or whi8ky-Jlarper8 Weekly. Something to Show. Kilby I mad enough money In stocks last week to buy a touring car, Dane You didn't buy it, did you? Kllby (gloomily) No, but I wish I had nqw. Boston Transcript "4 NEAR DEATH AFTER EATING. Robert A. Marion Is Found In Phila delphia Probably Poisoned. Philadelphia. Juno 8. Kubort A Marlon, twenty-throe years old, of Dn pout Circle, Washington, L. 0.. win said tic is the son of the late Item Admiral Ilobert A. Marion. U. S. N. was found unoonolous in nn apart ment house at 1714 Spring Garden street. lie was taken to the I'mrruttsun hospital In a serious condition. Marlon, wlio Is a graduate of the civil engineering department of the Georgetown university, came btw from Oklalioma to rejoin his wife whom he left when lw went vest l make a government survey seveii mouths ago. After eating dinner li the apartment bouse he went to bed Ills wlfo and another womnn went tc the homo of a friends for dinner Marion had been Invited, he told tin police, but he felt fatigued after hi journey and decided to rest. At tho hospital' the doctors found that Marlon was suffering from thy effects of poison. After being In tin hospital nu hour Marion regained con sciousness nnd before ho again lapsed Into a stupor he told the police that lie did not know what happened to him. PLOT AGAINST MADERO. Magon In Lower California Said to Be In Pay of Diaz. El Puso, Tex., June 8. That the Mexican Socialists Mngouistas they are called because their leader is Kl enrdo Flores Magon, formerly of Si. Louis, now of Los Angeles, Cat. do not mean to permit Madoro to restore peace in .Mexico la evidenced by the uncovering here of an nutl-Madero revolutionary plot. Four men wore arrested. Tho Maduro agents are not yet ready to say that they can absolutely con nect the Clentlllcos with the Magonls tas, but they hint that tho former, now that they are defeated, are fur nishing money to Magou and the So cialists to keet) tho war going in Mex ico until it is settled hat Madoro can not restore order nuy more than Diaz could and then bring DInz bock from Europo and try to replace him in now er. Llmantour In St. Louis admitted that ho was soing to Europe to try to persuade Diaz to return. Agents of Madero have wired him from here not to trust the federals at Chihuahua under General Luque to go to Lower California to attempt tu put down the Socialists, but to have only loyal Insurrectos sent. DROPS DEAD AT COFFIN. Woman Stricken as She Prays Over Cousin's Body. Bayonne, N. J., Juno 8. Arising from her knees beside the cofllu of cousin. Mrs. Annie A. Fiuley of iStl Orluut street dropped dead. Dr. S. L Donahue, who was present as one ot the mourners, said she had died from apoplexy. Mrs. Flnley was attending the wnke over the body of Thomas Tlernoy. h Democratic politician. She bad Jus; recited a prayer for the repose of Tier ney's soul when she collapsed. 6,000 STRIKE IN CLEVELAND. Garment Work ere Duplicate the Big Tie-up of a Year Ago Here. Cleveland, (X, Juno 8. Six thousand union garment workers are out on a strike. The strike Is an exact dupli cate, it is said, of the one in New York a year ago not so much a question of dollars and cents as a demand for roc ognltlon of the union. Big College Meet July 11. London, June a The Oxford, Ciini bridge, Harvard and Yale athletic con tests have been fixed for July 11. Whero tsthe .Chinaman? Sir Robert Ball told the story of a Chinaman who entered the brldgo over Niagara falls. lie started from the American side with the iden of cross ing to Canada. On arriving nt the Ca nadian end, however, ho was met with the information that there was n toll of 10 on all Chinamen coming Into Canada. John hadn't 10 cents lu his pocket. So he started back again. Arriving onco more at the American side, ho was stopped. No Chlnamau In any circumstances, they told him, was allowed to enter tho United States. Now, the problem that Sir Robert Ball professes himself unable to answer is, Where is that Chinaman now? Is ho still on the bridge? If not, by what process of circumnavigation were the laws of two great nations circumvent ed? Chicago Itecord-IIerald. Tho Lion's Taste. Miss Charlotte Mansfield in "Via Rhodesia" tells of a native South Af rican boy who came to England and was taken to the Hippodrome. "In stead of enjoying tho entertainment, however, he begged, with tears in his eyes, to be taken out, and ho said: There aro Hons over there' pointing to tho stage 'and I am tho only black man hero.' It Is a well known fact that a man eating Hon will mako a meal off a black In preference to a white man If it Is a question of choice. Perhaps tho flavor is stronger and the taste for white flesh like caviar hos to bo acquired." Why He Retracted. Kllmoco After oil, Stcdman isn't so bad a fellow. Ho came to mo, man fashion, and took back all tho things ho hod said against my people. Bur man Did it voluntarily? Kllmore Practically that. It ts true I threat ened to shoot him on sight If be didn't retract, but that was only a matter of detail. Exchange. MISS GRACE CRYA:J. Who Marries Chilc'hood Sweet, heart at Her Home In Lincoln. Wedding Takes Place at Tairview Home, Near Lincoln. Lincoln, Neb., Juno H. Grace Dexter Ilryau, second daughter of William .1. Bryan, was married to Richard Lewis Ilargreaves, a wholesale grocer, of this city. The wedding took place at Fair view, and tho ceremony was perform ed by tho Rev. Harry F. Huntington of Crete, who has officiated at the weddings of the other Bryan children. Mr. Bryan met his daughter under an arch at the foot of tho stairway anil accompanied her to tho altar. William J. Bryan, Jr., of Tucson, Ariz., was lest man. Miss Lilly Tyler of Virginia and Miss Helen Scwlnd o: Lincoln bridesmaids and the groom's slsu-i Mrs. W. S. Stoln, matron of honor Mr. Ilargreaves and Miss Uryui. have been sweethearts from thil:' schooldays. Woman of 100 Dies. Amsterdam, N. Y., June 8. Mrs Catherine Miller is dead at Frankfort Herkimer county, aged over 100 year She was tho oldest person in that pari of tho state. Mrs. Miller was a pen sloner, a son having been killed In the civil war. A Biblical Mathematician. An interesting problem In mathe matics assumes the form of a tradition connecting itself with the name of Jo sephus, the Jewish historian. After tho Romans had captured Potopat, so tho story runs, Josephus and forty oth ers sought shelter in a enve. So afraid were they of falling into the hands of tho Romans that all of them excepting Josephus and one other man resolved to hill themselves. The wit of the his torian began to wook, devising a scheme to save himself and this other man who was like minded with him self. Ho therefore proposed' that they all stand In a. semicircle, that they put each other to death, killing every third man in regular order and that the last surviving man should then commit sui cide. This agreed upon, he was care ful to place his like minded comrade In the sixteenth place in tho line and himself in place thirty-one, with the result that the two wero tho last that were left and by this means escaped death. It is a truo problem, and tho question was to know beforo tho kill ing began which numbers In lino tho two friends should assume. Loulsvillo Courier-Journal. His More Important Duty. Tho error into which King Alfred fell In that famous instance when ho let the cakes left In his caro burn Is not going to bo repeated by the tel egraph operator of whom Arthur W. North tells in "Camp and Camlno In Lower California.' I learned at this point that for the first 000 miles before ma I -would re quire more change than I had on hand and would pass through no place whero checks could bo cashed. More over, my drafts were used up. In this dilemma I wired for money. After four days of exasperating delays I re ceived this satisfying message from the obliging Operator of tho wireless office: "Operator on other coast say he have two messages for somo one, but his bread In oven wife she away and might burn If ho leavo It long. After lunch he transmit message." The wedding wns over. "Guests," announced tho usher, "will kindly register their predictions in this book." "What predictions?" "As to how long you'll glvo 'em to stay married." Louisville Courier Journal. Trouble, trouble, trouble A thorny snaro to weave 1 Lord, make us thankful - For what wo may receive. Tears and heart complainings, Weary nights we grieve. Lord, make us thankful For what wo may receive. And when this world heaven help usl- For other lands we leave, Lord, make us thankful For what we may receive. Atlanta Constitution. Restaurant Proprietor So you were In your last place for three years. Why did you leave? Now Chef I was pardoned. Catho lic News. BRYAN'S DAUGHTER WEDS. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the accountants herein named have settled their respective accounts In tho otilce ot the Itexlstur of Wills of ayne County, la anil thai the same will be presented ot Uie Oruliuns' Court of said county for confirmation, at the Court House in iiuiirsuaic. un uie mira .uouuuy ot June next viz: First and partial account of C. M. Betz, trustee and acting executor of ine estate or Nathan Jacobs, Hones dale. First and final account of Charles H. Truesdale. administrator of tho estate of Adelaide A. Truesdale, South Canaan township. First and final account of M. J. Hanlan, administrator of the estate of Lewis Hansmann, Texas. First and final account of Joseph Wiehle, Sr., executor of the estate of Ezekiel Wiehle, Hawley. First and final account of Emma H. Hoyle and Ezra Clemo, executors of the estate of Elizabeth Clemo, Waj mart. First and final account of Alexan der Correll, executor of tho estate of William Correll, Lake. First and final account of George A. Clearwater, administrator Cum resiamento Aimexo De Bonis Non, of the estate of Leonard G. Clearwat er, Salem. First and final account of Homer G. Ames, administrator of the estate of William C. Ames, Hawley. First and final account of H. A. Williams, administrator of the estate of Sylvester Woodmansee, Preston. First and final nccount of Nicholas Hessllng and J. F. Racht, adminis trators of the estate of Jacob Racht, South Canaan. First and final account of Horace fjrimstntlp. nrlmlnlaf rnf n,. nf flirt no- , UU.u....Ub. utW CO- tato of Amos Grlmstone, Dyberry I township. 1 First and final account of Edward i Deltzer. administrator nf thp pntnto nf John Hempfling, Texas. E. W. GAMMELL. Register. Register's Office, Honesdale, May 24, 1911. pOUUT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, J the Judge of the several Courts of the County of Wayne has issued his precept for holding a Court of (Junrter Serious. Oyer and Terminer, nnd General Jnll Delivery In nnd for said County, at the Court House, to begin on MONDAY. JUNE 19.1911. and to continue one week: And directing that a Grand Jury for the Courts of Quarter Sessions and Oyer nnd Terminer be summoned to meet on Monday, June 12, 1911. nt 2 p.m. Notice Is therefore hereby given to the Coroner unit Justices of the Peace, nnd Con stables ot the County of Wayne, that they be then and there In their proper persons, nt said Court House, at 2 o'clock in the after noon of said 12th day ot June, 1911. with their records, lunulsltlons.examlnations nnd other remembrances, to do those things which to their olllces appertain to be done, nnd those who nre bound by recognizance or otherwise to prosecute the prisoners who nre or shall be In the Jnll of Wayne County, be then und thereto prosecute against them as shall bo Just. Given under my hand, at Honesdale, this 29th day, of May 1911, nnd In the 133th year of the Independence of the United States oi M. LEE UliAMAN. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office 1 Honesdale. May 29 1911. 43wl SHERIFF'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.-Bv virtue of process issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Wayne county, and State of Pennsylvania, and to me directed and delivered, I have levied on nno will expose to public sale, at the Court House in Honesdale, on MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2 1. M. All the defendants right, title, and Interest In the following de scribed property viz: All those two certain pieces or parcels of land situated in the town ship of Lake, county of Wayne, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, viz. The first piece Beginning at a post corner in the center of the pub lic highway leading from Cobbs' Corners to Klzers; thence north forty. degrees west ten rods to a cor ner in center of said highway; thence north twenty degrees west in center of said highway ten rods to a corner in said highway; thence south five degrees east twenty-five rods to a post In swamps; thence south for ty degrees west twenty rods to the place of beginning. Containing one acre and sixty rods, be the same more or less. It being the same piece or parcel of land that Wm. H. Sharp and Catherine E his wife, by their deed of Indenture bearing date the 12th day of April A. D., 1878, granted and conveyed to Washington I Davis, and which is duly recorded in the proper office for the Record ing of Deeds at Honesdale In said Wayne County in Deed Book No. 58, page 654, tho 10th day of May A. D. 1884. The second piece or parcel of land bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning in line of land of Washington I. Davis; thence along same south eighty-nine degrees east eight rods to post corner of lands ot Daniel Rutan, thence along same south forty degrees east thirty-seven and one-tenth rods to post corner in line of lands of Masters and Grumllck; thence along same south fifty degrees west nineteen rods to post, corner of lands of Albert Pace, thence along lands of William H. Sharp, north twenty-two degrees east forty-three and six-tenths rods to the place of beginning. Contain ing three acres and twenty-six per ches of land be the same more or less. Being tho same piece of land that W. H. Sharp and Catherine E his wife, conveyed to Washington I. Davis by their Deed of Indonturo bearing dato the 25th day of May A. D. 1885 and which is duly recorded in the proper office for the recording of Deeds In said Wayne county at Honesdale, in Deed Book No. C3, page 299, the 4th day of October A. D., 188C, as by reference thereto will fully and at large appear. Be ing the same land which tho heirs of Washington I. Davis by deed dat ed April 14, 1898, and recorded in Deed Book No. 83, page 458, grant ed and convoyed to Clarence Davis. Upon the said premises is a frame dwelling-house, barn and oth er outbuildings. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Clarence Davis at tho suit of Vere B. Stone, F. J. Stone and W. E. Perham, Executors of H. K. Stone, deceased. No. 67 Oct. Term 1910. Judgment ?199. Si mons, Attorney. TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs must be paid on day of sale or deeds will not bo acknowledged. M. LEB BRAMAN, Sheriff. Honesdale, Pa., May 25, 1911. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Farmers and Me chanics Bank, OF HONESDALE. WAYNE COUNTV, PA at the close ot business. April 29. 1911. nEsotrr.cEs. Reserve fund $ Cnsh, specie nnd notes, $1.1.469 38 Due from ntraroved re- serve ngenls $10,0G7 49 53,538 87 iiukcis, ccms nnu irnciiouai currency aw 21 Checks nnd otber cash Items 3,211 66 uua irom uanKS nna trust com panies not reserve... Hills discounted. 85.94S 68 Time loans with collateral 22,?31 00 Loans on call with collateral 2S.081 35 Loans on call upon two or more , names 31,872 00 Loans secured by bonds and mort gages..... H.4GG0O Investment securities owned exclu sive of reserve bonds, viz Stocks, bonds, etc $30,077 01 Mortgages nnd udg- nients 1 of record 50.571 60-100,649 51 Office Iiulldlng and Lot 18.SM 55 I' urniture nnd fixtures I,MJ 41 $ 361.619 17 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In $ 75.000 00 Surplus Fund 10,000 00 Undivided Profits, less expenses nnd taxes paid 7,118 49 Deposits, subject to check $37,757 93 Cashier's checks outstand'g 700 00 Deposits, special 214,012 75-272,500 C8 $361,619 17 State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss: I. C. A. Emery, Cnshler of the above named company, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, C, A. EMERY, Cashier. . Subscribed ondswornto before me this 5th day of May 1911. Rena S. EDQErr. N. I. Correct attest: M. K. Simons, ) John K, Kuaktz, S-DIrectors. J. S. Brown. I 37w6 Advertise In" Tho Citizen? Honesdale Friday,Jiinel6 John H. Sparks9 World Famous Shows The Only Big Circus Coming to Honesdale this year. MIGHTY MODERN MONARCH OF THE ARENIC WORLD Embracing Everything Extraordinary and Exhibiting Everything Exceptional THREE DISTINCTLY DIVERSIFIED AND COLOSSALLY COMPLETE SHOWS IN ONE BO NEW CIIICUS FEATUKES; 125 PEltFOKMEKS, ii HANDS, 40 CAGE ZOO, 20 CLOWNS. Gold Glittering Grand Free Street Parade At Noon A solid mile of enchanting and processional amazement. A revelation' ot Wealth and splendor. Costly carved tableaux cars and chariots. Ponderous elephants. Stately camels. Open dens of wild beasts. Pret ty prancing ponies. Beautiful women. Magnificent costumes. 2-Two Performances Daily-2, at 2 and 8 P. M. Grand Free Exhibition Z AFTER THE D. & H. CO. TiriE TABLE A.M.I A.M. SON A.M. A.M P.M( BUN a M 10 00, 10 00 10 oo 4 30, 6 05 Albany .... . Olnghamton . A.M. 10 00 2 15 12 30 2 15 , Philadelphia . 8 15 4 03 7 25 .4 40 5 30 1 30 2 IB 7 10 7 65 .Wllkes-Barre... ....Bcranton 0 15 P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M Lv 6 40 S GO 0 05 9 15 9 19 9 36 9 42 9 48 6 20 6 30 2 05 2 15 2 19 ....Carbondale .... ..Lincoln Avenue.. Whites Farvlew Canaan ... Luke Lodore ... ... . Waymart Keene Steene Pronipton,.... Fortenla Seelyvllle ,,,, Honesdale .... 0 61 B 11 6 31 6 52 2 37, 2 43 2 49 2 62 2 57 2 69 3 03 3 07 3 10 3 15 6 17 6 23 6 28 6 32 633 639 6 43 K 46 660 6 58 7 01 7 07 7 13 7 16 7 20 7 24 727 9 61 9 67 10 00 10 01 10 08 10 11 10 15 7 31 p.m. a.m. :::::: p.ai; p.m. a.m. kr FOR RESULTS Roll of HONOR Attention is called to the STRENGTH of the Wayne County The FINANCIKR of New York City has published a ROLL Or HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks and Trust Companies of United States. In this list the WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS HANK Stands 38th in the United States Stands 10th in Pennsylvania. Stands FIRST in Wayne County. Capital, Surplus, $527,342.88 Total ASSETS, $2,951,048.26 Honesdale, Pa.. December 1. 1918.' Wo print ch-culnrs. Wo print bill heads, howGrounds PARADE HONESDALE BRANCH P. M, A.M P.M, HUN A.M. SUN 2 00' 2 40! 10 60 8 45 10 50 00 12 60 7 2 51 738 A.M P.M. V 35 8 60 7 25 2 25 1 35 8 35 9 12 a 13 6 30 Ar A.M. P.M, P.M. P.M, P.M. 8 05 1 35 1 25 6 40 5 30 12 17 12 07 12 03 8 29 8 17 8 13 7 51 7 47 7 41 7 39 7 32 7 30 7 26 7 22 7 51 7 60 7 33 1 21 1 03 12 66 5 24 5 08 6 01 5 66 11 44 7 25 11 37 7 19 7 17 7 12 7 09 12 fil 11 31 12 49, 12 43 12 40 12 36 12 32 12 29 12 25 4 M 11 29 11 23 11 20 4 48 4 45 4 41 4 37 7 05 11 161 7 01 6 68 6 65 11 12 11 09 4 34 7 19 7 13 P.M. 1 40 11 05 Lv A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M, Savings ant ADVERTISE IN THE CITIZEN