The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 07, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    TII12 CITlZfiX, WKnNiiSbAV, JUNK 7, 1011.
?8.00; a Demorest Sowing Ma
chine, $7.00. Either one ii bargain.
Mclntyre. 44t2.
FOR SALE Six-room cottage with
small orchard, located in village.
Edw. O. Bang, So. Canaan, Pa. 23tf
orlck factory building, including en
Slue, boiler and shafting. Inquire of
J. B. Robinson. 50tf.
colors mixed with pure linseed oil.
$1.75 per gallon at Murray Co.'s,
Honesdale, Pa. 45t2
Apply Mrs. Isaac Forman, 157
Cottage street. 45eoi2
for a small family. Inquire of
Philip Krantz, 300 14th St. 41tf
TO RENT 7-room cement house on
East Extension street. Hot -ftnd
csld water, bath and closet. Gas
and furnace. Inquire of Graham
Watts. leoitf
FOR RENT Six rooms with Tjath on
second floor, also 3 rooms down
stairs. 1231 Spring street. 34tf.
FOR RENT A modern house and
improvements with garden on
West street. Inquire Joshua A
Brown. 29tf.
zen for April 21 and May 5, to
complete our flies. Address: The
Citizen Publishing Co., 803 Main
street, Honesdale, Pa.
THREE experienced workmen at the
bench dally. All repairs finished
at the shortest notice. Sommer,
Jeweler and Optician. 30tf
genuine $400 Ludwlg piano for
only $300. No interest. 12 lessons
by your music teacher. ' Stool, book,
scarf, home cover and tuning free
Why? More goods than room. You
can have this. Mdlntyre. 2t
mers who purchased Harder Silos
from us last year cannot speak too
highly of them. If you keep stock
without a silo you are losing money,
See us. Murray Co., Honesdale, Pa.
ALL REPAIR WORK finished up-to-
date in all our different branches,
Sommer, Jeweler and 'Optician. 30tf
INVENTORY of our repair depart
ment shows 23C finished Jobs-wait
ing to be called for. Sommer, Jowe
ler and Optician. 30tf.
tices printed for .$l, .at The Citizen
office, six for 75 cents. Name of
owners, township wherein land is sit
uated and law pertaining to trespass
ing, printed thereon.
The monthly meeting of the
County Commissioners .was held to
day (Tuesday).
The Men's supper scheduled for
Grace cliurch on June 8 will be post
poned until the Fall.
A marriage license was Issued
Saturday to Judson G. Noble, a dep
uty collector of Scranton, and Miss
Alta I. llany, a. school teacher of
Receipts of the Dairy and Food
Division from (January to June were
$94,972.32. The May receipts were
$2,812. CO, of which $1,142.85 came
from oleo fines, $1,035.28 from pure
food case fines; $431.69 for oleo 11-
$142.24 from milk
""Three trustees for the Central
M, E. church will bo elected, Wednes
day evening, June 21.
Mass was celebrated last Thurs
dny at 10:30 n m, at the home of
Patrick Cogglns,' Steene.
The Taylor Reds will play the
Honesdale nine on the home grounds
Saturday afternoon, June 10.
After June 10, dally excursions
will be run to Lake Lodore through
the months of June, July and Au
gust, Miss Nella Kimble delightfully
entertained a number of friends at
her home on Dyberry Place, Friday
A marriage license was issued
Thursday, June 1, to Myron J. Pur
ly, Eqnlnunk, and Miss Sarah Quinn,
Advance Car Number 2 of the
Publicity Department of Sparks
oroiners circus arrived in town Frl
day afternoon.
The Methodist Ladles' Aid so
ciety will hold their annual straw.
berry supper in the church parlors
on xnursuay 'evening, June 8.
A Memorial service for depart
ed Methodist ministers who are bur
ied in Glen Dyberry will be held
there annually on the first Monday in
Advertised letters remaining In
Honesdale Postofflce, week ending
June 5: Miss Ethel Grote, Mrs. Julia
A. Miles, George Nowill. M. B. Al
len, Postmaster.
Born, to .Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Lane, Rochester, N Y... May 5. a ten
pound boy. Mrs. Lane was a Miss
Bessie McGInnls and before her maf
rlago resided in Honesdale.
The State dental examinations
will be held Juno 14 to 17 and medi
cal examinations June 27 to 30, in
Philadelphia and Pittsburg, except
the eclectic, which will be held tn
It is rumored that Charles San
dercock, Brooklyn, N. Y., a former
resident of Honesdale, has purchased
a controlling Interest in the Wayne
County Herald, and will shortly as
sume the management of the same.
A progressive card party and
dance will bo given at Lyric Hall
Tuesday evening, Juno C, at 8 ps m.
Six prizes will be awarded and re
freshments served. There will be
dancing from 10 p. m. until 12:30 a.
m. The affair will be In charge of
tho ontortalnment commlttco of
Oslek Tribo, Imp. O. R. M., No, 318
The members of the graduating
class of the Aldenvllle High school
came to Honesdale last Friday,
where they had 'dinner at the Allen
"House, after which they went to one
of the local photographers and had
their pictures taken. The party
consisted of G. ii. Rlchwlne, the
teacher, and Misses Edith Freer,
Kathleen M'Cabe, Edith Rosener,
Ruth Snedeker, Lillian Gleason;
Messrs. Gerald Shanley, Samuel
Counterman, Herbert Loomls.
A troop of Boy Scouts Is being
organized in Honesdale. Ray Dib
ble is the assistant scout master and
active head of tho troop. Patrol A
Is composed of Clarence Bodie, pa
trol leader; Mortlmore Stocker, cor
poral; Earl and Ralph Transuo,
Harold Bullock, Walter Robinson
and William Miller, scouts. Patrol
B Walter Allenbacher, patrol
leader; Edward Lolne, corporal;
George Lighthlser, Philip Sommer,
W. Crist, C. Relchenbacker, and Earl
Herbert, scouts. Patrol C Gerald
Gerry, patrol leader; Lewis Dryer,
Irvin Morrison, Robert Heft and
Farrlngton Burhardt. The remain
ing members of this patrol are yet
to be elected, E. G. Jenkins Is scout
master, his commission and that of
assistant scout master having been
recently recelvd. Patron D which is
in process of promotion is nearly
Doctor Franklin, the man who
goes after corns and gets them, will
leave Honesdale for Hawley -next
week in response to repeated re
quests from the suffering people of
that sister city.
Constables will be chosran at tho
ran election. They were last .elected
in 190S, hence their terras expired
tho flret Monday of March last.
They are now holding over by virtue
oi me cnaonng act of assembly.
Mrs. James Cook, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Woodward,
Hoadleys, went suddenly "blind last
weeit. sue was taken to Wilkes-Bar-re
last Thursday by her fafhnr.
she will undergo treatment At the
nanus oi Dr. Frank Lampman
The number of automobile li
censes issued so far has reached 34,
300 which is ahead of the total num
ber for last year. The rush for tags
neuiis up irom every section of the
State and the clerks are working
uveruiuu u coupio or clavs .a week.
Suit Was beCUn In th .nnnrf nf
Common Pleas by Joseph W. Place,
to recover $1730.44. ami hv ninnm.
ingdale Brothers, N. Y to recover
iuj.oj, against Peter J. 'Bower,
trading as the Bower Knitting Com
pany, Hawley. in an action nf .th-
The regular meeting nf tho
Greater Honesdale Board of 'Trade
will be held In Citr
evening at 8 o'clock. "Atronri the
meeting, and help push a good .thing
.nuns, uon i sit in your office, and
say 'I'll come around after you get
going.' Now Is the time we noprl
your help!"
Tho State Treasurv
tiie cioso or May business was $12,
558,38G.S8 as compared with $12,-
iuu.-u.ji) at me eloso of Anvil
ine receipts uurlng the month of
- Last Saturday, eight men were
laid off for a week at the Guerney
Elevator Works.
The marrlago of Miss Florence
Walters, Honesdale, to Miles Fltz-
Patrick, Carbondale, will take place
on June zi.
In tho case of Wm. C. Moore &
Co., Newark, N. J., nurserymen, vs,
J. A. McKeo, Judgment In favor of
the plaintiff in the sum of $52 was
granted at a Hearing Thursday morn
ing before 'Squire Robert A. Smith
for trees shipped .by express to tho
defendant at Lake Ariel, who was
In Philadelphia at the time of their
arrival, and didn't accept them.
The United States Civil Service
Commission will hold an examination
on June 24, 1911, for the position ot
fourth-class postmaster at Calkins,
Pa. Each person who applies should
ue given proper rorms, and should
be notified that his application should
bo properly executed and filed with
the Civil Service Commission at
Washington not later than the close
of business on June 19, 1911. He
should also be Informed that the ex
amination will bo of the character
described under Section 5 of subdi
vision B of the Regulations.
The eleventh annual commence
ment of the Damascus High school
Will be held in the Methodist church,
Friday evening, June 9. The pro
gramme follows: March, Dorin's Or
chestra; invocation, Rev. Prank E.
Moyer; salutatory and oration
"Agriculture Should Be Taught In tho
High school," Orville A. Welsh;
music, Orchestra; commencement ad
dress, Prof. Oden C. Gortner of tho
Mnnsfie'ld State Normal School;
music, orchestra; valedictory and or
ation "Some Pennsylvania Writers-,"
Carrie E. Snavely; music, or
chestra; award of prizes, Harry H.
Pethlck, B. A.; presentation of diplo
mas, Supt. J. J. Koehler; music, or
chestra. Class Roll: Alma F. Can
field, Carrie E. Snavely, Grace V.
Stephenson, Merle W. Bogert, Or
ville A. Welsh.
censes; $142.24 rrom milk caseM " Were si To? 17 or " i ,
fines, $100 from meat fines and $50" Ss $1 o09 &
from vinecar fines inenis $i,-uj,ujj.(iJ. The balance
xrora wnegar unes s divl(led uotween $10,107,180.02
in the general fund and $2,391,200r
00 iu uie sinning runu.
ine wedding of Miss Alice
rives, uotnany, and John Dorethy,
immune, iuok piace Tuesday morn'
Ing at 8 o'clock in St. .TnWa t? n
church, Rev. Father Thomas Hanley
uiuuiuuuK. miss jiiiien aicGivern,
Whites Valley, was bridesmaid and
Thomas O'Neill. Jersev Citv. N .t
acted as best man. The happy couple
jkii iur mo metropolis on a honey
moon tour.
iiouert L. HIrsch, and Miss
Charlotta M. Badders, both of Scran
ton, were married at '4 o'clock on the
afternoon of Memorial Day at the
noine or wr. and Mrs. Raymond B
Smith, C10 Court street, by the Rev,
j. u. .Miner, pastor of St. John's
evangelical Lutheran church. The
attendants were Mr. and Mrs. R. B.
Smith. The groom represents the
Pillsbury Flour Company in tho
Electric City. After an extended wed
ding trip, they will make their homo
In Scranton.
The Class Night Program of the
Damascus High school will be given
in the Baptist church Thursday
evening, Juno 8, and is as follows:
March, Elizabeth Kane; Invocation,
Rev. R. Rogers; President's Address,
Merle Bogert; Piano Duet, Faye and
Mary Abraham; Class History, Car
rie Snavely: Class Poem, rirviiin
Welsh; A Musical Mixture. "The
Jolly Six"; Class Prophecy, Grace
Stephenson; Vocal Duet, Mr. and
Mrs. T. F. Jackson; Class Will, Alma
Canfleld; Junior Response, Susie
Mosher; Piano Solo, Elizabeth Kane;
Mementos, Merle Bogert. Class
Colors Royal Purple and White.
Class Flower Violet. Motto: "Wo
Climb to Nobler Knowledge."
Mrs. Coleman, Steene, Js serious
ly ill.
Mrs. Homer Greene went to
Scranton Tuesday. '
F. T. Kellogg, Elmira, N. Y .Is
In town for a few days.
Harry Arnold. Montrase. is veil
ing friends in Honesdale.
G. W. Tlsdel has re-moved from
riel to Gravity R. F. D. 1.
Miss Florence Bly. Uibertv. TJ. T...
is visiting in tne .Maple City.
ltev. G. S. Wendell is snendinir
several uays m i'Mladelphia.
U A. .Mccarty, Esn., transacted
uusiness in Scranton Slonday.
ii. D. Trues, HiiwJey, was a Mon
day Uusiness caller in Honesdale.
Wm. Grambs, Seattle, Wash., is
on a visit witn relatives In tho East.
Miss Nellie Fear, Wilkes-Barre, is
tne guests 01 menus in Honesdale,
Dr. B. Golden, Carbondale, was a
r nany oubiness caller In Honesdale.
George Nicholson, Carbondale, is
ine guest 01 nis Drotlier on Fifteenth
Miss Louisa Stearnes, Wllkes-Bar-
ro, is a guest at tihe home of .3. A.
Thomas C .Madden, Newfound
land, is shaldng hands with frJonds
in town.
.Mrs. O. I Rowland returned -Sunday
Trom a week's sojourn with
Scranton friends.
F. H. Street and T. F. Ala son,
Scranton, transacted business in
Honesdale, Friday.
W. J. Feruer and F. W. Bunnell
left Tuesday on a business iHn
through Pike county.
Mrs. R. N. Torrey and daughter,
Miss Clara, are visiting friends .and
relatives in New York.
Ralph and Earl Tran&ue, and Neal
Hiller attended the aviation moot In
Wilkes-Barro, Saturday.
Ray Bunnell, whose Ikeadnuartcrs
are now in New York. Dassed Sun
day witn relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Streeter,
Tarrytown, N. Y., are spending a
lew days in tiie Maple City.
Misses Helen and Martha. Fergu
son, wiuces-uarre, are spending a
row days in the Maple City.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Frantz and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Young, Scranton,
spent Tuesday in Honesdale.
Captain and Mrs. Stephen Welsh
left for Scranton to attend tho State
convention of tho G. A. R.
L. A. Brador has moved his family
and household goods from Dyberry
Place to C1C Church street.
M. J. Lynch and son, Francis,
Sayre, are tho guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Caufield, Park street.
Mrs. Peter Barnes and daughter,
Miss Ida, passed the latter part of
tho week with Carbondale relatives.
Judge Henry Wilson went to
Scranton Tuesday to attend the an
nual state encampment of the G. A.
W. II. Miller, representing tho J.
B. Carr Biscuit Company, Wilkes
Barre, was a business caller in town,
Philip Coyne left for his home in
Jersey City, after spending some
tlmo with his brother, William, Ridge
Mrs. Phoebe Cumnilncs and niece.
Mrs. Florenco Dunn. Scranton. are
tho guests of Patrick Lynott, Ridge
Fred W. Spencer, a traveller sales
man from Corning, N. Y has been
visiting friends in Honesdale the past
few days.
Mrs. W. Clarke and Laura Wnndln
left Tuesday for Scranton whnrn
they will attend the State convention
or the G. A. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hurlburt
and Mrs. Hillman, Philadelphia,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Gaylord.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lvneh. Tnnk.
hannock, passed Sunday with the lat
ter's father, Martin Caufield, and
tamiiy ot rant street.
Miss Agatha Beegle, White Mills,
Is seriously ill.
F. P. Kimble, Esq., transacted
1 business in Poyntelle Tuesday.
Miss Ida Spangenberg spent sev
eral days in Hawley last week.
Mrs. Caroline Amey Is seriously 111
at her home In Boyd's Mills.
William Nicholas Schlelds, Sho
hola, Is visiting friends In town.
Richard J. Hawley left Friday on
a visit to relatives in Scranton.
Emil P. Welchel, Scranton, Is
transacting business In Honesdale.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fitch,
Scranton, are visiting relatives in
Mrs. Dershlmer, Johnstown, is
Visiting Mrs. Isaac Forman, Cottage
David Boyd and Russell Clark,
Boyd's Mills, were callers in Hones
dale Saturday.
.Mrs. Adam Spltzer, Scranton, Is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Joseph
Dlsch, East street.
William FItz, Binghamton, N. Y
is, snaking hands with his many
friends in Honesdale.
S. G. Moore. New York City, was
In town several days last week, rep
resenting the National Import Com
pany, St. Louis, Mo.
Charles Klmlndorf has rented the
Hotel Wayn barn and will conduct
a livery there, as well as accomo
date the transient trade.
E. F. Torrey, Jr., Clinton, N. Y.,
visited his father, E. F. Torrey, Sun
day, on which day Mr. Torrey cele
brated his 79th birthday.
Clarence C. Knapp, of Menner
& Co.'b, returned Saturday from New
York, where he took the railway
mall clerk civil service examination.
Rev. John A. Nagelelsen, New
York City, was the guest several days
last week of Rev. Father J. W. Bal
ta, at St. Mary's parochial residence.
Dr. A. W. Smith, Scranton, assist
ed by Dr. M. B. Ely, and Miss Kath
ryn Hattler, Honesdale, Sunday, per
formed a slight operation on Mrs. F.
N. Lord's right limb.
Chief of police J. J. Canivan start
ed In Monday on his annual tour of
numbering and 'licensing the canine
population of the Maple City. There
are about 100 'dogs in Honesdale.
George W. Smithing, editor of the
Carbondale Leader, Lawrence Smith
ing, Scranton, spent Sunday as the
guests of thselr brother, Louis Smith
ing, local manager of tho Bell Tele
phone ConiTRiny.
-Mrs. F. "W. Matthews, who had
been spending a week with relatives
In Scranton, returned home Friday,
accompanied by her cousin. Miss,
Leona Mtttthews, who will be her
guest for 'sometime.
A. R. Little, the now mechanical
superintendent at the Guerney Ele
vator Wufks, formerly of Yonker3,
N. Y., lias moved his family and
household goods into the house id
Fifteontlrand West streets.
Engineer and Mr3. Jael Arnold are
attending the commencement exer
cises of the Holmes Conservatory of
Music, "Philadelphia, where their
daughter, Miss Harriet, was gradu
ated with high honors, June C.
Mrs. Horace T. Menner and Miss
Margaret Muraford leave this week
for Poughkeensie. N. Y.. to attend
tho graduation exercises of Vassar
College. Miss Dorothy Menner of
this place is one of the graduatea.
Miss Katherine Floyd, Scranton,
Is passing the week here at tho Ar
nold Home during tho absence of Sir,
and Mrs. Arnold who are attending
the graduating exercises of their
daughter, Harriet, at the Combs
Conservatory of Music in Philadel
phia. Prothonotary M. J. Hanlan and
daughter, Miss Annie, and Mrs. John
Spruks, attended the alumni hanmipt
in tho Hawley High school auditor
ium, Friday night. Speeches were
made by Mr. Hanlan, by the Misses
Undorhill and Gibbons, and by Mr.
Schultz, Hawley.
William Hulslzer left for Harris-
burg and Philadelphia Monday. Mr.
Hulslzer is tho district deputy grand
master of the Masonic lodges in
Wayne, and Pike counties. Renresen-
tative Masons will meet at Philadel
phia and go to Elizabeth to insnnnt.
uie new masonic nome at that placo,
F. P. Woodward transacted busi
ness in Scranton Friday.
Miss Sadie Spettlguo spent Sunday
with. Scranton relatives.
Wijllam and Joseph RIckert,
Brooklyn, N. Y., are guests of Hones
dale relatives.
Miss Charlotte Bullock, a student
at Columbia University, Is homo for
the summer recess.
C. W. Elmdorf leased the Hotel
Wayne barn June 1, and will conduct
an up-to-date livery there.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown and
daughter, Beatrice, Carbondale,
spent Sunday with Honesdale rela
tives. Mrs. M. S. Dickson left for her
home In New York after spending a
week as tho guest of Mr. and Mrs.
B. H. Helwlg, Main street.
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis and
three children, St. .Marys, are the
guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Spottigue, East street.
W. J. Sllverstone returned from
Philadelphia last Friday where he
attended the seventeenth annual con
vention of the Bill Posters' associa
tion of Pennsylvania, of which or
ganization he is an honorary member.
Some Very Pretty
Here from $3. to $15. Suit
able fcr both.
"The Gift Shop"
John H. Sparks
Woe-fid Famous Shows
The Only Big Circus Coming to Honesdale
Embracing Everything Extraordinary
and Exhibiting Everything Exceptional
Gold Glittering Grand Free Street
Parade At Noon
A solid mile ot enchanting and processional amazement. A revelation
of Wealth and splendor. Costly carved tableaux cars and chariots
I onderous elephants. Stately camels. Open dens of wild beasts. Pret
ty prancing ponies. Beautiful women. Magnificent costumes.
2-Two Performances Daily-2. at 2 and 8 P. M.
Grand Free Exhibition Z Show Grounds
The Original $10, $12$15Suit House
We specialize at these prices and give you the best
values in the city, which we guarantee cannot be dupli
cated in any other clothing store for at least five dollars
more on each suit.
Why do we save you $5 ?
Bregstein Bros, have associated themselves with a
large wholesale clothing firm at No. 4 and 6 Washington
Place, New York City, well-known manufacturers of
Men's and Young Men's Clothing, and are now in a posi
tion to sell you
Clothing Direct from Manufacturer to Wearer
Saving YOU the middleman's profit.
COPvnianT tain
stbouse a BROS.
Come to us and Save $5
on your Summer Suit
Bregstein Bros,
THE ORIGINAL $10, $12 & $15 SHOP.