PAGE 2 THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1011. GOULDSBORO. Special to The Citizen. GOULDSIIOKO, Pa., Juno 0 At 8:30 a. m. Memorial Day the ma jority of the citizens of Gouldsboro and vicinity, many from Scranton, Moscow, Tobyhanna, Clifton, Lehigh Glen anil Lfihltrh mnt nt Mm T.nnlrn. wanna station to greet and escort memuers ana uuapiain t. D. Swam, Post No. 218, of Moscow, and Cap tain Patrick TlRT.nnv nnrl H M nnl. lender, of Scranton, to Lehigh ceme tery, wuero tne services were held. Knedler's band of twenty pieces, un der the leadership of Dr. Knedler, accompanied the members of the post. H, G. Stalblrd, commander, acted as marshal. The line led by the bund fnllnwprf hv tho nhllilron each of whom carried a flag, the cnoir, speakers ana citizens marched to the main entrance where the line OllOnml nilf tlm Vfm-nna lincanri thro'ich to tne grave of Ellas La- iai, ino second scaler burled here (Jan. 13, 1SSS). The morning was perfect, cool, and with Just enough clouds to make It pleasant. The coraotery, which is said to bo one of the prettiest country cemeteries In the state, looked exceptionally beau tiful, with nearly every plot show ing the care that it had received. The broad roads, well kept paths, the beautiful monuments all show that "God's Acre," In Gouldsboro Is not neglected, nor those sleeping beneath the green sod forgotten. Captain DeLacy acted as master of forms and ceremonies. The services at the grave consisted of the regular G. A. It. service. Invocation was by Rev. P. S. Lehman. The reading of the roll call of the dead was as follows: Samuel Owens, 1871; Rev. Lewis (Confederate), 1SS1; Elias LaDar, 1S88; William Wagner, 188S; Wil liam Strauser, 189G; David Walton, 1897; Sylvester A. Adams, 1900; Salmon S. Hager, 1901; David Kah ley, 1902; Charles Oakes, 1904; Ed ward Staples, 1908.. Then followed the saluto to the dead, two songs "Dropping One by One" and "Fall ing Into Line," two selections nnd dirge by the band, song, "America," by tho assembly. Ten young ladies accompanied a delegation of soldiers to each grave, where a handsome bouquet was placed and at the same time three little girls each placed a floral offering on Mr. LaBar's grave, while each of the children placed a flag, after which the line formed and led by the band marched to the park entrance of the cemetery, where ad dresses that will long be remembered were made by Chester H. Rhodes, Stroudsburg; Captain Patrick De Lacy, Scranton; reading of Lincoln's Gettysburg address by A. H. Flower, and several songs by S. N. Callender. Two selections were given by tho choir and songs by the children. The benediction was pronounced by Rev. P.. S. Lehman. The band, speakers and all soldiers proceeded to the Villa, the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Wirt, where an ample dinner had been provided and the house beauti fully decorated in their honor. A rising vote of thanks was given Mrs. Wirt for offering her home for the services in case of rain. Among those who were especially missed this year at the .Memorial services was G. 8. Brown, Moscow, adjutant of the post. Mr. Brown has attend ed the services here for many years and taken an active part, Last year Mrs. Brown accompanied him. A few weeks ago after a very short illness she passed away, the be reavement coming as it did when Mr. Brown was convalescing from a serious illness, has so broken down his health that he has gone to the middle west to a sanitarium, where he Is under special treatment, but reports received have not been so favorable as we would wish. W. W. Latimer, who was seriously Injured two years ago by being thrown from a wagon, was brought to the services last year, but was unable to be out this year. R. W. Balcom, who was with us last year, has been called to Vlrgina by business. The committee appointed by Post 218 wish, through The Citizen to ex tend their most hearty thanks to all who helped to make the memor ial services pass off so pleasantly and to show the "boys In blue" that we still have with us respect that will be rendered them as long as one "re mains, and their graves kept green when they have answered the last roll call. The committee was especially glad of the assistance rendered by the young people. Miss Bessie E. Smith, who had charge of the music gave it a great deal of time and carefully drilled the children whoso sweet clear voices were enjoyed by all, and to Mr. Callender, whoso singing was so thoroughly enjoyed. Miss Helen Smith, assisted by Miss Alice Dowl ing, Miss Rose Courtney, Miss Myrtle Major, Miss Lila Flower and Mrs. M. Kelley, showed they had not been Idle, having raised sufficient funds' to defray all expenses and they had a sum left which will be used to ward erecting a suitable marker for the grave of Rev. Lewis, tho only Confederate soldier burled here. Through the efforts of Michael Hur ley, Daleville, a member of Post 218, his name, regiment, company, etc., have been learned. Thanks are also extended to Mrs. Charles Wirt and Mrs. William Surplus in loaning an organ and stand for speakers, etc., and to the I. O. O. F. lodge for the use of their chairs, to all those that sent flowers and the ladies that ar ranged them, and to Knedler's band. Also to those who made the addres ses, some who gave up other en gagements to be here; to all the citi zens who helped by their presence, and last, but not least, to all the veterans to whom coming to Goulds boro at half past eight In tho morn ing, meant an early start. Among tho guests recently enter tained by Mr. and Mrs. William Mc Aree were Mrs. McAreo's brother, Thomas Lowney, Scranton, Mrs. Sal lle Martin, Maple Glen, and Howard Cross, Crosses. Mr, Cross recently returned from a four years' trip through the west. He spent the win ter In California. He was accom panied east by Mr. and Mrs. Heber Cross and children of Denver. Be fore returning home they expect to visit Gouldsboro friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hager, Rus sell and Horace Hager and Miss Mary Hager, Rosello, N. J returned homo on Wednesday, having spent Memorial Day with ner mother. Mrs. S. S. Hager. They entertained at tho St. Charles on Tuesday Mrs. Hager and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Eilonborger and children of Sunny- crest Farm. Two very interesting games were played here on Tuesday afternoon be tween Elm Park team of Scranton and the Gouldsboro team. The first game was won by Gouldsboro; the second with a score of 3-2 in favor of Elm Park. Dinner and supper was sorvea in the nail. The Scran ton boys were accompanied by a numoer or males. Mrs. M. E. Smith and daughter, Miss Margaret, Mrs. James Dowllng, Mrs. Charles Edwards, Mrs. A. L. Rhodes, Mrs. G. A. Kerlinc, Miss Mary Hager and Miss Madallne Math ows attended tho Memorial services at Moscow Tuesday afternoon. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. William McAree, Mr. and Mrs. John McAree and Miss Mollie McAree attended the funeral of Mrs. William McAree's sinter, Mrs. Ellen Carlto, at South Sterling. Mr. and Mrs. Garagan, Prof. Slep, Misses Annabell Wright and Harriet Newell, Edgar Dowllng nnd LeRoy urooKs attended the commencement exercises at Newfoundland. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Pittston, spent Memorial Day with Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Fairless at West End. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hutley and son, George, Dickson City, have re turned home after a few days' visit with relatives here. ALDENVILLE. Ifjpeclal to Tho Citizen. ALDENVILLE, Pa., Juno 0 The graduating exercises of the Clinton High school of this place passed off very smoothly on Monday evening, .May 29, in the M. E. church. Prompt ly at 8 o'clock the class, headed by Profs. Koehler, Rlchwlno and Wat kins, also Judge Alonzo T. Searle, marched up the aisle to the platform. The order of speakers was as fol lows: Salutatory, Miss Edith Freer; declamation, Samuel Counterman; essay, .Miss Lillian Gleason, Dyberry; History, Miss Ruth Snedoker; Prop hecy, Gerald Shanley; Class Will, -Miss Kathleen McCabe; essay, Her bert Loomls; valedictory, Miss Edith Rosner. Much credit is due to the class for tho manner In which they delivered their essays and to the faculty for turning out such a strong class. Excellent music was furnish ed throughout the evening by Dr. Weivill's orchestra from Forest City. The church was neatly trim med and was filled to tho doors, the entire seating capacity being taken up and standing room as well. On Friday the entire class and Princi pal Rlchwlne spent the day in Honosdalo and visited the points of Interest, Including, no doubt, the photograph studio. ' We hear nothing but praise for the fine success of this year's school, everything having moved smoothly along like a well oiled, carefully adjusted machine. The entire proceeds from the base ball celebration held hero on Memorial Day was over $10. Rain spoiled the chances for a good game on Saturday last. Next Saturday the Honesdalo East Side A. A. will endeavor to reverse tho decision on the "Alerts." Now here is Just a word in regard to the expense con nected with every game the fans have the privilege of seeing. It costs the base ball association from ?G to $10 per game cash outlay whether they play at home or away. Now If every loyal fan will remem ber the silver collection which will be taken at the games the sport can be maintained. The thanks of the management and entire team Is oxtended to all who contributed to the success of the dinner on Me morial day. We noticed in a recent Issue of The Citizen the article regarding the magnolia tree on Mrs. Forman's property in Honesdale. The claim that this is the only one In Wayne county Is Incorrect. On the proper ty of C. C. Lozler of this place are tWO Of this family nf mntrnnllno The older of the two was set out uy L,evi Alaeu over fifty years ago and is perhaps forty feet tall. The large fragrant blossoms fill the air with perfume and have attracted the attention of many. On the farm of Maurice Pethlck is a tree of another type of mag nolia, according to the opinion of scientific men who have visited it. This tree is a splendid sight at pres ent, being in full bloom. Though its blossoms are not fragrant, they are fairly swarming with honey bees. Mrs. Elizabeth Grelner and daugh ter, Mrs. Grace Headley, have been maklnc visits amnnir fnrmor MnnH in Clinton. They leave for Denver, ioi., in tne near future and will also visit relatives in Seattle, Wash ington, anil snenri thn Wlnioi. n Riverside, Cal. Mrs. Clarlnda Wllmarth, who has been visiting among friends and rel atives at Aldenville, will spend the Winter at Passaic, N. J. There are a number of sick horses this spring. G. H. Knapp and G. G. Wllmnrth hurt twn ODI OUS cases, each having a horse tak en wun cone. Dr. Lldstone is doing quite a business up this way. Everyone is lamenting, and some times worse than that, over the con dition of our roads. Tho road taxes are very high and little or nothing being done to the roads. What is the matter? Are we to be held up to ridicule by our neighboring towns? Prompton has a wide awake pathmaster who understands road maklnir and rnnri mnintninino- Thoy also have a split log drag wuicii is uuea niter eacn rain and then workmen go over the roads and throw out all loose stones with the result of the cheapest and best roads the town has had for years. In tho name of progressive decency can we not ston thn nnllMpnl hixVor. lng (If that Is the trouble) and pull lUBtsuier ana repair tne roads. It certainly will bo cheaper and far better In the end. The recent rains have rescued the hay crop as well as all tho other crops that were being dried up. Tho huckleberry bushes are report ed to be eovnred with llAri-lon nnH If the weather conditions are favorable tne nuckieoerry crop this year should be large. Gleanings and Gossip. The eagle that attacked the aero plane, racing from Paris to Madrid, took something much more than Its own size and It vindicated Its dignity as the time-honored monarch of the nlr. Apparently, too, the aeroplano had to come down. If tho eagle was shot by the aviator, then it wasn't a fair fight. Coronation prices are tumbling and there is an opportunity to see the parade and llvo in London a week without being a multimillionaire. The native Londoners who asked ?5, 000 for a front window while tho king was passing the house found that they are reckoning on too great a rush of fool Americans. "Hatpins projecting from head dresses" are among "the dangers of coronation tlmo" against which the commissioner of police in London takes pains to warn the public. The hatpin peril In America has percep tibly abated during the past year, thanks to the press agitation against it and the municipal antihatpln or dinances enacted in various cities. Evidently the English are still pest ered and Imperiled by the terrifying things. One of the last official acts of Sec retary of War Dickinson was to send a communication to Congress declaring that, unless It directs otherwise, the wreck of the battle ship Maine, when raised from the mud of Havana harbor, will be float ed out to the deep sea and sunk. It is to be expected that before that is done there will be full examination of the historic hull, and when Its story has been told it may well be burled out of our sight. It Is an immense gratification to see that our Detroit Baconian Shakespearean cipherlst and crypto gramlst, Dr. Owen, Is not in the least discouraged because he has found no Baconian manuscripts, re vealing the great secret, In the mud bottom of the river Wye. Having found the remains of an ancient Roman bridge Instead of a box of documents, Dr. Owen will simply renew his digging elsewhere. He is a true Baconian. Western Kansas, once a treeless and arid plain, is being rapidly cov ered with forests and orchards, so the reports from that quarter say. It is stated that the farmers in that region are planting 2,000,000 catalpa trees this year alone. The tree seems to thrive there, particularly by the rivers, and it is of such quick growth that six years make It avail able for fence posts and after 10 years It yields commercial lumber. Corn and potatoes are raised among the catalpa plantings during the first two or three years. Rev. Thomas Grieves, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church at Greenwich, X. Y., announced last week that he would sell all his pos sessions to make restitution for the death of little Mary Maginn of Sara toga Springs, whom he recently ran down with his automobile. The car had already been sold and the rec tor's cottage at Riverside is on the market. The proceeds, he said, will be turned over to the parents of his victim. A coroner's Jury recently, held Mr. Grieves blameless for the accident, but he has grieved over it greatly. There were fat pickings for two professional gamblers who came over on the Lusitania to New York Fri day. One passenger reported that in four days they picked up 14,000 and that one of their victims lost $1000 in an hour. "I've lived al most all my life In parts of the West," said this passenger, "where gambling Is wide open, but I never saw such quick action at poker. Play usually began in the smoking-room at 11 o'clock at night and lasted un til 3 or 4 In the morning. The' pigeons could evidently afford their plucklngs, and as it was none of my business, I did not Interfere." With a small fortune she acquired in tips received in the 3 years she served as maid In the women's par lor at the Hotel St. Regis, New York, Miss Helen Wollan, 22 years old, said good-by to Now York 10 days ago. She left for Europe on board the President Lincoln of the Hamburg-American line, and will make her future home with her mother In Vienna. She saved fC, 000 In the time she was employed at tho St. Regis, and, according to em ployes of the hotel, the little for tune came from tips. Miss Wollan came to New York in 1907, and through Mrs. R. M. Haan, wife of tho proprietor of tho St. Regis, whom she had met In Austria, she obtained employment as maid. She was a linguist, speaking English, French and German. A book which Is calculated to prove rasping to British nerves has been published in Paris under the title of "The England of Edward VII." It is a severe and unsparing analysis of English social life and present-day politics by Augustln Fl lon, a French author of some note, who appears to have spent many years In England. As reviewed and sampled in the French press the principal conclusion of the book is that the England of Edward VII. with its lowering of domestic Ideals and Its pursuit of pleasure, destroyed all that which made for the moral strength and true glory of'the Eng land of Victoria. Tho author refers to the English educational system with particular severity, and makes the mordant comment that "they learn everything in the English schools, except English and moral ity." But In his references to Eng lish politics this Frenchman speaks somewhat as a "reactionary" repub lican might in the United States in lamenting present tendencies, and his apparent failure to give duo credit to the progresslveness of the liberal government raises some question as to the entire Justice of his flings at English society. How ever, it Is Interesting to have tho so cial atmosphere of England under Edward thus described, If only to servo as a comparison with that which is to obtain under the present king and queen, who are apparently setting an example of domesticity which will make for a return to tho age of Victoria, so far as the Influ ence of the court is concerned. Springfield Republican. HINTS FOR THE , BUSY HOUSEWIFE Simple Contrivance For Cleaning Knives. LG0l The device for cleaning kitchen knives herewith shown is tho inven tion of n California man. This con trivance consists of a couple of clenu lng stones held in Juxtaposition in n rcBlllcnt frame. The frame consists of two Inverted V shaped wires with springs connecting the three corners of each. This has tho effect of keep ing the stones close together all the tlmo, but allowing enough leewny for the admission of a knife blade or the tines of n fork, which can be cleaned by being rubbed up and down a few times. Tho springs will Insure a suf ficiently strong pressure to give good frlctionai action at all times. Ham and Peppers. The odds and ends of a boiled ham may be used up In a scallop with green peppers. Mince the ham. Cut the peppers In two, remove the seeds nnd chop them tine. Then butter n baking pan, put a layer of the ham In the bottom, add a layer of the peppers, sprinkle with line breadcrumbs, turn in a little beef stock ur hot water fla vored with beef extract, salt and pep per; put In more ham, peppers, etc.. nnd continue until the dish is full. Sprinkle tho top with buttered crumbs, bake covered for about half uu hour and then brown the top. Veal Cutlets With Onion. Have the boue taken out and the cutlets trimmed carefully. Then sprin kle an onion that has been chopped fine over the bottom of a baking pan. put tho meat on it, brush the meat with melted butter, sprinkle over It a little more onion, a cupful of stewed and strained tomatoes, a tablespoonfu! of minced parsley, snlt and pepper and bake in a hot oven for about half an hour. Remove the meat to a hot plat ter and strain over It the sauce from the pan. Stewed Sheep's Tongue. Three sheep's tongues, pepper, salt, one sliced onion nnd lemon Juice. Boil tho sheep's tongues till tender and re move the skins; dredge thickly with flour, pepper and salt. Put them into a stewpan with one gill of stock, on ion nnd a few drops of browning and simmer gently for five minutes. To serve, cut each tongue lengthwlse. Placc on a hot dish. Bring tho gravy to tho boll, season with pepper and salt and add ten drops of lemon Juice and pour over. Cleaning the Teakettle. To remove the deposit from the in side of teakettles All the kettle with water and add to it a dram of sal ammoniac. Let it boll for an hour, when the fur or petrified BUbstance found on tho metal will be dissolved nnd can be easily removed. Rinse the kettle well, then boll out once or twice before using the contents. Eggs and Tomatoes. Chooso large, smooth tomatoes. Cut off top, but do not remove the skin. Scoop out the inside and break into each tomato an egg. Season, strew with crumbs, put a bit of butter on top of each ono and bake for eight or ten minutes in a very hot oven. The pulp may be stewed and used ns a gravy, If desired. Eggs and Sausage. For an appetizing little supper dish cover the bottom of a baking dish with stewed and strained tomatoes and' over them drop poached eggs. Put slices of cooked sausages or tiny sausages in the spaces between the eggs, bits of butter on tho eggs and heat thoroughly in the oven. Filler For Floor Cracks. An easily made, cheap and satisfac tory crack filler for floors can bo made as follows: Dissolve one pound of or dinary gluo in a pint of boiling water. To this add enough fine sawdust to make it of a consistency to spread well. This is one of the best fillers Jo use before varnishing floors. Brass Curtain Rings. An easy way to clean pins and rings that have become black with use is to put them into a bowl with hot water and vinegar, two parts vinegar to one of water. Let them stand for a few hours and then rub on a coarse cloth, and tboy will look like new. 8tuffed Dates. Dates stuffed with walnuts and tlin dipped in melted chocolato make a de licious bonbon. Among a snucerful of such dates have, for variety's sake, a few that are stuffed with raislnsnnd dipped also lu cholocate, Miss Parvenu I wen nlmost sorry, ma, that you spoke so nnlcly to that poor little Mn, Willis. Mamma Well, my dear, pray where is tho satisfaction of being in the best society If you ennnot snub thoso who are out of it? Philadelphia Times. Sernian-Ain&risari Home Tu AttAA lfin Women. Toiinff A old, f UlllllV;(Ufl Qdwkt te Idvet-lltlnr bettor Potltd, Ititd or !Uthd Ton fin't )!? t ftllk. The HERMAN AMERICAN TnEATMEHT, s Stilttlr Hdtlilt Uumtolsfttlon ScJtcttd Comb! n id i &OOU IUIirat Drtifi. to inlt eaeh A frj IndltUUU Cai, H pnltlTclr tli Only Curb mo MhtUr baUoTtr W. C. SPRY AUCTIONEER HOLDS SALES ANYWHERE IN STATE. "StlckleyBrnndt" Furniture Is tho kind that serves you longest and best. Only $7.85 For this handsome Library Tablo In the Golden Quartered Oak, Polish finish, 30 Inches long, 84 Inches wide, beveled too French stylo letrs, shaped undershelf vrlde and deep drawer. Every detail of construction strictly high-grade. Hand somer In design, better In manshlp and tlnlsh than similar tables that retail from 110.50 to $12.00 Carefully packed and shipped freight charges prepaid$7.8S. For 500 other style3 of dependable Furniture at factory prices see our new catalogue. Send for one. BINGHAMTON, N. Y. TiEGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is Xt hereby given that the accountants herein named have settled their respective accounts In tho olllce of the Itcglster of Wills of Wayne County, Pa., and that the same will be presented at the Orphans' Court of said county for confirmation, at the Court House In Honesdale, on the third .Monday of June next viz: First and partial account of C. M. Betz, trustee and acting executor of the estate of Nathan Jacobs, Hones dale. First and final account of Charles H. Truesdale, administrator of tho estate of Adelaide A. Truesdale, South Canaan township. First and final account of M. J. Hanlan, administrator of the estate of Lewis Hansmann, Texas. First and final account of Joseph Wiehle, Sr., executor of the estate of Ezeklel Wiehle, Hawley. First and final account of Emma H. Hoyle and Ezra Clemo, executors of the estate of Elizabeth Clemo, Waj mart. First and final account of Alexan der Correll, executor of the estate of William Correll, Lake. First and final account of George A. Clearwater, administrator Cum Testamento Annexo De Bonis Non, of the estate of Leonard G. Clearwat er, Salem. First and final account of Homer G. Ames, administrator of tho estate of William C. Ames, Hawley. First and final account of H. A. Williams, administrator of the estate of Sylvester Woodmansee, Preston. First and final account of Nicholas Hessllng and J. F. Racht, adminis trators of the estate of Jacob Racht, South Canaan. First and final account of Horace Grlmstone, administrator of the es tate of Amos Grlmstone, Dyberry township. First and final account of Edward Deltzer, administrator of the estate of John Hempfllng, Texas. E. W.- GAMMELL. Register. Register's Office, Honesdale, May 24, 1911. COURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, tho Judge of the several Courts of the County of Wayne has Issued his precept for holdliij.' a Court of Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery In and for said County, at the Court House, to begin on MONDAY. JUNE 19. 1011. and to continue ono week : And directing that a Grand Jury for the Courts of Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer be summoned to meet on Monday, June 12, 1911, at 2 p. m. Notice Is therefore hereby civen to the Coroner and Justices of the Peace, and Con stables of the County of Wayne, that they be then and there In their proper persons, at said Court House, at 2 o clock In the after noon of said 12th day of June, 1911. with their records, Inqulsltlons.examlnatlons and other remembrances, to do those things which to their otllces appertain to be done, and those who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to prosecute tho prisoners who are or shall beln the Jail of Wayne County, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be Just. Given under my hand, at Honesdale, this 29th day of May 1911, and in the 135th year of the Independence of tho United States ,, Mj. LEE BItAMAN. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office 1 Honesdale. May IS) 19U. 43wi APPRAISEMENTS. Notice is giv en that appraisement of $300 to the widows of the following nam ed decedents have been filed in the Orphans' Court of Wayne county, and will be presented for approval on Monday, Juno 19, 1911: Charles E. Daker, Waymart. Amos Grlmstone, Dyberry. William W. Tarbox, Scott town ship. Appraisements under Act of 1909. James Simpson, Damascus. M. J. HANLAN, Clerk. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Attornevs-nt-Lnw. H WILSON . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office adjacent to Post Office in Dimmlck office, HonesdO'e. Pa. WM. H. LEE, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office over post office. All legal business promptly attended to. Honesdale. Pa. EC. MUMFORD, . ATTORNEY A COUKSELOR-AT-LAW Office Liberty Hall building, opposite the Post Office. Honesdale, Pa. HOMER GREENE. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Office over Itelf'B store. Honesdale Pa, Charles a. Mccarty, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR- IT-LAW Special and prompt attention given to tui collection of claims. Office over Kelt's, new store, Honesdale. Pa. T7 P. KIMBLE, JL1 , Attorney a covnret,or-at-law Office over the post office Honesdale. Pa. ME. SIMONS, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Office in the Court Houee, Honesdale Pa. PETER H. ILOFF, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAWt Office Second floor old Savings Bril building. Honesdale. Pa. s EARLE & SALMON, ATTORNEY8 A COUNSELORS-AT-LAW Offices latelv occupied by Judge Searle s CHESTER A. GARRATT, ATTORNEY A COllNhELOR-AT-LAW Office adjacent to Post Office, Honesdale, P Dentists. DR. E. T. BROWN, DENTIST. Office First floor, old Savings Hank build ing, Honesdale. Pa, DR. C. R. BRADY, DENTIST, HONESDALE, PA. Office Honns-8 a. m. to 6 p.m. Any evening by appointment. Citizens' phone. 33. Residence. No. S56-X Physicians. PB. PETERSON, M. D. . 112GMAIN STREET, HONESDALE, PA. Eye and Ear a specialty. The fitting of glass es given careful attention. Certified Nurse, RS. C. M. BONESTEEL. GLEN EYRE, PIKE CO., PA., uertmen iurse. i: s. xs. Telephone-Glen Eyre. 17rao4 Livery. LIVERY. 1' red. G. Rickard has re moved his livery establishment from corner Chuich street to Whitney's Stone Barn ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FIRST CLASS OUTFITS. 75yl SPENCER The Jeweler would like to see you if you are In the market for JEWELRY, SILVER- i WARE, WATCHES,! CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, i AND NOVELTIES "Guaranteed articles only sold." ttxmnmxmumtmir.unntmt WHEN THERE IS ILLNESS in your family you of course call a reliable physician. Don't stop at that; have his prescriptions put up at a reliable pharmacy, even if it is a little farther from your home than some other store. You can find no more reliable store than ours. It would be Im possible for more care to be taken in the selection of drugs, etc., or in the compounding. Prescript tions brought here, either night or day, will be promptly and accurately compounded by a competent registered pharmacist and the prices will be most rea sonable, O. T. CHAMBERS, PHARMACIST, Opp. D. t H. Station, Honesdale. Pa. ttmrmmttirmtr, UArri "ST. DENK. Don a rtf xwmurmt ana 1 1th ST. Five mlnule.' of Shmf,!rKi5 mion.oio . appointments, court rV1CAan4 I. 1.1 . . 1 ' P urrounaingi, 1 nuunis i.uu per aay md m I .SO ear riav ud .. ,u. EUROPEAN PIAN ' .. u-noi Breakfast . . S0a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers