The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 07, 1911, Image 1

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    You Want a Better County Paper
Help Us Get Both
mw mmtmmmmm
SAFE, si
68th YEAR NO. 45
We Want 5000 Circulation
Large Amount Of Business Transacted At Regular
Meeting Of Borough Council
Vhen the Juno meeting of the
Borough Council was called to or
der at City Hall Thursday evening
at 8:40 o'clock Ave members were
present, viz: President Martin Cau
lleld; secretary, Wyman W. Kimble;
Treasurer George V. Penwarden;
Messrs. George Genung and S. T.
Ham. Mayor John Kuhbach and
Street Commissioner Lawrence
Weldner were also present In their
official capacities.
The minutes of the last regular
meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer Penwarden reported as
Balance on hand May 1. . .$2,C13.C1
Received from Mayor Kuh
bach for Nickelet li
cense up to May 1 4.00
Paid out
Totals $2017.01
Balance on hand June 1..$ 1,860. 73
The committee on the "horse
question" consisting of Messrs. Ge
nung and Kimble, reported progress.
The street committee reported
that the arc light prayed for at
Seventh and Church streets by Doc
tor C. C. Miller, pastor of St. John's
Lutheran church, is up.
The "land committee" reported
that they" had bought the land, that
they had paid ten dollars on the
deal, and that the deed had been re
corded. The land was purchased
from the Seellg estate for ?50 an
acre. The dimensions of the plot,
which is to bo used "for dumping
of garbage by the Honesdale bor
ough," is 200 feet on the road and
335 feet deep, two acres in all.
Under unfinished business, tho
matter of the Shade Tree Commis
sion was resurrected, only to be
pigeonholed on the pretext that It
would bo- better to have a full board
to discuss It, there being two absent
ees. The comments on the work done
by the tree experts were favorable.
"They did a nice1 job at Holmes'
house;" remarked one of the coun-
tlmnn "Thflv p-nf ttvpntv np twpn.
1 'tHWl 1 1 1 1 . 1 . .1
( TI.Atf nlin.nA nl,i. n . . n r- ' n .i lift,..
apiece!" walled a third. '
Under the head ot communica
tions, a letter from the Buffalo Steam
Roller Company, was not read, be
cause the council is not In the mar
ket for a steam roller now. An
epistle from the Eureka Plre Hose
Company, Philadelphia, asking for
the names of the council, met with
a similar fate, Secretary Kimble be
ing permitted to furnish them with
the desired Information, If ho wish
ed to do so.
A communication from S. A. Mc
Mullen, Jr., superintendent of the
Honesdale Consolidated Water Com
pany, on the condition of several of
the borough fire plugs was read, as
follows: Hydrant at Thirteenth
street and Main, old style, single
nozzle, forced stream; at Fifteenth
street and Main, condition, ditto; at
Ninth street and Main, in poor con
dition; at Tenth street and Main,
condition, ditto.
The advisability of placing a flro
plug as near Krantz's Shoe Factory
as possible was discussed, but no
action taken.
The committee on streets was au
thorized to look Into the feasibility
of extending East street by the pur
chase of Judge Wilson's home, and
making a forty-foot wide street by
purchasing a small strip from the
Beers property.
Street Commissioner Lawrence
Weldner had a grievance which ho
aired before the council. He
thought that signs ought to be put
up at the foot ot River street, since
manure was being thrown Into the
river, as well as brush, wire, etc.
Some of the councllmen remarked
that if signs were put up, they
would hve to get somebody to watch
the signs.
Mr. Weldner also stated that he
would like people to keep the grass
cut In front of their properties from
the sidewalk to the curb.
About 9:30 o'clock. Christie Rab
bltt, walked Into tho room, without
going through the formality of rap
ping on the door, and startled the
councllmen by saying:
" If you people ain't very busy, If
you'd like repairs made on borough
In front of John Williams' house, so
you can get a load ot coal In there.
It's in the borough. You people rep
resents the borough."
When asked where the place In
question was located, Mr. Rabbit
"Right there as you turn tho curb
on the other side of the old gravity
"No harm to sit down?" asked
Mr. Rabbit, dropping Into a seat be
tween Mr. Genung and President
He was assured that there was no
harm done.
"1 Just happened to think about
it, and It's meeting night now," con
tinued Mr. Rabbit.
"All right. We'll fix U up for
you. Good Night!"
Mr. Rabbit left as unceremoniously
as he kad come.
The Irving Cut Glass Works de
sire to put up a retaining wall at
the foot ot High street; and wanted
to know If the council wouldn't put
up a wall to connect with theirs,
there being one at Kimble's and
Runnel's but none at the foot of
High street. Tho matter was left
to the 'Street Committee with power
to act.
it was decided to "spare" the tree
on High street, which it is alleged
spoiled the view, of one of the citi
zens of Honesdale, down to West
street. This same resident, who
first asked the council to cut the
tree down, later relented, and told
one of the members of the street
committee, that "ho thought, if It
was trimmed up. It would help
It cost just 5950.01 to run the
Maple City in May, as the following
itemized list of bills and claims,
which were passed and ordered paid,
Consolidated Light Heat and
Power Company 40 arc
lights at $5.84 a month,
?236.C2; 12 Incandes
cent lights at $1 a month,
$12.50, etc., etc., etc... . $263.41
L. Weldner, team hire, ex
tra man and his own pay 100.27
T. Sweeney labor 32.52
J. Thomas, labor 35.18
M. Stapleton labor G5.93
Sam Brown for use of stone
crusher 36.00
P. Tallman team hire.... 19.60
F. Rickert team hire 15.60
J. Ordnung team hire .... 23.20
Francis Weldner- team hire 19. GO
H. Stevenson team hire . . 1.60
H. Knorr labor 20. GO
J. Bell labor 10.10
L. Robins labor 9.20
H. Knapp labor 13.50
J. Fischer labor 32.18
L. Braman team hire.... 16.00
Cort'right & Co. team hire 17.35
Jim Murray labor 9.26
Fred Mauer labor 10:32
Honesdale Cons. L. H. & P.
Engine room fixtures . . 3.35
T. Canlvan police duty.. 45.00
T. Canlvan disposing of one
dog 1.00
Levi De Groat May police
service .' . 50.00
L. S.- Colling surveying See
llg lot and drawing deed
for same 6.00
George P. Ross making du
plicate of borough tax,
1911 5.00
Bell Telephone May service 3.40
E. W. Gammell recording
deed of Seellg land .... 2.25
Consolidated Light H. & P.
Co 2.71
Balance on Seellg Land . . . 87.00
Total $950.91
After giving the newspapers per
mission to insert a free notice warn
ing people against throwing garbage
Into the river, council adjourned at
9:55 p. m Mayor Kuhbach stating
that he expected to receive definite
Information on the street pave
question, from State Highway Com
missioner Hunter, within a few
Play at tho High School Auditorium.
The class of 1911 of the Hones
dale High school will present a play
at the auditorium on Thursday even
ing, June 8, at 8:15 entitled "Grad
uation Day at Wood Hill School."
Thfi r.nfit nf phnrnntara tnnlurina
Horatio Ellhu Jones. .Leon Hagaman
J. Pepper Jones . . .Charles Marklo
Miss Emily Jones. .. .Dorothy Deln
Miss Alice May Wood. . .Agnes Carr
Miss Flora oidborry. .Helen Caufield
Adelbert Rensellaer. .Roy Leinbach
SI Green Arthur Saunders
MISS Amv Lflfl flnrtrilrln Ifrnnf
Miss Nelllo Oronn . . rinlln Pmlu
Mr. Joshua Brogg. .Morton Canfleld
Miss Eva Smart Anna Kllroe
Miss Flossie Bright. Ethel Schiessler
Miss Abigail Shuck. Florence Sluman
Mr. Hiram A. Pryor Joe Jacobs
Miss Fannie Marks. .Bessie Kimble
Miss Maria Brogg. .. .Julia Storms
Mr. Ira Lowe Ray Dibble
Miss Matilda Mogg, Margaret Rlckard
Act I represents the living-room
of the Jones' farm house.
Horatio, tho simple cheery soul,
an ndmlrftr nf T.lnnnln nnH fn.morlw
a teacher at tho Academy, is to
spcaic at the graduation exercises.
He loves Alice Mayhood, formerly
his pupil. His brother, Pepper, "at
odds with tho world," makes fun of
Adelbert RnnKfillnnr. frnm Hin plfv
is Horatio's rival.
Act II Wnoil Hill Rplinnl nn tlm
night of the graduation exercises.
tspeecnes, recitations, songs and
a little love making holp to make
this a very enjoyable act.
Borden officials, D. J, Purdy, of
tho manufacturing department, Now
York, G. W. Laidlow, boss carpenter,
Oneonta, N. Y Frank Smith, milk
agent, and A. F. Trimble, Brio di
vision engineer, Scranton, camo to
Honesdale Friday and visited the
East Honesdale plant of tho com
pany, which it is rumored Is to bo
replaced by a modern $25,000 build
ing. Under the efficient management
of Superintendent Georgo Lambrecht
the plant there has outgrown its
present quarters, a carload of milk
and cream being shipped to New
York dally.
Homer Greene, Lawyer-Poet, On Committee To
Erect Memorial Gateway At Union College
Homer Greene, the well-known
Honesdale lawyer, who has sung tho
praises of Wayne county in poetry
and prose, and whose fame as a writ
er of short stories extends from the
Atlantic to the Pacific, and from tho
Great Lakes to the Gulf, has been
chosen as a member of the alumni
committee of Union College who are
engaged in raising money to erect a
John Howard Payne Memorial Gate
way at Union College.
When seen by a Citizen man at his
office Friday afternoon, he talked In
terestingly of his alma mater's plan
for honoring the memory of the
author of "Home, Sweet Homo."
"I attended quite a number of the
meetings of the committee in New
York. I shall be present at the ex
ercises of commencement on Juno
13," he said.
Mr. Greene was graduated from
Union College In 187G, and conse
quently this year will be the 35th
anniversary of his graduation which
will bo celebrated by a class reunion.
He attended the 30th annual reunion
five years ago.
When asked 'what Induced him to
go to Union College?' Mr. Greene re
plied: "At the time I went there, Union
College had one of the best engineer
ing schools In the United States and
still has. I went there and took a
course in engineering. I remained
and took a full course and got the
degree of B. A."
The only other Honesdale man
who attended Union College, he said,
was a man by the name of B. B.
Smith, who lived here many years
One hundred years ago John How
ard Payne, author of "Home, Sweet
Home," was a student In Union Col
lege. Throughout his wandering
life he never had another real home.
At a recent meeting of the Union
College Alumni Association of New
York, Mr. C. E. Franklin called at
tention to this anniversary and re
marked that two songs most widely
known and sung were the "Marsel
lalse," the song of unrest, of pro
test against the established order,
an appeal for greater equality of op
portunity, and "Home, Sweet Homo,"
the song of rest. He proposed that,
on the College domain, a suitable
memorial of the poet Payne be erect
ed. The Association accordingly ap
pointed a Committee consisting of
Dr. George Alexander, President C.
A. Richmond, Dr. Frank Bailey, and
Messrs. C. E. Franklin, George F.
Seward, Homer Greene, Conde Ham
First Time Post Office
Dept. HasNo Deficit
The Postofflce Department for the
first time in nearly thirty years Is
self-supporting. Postmaster General
Hitchcock announced last week that
the Department Is now able to meet
Its entire expenses without aid from
the Federal treasury and has accord
ingly returned to tho Secretary of the
Treasury $3,000,000 which was sot
aside from the public funds to de
fray the expenses of the postal ser
vice In the current fiscal year. Not
only Is the service now self-sustaining
but there Is at present, according
to the Postmaster General's an
nouncement, a postal surplus of more
than $1,000,000. Tho Postmaster
General expects that this surplus will
be greater for the entire year unless
extraordinary expenses occur in the
next month.
Tho wiping out of the postal deficit
within two years is regarded by Pres
ident Taft as one of the most satis
factory accomplishments of his Ad
ministration. When tho Taft admin
istration entered upon Its life It In
herited a deficit of more than $17,
500,000, the largest In the history
of the postal service.
The Postmaster General contends
that the big deficit has been wined
out not by curtailing postal facilities,
as some of his critics have contended,
but by Introducing business methods
In tho Department and extending the
service along profitable lines. The
percentage of Increase In expendi
tures in the current year has been
somewhat compared with the aver
age annual lncreaso In the last de
cade. At tho same time tho Increase
In revenue has fallen considerably
ueiow tne normal record.
Were It not ror reforms In tho
financial system of the Post Office
Department adopted under the Taft
administration It would not be dos
sible to make tho refund of $3,000,-
uuu to- me i'caerai Treasury, even
though the postal revenues for the
current year had exceeded the ex
penditures. An accounting nlan
adopted about a year ago Insures
the prompt deposit In tho Treasury
of postal fundB not Immediately re
quired for disbursement at post-
(Continued on Page Four,)
lin, Clarke W. Crannell, and George
T. Hughes to carry this proposal Into
The Committee decided that tho
most appropriate memorial would be
a gateway at tho entrance to Library
Lane. It is estimated that the en
tire gateway, 90 feet In width, will
co3t $3,500. The committee is. rais
ing this amount, by popular subscrip
tion, ranging from $1 to $50.00.
So much Interest has been shown
in this undertaking that It Is within
the range of possibility that a great
er sum may be realized than the
cost of the proposed gateway in
which event this surplus will go to
wards the establishment of a chair
of English Poetry at Union College.
The alumni committee consists of
George Alexander, 'CU, N. Y. City,
pastor University Placo Presbyterian
church; Frank Bailey, '85, Brooklyn,
N. Y., Vice-President, Title Guaran
tee and Trust Co., Charles A. Rich
mond, Schenectady,N. Y., President
Union College; Homer Greene, '7G,
lawyer, Honesdale; Conde Hamlin,
'S3, N. Y. City, New York Tribune;
C. E. Franklin, '83, Elmhurst, L.
I., Asst. Supt. Schools, N. Y. City;
George T. Hughes, '93, N. Y. City,
Leslie's Weekly.
The honorary committee consists
of Joseph H. Choate, N. Y. City,
former Ambassador to England;
Charles E. Hughes, Washington, D.
C, Associate Justice, U. S. Supremo
Court; St. Clair McKelway, Brook
lyn, X. Y., Editor Brooklyn "Eagle";
Hamilton W. Mabie, N. Y. City, As
sociate Editor "Outlook"; Henry
Van Dyke, author, Princeton, N. J.;
Joseph E. Ransdoll, Member U. S.
Congress, Lake Providence, La.
The history of the eccentric John
Howard Payne, a man of most
enormous egotism, is that of poet
actor, dramatist and diplomat. Ho
appeared with many different com
panies, in many roles, in cities both
in America and abroad. His Immor
tal song "Home, Sweet Home,"
which has had a more universal cir
culation than any other song written
'efore or since, he introduced In his
ftiiera "Clari, the Maid of Milan."
f he song wassung- by Miss-Mr Tree,
sister, of Ellen Tree; He wrote the
song when he was occupying a small'
lodging 'room in tho upper story of
a building near the Palais Royal In
'"Mid pleasures and palaces though
we may roam,
Be It ever so humble, there's no place
like home."
Tho new $35,000 Park Place
Armory was formally accepted last
Friday night, by Brigadier General
Charles Bowman Dougherty, Wllkes-
Barre, representative of the Arm
ory Board of the State of Pennsylva
nia, at a meeting of tho Honesdale
Armory Board. Tho formal dedica
tion ceremonies, which were to
have taken place In June, were
postponed until the forepart of Sep
tember. It was decided to hold a
military ball the last of June.
Twelve stitches were required to
sew up a severed artery In the arm
of Andrew Hessllng. which he sus
tained last Friday afternoon by fall
ing on the roof of the Florence Silk
Mill, his arm penetrating a skylight.
in company with Joseph Herzog, Mr.
Hessllng was engaged in painting
the roof, when In attempting to
leave the roof he fell, and cut a deep
gash in his arm. Dr. W. T. McCon
vill was called and the patient was
made as comfortable as possible.
Death of Sirs. Mary E. Bains.
Mrs. Mary E. Barns, widow of tho
lato George Barns, entered Into rest
Tuesday morning at tho home of her
daughter, Mrs. Charles E. Dodge,
1322 Main street. In the 74th year
or ner age, Being born October 21,
18.17. Funeral services will be hold
at the home of her daughter, Thurs
day afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Rev. A.
L. Whlttaker officiating, with inter
ment at Glen Dyberry cemetery.
J. T. Lynn, of tho Tribune-Repub
lican, scranton, spent Tuesday in
A delightful surprise party was
given Harry Leftwlch In honor of his
21st birthday last Saturday evening
at the home or Anthony Rickert, In
dlan Orchard. A very pleasant even
ing was spent. The celebrants were:
Misses Clotilda Smith. Agatha Man
ger, Agnes Smith, Mame Welch, Kate
Mangan, Mabel Wagner, Charlotte
Austin, Bessie Gregory, Margaret
uean, Mary Major, Anna Smith,
Sophia Guthell, Clara Laurtonlus,
Florence Ruppert, Laura Hertle,
Mary LaurtoniuB. Loretta Snlnner.
Mary Guthell and Messrs. Harry left
wlch, George Manger, Frank Coon,
Noah Gregorg, George Rogers. F.
Wagner, John Smith. Leo Weeks. G.
Smith, Lawrence Tenbus, Tracy Bis
hop, William Austin. Dainty refresh
ments were served.
The great Sparks circus will soon
be here. The young as we'll as the
old will be glad when that day comes
Solid Ivory Splivins Returns From Dyberry After
Fruitless Search For Missing Editor
'Twas a dark and stor-r-r-r-my night. Tho tall figure of a man could bo
seen slinking along the road from Dyberry to Honesdale. Yes, dear
reader, you have guessed correctly. It was Indeed Solid Ivory Splivins,
the walking delegate of the Detective's Union, which numbers among ita
members such well known sleuths as Sherlock Holmes, Lecoq, Old King
Brady and Nick Carter.
Mr. Splivins was all in. He had been out to the ancient oil well to In
vestigate an important but fruitless clue In the amazing case of the mys
terious disappearance of the Kick Editor which will go down in tfie
annals of crime as the most baffling and perplexing riddle over tackled by
a story book detective.
Suddenly, his wonderfully keen ears heard two shots In quick succession
three feet away.
"Ha, ha," muttered Splivins, "I will hie me hence. Me thinks there Is
danger afoot."
Ho was right as usual. At that moment his foot struck the first big
hole on Main street and the great detective fell headlong in the mud.
"Curses," he ejaculated as he jacked himself to his feet. "I am soiled
again," and he made a bee line for the hotel where he had his headquart
ers. He tried to open the door of his room. It would not budge an inch.
Grabbing an axe from the lire hooks on the wall, he battered down the
"Send tho bill to The Citizen," he Bald to the Irate clerk, who confronted
him with the bill all made out. "I'm busy."
And no wonder! The room was packed so full of clues that the walls
had spread a foot apart.
Solid Ivory seized one with his nimble digits.
"Now I will find him at last," he yelled In triumph.
(To be Continued.)
Some of the clues and the name
In the Friday Issue of The Citizen.
Lots Of Alarm, But
No Fire To Fight
An alarm of fire sent in early
Monday morning, and understood by
the telephone operator to be the old
armory, occupied at present by the
Roller Skating Rink, but in reality
at the now armory, down on the
other side of the river, sent the flro
engine and three hose carts on a
wild goosechaso down .Eleventh
A more disgusted looking lot of
men than the returning volunteers
svojild, bo .hard to find, especially
wnen tney learnea mat mere
wasn't a fire even, either at the old
or at the new armory, save that
which had been kindled by Michael
Stall, the janitor of the Park Place
Armory In a new basement range,
the smoke of which issuing from a
low chimney, and the smell of burn
ing varnish commonly arising from
tho iron work of a stovo when fire
Is built In it for tho first time, lead
ing some timorous person with an
acute sense of smell to turn in an
Tho conflagration might easily
have turned out to be a severe one,
however, as there were fully 144,-
000 rounds of loaded ammunition
stored in one corner of the Armory.
It will be remembered that when
the old skating rink burned some
years ago, there were several thous
and rounds of ammunition stored
In It, and the work of fighting the
fire was attended with considerable
Special to Tho Citizen. '
New York City, June 6.
Albert Falk, formerly a resident of
Corning, died Monday morning, June
5, after a brief Illness.
A telegram to this effect was re
ceived late Tuesday afternoon from
Mrs. Arnold B. Heine, 26 West 72nd
street, New York City.
Governor Tener has signed two
bills which are to make the Fourth
of July practically harmless through
out the state this year. The meas
ures place strict regulations around
the manufacture and sale of any fire
cracker of more than six inches in
length. This marks tho doom of tho
cannon cracker and the dynamite
When wo started those Fashion Notes a tow weeks back, wo had,
of course, nn idea that they'd bo pretty popular with the ladies.
Rut imagine our surprise-and pleasure when a man told us tho
other day that ho nmdo a grab for them oven before his wife.
"Ha, ha," wo chuckled, "and whoroforoV"
"Because," ho replied, "while I llko to seo my wife wear a check
gown when check gowns aro tho fashion, I dislike to too tho checks
mndo of pnper with my numo on tho bottom, and as your Fashion
Editor gives prices which range from $1.08 up I can seo where I get
off. Savvy?"
Wo savvied all right. Do you?
By tho way, the clues aro coming in faster than tho kicks did.
Wo had tho famous detective up to tho house for Sunday dinner and,
believe us, if Sherlock Holmes had as big an appctlto as Solid Ivory
Splivins, ho must havo kept Dr. Watson busy writing dyspepsia pro
scriptions. Seo you next Friday. In tho meantluio if you hnvo any sugges
tions about anything at all, write , 'phono or wire.
" Sincerely yours,
of the lucky winner will be published
Don't miss it.
Reserves Decision In
Mang-Coon Controversy
Fortenia turned out en masse last
Friday morning, when witnesses and
Interested friends of both parties
filled 'Squire Robert A. Smith's
office and overflowed Into the court
house corridor at tho hearing of
Fletcher Coon, who was arrested by
deputy constable P. J. Moran charg
ed by Frank J. Mang, Texas town
ship, yvlth being disorderly in the
public highway of said township,
on May 28, 1911, and wanting to
fight with deponent, and using vul
gar and vile threats against depon
ent and his family, and with being
very disorderly.
Attorney P. H. Iloff appeared for
the prosecution, and F. P. Kimble,
Esq., was counsel for Mr. Coon. The
prosecution called as witnesses
John Moser, Thomas Grovo, Fred
Horst. For the defense Fletcher
Coon, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hauser, and
Miss Goodnough testified. Frank P.
Mang, Jr., and Allen Bryant, who
testified at the preliminary hearing,
Wednesday morning, were recalled.
The case was an extremely leng
thy one and lasted until almost
dinner time. After hearing the
evidence In the case, as well as the
arguments of the attorneys, 'Squlro
Smith reserved his decision, and
suggested that It would be well If a
settlement could be effected in the
The whole affair, It Is alleged, Is
simply a neighborhood quarrel, the
outgrowth of Mr. Mang's failure to
get a license at March term ot
Court. The alleged offense was com
mitted last Sunday afternoon at
Fortenia, when, It is alleged, un
complimentary and unprintable com
pliments were exchanged between
Fletcher Coon, the defendant, who
was sitting on Mr. Hauser's front
porch, and Frank P. Mang, Jr., who
was passing along the road In front
of the house with Allen Bryant.
An exciting runaway took place on
lower Main street, Sunday morning,
when a team of horses hitched to a
milk wagon, belonging to August
Heyne, Adelia, took fright at a pass
ing automobile, and dashed down
along the Erie tracks until they
came to the Lackawaxen river,
where they stopped. The wagon was
smashed and the milk dumped Into
the streets, the horses escaping with
a few scratches. Two boys, who
were the sole occupants of the wag
on, jumped out and escaped unhurt.