The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 02, 1911, Page PAGE 8, Image 8
PAGE 8 THE CITIZEN, FMDAV, JUNE 2, 1011. THE COUNTY WHITES VALLEY. Special to The Citizen. WHITES VALLEY, l'a., June 1. Mr. and Mrs. Nolson Hutchlns have returned to Carbondale after spend ing several days with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glover. Mrs. L. E. Perkins and sons, Gor don and George, are visiting at D. E. Hacker's. H. W. White recently returned from a two weeks' huslness trip to Scranton. . Dr. L. E. Perkins spent Sunday at D. E. Hacker's. LAKEVILLE. Special to The Citizen. I lt;i.'vii I I," t.. t servhos ol the M. E. church, Lake- ue" m Vn. vlllo charge, for Sunday, June 4, will ; b- er'. ?VnnPi rill rst be as follows: Lakoville Sunday' v)!arjrlenr , nf ,,V fh?nJ?w school at 10; preaching service at 11 . mii W M,,i?Jt Ihi,' a. m.; Arlington Sunday school at 2, 1 wl" r n tvnl n., preaching service at 3 o'clock; Pail-' rr- t" IlS;1.I:rerdSf,,B ,,1,' pack Sunday school in the morning , ." ?n iw In,,6, ti, win, llu at 10, preaching service in the even- a"?' "l'"5 i """t "I1" W' lng at 7:30 The Lakeville Ladles' Aid society will meet at Mrs. David Eugle's for dinner on Wednesday, June 7. An invitation is extended to all. Memorial Day services were held last Sunday In the evening at the M. E. church by the pastor, Hev. II. T. topic and a beautiful service was the result of a careful study and prepara tion. At the close of the service the pastor i delved many congratulations for the excellent address. "01(1 Glory" was kindly loaned by the P. O. S. of A. for the occasion. SHERMAN. l:ecidl to The Citizen. SHERMAN, Pa., June I Miss Anna Gorman, a missionary from Central America, is spending the summer with .Mr. and .Mrs. J. F. Reynolds. I Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. Aldrich, 1 May 20, a son. ! X. X. Gardiner, Halo Eddy, called on his sister, Mrs. J. E. Raymond, ! Sunday. Messrs. A. J. Warner and Edsou , Whitmore are attending a circus ! in Binghamton this week. There will be an ice cream so-1 clal Friday evening, June 2, for the! benefit of the social circle of the ' Presbyterian church Dr. Bryant, Xew York city, is visiting the Rev. S. F. Wright and wife. CLINTON. leclal to The Citizen. J CLINTON, l'n., June I No , 1. preaching services in the Centre church Sunday as all were supposed to bo at Aldenville to hear the bac calurate sermon which was delivered by Rev. George Wendell of Hones-, while Rev. Wendell of the Hones dale to a crowded house. Herbert ! dale Baptist church delivered the Loomls is the graduate from this baccaulaureate sermon. This was a neighborhood. splendid discourse, brimful of sound Word has been received by his , advice to the graduating class. He friends here of tho death of Mark 'held the closest attention of every Grlnnelle, Carbondale. He was with , one present for fully one hour. The his sister, Mrs. May Shepardson, Ge- Baptist choir had charge of the mu neva, X. Y., at the time of his sic. An anthem entitled "Bless the doath. He had been sick many 1 Lord, Oh My Soul," and a male weeks. quartette, '"Neath Thy Wings," were Irene Curtis was a recent guest of rendered, friends at Skinners Eddy, and Edna R. W. Kent, Elk Lake, Susque- llounstluo lias been visiting mends in New York and New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Varcoe visited their brand now grandson in er In these parts. His genial dls Carbondale Sunday. position has won for him a host of Lizzie Varcoe left Friday for friends on previous trips and his Stonebridge, Mass. , coming is always welcomed. The L. A. S. club met with .Mrs. James S. Curtis and daughter Lewis Arnold for lunch last Wed- of Parsons, were callers at the home nesday. of E. K. Curtis Sunday. Lettie McKeal, Tafton, Is working, Stanley Rainey and friend, Key for Mrs. Bernard Groat. , stone Academy, Factoryville, spent Mr. Ely and friends of Carbondale , Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James enjoyed an auto trip to Myron Nor-: ton's last Sunday. DREHER. Special to The CUUen.j IMtEIIER, l'a., June 1. The com mencement exercises of the gradu ates of tho 1911 class of the New foundland High school were held in the Moravian church on Flday evenlnK. May 2G. There was a large gathering of people, both old and young and the auditorium and Sunday school room were uncom fortably filled and those furtherst from the speakers were unable to hear what they wished to. On such occasions It would be well to have entertainments of this order held in tho onen air and In such place where all could hear and bo seated comfortably. The parts taken m the exercises by the graduates wero well rendered and rellected much credit on both teacher and pupil. Prof. Coughlln, Wllkes-Barre, gave a practical talk on "Responsibilities" dered some very choice music and to close Dr. Simons gave some time ly remarks and presented the di plomas. Tho eight graduates were Leah Smith, Winifred Lancaster, I Lawrence Grasor, Clarence Ehr-! hardt and George Barnes, all of i Dreher, Mildred Solg, Ruth Sawyer and Ralph .Martin, Greenetown, Pike county. Miss Mary Cross and George Bartleson, both of Dreher, were united in matrimony on May 17, the comomony being performed by Rev. Mr. Codvvell and took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stout, Mooslc, Pa. It was witnessed only by members of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Bartleson wmio on their wedding tour visited Niagara Falls, Buffalo and wero ovor In the Dominion of Canada. Slnco May 24 they are housekeeping at the Bartle son homestead in Dreher. Robert Boyce, a vetoran of the Civil war, who has been conned to his room during the Winter, has so Improved in general health that he Is able to take long walks and at tend to tho management of his farm. A. E. House, South Bethlehem, Is visiting relatives and friends In Dreher. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Searle, of Mooslc, are guests of Alice Cross. Mrs. Crlssle Correll has rented a part o the house owned and pled by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deltz and has taken possession of same. Mrs. Mary Ann Smith is having her dwelling house remodeled and raised to a two-story structure. Nettle Kerr Is afflicted with quinsy. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Nevln are housekeeping on the Nevln's es tate. Corn planting Is well under way and this week will note a big burial of potatoes. GOULDSBORO. Special to The Citizen. GOULDSBOHO, l'n., Juno 1. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hutley and son, George, Dickson City, are spending a few days with Mrs. Hutley's grand- I father, E. X. Adams, at West End. 111.... II If...... T 1 1 1 VT T Knappeman Miss Anna Wirt is home from Wllkes-Barro for a visit with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Wirt at the Villa. Mrs. James Dowling and Mrs. M. E. Smith were Moscow visitors on large number from Scranton, Newfoundland, South Sterling and other points, attended the commence ment exercises of the Gouldsboro High school last Monday evening. There were only two In the class, Misses Annabell Wright and Miss Gertrude Smith. James M. Cough lin, Superintendent of the Wllkes Barre schools, addressed the gradu ating class. Allen Heaser, Moscow, spent the week-end with friends here. The ninth recital by Miss Bessie Smith's class In music, assisted by Mrs. Charles Adams, violinist, which was held on Prldny evening, May 20, WU3 a most delightful affair. ALDENVILLE. Imperial to The Citizen. ALDENVILLE, la., Juno 1. A crowded house greeted the High school entertainment committee on Friday night when they presented the drama, "Phyllis' Inheritance." The cast included some fifteen char- acters all of whom acquitted them selves with much credit. The per formance of the juvenile orchestra from Honesdale was a decided suc cess and pleased the audience Im mensely. The net proceeds of the eveuinc amounted to $4 0. On Sunday at 3 p. m. the M. E. church was filled to the doors by High school students, patrons and friends. Rev. Behrly of the M. E. church and Rev. Rainey of the Bap tist church assisted in the services. hanna county, Is canvassing this section selling the American Vac-,nisn ii ti fii filnntinr AT f If on t t o nn o t r i n ir uura cleaner. Mr. Kent Is no Strang' Rainey A good-sized crowd of fans cheer ed our local boys on to victory last Saturday when the team captured the fourth game of the season, beat ing the Honesdale German Catholic Athletic Association by the score of 12 to 3. Gregar, who pitched for Aldenville, was not In tho best of shape, In fact ho was sick. This no doubt was tho cause of his giving eight bases on balls, although he allowed the visitors only six hits, while the homo team pounded out eleven safe hits, Including a double and home run off Schilling. The game was rather loosely played and toward the latter part became un- j interesting owing to the lopsided 1 score. The same team Is booked for j June 3 and they promise us a much stronger lineup; also a good beat- . lng. The score ALDEXVILLE. R. H. O. A. E. Davis, cf 2 2 2 0 0 1 L. Shields, If 0 1 0 0 0 ! G. Shields, c 1 112 0 1 i Kupfer, ss 2 2 2 4 0 Curtis, lb 3 2 4 0 0 Lozier, 3 b 1 1 0 0 0 Gregor, p 2 2 1 1 0 Goodrich, 2b 0 0 0 1 0 I Hendricks, rf 1 0 0 0 1 I Totals 12 11 21 HONESDALE. R. II. O. A. E. Turnbgr, If 0 1 1 Vetter, lb 1 Okovvltz, 3b 0 Holl, c 1 WalBh, ss 1 Barberl, 2b 0 Polt, rf 0 Flederbach, cf 0 Schilling, p 0 2 4 0 0 0 13 Totals 3 C 18 7 7 Two base hits Gregor. Homo runs Curtis. Base on balls, oft Gregor 8; off Schilling 3. Struck out by Oregor 11; by Schilling 13. Umpire, Burns. Memorial Day was a gala occasion at Aldenville. The Honesdale East Side Athletics crossed bats with the locals two game morning and af ternoon. Score 6 to 5 and 10 to 0, the Aldenville boys getting the de cision In both contests. In the morning game the locals took an aerial flight for the first two innings, allowing the Honesdalors to score five runs. Kupfer was sent in the box tho last five innings and silenced the enemy's guns, while his occu-lteam mates slipped over the knock-, out punch In the fifth round, scor- lng six runs and winning the game. ; The score: EAST HONESDALE H Vetter, 2b 1 Gooilllne, cf 1 Ritter, c 2 Manor, ss 1 W. Tarket, lb 0 Carr, If 0 Canfleld, rf 0 L. Tarkut, 3b 0 Driedenstlen, p 0 11. O. A. E. 2 110 10 0 0 13 10 10 2 0 2 9 0 0 110 0 0 0 10 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 2 8-18 S 2 ,E. H. O. A. E. 0 8 4 0 10 0 0 12 10 2 8 0 1 12 0 0 1 O 1 0 0 10 1 0 0 10 0 0 2 4 G 21 9 C Totals 5 ALDENVILI R. G. Shields, c 0 L. Shields, If 0 Kupfer, ss, p 1 Curtis, lb 1 Davis, cf 1 Gregor, 3b 1 Goodrich, 2b 0 Hendricks, rf 1 Rainey, p, ss 1 Totals In the afternoon the locals went in determined to "clean house" and tho manner in which they jumped onto Mauer's curves soon took the steam out of their boilers. Gregor established a record for himself allowing no hits or runs. His support was of the giltedged variety, no breaks being made. White of the locals did a circus stunt in left, squeezing a long fly single handed. Carr of the visitors also played well. The afternoon score is as follows: EAST HOXESDALE. R. H. O A. E. Vettor, 2b 0 Goodline, cf 0 Ritter, c 0 .Mauer, ss, p 0 W Tarkett, lb . . . .0 0 2 0 0 0 S 0 2 0 10 0 3 Carr, If 0 0 0 ss. .0 Canfield, rf L. Tarkett, 3 b Brledenstein, p, 0 0 Totals 0 0 27 8 ALDEXVILLE. R. H. O. A. E. G. Shields, c 2 212 1 0 Curtis, lb 0 1 10 0 0 Kupfer, ss 3 4 3 0 0 Gregor, p 1 1 0 0 0 Davis, cf 1 2 3 0 0 Lozier, 3b 0 1 0 1 0 Goodrich, 2b 1 1 0 0 0 Hendricks, rf 1 0 0 1 0 White, If 1 1 1 0 0 Totals 10 13 27 3 ARIEL. ISpeclii 10 fne Citizen. ARIEL., Pa., June 1. Tho enter tainment given In the High school by Vice Principal White was well at tended and was a success in every way. The drama entitled "Ye Old Village School of Long Ago," was well rendered by the pupils. The music was good and the pupils act ed their parts without fault. Mr. White deserves much credit for drill ing the pupils so well. Tho annual commencement exer cises of the Ariel High school will be held on Friday evening, Juno 10, in the Methodist church. There is a class of eleven to be graduated. There has been only one other grad uating class as large. The class is compose'd of ten girls and one boy. Miss tiolllster s orchestra will fur-1 music and Prof. Oden C. Gort ' m . i . 1 . ner of Mansfield State Normal will deliver the address of the evening. The exercises promise to be the best over held. Come out to the exer cises thereby encouraging the class and showing your appreciation of your High school and tho progress It has made. A small admission of 15 and 25 cents will be charged to defray expenses. The fifth annual summer school conducted by Principal Storm will open Its session on Monday, June 5, and continue for four or five weeks. the school has always been suc cessful In preparing the teachers for examination and also In preparing those pupils who wish to enter the High school. The common branches will be reviewed and the work In pedagogy and classics will also bo taken up. MILANVILLE. ISpeclal to Tho Citizen. MILANVILLE, Pa., Juno 1. Goo. Fromer, who has for two years been the genial clerk in T. J. Fromer's store at this place, left on Wednes day last for Duluth, Minn. Mr. Fromer leaves many friends who will miss him and we all wish him the success and prosperity he deserves. Orville Ray, our up-to-date miller is treating his friends to automobile rides. R. R. Bugle spent Memorial Day in town. Mrs. May Appley has returned to her homo In Damascus after spending the winter with her sisters, Mes dames Connor and Nichols. George Coe, Tyler Hill, has been papering for Earl Barnes. Porter Ross Is paporing and paint lng for Mrs. Volney Skinner. Mrs. Bregle and Miss Lorena Skin ner entertained with their Sunday school classes at "The Falls." Mrs. Walker, New York, Is board lng with Mrs. Lester Lovelass. Mrs. Romalne Carpenter, Now York City, came Tuesday evening to spend some time here with her grandmother, Mrs. D. H. Beach. Norman Card's new home Is near completion. CENTERVILLE. Special to The Citizen. CHNTEUVILLE, l'n., Juno 1. Mrs. Bridget Ryan visited friends hero recently. Suzlo Marshall returned from Scranton on Monday. David Patterson Is visiting Scran ton friends. Mrs. Minnie Surplice is spending some time at her home In this place. James F. Collins, Scranton, spent Memorial uay with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marshall. Thomas Garrlty made a business trip to lawley one day last week Mrs. Johnle spent Saturday at Arlington. uana uecKer returned home on Saturday after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Everts, Scran- ton HAWLEY. (Special to The Citizen. HAWLEV, l'n., Juno 1. A union moil to the graduating class of the High school by Rev. W. S. Peterson, pastor of that church. Tho sermon showed that he had given much thought to the subject and it was ably delivered. On Sundny morning at I0:d0 o'clock the annual memorial services were held at the Baptist church, Rev. Mr. Smnlley preaching tho sermon, 'fen war veterans were In attendance which shows the rapid thinning of their ranks. Two members of James L. Thorp Post have died during the year. Vivian, youngest daughter of Dr. and Airs. L. P. Cook, Is seriously ill. A trained nurse is in attendance. Miss Belle Vicker, Wllkes-Barre, spent Memorial Day with her sister, Eva, at tho parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Conad Relneke went to Scranton and Wllkes-Barre for a few days' recreation. Miss Smith, Bishop avenue, re turned this evening from a brief visit with friends at Rowlands. Miss Teachuian, who spent the winter with Mrs. R. T. Ames as a companion, has gone to her home at Honesdale. Mrs. Charles Miller is spending several days in Scranton. An error crept in our item when we stated that George Kohlman, with the others, was Initiated as a member of the Elks at Scranton. Mr. Kohlniann accompanied the par ty but has been a member of that or der over five years, being the first initiated from Hawloy. Florence, tho ilfteen-year-old daughter of .Mrs. Ekbeck, Adelia, died on Saturday morning at their home from rheumatic trouble. She had been sick about two months. The funeral was held on Monday and burial at the Eddy cemetery. She was a bright and lovable girl and will be much missed at the home. Her oldest sister was buried last winter. The day dawned bright and clear Tuesday morning with very much dust astir until about 9:30 o'clock when everything was nearly In read Iness for the grand parade, there came a sudden sprinkle of raln just enough to settle tho dust, making i ondltlons nearly perfect. The White Mills Junior Cornet band of sixteen pieces had arrived and al ready discoursed some fine music .Marshal James Colgate with the as sistance of others, was busy lining up for the start. A long line of school children, guarded by Prof. Creusy, led with a squad of larger boys with guns following. Back, of this was the band and members of 1. O. O. F. lodge followed by rigs containing the' veterans and town clergy. On the bridge crossing the river at the Eddy they were halted where an address was delivered by W. S. Peterson ana llowers were strewn on the water. At the ceme tery the usual dedlcatlonal services were conducted by the G. A. R. mem hers and an appropriate address by Rev. B. P. Ripley. At 12 o'clock sharp the hungry crowd had gather ed at the hall where the Daughters of America had prepared an excel lent dinner which was well patron' ized by the town people. A dance was held in the Odd Fel- ovvs' hall on Tuesday night for the benefit of the Hawley.base ball team. Many were disappointed In not seeing the usual ball game on M& mortal Day as the Rough Riders of Pittston tailed to arrive. Addison Vicker will spend some time at Big Pond for the benefit of Ills health. Mrs. Slier, an aged lady of the East Side, was taken to a hospital in Scranton on Tuesday where she will undergo an operation for can cer: ORSON. Special to The Citizen. ORSON, l'n., June 1 D. P. Hlne, who has been quite ill, is some bet ter at this writing. Mrs. Howard Palmer and daugh ters, also Mrs. Fred Wadln and daughters, Jermyn, spent Memorial day at the home of W. G. Palmer. Smith Hlne and father, Ira W have purchased the farm so long owned by D. J. Hlne, their uncle. We are glad when the young men decide to stay on the farm and wish Smith success. Mrs. Nelle Keeney and family havo moved to Scranton. Milton Rhone has purchased the Keeney property and will move on Monday next. Mrs. S. T. Jay and family are out again after having been confined to the house with measles. Warner Sanford has moved Into his new home, D. M. Smith having purchased the Sanford homo. Miss Ida Knnpp died at the home of her mother on Saturday last. Fun eral will take place at their rest dence on Monday, May 29. The de ceased has been an Invalid for many years. Inspector W. H. Bullock paid visit to tho orchard of Stanley Hlne during tho past two weeks, it being under the supervision of H. A. Sur face, State Zoologist. Those who attended the Sunday school convention of the Orson dls trlct which was held at Starrucca on Wednesday, May 24, were Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Signor, Mrs. E. S. Whip' pie, Mrs. E. W. Hlne, Rev. Frank Sanford, Mrs. W. G. Mosher and Miss Sarah Whipple, the two last men tioned being delegates from tho Or son Sunday school. Rev. Mr. Signor, Mrs. E. W. Hlne and Rev. Frank San ford took pominent parts in tho pro gramme. Mrs. J. M. Hlne and son, Donald Scranton, visited her parents, D. J Hlne and wife, last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hlne spent Wednesday night and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Matt Swartz at Star rucca. E. W. and D. J. Hlne made a bus! ness trip to Honesdale on Saturday last. The anniversary of the Epworth League was celebrated In tho M. E. church on Sunday evening, May 21. Rev. W. B, Signor, Orson, and Rev. Mr. Emmel, Lake Como, exchanged , pulpits on Sunday last.- Rev, Emmel preached a very Interesting sermon. Miss Essie Fletcher, who is attend ing school at Susquohanna, is visit ing her uncle, J. W. Lewis, with whom she has always made her home. DAMASCUS 111(111 SCHOOL NOTES. Commencement week at the Da mascus High school begins with the Baccalaureate sermon on Sunday morning, June 4, at 11 a. m. Rev. R. D. MInch will preach the fare well sormou to the Seniors this year. At' the outset, the public are Invited to attend all of the exercises of that week. Thursday evening, Juno 8, it a o clock, the class night pro gramme will be given In tho Baptist church. A now order will ha follow ed In the commencement exercises if you don't agree with us that MI on Friday night, June 9, which welO-NA Is a marvelous prescription hope will meet with the approval of , all. Two of the members of the Sen-1 lor class will have parts that oven-1 lng while the greater part of the time will be given up to Prof. Oden C. Gortner of the Mansfield State Normal School who will make an address. Prof. Gortner Is well known as a very able and entertaining Institute Instructor. Supt. Koohler will be present to award the diplomas to tho class. Dorin's orchestra of Hones dale will furnish the music on that evening. Tho members of the graduating class are: Alma Caufield, Carrie Suavely, Grace Stephenson, Merle Bogert, and Orville Welsh. Miss Suavely and Mr. Welsh have been awarded first and second honors in scholarship. Mr. Bogert, who re cently won a prize In tho oratorical contest, is class president. Miss Noble entertained the Sen ior class and faculty at her home In Calkins on Monday evening, May 29. The class picnic will take place Wednesday alternoon, June Several prizes will be awarded this j year at the commencement exercises. The alumni prize, as is customary, will be given to tho Senior having the best average. - . : prize ot $2.&o m goia win he;rnr tn" KwB1.n. h, rti, n,,o ;on,AW JnmnmAunT1 frty degrees west ten rods to a cor plane geometry. The same amount, ntlfB nf ,,,,,.. P ...111 lv J..1 T,.''r,.,' 'V V ' r," Iven to the member of the Caesar class who passes the best examina tion in that subject. A prize of i P-.uu lias uuuu uuuuiuu a. ; V, 1 , 111 . .1,, 1 . .. Noble which will be given to the , member of the botany class whose j work is considered best in that fn4 best examination in first year Latin ?2.50 will be awarded A?2 50 , 'fl Cfltllorlne B hls wlf by gold piece will be given to , tho their deed of Indenture bearing date TaoFn J eXan,lnatlonithe 12th day ot April A. D.. 1878, in the 1' rench language. , granted and conveyed to Washington Muhlenbei'i College Commencement Week". The forty-fourth annual com mencement of Muhlenberg College, Allentown, will be held June 11 to 15, when the following program will be carried out: 10 t m qt Tnhn'i Sunday, June 11 Lutheran church. Baccalaureate ?prmnn hv Prpslrlnnt Hnis Monday Juno 18 P M Senior recepUon President's' Home Tuesd'ay June Tal a m Lyric Theatre lunioi- Oratorical Con- theatre, jumoi oratorical con- 8 n m Lyric Theatre "Just Out of College " by the College' - matlc Association Wednesday June 14 10 a m re - WunIondoV theophronlan'-and' Eu- terpean Literary Societies in their Halls. 11a. m., Meeting of Alumni Associa tion In the Chapel. 12 M., Luncheon in the Assembly Room. 2 p. m., Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees. 30 p. m., Base ball game, Alumni vs. Students. 30 p. m., Promenade Concert, Col lege Campus, Music by the Allen town band and tho College Glee Club. s Thursday, June 15 10 a. m., Lyric Theatre, Address by Provost Edgar F. Smith, Ph. D., Sc. D., LL. D., of the University of Pennsylvania. Conferring of Degrees and Awarding of Prizes. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tha Signature of Wo print wedding invitations. Havo you subscribed yet? Examine This Manure Spreader BEFORE BUYING You will surely succeed if you use a Kemp & Burpeo Success Spreader Don't buy a "pig in the bag." See what you are getting before paying your money. Every farmer is happy who owns a Success Spreader. A John Deere Sulky Plow and a New Way Air Cooled Gasolene Engine. He will invito his neighbors to see them. "We have them on hand. Look them over whether you buy or not. No trouble to show them. EMERSON W. GAM M ELL. Honesdale, Pa. INDIGESTION CURED OK MONEY HACK Don't worry a minute longer; it's easy to got rid of indigestion nowa days. So If you have gastritis, ca tarrh of the stomach or simple fer mentation of food, cheer up; for G. W. Pell has a prescription called MI-O-NA that turns old stomachs into sweet ones In a few days or money back. There's happy days ahead for you and for your poor old flabby, tired out stomach if you won't bo obstinate. Just lay down 50 cents and say "I want a box of MI-O-NA tablets." They aro made from the formula of the most successful pre scription for indigestion, catarrh of the stomach and all stomach dis tress ever known. Take one or two tablets with or after meals for a few days and then you can nave your money dhck. Woil leave it to your good sense of fairness whether that's a square deal or not. MI-O-NA stomach tablets prompt ly relieve belching, heaviness, pain In stomach, heartburn, sour stom ach, foul breath, coated tongue; dizziness, nervousness, sick head ache and sleeplessness. MI-O-NA is sold by leading druggists every where, and by G. W. Pell. ClHEKIFF'S SALE OF VALUABLE O REAL ESTATE. -Iiv virtue of process Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Wayne county, and State of Pennsylvania, and to me directed and delivered, I have levied on and will expose to public sale, nt the Court House In Honesdale, on MONDAY,. JUNE 1, 2 P. M. All the defendant's right, title, and Interest in the following de scribed property viz: All those two certain pieces or parcels of land situated in the town- ship of Lake, county of Wayne, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, viz. The first piece Beginning at a post corner in the center of the pub- lie hlchwnv lpndlnEr from Cnhhs UK, I I thence north twenty degrees west In center of said highway ten rods to a corner in said highway; thence south live degrees east twenty-live rods to , c.,,.n..i,,o. enn.u f- 4, WUOL ,11 O I, 111111'. , UICIH.U ilUUlU IU1 r MO ' t' tv rrw,d t H, D', " of b ec nnlnc Containing one ScaCend sfx y ro,' Is be the same "&ns e Same n, nl. nr . nf ,,,,,,. Wm I Davis, and which is duly recorded in the proper office for the Record ing of Deeds at Houeadale In said Wayne County In Deed Book No. 58, . I page 554, the 10th day of May A. D. 1884. The second pleca or parcel of land bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning In line of land of Washington I. Davis; thence along i "," .J c..u Is 1 , , B, , I "Sin i"ua I" l'usi. curlier ui lauus o Danlel Rutan- thence alo"S sale ' south fort- desreos east thirty-sev- j ? ?dp nth rods to post corner in line of lands of JIasters and Grllmllcc. thence along same south flfty deBrees west nineteen rods to i?S"u? $ w.if,? u' I tlleIlee alonK lands of William H. !Shar"' north twenty-two degrees f aiy-tlue , and six-tenths rods to the place of beginning. Contain ing three acres and twenty-six per ches of land be the same more or less. Being the same piece of land that W. H. Sharp and Catherine E., his wife, conveyed to Washington I. Davis by their Deed of Indenture bearing date tho 25th day of May A. D. IS 85 and which is duly recorded In the proper office for the recording of Deeds In said Wayne county at Honesdale, in Deed Book No. 63, page 299, the 4th day of October A. D., 188G, as by reference thereto will fully and' at large appear. Be ing the same land which tho heirs of Washington I. Davis by deed dat ed April 14, 1898, and recorded in Deed Book No. 83, page 458, grant ed and conveyed to Clarence Davis. Upon the said premises Is a frame dwelling-house, barn and oth er outbuildings. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Clarence Davis at the suit of Vero B. Stone, F. J. Stone and W. E. Perham, Executors of H. K. Stone, deceased. No. 57 Oct. Term 1910. Judgment 5199. Si mons, Attorney. TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs must be paid on day of sale or deeds will not be acknowledged. M. LEE BRAMAN, Sheriff. Honesdale, Pa., May 25, 1911.