The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 02, 1911, Image 1
You Want a Better County Paper - Us Get Both "WEATHER FORECAST: Showers. WEATHER FOREOAHHfSIiowors. READ THE CITIZEN SAFE, SANE, SURE. READ THE IZEN SAFE, SANIMSTURE 68th YEAR. NO. 44 ' HONBSDALE, WAYNE 00., PA., FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1911. PRlSSf 2 CENTS HUNDREDS IN PARADE TO DECORATE VETERANS' GRAVES HARRISBURG NEWS We Want 5000 Circulation mmt ret i n i m Honesdale Memorial Cele bration Greater Than Ever Before PARADE NEARLY A MIliE LONG; MUSKETRY SALUTE TO THE DEAD. Tuesday was Memorial Day and Honesdale In greater measure than ever before, joined with the rest of the Nation In paying reverent trib ute to the heroic dead who went forth at the country's call to fight and bleed and die that the Union might be preserved. 1 The graves of soldiers and sailors who took part In the stirring engage ments of the Civil war fifty years ago were garlanded by loving hands , and glowing tributes were paid to their memory. The veterans of Captain James Ham Post, No. 198, G. A. II., as sembled at 10 a. m. in front of the post hall at Eighth and Main streets, where the line of march was formed as follows: I .Marshall, W. W. Wood; police men Levi De Groat and John Canl-( van. Honesdale Band. Company E, Thirteenth Infantry. Fife and Drum Corps. Veterans. I Mayor, orators of the day, soldiers, Ladles of the G. A. R. and invited guests In carriages. The procession left Eighth and Main streets at 10:25 a. m., march ing to Fourth, thence by Fourth to Church, to the corner of Ninth, thence East to Court street; up Court street to Tenth, up Tenth to the Lackawaxen. At the bridge, on an Improvised platform, Attorney Chester A. Gar ratt delivered a stirring address on the deeds of the men of '61 who defended the honor of the Hag on the sea. School children lovingly strewed flowers on the water, and beautiful Irving Cliff towering above the spectators lent Inspiration to the scene. Mr. Garratt spoke as fol lows: Mr; Gun-ntt's Address. -Fallow. Citizens: ' . "We are'uhere today tocommemo rate the achievements ofou'r"? navy, during" the-mosTfmeinentous'.tf'er lo'dof,' our national history. "When the slave power In the South attempted to destroy the Union by seceding from it and by setting up a Southern confederacy, President Lincoln, besides calling for a volunteer army to sustain the government, did, on April 19, 1861, just five days after the surrender of Fort Sumter, order a blockade of the southern ports by the navy. The purpose of this was to prevent the seceding states from obtaining sup plies from abroad with which to carry on war. "At that time our navy was small and widely scattered. As rapidly as possible it was concentrated on the Atlantic coast and additional vessels were put In commission, until an ef fective blockade was established at most of the ports. Nevertheless the business of running the blockade was conducted with some success, and It was profitable business. For the most part the blockade runners were British with a base of opera tions on the Bahamas and at Ber muda, and the business was so profitable that, if only ono ship out of three were successful, tho net gain was large. "Besides closing the Southern ports to commerce, the navy gave an im portant aid to military operations. "While the country still suffered 14 SevenLessThanLastYear; T. Roosevelt, Attention AS USUAL, HONESDALE LEADS; MR. HANLAN'S HUMOROUS REASON; ONE BRIDE, Oil. "We had an unusually large num ber last year. Probably the strike had something to do with it. They had nothing else to do and got mar ried." That Is the way Prothonotary M. J. Hanlan accounted for the fact that there were onl 14 licenses issued in May, 1911, as compared with twenty-ono In May, 1910, when asked by a Citizen man as to tho reasons for tho alarming falling off in applicants for tho holy state of matrimony. An examination of the May rec ords In Marriage License Docket Book No. 4 in the office of the Clerk of Orphans' Court, reveals a number of interesting facts. For one thing, only one of the dozen and two May brides was under legal ago, and two were 'past thirty.' Four were twenty-one years of age. Two brides were past forty. The oldest bride was 62. The average age of tho brides ivas unusually high, viz. 28 and 3-14 years. The grooms averaged thirty and 11-14 years aplcco. There was only one May bride groom under twenty-one. Four were between twenty-one and twenty-flvo. Theree were twenty-seven. Five were over thirty, the oldest being 72. MAY BRIDES from the discouragement that fol lowed the defeat of tho Union army at Bull Ilun, a few successful naval expeditions did much to restore con fidence. Near the end of August, 1SG1, an expedition under Commo dore Stringhnm captured the con federate forts at Hatteras Inlet, N. C, with their garrisons and closed Pamlico Sound to blockade runners. CHESTER A. GARRATT, ESQ. Capture of Port Royal. "Early In November a naval force under Commodore Dupont after a severe engagement, captured Port rtnviil. R C. tlio flnost hsirlinr nil the South Atlantic coast, and bar-1 red blockade running at that point, besides establishing a bnso of opera tions on land. "In February, 1SG2, a fleet under flag-officer Goldsborough reduced the confederate forts on Roanoke Is land, N. C, and enabled the mili tary force under Gen. Burnside to seize and hold important points on the main land. "In the west the gun boats under Commodore Foot, operating on the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers in February, 1S62, gave Grant's army very material aid in capturing Fort Henry and Fort Donalson. "On March S, 1862, the memorable engagement botween the Union floating battery, Monitor, and the Confederate ram, Merrimac, In Hampton:Roads, Va., ended In the defeatVu'df; thealatter, after' she had 'dostrojdtwpheUnIonwooden war vessels the' frigate"," ""Congress, and the sloop-of-war, Cum'berland. "In April, 1862, Commodore Far ragut began the work of opening the lower Mississippi. He cut a heavy Iron chain cable which had been placed across the river, passed the enemy's forts, destroyed and captured all the confederate vessels, Are rafts, and the iron clad rams, Manassas and Louisiana, and before the close of the month received the surrender of New Orleans. For more than a year afterward he con tinued operations on the Mississip pi, and the surrender of Vicksburg and Port Hudson In July, 1863, com pleted the opening of the river. Sinking of Alabama. "In June, 1864, after a spirited con test, tho Union war steamer Kear sarge, under Capt. Wlnslow sank the confederate vessel Alabama which had committed great depreda tions on our commerce. "In August, 1864, Farragut cap tured or destroyed a confederate fleet In Mobile Bay including the Iron clad ram Tennessee, the strong est vessel ever built by the confed erates, and captured the forts at the harbor entrance, thus sealing the port against blockade runners. "In January, 1865, Wilmtngtof, N. C, tho last port left for the opera tions of the blockade runners came Twelve of the blushing May brides gave their occupations as "at home." Two admitted being 'housekeepers.' Farmers Lead Again. The bridegrooms represented 12 different callings, the farmers lead ing tho procession, as usual, with three followers of that healthful pur suit. Among tho occupations given were: Lumberman, mall carrier, shoemaker, electrician, carpenter, glass cutter, bridge and structural iron-worker, glass cutter, traveling salesman, electrician, fireman, and plumber. Tho palm for the largest number of brides and bridegrooms again goes to Honesdale, which had three grooms and three brides, One groom hailed from Rowlands, Pike county, and Philadelphia and Scranton sent one bridegroom each to tho county seat of Wayne, Avoca is responsi ble for one groom also, Lackawanna was represented by two brides, ono eacli from the Elec tric City and the Pioneer City. Mon roe county reported with one bride from East Stroudsburg, and Pike county, with a bride from Rowlands, was also on the list. One of the grooms was'twlce as old as his lovlng-partner-to-be. Two grooms and two brides acknowl edged that they had been married be fore. Three brides were older than the husbands of their choice. Among the grooms tho most pop ular name 'was John, three posess ing that praenomen. Tho Wayno county grooms were residents of Gravity, Pompton, Mt. Pleasant, Beaehlako, Honesdale (3), Itileyville, Ariel, Gouldsboro. The brides camo from Bethany, Promp ton, White Mills, Honesdale (2), Beaehlako, Mt. Pleasant, Gravity, Lakevllle. Big Crowd Hears Stirring Speeches by Orators Of The Day OM) SOLDIERS TELL OF THEIR PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ON BATTLEFIELDS. Into our possession through capture of Fort Fisher which guarded its approaches from the sea, and our naval forces contributed largely to tho result, both by their bombard ment of the fort and the assault on It by a large body of sailors and marines which it landed for the pur pose. "Time will not permit further de tails respecting the work of our navy, but the history of the war for tho Union shows that our sail ors and marines in that great strug gle fully maintained the standard of naval service handed down from Paul Jones, Decatur, Hull, Bralu brldge, Preble, Porter, Perry, Mc Donough and others of heroic mem ory. "O, Lackawaxen, most beautiful stream, on your downward course to tho tide, may you bear on your bo3om our tokens of respect and esteem for the brave sailors who lived and fought and died for their country's sake and welfare. Meinorablo Occasion. "Beautiful mountain stream, you are charged with an important mes sage. May you carry to the ocean these tokens, these flowers, these gifts of nature, strewn upon your current by the children, the pride of our country and nation. Carry on the glad tidings to yon populous cities. May at least, some one who dwells along your banks catch a glimpse of these flowers, and be re minded of the awful events which this occasion Is meant to commemo rate. May they be reminded of Far ragut and his indomitable courage and take unto themselves tho cour age which comes from the admira tion of courage in men. May they imbibe the spirit of patriotism and resolve furthermore, If their country needs them, to act their part In the most commendable manner. May they recall the Monitor and the Mer rimac. ,. and that 'world- famed clash oX the jflrsy rpn-ides; which decldedl 1UI Mil Hill IMC Ui n uuu- ed craft were over, and which' heralded the dawn of the great age of iron and steel In which we are now living. "Children of our day, may you long remember and cherish the oppor tunity which you have to be present on this occasion. May you study the history of your country with more Interest, and love her with more zeal, and finally, take upon yourselves her burdens with a spirit of eagerness, always knowing and firmly believing that upon you rests the future destiny of the greatest nation of any age, or time or gener ation. Street Lined. The streets of the Maple City were lined with citizens who turn ed out to a man to honor tho bronz ed veterans of the Civil war. The homes and business places were decorated in honor of the day. Seven hundred school children took part in the parade. The nu pils of the public schools marshalled by Principal Harry A. Oday, march ed two abreast, carrying flags and wreaths. St. Mary's parochial school and the children from St. John's turned out In full force and marched with the school children. (Continupd on rage Five.) Ages Of Contracting Parties. An opportunity to compare tht ages or the grooms and brides fol lows, with those of the groom given lirst: 32 27; 7262; 2722; 27 25; 25 27; 21 21; 19 17; 24 29; 42 42; 2721; 34 21; 22 28; 36 30; 23 21. A DISPENSER OF DIPLOMAS. Ex-Auditor General E. B. Harden bergh will attend the commencement exercises of tho training school for nurses at the Lackawanna State Hos pital, Scranton, of which Institution ho is vice-president, Friday night, when ho will deliver tho diplomas to tho graduates. Death Of Mrs. .Ins. .1. Flynn. Mrs. James J. Flynn, Wangum Avenue, Hawley, died at her home Sunday morning, May 28, following a long illness. Surviving her are her husband, two daughters, Maymo and Anna, two sons, James and Leo, and a brother, John Walsh, Norwich, N. Y and Winifred of Scranton. The funeral was held Wednesday morning with services at St. Phlloraena Cath olic church, Hawley. OX HONEYMOOX TO TOLEDO. Joseph J. Nonnenmacher, Hones dale, and Miss Elizabeth J. Meszler, White Mills, were married Thurs day morning at 8 o'clock at St. Mary's parochial residence by the rector, Rev. Father J. W. Balta. William Nonnenmacher, a brother of the bridegroom, was best man, and Miss Annie Meszler, a sister of the bide, acted as bridesmaid. Bride and bridesmaid looked charm ing In blue silk. They left on a honeymoon trip to Toledo, Ohio, and on their return will reside In the Maple City. Resume Of The Work Of The Legislature "NO BETTER AND XO WORSE THAN PREVIOUS BODIES," IS COXSENSUS OF OI'IX IOX. Shortly after noon on Thursday last the Legislative session of 1911 camo to an end. The House of Rep-j resentatlves Indulged In the time-1 honored custom of turning back the hands of the clock, so that twelve noon did not arrive officially until about half-past two, by which time all the gifts were exchanged, pretty speeches made and all unpleasant thoughts and feelings lost sight of. Tho Senate, more decorous and con servative, had finished everything by noon, and most of its members were on the way home while the House was still In session. The pre siding officers of both Houses were presented with beautiful and costly gifts, and the various clerks fared generously also. Senator Wurtz of Cambria county was chosen Presi dent pro tem. of the Senate, which means that he succeeds Senator Crow at the next session, as well as during tho recess. Senator Crow has made a good record as an efficient presid ing officer. About an average, seems to be the estimate put upon the body which has just loft the Hill, it enacted the usual "number of fairly good bills passed or tried to pass some objec tionable ones and failed to do that which some good citizens thought it should do. The most conspicuous tallure perhaps, according to Gov ernor Tener's view, was the killing of the Public Utilities bill. The House takes credit for putting the measure through that body, but the credit Is only partially deserved, for It was generally understood that the Senate would kill it, regardless of the attitude of the House. In fact each body depended upon the other to kill certain measures that went through one body by a large major ity. Certain interests had marked the utilities bill for slaughter and the killing was easier In the Senate, so the House jusj moved It along, Governor' Displeased. There is no disguising the fact that the Governor was dlsnleased with 'the action of the Senate on his bill, ana in a puousnea statement lie characterized their treatment of It as "arbitrary, unreasonable and in defensible." Not content with kill ing the bill the Senate deliberately' added to the unpleasantness by re ferring to the Finance Committee (Continued on Pago Four.) ENGINEER KELLED IN ERIE WRECK NEAR KIMBLES STATION Engineer Alonzo Damon, Port Jervis, was instantly killed, and fireman Michael Heinz, badly scald ed, in a head-on collision on the Erie Railroad at Long Switch, near Klmbles, at 11:57 o'clock Wednes day night. Conductor, Port Jervis, was In cnarge of the west bound train and Alonzo Damon was his engineer. He had orders to meet Conductor S. S. Martin, Avoca, at the siding and let Martin pass with his loaded train. Tho light train was coming toward Hawley. It seems that in running Into the switch Gallagher ran partly out on to the main track. Ho realized his mistake too late, for without a moment's warning the engine of tho loaded train crashed Into him, kill ing Engineer Damon, and badly scalding Fireman Heinz. A number of cars wore derailed and badly smashed, and all trains on this branch of the Erie annulled. Engineer Damond, who was kill ed, was a mar 45, and leaves a widow and tw jjglldren. First Juno License. The first June marriage license was granted Thursday morning to Fred Selpe, Galilee, and Miss Mar garet Elizabeth Loy, a school teach' er of Rutledgedale. SPROUL BILL SIGXED. Governor Tener Wednesday night signed the Sproul main highway bill and named E. M. Blgelow, former director of public works of Pitts burgh, as commissioner. RRIXGS WIFE HOME. Henry Hartung went to Scranton Wednesday morning to bring his wife home from one of the private hos pltals where she had been spending four weeks as the result of a brolo en arm sustained In a runaway ac cident at Seelyvillo hill. RREAIvS HIS ARM, THEX NEAR LY CHOKES. Wallace, the ten-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wyman W. Kimble. while roller-skating Wednesday morning at the High school gymnas ium fell and broke two bones In bis right arm. Drs, Fred B. Powell and W. T. McConvlll were summoned, and the patient made as comfort able as possible. Master Wallace's troubles, however, did not end there. He attempted to eat dinner shortly after getting out of the etber and with disastrous results, a piece ot meat lodging in his throat and al most choking him to death. SOLID IVORY SPLIVINS GETS A CLUE World Famous Detective Starts For Dyberry; Kick Editor Last Seen On Brink Of Oil Well There GEORGE SCHWESIXGER, JR., WHO TIPPED THE SLEUTH OFF RE CEIVES THE FIRST TWO DOLLARS REWARD; HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. Tho world famous detective, Solid Ivory Splivins, engaged by this paper last week at enormous expense to investigate the strange disappearance of the Kick Editor, was up against it. For once in his amazing career, he was frankly puzzled. Standing on his head In a corner of his room at the hotel, with his massive bonehead brow corrugated with thought wrink les, he endeavored to solve the complex mystery which had astonished the world. Ever and anon, he punctured his sinewy white forearm wIUi an injection of digitalis and rod pepper from a hypodermic fire pump. This helped him think. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Mr. Splivins crouched behind the chandelier, with his feet on the ceiling. "Come in," ho said, drawing his trusty revolver with a 104-inch wheel base from his left gum shoe, and biting a hole in the wall paper. The door opened an 18th of an Inch wide and n piece of white paper fluttered to the floor. Than the door slammed to of Its own accord. The shock hurled the detective to the carpet. He pounced on the bit of paper and waved it triumphantly over his solid ivory skull. "A clue," he shrieked, placing the muzzle of his loaded revolver be tween his Hps and pulling the trigger. There was a loud gurgle and Solid Ivory smacked his lips. He looked at the paper. On it was written the following words: "The last seen of the Kick Editor was when he dropped In Honesdale's ancient history oil well. Signed, Geo. Schweslnger, Jr., 342 Grove St." "Ha, ha, Georgle," he muttered between his pearly teeth, "you're all to the benzine, and the two bucks are yours!" So saying the famous detective shot himself again and again smacked his lips previous to departing for Dyberry to Investigate the well. (To be continued.) TEAM BROKE EVEN Won Morning And Lost Afternoon Game BOTH GAMES WORTH SEE1XG; FIRST WAS WOX IX "LUCKY SEVENTH." You can put this In your pipe and smoke it, when Honesdale broke even in the two-act drama pulled oft down on the flats on Memorial Day, between "Jimmy" Moran's crew of Dunmoro sluggers, and the Maple City defenders, she sent a whole lot more of the calamity howlers to the tall timber! After the victorious march of Dunmore since the opening of the season, James Woran, who halls the Honesdale High school as his alma mater, was telling the boys of that little punky suburb of the Electric City that they would make Leon Ross' little boys have a sad Memorial Day. Good night!!! By the way there's nothing so un certain as baseball. Nobody thought for instance that one Mr. .Michael Farrell was going to put them over the plate so speedy that our boys couldn't connect with his curves in the afternoon game, for 'ninstance. Nobody dreamed rocky fielding would lose tho afternoon gamo, after the morning game had been pulled out of the fire In the seventh Inning. But of such Is the sport of base ball! They were great games, both of them. Players on both teams were tuned up to a high pitch, and tho spectators were keyed to a point where an outbreak of yelling came without a second's warning at any critical point. "Jimmy" Moran In tho afternoon game did great work. He drew a base on balls, and when the seventh Inning arrived, as the band In Belle vue Park across the river was sweet ly playing "The Watch On The Rhine," he hit a nice little one base hit. Things looked good for Honesdale when she came to bat In the open ing session. Schilling, the first man up, fanned. Brader got the pitcher's goat, and went to first with a bruise on his anatomy. Home Run Hatler helped along tho good work with a nice little hit. Sandcrcock sent Hat ler home with a lovely three bagger. That ended the run-getting for our boys. Hessling pitched a good game, holding down tho Dunmore sluggers to two hits, and only passing two men to first. But some wild throws to first helped tho Scranton "subur bas" to win, and inability to hit Farrell helped our boys to lose. But gracious me, our boys were (Continued on Pago Four.) LET'S TALK IT OVER No. There's nothing like little lntiinato heart to heart talks, is tliero? What wo wunt to do is to snuggle right up under your upper left hand vest pocket and hold u cardiac convention. (Tills applies to tho ladies also, altho' of course they don't wear vests. At least wo don't think thoy do. Thoy wear crepo-de-cldnc, and reveres anil tilings like that. Anyway from now on wo'ro going to use tlds cosy little corner down hero at tho bottom of tho paper to "talk It over." You use It too. Thus will wo help each other. Allons! Did you know we were going to increase our staff? No? Oh, you've heard rumors about It? Well, It's a fact. Surest tiling you know. Mr, E. I). Callaway, now of tho Herald, Is coming over to us Juno 11. Pretty nice, eh; what? Going to fill tho paper with so much local news that it'll read lllfo a letter from home. Guess that's about all for tho nonce. Sco you next week. In tho meantime, call, write, 'phono or wire. Sincerely yours, BARRETT HANSON WITHE RUEE. THE TRO0CT0R Makes Sick Trees Well And Well Trees Better HOLMES' AND WESTON'S TREES HAVE THEIR PULSE FELT AND TEMPERATURE TAKEN. Bernard M. Rifkin, of the firm of Bonsey and Rifkin, tree experts and landscape gardeners, with offices in the Second National Bank Building, Wilkes-Barre, when seen at the Al len House Wednesday afternoon by a Citizen man, talked Interestingly on the subject of trees and their preser vation. Honesdale, by the way. Is noted for its bushy maples and stately elms, taking Its nickname from the many trees of the former species which adorn Its parks, and lend grateful shade to the pedestrian. There Is but one rift In the lute of unadulterated enjoyment to the lover of Nature. As he strolls along this arboreal canopy he is impressed by tho fact that these majestic sun 1 shields have almost reached the point of diminishing returns, econo mically speaking, and that, their, grateful service to man and beast must end within a few years, unless immediate steps are taken to pre serve them. For lightning has play ed sad havoc with their symmetry. Limbs have been stripped from par ent trunks, and great gaping scars mar their beauty. It is to prolong their lease of life, that experts are entering in, men skilled in the scientiflc knowledge of plant life, who cut deep Into the vitals of tho decaying maples and elms, cleanse their 'wounds with an tiseptic baths, and cover up their nakedness from the world, leaving it to the healing force of nature to cover the imprints of arboreal knife and forceps. "Wliiskbroom" Effect No butcher climbs a ladder In this business, for business It Is, and a highly-specialized one at that. No lower ends are lopped off, and up per parts untouched, leaving that "whisk-broom" effect so common when unskilled hands attempt to do tho work. Arboriculture as practiced by ex perts in tho profession, consists of trimming, chaining, spraying, fer tilizing, and cementing of trees. Bad spots In the trunks are cut out, the inside of cavities are cleaned, the roots doctored, cavities filled, and everything possible done to re store the normal conditions of growth. Having learned much that was (Continued on Page Four.) - 1. f -