THE CITIZEN, WEDXESDAV, MAY 17, 1011. TH COUNTY HAWLEY. ISpeclal to The CIUzmi i HAWliKV, l'a., May Hi. Mary Judge Searle was a caller In town on Friday. Mario Murphy, Eleanor 0111, Mar garet Corcoran and Prances Dil lon attended the teachers' meeting at Mount Pleasant on Saturday. The poultry raisers of Wayne Orr. Emporium, ra., Is spending county must iorce uieir mrua uiunB some time with her uncle and aunt, order to get mem in suape tor Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Keary, of the the fair this year as It Is about two Mountain View larm 'i months earlier than usual. We ex- Charlottc Kimule was with friends, l'ect a record breaker In that de at Gravity on Sunday, May 7. i partnient this year. On Wednesday tne baptist Aid , -Us- Anna Garrett has had her society met with their pastor, Kev. "O"so r1eslty,nB,d' , , C. P. Smaller and his wile at their I Prank Kimble, Honcsdale, was a pleasant home on the East bide. ! in town on Sunday. diaries Lang, Uiooklyn, N. Y., . George Kimble and family called was visiting friends hero the lat-jn friends at Hawley on Sunday. ter part of the week. W illiam Watts and It. F. Warg, with their wives, enjoyed an auto triplto the Delaware Water Gap on Sunday, May 7. H. V. W'kkham, Scranton, regis tered at the Eddy Hotel on Thurs day. He delivered a valuable horse which he had sold to Joseph Basch-on. The solemn Baptismal riles were ARIEL. Special to The Citizen. AIHEIj, l'a., May 1(1. The farm ers in this vicinity are very busy plowing and planting. Byron Treslar had the misfortune to break two of his ribs. Will Bronson has moved in the house vacated by Lanson Cobb. Conrad Swingle Is now farming at the homo of Edna Olvcr. Each one present took a kitchen utensil which would be useful In starting housekeeping, so there was quite a shower. At the business meeting of the class Elsla Brown was elected treasurer to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of Mattle Welsh. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Miss Olver en tertained the company with some very amusing parlor games after which refreshments were served. Those present wore: Helen Wllsey, Bertha Selpp, Hattlo Selpp, Elsie Brown, Bessie Welsh, Sadie Welsh, Bessie Marks, .Mrs. h. D. Tyler, Mrs. H. C. .Many, Theron Olven, Clarence Fortnam, Paul Griffith, Joseph Johns ton, Orvlllo Welsh, Merle Bogert, WatBon Tyler, Joshua Boucher. The next meeting will be held at Bertha Selpp's. administered to beeral candidates , hg own farm on Breozy H111. in the Baptist church Sunday even lug. l'he high school children took their lirst practical lesson in agri culture during tiie past week. The plot oi ground given to the school by 11. V. Atkinson was cultivated by them. Each with rake, spade and hoe, rl0lit and new, laboriously worked to get the ground ready to plant their lirst garden. Lettuce, peas, beans, onions, radishes, etc., were planted and the fruits of their work is anxiously looked for. Judg ing troiu the merry peals of laughter coining li oin the i.eid of toll It must have oesn a ery amusing task. .Mrs. Kessler, Brooklyn, X. Y who spent several weeks of the Win ter in town with her sister, .Mrs. Al bert Oschman, was recently serious ly injured in an automobile accident. As soon as she is able to leave her bed she will return here in hopes J. W. Guernsey and wife spent Saturday and Sunday in their cot tage at Ariel. Two of their grand children, James and Ituth Spencer, caine over on Monday and spent the dny with them. CLINTON. Special to Tho Citlzeti.j UMXTOX, l'a., .May 1(1. Edmond Varcoe has purchased the Lauch- enoleigher farm. The Christian Endeavor society elected the following persons as of ficers: President, Flora Loomis; vice-president, Lois Norton; secre tary, Mrs. Sarah Snecker; assistant secretary, H. E. Enediker: treasur er, J. E. Schoebig; organist, Amanda Norton; assistant organist, Nettie Loomis; prayer meeting committee, .Mrs. Lillle Hiule. W. E. Rude and George Curtis that the salubrious climate of Haw- j wore the recently-elected deacons for ley may hasten her recovery. Friends of Mrs. Anna Swingle are pleased to know that she Is recov ering nicely from her operation in the State hospital a fortnight ago. Mrs. J. D. Ames and son, Wilson, motored to Carbondale and return Saturday. The class meeting and prayer meeting at the M. E. church will be held Jointly during the Sum mer months on Thursday evenings. The class formerly met on Tuesday evenings. Mrs. Thompson is visiting rela tives In New York City. Tho Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church will meet on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Byron Edwards. Mrs. L. P. Cook, who has been coniined to her bed by illness since her return from the South, Is now able to be about the house. The Sunday school convention of the Hawley district will meet on Thursday, May IS, in the P. O. S. of A. Hall at Gravity. Prof. Mark Creasy visited the schools of Montclair, X. J., last week. Twenty-live barrels of oil have been ordered for oiling the streets. Immediately on its arrival a quan tity will be used on Main avenue and Keystone street to lay tho dust which has been dreadful for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Christian have moved into Frank Major's house on the East side. .Mrs. All De Groat, aged CO years, died at her home at the Eddj Satur I the Center church. Misses Elizabeth and Bessie Var coe, who spent the past winter at Lakewdod, New Jersey, are stay ing a few weeks at their home here. Tho Mooslc Grange hold an Ice cream social in their hall Friday evening, May ID. Mrs. F. E. Loomis was a recent guest of Beach Lake friends. Her niece, Irma Trlverton, returned home with her. Hi. spent home CENTERVILLE. Special to The Citizen. OEXTKUVJLIjE, l'a., May Margaret Marshall, Paupack, Saturday and Sunday at her here. A large crowd from this place at tended the dance at John O'Con nell's, Ledgedale. Those from this place were: .Mary Lane, Raymond Surplice, Frank, Jennie and Mar garet Marshall, William Garrity, Elizabeth Garrity, Milton and Chas. Marshall, Annie Walker, Anna Garrity, William Laird, and Fred Becker. All report a good time. 'Mrs. Robert Marshall and son, Frank, made a business trip to Ariel, on Friday. CIVIL WAK STOH1ES. ARLINGTON. I Special to The Citizen. AI1LIXCTOX, l'a., May 1(1. The Epworth League will hold a dime social at the home of D. W. Bidwell on Friday evening, May 19. A cor dial invitation is extended to all. 1 I T-,l...t 1. .. d ...11 in,. oi.n ic i,. i i... .uu. uciLiiuii, uner summing sstjv ?;..?'2y, .ls1,8,l'"hel,- . !r.eral days In New York city, return oerVices wVre heuTat the house I f'Lto her me "ere " Wednesday on Monday, conducted by Rev. C. F Smalley of the Baptist church. The burial was at Paupack. The lirst lire alarm In some time sounded on Saturday forenoon, caus ing quite an excitement. The peo ple ran In every direction and by the time some of them could ascer tain where- the lire was located, our ilremen had tho lire hose turned on tho burning building and In just three minutes had It under complete control. It proved to be a barn on River street owned by .Mr. Keleher. Tho building was badly damaged but not destroyed. The Paupack Power company has forbidden trespassing on its property I along tho Paupack river. The peo ple of Hawley and Wilsonvlllo had last season six motor boats and about thirty row boats on the river at Wilsonvllle for the accomodation of the many pleasure seekers who fre quented that place for the purpose of taking a sail up that beautiful stream. Whether the owners of their boats will be compelled to re mpve them from the water thoy have not yet learned, but thoy will be deprived of the use of the many beautiful picnic grounds located on the banks of that stream. Tho com pany claim the order was given on account of the danger of forest 11 res Peter Bishop has had a new slilnglo roof put on his house. Frank B. Pennell, Uswlck, was In town on Saturday, also A. Goble, LakovIIlo. Miss Christiana Miller is spending some time with Scranton friends. i last. Edward Miller is spending a few days with his brother in Scranton. Grace and Cora Bidwell spent last Sunday with their cousin, Orpha Bidwell at Hub. -Mr. Igoe has returned to his home in New York after spending a few weeks with Mr. and -Mrs. W. P. Runfurt. M. and Mrs. C. M. Loring, Ham lin, visited friends at this place recently. PAUPACK. Special ,o The Citizen. PAUPACK. Pa., May 1(1 There will be a box party held at Henry Gumbles next Saturday night. Every body invited. Girls are requested to bring boxes. The dance hold at Will Singer's last Saturday was a success. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gumblo were callers In Greontown on Sunday. B. P. Klllam was a business caller In Scranton last week. He return- ed Friday, bringing his small grandson homo with him. Mrs. Bennett went to Hawley Fri day last. Pete G limbic is assisting Charles Williams with his farm work. Gertrude Drake is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. James, nt this place. WHITE MILLS. Special to The Citizen. WHITE MILLS, Pa.. May HI The White Mills Fire company have appointed a committee to uuild a lire house. C. Dorlllnger & Sons have given them a building lot on the corner opposite GUIs Hotel. This comer is a very dangerous turn for nutos and tho supervisors have had their attention called to the same, but for some unknown reason they fail to put up a sign, "Danger, run slow." Lumber is very high 'tis true, but should not be put above the value of human life, Gustave Wendors, New York, Is visiting his parents here. John Hector is driving team for Charles Wegge. Henry Utegg has purchased the Bock farm on Cherry Ridge. Georgo W. Richards, Hazleton, was a caller In town on Saturday. Mrs. Mallett, Albert Mallett and Mable Stephens went to Carley Brook on Sunday to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hlttlnger returned from Harrlsburg on Friday. SIKO. Special to The Citizen. SIKO, Pa., May 1(1. Weather line and farmers busy. Miss Maud Ridd, Honesdale, who has. been spending the past week with her parents here, returned homo Sunday. Miss Emily Bates spent Sunday with her parents at this place. Reed Gager, Cold Spring, was a caller at T. H. Ridd's on Sunday. Rev. G. S. Wendell preached to , an appreciative congregation at the uyoerry Baptist cliurch on Sunday afternoon. Leon Mitchell. Carbondale. and friend, Paul Brlggs, visited at this place recently. The Sunday school will observe Children's Day. TYLER HILL. Special to The Citizen. TYLER HILL, Pa., May 10,- Vegetation has Just started to grow nicely during the past week. Rev. A. C. Olver made calls at this place on Monday last. Miss Edna Olver and Mrs. P. V, Ellison and son, Alonzo, made a trip to uauicoon Tuesday, Miss Bessie Marks, Abrahamsvllle is spending a week with friends here The members of the Stalamlte Sunday school met Friday evening Humorous Experiences of Wiij-nc Coiinteaiis During the Civil War. One day while before Petersburg they were shelling fast and so thick that we hardly could escape the fly ing pieces. We were all amused so much to see the performance of those missiles. A half of a shell went into a barrel and whirled it around so swiftly that It toppled It over and It went rolling down toward the brook amid the shouting and laughter of the boys. The Interrupted Card Game. We were safe behind the abutment of the city point railroad bridge. While there another shell busted right over a tent where four men were playing cards, and part of it came straight down on the center of the tent, knocking it down Hat. J said to Smith all In that tent is kill ed, and ran to it to help them out. but they wore scrambling to get the tent off of them, and when they emerged safe Bottle Sanburg remark ed that if the shell had not Interfered we would have reached you. Tho Sanded Writing. I went out to write a letter for Mc carty to his family at Pittsburg. We had got it almost finished when piece of a shell struck close to us and threw that Virginia sand all over us and the letter. I remarked to McCarty that re would not need sand to dry the Ink this time. Life Saving Chew of Tobacco. We were lying by the race course at Petersburg when they were shell ing us very severely. It was with difficulty that we could keep our selves from coming In contact with them. Spear was lying beside me. Now Super lay about a rod or so from Spear. Super says if you will come and get it you may have It. Spear quickly got up and went for the tobacco. While gone a piece of shell came down and wont in the ground about eight inches. When Spear returned I showed him what happened. He dug out the missile and remarked that they could not hit that spot again if they tried, but he had only got comfortably settled down again when another shell came tearing down. Out Flunking OMcials. i On a Fourth of July, 18G2, Abra ham Lincoln and some of his cabinet with a few Congressmen were out to the silver springs, not far from Washington. The boys of the 2d Pa. Heavy Artilery also were out for a good time. The President's com- pany was composed of men who knew good champagne, and so did many of our boys. This champagne was guarded by the servants at the spring and It was very difficult to get at it. Finally some of us veterans got them interested with our conversa tion as they seemed good natured, while others were more interested in getting the liquid. Shortly after the most of It had disappeared, a butler came for somo more cham pagne. He was surprised at the dis appearance of those bottles of cham pagne and went up and informed Lincoln and the rest about it. Then the President laughed at them and said that is the kind of soldiers that suited me, those that know how to get a flank movement on you and conquer the spoils. Now I think you will go back sober. A Drunken Set. Well, our boys didn't come back sober as we was all night gathering tnem in. Some times we laughed and some times we were mad. Got An Extra Ration. I got the laugh on the officers In the deal after all thoy was going to punisn me about a certain loaf of bread which I had found. When I returned to our tent which Glbbs had put up while we wero under trial. He for me, had drawn an ex tra ration. When I told him of my success, he smiled and said: "Win. Waymoth will not like this nart of it." The Gosling Captured. While wo was about to fall back from Fort Gilmore in our failure to hold It, we came to a house up on oiocKs. An insnmnn discovered a gosling under It and was trying to spear It on his bayonet. One of tho boys remarked to him: "Well. Mike. what do you Intend to do with that young quacking fellok?" "Aw sure," replied .Alike, "he will make a few mouths full." Watson Hail The Last Laugh. While along the Weldon railroad on picket duty, we were firing at one another. The confederates, seemed to have an antipathy for Watson, as every time we would see a gun barrel protrude from behind a pine tree, the ball went closer to Watson than any other soldier. Finally Wat son got behind a pine tree about a foot over, barely enough to cover him. The other fellow discovered him and he fired at Watson. Then the bark from the tree was knocked In Watson's eyes bo severely that he dropped his gun, and Jumped in our hole, using vile words on that vil lain who he said almost knocked his eyes out. So to console Watson in his failure to got a shot at that sporter, we said to him, just you watch that gun barrel the next time it pertrudes and see the consequen ces. As Watson raised his cap above our breastworks on the ramrod, that gun barrel appeared again, but as we fired first the slivers flew so we Could see that the wood work of that gun barrel was a total wreck. Then Wat son shouted, "Who laughs now?" That gun never appeared again. A Man Tlint a Hullet .Would Not Kill. The night previous to the above, when we were mounting pickets, the officers seemed to make too much noise for sober men, thereby causing the enemy's fire to be directed to ward us. It was so dark we could not see them. We had a Dane In our compnny. Shaw was his name. He wore a talisman" and did not fear ony bullet or missile of death. A bul let struck his cross canons and went through his cap, knocking It off. "Well." exclaimed Shaw, as he pick ed it up, "Is that all they can do?" We were mad at the officers, but could not help but smile. Another bullet struck his shoulder and made a hole In his coat and underclothes and bruised him. "That hurt," as he exclaimed, picking out the bullet, showing It to us. "What did I tell you? No bullet was yet made to harm me while I wear.this talisman." We were amused at his sallies, hut thought he was right, as we have often seen him expose himself whore we would not, but he was put hors de combat after all by an accident. SIXTY TREES IX SET 11V PROF. TEX MINUTES SURFACE. 'oyster shell' is the most prevalent In tho county. The remedy Is the lime and sul fur solution which should be spray ed while the trees are dormant and before tho leaves come out. The farmers can mako these solutions themselves. We are supposed to tell them how to do it. 'To every pound of stone lime (kiln) we use a gallon of water and two pounds of sulfur, and boll it an hour. This is then strained, and must be diluted to the proper strength, which is about seven gal lons of water to one of solution. You know there is a variation In the kinds of lime. Spray! Spray!! Spiny!!! "Your advice to the farmers of Wayne county, then, would be to spray, spray, spray, wouldn't it?" "Oh certainly, yes. They'll never have any good fruit if they don't. Thoy got to sprny if they want nice fruit. It makes fruit hang on trees and the foliage stay on, and by so doing you get rid of wormy and early apples. We claim we can grow as fine fruit in Pennsylvania as they can anywhere In the world. Of course they grow fancy fruits In tho West, but they can't get those good- flavored fruits we can." TIGHTS IX P1ULLY. (Continued from Page One) She has even had the honor of bas ing presented n't the British court. Descendant of n President. Mrs. Carter was Miss Lucille Polk of Virginia, a descendant of Presi dent Polk. Her huBband Is very wealthy and his family Is an old one In Pennsylvania. He is a well known whip. Thoy have one child. In Newport Mrs. Carter was declar ed to be the most perfect type of blonde In American society. With al, she was as vivacious as tho most sparkling-eyed brunette. She was rival of her husband In the matter of smartly driving a four-ln-hand. "I saw Prof. Surface set out sixty. one trees In ten minutes. I was out at his farm, two miles from Me- chanicsburg yesterday," said Jury Commissioner W. H. Bullock, Dyber ry, who is tho state horticultural ln spector for Wayne, Pike and Monroe counties, to a Citizen man, upon his return, Friday afternoon, from c meeting of the state's orchard de monstrators, when the work of State Zoologist H. A. Surface was endors ed, and reports were made of the operations in the various districts Mr. Bullock stated that he had so much work to do that It would keep him going all Summer to finish it. "There are," he said, "about 1500 orchards in the State on the list. "In Winter we give demonstrations in pruning and spraying. Now we give demonstrations in spraying for the codling moth and for fungus diseases. The codling moth is what makes our wormy fruit. You've seen wormy apples no doubt?" The reporter admitted having bit ten into many a one to his sor. ow. "You might mention," continued .Mr. Bullock, "that some of the pro prietors of our orchards, under the supervision of the State, offered pick ers $1 apiece for all the wormy ap ples they could find in their orchards last Fall. Wayne County Apples Worm' "It would be a hard matter to find an apple here that Isn't wormy," re marked Mr. Bullock parenthetically When asked how the farmers in his district are taking to tho movement Mr. Bullock replied: "They are tak ing to the movement good; much better than 1 expected. They are coming to it fast." Mr. Bullock declared that he had inspected five or hIx hundred or chards, only four of which, however are demonstration orchards, viz: the orchards of J. W. Warwick, Ingle hart; Hull Brothers, Waymart; W w. Baker, Gravity; Judge A. T Searle, Siko, Lebanon township. Those are all demonstration or chards. "re give demonstrations there," continued .Mr. Bullock. "We have a demonstration orchard. We go and take an acre. We select It, and take charge of It. We do all the work ourselves, although the owners are supposed to put men on to help. In supervision orchards, we only go there and direct the work. "Sometimes D. H. Knuppenburg, who lives at Lake Carey, Wyoming county, goes with me, and I go with him, I went with him through his counties, and he went through my counties with me. 17,000 Trees On Surface's Farm. The reporter wanted to know what sort of a farm State Zoologist H. A. Surface had. "He has a fruit farm of 100 acres," answered Mr. Bul lock, "nearly all fruit. They're mostly young fruit trees, some just beginning to bear. There are 17,000 trees on his farm. We were all call ed there for Instructions In spring and summer work. "Prof. Surface Is an awful work er. He's a bright man, and no mis take. He's the hardest-working man I know of anywhere. He'd get right down with pick and shavel, If neces sary, and work as hard as anyone. I doubt whether any one can take his place. He knows all about set ting out trees from beginning to end. "Our orchards are neglected. Thoy lack pruning and fertilization. Our orchards have been robbed; they never had any care and are mostly old." In response to tho question "How do you think peaches would do In Wayne county?" he said: "I think peaches would do fairly well. We got to got up on our hills on red shale to do good work. "There s more of apples In our county. We have sovero winters and they do severe injury to peach trees. It's pretty cold. Apples would come out all right always." W. H. Bullock, who Is serving his second term as jury commissioner, is himself a largo land-owner, being the proprietor of a 125-acro farm In Dyberry. He Is one of the twenty two inspectors appointed by State Zoologist H. A. Surface, whose op erations cover the entire State. They get their pay monthly, and have to understand scale and tree diseases, and ought to know Insects mostly. "How many kinds of scale are there In Wayne county?" queried the reporter. Fivo Kinds Of Scale In Wnyne. "There are five," ho answered. "The Putnam; the San Jose; the Scurfy; the Oyster Shell; the Locan lum or Terrapin. The 'oyster shell scalo' affects appl6B, tho 'Putnam scale' goes after apples, pears and plums. The 'San Jose' is found on peaches. The 'terrapin' go more on plums than anything else. The 'Scurfy' appear more on pears than on anything else. Of the five, the T. Y. BOYD, Boyds Mills, Pa., announces himself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff on the Re publican ticket, subject to the de cision of the primaries. 3Gt2. F. Weaver r Architect an Bin ii Plans & Estimates Furnished Residence, 1302 East St. FARMER MECHANIC BAMK WITH US THE BANK FOR ALL CLASSES M, K. SIMON'S. 1'RF.smnNT C. A. KMKHY, Cashier The Far me its and EVIecfoanBCS Barak Cor. Main AND 1 0th ST., HONESDALE LABORER MERCHANT $1 starts you with an account Open a savings account in your name and then see that you deposit some of your spending money in the bank at intervals. Once establish (he saving habit and gratifying results are certain. With the latest improved vault safe with time lock, lire proof vaults, modern methods, and assured courteous treatment We Solicit a Share of Your Trade Bring your deposit In person, send money order, express order, draft or send It with a friend. LAWYER DOCTOR What We Offer You For Next 10 Days BLUE SERGE SUITS In Plain and Pattern Weaves. Fine Hard Woven Silky Finish Fabrics, Color Fast, Hand Tailored. Plain Serges, Blue and Light Blue Pencil stripes. Excellent Values. We have a good many Men's suits at $9 and $10. These prices represent values above the ordinary. We have just added to these two classes some exceptionally good suits specially purchased in Greys, Browns, Tans, Illues and Mixtures in a wide range of sizes. Gent's furnish ings all up-to-date. Knox Hats Columbia Shirts Double-wear Hose Collars In 1-4 sizes Straw Hats Underwear Neckwear Trunks and Dress Suit Cases BREGSTEIN BROS. Examine This Manure Spreader BEFORE BUYING You will surely succeed if you use a Kemp & Burpeo Success Spreader Don't buy a "pig in the bag." See what you are getting before paying your monoy. Every farmer is happy who owns a Success Spreader. A John Deere Sulky Plow and a New Way Air Cooled Gasolene Engine. He will invito his neighbors to seo them. ITT- 1 1.1 .1 T ... 1.-1.1 ii u lltlVD I.I1U111 uu uauu, uuua uiiem uci iiuwiui vuu UU or not. No trouble to show them. EMERSON W. GAM WI ELL. Honesdale, Pa. i