The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 17, 1911, Image 7

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TUB CITIZEN, U'&'OXl&llAV, MAY 17, 1011.
New Olympic and Titanic Will
Have Squash Courts,
Growing Tendency to Amuse the Voy
ager and Make Him Forget He's at
Sea Leads to Construction of Golf
Course of Eighteen Holes.
The announcement that a squash
ruckot court will be one of the fea
tures of the great White Star line
steamship Olympic, soon to he in serv
ice, and the Titanic, now building,
calls attention to the constantly grow
ing tendency to give the sea traveler
every comfort nnd luxury that can he
obtained ashore.
The squash racket court will be
placed directly above the keel, live
levels up from the skin of the ship,
counting the bottom as one, double
bottom as two, hod plates, lower orlop
and orlop. The court, which will be
available for tennis, ha ml bull, squash
or rackets, will be on the lower deck,
also designated as the "U" deck.
Court Two Stories High.
The court will bo 30 by 20 feet In
size. It will extend up through the
middle of "G" and "V" decks as high
ns the main, or "E" deck, for the
Olympic and the Titanic are each ilf
teen stories high, as follows: Floor,
double bottom, bed plntes nnd lower
orlop, orlop, lower, middle, main, sa
loon, upper, promenade, upper prome
nade, boat nnd sun docks nnd extra
compass platform.
All the other ships of the line are to
be fitted up with squash courts also.
A coach will be engaged for cacli
Features put forth by different lines
are nationally characteristic. The Rot
terdam of the Holland-American line
prides herself upon her baths. Nearly
every third room on board the Rotter
dam Is a bathroom. Even each room
of her swell suits has its own tub,
with all kinds of water.
Iiesldes a smoke room, with a bal
cony running around It, a library and
n social hall, the Kotterdam has also a
palm court. The Rotterdam was first
with a glass inclosed deck. They are
nil having them now.
'J.he -Russian-American lino main
tains a chapel upon each of its steam
ers, while ikons hang here' and there
and the sacred lamp is ever kept burn
ing in the main cabin.
Furnish All Kinds of Baths.
a lie White Star liner Adriatic now
has a swimming pool, but the Olympic
and the Titanic will have tanks 32 hv
33 feet as well as Turkish and electric
baths, with a hot room 10 by 20, si
cooling room 20 by 32 and a gymnast
um 40 by IS feet.
All the North German Lloyd liners
now have glass inclosed decks, open
nir cafes and meals a la carte or table
The Royal Mail Steam Packet com
pany erects canvas tanks which are
filled with salt water, running in and
out, for swimming in the tropics. The
Hamburg-American line also rigs the
same kind of diving pools. On the
Itoyal Mail you can purchase nn en
tire suit of clothes from the barber.
nnd the Lapland of the Hed Star line
runs a dry goods shop.
The Venezia of the Fnbre lino has a
lovers- seat, Just small enough for
two, on the boat deck looking aft.
The Titanic will have a golf course
of eighteen holes, with the hazard un
dor the lifeboats; also will the same
kind of links be laid out on the sun
deck of the Olympic. Roller skntes
will be available to all.
Adriatic Has Theater.
The Adriatic has a theater, with a
proscenium arch and several sets of
scenery executed by the deck steward,
Ernest Freeman, who paints in the
baggage room after his charges have
turned in.
The now Franconia of the Cunard
line has a machine shop with n ca
pacity for turning out a big Job on a
rolling sea. It has nlso a fresh water
distilling plant.
It was not so very long ago that the
Fabre liners carried cows that the ba
bles might have fresh milk. The crews
or the Itoyal Mail run an open game
of the lottery stylo upon the after hatch
every night under tho tropics.
The Europa of the Hamburg line, to
be tho biggest ship In the world, and
tho Deutschlnud, to bo renamed tho
Victoria Luise, a cruising steamer, are
to have U shaped tanks, within which
water will swish back and forth, Uop-
ping every time a wave strikes the
hull aud counteracting tho effect of the
blow. These are the "no seasickness
Korea's Principal Ports.
Fusan and Jinseu are the two prin
cipal ports of Korea. Fusan is ono of
tho best ports In tho far east, only
thirty miles from tho northern ex
tremity of Tsushima island, Japan.
The town has fine streets nnd is
densely populated. All over tho town
commercial activity is In evidence.
Tho population Includes 20,000 Japa
nese, whose administration of the
tow is rapidly Increasing its prosper
ity. Jlnsen, open to trade since 1882,
was thou only a small fishing vlllnge.
It is also prosperous, with' a popula
tion of 5,500, one-third Jnpanese.
Servants' References.
The utmost formality should bo nl. I
served when writing references tor
servants. The employers are Judgi-d
by the writing quite us much as ttiep
woman who is the subject of the com-'
As a servant's written reference Is
likely to go Into tho hands of persons
who are total strangers to the writer,
it Is best to employ tho third person
In the note. The communication should
always begin with the name of the for
mer employer.
Care should be taken to put Into the
reference the reason of a maid's leav
ing, for it is the first question asked
of the woman when she is seeking a
new place. Another Important point
In the communication Is that the serv
ant's honesty should be vouched for If
the former employer believes in It. It
Is nlso wise to Include In the written
character the fact that the woman Is
n good worker If she has so proved her
self. For her own protection n person writ
ing a reference should date It not only
with the month, but with the year.
Otherwise If the woman's character
should change ns time passes the per
son who vouched for her formerly will
find herself Indorsing an Individual as
sho would not do later perhaps. Such a
communication should always be writ
ten in Ink.
Lady and Gentleman.
There are some persons who sceni to
imagine it Impolite to nllude to a wo
man as a woman and are bent on ea
ing her a lady, while others allude to
a man as a gentleman. It is always
more correct to say "a nice tilii
whore the word girl is admissible (and
nowadays an unmarried woman of tor
ty may poso as a girl provided she
looks like one) or where it Is not to a I
lude to a woman as a pleasant or a
charming or an attractive woman.
You talk of a sweet or a delightfu
woman, not of n sweet or n delightful
"lady," but in the case of nn elderly
dame you occasionally say "a dear old
lady" and "such a kindold lady," "indv
being used as a mark of reverence for
nge. But. however old a man may In
he is always a man, never a "geutlr
man," in conversational language ".
clever man" or "a charming man" H
often alluded to, hut never "a clever
gentleman" and "a charming gentle
At a Luncheon.
hlx or eight persons make a good
number for nu Informal luncheon.
In the arrangement of luncheons as
well as dinners there Is a decided tend
ency to simplicity of effect. Not only
is the menu shorter than in former
years, but the dishes are lighter and
not so rich, the equipment of silver,
glass and china not so elaborate and
tho display of flowers more simple.
At a luncheon guests remove wraps
in a dressing room on nrrlval, but hats
are kept on. Gloves nre removed when
taking one's seat at table.
The hostess may lead the way In go
ing in to luncheon, walking beside a
guest, or she may ask her friends to
precede her. At an Informal party the
hostess tells the guests whero to sit in
stead of having name cards.
Guests are not expected to remain
more than half an hour after a lunch
A Man's Devotion.
Womanly dignity will always receive
respect. Yet how many wives nre
there who do not demand resnect ot
their husbands. They ask for i d
miration, devotion, yet know that n
man's nature will not cling, will uut
be constant, when he cannot look un
to tho woman he loves.
Tho mother who permits rudeness
from her sons, the wife who permits
It from her husband, the sweetheart
who does not resent it In her lover,
will all find themselves some day won
derlng why they are not treated with
deference and consideration, and the
real reason will be that they have per
mitted in themselves some lack of man
ners or of morals which has lowered
them in the eyes of the men they love.
Using Christian Names.
A vulgar habit is prevalent among
young girls, that of too freely using tho
Christian names of their young male
acquaintances. Girls when growu up
do not use tho Christian names or nick
names of young men unless tbey have
somo special reason for so doing.
An lutlmaey of years may be an ex
cuse for retailing the use of the Chris
tian name, for when Angelina In a pig
tail has played hide and seek or blind
man's buff with Edwin In Unlckerbock-
ers it is dlfllcult to becomo suddenly
ceremonious. But acquaintances of a
few months' standing unless a love
affair has changed tho position of the
parties toward each other is no ex
cuso for excessive familiarity.
Telephone Etiquette.
Correct though it is to employ a tele
phone for social purposes, there have
been established certain rules in re
gard to It, and to offend against them
is to show ignorance of etiquette.
It is not good form to reply to a writ
ten Invitation with a telephono mes
sage, both because tho manner of invi
tations should always bo duplicated
and also that It is by no means certain
mat a hostess will receive a verbal
message if It is sent through a maid.
HBflnn -T-insp p
i I m H K r 5 ' S f ' 5" 1 1 H
ifH nni.i.i. i i.
l.vt' t'
with the pnu.ri;.
Jii thou. -it
by nn occasional iawwlfh his hired
man, Tat. lut Is n fresh faced. Muo
eyed son of the Emerald Isle, who U
' faithful in all things and does a lot
, of Indnnendent thtnklnc nlonir linen
Independent thinking along
strictly his own, and more than once
Dobblelgh lias found considerable en
lightenment in difficult problems by
listening to his views. So the other
morning, when Pat came into the li
brary with nn armful of logs to re
plenish the wood fire, Dobblelgh, who
had boon rending a rather acrimonious
editorial in the morning paper on the
subject of tho suffragettes, ventured to
ask Pat's opinion on tho subject.
"Do you think women ought to be
nllowed to vote, Pat?" he queried.
"Sure 01 do," was the Instant re
sponse. "Wo need 'em."
"Wo need them, eh?" smiled Mr.
Dobblelgh. "That's n novel idea. What
has brought you to that conclusion?"
"Ol've wntched tho sltuaytlon," re
turned Pat. "and Ivory year since
Ol've been in this counthry the com'
plaint lias been the same. There nln'
enough votes: there ain't enough votes
there ain't enough votes.'
-Mr. tDohblelKh laughed nnd rubbot
his chin In perplexity.
"Not enough votes, eh?" he repeated
"Nnw, sorr," returned Pat. "Whin I
worruked for Mr. Hawkins, who run
for mayor here folve years ago. ho was
licked, nnd whin 01 asht him whoy ho
says, 'Not enough votes.' Whin Mr
Bryan was licked free tolmes for prls
Ident, what was th' reason? Tho same
not enough votes. And so on in ivory
campaign we've Ivor Iind. sorr. it'
the same onld complaint not enough
votes, so 01 says let the wiminen vot"
nnd mnybo we'll hot enough for wans
to ilict Iverybody." Harper's Weekly
In Dos Course.
Champ Clark, at a dinner in Wash
ington, pleaded Indulgence for a some
what rambling speaker.
"He'll arrive." said tho Democratic
leader, "If you'll only give him time.
Ho Is like Dr. Thirdly.
"Dr. Thirdly was dividing up Ills ser
mon into its appropriate heads one
Sunday morning when a member of
the congregation shouted irascibly:
" 'Meat, man! Give us meat!'
"'Well,' said Dr. Thirdly promptly,
'hold on, then, till I'm done carving,
Pittsburg Gazette-Times.
Self Defense.
"Are you going to have a garden this
year, Mr. Subbubs?"
"Yes; I've got to. As long as I have
a garden I can make it an excuse for
not taking my automobile out of the
garage and piling up expenses for new
tiros and things." Chicago Record
"No matter where you meet Miss
Clymer, there is nlways such a dis-
groeable smell of gasoline about her."
"She puts some on her handkerchief
to make people think she has just
been In an automobile." Baltimore
"That's queer," said the conductor
"What Is?"
"When I told that woman her trans
fer was no good she didn't tell me
that she'd just that minute got off the
other car." Detroit Free Press.
There's a Reason.
"Hero you nre sporting around In an
automobile nnd yet you cannot pay the
little bill you owe me!"
"My dear friend, if you were support
ing an automobile you would know
why." Houston Post.
No Chance to Argue
"I'm afraid that baseball player Is In
a bad way."
'Glass arm?"
Worse than that. Ills throat is so
sore he can't speak above a whisper."
Washington Star,
Sat Near a Box.
"I went to the opera last night."
"What did you. hear?"
"That the Rlchlelghs were going
abroad this summer and that Maud
Highfly is engaged to be married."
Boston Transcript.
As She Is Spoke.
"I wish you would go over and see'
how old Mr. Tlnsley Is," said a church'
worker to ono of her pupils.
Tho pupil returned promptly with
the information, "ne's seventy-eight."'
Brooklyn Life.
Wise Son.
"Are you mamma's boys or papa's
"The courts haven't decided as vet
madam. We're in litigation." Wash'
tngton nerald.
"It takes two to' make a quarrel."'
"How queer!"'
"Why queer?"
"Why, I thought a man and his wife
were one."--Cloveland Leader.
Such Annoying Ignorance.
Ilubby I lost a foursome today
the Woodly links. .
Wlfey Why not advertise for It?
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
HU Awful Plight.
First Centipede Is be henpecked?
Second Centipede Mercy, yes! nil
wife makes him wipe all hla feet Har
pet's llazaar.
i QHemff's bale, of valuable
r KiAlj ESTATE.-By virtue of process
ssued out of the Court of Common
Plena of Wayne county, and Htato of
Pennsylvania, and to me directed
and delivered, I have levied on anc.
win expose to public sale, at the
Court Houso In Honesdale, on
THURSDAY, MAY 18, 11)11, 2 P. U.
All the defendant's right, title,
and interest in the following de
scribed property viz:
i . , , u certain lot or parcel of
nnd together with the improvements
thereon, situate in Berlin township,
vuyne county, Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to
wit: Beginning at a heap of stones
the common corner of lots 23, 22, 34
and 35 in the allotment of the Indian
Orchard tract; thence by lots Nos.
21 and 22 In said allotment, south
sixty-seven degrees west one hun
dred and eighty-seven rods to a
stones corner in the middle of tho
Smitli Hill road; thence northward
along said road by land of Joseph
Herzog twenty-seven and three
quarters rods to a corner; thence by
land now or formerly of C. N. Root
north sixty-seven degrees east to a
post and stones corner; thence by
said lot No. 34 south twenty-three
degrees east twenty-six and one
tenth rods to the place of beginning;
containing thirty acres be the same
more or less.
The other lot or parcel beginning
m uiu center ot tne public road lead
ing ironi tho Honesdale and Dela
ware Plank Road to Berlin Center
at the Northeast corner of the land
of Anton Knehr; thence north sixty
seven degrees east by the above de-
bcnoeu lot one hundred and fifty
seven and one-half rods to a stones
corner; thence south twenty-three
degrees East nineteen and two-tenths
rods to a stake and stones corner;
thence by lands now or formerly of
C. N. Root south sixty-seven degrees
west one hundred and sixty-six rods
to the center of the said public road;
thence along the center of tho same
the several courses twenty-four rods
to the place of beginning; contain
ing twenty acres, he the same more
or less.
Being the same land which Fred
Hafner et ux by deed dated March
lu, 1S87, and recorded In Wayne
County Deed Book No. 04 at page G7
granted and conveyed to Jacob Haf
ner and the said Jacob Hafner et ux
granted and conveyed to Desmond
Keesler by deed dated December 2,
100S, and recorded In Wayne Coun
ty Deed Book No. 90 at page 1G9.
On the above described premises
there is one house and two hams.
Seized and taken in execution as
me property ot Jacob Hafner and
Desmond Keesler, Terre Tenant, No
S3, October Term, 1908. Judgment
?20. Searle & Salmon, Attorneys.
All that certain nlecn nr nnri nf
land situate in Berlin township,
Wayne county. Pennsylvania imnmi.
ed and described as follows:
Beginning at the
of a lot convoyed to Edward Manley
by Chapman N. Root and Hannah, his
wife, at n stake and stones corner on
the west sldo of Hni
thence by lands of the said Chapman
N. Root, north sixty-seven degrees,
east by the Standard
Wayne county two hundred nmi thir
ty-five and one-half rods to a stake
corner; thence north twenty-three
degrees, west to a post in Huck
Pond; thence by land of Edward
Manley bv the said MnrMnn .-m.
sixty-seven degrees, west two hun
dred and twenty-two and one-half
rods to the western sldn nf tho nni.!
bert Brook; thence down and along
said Brook the several windings and
courses thereof, the general courses
ueuig soutn, tnreo degrees east thlr
ty-sovon and one-imif rnrio tr. tu
place of beginning; containing fifty
uu mo sumo more or less.
Being the same land thnt 'Pi n
Mumford et ux conveyed to George
Stegnor by deed dated .Tun 17 mrw
and recorded in Wayne County Deed
.uuuii mu. vi, at page 333.
Seized and taken in
the property of George Stegner at
me suit oi m. j. Mumford to Minor
urown s use. No. C June Term.
JUdement S44I5. Spnrln jB-
aaimon, Attorneys.
TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs
must be paid on day ot salo or deeda
will not be acknowledged.
M. LEE BRAMAN, Sheriff.
Honesdale, Pa., April 21, 1911.
Buss for Every Train and
Town Calls.
Horses always for sale
Boarding and Accomodations.
for Farmers
Prompt and polite attention
at all times.
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Office: Second floor Masonic Build
Ing, over O. O. Jadwin'a drug store,
Farmers and Me
chanics Bank,
at the close of business. April 21. 1011.
Reserve fund $
C'nsli, specie anil notes, $13,469 33
Due from approved re-
serve agents $40,007 49--53.5.J6 87
Nickels, cents and fractional
currency 315 24
Checks and otner cash Items 3,211 (i
Due from, banks nnd trust com
panies not reserve
Illlls discounted, 85.918 68
lime loans with collateral 22.KI1 00
Ixians on call with collateral 28.081 35
Loans on call upon two or more
tlfttnp.q . II um M
. -. . ............................... Ul ,u , & w
Loans secured by bonds and mort-
r eases , 11.460 00
Investment securities owned exclu
sive of reserve bonds, viz
Stocks, bonds, etc $50,077 81
Mortcnees nnd Jude-
,.. "J.0".1.8,?' record 50,571 WM0O..H9 51
Olllce Hulldlncr nnd Lot l,m 55
I urnltureaiut llxtures 1,801 41
$ 361.019 17
Capital Stock paid In $ 75.000 00
Surplus Fund 10.000 00
Undivided Profits, less expenses
unu luxes nam.. 7,11a -19
I'epusiis, suuiect 10 cneck lfoi.757 UJ
Cashier's checks outstand'e 700 00
Deposits, speclnl 211,012 75-272,500 08
$30l.ei9 17
Stnto of Pennsylvania, County ot Wayne, ss:
I, C. A. Emery, Cashier of the nbove named
company, do solemnly swear that the above
statement Is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief,
C. A. KMEKY. Cashier.
, Subscribed and swornto before me this oth
day of May 1911.
M , Rex a S. Edqett. N. 1.
Correct attest:
M. K. Simons, 1
John E. Kraktz, -Directors.
J. S. UnowK. I 37v(i
Wo print letter heads,
Wo print postal cards,
Wo print monthly statements,
Wo print envelopes,
Wo print programs,
Wo print posters,
V.r... --.Agsney at Honesdale, Wayne Co., Pa. n.iml.toi Fn0M T1J 03d ANNUAL, ItEPOUT.
lotal admitted assets ... j m mi ma rk
Total Insurance In force . ... i osomo 'n5
Total number policy-holders .......... ... .V.V.V. 423 481 00
New Insurance lteported and paid for in 1910 .'. lis 7S9 033 00
Increase In Insurance In force over 1009 67 WO 61300
Total Income for 1910 WSfS
Total payment to policy-holders 32SG9S99 00
l&t,,T,?.t,,?I,f.nse and taxrs t0 Income 12 78 per cent
II. A. TINOTjUY, Auent,
Our long Traveling and Walking Coats are
Pretty in Shades and Styles.
enner & Co. New Offerings.
D. & M. CO. TiriE TABLE
8 30
Iff 00
10 00
10 00
4 30
6 05
1 Iifnghamton ...
A. 51
10 00
2 15
12 30
2 15
7 10
. Philadelphia..
S 16
4 03,
7 23
?A 40
15 30
1 30
2 18
S 40
9 50
9 05
6 20
6 30
2 05
8 45
8 65
8 50
0 18
..Lincoln Avenue..
... LakeLodore ...
... . Waymart
.... Honesdale ....
9 15
e iu
S 42
9 48
2 15
2 19
2 43
2 49
0 01
6 31
0 11
6 52
6 58
6 17
6 26
6 33
9 21
9 29
9 32
7 04
7 07
7 13
7 16
7 20
U 61
2 til
2 67
2 59
3 03
3 07
3 10
9 57
10 00
9 3
9 39
9 43
10 04
10 OS
0 43
7 24
9 47
H 4
10 11
7 27
9 60
0 65
7 31
3 15
German-American Home
TuaniiHanl Men Women, TouniltoU,
1 reaimenta " "' cmz?
6000 Mil, rtat Ilr.r,, to lalt.ub (Krr IXItUut
C.I., po.ltl.elr lb. Only Cure, . Bli.r',.,
TV . .' T to-"" "r -. rlrla, "O Halter
lalleS. Writ j, , ,lla ar C... In Uriel all4a.
DOCTOR, i'oat llox ISHHO. loidJlDhl.TF..
Roll of
Attention is called to tne STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
City has published a ROLL OI
HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands lOtli in Pennsylvania.
Stands. FIRST in Wayne County.
Capital, Surplus, $527,342.88
Total ASSETS, $2,951,048.26
Honesdale, Pa., December 1, 1910.
P. M
2 00,
2 40,
10 60
10 60
8 15,
12 eo
7 14
8 SO
2 5
I 13
7 25
6 30
2 25
1 35
8 35
9 12
8 05
1 35
1 25
6 40
6 30
12 17
12 07
8 29
8 17
8 13
7 64
1 47
7 41
7 39
7 30
7 28
7 19
7 IS
7 64
7 60
7 33
7 25
1 21
6 24
iz m
11 41
a 37
1 03
12 66
5 08
0 01
7 18
7 17
7 12
12 61
6 66
11 31
12 49
12 43
12 40
12 36
12 32
4 61
11 29
11 23
11 16
4 48
4 45
7 05
4 41
4 37
i 40
7 01
11 12
a 00
a 05
6 68
8 65
12 29
12 25
A.M. P.M.