THE CITIZEN', WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1011. A-CENT-A-WORD FOR SALE. HAVE YOU SEEN THE LATEST? The new and beautiful song, "For bidden Fruit," published by Orpha Swingle, Ariel, Pa. If not send 25 cents to the publisher and obtain a cony by return mall. Agents want ed. Write for terras. 39t2 MARKET WAGONS, SURREYS, Buckboards, Top Buggies, Hun Abouts and Road Carts at Murray & Co., Honesdale. Pa. 37t3 FOR. SALE Steinway uprlgh piano, rosewood case. 18S0 model, J'J&.OO. Call at 1407 Main street 37t2. FOR THE LAND'S SAKE use Bow ker's fertilizers when you plant, They make things grow. Murray Co.. Honesdale. Pa. . 37t3 FARM HARNESS, Fancy, Double and single harness, driving har ness and all kinds of strapwork and horse goods at Murray Co., Hones dale, Pa. 37 1 FOR SALE Rose Comb Brown Leghorn eggs, 50 cents per set ting. Arch Hlne, Orson, Pa. 35t4 SULKY PLOWS, WHEEL HAR ROWS, and all kinds of farming implements at Murray Co., Hones dale, Pa. 37t3 FOR SALE Six-room cottage with small orchard, located in village. Edw. O. Bang, So. Canaan, Pa. 23tf FOR SALE Kelly & Steinman brick factory building, including en gine, boiler and shafting. Inquire of J. B. Robinson. 50tf, A SIX OCTAVE organ: like new. Will sell at a bargain. Sure thing Mclntyre. 37t4 FOIt RENT. TO RENT 7-room cement house on East Extension street. Hot and cold water, bath and closet. Gas and furnace. Inquire of Graham Watts. 31eoitf FOR RENT Six rooms with bath on second floor, also 3 rooms down stairs. 1231 Spring street. 34tf. FOR RENT A modern house and improvements with garden on West street. Inquire Joshua A Brown. 2tf, MISCELLANEOUS. WANDERED FROM HOME GEO Nelson, G4 years of age, gray hair and mustache; wore cap, boots, woolen pants and dark shirt inform. L. Nelson, Siko. It ROLLER SKATERS HAVE YOUR name stamped on your skates for 15 cents. Leave them at Varcoe's printing office. E. P. VARCOE. It PYROX, THE ONE BEST SPRAY, for leaf-eating insects. Write or call for booklet. Murray Co., Hones dale, Pa. 37t3 THREE experienced workmen at the bench daily. All repairs finished at the shortest notice. Sommer, Jeweler and Optician. 30tf LANSING AND TROY farm wagons, all styles and kinds at Murray Co. Honesdale, Pa. 37t3 ALL REPAIR WORK finished up-to-date in all our different branches. Sommer, Jeweler and Optician. 30tf GET YOUR NITRATE OF SODA and Top Dressing Mixture at Mur ray Co., Honesdale, Pa. 37t3 INVENTORY of our repair depart ment shows 23G finished Jobs wait ing to be called for. Sommer, Jewe ler and Optician. 30tf. WE HAVE the old reliable Coil Spring Lansing Harrow in stock. Murray Co., Honesdale, Pa. 37t3 TWELVE CLOTH TRESPASS no tices printed for ?1, at The Citizen office, six for 75 cents. Name of owners, township wherein land is sit uated and law pertaining to trespass ing, printed thereon. LOCAL NEWS- A marriage license was Issued Saturday to Mallcarrler J. Willis Deralng and Miss Bessie L. Griswold, both of Mt. Pleasant. Delia F. Wiley, Avoy, Wayne county, who graduates at the West Chester State Normal school, this Spring, has accepted a position at Tome Institute, Port Deposit, Mr., at a salary of $G00. A sufficient sum of money has been raised by popular subscription to defray the expense of oiling Main street from the State bridge to Fourth street, and work will be commenced within a few days. A special service will bo held in the Indian Orchard school house Fri day evening, at which several candi dates will bo baptized. A class will be confirmed by Bishop Talbot the following evening, Saturday, May 20. Tho hour of service on both evenings will be 8 o'clock. All per sons are invited to be present. At the regular meeting of tho Honesdale Business Men's Associa tion, held May 10, these committees were appointed by President S. T. Ham: Membership, J. B. Nielsen, J. H. Smith, Fred Marsh; transporta tion, C. E. Bates, John Erk. John Erk was made chairman of the in surance committee. In the absence of N. B. Spencer, C. E. Bates acted as secretary protein. A picnic for merchants and their families was discussed, but no definite action was taken. A son haB been born to Mr. and Mrs. John Bussa, of East Honesdale. Contractor H. F. Weaver Is adding a porch to tho rear of Fred Schoell's , dwelling on Main street. Tho Aldenvlllo baseball team will play Pleasant Mount at tho lat tcr's grounds on Snturday, May 20. A marriage license was granted Mondny to John W. Spry and Miss Mabel Decker, both of East Beach lake. The Wayne county jail Is ten antless at present, not a single prisoner being confined within its stone wnlls. The Boy Scout movement is be ing promoted in Honesdale, and it is understood that one or two patrols are to be organized shortly. The base ball season In Hones dale will be opened Saturday, May 20, when the Scranton Seml-Profes- sionals will cross bats with the homo team. The marriage banns of Frank Jeko and Miss Julia Seamon, both of White Mills, were published Sun day morning In St. .Mary Magda lena's R. C. chucrh. ino Hen Telephone company nave improved the outsldo appear ance ot their oiiice by placing a bed of red geraniums between the walk and their office building. -The People's Daily Advocate which was started at Towanda four months ago in the Interest of the Keystone party discontinued publi cation Saturday, a week ago. Oslek Tribe No. 318. I. O. R. M. win Kindle its regular council Are on Thursday's sleep. A pleasant even ing, in the way of a smoker, is being arranged tor this meeting night. During the thunder storm Sat urday evening a largo tree was blown down and fell across the state road near tho fair grounds, uiociung tranic lor several hours. -The Wednesday evening service at Grace church will be omitted May 1", as the rector will be in attend ance at the annual convention of the Diocese of Bethlehem at Potts ville, Pa. -Leo Osborne, local solicitor and collector for tho Consolidated Tele phone company of Pennsylvania, re turned on Friday from Hancock. N. Y., where he has been encased In straightening up the accounts of his lather s estate. i-roceeaings in divorce were commenced May 11 in the case of Gertrude J. Hale versus James E. liaie, when a subpoena was issnpfl. Wanton desertion since June 5, 1909, is alleged as the ground for trrnntlnir such desired separation. -The remains of Fathers Buthe and William Dassell, former rectors of St. Mary Magdalena's R. C. church, were removed Tupsilnv from their present resting place In the center of the German Catholic cemetery to a plot in the rear of the burying ground. Prof. Georce W. Twitmvpr wii. mlngton, Del., for more than twolvo years principal of the Honesdale pub lic schools, has recently been ap pointed a member of the state board of education for a term of seven years by Governor Pennlwell. The board organized last week by unani mously electing Mr. Twitmyer presi dent. Tho free delivery window nt. thn postoffice remains closed durine the overhauling of the mail pursuant to orders from the government. The government wants to know tho num- uer or pieces of ma 1 handled during tho month of May. This informa tion is to be furnished separately for Incoming and outgoing mall, handled by clerks, and for mall collected mi mall delivered, handled by carriers. Tho Stroudsburc Indnstrlni Club, at its meeting held Friday evening, declared for an opera house for Stroudsburg. The matter was placed in the hands of the Industrial Committee to get definite informa tion and offer ways and means for bringing the matter before, the pub lic oil a working plan. The house as suggested by architect H. F. Weaver, Honesdale, who furnished the plans, would cost approximately ?35,000. The Bulletin of Ursinus College at Collegeville, Pa., for April is the fourth Decennial catalogue of the in stitution. Since tho college was opened in 1870, 417 students have received bachelor's degrees, and 157 honorary degrees have been confer red. Tho attendance for the current year is 193. There are seven groups of students, as follows: Classical, Latin-Mathematical, Mathematical-Physical, Chemical-Biological, Historical-Political, English-Historical and Modern Language. The closing entertainment of the Seelyvllle High school, with a program by the outgoing class, was given last Thursday evening in the Seelyvllle chapel, before a large au dience. Tho platform on which the graduating exercises were held, was beautifully decorated with branches of cherry trees. The program was as follows: Invocation, Rev. W. H. Swift, D. D.; "Our Country's Great Canal," Helen R. Eno (Second honor) ; solo "Roses Everywhere," Jane D. Hagaman; The Coronation of King George V, Olive M. Bodie; The History of Seelyvllle, Ruth A. E. Mackle; solo "Spring time," Jano D. Hagaman; The Era of Peace, Mildred A. Jones (first hon or); music, Sonner's Orchestra; readings by Mrs. Salo Frlodewald; An Object of Love, by Mary E. Wil klns Freeman; The Village Singer, by Mary E. Wllklns Freeman; A Pot of Broth by William Butler Yeats; Music, Sonner's orchestra'. The supervisors of Texas town ship recently purchased a ten-ton steam roller to bo used for road making purposes. A list of advertised letters re maining In Honesdalo Postoffice week ending May 15: Sara Black, C. H. Alter Co., Mrs. Win. G. Chllds, V. Rlttenhouse, Alman Springer, Patrick Tigue. M. B. Allen, Postmaster. Company E, Thirteenth Infan try, will go Into camp this year at a place four miles below Sunbury on July 22, and will remain there for a week. In former years the company went into camp either at Mt. Gretna or Gettysburg. At present there are seven cut glass iirms In Honesdale. They are t. u. uiark & Co., McKenna's, Irving, Krantz and Smith, Diamond, Crown and the Honesdale Union Cut Glass Company. T. B. Clark & Co. are tho largest employees of glass cutters, auout 15U being on their pay-roll. The nuptials of Frank Jeko and Miss Julia Seamon, both of White Mills, were solemnized Tues day morning at 9:30 a. m. In St. Mary Magdalena's R. C. church. uev. father .1. w. Balta offlclatlne. Miss Elizabeth Jeko, a sister of the groom, was bridesmaid, and .Mr. Austin was the best man. At the annual meeting of the wayno county Teachers' Association held last Friday and Saturday in Pleasant Mount these officers were elected for the ensuing year: Presi dent, a. h. Howell; vice-president, w. J. Dietrich, Pleasant Mount; secretary, Anna Seaman, Honesdale; executive committee, Prof. R. T. Davies, Prof. H. A. Oday, Hones dale; Prof. .Mark Creasy, Hawley. The El Roy Sisters are delight ing large audiences nightly at the Roller Rink by their clever per formances on skates. This is their second appearance here for the sea son, and their clever exhibitions are greeted by tumultuous outbursts of applause. The "roller habit" is catching on, and doubting Thomases and Marthas are rapidly being added to the list of devotees of this most tascinatlng indoor sport. The value of wealth produced on farms of the United States was ?S, 92G,000,000 during 1910. as esti mated by the department of agricul ture in a statement just issued. This is an increase of ?104, 000,000 over iyuu. Texas, with her 10,000.000 acres of cotton, wrested from Illinois during 1910 the honor of being the lirst state of the Union in value of principal farm crops, which aggre gated $364,110,000. The Honesdale team will eo to Taylor, Saturday, where they will piay tne Athletics, of that c tv. Al though the team has suffered some what from loss of players for vari ous reasons, they will present a strong lightup for the opening game of the season. Captain Leslie Bra der's broken thumb will prevent his playing in tho game at Taylor. It is expected however that he will take part in the first came at hnmn. Saturday, May 27," when the Scran ton Semi-Professionals will play the local team. Rev. Albert L. Whlt.tnknr Tuesday for Pottsvllle, where he will attend the sessions of the Beth lehem diocese at Pottsvllle and make his report as Commissioner for the Deaf Mutes, which eccleslnHHcnl position was conferred upon him as successor to Bishop Rogers Israel, Erie. The dioceses of Central New York. Harrisbure ami nctiiiohom jointly support a deaf mute mission ary, and the money raised by Rev. Wllittaker is for his BiistentnHnn Joseph N. Welch and David H. Men- ner ,iay delegates from Grace Parish, uiu iiiso attending tne diocesan con vention. PERSONAL Miss Anna Lang. Dalton. is visit ing in tins place. .Miss Mabel Schimmel is visiting friends in Scranton. William Goodall. Fallsdalo. snpnt. Saturday In Honesdale. William Comfort is the new por ter at the Hotel Wayne. Mrs. A. G. Loomis Is spending sev eral days In Deposit, N. Y. Mrs. Kate M. Swinnerton, Scran ton, spent Sunday in town. Miss Mary Warren, Scranton, Is spending several days In town. Mrs. Charles Mills returned from an extended trip to California. R. D. McStraw, Pink, was a busi ness caller in Honesdale, Saturday. J. M. Bolkcom, Siko, was a Satur day business caller in the Maple City. Mrs. D. R. Moore, Duryea, is the guest of the Misses Brown, Park street. John Kleary, Philadelphia, is tho guests of friends on River street this week. Mrs. Josephine Entler, West Ho boken, N. J., Is spending several days in town. Mrs. U. E. Howell and Mrs. A. E. Kellogg, Wlnwood, spent Friday in this place. Mrs. R. H. Stanton and son, Rus sell, Middletown, N. J are visiting relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Noyes and son spent Sunday with the lattor's parents at Bethany. Lieutenant Wlnford H.' Mumford Is attending the State Inspection camp at Mt. Gretna. Mrs. W. P. Boland and son, Wil liam, Elrahurst, are the guests of Hon. and Mrs. Leopold Fuerth. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wood are home again after a three months' stay In New York and New England, Mrs. T, D. McGrath, Honesdale, is visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Park on Malri street and Mrs. William Dixon, of York avenue, Carbondale. Judge Henry Wilson spent Mon day in scranton. Harry Ycakle, Allentown, visited friends In Honesdale over Sunday. Miss Ruth B. Lord passed a few days last week with Middletown friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bryant and family are now comfortably settled In their new home on Sixteenth street. U. G. Rldgeway, wife and son, Homer, attended the funeral of Mr. Ridgeway's father at Clifford last Saturday. ' U. G. Rldgeway, traveling sales man for the Standnrd-GIllett Light Company spent last Thursday and Friday at his home on South Main street. Messrs. Frederick Le Strange, John N. Sharpsteen, Henry A. Tlngley and l-aui i'ives spent Sunday at Cold Springs as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Le Strange, where they enjoy- eu a sumptuous chicken dinner. Buol Dodge is attending the an nual state convention of the I. O. O. F. in Wilkes-Barre as the delegate n-om iTcedom Lodge No. 88. Sam uel Saunders and Clifford Gray are among tne otlier Honesdale Odd Fel lows who are enjoying the sessions. .Mr. and Mrs. S. A. McMulIen, Jr., 1323 .Main street, had as dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Burr, Scranton; Mr. and Mrs. Don- aid Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bas sett, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scurry. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Dennis, Carbon- daie. Misses Mabel and Emellne Wells left Tuesday morning for Philadel phia where they will attend the meeting of tho Auxiliary of the Sec ond Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery Association. During their absence they will visit relatives at Atlantic City and Sea Isle City, X. J. Mrs. Garratt of Cottage street, wife of Roy Garratt, was knocked unconscious and cut In the cheek un der her left eye at the Nickelette Friday evening when an electric fan broke and one of tho flanges struck ner in tho lace. She was taken to Mrs. Hartman's by several bystand ers where she regained conscious ness. The wound was treated and she went home. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Har- denbergh, Chicago, 111., spent the week-end and Sunday as the cuests of his father, Hon. E. B. Harden- bergh. Mr. Hardenberch left Mon day for New York. His family will leave tor the same city. Thursday. accompanied by his father, and Miss Louise Hardenbergh. .Mr. and Mrs. Hardenbergh sail from New York, May 20, for Buenos Ayres. S. A.. via London, where Mr. Hardenbergh will represent the P. D. Armour Company, Chicago. STOOD UPON THE .MOUNTAIN TOP." The following verses were com posed by Rev. W. B. Slgnor, Thurs day afternoon, May 4, on the top of Sugar Loaf mountain, directly in tronc or the parsonage at Orson. One of 'the grandest views to be ob tained in Northeastern Pennsylvania can bo had from the summit of this mountain. It was while the writer was on the heights and beholding the wonderful view that the follow ing verses came to him: -f I stood upon tho mountain top, -f And viewed the landscape o'er; 4- It .seemed that I was near to heaven, -f f Nearer than e'er before. -f I saw the lakes; I saw the -f streams; -f I saw God's land so fair; -f -f And when I looked to the skies -f above. I knelt in humble. prayer. And prayed that God would -r touch f The hearts of sinners far near. and And bring them to the Savior's -f fold, -f The fold He loves so dear. -f -t- It seemed I heard a voice from -f heaven, -f -f A voice so sweet and low; -f f 'Methought it trembled on the air. -f "My child, I'd have it so." - "But there are foearts whose -f doors -f Are closed and will not hear -f -f the call; -f -r t noy do not care that I hava tho -f cross, -f Nor drank the bttter gall. -f "Their eyes are blind, thev do -f not see -f -f The awfulness of sin; -f t- ineir ears are deaf, thev do not f hear -- -f The knock, and let mo In." I looked again, the scene was -f changed; Tho throne seemed to appear; -f Tho good, tho bad, wore gath- -f ored there. -f I thought I saw tho tears, -f T Flow down the cheeks of Jesus, -f -r uod's only begotten Son: -f And then I knew full well The judgment had begun. -t- -t- i can't describe tho awful -f scene; -f Tho books were open wide; -f -f Then God came forth and took -f a seat -f lose to the Savior's side. -f The sinners heard their awful -f doom. -f f "Depart I know you not." -f f And then He turned to the -f -r righteous, -f Who had a different lot. f The voice was clear, the smile -f so sweet; -f 'T was the voice of God's own -f Son, -f " Come yo blessed of my -f Father": f " Well done, dear ones, well -f A- done." -f AIIS8 Bessie Kelly spent Tuesday In Scranton. Mrs. W. T. Butler left Tuesday for Carbondale. A. A. Oohlert passed Sunday with Scranton friends. K. E. Blgelow, Scranton, spent .uonuay in town on business. M. C. Rowland, Kimbles, was a uusmess caller In town Friday. R. H. Patterson, Scranton, was n business cnller here on Saturday last. T. M. Williams, Scranton, was a Tuesday business caller in Hones dale. P. L. Braman, Indian Orchard, was a Monday business caller In Honesdale. J. R. Hause, Newfoundland, transacted business In the Maple City Tuesday. Miss Maud Ridd has returned home from a week's Visit with rela tives In Siko. Hon. Leopold Fuerth loft Tuesday morning on a business trip to WIlkes-Barre. Miss Elsie Mornn, WIlkes-Barre, spent a few days last week with Ilonesdnlo relatives. Gilbert White and granddaughter, .Miss Jessie, returned Saturday from a six months' stay In Florida. Mrs. A. A. Oehlert and daughter, Evelyn, are the guests of Mr. and Mis. Jacob Racht, Bloomsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ward, Carbondale, and Miss Eva Barrett, Scranton, were Sunday guests of .Louis A. Loomis, proprietor of the Hotel Wayne. Charles Stegner, Elmira, N. Y., general salesagent of the Interna tional Harvesting company, Is ac companying C. E. Van Horn through the county. Dr. Edward P. Clark, son of Mrs. Eben H. Clark, Honesdale, was re cently appointed gynecologist on the regular staff of the new Homeopath ic hospital In Pittsburg. J. D. Weston went to New York city Friday to bid Mrs. Weston and Mrs. Fred B. Whitney adieu on their trip across the Atlantic. They sail ed from New York Saturday. Mrs. John Richmond, who has been seriously ill- for the past few weeks with double pneumonia, Is convalescing. Her many friends will be pleased to hear this good news. Mrs. Rebecca Hawkey and daugh ter, Mrs. Liken, Tiona, arrived at tne home of the former's sister, Mrs. Foley, Hoadleys, Saturday. They will spend the summer with relatives in Honesdale and vicinity. Bids AVanted. "1 would like you to submit esti mates on live pounds of granulated sugar," said the printer, as he leaned against the grocery man's counter. "What do you take mo for?" replied tho groceryman, somewhat ruffled. "Why, I really don't know. You wanted me to bid on the printing of a thousand en velopes the other day, and I thought that was the way to do business." t DON'T MISS THEM $ The El Rey Sisters New Acts and Costumes Nightly The famous Dancing and Skating Girls at the Honesdale Roller Rink Every Night This Week RINK OPEN EVERY AFTERNOON & NIGHT Matinees: Wednesday & Saturday Afternoons $ ADMISSION 10c. I MIs3 Olive Wronn, Scranton, is the guest of Miss Merle Eldred, Eleventh fireet. -ON- Monday, May 29 For A Short Time Only Please call early for treatment.