The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 17, 1911, Image 4

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Soml-Wcckly Founded 1008j Weekly Founded 1844.
Kntered as second-class matter, nt the postnfllce. Honesdale. Pa
Our Mends icho favor s with contributions, and desire to
have the same returned, should in every case enclose stamps
tor mat purpose.
ONE YEAR, - $1,50 THHKK MONTHS, - !i8o,
BIX MONTHS, - .75 . ONE MONTH, - l"c.
Remit b.v Kinross Money Order. Drnft. Post Otllre Order or Itrir-
Istcred letter. Addrcs ml oniinunluitlons to ThcCltton. .So.
BUlAluln ttrtet, llonesdale. l'a.
All not lees of shows, or ntlif-r entertainments held fur the tmrimoe
of mnklllL' nioiiev or nnv Itrnm I l.nt nmt.iln ndvertisliiL' mattu will
only be admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising
rates. Notice of entertainment s-for the benefit of churches or for
charitable purposes where a fee Is charged, will bopnblhcd nt half
ruies. i;nms oi manKS, memorial poetry aim resoiuiions oi respeci
Will also be charged for at the rate of a cent a word.
The policy of the The Citizen is to print the local
news in an interesting manner, to summurite the news of the
world at .large, to fight for the right as this paper sees the
right, without fear or favor to the endthat it may serve thebest
interests ot us readers ana the wcitare ot the county.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1011.
It often happens that some of the old ruins In
England arc marriageable.
Some young college graduates go to work and
others enter the electrical business.
Colorado has only one 'Senator, but .If he should
turn out like some others' we wot of he'd be one too
The Baltimore Sun says Baltimore Is the best
town in the country. Well, yes, after Honesdale, It
does come first.
"Really, I have not thought about the Presi
dency," says Woodrow Wilson. Probably takes it for
granted, we suppose.
0 00
"One hundred thousand dollars," says an ex
change, "takes a man a long ways in Illinois." Or
any other state for that matter.
0 0 0
The optimist is like the dog, who, with a tin
can tiedto his. tail, tells his brother canines that it's
0 0 0
Dr. Maude Glasgow says that the best way to get a
good figure is not to think about it. And judging
from some we have seen, lots of women don't.
0 0 0
A Pittsburg jalntress has received $100 from Mrs.
Carnegie because she hid In some palms on the stage
to hoar Andy speak. We always had a vague Idea
that it ought to be worth monoy to listen to Andy.
0 0 0
Prof. Wheeler, head of the department of organic
chemistry of Yale, has gone to Chicago to raise the
flOO.OOG he was ordered to pay his wife as alimony.
Chicago is of some use after all.
"Her sangfroid was decidedly plquante," says the
N. Y. World, In a story about a noted Philadelphia
Beauty who strolled through one of the hotels in green
tights. There's nothing like the French language af
ter all, is tjiere?
0 0 0
It's easy enough to be pleasant,
When life flows by like a song
But the girl worth while is the girl who
can smile
When her harem is on all wrong.
0 0 0
The Surrey County Council has passed a by-law
making it an offense to use bad language in a house so
that it can be heard by passers-by. It is thought that
this will give an Immense impetus to the movement
in favor of sound-proof dwellings. London Punch.
0 0 0
The locomotive engineer who gave his sweetheart
love toots on the whistle of the engine Is being sued
for $5,000. One of tho signals agreed on was three
short toots meaning "Marry you to-morrow." Ho
didn't. Seems as if he'd changed it to that steamboat
whistle in the song: "Toot toot, goodbye."
0 0 0
The .May edition o that sterling and standard
publication, which no family should be without, the
"Congressional DJrectory," greets our grateful eyes,
says the New York Sun. Even in that time honored
enclosure the feet of Progress may be heard to stamp.
Since the January edition Art has found her way into
this catlaogue of statesmen. There is a headpiece or
two headpieces before each State beadroll of Sena
tors and Representatives. What Is this picture? It
It some dream of a dolphin and an anchor, an octopus
and a hook? Is it snakes, serpent, on a shepherd's
crook, reversed? Is it a vulture or reedblrd, ram
pant, on a conventionalized golf stick? Is it swans
"sleigh" bedsteds, inilated goatskins waving the right
ear jovially? A work of wonder, what can it bo, this
picture cut, we hear, by the Hon. James Reginald
Mann of Chicago from an Illustrated pamphlet on
Is this tho way to please the plain people? Why,
tho Hon. James Sansoving Henry, tho compiler, will
be having the book adorned with miniatures and il
luminations and printed in Victor Murdock red, anti
reciprocity blue, hobson yellow and so on. Worse and
worse, a photograph or water-colored sketch of each
Senator and Representative wll lbe thrown in the
face of tho country; the Mesopotamian mug of Uncle
Joe, the dread deforested top of, Ollle James arrest
or postpone that hour of woe, all kindly fates!
So much for Art and Progress; now for' History.
On page 149, "PersidentB and Vice-Presidents and the
Congresses Coincident With Their Terms," occurs the
name, of the Vice-President in tho Presidency of
Franklin Pierce:
"William B. King (died April IS, 1853)."
Wo don't know when this erring "B" crept into
the name of William Rufus King, thirteenth Vice
President ( Representative in Congress from North
Carolina, Senator in Congress from Alabama for more
than thirty years, Minister to Franco. The 'error is
not Mr. Henry's; it appears for instance In the Direc
tory of tho Sixtieth Congress, second session, com
piled by A. J. Halford. Mr. King may be reasonably
obscure by this time, but an official publication of the
United States ought to be able to give accurately the
names of the Vice-Presidents. More correctness and
less Art!
Mayor Gaynor is likely to go broke if he keeps
on with that ?10 drink offer.
0 0 0
Some war correspondents, it would seem, received
all their training at home with their wives.
0 0 0
Tho appointment of Henry Lewis Stlmson to tho
office of Secretary of War must come to that gentle
man as the silver lining of the gubernatorial cloud.
0 0 0
We wish tho paragrapher on the Inquirer would
lose that old joke about Haiti's navy. He's had it in
slightly changed twice In tho last week or so.
0 0 0
The reason some women leave their hats on In
the theatre Is because if they should hold them in
their laps they couldn't see the stago themselves.
0 0 0
It is rumored that Lillian Russell Is going to
marry an editor. Suppose because being a newspaper
man he'll be able to supply the fair Lillian with lots
of pads.
0 0 0
E. Phillips Oppenheim, tho writer, says that tho
most important quality for a woman to possess Is a
sense of humor. Most of them havo or they'd never
get married.
0 0 0
Lady Decles, formerly Vivian Gould, is clieory
after her successful operation for appendicitis. But
the noble Lord isn't when he thinks of the bills to
come in.
0 0 0
A decision involving the great and Important
results such as the one rendered Monday by the Su
preme Court of the United States in ordering the dis
solution of the Standard Oil Company cannot be
treated offhand editorially or discussed In an Intelli
gent manner until the text of the entire opinion of
tho Chief Justice can bo read and studied with a view
to comprehending its scope and tho momentous char
acter of its meaning.. The Citizen will, therefore,
refrain at this moment from treating the subject in
Its editorial columns until such time has elapsed as
will allow of a careful and conscientious deliberation
upon all points of the decision. The question is one
of too great magnitude to allow of too hasty editor
ial comment. The Citizen asks that sufficient time bo
given in order that the discussion of this decision may
be treated In a manner worthy of the paper and its
0 0 0
What Position Do You Want? You Can
Take Your Pick If You Win The Citi
zen's Scholarship Contest.
Teacher '
Coal Mining
Gas Engineer
Civil Engineer
Metal Mining
Mine Surveyor
Foundry Work
Boiler Designer
Marine Engineer
Bridge Engineer
Poultry Farming
Advertising Man
Mining Engineer
Commercial Law
Carpet Designing
Electric -Lighting
Electric Railways
English Branches
Electric Wireman
Textile Designing
Telephone Expert
Foreman Plumber
Machine Designer
Window Trimming
'R. R. Constructing
Agricultural Course
Municipal Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Show-Card Writing
Structural Engineer
Plumbing Inspector
Linoleum Designing
Stationary Engineer
Automobile Running
Perspective Drawing
Mechanical Engineer
Sheet-Metal Worker
Bookcover Designing
Structural Draftsman
Wallpaper Designing
Ocean and Lake Pilot
Cotton Manufacturing
Mechanical Draftsman
Concrete Construction
Ornamental Designing
Refrigeration Engineer
Woolen Manufacturing
Monumental Draftsman
Commercial Illustrating
Surveying and Mapping
Telegraph Construction
Heating and Ventilation
Architectural Draftsman
Heavy Electric Traction
High-School Mathematics
Contracting and Building
Civil Service Examinations
Electric Machine Designer
Lettering and Sign Painting
Plumbing and Steam Fitting
Minstrel Benefit Held ati
Aldenville 1
"You could hear half the audience
draw lu their breath when Loercher
did some of those contortionist
stunts," declared one of the leading
lights among tho troupe composed
of seventeen young Honesdale men
In describing tho performance given
nt Aldenville Friday night for the
benellt of the Clinton township High
It takes more than an early even
ing thunder shower to dampen the
ardor of an Aldenvlllo audience, and
so when the curtain wont up Friday
night on that hover to be urgot
ten occasion tho spacious auditorium
was jammed to the doors.
Only one of the actors who shall
be nameless, succeeded In uiawing
an encore. There was no one "on
the curtain" when John button con
cluded his dramatic monologue.
There was no water In the place, and
tho performors ' had to go outside
and wash In tho cold, cold water in
tho brook, whero one of the players
caught cold. Two kerosense lamps
did service as footlights. One of the
auditors every time Henry Wagner
took a high note on the trombone,
looked at the Instrument, as if he ex
pected it to come apart. Barring
tnese and seevral other minor discor
dant notes, the minstrel benefit was
a great success.
Those participating in the affair
were R. J. Bracey, Clarence Green,
Joseph Jacobs, Thomas Charles
worth, Will Kupfer, Louis A. Loom
Is, Stanley Wilson, George Loercher,
John Sutton, Jos. A. Bodle., Henry
Wagner, A. Cole, Leon Katz, Walter
Jeltz, Rex Nicholson, Claude Chase,
Charles Jeitz.
The program was as follows:
"When The Heart's Behind A Kiss,"
Stanley Wilson
"Mandy Lou" Louis A. Loomis
"Chicken ReeL.Thos. Charlesworth
"Where The River Shannon Flows"
Clarence Green
".Molly Lee"
....Joseph Jacobs and Company
Premier Contortionist. Geo. Loercher
"The Indian Chieftain"
John Sutton
Thomas Charlesworth and the
Jeltz Quartette.
The end men were: Thomas
Charlesworth, Clarence Green, Jos.
Jacobs, William Kupfer. Interlocu
tor R. J. Bracey. Musical Director,
Jos. A. Bodle, Jr.
whatTsTboss ?
(Continued from Page One.)
Dentil Of Frank Washburn.
Frank Washburn, who attended
Sandreth LaBarr's funeral, died
suddenly at his homo Sunday morn
ing. Ho owned a planing mill near
Preston Center.
Beutli Of Jiulsou Young.
Judson Young died at Equlnunk
last week, aged 52. Ho was a team
ster for J. K. Hornbeck. Ho leaves
a wife and family of children. Fun
eral services were held at Equlnunk,
with interment at Union.
question as to my eligibility to the
ofllce. Purdy was very technical. Ho
was always looking for some techni
cality. I had charge of his cam
paign absolutely.
"1 think my Incumbency is longer
than any other Democrat ever held
this ofllce.
"I never was a candidate for chair
man. I never asked a man to vote
for me. It was always given to me
by unanimous vote, except one time
when I had opposition.
"I think tho Keystone party, must
eventually go out of existence.
There's no room for It. It has serv
ed Its purpose. It can't' exist be
cause it was a Democratic party
primarily, and it can't exist now for
there's no occasion for it."
Mr. McCarty concluded his re
markable lnterviow by saying that he
had been practicing at the Wayno
county uar since IS 85, having read
law in Waller and Searle's offlce.
Judge A. T. Searle was his precentor.
His concluding statement seemed to
the reporter, in view of the present
political situation, as the most ex
traordinary of all.
"F. P. Kimble was ray teacher at
Prompton Normal school and Judge
A. T. Searle moved for my admission
to tho bar!"
Death Of Daniel IlniiHlnge.
Daniel Brundage, who was in his
90th year, died on Friday at his
homo In Pink. Tlin fnnpnit wna Viol,!
Mnmlnv nml Intnrinnnf
tho Tlsdel burying ground. Mr.
Brundago was a veteran of the Civil
war and for many years a resident
of Pink. One son, Freellng, sur
an Industrious mnn all his life, had
a.i Imk strlqus man all his life, has
ucen la poor health for several
Dentil Of Dr. Georgo Winner.
Dr. Georgo Winner, son of K. P.
Winner, Mount Pleasant, died in
Boston after an Illness of several
months. Interment was made at his
old home, Sunday. He leaves a
wife, who was formerly Miss Ella
Wheeler, a teacher in tho Honesdale
schools, and a daughter, Harriet.
His father, K. P. Winner, a brother,
Dr. Charles of Boston, two sisters,
Miss Grace Winner and Mrs. H.
Harmes, Howley, also survive.
Death Of Granville II. Sherwood.
Ganvillo B. Sherwood, Preston,
aged SU years, died Friday night, at
the home of Mrs. James M. Spencor.
Funeral services Monday at 10
o'clock a. m., were conducted by
Rev. Mr. Enill, Lake Como. He is
survived by a widow, Polly B. Mon
roe, a second wife, two children, H.
G. and Edwin A., of West Virginia,
and two brothers, William, Blngham
ton, and Lewis, Preston. He was a
son of Amos O. Sherwood, and lived
all his life In Preston where he was
a prominent farmer for many years.
Death Of Jiimcs Cody.
The remains of James Cody, son
of John Cody, who was reared on a
farm near Keene's fetation, were
brought to Waymart for interment
in Canaan Cathjollc cemetery, Mon
day, at 10:30 a. m. He was about
CO years old. Ho was a policeman
at Hoboken, X. J., and was well
liked by those who know him. He
leaves a wife, and one brother,
Thomas, at Pittston, and sister,
Margaret, at Carbondale. Rev.
Father Burke, assisted by Father
Boland, Carbondale, conducted the
funeral services.
Death Of .Iimtes Kineison Perry.
James Emerson Perry died Mon
day morning at his home in
Prompton, from typhoid fever, aged
53 years, 10 months and 5 days.
Ho was born July 10, 1857, at
Steene, his parents being David
B. Perry and his wife, Rebecca Jane
Burns. For thirty-eight years he
was In tho employ of the D. & H.
railroad. He Is survived by two
sisters and three brothers, viz: Mrs.
William Cllft, Carbondale; Miss
Josephine, Prompton; William M.,
Carbondalo; Geo., Lincoln, Neb., and
Galen, Carbondale. Funeral ser
vices will bo held Wednesday after
noon at his late home in Prompton,
at 2:30 o'clock, with interment
in Keen's cemetery, Rev. R. G.
Burch officiating.
Salem Won From Stcrliiiu
Salem defeated Sterling Satur
day in an exciting slugging match
by the score of 12 to 11. The game
was won in the eighth inning with
Sterling two runs to the good. Sa
lem went to bat. G. Cross walked
Wilson and Hamlin. A sacrifice by
Curtis, a single by H. Chapman and
L. Laurence scored three runs and
won tho game. The Sterling bunch
are hard losers.
The scoro by innings:
Salem ....02040303 x 12
Sterling ..3 0400202 0 11
Batteries: Salem D. Chapman
and G. Lawrence; Sterling G. Cross
and L. Cross.
Wo print pamphlets,
Wo print catalogues,
8100 REWARD, 9100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there Is at
least one dreaded disease that
science has been able to cure In all
its stages, and that is Catarrh.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only posi
tive cure now known to tho medi
cal fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional diseaso, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of tho system,
thereby destroying the foundation
of the diseaso, nnd giving the patient
strength by building up the consti
tution and assisting nature in doing
Its work. The proprietors have bo
much faith in its curative powers
that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO..
Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 76c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Funeral Of S. LaRarr.
Sandreth LaBarr was buried at
Winwood Saturday. He was a
farmer about "0 years old and a man
of considerable prominence In Pres
ton. Ho leaves a family.
Funeral Of Jacob Krcltcr.
Funeral services for the late Jacob
Krelter, who died Tuesday at the
home of his son, Jacob Krelter,
North Church street, aged 84 years,
wore held Thursday morning In St.
Mary Magdalena's church, Rev. Dr.
J. W. Balta officiating, and were
largely attended. Interment was
made in tho German Catholic ceme
tery. The pallbearers were: Ferdi
nand Crockenberry, Hawloy; John
Kerber, Cherry Ridge; William Art
man, Anthony Mang, John Derbott,
Michael J. Galvln, Honesdale.
Catarrh is Surely a
Dangerous Disease
Thousands of people allow ca
tarrh to slowly undermine the whole
system until a serious disease de
velops sometimes consumption.
People who havo catarrh should
use every effort to get rid of It, but
snouia aDovo an adopt a sensible
Stomach dosing, sprays and
douches won't cure catarrh because
It Is a germ disease, and the germs
must bo destroyed before the dis
ease can be conquered.
HYOMEI Is the one sensible cure
for catarrh because it reaches every
fold, crevice and nook In the mu
cous membrane and gets where the
germs are. You breathe HYOMEI
and as it passes over tho Inflamed
membrane its soothing influence
heals tho soreness and destroys tho
A complete HYOMEI outfit costs
$1.00. This consists of a bottle of
HYOMEI and a hard rubber inhaler.
Pour a fow drops of HYOMEI Into
tho inhaler and breatho It a few
minutes each day, that's all you
have to do. It is guaranteed by G.
W. Pell and druggslts everywhere
to cure catarrh, coughs, colds and
sore throat or monoy back. Extra
bottle of HYOMEI costs 50 conts.
Free trial saraplo on request, from
Booth's Hyomei Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Trains leave Union depot at 8.25
a. m. and 2.48 p. m., week days.
Trains arrive Union depot at 1.60
and 8.05 p. m. week days.
Saturday only, Erie and Wyoming
arrives at 3.45 p. m. and-leaves at
5.50 p. ip..
Sunday trains levs 2.48 and ar
rive nt 7.02.
A recital held at the Lyric Thea
tre, last Friday evening, brought
Madam Helen Bertram to the city
as tho prima donna soprano. Ma
dam Bertram has been in New York
for a number of year's studying and
cultivating her voice, and her ap
pearance hero was interesting on
that account. Her first selection
was Leoncavallo's "Ballatelia," tho
great display song of most dramatic
soprano vocalists, and the perform
ance was characterized by a bril
liancy much too seldom heard. The
acoustical properties of tho Lyric
Theatre are very good, and this
Incident naturally contributes to
brilliancy, but aside from this fact,
the soloist proved herself a close
student of technique and Its tradi
tions and sang with excellent ex
pression. She was ably assisted at
the pianoforte by Louis Baker Phil
Hps, Scranton. Tho audience made
up In enthusiasm what it lacked in
numbers and encores wore fro
quent. The program follows:
Ballatelia Leoncavallo
1. Snow Flowers Schneider
2. A Tol Bemberg
3. The Rain Is Falling on the Flow
ers Hadley
4. Mandoline Debussy
5. Le Prlntemps , Stern
1. Vergebllches Standchcn. .Brahms
2. Die Lotus Blume ....Schumann
3 Allerseelen Richard Strauss
4. The Pine Tree E. M. Grant
5. Kelne sorg 'Um den Weg...
0. The Years at the Spring
Mrs. Beach
1. Perfect Prayer Del Riego
2. Irish Love Song Lang
3. Hopak Moussorgsky
4. Dearest Sydney Homer
5. Uncle Rome.... Sydney Homer
6. Ecstacy Rummel
LEGAL BLANKo for sale at The
Citizen office: Land Contracts,
Leases, Judgment Notes, Warrantee
Deeds, Bonds, Transcripts, Sum
mons, Attachments, Subpoenas, La
bor Claim Deeds, Commitments, Ex
ecutions, Collector's and Constables'
Sales, Tax Collector Warrants,
3?or Infants and Children.
She Kind You w Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Let US Do It g
H n
If you have a pre-
j scription to be filled, jj
get it at our store by
any means.
Bring it, send it
or 'phone, and we
shall call for it. 1
Reason is, that
because prescrip
tions filled here
are filled absolute
ly right.
We have the drugs,
the equipment and
the knowledge, and
when we put our seal
on a bottle, the con
tents of the bottle
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1123 Main St., Honesdale, Pa.
Both 'phones.
Sewing Machines
$15, $18-$20.
The Best on Earth.
50 Cents Per Week.
Who would be without one ?
I2IG Main St.
Honesdale, Pa.