The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 17, 1911, Image 1

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    We Wani 5000 Circulation
You Want a Better County Paper
Help Us Get Both !
68th. YEAR -NO. 39
PRlfefl 2 CENTS
Board of Trade Accepts Report to Create Reserve
Fund to Induce-Business Men to Come Here
The May meeting of the Board of
Trade, which convened Friday night,
at City Hall, was largely attended.
Encouraging reports were made by
several committees, and considerable
business of importance transacted.
Following the reading and approv
al of the minutes of the April meet
ing, two gilt-edged propositions were
presented and thoroughly discussed.
The consensus of opinion seemed to
be that they were most desirable
prospective industries for the Maple
City. It was decided that a vigorous
'follow-up' campaign be Inaugurated
with a view to securing their per
manent location here.
Treasurer Ed. Deltzer reported the
comfortable balance of $103 in the
society's treasury, $53 of which ac
crued from the payment of dues since
the last regular meeting.
The soliciting and site committee
reported progress.
Under the head of the report of
the mail and transportation commit
tee, the Board endorsed the action of
the Business Men's Association in re
gard to taking up with the Delaware
and Hudson officials the freight situ
ation in Honesdale, the committees
of both organizations being compos
ed of practically the same individu
als, having co-operated in this mat
ter. In connection with this report a
resolution was passed recommending
Division Passenger Agent George E.
Bates to use his influence- with tho
officials to have the leaving time of
the Sunday morning train, scheduled
at 11:05 a. m. changed to 10:15 a.
m. Such a change would permit
Honesdale people to remain in
Scranton longer on Sunday, tho Car
bondale connection for the Electric
City being marked at 11:30 a. in.
A motion made by R. J. Murray
and seconded by S. T. Ham, em
bodied the appreciation of the Board
of Trade to the General Passenger
Agent of the Erie Railroad for the
proposed additional train service to
the Maple City. It was brought out
that the new schedule, effective June
17, was granted in response to the
request of the' Business Men's Asso
ciation. The names of seven new members
were presented, voted upon, passed,
and their election will follow in
Charles P. Searle, Esq., reported
on the administration of a certain
fund of money to be raised for the
support of local industries. On mo
tion of E. Jenkins seconded by S. T.
Ham, the report was accepted, and
ordered to be spread on the minutes.
The report follows:
Report on advisability of creating
a reserve fund to be used by the
Board of Trade In promoting the in
dustrial development of Honesdale.
In order for the Greater Honesdale
Board of Trade to compete with
Boards of Trade in other communi
ties a reserve fund is needed. En
thusiasm and hard woik on the part
of the members have accomplished
great results but vastly greater re
sults can and would be accomplished
through the judicious use of money
either in aiding new plants to locate
here or to assist our local industries
already established.
When money is needed for either
of the purposes above mentioned
there is an Immediate demand for It.
The method of raising the necessary
amount is slow, ineffective and usual
ly the burden of raising the sum
needed devolves on a few individu
als. In addition tho method because
Lived 12 Years With a
Broken Neck
After living twelve years with a
broken neck Walter Duryea, son of
the late Edgar E. Duryea, the starch
manufacturer, died last week at his
home, 1C5 Lorraine Avenue, Upper
Montclair, N. J. His case was one
of the marvels of science. An oper
ation was performed on his spinal
cord. Parts of tho ilfth and sixth
vertebrae of the neck which had
been wrenched out of place were cut
away, and, although the patient was
said to be beyond recovery and was
given up, he regained almost com
plete bodily power.
He broke his neck on Aug. 7, 18!'D,
while swimming at Oyster Bay. He
was an athlete and a member of the
Seventh Regiment of this city. Ho
was swimming with James Durand
of Glen Cove, L. I., and the acci
dent was caused by his slipping from
tho stops which led to the water at
the old Oyster Bay Casino. He struck
the sandy bottom of the bay with his
shoulder and his neck was twisted.
His companion dragged him out and
he .was carried to a hotel and later
to his home at Glen Cove. From
there he was removed to Roosevelt
Hospital, New York.
All sensations of the body were
cut off and he could feel nothing
below the neck, yet he was In full
possession of his senses. A month
later Dr. Abbe of the hospital Btaff,
assisted by Drs. Robert F. Weir and
Arthur L. Fisk, surgeons, and Drs.
Pierce Bailey and Edward D. Fisher,
neurologists, performed the opera
tion. Duryea was too weak to take
ether, so he went under tho knife
of its slowness usually results in a
rival community securing the pros
pective industry or as has happened
several times one of our home in
dustries is induced to go to a new
Tlie most effective method of se
curing for the Board of Trade the
prestige and power which comes
from a substantial financial backing
would be as follows:
Let every business man, banker,
clerk, manufacturer and professional
man obligate himself to pay to the
treasurer of the Board of Trade an
amount ranging from $10 to $500.
The amount to be determined by the
means of the individual. This would
give every person1 so pledged an ad
ded incentive to work together for
the best industrial interests of the
Assuming that $20,000 could be
pledged in this way and an occasion
arose for the expenditure of $2,000
for one of the purposes mentioned
above, the treasurer would assess
each person pledged ten per cent, of
his Individual pledge and give him
a receipt for that amount. The
pledge would remain in effect until
tho entire hundred per cent, if need
ed should be exhausted.
The treasurer would, not be em
powered to collect any of the pledged
money except on the following terms:
That a permanent committee elect
ed by the Board of Trade and con
sisting of a lawyer, two merchants
and two manufacturers should bo de
signated as a committee on financing
now or old established home indus
tries. That all outside concerns desiring
to locate here and desiring conces
sions or home Industries needing as
sistance be referred to this Commit
tee. That the Committee make a care
ful Investigation of the concern ask
ing for concessions or assistance.
That if in the opinion of the Com
mittee the case merits financial as
sistance and the Industrial develop
ment of the community would be
helped by such assistance, the Com
mittee would make a requisition up
on the treasurer for the amount so
needed. This amount would be rais
ed as Indicated above.
The following is a suggestion of
tno torm of a pledge to be used In
raising the fund.
$100. Honesdale, May 12, 1911.
I promise to pay to the treasurer
of the Greater Honesdale Board of
Trade, the sum of One Hundred
Dollars or any part thereof until the
said sum shall be paid in full upon
the following conditions: That the
amount so pledged by me Is to be
paid upon requisition duly made up
on tne treasurer by the Committee
on Industrial Finance for the pumoso
of aiding the Industrial development
or ureater Honesdale. The said
Committee on Industrial Finance con
slstlng of,
John Doe (LS)
On motion It was decided that a
nominating committee, consisting of
.Messrs. u. t. uentley, II. J. Murray,
and C. E. Bates, be appointed, who
win at a meeting Monday night nro
pose the names of one lawyer, two
merchants, two manufacturers as a
committee to have charge of this
proposed fund.
Only one newspaper man was
present at the meeting, the renorter
of The Citizen as usual, being refus
ed admission to tho conference.
knowing that the slightest move or
mistake meant death. The opera
tion took nearly an hour. The back
portions of the two vertebrae were
removed, laying the sheath of the
cord bare and relieving the pres
sure. Then the Incisions were clos
ed. The parts of the bone removed
were replaced with a kind of gristle
which grew perfectly, protecting tho
For days after the operation Dur
yea felt nothing, but finally nervous
sensations began to return and in
creased In force. His breathing im
proved and his digestion became
stronger. Then he began to take
solid food, and after a time he was
placed In a reclining chair and
wheeled about the hospital.
The angle at which he lay was
gradually increased until within a
few months he was able to sit up
right. According to the physicians
who examined him later, full muscu
lar power waB not restored, but the
patient was able to move around
with ease.
As Edward S. Isbell, foreman
for Blrdsall Brothers Co., Seelyvllle,
was engaged in fixing a loom Mon
day afternoon shortly after 1 o'clock,
he was caught In a belt somehow
and broke his left arm, sustaining a
compound fracture near the wrist.
He was brought to Honesdale bv C.
A. Purdy where Dr. H. B. Ely set
the Injured member. Mr. Isbell has
been boss weaver at the Birdsall
Bros, woolen goods manufacturing
establishment for tte past ten years
ana uas charge of twenty-five men
About 75 men and women are om
ployed In this industrial plant.
Democratic County Chair-
man Mclarty Uetines
the Term
"A boss is a politician, who by
political maneuvers forges himself to
the head of the party he represents,
and then surrounds himself by poli
tical subordinates and lieutenants, to
such an extent, that he becomes en
trenched in the party as a dictator of
Its policies and nominations."
..hat would bo my definition of a.
boss," said County Chairman Chas. '
A. McCarty to a Citizen man Satur- i
day morning in reply to the question I
The reporter thought Mr. McCarty
ought to be in a good position to give
an expert definition of what a party
leader really is, since for the past
twelve years, in fact ever since 181)9,
he has been chairman of tne Demo
cratic County Committee, as well as
being secretary for a number of
years before that.
Mr. McCarty has been In the lime
light considerably, having In the
year 188, served one torm in the
Legislature. He also filled the office
of District Attorney for one torm.
and that of County Solicitor for a
similar period. For two years, Attor
ney McCarty was President of the
Town Council, and is now serving his
second term as borough solicitor. He
Is not by any means a 'corporation
attorney,' in fact most of his life he
has been arrayed against them.
Mr. McCarty opened the interview
by remarking to the reporter, "I was
looking over some old papers the
other day. it reminded me of how
rapidly these events pass and be
come local history. There's papers
here, I really don't know why I saved
them. There's a Philadelphia In
quirer of April 21, 1892."
The paper In question contained a
long story, headed "Elected For
Fourth Term," and embellished by
his picture, of his "election for the
fourth successive term as county
chairman, owing to his excellent legal
judgment and lenergetic services to
the party." i
"While County Chairman," medi
tatively resumed Mr. McCarty, " a'
man has a wonderful experience in
learning the characteristics of a vast
number of people.
" During my Incumbency of this
office there has been the Quay and
Anti-Quay faction and a large num
ber of Republicans saw fit to bolt and
become insurgents. We've had them
by the scores. I've never in my ex
perience had a Republican ask me
for money. What do you think of
The reporter thought "mirablle
"It showed they were sincere in
what they were doing. Although
they left the party they didn't come
over with any idea of getting paid
for it.
"During these twelve years, per
haps, there's been as many hard
fought political battles as there has
been in the political history of this
"Judge Perry A. Clark was the
chairman who preceded me. He had
ueen In four or five years. O. A.
Rowland was secretary. When I got
in W. W. Wood was county chairman
and for a number of years after
"My percentage of victories was
more than half tho ofllces although
for a number of years before we
scarcely elected a candidate.
"How does Wayne county frame
up politically?" he was asked.
"Well, I think It's so close it
would be difficult to say, just how
you would place it politically. You
see the popularity of a man or the
unpopularity would carry It either
way sometimes with quite a major
ity. "I stand with the insurgents in the
State Democratic party. It can't
make the party any worse than it
was. There is a possibility that
some good may come out of it by
eliminating these bosses."
.Mr. McCarty then gave his defini
tion of a boss, as narrated at the
opening of tho interview.
"When Judge Purdy was first nom
inated, Bernard Riley was chairman
of the Democratic county committee,
and I was secretary when he was
nominated the second time. I was
not a member of tho County Commit
tee because a chairman doesn't neces
sarily have to be a member of the
County Committee.
"Judge Purdy secured the reslcna-
tion of tho Honesdale member of the
County Committee and had me ap
pointed to fill his place so that I
might be elected chairman of the
County Committee, without any
(Continued on Page Four.)
The Taylor base ball team will
open Its season May 20 with Honos
dale as Its opponents. A parade
will precede the game and a band
has been engaged to furnish music
throughout tho afternoon. Burgess
-Morgan will throw out tho first
ball. Manager Weisenfluh is con
fldent that Taylor will make a bet
ter showing this year than it ever
has before. Ho has strengthened in
several departments and has no
fears for the outcome of the open'
er. lie is booking games now.
Oyer 350 Bills to Keep
Legislature Busy
Three big bills, the public service
commission, school code and main
highway measure, and over 350 ap
propriation bills will hold the atten
tion of the members of tho Legisla
ture during this week and the three
lirst mentioned bills will cause more
debate than all the others put to
gether. House leaders are expecting
lively times this week, which will
bring the House very close to the
ltnal adjournment on .May 23, just a
week from Thursday.
The appropriation bills will likely
be made special orders on third
reading Tuesday and Wednesday.
The public service bill Is on third
reading for Monday night and the
chief speaker will be Its sponsor,
George E. Alter, of Allegheny. Mr.
Alter knows the bill about as thor
oughly as any one on the Hill and
will strongly urge Its passage. Sev
eral members are talking of oppos
ing It but have not yet announced
their intention to speak.
Governor Is Firm.
Governor Tener is just as firm for
the passage of the bill as the day
when it was presented. He has not
abandoned his position In regard to
the measure and will urge its pas
sage. After it passes the House next
week lively times may be expected
about the Senate. State officials on
the Hill are predicting that the bill
will be passed.
The school code may be defeated
in the House if the provisions for
mandatory medical inspection are
not modified. It is believed that
there are enough members in the
House who want a code to pass the
bin despite a recommendation ad
verse to the clause for second class
districts to retain present organiza
tion If they see fit, but not enough
to pass it unless the medical Inspec
tion provision is changed. Some
trouble may be caused over the
school book sections.
Considerable opposition to the
Sproul main highway bill Is crop
ping Up over the numerous road
routes, but it is not thought that Its
opponents, who fear that many of
the roads will never be built, can
muster sufficient strength to defeat
the hill.
The Capitol Park extension bill
will likely be reported out of com
mittee this weok. The administra
tion proposes to make a fight for
the bill to regulate private banks
and it will likely be brought up in
the Senate banking committee.
House bills which are not off the
Hiuse calondar by the end of the
veek will be dead. .The House
will devote Its attention mainlv to
Senate bills and the last three days,
-May zz, us ana 24 will be given to
Senate bills and conference reports.
The committees will report on bills
during the coming week with the
exception of the numerous company
of measures which will never see the
light of day.
St. Louis, Mo., May 16. Miss
Phoebe w. Cousins a generation ago
recognized throughout tho United
States as the leader of her sex
against woman suffrage and prohi
bition, Is stranded at the Terminal
Hotel with scarcely enough money
to buy her luncheons. For the last
few days she has subsisted mostly
on bread and water.
Miss Cousins has been at the ho
tel for more than three weeks and
was forced to-day to appeal to
friends to lend her enough money
to buy a ticket back to Washington.
She Is more than GO years old and
an invalid. She formerly was Unit
ed States marshal at St. Louis and
has a degree of bachelor of law from
Washington University.
She came to St. Louis in an
endeavor to collect an annuity set
tled upon her for life in 1908, but
recently It has not been paid. Miss
Cousins lias appealed to Multlmll
Uonalro Adolphus Busch to aid her
in bringing about a settlement, but
Mr. Busch has not been able to re
ceive visitors at his home. Miss
Cousins declared sho expected to
return to Washington as soon as she
could arrange to pay her hotel bill.
On her arrival In Washington, she
said, she would begin legal proceed
ings to collect the annuity fixed at
$250 a month.
Miss Mae Watson, daughter of
Georgo M. Watson, Esq., Scranton,
formerly of Salem township, was
fatally Injured while burning leaves
and rubbish in the back yard, the
fire catching her dress. Her moth
er was severely burned about the
hands. Miss Watson was taken to
the hospital and her father, who was
In New York, arrived at 9 o'clock
Thursday evening, but sho was un
conscious and died that night. She
was aged about 21 years. Sho has
an uncle, John Watson, who lives
on the old homestead In Salem.
'Editor of Kick Kontest has
Candidate; Apply
It's not an easy thing to be the e
sometime and see for yourself. It's
being President of tho United States,
President, if he gets enough votes,
a good kick editor. Now, we are no
golden hair cut every two weeks an
baths. Still, what this column nee
flowing tie and an artistic tempera
genius, The Citizen has a good ope
Apply, stating qualifications, by let
Some of the kicks are as follows:
Editor Citizen:
I kick for editorial information an
to how I am to get my shirt on when
I have wings.
Yours truly,
Answer: That's simple. Don't
tear it on tho bones.
Dear Editor:
I kick because,
I never win a prize,
I hope this kick
Will bring me a surprise.
Ariel, Pa.
Answer: Hope springs eternal in
the human breast. Just keep on
kicking and we'll do the rest.
Editor The Citizen:
I kick because my sister
Such a broad rimmed hat does wear,
And 1 can't have any hat at all,
Now I don't think that's fair,
uo you?
Answer: Certainly not. Why don't
you take the crown and leave her
tho rim. t
There's a young man in our town
Who appears to be rather slow;
He wishes to be a millionaire,
He should try for a wife with dough,
I'm not an heiress now, you Bee,
And I want no millionaire,
But I kick for a mate who will love
And be in all things fair.
Gumbles, Pa.
Answer: In other yords, you want
perfection. .Not one man In a thous
and Is fair to his wife, so you'd do
well to grab some millionaire and
then urain him. You know the hand
that gets the salary is the hand that
rules the roost.
Sfandarc3OS9 Co.
Washington, May 15. The Su
preme Court of the United States to
day ordered the dissolution of the
Standard Oil Compnny of New Jer
sey. In connection with this decree
it also handed down its interpreta
tion of the Sherman anti-trust law,
long awaited by an anxious business
In this, the first of Its big decisions
in the anti-trust cases, the court
holds that the Standard Oil Company
Is a conspiracy In restraint of trade
and a monopoly in contravention of
the Sherman anti-trust law. Thus
after a fight of many years, in which
every obstacle known to the legal
profession has been Interposed, the
Worn By Lovely Mrs.
Willie Carter
The harem is a shrinking violet
of a costume compared to that
worn by Mrs. Willie Carter, the
famous golden-haired Philadelphia
beauty, on an evening recently In
the corridors of the Bellevue-Strat-ford
Hotel In Philadelphia. Tho
wealthy young matron, who is well
known In New York, Newport and
London society, herself appeared
wholly nonchalant and uncon
scious of the surprise, sensation, to
say nothing of consternation that
sho was causing In her stroll around
tho thickly carpeted lanes of tho
hotel, and she seemed equally una
ware that word was passed outside
so that men and youths pressed in
from tho street to have a look for
themselves at the "lady wearing
Tights, obviously, Mrs. Carter was
wearing. They were of glossy silk
and they were green a vivid if
tempered green. She was accom
panied by a woman friend during
her rambles in the hotel corridors.
When she alighted from her motor
car and entered the big, brilliantly
lighted lobby nothing unusual was
noted regarding her costume.
Her Cloak Flung Rack.
She woro a chic Parisian hat and
a long opera cloak. But as she
strolled about tho cloak became a
trlflo oppressive and she flung it
open and back upon her shoulders
and continued strolling. Her sang
frold was decidedly piquant, con
sidering that In throwing open her
opera cloak the full length of the
Vacancy for the Right
by Letter Only
ditor of a Kick Kontest. Try it
considerably more different than
take It from us. Anyone can be
but It requires a genius to make
t a genius, because we have our
d we take more or less occasional
ds is a full-fledged genius, with a
ment. For a first-class, genuine
nlng as the editor of this column,
ter only.
Dear Editor:
I kick because those having cows
to sell don't advertise them in Tho
Answer: Believe us, if they did,
they couldn't raise 'em fast enough
to satisfy the demand.
Dear Editor:
I kick bekause the kids outgrow
their klose.
Peabrook, N. Y.
Answer: A case of Father's and
since the harem has become the stylo
Mother's, also pants will soon fit
Dear Editor:
1 kick bekause the mosquitoes,
Around here are so thick,
That If I get that dollar
I'll come to Honesdale quick.
Gumbles, Pa.
Answer: 'Must be worse than Jer
sey In Gumbles. On to Honesdale!
A mosquito here Is as rare as an
honest legislator In Ohio.
Dear Editor:
I kicked and earned a dollar,
But the dollar I didn't get,
So I'll kick this time for fifty cents,
For I'll have that Citizen yet.
Fallsdale, Pa.
Answer: Tho reward of determina
tion. "Vou get it for one year.
We'll pay the subscription.
Don't Mention It.
Dear Editor:
I thank you very much for send
ing me the dollar. ,It was very kind
of you. I love to read the kicks.
Yours very truly,
Gumbles, Pa.
Musi DissoSve
Federal Government has finally suc
ceeded In Its effort to compel this
giant corporation to cast off Its hold
ing company and again to separate
itself into its thirty-three constituent
To accomplish this gigantic under
taking the court sets a period of six
months. This Is an extension of five
months over the time allotted In the
dissolution decree of the lower
court. The decree of the Circuit
Court was modified by the Supreme
Court In only one other particular.
The Supreme Court orders that the
Standard Oil Company and its sub
sidiaries shall not be excluded from
Interstate commerce pending tho
putting of its house in order.
green silk tights were displayed.
There were those who debated
whether they should call the young
matron's attention to the display,
figuring that by some remarl able
might have neglected to attire hor
self completely before coming In
from her suburban mansion at
Bryn Mawr. But again it was de
cided that this really could not be,
and that In appearing in green
tights Mrs. Carter was simply choos
ing to appear in unique costume.
When seen at her home in Bryn
Mawr she said she would not dis
cuss hor appearance In the Belle
vue in tho striking, untrarameled
garb of the other evening. She said
she had not taken her husband into
her confidence on the advisability of
publicly wearing the "tights cos
tume. But more than that Bhe would
not say, nor did sho predict that
soolety women generally would fol
low her lead In the fashionable cir
cle of Newport, Philadelphia, Wash
ington, Baltimore, New York and
the Carolina resorts, to say noth
ing of London and Paris, in all of
which places she Is very well known.
(Continued on Page Eight.)
Fred Schuerholz (Sherry) pitched
his first entire game Monday against
St. Louis, at St. Louis, allowing 11
lilts for a total of 8 runs. Although
tho Senators were defeated 8-0
Sherry mado a remarkably good
showing for his first whole game in
big league company.
The Sproul main highway bill was
passed finally in the Houso Monday
night by 200 to 0, tho largest vote
cast on any bill this session. No dis
cussion occurred and the bill -was
Immediately sent to the senate for
concurrence in house amendments.