The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 10, 1911, Image 7

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Wow Late Can We Spray
With Lime-Sulphur Solu
tion For Scale
A BtlfcOessful commercial sprayer in
Blair county, Par., who has for some
years lieen acting upon the 'advice of
State Zoologist H. A. Surface, and
making a business of spraying trees,
just as owners of threshing machines
make a business of threshing grain,
has Just written to Professor Surface
asking "how near may the buds be
out until there is danger of scalding
by the Lime-Sulfur Solution."
The reply, which is Important and
practical, is based upon experience,
and may prove useful to mnny read
ers. "I know from observation and ex
perience that you can safely use it
until the pink of the blossoms is
seen, or, in other words, until the
blossoms are ready to expand. t
This Is true not only of apple, but
also of peach. Last year I sprayed
my peach trees after one-fourth of
the blossoms were open, and while I
.im not sure that these opening blos
soms wertl uninjured, I do know that.)
there was such a heavy crop of fruit
on the trees that 1 had to hire help
to do considerable thinning by hand,
and keep the trees from overbearing.
1 am thus satisfied that no Injury
came from the application, in which
I used the strong lime-sulfur solu
tion, made to the hydrometer test of
1,03, which is the strength now gen
erally recommended for scale. Spray
ing with this material, even when in
bloom, will not injure bees because
it contains no arsenical poison, and
the bees will not take up the lime
sulphur liquid.
Doctor Funk sprayed his apple
trees when the round pink balls of
the unopened blossoms were plainly
visible. This was after the leaves
worn nut. He destroyed the scale, i
and did not injure his trees nor the
fruit crop. This I saw, and conse-,
uuently know that I am safe In glv-
ing this answer to your very Import-
ant question. Hundreds of persons
this spring will make this same in
quiry, and 1 shall consequently pub
lish this reply, as soon as possible,
In order to aid others who are need
ing the same kind of help."
How to Prevent Injury by i
Spraying Solution 1
How To Prevent Injury 15y Spraying
An extensive York county fruit
grower recently wrote to State Zoo
logist H. A. Surface, asking how to
avoid, and how to treat injury to the
hands by coming in contact with
strong spraying solution. This Is a
very timely topic, and somo persons
will find It quite applicable to their
own need. The answer of Professor
Surface was as follows:
"Replying to your letter concern
ing the injury to the hands of your
men who use the lime-sulfur solu
tion. I can say that thjs can be
avoided If you will direct the men to
get cheap gloves of any kind, and
drop them right into melted tallow
or paraffin. I myself use cheap
leather gloves, although I have been
told by those who have used them,
that cloth gloves treated In this way
are likewise mado impervious to the
The hands should be rubbed with
vaseline, as should also the neck and
face, or exposed parts of the body,
before the men start to spray. They
should also protect themselves by
goggles, such as can be had for ten
cents at almost any notion store.
If the apparatus is in the proper
working order, and proper precau
tions are taken, they can spray with
out getting the liquid on their hands.
I have sprayed all day, using a strong
liquid, without injury to my hands.
To do this 1 wish to be sure, first,
that I have a good hose, a good wash-
ered stop cork, and a good extension
rod, and, next, that there is a disk
of thick leather, like sole leather,
about as large as a man's hand,
around this rod toward the top, to
Hum away any spray liquid that may
run down from the nozzles. This
is to serve as a drip disk, and I like
it better than the tin drip disk,
soldered firmly in place around be
low the nozzle, as it being pliable
permits the operator to use the rod
among the brush without catching
and tearing.
While the lime-sulphur solution
is injurious to one's hands if they
are constantly soaked, it will not
give trouble if tho operator will
take but reasonable precautions. It
Is a strong material, and must nec
essarily bo strong In order to db its
work of killing the scale. Where
one has been injured by the mater
ial burning his skin. It is best to
apply some healing ointment or
vasollno, and bandage the part, so
as to prevent further wearing upon
the place where the skin has been
made thin by the liquid.
You can spray any trees until the
blossoms are opening, but you can
not spray after the blossoms have
expanded, without danger of de
stroying your fruit crop."
Not the I. C. S.
The officers of the Correspondence
Institute of America, Scranton, were
brought before the United States
Court of this district at Harrlsburg
Alonday, May 8, on a charge of us
ing the United States mails with in
tent to defraud. The officers of the
Institute, Lowis Conrad, president;
Conrad Lotz, secretary, and W. M.
Bingham, business manager, were
arrested on December 15, 1910, and
given a hearing before a United
States commission on February 15
in Scranton. Over seventy witnesses
will be. present from all parts of the
United States from Maine to Okla
homa. The three officers were given a
hearing before a United States Com
mission in Scranton on February 14
and were held to await the -action of
the Federal district court. The In
stitute has been doing business for
the last eight years. It claims to
teach successful cartoon art work to
Threa Hundred Hidden Lights
Illumine Pulpit of Cathednl
SB l8 m m wl
If 1 liMll 1 rl : a
Copyright by American Press Association.
,nB splendid Cathedral of St. John
of erection on Mornlngside heights. New "ioi-K. for nearly twenty
years and Is not nearly completed, but is fur enough along to be dedi
cated. Is in inanv respects different from the famous cathedrals of the
old world. Those noted structures all hnve dimly lighted chancels, while tho
pulpit in tho Cathedral of St. John the Divine is brilliantly illumined by !!00
tungsten electric lights. These lights are so arranged that they will not be
seen by the congregation, but their radiance will keep tho pulpit in a brilliant
light. The. system of lighting was devised because chandeliers would not con
form to tho architectural effects of the Interior. The picture above was made
solely by the light of the regular illumination of the puluit. Many of the
lights are behind reflectors Installed across the oerspiing of the arch, while
the rest of the lamps are behind the columns supporting the dome. TheRe col
umns are ninety-five feet hlgii, and the dome has a helcht of 130 feet. To put
the lamps In place the workmen swung In a boatswain's chair from a spike
driven in the top of the dome. More than $:t,500,000 has already been spent
on the cathedral, and the work Is going on as rapidly as funds are available,
anyone who is recommended at the
beginning of their correspondence
course. Tho institute Is familiar as
advertising In the general magazines
with the use of a comic cartoon and
requesting anyone to reproduce the
picture as a test of ability as an
artist. The advertisement says
Copy Mo and Win a Prize." When
the copy is sent in the applicant is
offered a prize in the way of a spec
ial rate scholarship In the school.
After pursuing the course for a short
time the student becomes dissatisfied
in many cases and on endeavoring
to quit the course is compelled to
continue his installments for tuition,
it is alleged.
As indicative of the quality of the
school are the facts brought out in
the hearing at Scranton. It was
shown that while the school has
7,000 students enrolled It has not
graduated over seventy-five of its
nunlls anrl nnnp nf fliaen hnA
. --W..W H1.K tlU-
quired tho proficiency in drawing
iiiuiuiseu uy me institute.
Among tho witnesses wh'o will
testify against the officers of the cor
respondence school are many poor
people who have endeavored to bet
ter their condition after reading the
ilowery circulars of the Institute.
The Institute was before the
grand Jury once before several years
ago when the International Corre
spondence School of Scranton was
the prosecutor. The case was drop
ped. The Investigations which led to
the arrest were carried on for a long
time by Inspector A. C. Earshaur
and W. M. Caovert, both of Phila
delphia. Mr. Caovert said Saturday after
noon that tho case would be one of
the longest and hardest fought
criminal cases ever before the local
Federal district court. Tho case
will be before the Federal court for
about two weeks.
When the world looks blue,
you ve lost your grip,
.lust take a fresh hold and avoid the
old slip;
The darkest cloud has its lining of
So take on new courage, make bat
tle, be bold!
When others sink drowning it's the
fighter who swims
He pushes aside all the troublesome
And forges ahead with success his
sure aim,
While his friends, ever ready his
courage acclaim.
So this lesson well heed, ere you die
in despair,
That who falters will fall; 'tis the
brave wins the fair,
And at last when you've won, re
member the day,
And admonish your friends it's the
happiest way.
Then try it again life's too short to
say quit;
It's a lesson to others to exhibit
pure grit.
And the progress you make shows
others the road,
While it cheers the faint-hearted and
lifts ihelr aad load.
W. D. Mr
the Divine, which has been In process
A Drop of Water.
Figures are sometimes Impressive
simply by being so stupendous that
the human mind grasps them with
difficulty. An instance in point is af
forded by the illustration once offered
io his hearers by an eminent scientist,
who, in order to bring to their com
prehension the Idea of ultimate parti
cles of water, stated that if ho was to
empty a tumbler containing half a
pint of wnfer, letting out each second
a number equaf to 1,000 times the
population of the earth, it would re
quire somewhere between 7,000,000
and 47.000,000 years to empty the tum
bler. Lord Kelvin lias assured us that
if a drop of water was magnified to
the size of the earth the particles
would be between the size of cricket
balls and footballs. If that statem6ht
Is correct the drops of water in nil the
oceans are not many times so numer
ous as the particles, or molecules, In a
single drop. St. Louis Republic.
When Baronets Were Bold.
It was In the reign of good King
James that baronets first came into
existence. Today you could hardly toll
a baronet from a banker. But In the
year 1011, when James I. needed ready
money and created 2Q0 "little barons"
to supply him with cash, they swag
gered about In their baldrics and sash
es and behaved in the courtliest of
fashion. Each baronet In order to
justify his title had to maintain a
small army of thirty soldiers for three
years. In this way the crafty king
not only Increased his revenue, but
actually lightened his expenses.
It Is not generally known that tho
title of "baronetess" has twice been
bestowed on women. One of these was
tho mother of n Dutcli general. The
other was r Nottingham lady named
Dame Maria Bolles, who won her way
Into the good graces of Charles I. and
received the title from his hands.
London Tit-Bits.
A girl feels flattered when told she
looks well in anything, but a wife
thinks such a compliment only a plot
to get hor'to wear old clothes.
I know a place where the sun is like
And the cherry blooms burst with
And down underneath Is the loveli
est nook.
Where the four-leaf clovers grow.
One leaf is for hope, and one Is for
And ono is for love, you know.
But God put another in for luck
If you search, you will find where
they grow.
But you must have hope, and you
must have faith,
You must love and be strong, and
If you work, if you wait, you will
find the place
Where the four-leaf clovers grow.
Ella HIgginson.
HEAL ESTATE.-Bv virtue of process
Issued out of the Court of Common
i Pleas of Wayne county, and State ol
t-miiisyiviima, uuu io me uirecier i
and delivered, I have levied on ana
i will expose to. public sale, at the
' Court House in Honesdale, on
Till RSDAY, MAY 18, Mil, 2 V. !U.
All the defendant's right, title,
and interest In tho following de
scribed property -viz:
All that certnln lot or parcel of
land together with tho Improvements
thereon, situate in Berlin township,
Wayne county, Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to
wit: Beginning at a heap of stones
the common corner of lots 23, 22, 34
and 35 In tho allotment of tho Indian i
Orchard tract; thence by lots Nos.
21 and 22 in said allotment, south
sixty-seven degrees west one hun
dred and eighty-seven rods to a
atones corner In the middle of the
Smith Hill road; thence northward
along said road by land of Joseph
Herzog twenty-seven and three
quarters rods to a corner; thence by
land now or formprly of C. N. Root
north .sixty-seven degrees east to a
post and stones corner; thence by
said lot No. 34 south twenty-three
degrees east twenty-six and one
tenth rods to the place of beginning;
containing thirty acres be the same
more or less.
The other lot or parcel beginning
In tho center of the public road lead
ing from the Honesdale and Dela
ware Plank Road to Berlin Center
at tho Northeast corner of the land
of Anton Knehr; thence north sixty
seven degrees east by the above de
scribed lot one hundred and fifty
seven and one-half rods to a stones
corner; thence south twenty-three
degrees East nineteen and two-tenths
rods to a stake and stones corner:
thence by lands now or formerly of
C. N. Root south sixty-seven degrees
west one hundred and sixty-six rods
to the center of the said public road;
thence along tho center of the same
the several courses twenty-four rods
to the placo of beginning; contain
ing twenty acres, be the same more
or less.
Being the same land which Fred
Hafner et ux by deed dated March
15, 1887, and recorded in Wayne
County Deed Book No. G4 at pace G7.
granted and conveyed to Jacob Haf
ner and the said Jacob Hafner et ux
granted and conveyed to Desmond
Keesler by deed dated December 2.
190S, and recorded in Wayne Coun
ty ueed nook No. uy at page 1G8
On the above described premises
tnere is one house and two barns.
Seized and taken in execution as
the property of Jacob Hafner and
Desmond Keoslor, Terre Tenant, No.
S3, October Term, 1908. Judgment
$20. Searle & Salmon, Attorneys.
All that certain piece or parcel of
land situate in Berlin township,,
Wayne county, Pennsylvania, bound
?d m). described, ns follows
Beginning at the southwest corner"
of a lot conveyed to Edward Manley
by Chapman N. Root and Hannah, his
wife, at o stake and stones corner on
tho west side of Holbert's Brook;
thence by lands of the said Chapman
'N; Root, north sixty-seven degrees,
oast by the Standard Morldnn of
Wayne county two hundred and thirty-five
and one-half rods to a stake
corner; thence north twenty-three
degrees, west to a post in Huck
Pond; thenco by land of Edward
Manley by the said Merldan south
sixty-seven degrees, west two hun
dred and twenty-two and one-half
rods to the western side of the Hol
bert Brook; thence down and along
said Brook the several windings and
courses thereof, the general courses
bolng south, threo degrees east thirty-seven
and one-half rods to the
placo of beginning; containing fifty
acres, be the same more or less.
Being the same land that E. C.
Mumford et ux conveyed to George
Stegner by deed dated June 17, 1907,
and recorded in Wayne County Deed
Book No. 97, at page 333.
Seized and taken In execution as
the property of George Stegner at
the suit of E. C. Mumford to Minor
Brown's use. No. C June Term,
1907. Judgment ?44G. Searle &
Salmon, Attorneys.
TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs
must be paid on day of sale or deeds
will not be acknowledged.
M. LEE BRAMAN, Sheriff.
Honesdale, Pa., April 21, 1911.
The Only Permanent Resident Kupture Spec
ialist In Scranton.
Ten ears' Success in this Citv.
Curing Rupture,Varicocele,
riles and Fistula, Dis
eases o f Men Cured
forever without opera
tion or detention from
Come to me and I wll
cure you so you will Dr. E. F. Scanlon
not need to wear a says: "Trusses will
truss. not cure Kupture."
Thomas L. Smith, Orson, Wayne county,
Pa, Rupture.
Peter L.. Allan, 22 Seventh Ave., Carbon
dale, Pa. Hydrocele.
Gilbert H. Knapp. Aldenville, Wayne
county. Pa. Rupture.
J. P.. McConnon, 631 North Lincoln Ave.,
Scranton, Pa. Rupture.
Davis A. Qaylord, Pleasant Mount,
Wayno Co., Pa. Rupture.
Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m., and 7 to
0 p. m.; Sundays, 12 to 1 p. m.
Satisfactory Arrangements May Be Made
For Credit.
Consultation and Examination Free.
Offices 133 Linden St., SCRANTON, PA.
Bell Phone 9-U BETHANY, PA.
Honesdale jj
National i
f -f -
Will extend every facility
that good banking will
Accounts of individuals,
firms and corporations soli
Correspondence invited
Henry Z. Russell Andrew Thompson
Edwin v. Torrev Homer Greene
Horace T. Menner James C. Hirdsall
Philip R. Murray
em., m,,,, ,.,,s!H""y ''I HbiieBdaio, Wayne Co., Pa. rimi,. o . Fllou TH Kid ANNUAL, HEPOHT. admitted assets $ m oio ix
Total Insurance In force i osoW7ns'no
Total number policy-holders " "". 'Jk'Isim
New Insurance IlcMrted and paid for in 1910 llMSOloS&OO
TtraTSnnnmlD?JJPw,n f0rCe 0Ver 1909 67,?106130O
lotai income fop-.-'- - 51 979 892 zi
Total payment -to policy-holders '..'.. .'..".'". w 8C9's99-0O
Ratio of expense and taxes to income 1' 78 n'er 'cent
II. A. TINGLEY, Agent,
- - AT - -
I ik 'llllt!
Our long Traveling and Walking Coals are
Pretty in Shades and Styles.
Menner & Co. New Offerings.
Roll Of
Attention is called to tne STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
City has published a ROLL Oh
HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wayne County.
Capital, Surplus, $527,342.88
Total ASSETS, $2,951,048.26
Honesdale, Pa., December 1, 1910.
Buss for Every Train and
Town Calls.
Horses always for sale
Boarding and Accomodations
for Farmers
Prompt and polite attention,
at all times.
hiian -American Home
il jt Si Jt53i Mn Women, aroune old
Pooled, DfeeWed or Habited You, Don't ladj ill ftllW
Btrletlr Heientllle Combination Helerted Combined on)
61 6000 Different Druiri to lott tmth A ever Indlildavi
Cue, I poiItUclr the Only Cure, no me. tier wbtooter
your Ailment or Dlieue mny be. e tuie or orleln, no matter
whn full A. Write, eft Tflur Cue In strict confident.
DOCTOR. lnt Ux U880. riilladelDhU, !.
-Have you subscribed yetT