The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 10, 1911, Image 4

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    THE CITIZEN', VI3 1 N USD AY, MAY 10, 1D11.
KeinMVcckly Founded 1008; Weekly Founded 1811.
Kntcrwl hi secoml-clnss matter, nt the tmstnfllce. Honcsdnle. I'a,
e, . , t b . ... . '.. 7
uur menus who lacor us wn conirwuiiuns, ami uesiiv iu
have the same returned, should iu every case enclose stamps
for that purpose.
eiX MONTHS, - .") . ONE MONTH, - 13c,
Itpmlt liv Kxnrras Minii'V Order. Drnft. Post Olllce Order nr Hre
Istcred loiter Address- nil oiniiiunlriitlons to Tlic Citizen. So.
Wl Wnl ii -trect, Honcsuale. I'a.
All notices Df dhows, or other entertainments held for the purpose
of mnklni? ntimev fir nnv Items tlmt rnntMlu ndvertHIn? mnttei will
only be mlmltted to this pnper on payment of rcttulur (idvcrtlslntr
rates, notice oicntertainmems lor inc nciiem, oi diuretics or ior
charitable purposes where :i fee Is charred, will be imlillhed at half
rates, uxius ! inaiiKS, memorial poetry anil resolutions oi rcieci
will also be cluinred for nt the rate of a cent a word.
The policy of the The Cititcn is to print the local
news in an interesting manner, to summarize the news of the
world at large, to fight for the right as this paper sees the
right, without tear or favor to the end that it may serve the best
interests of its readers anil the wcttare ot the county.
WKDNKSDAY, MAY 10, 1011.
It sometimes happens that the object of the girl
who is oh, so coy Is to decoy.
A good spanking is getting to be the first wedding
present of a great many boy and girl elopers.
0 0 0
You might think Cornell University was George
town from tho trouble they have over the race ques
tion. 0 0 0
When a man's wife compels him to stop wearing
rubbers it's high time for him to come home early
from the olllce.
0 0 0
Carnegie is going to establish a hero fund in Rus
sia. Probably most of those who get the medals or
tho money will be Japs.
' 0 0 0
It Isn't a very flattering comment on a woman's
comeliness to have a jury award her a measly six
cents damages for a stolen kiss.
llayor Gaynor says that he believes In God be
cause he must. Still, that same belief does not neces
sarily apply to City Chamberlain Hyde.
0.0 0
Some men, as Kin Hubbard would say if it hadn't
been said too many times before, some men go look
ing for trouble and others get married.
0 0 0
Mexican gold coin to the amount of ? 1,000,000
has been received at the Federal treasury. Well,
we're glad to see that It's not all going out and nothing
coming in.
0 0 0 :
The Philadelphia man who talked calmly to a
policeman while a surgeon took seventeen stitches in
his ear, was probably used to having his wife sew
buttons on his shirt.
0 0 0
Kansas has a new drink called fishberry wlue,
tho effects of which are said to have plain ordinary
whiskey looking like a cup of cocoa. Well, Kansas
needed something to wake her up.
0 0 0
The South Orange Man who chewed tobacco for
SB years and ate pie twice a day for 89 years said be
fore ho died that he lived so long because he never
smoked. Probably he has learned the latter by now.
0 0 0
Well, well, Vermont Is going to spend the enor
mous sum of $5000 to advertise Itself. Isn't it the
reckless state? Why some adv. writers get that much
for a month's salary.
0 0 0
We've often heard of "spending money like wa
ter," but the Bloomfleld, N. J., girl who turned on the
faucet and drew seven dimes into the tumbler seems to
have reversed the adage.
0 0 0
A Washington minister says that he is going to
leave the ministry for the stage and If unsuccessful
there will drive a cart. What's the use of his wasting
time? Giddap, Dobbin, the world's in a hurry for
successful men.
o 0 0
The young man from St. Louis who has walkod
475,000 miles of the 500,000 that he started out to
walk between 1887-1915 says that he has worn out
433 pairs of shoes in his long tramp. Wonder what
shoe company will nail him for an adv.
0 0 0
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller are the proud parents
of twin girls, born Wednesday morning. Mr. and
Mrs. Miller are tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. William
Roder, 370 Cedar street. Fon du Lac Reporter. Bet
they weren't invited to visit again.
0 0 0
What do you know about this? New York has
sent a woman to Bellovuo Hospital as insane because
she sewed $1,700 in her clothes. We are inclined to
kelleve she showed the heighth of wisdom, recommem
berlng as we do, the Carnegie Trust and Northern
Bank failures.
0 0 0
It Is estimated that Americans will spend ?35,
000,000 In England during coronation week and
then they'll come back and complain of the high cost
of living. We have a sneaking Idea that a Presiden
tial inauguration is just as inspiring a sight only more
A father and a mother in White Plains, N. Y are
going to court for possession of a two-year-old baby.
The father says he ought to have the child because Its
mother waBhes It but once a day. The originality of
the man ought to get a reward and It does right here
In this Item. The mother however gets tho baby.
00 0
Tho overwhelming majority of votes which Mr.
J, J. Koehler received for county superintendent at
the recent meeting of the county school directors
seems to prove that the office has found tho man. The
increase of salary seems to show that- Mr. Koehler's
work has been appreciated. We hope tbat tho next
three years ot his Incumbency will see no diminution of
the progresslveness and energy which Mr. Koehler
bos evidenced during his first term as county superintendent.
Some men call themselves "Hvo wires" because
everything they have on Is charged.
0 0 0
$125,000,000 spent for candy last year. No
wonder the "How-to-get-thln" companies do such a
0 0 0
Generally tho man who enjoys his garden most is
the one who stands nround and tells his neighbors what
to do.
0 0 0
"I have heard tho report, but I do not give a
damn." City Chamberlain Hyde, of Now York. And
that's the kind of a man to whom the great cltv of New
York entrusted Its finances.
: 0 0 0
In Chile they have 40 verses to their National An
them, in Slam GG and In Urugary 70. We have only
tour verses In our national hymn but Its a 10 to 1
chance that you can't repeat any two of them without
a mistake.
0 0 0
"What has become of the red headed girl?" asks
tho Washington Herald. That's simple. She's gen
erally to be found within one block of the white
haired horse.
0 0 0
"Frankly, 1 am not opposed to Grepk letter fra
ternities, nor am I unequivocally In favor of them.
Nor' yet am I neutral in the matter," says Dr. Elmer
E. Brown, Chancellor-elect of New" York University.
Can you beat that? And yet they talk of a woman
not knowing her own mind.
0 0 0
A Mrs. Nimrod, lecturing a short while ago In
London, said: "I found the Belgian officials very kind
everywhere. I was given a special "permit to shoot
elephants, and used It. I shot a hippopotamus."
Probably she was so scared she couldn't tell the dif
ference. 0 0 0
"I tell you buttons up the back are foes not only
to common sense but to liberty. When women
haven't any more sense than to have dresses that
button up the back they certainly haven't sense
enough to vote," says Rev. Cyrus Townsend Brady.
And yet, we always had an Idea that ministers such as
Mr. Brady buttoned their collars up the back!!!
What Position Do You Want? You Can
Take Your Pick If You Win The Citi
zen's Scholarship Contest.
Assayer '
Coal Mining
Gas Engineer
Civil Engineer
Metal Mining
Mine Surveyor
Foundry Work
Boiler Designer
Marine Engineer
Bridge Engineer
Poultry Farming
Advertising Man
Mining Engineer
Commercial Law
Carpet Designing
Electric Lighting
Electric Railways
English Branches
Electric Wireman
Textile Designing
Telephone Expert
Foreman Plumber
Machine Designer
Window Trimming
R. R. Constructing
Agricultural Course
Municipal Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Show-Card Writing
Structural Engineer
Plumbing Inspector
Linoleum Designing
Stationary Engineer
Automobile Running
Perspective Drawing
Mechanical Engineer
Sheet-Metal Worker
Bookcover Designing
Structural Draftsman
Wallpaper Designing
Ocean and Lake Pilot
Cotton Manufacturing
Mechanical Draftsman
Concrete Construction
Ornamental Designing
Refrigeration Engineer
Woolen Manufacturing
Monumental Draftsman
Commercial Illustrating
Surveying and Mapping
Telegraph Construction
Heating and Ventilation
Architectural Draftsman
Heavy Electric Traction
High-School Mathematics
Contracting and Building
Civil Service Examinations
Electric Machine Designer
Lettering and Sign Painting
Plumbing and Steam Fitting
A Small, lloiniiiet.
Dear Editor:
We receive "Tho Citizen" regular
ly in spite of the distance between
us and Its placo of publication and j
nm glad to say that wo enjoy it ox- '
I wa3 pleased to find in the lat
est issue of Tho Citizen that I had
won one dollar and notice on page 2
I stand n change of getting another,
This (Sets a Prize mid a l'liiro of its
Dear Editor:
1 entered my home recc :tly un
observed. Hearing a lady'd voice In
the parlor in conversation with my
wife, I listened for no 1 wasn't
eavesdropping either. I j st natu-
rally listened a moment to seo if 1 1
recognized the voice, but tnu lady
just then ceased speaking. From
my wife's remark which followed, I
inferred they were conversing on
that all-absorbing topic husbands. In
that familiar, cool, Impassioned
voice, eharacterlstlc of my wife, she
remarked "fate gave ME a model
husband." I tiptoed Into tho library
and sank into the first chair I reached
which chanced to bo before her open
desk. So carefully had she conceal
ed her opinion from me, so sudden,
so unexpected was It from anything
I had been led to suppose that I be
gan to feel acuto symptoms of being
threatened with a perpetual smile.
It was broadening so rapidly I in
voluntarily clutched my cheeks with
my hand as it were, to check it. On
the desk before me laid The Citizen
and a sudden Inspiration seized me
and I grasped her pen to announce
my independent candidacy for the
Presidency of the Smile Club, and
proceeded to prove my eligibility.
So absorbed in my topic was I
that I was lost to everything beside
until startled, yea, paralyzed by that
same cool familiar voice saying,
"Perhaps you would better recon
sider," as under my nose she pushed
a pocket dictionary, open, and with
her long forefinger pointed to
Model: A small imitation of the real
object. With lightning rapidity I
escaped becoming a perpetual smiler.
That smile came off. Now, my brow
is knitting Itself (after a pattern of
the latest knitting stitch) into sort
of a cross between one in a quand
ary, and one in the superlative de
gree. It hasn't developed sufficient
ly for mo to determine whether I
need to call a medical, legal or
spiritual adviser yet. If It doesn't
get serious, I am disposed to sell
the design to ono of our knitting
manufacturers, maybe Bower, (right
or left) and buy me a runabout. I
started to write this for the Smile
column but betcher boots it ends in
the Kick Kontest, so here goes:
I kick because women are past find
ing out,
And marriage a snare and delusion;
I kick because women's chief aim in
Seems to be to put men to confus
Hawley, Pa.
Tho Star Hoarder.
Officer Levi De Grote, Sunday
morning at 2 o'clock arrested John
Mullen, sixty years old, for Intoxi
cation. Ho was lodged in the muni
cipal hotel where he remained the
star-boarder until Monday afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock, when he was sent
toward Bethany. Officer Do Grote
found him lying on the street, back
of Caufield's, alongside the railroad
track. "As he had no money, what
was tho use of giving him a hear
ing?" said Offlcer De Grote. Mullen
farms and works around. The poor
authorities won't take care of him
as long as he is able to work.
The trial list for the June term
contains only six cases, viz: Smith
vs. Brown, assumpsit; Stuck vs. BI
gart, interpleader; Henrlch vs. San
ders, assumpsit; Tellep vs. Chaplak,
trespass; Klanser vs. De Breen,
tresspass; Lewis S. Troon vs. Cort
right, assumpsit.
Miss Kathryn Brlggs, Christ Hos
pital, Jersey City, is passing a few
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William F. Briggs of Tenth street.
Hon. E. B. Hardenbergh left
Tuesday morning on a business trip
to Harrlsburg.
Miss Eva Griflln, Scranton, is
spending a few days with relatives
Mrs. Arthur Hull, New York, Is
the guest of her mother, Mrs. R. N.
F. A. Jenkins spent tho latter part
of the week with friends at Lake
Costs But a Trifle to Cure
How many readers of Tho Citizen
know that In Inland Australia where
tho mightiest of eucalyptus trees
grow In abundance, that there Is no
consumption, catarrh or diseases of
the respiration tract.
The refreshing balsam thrown out
by these trees fills the air and is
breathed into tho lungs by the in
habitants and all germ life Is de
stroyed. If you have catarrh you cannot go
to Inland Australia except at great
expense, but you can breathe right
In your own homo the same pleasant,
soothing, healing, germ killing air as
you would breathe if you were Hying
In the eucalyptus district-of Aus
tralia. Just breathe HYOMEI; it Is made
from Australian eucalyptus and
scientifically combined with thylnol
and other antiseptics employed in
the Llsterlan system.
Pour a few droys of HYOMEI In
the inhaler and breathe It, and as It
passes over the" catarrh infected
membrane it kills the germs and
heals the raw, inflamed surface.
HYOMEI is guaranteed to cure ca
tarrh, coughs, colds, croup and sore
throat or money back. Complete
outfit Including Inhaler ? 1.00. Extra
bottles of HYOMEI cost but BO
cents. Sold by druggists everywhere
and by G. W. Pell, Honesdale.
(Continued from Page One.)
come to them from tho elements.
That same night Mrs. Woichel who
is in mortal terror of her life, had
to appeal to Olilcer Canivan for-protection.
The house in which the unhappy
couple lived ls owned by Mrs. Welch
el, who has been thrice wedded. Al
though Mrs. Woichel, who was born
In Girdland, Is only forty-four years
old, sho had already been married
twice before, when last November
15, she became the bride of Rudolph
Woichel, the ceremony being per
formed by the Rev. Dr. Swilt.
iter second hUBbaud, who was
William H. Sherman, a well-known
stone mason and contractor, ended
lilo life by suicide, Wednesday morn
ing, November 20, 1907, at the age
f forty-eight. In tho same commodi
ous, ptetty and well-furnished cot
tage on River street, in which .the
stirring scenes of last week were
enacted. Her first husband was
Louis Hartung, who, strange to re
late, was also a suicide. Mrs.
Weichel had two daughters by her
first husband, ahd ono son from her
second marriage.
The house is located near a quarry
which her second husband owned,
and which furnished much of the
building stone used in the town and
suburbs. The extensive flights of
steps leading from River to Cottage
streets were also built by him.
Rudolph Weichel, who was born
in Honesdale, is only forty-two years
old, and had never been married be
fore. His mother, who had been
making her home with him, died re
cently. Rudolph is a cigar maker by trade,
and can make good wages when he
works, which, however, It is alleged,
ho only does spasmodically. He
spends much of his time, it is said,
running from one saloon to another,
and the charge made against him by
his wife when she caused his ar
rest, was drunk and disorderly.
In the meantime peace reigns su
preme in the little cottage on River
street, and it is more than likely that
tho matter will be thrashed out at
the June term .of court.
Wo print envelopes,
Wo print bill heads,
g ivia
$15, $18 -$20.
The Best on Earth.
50 Cents Per Week.
Who would be without one ?
I2IG Main St.
Honesdale, Pa.
' A
Builder of Forbes Cueball Park,
voluntarily wrltea:
Electric Kenorator Munufaelurliyr Co.,
V. C. JONES, rreildmt.
PiUaburi, Ft., Uaroh 10th. lill.
Aliflatrel ChemitU Co., New York, X. T
I liete melted the JiTJMTO ud bit wife
hli ttToa U 4 fair trial. Will t7 that (er tl'
or alz yean aha haa bean afflicted with rheu
BQetliro, tut now la entirely cured of It ana
rsareallr al well ae aha erer waa. I cannot
ear toe much for.jtMe medicine. I hare ajao
tlren thla to lateral of nr frlendi and they all
hare had the eame reaulu. Very truly.
r. O. JONBS, 1'realdent.
la Guaranteed Prescription for
TCTMTO" li NOT a patent medfcen. tot a
Bfcrfleten'a preecrlptlQQ. guaranteed under the
faro rood and Drug Act. Serial Me. M.UI.
mutt from oriATRS On MARC OTTC8.
VTJBrrO la guaranteed to retfrevg tho moat
atasbora. eaiee ef BfceumUljm. button vti Kou
rtlla. Write (er unaeUetled ha-aiaJla teaU
gaenlali frora prominent poopio Too W
II and II bosea. Bent motU to tar t4
dreea upon receipt of srlee. OoeapoiaMad by
Salt Til, FUtlron BolUtloc Xew fork.
PUHIjIO sale.
There will be exposed to Public
Sale at Farvlow, Wayno county, Pa.,
on May 1C, 1011, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
ten carloads of property, viz: Two
carloads of Fire-Proofing material,
four carloads of hollow brick, three
carloads of sewer pipe, one carload of
cut etone. This material was made
and shipped to George A. Glenn &
Company and others to be used in
tho construction of tho hospital for
the Criminal Insane at Farview, and
has been held on the cars for freight,
storage and demurrage charges and
will be sold under an order of A. T.
Searle, President Judge of Wayno
county, Pa., to pay the lien ot the
Delaware & Hudson Company, tho
common carrier, for freight, demur
rage and storage charges. Terms of
Salo, Cash.
Welles & Torrey,
Attorneys for Delaware & Hudson
Co. 35eol2
We act a lot of fun out of this column. We
want jou to enjoy it alio Primarily it is run
for your amusement. It anything appears here
which offemls you in any way whattoeier, drop
us apostal or 'phone ui io that effect. An apol
"M wi,i a,PP,mr. n the next issue of the paper.
Thai's fair, isn't lit
We have no wish to hurt anybody's feelings.
Allwewantto do is to brighten one moment of
your day; and it but one single Hem brings a
smile, we shall feel it was not written tn vain.
Uodio Lands in Second Place.
Another candidate for President ot
the Smile Club forges to tho front.
Joseph A. Dodle, Jr., took tho Becond
position among the Honesdalo can
didates when three more votes ar
rived in last night's mall. Mr. Ross
still leads In the race, however, and
if the present ratio keeps up he win
land tho handsome gold medal which
Tho Citlxen will award to the most
popuhir man In Wayne county,
llrock l.eahor has one friend at least
In ISobletown. The morning mail
brought in another vote for Brock,
making a total of 5.
Aren't there any popular women?
They have the same chance as tha
men and that medal would make a
beautiful buckle or a fob.
There will be no regular bal
lot for Vice President hereafter. The
two names which recelvo the greatest
number of votes for President will
be awarded the handsome gold and
silver medals with which The Citizen
wishes to decorate the two most pop
ular persons in Wayne county. No,
then, it's up to you to vote for tho
person who is, in your opinion, tho
best liked In the county.
The names of the candidates thus
far sent in follow in order of tho
number of votes each has received:
George P. Ross, Honesdale. . .12
J. A. Bodle, Jr., Honesdale. . .6
Brock Lesher. Nobletown
Michael J. Hanlan, Honesdale.
A. w. Larrabee, Starrucca.
H. G. Rowland, Honesdale..,
R. v. Murphy, Hawley
Judge Wilson cheered (?) us up
the other day with the following
story: It seems a young man with a.
Quaker friend got. married and his
friend In congratulating him said:
"Well, my young friend, theo is
now at the end of thy troubles."
The young man shook the Quak
er's hand and didn't see him again
for a year.
Then, chancing to meet the Quak
er on the street he rushed up to him
and said: "See here, didn't you tell
me that when I got married I was
at the end of my troubles?"
"Yes," answered the Quaker
gravely, "I did tell thee that, but I
didn't tell thee which end and thou
seemest to have taken the near end."
Placing your Plumbing
and Heating Contracts
with us insures you Ex
pert Work, Reasonable
Prices and Standard
guaranteed Fixtures.
A Combination assur
ing Plumbing and Heat
ing satisfaction. Let us
give you an Estimate.
Let US Do It
If you have a pre
scription to be filled,
get it at our store by
any means.
Bring it, send it
or 'phone, and we
shall call for it.
Reason is, that
because prescrip
tions filled here
are filled absolute
ly right.
We have the drugs,
the equipment and
the knowledge, and
when we put our seal
on a bottle, the con
tents of the bottle
are right.
1123 Main St., Honesdale, Pa.
Both 'phones,